Can a husky fight diseases on its own. Unpleasant gum disease in dogs: signs, treatment at home and in the clinic

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Only a healthy dog ​​can show all his abilities and provide invaluable assistance to a hunter in the taiga in the hunt for wild animals and birds. A sick dog will not only disrupt the whole hunt, depriving the owner of a good income, but also create a danger of transmitting serious diseases to other dogs, and sometimes to people around him.

Therefore, the owners of hunting dogs and the bodies of hunting and veterinary supervision have a great responsibility for the strict observance of the established preventive measures to combat diseases of game dogs.

To familiarize hunters with the most common infectious diseases among hunting huskies, we give a brief description of them, as well as recommendations for their prevention and treatment.

Rabies- an acute, contagious, incurable disease of the central nervous system caused by a filterable virus.

All domestic animals, wild animals, birds, and also humans are susceptible to the rabies virus.

Of all pets, dogs get sick more often than others.

Rabies is transmitted by bites through the penetration of the saliva of a rabid animal into the wounds. After a bite, the disease occurs in two weeks - two months and in rare cases - a year later. The closer the bite is to the head, the younger the animal, the deeper and larger the bite, the faster the disease sets in. Distinguish violent and quiet forms of rabies.

When a dog becomes ill with rabies (in a silent form), the animal becomes boring, alienates people,

Hides in dark places, loses appetite, gnaws and swallows inedible things (stones, hay, straw), rubs, licks, and sometimes gnaws the bitten place. Sometimes, on the contrary, he shows excessive gaiety, tries to lick his hands, the face of the owner, which is especially dangerous. There is difficulty in swallowing food. Over time, the lower jaw sags, saliva is abundantly separated, unsteadiness in gait appears. The voice becomes hoarse and raspy.

The saliva of a rabid dog is dangerous to surrounding animals and humans two weeks before the appearance of external signs of the disease. Therefore, everyone who has been in contact with a rabid dog during this two-week period should be subjected to a special vaccination. Every dog ​​that has bitten a human should be monitored by a veterinarian for two weeks until it is clear whether the dog was healthy or sick. With the violent form of rabies, the dog shows strong excitability, mobility, grabs and gnaws everything that gets in the way, tends to run silently, without barking, rushes and bites all oncoming animals and people. While in the fence, it throws itself on the walls, the floor and gnaws them, often grabs and gnaws on various parts of its body, especially the tail.

To prevent the disease of dogs with rabies, it is necessary to vaccinate annually, introducing the vaccine subcutaneously to them, and also to fight the vagrancy of dogs and cats. The place where the rabies dog lived is disinfected with a 5% formalin solution or a 1% potassium permanganate solution, or a 5% carbolic acid solution.

Plague- an acute contagious disease caused by a filterable virus. It also affects cats and many wild animals (sables, foxes, ermines, arctic foxes, raccoons). Man does not get sick with canine distemper.

Plague affects dogs of all ages, but especially young ones up to a year old. The plague is most dangerous for dogs that are emaciated, live in damp rooms and are constantly malnourished. Well-fed and outdoor-living dogs are less likely to get plague and tolerate the disease more easily.

The first sign of a dog with plague is poor appetite, chills, trembling, the nose is dry and hot, in the eyes there are mucous purulent discharges, sometimes vomiting with an admixture of bile, diarrhea with an admixture of blood. With damage to the central nervous system, twitching of the body appears. The disease lasts three to four weeks, often up to several months.

The secretions of sick dogs (urine, feces, saliva) are a dangerous source of infection. Therefore, a sick dog must be isolated so that healthy dogs cannot enter it.

When a dog becomes ill, it is necessary to quickly contact a veterinarian or paramedic for help, who will prescribe the introduction of a special serum.

The hunter himself can do the following: regularly wash the dog's eyes with a solution of boric acid, give a tablet of sulfodimesin or norsulfazol three to four times a day, or twice a day a tablespoon of warm wine (cahors) or 25% alcohol with strong coffee or tea, with diarrhea give disulfan. Food should be tasty and high-calorie.

The most important preventive measure in the fight against plague should be the proper maintenance of hunting dogs, full feeding and systematic hardening of the body, as well as annual anti-plague vaccinations.

In dogs, there are up to one hundred and fifty types of worms (round, tape and flat). We will focus on only two classes of worms that are most common.

Round worms. Of the roundworms in dogs, roundworms are the most common. Roundworms are cylindrical worms, reaching a length of up to 20 cm. Infection with roundworms occurs either through the digestive tract by swallowing roundworm eggs, or from the mother during intrauterine stay. When infected with ascaris, the dog becomes very thin, diarrhea and constipation are observed.

