Gas injections (for the back, joints, face) – indications and contraindications; where is it done and is it possible to carry out the procedure at home? Gas injections (carboxytherapy) - a well-advertised procedure or a breakthrough in cosmetology. Injections with carbon dioxide.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Poor ecology, poor nutrition, and aging of the body lead to the fact that blood vessels transport oxygen to cells and tissues worse. This leads to oxygen starvation of the body. Gas injections can help, although at first glance this method can only aggravate the situation. Gas injections or carboxytherapy is the injection of carbon dioxide under the skin. It would seem that if there is a lack of oxygen, it is necessary to enrich the body with it, but the principle “knocks out a wedge with a wedge” works here. This method is effective for treating many diseases of the back and joints, and it is even more widely used in cosmetology.

How is the carboxytherapy procedure performed?

The essence of the carboxytherapy technique is the precise injection of portions of carbon dioxide under the skin. The procedure uses a medical gun and a thin disposable needle, through which carbon dioxide is supplied. Gas injections can be administered into the joints and tissues of the back. This treatment with gas injections is widely popular in sanatoriums in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and appeared relatively recently in Russia.

Despite the simplicity of the procedure at first glance, it should only be carried out by a professional; of course, giving injections to yourself at home is out of the question. The injection volume must be clearly dosed, in accordance with the instructions, and the injection itself must be carried out at certain points.

What is the effectiveness of the carboxytherapy procedure?

Natural carbon dioxide has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces swelling. When we introduce portions of carbon dioxide into the body, we increase the oxygen starvation of the body artificially. This leads to the following:

  • The body begins to work at an accelerated pace, namely, more intense blood circulation occurs at the injection site, metabolic processes in tissues proceed faster, and accumulated toxins are independently removed from the body.
  • After introducing a portion of the gas, it acts for half an hour, after which it is eliminated from the body through the lungs and kidneys.
  • After the gas leaves the body, its active work does not stop: oxygen actively approaches tissues and cells, fats are broken down, collagen fibers are actively produced in tissues.

Gas injections or carboxytherapy are considered a very effective method of rejuvenating the body. When treating joints in this way, pain is relieved and their mobility is increased.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

  • diseases of the spine and joints;
  • chronic pain syndromes;
  • decrease in skin turgor;
  • the appearance of wrinkles;
  • aesthetic imperfections of the skin, such as vascular patterns, pigmentation, acne and post-acne;
  • stretch marks, cellulite, fatty tissue deposits in certain places;
  • uneven skin color, changes in its relief;
  • hair loss, dry scalp.

Contraindications for carboxytherapy are as follows:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • heart diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • recent heart attack.

Gas injections in cosmetology

Carboxytherapy is widely used in cosmetology and has numerous positive reviews. Most often it is used for skin rejuvenation. Activation of blood circulation in tissues stimulates the production of collagen, which ensures its elasticity and firmness. This helps smooth out wrinkles and improve the sagging appearance of the skin, so gas injections can be considered a worthy competitor.

Down with stretch marks! Gas injections in action

The problem of stretch marks and stretch marks is very relevant for most women over thirty years of age. Many young mothers also dream of getting rid of this skin defect. Unfortunately, there are very few effective methods to combat stretch marks and they are very expensive. Carboxytherapy and carbon dioxide injections can solve this problem. To achieve a good effect, you will need at least 8 procedures of gas injections, costing from 2000 rubles. The scheme is as follows:

  1. The patient is placed on the couch in a supine position.
  2. The areas of skin where injections will be carried out are treated step by step with a disinfectant.
  3. The specialist gradually introduces injections under the patient’s skin to a depth of 5-6 mm.
  4. When blood appears at the injection site, the wound is covered with a plaster.

This method is universal; it can be performed on patients with any skin type at any age. The effect is that carbon dioxide restores the collagen matrix, damage to which is the root cause of stretch marks and stretch marks. For greater effectiveness, cosmetologists recommend combining carbon dioxide injections with chemical peels.

Gas injections against hair loss

The carboxytherapy procedure can be carried out on any part of the body; this allows using gas injections to solve the problem of hair loss. When gas is introduced, blood circulation increases, which leads to increased growth of hair follicles. To achieve the effect, it may take from 3 to 8 procedures. The injection is carried out with shallow penetration, only 1-2 mm. Gas injections can be compared to, but not a special cocktail is injected, but CO2. This method is highly effective and, importantly, it is painless. The cost of one procedure is about 1,500 rubles.

Getting rid of the “orange peel” thanks to carbon dioxide

Gas injections can solve the problem of sagging skin and help you say goodbye to the hated cellulite. Injections are carried out to a sufficiently large depth, which is determined by a specialist based on the severity of the problem. The depth of needle insertion can be from 3 to 10 mm. The method helps improve lymphatic drainage and the outflow of cellular breakdown products. The price of the procedure is from 1500 rubles.

Carboxytherapy – treatment with carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide). Carboxytherapy is used in the form of carbon dioxide injections, dry general baths, and gels applied to the skin.

From balneotherapy to modern carboxytherapy

The healing properties of natural carbon dioxide mineral waters were mentioned by the ancient Romans, but balneotherapy (treatment with mineral waters) was most widely developed in the 19th century, when the composition of Carlsbad mineral waters was established. In the mid-19th century, doctors noted the good effect of carbon dioxide baths for cardiovascular diseases, but they believed that it was not carbon dioxide that had a therapeutic effect, but salts dissolved in water.

