Vitamin A for what and how to apply. Vitamin A (Retinol)

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Retinol, or vitamin A, is known in pharmacology as one of the most useful fat-soluble substances. But why does it have such a name, which means "vitamin A"?

Known in modern pharmacology, it got its name not by chance - this is the first vitamin discovered by man, and since the beginning of the last century it has been called in Latin the first letter of the alphabet. The properties and biochemical functions of retinol are so wide that it is probably easier to name those industries where it has not found its application than the areas of use. But still, we will try to tell as much as possible about the beneficial properties of the number one vitamin.

Discovery history

The history of the discovery of vitamin A dates back to 1909, when the German scientist Shtepp launched a series of experiments on mice. The animals were first fed bread mixed with milk, but as soon as food was added to the diet after extraction with alcohol and ether, the growth of the experimental animals stopped and they died. This made it possible to make a scientific discovery: the extraction of bread with organic solvents removed lipoids necessary for the life of animals from it.

In 1913, two more groups of researchers made a different conclusion: without lipoids (found in chicken yolks and butter), the development of mammals is impossible. A year later, after carefully studying the chemical structure of the oil, scientists found an element later called "fat-soluble factor A", or "growth factor". In short and in simple terms, the main conclusion of many years of experiments was that the body is able to absorb retinol only in the presence of fats. Another important discovery of scientists: the substance that is part of carrots, pumpkins, persimmons and other yellow-orange fruits promotes the growth of mammals and resumes the development process. This pigment was named daucus carota, or carotene (which means "carrot" in Latin), then group A vitamins began to be called carotenoids. In 1916, the first chemical formula of a discovered substance became the subject of detailed study. Scientists were interested in what it consists of, where it is located, what it is useful for and how to remove the vitamin in the laboratory. After the Second World War, the process of industrial production of retinol started, the chemical nature and structural formula of the substance became known.

Today he is studying chemical and biological processes of obtaining vitamin A biotechnology. We will not touch on the narrow professional terminology and study what the coenzyme form is or recall the empirical name of the vitamin. Let's talk about the properties of retinol in a simpler and more accessible language, but based on facts from different sciences.

Interestingly, under the name "vitamins of group A" pharmacology means several substances:

  • retinol, or, as vitamin A in oil is called, retinol acetate;
  • dehydroretinol;
  • retinoic acid;
  • retinal (active form A1).

They are different forms of vitamin A from the general group - retinol. The functions of dehydroretinol and retinol are to promote the formation of tissues and the adequate functioning of the reproductive system. Retinal is indispensable for eye health, and retinoic acid improves the development of the epithelium. But more often, group A vitamins are not separated, and when used, the physicochemical properties characteristic of the entire group of substances are taken into account.

Vitamin A properties

  1. Retinol in its pure form is a substance with a crystalline structure. Its color is light yellow. This is why yellow-colored fruits and vegetables are known as foods rich in vitamin A.
  2. It has the ability to dissolve in fats and does not dissolve in water.
  3. There are different types of vitamins: natural and artificial. Manufacturers have made sure that the beneficial properties of retinol are more pronounced in synthetic isomers. But such, at first glance, a positive moment hides the main danger: an overdose when using pharmacy vitamins is not uncommon, since retinol in tablets or capsules is more concentrated than its natural counterpart.
  4. When products containing retinol are heated, 15-20% of the vitamin is destroyed. The storage of food in the sun is detrimental to the "growth factor": the structure of the molecule is quickly destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and oxygen.

Before starting to talk about natural sources of vitamin A, to study which food has the most of it, it is important to emphasize that there are two forms of "growth factor". The first is retinol itself, so to speak, a true “ready-made” vitamin. His body receives from animal products. The second form is beta-carotene, or the so-called provitamin A, and retinol is produced from it in the liver as a result of an oxidative cleavage reaction. Sources in nature for beta-carotene - plant foods.

By the way, oversaturation or poisoning with a vitamin is almost impossible if its reserves are replenished exclusively from fruits and vegetables.

With this basic knowledge, it is possible to study in more detail which foods contain substances of group A.

Foods rich in retinol

As already noted, most natural retinol is in food of animal origin. Have a great vitamin value:

  • fish fat;
  • caviar;
  • liver (beef), heart, brain;
  • fatty milk, cream, cottage cheese, cheese;
  • chicken yolk.

Foods Containing Beta Carotene

Vitamin A is a part of such plants:

  • yellow, green vegetables;
  • fruits are yellow, red;
  • spicy greens;
  • herbs (nettle, plantain, dandelion, horsetail, sage, hops, mint, bearberry, clover, alfalfa);
  • burdock root;
  • violet leaves, raspberries;
  • rose hips, hawthorn.

If you create a rating of products that contain vitamin A, then the first place, unconditionally, will be taken by food of animal origin. Find out which foods contain the highest amount of retinol, perhaps by looking at the chemical composition of the food.

So to say, a shock dose of natural vitamin A is found in the liver, caviar, quail and chicken eggs. Among the products of plant origin, the champions are hawthorn and dandelion, 100 g of which can provide the body with 160 percent of the daily requirement of beta-carotene. The daily requirement of provitamin will be provided by 100 g of fresh carrots or 200 g of wild garlic. Also, do not forget about the presence of carotenoids in brightly colored vegetables and fruits.

Daily rate

In addition to natural sources, synthetic derivatives of vitamin A are capable of providing the body with retinol. It would seem that in the heyday of pharmacology, biochemistry will take care of human health: he took a complex of vitamins, the chemical properties of which correspond to natural analogues, and you can not be afraid of beriberi, forget about the need to think over the diet. But before you drink vitamin A capsules, it is important to realize that in reality everything is not so simple. For full-fledged work, the body must receive vitamins and microelements in its main share from natural sources, and only for “pulling up” daily indicators is it allowed to use a synthetic analogue from time to time.

It is logical that the daily requirement of a vitamin for men, women and children is not the same. For people of different age categories, the vitamin norm is also different. Moreover, the daily allowance in mg is determined differently for residents of different climatic zones working in different conditions. The comparative table contains information on the daily requirement of the vitamin for residents of our latitudes.

The figures collected in the table show how much vitamin A is needed per day at certain periods of body development. The traditional daily norm in some cases may vary. For example, the dosage is adjusted for people with obesity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, patients with viral and bacterial diseases. A doctor may prescribe an increased dose of retinol for people who regularly spend several hours a day at a computer, working mentally or in darkened rooms, as well as with increased physical activity. Climatic conditions can influence the indications for the use of the vitamin and its dosage. A temperate and cold climate usually does not require correction of the daily vitamin dose (of course, if we are talking about healthy people). But residents of sunny, hot regions should take care of increasing the consumption of retinol.

Another important note regarding dosages. Experts from the World Health Organization convince that the source of ¾ of the consumed vitamins of group A should be food of animal origin, the rest - from plants.

The fact that the balanced use of a complex of vitamins is of great importance for the body is known to everyone. But still, what is vitamin A for, what is it responsible for and what does it affect? In order to understand how important the function of vitamin A in the human body is, it is necessary to understand what processes retinol regulates.

The biological role of the vitamin consists of several aspects. Carotenoids have no equal when it comes to restoring the skin, treating the eyes, and preventing cancer. This antioxidant vitamin is involved in the process of activating the immune system, has a beneficial effect on bone tissue, and its positive effect on the reproductive system has been proven. The versatility and beneficial properties of retinol have made it one of the best known and most used vitamins.