Treat young dogs infected with ascaris, a mixture of chenopodium and castor oils, adult dogs - tetrachlorethylene. You can use santonin. The type of medicine and its dose should be consulted with a veterinarian.

In order to prevent the infection of dogs with roundworms, it is necessary to feed them from clean dishes, give food in a certain place, and prevent them from rummaging through garbage.

Tape worms. Tapeworms have a flat, tape-like, segmented body, sometimes reaching up to five meters in length. Tapeworms are found in the intestines. Being excreted in dog fecal feces, tapeworm eggs can easily enter the body of another pet or person.

Particularly serious attention should be paid to such a type of tapeworm as echinococcus. Echinococcus is a small tapeworm (0.5 cm) that causes disease in animals and humans.

When a dog is infected with tapeworms, it develops diarrhea or constipation, there is no appetite or, on the contrary, voracity appears, the dog shows anxiety, and individual segments of worms can be seen in the feces.

Treatment is carried out according to the prescription of a veterinarian using arecalin or kamala. Of great preventive importance in the fight against tapeworms is the thorough cooking of food, the fight against fleas.

Proper maintenance of a dog, eliminating contact with stray sick animals, is one of the most important conditions for preventing various diseases.

When a person adopts a dog, he takes full responsibility for its future. It is not only about proper nutrition and regular walks, it means assistance in the treatment and prevention of diseases. It should be noted that diseases of dogs, the symptoms of which are variable and numerous, have become a frequent cause of premature death of the dog in recent years. The problem of dog diseases lies in the fact that a pet, unlike a person, cannot tell the rest what hurts and where it hurts, so the owner is called with trembling and increased attention to the pet.

General information about dog diseases

The main groups of diseases:

  • endocrine diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • diseases of the mouth, ear, nose and throat;
  • eye diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Endocrine diseases occur with various disorders of the endocrine glands that do not have excretory ducts, releasing hormones directly into the blood. These glands include the thyroid, pineal, pituitary, parathyroid, thymus, adrenal, gonads, and secretory pancreas. Endocrine diseases in dogs can occur in two forms: with an increase in the amount of hormones released into the blood and with a decrease. Such diseases are difficult to diagnose, often diagnosing pets in the last stages, when there is very little chance of curing a dog.

Infectious diseases are associated with the direct entry of a pathogenic microbe into the body of a pet. Note that infection and the development of an infectious process is possible only with the susceptibility of the dog's body to the microbe. Otherwise, nothing will happen.

Therefore, dogs with a weakened immune system, puppies and old dogs get sick. Sometimes the infectious process is superimposed on another, which exacerbates the course of each disease. Diseases proceed in the vast majority of cases quickly, threatening the dog with death. Spread through the air or by direct contact. There are frequent cases of epidemics among dogs.

Diseases of the circulatory system are divided into diseases of the heart and diseases of the blood vessels. Typically seen in adult dogs.

Diseases of the ear, throat, nose and mouth are divided into traumatic, infectious and inflammatory diseases. Such diseases are more common in dogs than others, these organs are the first to come into direct contact with various agents. The complexity of such diseases lies in their secrecy: in the initial stages, it is problematic to identify the disease, the dog does not show signs of the disease.

Eye diseases are not uncommon among dogs, but are noted in adult pets. The main eye diseases include cataracts (clouding of the lens), iridocyclitis (inflammatory process in the iris and ciliary body), keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) and conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva).

Skin diseases differ in the causes of occurrence and in the places of localization of the pathological focus (on the skin, in the hair, on the visible mucous membranes).

Diseases of the digestive system are the result of improper and irrational feeding of the dog, although sometimes the cause of such diseases is banal poisoning with bad water or food.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are considered especially dangerous after the age of 8 years and in puppyhood. With such diseases, the body suffers: dog bones, internal organs.

It should be noted that kidney diseases, in particular, urolithiasis, liver diseases, are considered to be common pathologies among dogs. It is important to know the symptoms of distemper, sometimes called canine distemper.

Dog diseases: distemper - symptoms

It is a viral disease, characterized by damage to the skin, digestive and respiratory organs, in rare cases, the development of meningitis and encephalitis is noted. The virus infects dogs of all ages, although dogs between one month and two years of age are predominantly affected. Even marine animals are susceptible to the disease. Terriers are considered relatively resistant to the plague of dogs, and a person does not get sick.

The clinical signs of distemper are varied:

There is an asymptomatic virus carrier or a fulminant, violent course. The duration of the disease can vary from a few days or weeks to several months. When the symptoms of respiratory organs damage prevail in the clinical picture of the disease, they talk about the pulmonary form of the disease, when the nervous system is extensively affected - about the nervous form. Such a division is conditional, in the clinical picture, symptoms of damage to the digestive organs often prevail. Sometimes there is a combination of damage to the respiratory system and skin, the nervous system becomes the final stage in the development of the disease.

Distemper of dogs begins to manifest itself with the appearance of a pustular or macular rash on the inner surfaces of the thighs, with a runny nose, diarrhea, depression of consciousness, temporary refusal of food, redness of the conjunctiva. As a rule, there is an increase in body temperature, although, for example, in pygmy poodles or in some other breeds of dogs, the plague occurs against a background of normal temperature. At the same time, the animal hides in dark places and refuses to walk. The dog's skin becomes dry.

Perhaps the development of hyperkeratosis on the elbows and small-focal alopecia. There are discharges from the nose, which are transparent at the first stages of the development of the disease, and become mucopurulent over time. Sometimes there is clouding of the cornea, gluing or redness of the eyelids, shortness of breath appears, wheezing is heard. The intestinal form of the disease is characterized by the development of diarrhea, vomiting.

Symptoms of damage to the nervous system include the appearance of tics, which begin with the muscles of the head. At the first stages, they are not intense, later they spread to the limbs and become pronounced, as a result, the animals do not sleep at night, often whine. Gradually develop paralysis, paresis, hyperkinesis. At the last stage, meningoencephalitis develops, which is accompanied by severe intoxication and ends in death.

Treatment is prescribed only by a veterinarian.

Liver disease in dogs: symptoms

Liver disease in dogs can be acute or chronic. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of diagnosed liver diseases in dogs, which is directly related to the violation of the feeding regimen for pets, the widespread occurrence of autoimmune diseases. Sometimes the cause of liver disease in dogs is iatrogenic lesions (caused by a veterinarian).

Symptoms of liver disease in dogs are conditionally divided into a number of syndromes, among them it is customary to single out:

  • cholestatic syndrome;
  • cytolytic syndrome;
  • mesenchymal inflammatory syndrome;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • dyspeptic syndrome;
  • portal hypertension syndrome;
  • hepatolienal syndrome;
  • hepatodepressive syndrome;
  • liver shunt syndrome.

Cholestatic syndrome implies a violation of secretion and excretion of bile, which is manifested by skin itching, jaundice, a tendency to eczematous skin lesions, discoloration of feces.

Cholestatic syndrome is a consequence of the destruction of liver cells and leads to fever (fever), enlargement and tenderness of the liver, and an increase in liver enzymes in blood tests.

Mesenchymal-inflammatory syndrome is characterized by damage to the stroma and mesenchyme of the liver, which is manifested by an increase in the level of immunoglobulins.

Hemorrhagic syndrome is manifested by various bleeding and hemorrhages, anemia.

The syndrome of portal hypertension is manifested by an increase in the size of the abdomen, expansion of the veins on the skin of the abdomen.

Dyspeptic syndrome is manifested by lethargy, depression, vomiting, impaired defecation and weight loss.

Hepatolienal syndrome is manifested by an increase in the liver and spleen.

Hepatodepressive syndrome is manifested by a violation of the protein-synthesizing, antitoxic and excretory functions of the liver, the symptoms are very numerous.

Liver bypass syndrome leads to the entry into the general circulation of substances dangerous for the life of the dog, leading to damage to the central nervous system.

Symptoms of Kidney Disease in Dogs

In dogs, kidney diseases are recorded more often than in other animals, their frequency increases over the years. According to scientists, in dogs older than 8 years, in almost fifty percent of cases, pronounced symptoms of kidney damage are detected during studies. On histological examination, the number rises to eighty percent.

The main syndromes of kidney damage include:

  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • uremic syndrome;
  • pain syndrome;
  • osteorenal syndrome;
  • renal eclampsia syndrome.

The syndrome of pain is manifested by the desire of the dog to lie in a cold place, in frequent arching of the back, the need for frequent urination, pain during urination, soreness of the muscles of the back (it is possible to check with finger pressure), edema and transient paresis.

Nephrotic syndrome is manifested by edema, proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, oliguria and cylindruria, detected during laboratory tests.

Uremic syndrome is manifested by apathy, lack of appetite, vomiting, persistently recurrent diarrhea, urine odor from the mouth, anemia and anuria.

Osteorenal syndrome is characterized by deformity and osteoporosis of bones, hypocalcemia and osteodystrophy.

Renal eclampsia syndrome is manifested by tonic-clonic convulsions, nephrotic syndrome, and episcleral vascular injection (eye redness).

Urolithiasis in dogs: symptoms

Urolithiasis in dogs is a disease characterized by the formation of stones in the kidneys, bladder or their retention in the ureters or urethra.

A similar disease for dogs is considered a relatively rare disease, in contrast to cats, in which urolithiasis is often recorded. Dogs are prone to developing bladder stones.