Where and how is retinol used?

  1. Vitamins of group A take part in metabolism, regulate metabolism.
  2. Retinol promotes the formation of proteins and the growth of new cells. Indispensable for babies during the formation of bones and teeth, for the growth of a teenager. In sports, it is known as a substance that has a beneficial effect on muscles (accelerates growth).
  3. Important for the eyes - prevents a number of ophthalmic diseases, helps maintain sharp vision in poorly lit rooms.
  4. Anti-infectious vitamin improves immunity, protects against colds and viruses, is used to prevent acute respiratory infections.
  5. It is well known for its beneficial properties for the treatment of acne and pimples. Vitamin A is an excellent medicine for psoriasis, it quickly heals wounds, including post-burn ones. Eliminates wrinkles and stretch marks of the skin after a sharp change in weight. In cosmetology, vitamin A has found application as a universal beauty remedy.
  6. It is part of comprehensive programs for the treatment of infertility, prevention of cancer, indispensable for the gastrointestinal tract - a good medicine for the gastric mucosa in gastritis.
  7. An antioxidant vitamin is an important component of drugs for blood vessels and heart disease.
  8. Found practical application in veterinary medicine.

When a vitamin is low...

Lack of retinol can cause many diseases. To find out the real amount of vitamin A in the human body, laboratory diagnostics, such as a routine blood test, will help. Although in most cases, especially if vitamin deficiency is "neglected", the symptoms of the disease, as they say, are on the face. So, what occurs in the absence of vitamin A in the body, what are the signs of hypovitaminosis?

The consequences of a lack of vitamins of group A are more than serious. In particular, retinol deficiency leads to a disease known as night blindness.

Poor vision, drying of the mucous membrane of the eyeball, clouding of the cornea, a feeling of "sand" in the eyes and discomfort in dark rooms - such symptoms in adults and children are caused by a lack of carotenoids. If you do not use eye drops, the unpleasant effects of the disease will only progress.

Hypovitaminosis A and neuralgic problems also go together. The most common disorder is insomnia.

The lack of an adequate dose of retinol affects the quality of the skin (early appearance of wrinkles, follicular hyperkeratosis - “toad skin”, acne), teeth (enamel is destroyed), hair (dry and lifeless), dandruff appears, the genitourinary and digestive systems suffer.

In gynecology, signs of vitamin A deficiency are considered in such manifestations as erosion, polyps, mastopathy and even cancer. Also, the male reproductive system suffers from a lack of carotenoids: potency decreases, erection weakens, spermatozoa are not viable, and the risk of oncological ailments increases.

When there is not enough vitamin A, the immune system weakens, the body becomes more sensitive to viral diseases, colds. In children, in addition to a tendency to frequent acute respiratory infections, there are signs of a slowdown in physical and mental development, growth stops.

At the first sign of a decrease in the level of vitamin A in the body, it is better to immediately adjust your diet than to replace natural retinol with its chemical analogue.

Causes of Vitamin Deficiency

But what are the reasons for the lack of carotenoids in the body and how to protect yourself from such unpleasant consequences? The most common reason for the occurrence of hypovitaminosis A is poor nutrition (insufficient intake of protein and fatty foods). In second place are diseases of the digestive system (improper functioning of the organs, in particular, the altered structure of the liver prevents the absorption of the vitamin). The third equally important reason is marriage, which also affects the absorption of retinol. At risk - adhering to a low-calorie diet for weight loss. Usually the diet is a food devoid of fat, and with a deficiency of lipoids, the absorption of carotene is impossible.

Realizing the incorrectness of the diet, you can take a complex of synthetic vitamins - pharmacy analogues of retinol as your “helpers”. It would seem that this is bad? But, trying to compensate for the lack of a vitamin with the help of medications, it is easy to go to the other extreme - to provoke an excess of the substance. In addition, this can be achieved quite quickly: pharmacy retinol accumulates in the body several times faster than organic.

Hypervitaminosis disrupts the functioning of most systems, and a disease with an excess of vitamin is as dangerous as beriberi.

There are two forms of hypervitaminosis A - acute and chronic. The first form is the result of a single dose of the vitamin before meals or after meals in a particularly large dose.

Symptoms of acute hypervitaminosis:

  • pain in the joints, bones, abdomen;
  • corners of the mouth in cracks;
  • hair loss and destruction of the structure of the nail plates;
  • weakness, sweating (mainly at night), irritability;
  • headache accompanied by vomiting;
  • in women, menstrual irregularities;
  • deterioration of the digestive system, enlargement of the liver and spleen.

But is it possible to achieve hypervitaminosis exclusively with food? Answer: No, it's practically impossible. The exception is the inhabitants of the polar latitudes. Only regular consumption of the liver of northern animals, which contains a large amount of vitamin A, can cause a natural overabundance of retinol.

Chronic excess is a consequence of its systematic use in excessive doses. This form of hypervitaminosis is more common. You can understand that vitamin A in the body is in excess by various symptoms. The intensity of their manifestation depends on the amount of accumulated substance.

Signs of excess (chronic form): allergic reactions (itching, redness), peeling of the skin, pigmentation, insomnia, or vice versa - drowsiness, confusion, irritability, swelling along the bones, sores in the mouth, bleeding gums, irregular periods, indigestion, nausea, pseudojaundice, double vision, hair loss, dandruff. Newborns with hypervitaminosis are threatened by hydrocephalus. An excess of the maximum daily dose of the vitamin, consumed daily for several years, is the key to cirrhosis of the liver.

It is extremely dangerous to exceed the allowable rate of retinol for pregnant women. Regular receipt of more than a daily dose leads to improper formation of the genitourinary system of the fetus, slows down its growth, the child can be born with serious defects. Correction of the daily dose of vitamins is carried out even when planning pregnancy. The method of application of the drug is exactly according to the instructions.

Compatibility with other substances

The pharmacy assortment offers a variety of multivitamin combinations that promise to restore the reserves of all useful substances for the body. But resorting to the help of tableted vitamins is the second step. The first is to adjust the diet, replenish the menu with foods rich in retinol. This is easiest to do in the summer when beta-carotene containing plants are available.

However, one often has to deal with a situation that seems strange at first glance: the daily diet is varied, full of products valuable for the body, but blood tests are still not the best. So why is vitamin A not absorbed?

First, as already noted, it is important to know what retinol is best absorbed with. And the regulation of this indicator depends to a large extent on fats. The absence of sebaceous food in the diet eliminates all attempts to replenish carotenoids. That's why even pharmacy counters have fish oil with vitamin A.

Secondly, when compiling a menu, combining products, it is important to know how to drink vitamins correctly, that is, the principles of their combination. As for carotenoids, they are best absorbed in combination with vitamin E or else. A good combination option is vitamin A and iron, in which case the body will get the maximum benefit from both substances. But with acetylsalicylic and hydrochloric acids, retinol should be taken separately. And you should not think about whether it is possible to drink with sorbents - with such a combination, carotene will not be absorbed.

For Women's Health

Retinol, along with vitamin E, is indispensable for women's health. By creating a positive effect on the hormonal balance, it contributes to the normal functioning of the gonads, regulates the menstrual cycle. Vitamin A is necessary for the breast with mastopathy, and is also important in the fight against benign formations in the mammary glands. Retinol in combination with folic acid is an effective remedy for eliminating menopausal symptoms.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy planning is a crucial stage for the expectant mother and child. Even six months before conception, it is worth taking care of the balance of vitamins, because for the next 9 months, the female body will have to provide itself and the fetus with the necessary trace elements. At this stage, it is important that the daily dose of vitamin A for the woman was calculated by the doctor and in no case should the dose be adjusted independently. It is better if vitamins and microelements important for conception are accumulated with food, and pharmacy medications and dietary supplements should be taken if there are no contraindications. Nevertheless, in order to exclude the negative effect of vitamin A on the fetus, synthetic substances should be avoided.

Benefits of retinol during pregnancy:

  • promotes the formation of rhodopsin (visual pigment), the development of the placenta and fetus;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • beneficial effect on sleep, heart function;
  • strengthens nails and hair, improves skin condition.

During lactation

As the results of studies show, beriberi is the main reason for the decrease in lactation. For a nursing mother, rule number one is to monitor the level of vitamins in the body: the quality of milk depends on this indicator as the main measure. It is especially important for infants, whose body develops and grows rapidly, to receive a sufficient daily dose of vitamins during feeding, in particular the “growth factor” - vitamin A.

But taking the vitamin by mouth is not the only use of retinol by breastfeeding mothers. It is also applied externally. Many women during lactation and feeding the baby faced such a nuisance as cracked nipples. And again, vitamin A will come to the rescue - its oil solution. Using it for nipples during breastfeeding, you can almost get rid of the problem: it is enough to treat the injured area 5-6 times a day with vitamin oil, the chemical name of which is retinol acetate.

For children

You can talk a lot about how retinol is useful for babies. In the first years of life, when there are active processes of development of the body, the structure of the skeleton, vitamins of group A are important in the diet for the growth and proper development of bone tissues. But when there is a child in the house, vitamin A should be present not only on the plate in the form of food.

Parents should take care that retinol in liquid form does not disappear from the family first aid kit, as it can more than once come to the rescue faster than any ambulance, replacing ointments and nose drops.

For example, with stomatitis, retinol in oil will quickly relieve pain, the healing properties of the vitamin will help heal wounds on the lips or palate, liquid retinol is indispensable for a runny nose in babies (drip 1-2 drops into the nose of a child twice a day).

Why do children need retinol?

  • for the growth and development of the skeleton;
  • for the formation of organs of the reproductive system;
  • to protect the mucous membranes from microbes;
  • for the prevention of diseases of the respiratory system;
  • for sharp vision;
  • acne in teenagers.

There is a need to take pharmacy retinol - it is better to ask the pediatrician which course of taking vitamin A capsules is best for the child.

For eyes

Even children know about the role of carotenoids for vision. From a very young age, we were told what it meant for eye health. However, the beta-carotene found in plants is only good for prevention. When the disease comes to the full, another form of vitamin A comes to the rescue - retinol drops. Moisturizing eye drops with vitamin A (antixerophthalmic vitamin) are good not only for treatment, but also for prevention, in particular for people whose work is connected with a computer.

Interestingly, it is the lack of retinol that causes the distortion of color perception, drying of the cells of the cornea and conjunctiva. The participation of vitamin A in the process of light perception has also been proven.

The consequence of vitamin deficiency - the visual analyzer loses the ability to perceive and distinguish light brightness. The distortion of light perception is the cause of the weakening of other possibilities of the visual apparatus.

Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease and discomfort, and always have eye drops with vitamin A on hand.

Impact on the endocrine system

Recent studies have revealed interesting facts about the effect of vitamin A on the body of patients diagnosed with diabetes. Under the influence of retinol, the production of insulin in diabetes increases, as a result of which the blood sugar level stabilizes. This helps, if not completely cancel insulin injections, then at least reduce the dosage of the drug.

Lack of vitamin A and magnesium negatively affects the functioning of the thyroid gland: it loses its protective properties, and disruptions in the endocrine system cause metabolic disorders, decreased immunity.

When they talk about how dangerous hypovitaminosis A is for the body, leukemia is called among the most serious problems - a disease that often develops against the background of thyroid disease. The best disease prevention is proper nutrition. It is important to include in your daily diet a list of foods rich in vegetable beta-carotene and animal retinol.

Oncology and retinol

Useful properties of vitamin A modern medicine uses often and effectively. One of the latest revolutionary discoveries is the beneficial effect of retinol on the process of treating cancer patients. Experiments have shown that daily use of retinol throughout the year slows down the formation of metastases in the postoperative period. A course of taking a vitamin as a prophylaxis can protect against the formation of malignant tumors. Retinol acetate is known as a drug that treats skin cancer.

Speaking of cancer. It has been proven that smokers are 25 times more likely to develop cancer than people who lead a healthy lifestyle. Smoking can cause cancer of the throat, lips, larynx, palate, and even pancreas and bladder. And even children know about the dangers of tobacco smoke for the lungs. Therefore, it is especially important for smokers to monitor the level of vitamin A in the body. Daily use of retinol for six months will relieve such a disease as leukoplakia (it is caused by chewing tobacco).

For teeth and bones

Retinol, synthesized in bone and cartilage tissue, is indispensable during the growth period of children and teenagers. Vitamin is important for teeth (makes them strong, even, snow-white) and for gums (strengthens, makes smooth, healthy pink color). Hypovitaminosis becomes the cause of stomatitis, periodontal disease (alarm signal - bleeding gums), destruction of tooth enamel.

There are two ways to make up for the lack of retinol in the child's body: by resorting to synthetic analogs of the vitamin and by adjusting the diet. Eggs, fish liver, caviar, carrots, fatty milk, broccoli, bell peppers, that is, everything related to vitamin A, should be present on a children's plate.

For infectious diseases

The anti-infective properties of vitamin A were known long before vitamin C, and there is no way to fight infections without immune-boosting retinol. The argument in favor of vitamin A is the results of studies that have shown that in more developed countries, children do not die from banal infectious diseases, such as measles, and regular use of retinol can eliminate complications in case of chickenpox. Undoubtedly, resistance to infections is achieved in different ways: this is vaccination, and personal hygiene. But it is also the maintenance of vitamin and mineral balance.

Speaking about the anti-infectious and immunostimulating properties of vitamin A, one cannot but recall AIDS. The description of scientific experiments convinces that even a slight but regular use of retinol can slow down the development of the disease. You can get vitamin A for HIV-infected people with food, but this will not be enough. AIDS is the disease when you can not do without the additional intake of retinol in the form of pharmaceutical preparations or dietary supplements. At the same time, it is important to regularly measure the level of the vitamin in the patient's body in order to avoid overdoses.

in sports nutrition

Regular restoration of energy reserves is essential for the full and high-quality functioning of the body. Especially when it comes to people who are intensively engaged in physical activity. Special nutrition for athletes usually consists of carefully calculated proportions of proteins, vitamins and trace elements that contribute to muscle growth.

And since retinol is an important part of sports nutrition, there is an opinion that vitamin A is getting better. Actually this is not true.

Vitamin A in bodybuilding is indeed a revered substance used in weight gain complexes, but in this case, the change in body weight is not due to body fat, but due to muscle growth. Sports nutritionists, knowing about the ability of retinol to accelerate the formation of new cells, used this function to build muscle tissue. In addition, vitamin A is an indispensable substance in the process of protein synthesis.