Predisposing factors for the development of urolithiasis in dogs are:

    • age (usually found in dogs aged 2-8 years);
    • sex (occurs equally often in both sexes, urethral obstruction occurs more often in males);
    • breed (large breeds are less susceptible to disease than small ones);
    • diet (food rich in protein, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, provokes the development of the disease);
    • indoor maintenance and exercise (the list includes infrequent walks, a small amount of water in the bowl and low physical activity).

The main symptoms of urolithiasis in dogs include:

  • vomiting and pain;
  • frequent urination;
  • tension when urinating;
  • blood in the urine;
  • weakness;
  • depression;
  • constant excretion of urine drops;
  • loss of appetite.

The disease is recorded at the moment when the stone begins to leave the place of formation and wedged in the narrow place of the urethra, causing urinary retention. Such a situation in veterinary practice is considered urgent, requiring immediate and adequate therapy, otherwise there is even a risk of death of the dog.

In veterinary practice, a period of two days is taken for the maximum period of acute urinary retention; with an increase in the duration of urinary incontinence, the chance to save the dog is extremely small. In such a situation, the dog tries to urinate, but to no avail, urine is excreted in rare drops. The animal pushes, sits down. Gradually, signs of intoxication appear - convulsions, vomiting, lethargy and refusal to feed.

In rare cases, the disease is diagnosed during a timely and regular preventive examination of a pet, during which urine tests are taken, where appropriate changes are found (sand, crystals or cylinders).

A similar situation in the diagnosis of urolithiasis in dogs is due to the fact that dog owners do not bring their pets to examinations on time.

The pride of domestic cynology, a combination of intelligence and courage. West Siberian Laika are unsurpassed hunters and true friends of their owners. They have long won the hearts of dog lovers not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.

Speaking about the origin of the breed, two time periods should be considered:

  • several centuries of careful selection by the indigenous inhabitants of Siberia and the Urals of the most hardy dogs that showed outstanding working qualities during the hunt;
  • selection of West Siberian Laikas since the beginning of the 20th century by cynologists in order to bring the breed to the same standard.

The breed is based on dog populations bred by representatives of the Mansi, Zyryan and Khanty tribes.

The indigenous population of the Urals and Siberia for many centuries survived in the harsh conditions of the taiga at the expense of traditional crafts for local residents, the main of which was hunting.

Invaluable assistance in this matter was provided by the so-called "northern islands" - strong and unpretentious dogs, distinguished by an insatiable passion for hunting.

From generation to generation, hunters selected the best in terms of endurance and hunting qualities of huskies, preventing weak individuals from producing offspring and even destroying them. They made sure that their dogs did not cross with representatives of other breeds. The result of their efforts pleases fans of hunting today: experts unanimously call the West Siberian Laika a universal hunting dog. And not in vain.

With her, they equally successfully go to a bird and a large beast, to get furs and waterfowl.

The formation of the breed was completed by the seventies of the 20th century, and in 1980 it was officially recognized by the International Cynological Association.

breed standard

FCI standard No. 306 dated 02.03.2011 "West-Siberian Laika".
Group 5 Spitz and breeds of primitive type.
Section 2 "Northern hunting dogs".

According to the official description of the breed, the West Siberian Laika is a dog of medium height (about 60 cm at the withers in males and 58 cm in females), with a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles.

Outwardly, the West Siberian Laika resembles a wolf, to which it is genetically very close.

The head is triangular, the cranial part is wide. The occipital protuberance is pronounced. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is smooth. The muzzle is long, with tight-fitting lips (no drooping wings). The jaws have a scissor bite.

The ears are set high, shaped like an elongated triangle with a pointed apex. They are located parallel to each other (unlike the East Siberian huskies, whose ears are set aside).

The eyes are sometimes oval in shape, but most often they are almond-shaped, have an oblique lid slit and are deep-set. A characteristic feature of real West Siberian Laikas is that their eyes are exclusively brown.

The dog's chest is wide, the withers are well developed and located a couple of centimeters above the sacrum. The back is straight, with pronounced muscles.

The legs are strong and straight, the lower legs are slightly longer than the thighs. These features are perfectly visible in the photo.

The tail is ring-shaped and is usually carried over the back (or sideways). A related breed, the East Siberian Laika, has a crescent-shaped tail.

The West Siberian Laika has a short and thick coat with a warm undercoat. On the shoulders and neck, it grows thicker, forming a collar. What is the difference from the East Siberian Laika? The latter has a denser and coarser coat.

Black and white coat color is rare. Combinations of white and gray prevail, reddish, fawn, piebald shades are often found.

The way of movement of dogs of this breed is a wide trot, passing at times to a gallop.


Under good conditions, West Siberian Laikas can live 16 - 17 years, but if they work hard, they die much earlier.

The life expectancy of these dogs is largely determined by how often their lives are put at risk on the hunt. It happens that the dog dies in the color of years, entering into a fight with a large predator.

The nature of the West Siberian Laika

Dogs of this breed have a balanced psyche, at the same time they are very mobile and energetic, they like to run and play. They have a highly developed sense of the pack, so they are very attached to their owner and his family.

The characteristic of the breed is contradictory: they have an accommodating character, but at the same time they are self-confident and ready to show independence (if this does not run counter to the authority of the owner).

It's amazing how one dog combines such qualities as malice towards game animals and the absence of aggression towards humans.

The West Siberian Laika does not attack strangers unless they provoke it and pose a threat to those it cares about. She is tolerant of small children, does not offend other pets, but seeks to dominate dogs of other breeds, if there are any in the house. In a word, is the standard of friendliness (but without softness and familiarity).

One of the main character traits is fearlessness, bordering on contempt for danger.

It is this quality that allows the hunter to go with the West Siberian Laika to the bear.

They compare favorably with other breeds in less pronounced excitability and the ability to work silently, notifying his master by barking only if they find prey.

Features of training

Laiki are famous for their sharp mind and ability to learn, which allows them to be successfully trained. Puppies are taught general skills by early childhood, and from ten months they are ready to accept special hunting teams.

Experts insist that the training of huskies should be reduced only to the implementation of the most. According to cynologists, an overly trained dog relies on a person in everything and will not act without his command. And one of the main advantages of the West Siberian Laika is, precisely, its pronounced independence.

Dogs of this breed do not need training in the search for game on the trail. This skill, as well as the ability to accurately navigate the terrain, is inherent in them at the genetic level.

Conditions of detention

How to care for a husky? Of great importance movement and the ability to move freely in space, therefore, the conditions of a city apartment are very uncomfortable for her.

A booth (imitation of a lair) in a village courtyard is much more suitable, especially if the owner is an avid hunter. This is an ideal option: only having the opportunity to spend a lot of time in motion in nature, chasing game, such a dog will be happy.

West Siberian Laikas are not picky in feeding, if necessary they can go without food for a long time. However, it should be remembered that is the basis of good health and good performance of any dog. That's why the diet must be balanced.

Ideally, it includes meat, fish, crackers, cottage cheese, bone meal.

Here's what you need to know about nutrition:

  • Laika should eat raw or boiled meat every day(based on 20 grams per kilogram of weight), you can mix meat with fish (2/3 meat + 1/3 fish);
  • to maintain the health and good physical shape of the dog it is necessary once a week do a fasting day(give only some crackers and water);
  • from time to time it is worth including boiled rice in the diet, to which it is necessary to add a small amount of raw liver, fat of animal origin;
  • it is forbidden to feed smoked meats, boiled bones, spoiled food, and also feed sweets;
  • it is not recommended to give excessively hot or, conversely, frozen food;
  • the puppy is fed with a mixture of milk and egg yolk, mashed boiled vegetables; as it grows older, raw meat (in scraped form), bread, boiled rice, bone meal, meat and fat are added to dairy products.

Owners need to ensure that their pet does not overeat - this is very harmful to his digestive system.

Grooming for this breed of dog is not difficult. Comb out with a metal brush only during the molting period.

Advantages and disadvantages

West Siberian Laika - there are much more pluses than minuses. This is a wonderful watchman and reliable bodyguard. She does not get tired of proving her love for the owner and does not hesitate to show her ardent affection for his family.

Dogs of this breed are wonderful, sharing a passion for prey with them. At the same time, it is this quality that is a great difficulty, a minus for people who want to keep the West Siberian Laika.

It will be a mistake to acquire a husky when the owners do not have the time and desire to go hunting with a four-legged friend, or at least replace it with long walks. In this situation, the animal experiences great suffering, and its owners suffer significant inconvenience.

If a person needs a companion, then it is better to opt for a representative of another breed. It can be, for example, or .

Additionally, check out a short video about dogs of the West Siberian Laika breed:

Favorite four-legged friend does not eat, saliva flows from the mouth, the mucous membranes of the cheeks, lips, gums and tongue are intensely red, and sometimes with sores? Most likely, the dog has stomatitis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. This disease should not be left to chance, because. pathology in the future may affect the state of the gastrointestinal, immune and cardiovascular systems.

Where does stomatitis come from

Inflammation can be primary or secondary. Primary stomatitis is a problem that has independent causes and course, secondary ones are not a separate pathology, but accompanies other, more serious infectious (viral, bacterial or fungal) diseases.