But novice athletes should know: during a period of intense exercise, it is important to use retinol regularly and in large doses - with food (when making a menu for a week, take into account which foods have vitamin A in them), drink its pharmacy counterpart. You can not be afraid of overdoses, since with intensive calorie burning, the absorption of vitamin A worsens.

A sports menu rich in vitamins of group A should consist of milk, eggs, spinach, carrots, fish, liver, tomatoes, peppers, apricots, parsley, dill.

In cosmetology and skin problems

In cosmetology, vitamin A has found its application as a rejuvenating component. Due to its low molecular weight, it is able to penetrate deep into the skin, protecting and restoring its structure.

Retinol acetate for the skin is used as a remedy for age spots and stretch marks.

For cosmetic purposes, vitamin A is used in creams:

  • for the body (tones, relieves irritation);
  • for hands (softens, nourishes);
  • for legs (from cracks in the heels);
  • for the face (for acne).

Also in cosmetics, the properties of retinol are used in hair masks (improves the structure, treats dandruff), in cuticle and nail products, eyelashes, eyebrows, lips.

Use for cosmetic purposes, involves the combination of vitamin A with other useful components. The most popular mix is ​​a complex of vitamins A and E. If you add a few drops of vitamins to an oil base (for example, from wheat germ), you get an excellent tool for eyelash growth. The same mixture can be used for eyebrow growth. To prepare creams, add vitamins A, E, B in liquid form (in ampoules or in the form of an oil solution) to the finished base. The finished mixture can be equally effectively used both for heels - retinol acetate heals cracks and microdamages of the skin, and for the face - it will provide acne treatment. Also, zinc oxide can be added to the composition of the cream fortified with retinol - suitable for oily skin, it will dry out acne. But it is worth remembering the school curriculum, for example, what the reaction of vitamin A with sulfuric acid looks like in order to understand: retinol is absolutely incompatible with acids.

Vitaminizing the cream, introduce retinol into it (especially if the drug is prepared for sensitive skin) in minimal portions - no more than 0.1-0.5% of the total volume. As the skin adapts, the amount of vitamin can be slightly increased.

A liquid solution of retinol is also good for soap making. But, so that the substance does not lose its useful properties during cooking, add it to the already prepared soap mixture.

Recently, mesotherapy is gaining popularity - rejuvenating injections of vitamin A.

For nails and cuticles

Well-groomed hands are a visiting card of a woman. Do you want to be proud of healthy and beautiful nails? Then, among cosmetics, take the main place for vitamin A. Retinol in combination with vegetable oils promotes the rapid growth of nails, restores and protects them, moisturizes and softens the cuticle. It is enough to rub a few drops of the oil mixture into the fingertips in the evenings, and in the morning to compare how the nail looks - the result will exceed all expectations. Not sure how to choose an effective nail care product? Why not cook it yourself?

Recipe number 1 for nails and cuticles

Mix oils:

  • vegetable (almond, coconut, grape seed, apricot or other);
  • essential (lemon, rosemary, orange or tea tree);
  • vitamins E and A in oil form.

Mix ingredients thoroughly. Store in the refrigerator in a dark bottle. Rub daily for a month.

Recipe number 2

Mix in a bottle (glass, dark color) 1 ml of vitamin A and E, add 3 ml of apricot oil and 6 ml of jojoba oil. Mix. Pour in 2 drops of lemon essential oil and 4 drops of rosemary essential oil. Rub daily into the cuticle and nail with massaging movements. The product creates a firming effect, regular use will ensure healthy nails, relieve plate delamination, cuticle dryness, and stains on the nails.

Retinol for peeling

The active form of vitamin A, or as retinoic acid is called in chemistry, has found its application in cosmetology as an effective peeling drug. Retinoic yellow peeling is a procedure that stimulates the process of epidermal cell renewal and skin rejuvenation.

How does vitamin A peeling help?

Indications for peeling: uneven skin color on the face, acne, sagging cheeks. It has proven itself in dermatitis, accelerates the treatment of acne. The frequency of procedures is 1-2 for a month and a half. Depending on the additional components, the peeling mixture is left on the skin for different periods: sometimes no longer than an hour, in other cases overnight. The result of an improper procedure is allergy and intoxication.

Useful properties of yellow peeling:

  • rejuvenates;
  • enhances the protective functions of the skin;
  • strengthens local immunity (creates a barrier to bacteria);
  • reduces the risk of pustules;
  • accelerates wound healing;
  • brightens the skin (in places of age spots);
  • promotes cleansing of dead cells.

But in addition to many positive aspects, peeling with vitamin A in some cases can cause side effects. In particular, the procedure is prohibited for pregnant women, given the mild toxicity of auxiliary cosmetics.

From warts

The dosage form of vitamin A (retinol acetate) is an effective remedy for combating warts. The course of treatment is from several weeks to six months, and the procedure itself cannot be easier: daily rub oil-vitamin into warts. It is enough to do it once a day, preferably at night.

In veterinary medicine

Only two of the known 13 vitamins in excess can become dangerous to the health of both humans and animals. We are talking about vitamins A and D. It is important for pet owners to remember this if they decide to artificially fortify the animal's menu.

For the normal development of a cat or dog, a very small dose of retinol is enough, but a deficiency or excess of the vitamin causes serious disorders, in particular bone diseases. For animals, vitamin A is an excellent protection against infections, a substance to increase immunity, improve vision, and restore the epithelium; necessary for the normal development of embryos. In a word, the application in veterinary medicine is as wide as in medicine.

The course of treatment for dogs and cats is different. In particular, cats replenish their vitamin A reserves from substances of animal origin, that is, the “ready-made” vitamin retinol. Dogs are able to synthesize the necessary substance from beta-carotene. These features are explained by the difference in the metabolism of different groups of animals. But the course of vitaminization should be determined by a veterinarian, because hypervitaminosis is extremely dangerous for animals, therefore, the rate of consumption of synthetic retinol should be carefully observed.

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis in animals: impaired coordination, xerophthalmia, clouding of the cornea, epithelial damage.

Hypervitaminosis leads to diseases of the musculoskeletal system (lameness, fragility of the paws, tooth loss).

The use of various dosage forms

The pharmaceutical analogue of retinol is prescribed as a therapeutic agent and for prevention, it is taken externally, intramuscularly and orally. The release form of retinol is determined by the purpose for which the drug will be used.

What is sold in pharmacies?

Release forms:

  • capsules;
  • tablets of different dosages, including effervescent ones;
  • dragee;
  • solutions for injections;
  • oily solutions for oral administration;
  • oil extract (yellow liquid with a specific smell - like a fish smells);
  • vitamin A concentrate;
  • ointment;
  • powder (in granules).

How to use different forms of vitamin?