Primary Causes

  • injury to the gums, mucous membranes of the cheeks and lips with a disturbed dental bite due to deviations in the growth of teeth or their incorrect erasure in old age;
  • eating icy or very hot food;
  • damage to the mucous membrane with dry food, bones or other foreign objects;
  • getting into the oral cavity of toxic irritating substances (household chemicals, poisonous plants, food affected by mold, medicines, etc.);
  • dental diseases.

Secondary Causes

  • infectious diseases (leptospirosis, canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, leukemia);
  • fungal infections (candidiasis);
  • diseases of the nasopharynx (rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis);
  • endocrine pathologies (diabetes mellitus);
  • internal diseases (gastroenteritis, nephritis, liver failure, etc.);
  • metabolic disorders against the background of aging (scurvy);
  • immunodeficiency states.

Types of inflammation and their manifestation

The inflammatory process can be acute, or it can be prolonged to a chronic state. By localization (spread in the oral cavity):

  • focal - affects a small limited area (focus) in the oral cavity
  • diffuse - covers the entire mouth, including the mucous membranes of the cheeks, lips, tongue, gums and palate
Vesicular (turning into ulcerative, then - into gangrenous)

Ulcerative - bubbles-pimples form on the surface of the mucosa, which burst with the formation of small wounds, around which healthy tissues become very inflamed. Most often found on the surface of the gums, but also occur on the lips and cheeks. With ulcerative stomatitis, the dog often eats with some chomping.


When a bacterial infection is attached, the wounds are converted into ulcers that do not heal for a long time, which, under certain conditions, can turn into gangrene - the most severe variant of stomatitis. In such cases, around the ulcers, the tissues are blood-red, turning into cyanosis - death and decay occur. There is a risk of sepsis.


With this form of the disease, there are no obvious wounds and ulcers. There are obvious signs of inflammation - redness, swelling, soreness, there may be a slight whitish coating in the intervals when the animal is not eating or drinking. When plaque is removed, bleeding areas of the mucosa are formed. It manifests itself as separately inflamed areas, and can cover the entire oral cavity, especially the gums. The beginning of all stomatitis.


Outwardly, there is a very strong inflammation on the gums and mucous membrane of the inner surface of the cheeks. If you look closer, you can see the smallest bubbles and wounds / sores. The surface of the mucosa is tense and visually as if stretched from inflammatory edema, as if it is about to burst. The slightest touch to the lesion causes obvious severe pain in the dog. The pet categorically refuses solid food, and in special cases cannot even eat soft food. Injuries to the gums occur almost instantly with any contact with something hard.

Phlegmonous (purulent)

It is always a sharply unpleasant smell from the mouth and the presence of pus in wounds, ulcers and its accumulation between the lips and gums. Due to the humid environment, the purulent process spreads throughout the oral cavity, affecting any slightest microtrauma and vesicles. It is treated only with the use of systemic antibiotic therapy.


This form of stomatitis is caused by the papillomavirus and is characterized by the formation of specific neoplasms on the mucous membranes of the lips and cheeks, resembling cauliflower - papillomas. Self-medication is prohibited, because. there is a high risk of spread and growth of papillomas throughout the oral cavity. It is very common in puppies due to a weak immune system.

Signs by which you can suspect stomatitis in a dog

  1. The animal drinks a lot, often and quickly. The inflammatory process in the oral cavity is usually accompanied by a burning sensation, which softens in the process of drinking.
  2. Profuse salivation. Saliva constantly flows, but the act of swallowing is not disturbed. During eating, a distinct champing is heard.
  3. Decreased appetite and caution in the process of eating. The dog refuses solid food or eats it very carefully, chewing slowly. Some time later, the pet may refuse to eat at all, even his most beloved one.
  4. The animal periodically rubs its muzzle against objects, makes sounds resembling sneezing, and an unpleasant (rotten or putrid) smell begins to come from the mouth.
  5. The pet may be lethargic, inactive, and may have an increase in body temperature.

The above listed first signs of stomatitis in a dog should give the owner the idea to examine the pet's oral cavity.

With stomatitis in the oral cavity, it is usually found

  • reddened mucosa - gums, the inner surface of the cheeks and lips, the tongue and palate can be captured, in rare cases - the larynx (intensity from bright pink to deep red);
  • acne, ulcers, hemorrhages, accumulations of pus are found on the lips or cheeks;
  • gums may bleed, tartar is found, tooth roots are exposed;
  • a whitish or grayish coating may be detected;
  • saliva viscous or frothy, unpleasantly smelling.

How to inspect a dog's mouth?

Examination is carried out in daylight or any other good light, with the jaws comfortably open. The procedure begins with an examination of the gums, simply by gently lifting or lowering the lips. The posture of the animal can be any, convenient for the one who conducts the examination.

How to look

For an internal examination of the mouth, simply disengage the jaws with both hands. To grip them comfortably, you need to grab them from above and below with both hands, placing your fingers in the space behind the fangs - the "toothless" edge. No need to use excessive force.