  • oil solution. Outwardly. For dressings, lotions for eczema, ulcers, burns, frostbite, for healing wounds. Clean the wounded surface, apply an oil solution on it and cover the treated area with sterile gauze folded in 2 layers. Repeat the procedure 6 times a day. It is also possible to take an oil solution inside, but it is important to know how to use the drug correctly. To do this, you need to drip 10-20 drops of oil on a piece of black bread. Take three times a day after meals. Course duration - from 2 weeks to 4 months;
  • tablets, dragee. For the prevention and treatment of beriberi and in cardiovascular diseases. Take 3-5 tablets after meals for a month. Then a 2-month break and repeat. The reception scheme is the same;
  • ointment with vitamin A. Apply to wounds, problem areas of the skin, with gout. In parallel with the external use of retinol, to enhance its action, take it orally (in the form of tablets, dragees or capsules);
  • syrup containing vitamin A - with hypovitaminosis in babies;
  • capsules - for diseases of the digestive, genitourinary, respiratory systems;
  • injections intramuscularly - only in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor (with night blindness, severe beriberi).

How to store and use correctly?

The biochemical properties of synthetic vitamin A can be preserved for a long time only with proper storage of the drug. For each medication or dietary supplement, instructions for use are provided, which indicate how to take and save. Here we list the general rules for all.

  1. Store the oil solution in a cool place.
  2. Do not apply retinol and creams containing vitamin A at night - swelling may occur.
  3. Remove excess cream or oil from the skin with a tissue.
  4. Do not use an oil solution before visiting the solarium: such a tan can turn into a burn.
  5. Do not use drugs that have expired.
  6. Take a break between courses of application.
  7. Using a retinol cream for the first time? Test it on a small patch of skin to rule out allergic reactions.

Vitamin A is a group of 4 chemicals: retinol, dehydroretinol, retinoic acid, and retinal. They are all different forms of vitamin A and affect different organs. For ease of perception and memorization, it is customary not to separate the functions of these substances and describe what vitamin A is useful for, in the aggregate of its forms.

What is vitamin A useful for, why does the body need it

The role of vitamin A in the human body cannot be overestimated. It is involved in the preservation of immunity, acts as an antioxidant, is necessary for vision, and is involved in redox processes. It plays an important role in metabolism and in the structure of bone tissue, teeth and hair, improves metabolism.

By supporting immune T-cells, vitamin A fights tumors and slows down cell aging, which allows a person to look younger. It also improves the growth of the embryo, is responsible for the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and is involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones. This list of positive qualities does not allow us to question the benefits of vitamin A.

Group A vitamins

The group of retinoids by origin is usually divided into two forms: retinol contained in animal products, and carotene - from plant products, this is the precursor of retinol. The importance of vitamin A for the body is difficult to overestimate, knowing how it affects the human body.

First of all, it affects vision, being part of the visual pigment, which is responsible for the light and color perception of the eye. It prevents damage to cellular DNA, preserves the integrity of cells, improves tissue healing and is involved in the formation of red blood cells. In addition, it increases the number of leukocytes - the main defenders of the human body, improves immunity, reducing the risk of infectious diseases by 2-3 times.

Vitamin A is found in some cosmetic products. Retinoic acid is able to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin, which is responsible for elasticity and youth. For men and women, the compound is useful in that it affects the synthesis of sex hormones - testosterone and estrogen, and therefore participates in the maturation of germ cells.

A valuable quality of beta-carotene is the neutralization of free radicals, which is used for the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Daily rate

Depending on age and gender, the daily intake of a vitamin for the human body will be different. It is customary to calculate it in milligrams or in IU (international units). Pregnant women should take vitamins of group A for the normal development of the fetus and continue to provide the child with retinoids and carotenoids after birth. The following table will help you calculate the optimal dose:

The daily requirement for the human body may increase under certain circumstances:

  • when breastfeeding;
  • with daily sitting at the computer;
  • during physical activity;
  • in hot climates;
  • during active growth of the body;
  • with alcohol abuse.

With a shortage of retinoids and carotenoids in food, they should be taken in the form of dosage forms.

List and table of products

Which products contain a group of retinoids, the table will help you figure it out.


(found in animal products)

mg/100 g Carotene

(found in herbal products)

mg/100 g
Cod liver oil capsules 30 Carrot 10
Turkey liver 22,6 Spinach 5,6
beef liver 9,5 Parsley 5
Lamb liver 7,5 Basil 3
chicken liver 4,2 Pumpkin 3,1
Butter 0,67 Apricots and peaches 1
Cream 0,42 Cherry 0,77
Cheese 0,26 Peas 0,63
Egg 0,19
Sour cream 0,04
Cottage cheese 0,04
Milk 0,02

The human body should receive 1/3 of retinol and 2/3 of beta-carotene, since the activity of the first is 3 times higher than the activity of the second. This means that in the daily diet you need to include a large number of vegetables and fruits of bright red, yellow and orange colors.

Top 10 foods with the highest content

Retinol takes part in the work of the cells of the human body, and carotenoids must first be converted from plant foods into a bioavailable form. To get 1 unit of retinol, you need to process 3 units of carotenes. Therefore, to obtain the daily norm of vitamin A, it is more expedient to eat a piece of beef liver than several kilograms of peaches. This means that in the list of products containing vitamin A, the main places belong to products of animal origin.

Of all the foods that contain vitamin A, most of it is in any liver. It can be consumed in the form of various dishes or bought dried in capsules.

  • 1st place - fermented cod liver oil or cod liver itself (cooked, a lot and canned);
  • 2 - beef, lamb or chicken liver;
  • 3 - chicken yolks;
  • 4 - butter and cream;
  • 5 - carrots (the leader in the content of carotene among vegetables);
  • 6 - red rowan;
  • 7 - parsley and dill;
  • 8 - spinach and celery;
  • 9 - dried apricots;
  • 10th place - wild rose and sorrel.

Instead of eating vegetables and fruits, you can also drink freshly prepared juice from them, which will also have a beneficial effect on health.

Drugs in a pharmacy, list and instructions for use

If an insufficient amount of carotene and retinol enters the body with food, you need to take them in the form of drugs. Today, their assortment in pharmacies is large, and the choice depends on the preferences of the buyer himself.

Vitamin A is produced:

  • in the form of capsules: retinol acetate 3300, 5000, 33000 IU; etretinate (tigazon) 0.01 and 0.025 g each; isotretinoin (roaccutane) 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 mg;
  • in the form of tablets of 33,000 IU (retinol acetate and retinol palmitate);
  • in the form of a solution for injection in ampoules of 25,000, 50,000, 100,000 IU / 1 ml (retinol acetate);
  • in a dragee of 3300 IU (retinol acetate and retinol palminate);
  • in an oil solution for oral administration of 100,000 IU / ml in 10 ml vials;
  • in an oil extract from the liver of cod fish in vials of 50 and 100 mg;
  • in the form of a cream 0.05% or 0.1% in tubes of 20 g.

In the pharmacy you can find the following names of vitamin complexes containing retinol: Aevit, Gendevit, Undevit, Akvital and various multivitamin preparations - Centrum, Complivit, Revit, Alphabet, etc.

To get the therapeutic effect of retinoids and avoid overdose, you need to know how to properly take vitamin A. The dose depends on age and gender.

Intramuscularly, an oil solution of vitamin A is administered, taking into account the nature of the disease, in the form heated to body temperature: for adults - 10,000-100,000 IU, for children - 5,000-10,000 IU.

For the treatment of burns, wounds or ulcers, an oily solution is used in the form of compresses, which are applied to the lesion 5-6 times a day.

With long-term treatment of eye diseases, injections alternate with oral retinol.

Pregnant women and children should be taken with caution.