How not to do

Do not try to open your mouth by holding on to the back of your nose and beard - this will definitely hurt and the animal will bite.

If an adult dog categorically refuses to open its mouth

Put on the upper and lower jaw loops from a regular medical bandage. Spread to the side of the jaw, holding on to its free ends. Everything must be done together with an assistant and carefully so as not to cause pain and not dislocate the jaw.

What and how you can help at home

It is impossible to cure stomatitis in a dog on its own without visiting a veterinarian (at least without consequences). No owner will be able to determine exactly what caused this ailment. The main point in the treatment is to eliminate the cause of inflammation, i.e. without its exact definition, any medical procedures will be in vain. It is always best to visit a veterinarian and follow the instructions of the veterinarian.

Self-treatment is permissible only with the catarrhal form of stomatitis, when there are no ulcerations or when the ulcers are small, not extensive. In the future, you should take the dog to the veterinarian, because. it is necessary to determine the cause of stomatitis. This is especially true in cases where within 2-3 days there are no signs of relief and there are suspicions that stomatitis is secondary.

Nothing should be done if pus, papillomas are found in the mouth, the body temperature rises or the dog is lethargic!

What to do before visiting the vet
  • Examine the oral cavity and remove, if possible, any foreign objects found that injure the mucous membrane (bone fragments, blades of grass, chips, splinters, etc.). If this fails, go to the vet.
  • Rinse the mouth twice a day with a rubber bulb, a syringe without a needle, or (the most ideal option) from a spray bottle (you can use empty and washed pharmacy containers from old medicines):
    • a solution of furacilin 1:5000 (0.1 g of furacilin powder is used for 500 ml of hot boiled water, cooled to a warm temperature);
    • barely pink manganese 1:10000 (a few grains are thrown into 0.5 l of boiled cool water, stirred until completely dissolved, water is added until the desired shade of the solution is obtained);
    • strong decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, sage and / or oak bark (1 tsp of any herb or mixture of herbs, pour 200-250 ml of boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes, add water to 500 ml),
    • 3% hydrogen peroxide (in pure form, pharmacy packaging);
    • freshly squeezed carrot juice.

No need to try to get into the wounds - this can cause pain, the liquid will independently distribute over the entire surface of the mucosa. The same solutions can separately lubricate wounds and sores with moistened cotton swabs, but the risk of pain is high.

  • Transfer the pet to soft and liquid foods (mucous liquids, jelly, liquid cereals, soups with meat broths, milk, acidophilus, fish / minced meat). Watch the temperature of the food - it should not be hot and not cold. If the lesions of the mucous membrane are very extensive and deep, you can keep the pet on a starvation diet for 1-1.5 days, but with free access to drink.
  • You can treat the oral cavity with the following paste: honey - 1 part, aloe juice - 2 tsp, lard or butter - 1 part, streptocid - 2-4 g, cocoa butter - 1 tsp. All components are melted in a water bath at a temperature of 40°C. Mix thoroughly. The whole mouth is processed twice a day.
  • With ulcerative stomatitis, after each meal, wipe the dog's teeth with a swab moistened with lemon juice. This prevents the formation of plaque, which in stomatitis is formed quickly and abundantly due to developing bacteria.

In no case should you lubricate the lips or mucous membranes of a dog with iodine tincture, which is available in every human medicine cabinet. The likelihood of allergic reactions is high, and the additional irritating effect of iodine can lead to tissue death, reducing the rate of healing of ulcers and wounds.

How to treat stomatitis in a puppy?

In newborns, stomatitis most often develops against the background of improperly growing teeth and malocclusion. Usually everything is limited to catarrhal stomatitis, which can be treated in the same ways as in adult dogs. It goes by fast enough. An exception is papillomatous stomatitis - after 2-3 months, self-healing usually occurs, otherwise only a veterinarian can perform antitumor and antiviral treatment.

Spitz and miniature poodles are two breeds in which stomatitis develops very quickly and is extremely severe, with the formation of deep ulcers and necrosis of tissues even on the palate. Any self-treatment in these breeds is prohibited! At the first suspicion of stomatitis, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Veterinary care

With the elimination of the cause that provoked the appearance of stomatitis and proper treatment, the primary catarrhal forms in the acute course disappear in a period of 5 days to 2 weeks. Secondary acute stomatitis is cured longer - 2-3 weeks. Inflammations that have passed into the stage of a chronic course can last for years.

If stomatitis is a secondary symptom, then the main therapy is directed to the cure of the main disease, and then directly to stomatitis. Parallel treatment option is suitable.