Some factors require an increased or decreased intake of retinoids. So, people who are on a diet and do not get enough fat need additional vitamin A supplements. Diseases of the liver, intestines, gallbladder lead to a lack of retinol in the body. While the use of oral contraceptives and hormonal agents, on the contrary, reduce the need for it.

What can a deficiency lead to?

The lack of retinoids in the body is fraught with unpleasant, and sometimes serious consequences. So, vitamin A deficiency can lead to:

  • peeling and premature aging of the skin;
  • skin rash;
  • reduced body resistance to various diseases;
  • dry eyes and decreased visual acuity;
  • conjunctivitis and cataracts;
  • dandruff and hair loss;
  • decreased appetite;
  • development of cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Since retinol and carotene play the role of powerful antioxidants, vitamin A is responsible for the prevention of cancer and contributes to their treatment. The lack of retinoids can adversely affect the course of oncological processes.


Do not use preparations containing retinoids for people with hypersensitivity to these compounds. Vitamin C should be taken with caution by those suffering from alcoholism, cirrhosis of the liver, viral hepatitis, and renal failure. During pregnancy (especially in the 1st trimester), lactation, as well as in childhood or old age, the vitamin is also prescribed with caution.

It must be remembered that an excess of this bioorganic compound is no less dangerous than its deficiency. Hypervitaminosis occurs due to the fact that retinol is able to accumulate in tissues, therefore the prescribed daily dosage cannot be violated.

The side effect of vitamin A, in addition to pain at the injection site, is associated with symptoms of its overdose, which can be acute or take the form of chronic intoxication.

Acute overdose (observed 6 hours after drug administration):

  • double vision;
  • dizziness;
  • irritability;
  • osteoporosis;
  • bleeding from the gums;
  • dryness, the appearance of ulcers in the mouth;
  • peeling of the lips, palms;
  • confusion:
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • Strong headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • drowsiness

Chronic intoxication:

  • loss of appetite;
  • bone pain
  • cracks and dry skin;
  • dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • gastralgia;
  • hyperthermia;
  • photosensitivity;
  • hair loss;
  • yellow-orange spots on the soles and palms, in the region of the nasolabial triangle;
  • convulsions and many others.

Treatment for overdose is drug withdrawal and treatment of symptoms.

Vitamin A is a useful and necessary bioorganic compound for the human body. However, taking it mindlessly and in free quantities is wrong and dangerous. Before use, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the right dose, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient.

The organism is not capable, like plants, of synthesizing organic substances from inorganic ones. Therefore, low-molecular compounds of a simple structure (vitamins) must be supplied with food. In the article - what foods contain vitamin A, its benefits, the highest content, signs of excess and deficiency.

What are retinoids

Retinoids are organic substances that are united by a similar structure.

Retinol useful for cell membranes, antioxidant protection of the body.

Retinal part of the visual pigment rhodopsin.

Retinoic acid stimulates growth processes.

Vitamin A precursors are carotenoids, lambda-, beta- and gamma-carotenes. From them, the body synthesizes retinol. One molecule of beta-carotene gives two molecules of retinol, the rest of the carotenes - one.

Beta-carotene has antioxidant properties. Prevents damage to cells by free radicals - the cause of various diseases.

Stocks of vitamin A contain the liver, tissues. They last for a year or more.

Vitamins of group A dissolve oils, poorly - water.

Benefits of foods rich in vitamin A

Retinols are used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the organs of vision, bones, mammary glands, respiratory tract, cirrhosis, immunodeficiency states, malignant tumors, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

With regular intense visual work, it is useful to diversify the diet with animal and vegetable products that contain vitamin A.

The intake of retinol with food increases the permeability of cell membranes, the synthesis of hormones of the adrenal cortex, stimulates sexual function, and the activity of the thyroid gland.

Products with vitamin A reduce the effect of carcinogens, strengthen the immune system, prevent malignant tumors, turn them back.

Daily intake of vitamin A with food

International agreements have fixed a special unit of measurement IU (unit of action). It quantifies the dose of a substance based on its biological activity.

Every day, an adult body should receive foods containing 5000 IU of vitamin A.

The biological effect of 1 mg of retinol is equivalent to 3300 IU. Therefore, the daily rate is covered by 1.5 mg of retinol.

When compiling a diet according to the table of vitamins, take into account that the proportion of retinol should be 1/3.

The remaining 2/3 of the daily requirement the body should receive from plant foods rich in carotene.

The biological activity of plant products containing vitamin A is 2-3 times lower. It is compensated by a 2-3 times increase in the amount of carotenes.

For the prevention and treatment of diseases, a short-term excess of the daily norm by 3-4 times is permissible. Prolonged overdose is harmful.

Excess retinol

Signs of an overdose:

  • Strong headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • cracks in the corners of the lips;
  • itching of the body or scalp;
  • painful swelling;
  • increased nervous excitability.

Usually traditional products do not cause an overdose. But a fatal case is known from eating one carrot for a month.

If there are signs of an overdose, exclude foods containing vitamin A. Include fruits and vegetables rich in ascorbic acid in the diet.

According to studies, long-term overdose of retinol and fish oil is the cause of malignant tumors.

The accumulation of excess retinol between cell membranes impairs their function.

An overdose of a synthetic drug is especially dangerous during pregnancy.

Retinol deficiency

Deficiency signs:

  • visual impairment (conjunctivitis, "night blindness");
  • decreased immunity;
  • dryness and pallor of the skin, rash, acne;
  • fragility, hair loss;
  • skin roughness;
  • dysfunction of the sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • loss of strength, increased fatigue;
  • delayed reactions;
  • deterioration in attention;
  • growth and developmental delay in children.

The lack of foods containing vitamin A is the cause of cellulite, impaired liver function, nervous system, respiration, digestion, deterioration of visual acuity, dryness and clouding of the cornea.

The causes of hypovitaminosis are eating canned food, without the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits rich in carotenoids.

What foods contain vitamin A - list and table

Retinol comes only with animal products: butter, cream, egg yolks, kidneys, dairy products, fish liver.

For the treatment of night blindness, include half-baked liver rich in vitamin A in the diet (100 g of beef liver contains 15 mg of retinol, pork - 6 mg). A lot of retinol in fish oil (in 100g of the product - 19g).

Fruits and vegetables that are red or orange, and greens contain carotenoids, which the body converts into retinol.

An incomplete list of foods containing beta-carotene: spinach, parsley, lettuce, tomatoes, red peppers, zucchini, green peas, cabbage, sea buckthorn, rose hips, black currants, pumpkin, apricots, peaches, all yellow fruits, prunes.

Table 1. Some plant foods rich in vitamin A
herbal productA portionQuantity (IU)
dried apricots5 pieces2500
Zucchini100 g1200
Carrot1 PC4000
Sea ​​buckthorn100g3500
dried peaches5 pieces2800
Tomato1 PC300
dried plum10 pieces1700
raw potatoes1 PC5000
Persimmon1 PC3600
Modified: 06/26/2019

Hello my curious friends. Do you have retinol in your diet - aka vitamin A? This is an incredibly useful element, and I intend to convince you of this today.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble element that belongs to a group of substances called retinoids. It plays a key role in maintaining healthy vision, nervous system function, and healthy skin. Like all antioxidants, this element is involved in reducing inflammation by fighting free radicals.

Knowing what vitamin A is useful for, you can save yourself from the development of many serious diseases. This element takes part in the following processes:

  • Forms a special pigment in the retina - rhodopsin. Thanks to this substance, the eyes are receptive to light signals. If there is a sufficient amount of rhodopsin in the body, the adaptation of the eyes to lighting occurs quickly.
  • Increases the production of proteins in cartilage and joint tissues, which ensures their renewal and growth. This is why vitamin A is so important for a young, growing body.
  • Ensures the normal condition of the mucous membranes of the bronchi and nose. Thanks to this, the intestines, lungs, and stomach are protected from infections.
  • Strengthens the work of the sympathetic-adrenal system of the body. The essence of this function is as follows - after foreign bodies enter the body, the adrenal glands produce adrenaline. If retinol enters the body in sufficient quantities, it contributes to the production of a large amount of adrenaline.
  • Provides strength to the fibers of the dermis. The condition of the cover depends on the elasticity of such fibers, therefore vitamin A is simply necessary for the skin of the face.

In cosmetology, vitamin is also used for acne. It is also important for hair and eyelashes. This element strengthens hair follicles and accelerates hair growth.

Deficiency symptoms

People with fat malabsorption are very susceptible to developing vitamin deficiencies. The most common health problems that cause element A malabsorption include gluten sensitivity. This also includes leaky gut syndrome, autoimmune reactions, inflammatory bowel disease, etc.

Element A deficiency has become a public health problem in more than half of all countries in the world. This problem is especially prevalent in Africa and Southeast Asia. It primarily affects young children and pregnant women in low-income countries.

The following signs indicate a lack of vitamin A in the body:

  • Premature skin aging. Peeling and follicular thickening of the skin is observed. Keratinization of the dermis occurs when the epithelial cells lose moisture and become hard and dry. Such phenomena can occur on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, urinary tract, etc.
  • Vision is impaired. Moreover, this problem can have different aspects of manifestation. One of them is xerophthalmia or dry eye. Another manifestation is keratomalacia or corneal melting. In addition, conjunctivitis may occur. Lack of retinol can lead to the development of "night blindness".

  • Hair becomes brittle and dull. Lack of retinol in the body leads to the appearance of early gray hair.
  • Slows down nail growth. They start to peel and break.
  • Respiratory infections. This happens because the body's immunity is weak due to a lack of vitamin A.

What is Vitamin A

It is found in two different types: active and beta-carotene. The active form comes from animal products and is called retinol. It is directly used by our body.

Another type that we get from fruits and vegetables, in the form of "provitamin A", is called a carotenoid. These substances are converted into retinol after food enters the body. For example, a type of carotenoid such as beta-carotene must first be converted to its active A form in order to be absorbed by the body.

Research has repeatedly shown that retinol, as an antioxidant, is very important for good health. Nutrition experts recommend getting most of your vitamins from food. Eggs, milk, liver, carrots, yellow or orange vegetables are common foods high in vitamin A. Foods rich in vitamin A are shown in the table below. The percentage is given at a consumption rate of 900 mcg.

Remember that retinol is heat resistant. However, when cooking, dousing with boiling water and canning, about 15-30% of vitamin A is still lost.

This element is also destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet rays. And oxygen reduces its content in the product. Therefore, prolonged storage of food in the air leads to a partial loss of retinol.

Instructions for use

The daily requirement of vitamin A depends on age and gender. Below I have painted the data with the official dosage adopted in Russia.

For children:

For adults:

Most people get enough of the vitamin from their diet. But if you're diagnosed with a deficiency, your doctor may recommend additional supplements. You can buy such a drug at a pharmacy. Liquid Aevit is sold here, in capsules and ampoules. In addition, the pharmacy has Retinol Acetate and Retinol Palmitate on sale. The price depends on the form of release and dosage.

The formula of the drug is somewhat different. Therefore, a doctor should select a pharmacy supplement and describe how to take it. He will also tell you the name of the drug that is optimal in your case. The doctor knows better how to take the drug correctly so as not to harm health.

An additional amount of vitamin A is needed for:

  • strong physical activity;
  • after x-ray exposure;
  • during the period of intensive growth;
  • in too hot climates;
  • due to a long stay in front of a computer or TV;
  • excessive stress, etc.

Side effects - overdose

High doses of element A can actually do more harm than good. Excessive consumption of additional supplements can lead to jaundice, nausea, loss of appetite, irritability, vomiting, and baldness. Overdose is rare, but still. If you are considering taking vitamin A supplements, be sure to consult your doctor.

If you are using supplements that contain vitamin A, look at the amount of the element per dose. And make sure it is suitable for your gender and age.

Symptoms of a vitamin A overdose are dry skin, joint pain, vomiting, headaches, and confusion. Due to the increase in intracranial pressure, a severe headache can be observed, and even confusion can occur. In addition, there may be a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

Health Benefits of Vitamin A

This element is very important for the full functioning of individual organs and systems. It also helps prevent the development of certain diseases.

Moreover, retinol protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. This slows down the aging process and maintains elasticity for a long period of time. Retinol also protects the skin from aggressive UV exposure. It evens out the complexion, fights inflammation, smoothes wrinkles. Therefore, this vitamin is extremely important for the face.

Interaction with other drugs

Retinol has "friends" and "enemies". Knowing them by sight, you can prevent the deficiency of this element. Thus, a lack of vitamin E impairs the absorption of retinol. Therefore, a balanced intake of these two components is important.

Bad for the body and zinc deficiency. This situation complicates the conversion of vitamin A to its active form.

Mineral oils dissolve fat-soluble substances. Retinol is one of these. With the constant intake of mineral oils, vitamin A, passing through the intestines, is simply not absorbed. Therefore, the body is deficient in this element.

Vitamin A supplements may interact with some birth control pills, blood thinners (such as coumadin or warfarin). Acne medications (such as Accutane) and drugs used in the treatment of cancer have a detrimental effect on retinol.

Do not take retinol and alcohol at the same time. Such a duet will kill your liver. Cholesterol-lowering drugs and vitamin A should not be taken at the same time. Because they are incompatible and this can interfere with the absorption of retinol.

With prolonged use of tetracyclines and vitamin A, hypertension develops. Therefore, such a duet is dangerous. The combination of retinol + glucocorticoids is fraught with antagonism.

I'm sure that today's article helped you look at vitamin A in a different way. It turns out that so much depends on this element. Therefore, they cannot be neglected.

Everyone knows that the benefits of vitamin A for the whole body are very large. Therefore, it is important to consume the required amount of products containing it daily, while taking into account the rules of cooking and storage for better absorption of the vitamin.

According to its composition, vitamin A is classified into substances similar in composition - retinoids and carotenoids, and can be of different origin. The most common and useful substances are retinol and beta-carotene. The first can be obtained from animal products such as meat, liver, eggs, butter and milk, and the second is rich in vegetables and fruits, especially bright colors.

    Retinol is a vitamin of group A, has a high biological activity, therefore it is of great value in human nutrition.

    Beta-carotene, when it enters the body, breaks down into two molecules and gives pure vitamin A, the rest accumulates in the body and remains unchanged for a long time in the form of a carotenoid, which provides a temporary reserve, and if necessary, beta-carotene again produces vitamin A.

What effect does vitamin A have on the body?