The course of therapy:

  • cleansing the affected mucosa from pus, blood clots and plaque;
  • taking measures to eliminate the infection;
  • healing of formed ulcers and wounds;
  • removal of tartar (if any);
  • increased immune response of the animal;
  • anticancer therapy (with pallomatous stomatitis).

Means for cleaning and disinfecting the oral cavity

  • chlorhexidine 0.05% - irrigate with a spray bottle, rubber bulb or apply with a wet swab to the affected areas twice a day;
  • rotokan solution - irrigate inflamed areas;
  • Metrogyl-Dent gel - lubricate inflamed or ulcerated areas of the oral mucosa;
  • 0.2% lapis (silver nitrite salt in solution) or glycerol iodine in a ratio of 1: 4 is used to cauterize deep ulcers - it is applied carefully, pointwise.

Antimicrobial Therapy

  • streptocid powder: crush 1 tablet of streptocide to the state of powder, sprinkle the affected areas of the mucosa;
  • oletethrin: a daily dose of 0.025 g/kg is divided into 3-4 times and is given orally during the day; course - 5 days;
  • gentamicin 4%: 1.1 ml/10 kg twice a day on the first day of the course, then at the same dosage, but once a day; full course - 5 days;
  • tetracycline: 15–20 mg/kg orally twice a day in muscle for 5–7 days;
  • doxcycline: 5-10 mg/kg strictly every 12 hours for 5 days;
  • novarsenol (used only for gangrenous stomatitis for urgent injections): 0.05-0.45 g twice a day for 48 hours.

Wound healing agents

  • sea ​​buckthorn and rosehip oils - after removing signs of inflammation of the oral cavity, treat wounds and ulcers with a cotton swab or swab to stimulate tissue regeneration and better heal them;
  • balm Vinilin - lubricate ulcers in the mouth 1-2 days before healing after inflammation is removed.

Immunostimulating agents

  • separately vitamin C (ascorbic acid) for ulcerative stomatitis (stimulates tissue regeneration (healing) in dogs): 1-5 ml into the muscle or intravenously once a day for 5-14 days.
  • gamavit: 0.3-0.5 ml / kg subcutaneously or into the muscle 2-3 times / week for 1 month.

Anticancer therapy

prospidin: 3 mg/kg once a day. Repeat every other day for 15 days. Then the papillomas are surgically removed, and the removal sites are cauterized with lapis.

Prevention of stomatitis

The main preventive measure is considered to be the organization of normal conditions for the life of a dog, proper nutrition (controlling the temperature of food and the presence in food of something that can injure the mucous membrane) and timely deworming and vaccination. All this reduces the risks of developing both primary and secondary stomatitis.

Category: Overview

Dogs are four-legged mammals that have diseases similar to human, but still somewhat different. Sometimes, some breeds have special categories of diseases. So is the case with samoyed husky. These amazingly beautiful animals are distinguished by a strong constitution, which makes them less susceptible to any diseases. However, sometimes they get sick too. So, what do Samoyed huskies usually get sick with?

eye diseases

Of all diseases, veterinarians, in their main quantity, single out the main one, the most common in both adults and puppies. These are various inflammations of the eyes. Cause it or infection, or a genetic predisposition. In animals with a similar disease, the following clinical signs are observed:
- active lacrimation;
- redness of the eye membranes;
- the presence of purulent crusts, increasing as the disease progresses.

Treatment of eye diseases is complex and symptomatic. Drugs are prescribed by a veterinarian depending on the severity of the clinical picture.
High-quality hygiene of the animal, as well as the timely removal of a sick animal from healthy individuals in cases where the disease is infectious, will help to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Pathologies of the digestive system

Samoyed huskies often suffer from various pathologies of the digestive system. moreover, puppies are especially susceptible to them. In the event of an extremely early weaning from the mother or a transfer at the wrong time to a different type of feeding, the digestive system that has not been fully developed begins to falter. The mildest and most harmless option here is colic and pain in the intestines. The puppy will feel bad, refuse to eat, lie on his stomach or curl up in a ball, and most importantly, will react negatively to attempts to touch the tummy.

Veterinarians, in addition, distinguish an extensive group of diseases of the digestive system in Samoyed huskies. This is gastritis, volvulus, bloating.

The main cause of such diseases is improper feeding, coupled with the wrong lifestyle of the animal. This breed of dog is distinguished by the need for special physical mobility and special nutritional needs. The main food of Samoyeds is meat. Whether it will be meat familiar to us or the meat of a sea animal, which these animals mainly feed on in their usual habitat, depends largely on the owner. However, in any case, it is imperative to provide the puppy's needs for meat protein by combining it with dairy products. Due to their excessive mobility, Samoyed puppies eat a lot, so the calorie content and amount of food consumed should correspond to their level of activity. In no case should you overfeed the animal.

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