The group of vitamins A plays an invaluable role for the whole organism. It improves the functioning of the organs of vision, strengthens bone tissues and the skeleton, improves the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, promotes the formation of mammary glands, improves metabolism, prevents the occurrence of cancer cells, promotes skin rejuvenation, improves thyroid function, strengthens the immune system, improves hair condition and nails and more. And these are only its main properties, it is possible to list everything for a very long time. Therefore, the daily intake of vitamin A in the diet is necessary for everyone, and especially for people who often suffer from colds and flu, eating disorders, have poor eyesight, as well as with great physical and mental stress, especially children, pregnant and lactating women, athletes.

How much vitamin A should I take per day

The daily average daily intake of vitamin A in the diet for an adult healthy person is 5000 IU, which is 1.5 mg. However, this amount should be adjusted based on a number of characteristics of the organism. It is important to take into account gender, body weight, age, and the presence of diseases. For pregnant and lactating women, vitamin A intake is recommended slightly above the standard norm. For children, the norm is reduced to 800 micrograms.

When using synthetic vitamins, you must follow the instructions where the dose has already been adjusted. Or you should take into account the recommendations of the doctor who prescribed you an individual rate for certain reasons.

What is the danger of vitamin A deficiency in the body

With a lack of vitamin A in the human body, many problems arise:

    vision is reduced, conjunctivitis appears, in some cases the so-called “night blindness” may occur when a person loses the ability to see in low light. In addition, the mucous membrane of the eye dries up, as a result of which pus and mucus accumulate in the corners of the eyes, tearfulness increases, vision becomes clouded;

    there is a drying of the skin, which provokes its accelerated aging;

    hair and scalp dry out, dandruff, seborrhea appear;

    tooth enamel loses its strength, begins to collapse, caries develops;

    the entire digestive system suffers;

    a person is more likely to suffer from colds and infectious diseases, it is more difficult to endure them;

    there is insomnia, lack of sleep, exhaustion, general fatigue of the body.

    for women, a lack of vitamin A is fraught with diseases of the reproductive organs;

    In men, potency decreases.

What causes vitamin A deficiency

Improper, malnutrition, frequent diets, diseases of the digestive system contribute to the development of beriberi, in particular, a lack of vitamin A. Also, vitamin A is not absorbed by the body without vitamin E (without it, retinol is rapidly oxidized in the human body). Therefore, you need to use these two vitamins in combination.

However, not only a deficiency of vitamin A, but also its excess has a negative effect on the body.

In this case, a number of negative consequences for the body can be observed, namely:

    the liver and spleen may increase in size;

    there are violations in the functions of the digestive system;

    excessive hair loss occurs, dandruff, seborrhea appears, nails exfoliate and become brittle;

    pigment spots may appear on the skin;

    often an excess of vitamin A is accompanied by nausea;

    failures occur in the female menstrual cycle.

However, it is quite difficult to achieve a supersaturation of the body with vitamin A. This is mainly due to the excessive consumption of synthetic multivitamins. When consuming a large amount of natural products that are rich in the content of vitamins of group A, as a rule, there is no excess. But do not forget that it is absolutely impossible to eat one product for a long time, this can lead to serious irreparable consequences. And if symptoms of an overdose are detected, you should immediately stop consuming foods rich in vitamin A, replacing them with foods rich in vitamin C.

What foods contain vitamin A

Group A vitamins are found in plant and animal products. The largest amount of retinol contains fruits and vegetables that have a bright orange or green color. Vitamin A is rich in liver, butter, bird eggs, fish oil, dairy products. Also, a large percentage of beta-carotene is also found in hawthorn and dandelions. For better absorption of vitamin A by the body, the presence of fat in small doses is necessary. This is necessary in order for the production of gastric juice, which provides the synthesis of ready-made vitamin A, to take place. Tocopherol and choline are also needed for the processing of this group of vitamins. That is why it is recommended to use a small amount of sour cream, vegetable or olive oil as a dressing for vegetable salads.

Interaction of vitamin A with other vitamins and drugs

For better absorption of this group of vitamins, it is recommended to take vitamin E, B, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc together.

Today in pharmacies you can see a wide variety of complex vitamins. However, not all of them contain the optimal ratio of trace elements, so their choice should be treated very carefully. You should also not abuse their use, strictly follow the instructions and drink only when necessary, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

IMPORTANT! When taking vitamin A, try to avoid alcohol, as their interaction can cause disturbances in the functioning of the liver, as well as lead to its serious diseases. In addition, when using any vitamin, including group A, you should not use laxatives, as they reduce their absorption (with the exception of herbal laxatives).

How to get better absorption of vitamin A

In order to get the maximum benefit from the consumption of products, you must follow a few rules for their storage and preparation. We already know what vitamin A contains, now let's talk about what is better to do with them.

    In order for beta-carotene to be better absorbed by the body, vegetables are recommended to be boiled or finely chopped. But this rule is not suitable for all products, for example, when cabbage is cooked, the benefits of vitamin A are reduced, so it will be more useful to use it raw.

    The sun's rays and oxygen contribute to the destruction of vitamin A, so it is not recommended to store food in an open place under direct sunlight.

    The benefits of vitamin A will be greater if you cook foods containing beta-carotene and tocopherol together.

    Best steamed or grilled.

    The amount of retinol in milk depends on the season. In spring and summer, it is much more, since only natural fresh herbs are used in feeding cows, artificial additives are used very rarely.

    Fruits are best to choose bright red or orange colors, they contain the highest amount of vitamin A.

Good nutrition provides health to the whole body, improves well-being and mood. It also makes it possible to avoid many diseases and ailments. Therefore, it is important to properly adjust your daily diet and consume all foods in sufficient quantities.

Undoubtedly, it is best to consume not synthetic vitamins, but to get them in natural foods in the diet.

Table of vitamin A content in foods

You can follow this with the help of a special table.

Percent Daily Need

Fish oil (from cod liver)

beef liver

Cod liver (canned)

Rowan red

Parsley (greens)

Egg powder

Chicken egg yolk

Celery (greens)

Dill (greens)

Spinach (greens)

Ghee butter

Sweet butter, unsalted

Caviar black granular

Dandelion leaves (green)

quail egg

Red granular caviar


Rose hip

Sorrel (greens)


Cream powder 42%

carrot juice

Watercress (greens)

cilantro (greens)

Green onion (feather)


Cheese "Camembert"

Cheese "Swiss" 50%

Leaf lettuce (greens)

Cheese "Russian" 50%

Cheese "Roquefort" 50%

Cheese "Cheddar" 50%

Cream 35%

Basil (green)

Chicken egg

Cheese "Poshekhonsky" 45%

Sour cream 30%

Sea ​​buckthorn

Sweet pepper (Bulgarian)

Beef kidneys

Cheese "Dutch" 45%

Cheese "Adyghe"

Cheese "Parmesan"

Rowan chokeberry

Sour cream 25%


Cheese (from cow's milk)

Gouda cheese

Processed cheese "Russian"

Cream 20%

Sour cream 20%

Cream 25%

Processed cheese "Sausage"

Milk powder 25%


Milk powder 15%

Tomato (tomato)

Butter cookies

Sulguni cheese"

Chees Feta"

Condensed cream with sugar 19%

Curd 18% (fatty)

Sour cream 15%

ice cream ice cream

Asparagus (greens)

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