Dry carbon dioxide baths began to be used at the end of the 18th century in Western and Eastern Europe - these procedures used natural gas coming out of the ground, and at the end of the 19th century such procedures became available in Russia - in Kislovodsk.

And only at the end of the last century, with the advent of installations capable of creating the necessary concentration of carbon dioxide in a certain volume, it became possible to use dry baths to treat patients far from natural sources. General dry baths are still used in non-invasive carboxytherapy.

Injections of carbon dioxide (pneumopuncture) into soft tissues were first used in France in the thirties of the last century - this method of treatment then acquired the name “carboxytherapy”. In Russia, pneumopuncture began to be used only in the last few years.

Impact on the body

When carbon dioxide enters the tissues of the body, it lowers their pH (making the environment more acidic), as a result of which oxygen begins to be released from hemoglobin. A seemingly paradoxical effect appears: saturation of tissues with carbon dioxide leads to an increased (several times) supply of oxygen.

When pH decreases to certain values, the permeability of capillary walls and the flexibility of collagen fibers, which give elasticity to the skin, ligaments, and tendons, increase. Then, as a result of subsequent reactions, the pH becomes alkaline, which leads to relief of spasm and pain.

Carboxytherapy has a beneficial effect on the body:

Indications and contraindications

The effects described above lead to the following indications:

Carboxytherapy has also been successfully used to prepare for and recover from sports competitions.


  • oncological diseases (benign and malignant tumors);
  • severe cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, liver failure;
  • severe hypertension;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • bronchiectasis, inflammation of the lungs and bronchi;
  • neuroses with signs of vegetative excitation;
  • severe menopause;
  • pregnancy.

Carboxytherapy is not carried out for acute infections, inflammations and exacerbations of any disease. Provided all rules are followed, treatment is safe.

Types of carboxytherapy

Carboxytherapy can be invasive or non-invasive. Invasive carboxytherapy involves injections of carbon dioxide, non-invasive (non-injection) – dry baths and local external treatment (applying gel to the skin).

Purified gas is used for treatment; disposable needles are used for injections. After the procedure performed by any method, the patient can immediately return to his business.


Gas injections are especially effective for back and joint pain. This method involves injecting hydrocarbon dioxide into painfully contracted muscles. The injections are quite painful, but for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, carboxytherapy gives a better effect than dry baths.

Carboxytherapy relieves pain, allowing you to reduce the dose of analgesics or eliminate them altogether, and increases mobility. In addition, treatment with carbon dioxide, especially if you take regular preventive courses, reduces the likelihood of complications and prevents relapses.

The result is often observed after just one or two procedures. The treatment course consists of approximately ten procedures: the first three are carried out every second day, the rest - at intervals of three days.

Invasive carboxytherapy is also prescribed for patients with cerebrovascular accidents (injections in the collar area), for the correction of cosmetic defects (scars, scars, stretch marks) of the body skin, and for men with erectile dysfunction.

How does the procedure work?

Preliminary preparation for the procedure is not required, however, an examination should be conducted in advance to identify indications and possible contraindications and limitations to treatment.

To minimize discomfort and the likelihood of complications, injections are performed using a special gun with a very thin needle. However, minor capillary bleeding is sometimes observed at the injection site, after which bruising may occur. This condition is not a complication, it does not require treatment and goes away quickly.

Dry carbon dioxide baths

Dry baths are indicated for internal and neurological diseases, diseases of the female reproductive system.

Non-invasive carboxytherapy has advantages over balneological treatment with mineral water:

  • has fewer contraindications;
  • may take place away from the resort.

Local baths can be used to treat vascular pathologies of the extremities.

How does the procedure work?

Shared bath session:

  • the patient is located in a comfortable position in a special sealed box, while the head remains outside;
  • heated carbon dioxide is supplied to the box;
  • the patient takes a dry bath for 10-20 minutes.

No preliminary preparation is required. To consolidate the results after the bath, it is recommended to warm up and walk.

Gel treatment

External gel treatment is indicated for facial skin rejuvenation. This method of treatment may be inferior to the invasive method in the speed of manifestation of the effect, but there are no painful injections, there is no risk of hematoma and swelling, and the result lasts longer.

Carboxytherapy with gel masks allows you to achieve:

In addition, treatment with a gel mask can reduce or completely eliminate spider veins on the face.

How does the procedure work?

You can carry out the procedures at home.

  • facial skin is thoroughly cleansed;
  • Gel is applied to the skin;
  • a mask is placed on top, which activates the release of carbon from the gel and does not allow the gas to evaporate;
  • the mask is kept for half an hour;
  • the gel is thoroughly washed off;
  • cream is applied to the face.

Applying the mask is accompanied by the hissing of the released gas. The procedure is not very pleasant, as it may be accompanied by burning of the skin under the mask. After the procedure, redness of the skin may be observed, which goes away within a day. For treatment, you need to carry out approximately 8-10 procedures at intervals of 3-7 days. For prevention, five procedures with a seven-day interval are sufficient.

Where can you get treatment in Moscow?

Approximate price of one treatment session in Moscow:

  • injection carboxytherapy of the spine and joints – 1000-1800 rubles;
  • injection aesthetic carboxytherapy – 1000-2000 rubles;
  • dry bath – 700-1000 rubles.

Medical centers:

  1. Health and Beauty Center “Easy Breathing”, st. Kostyakova, 10. Injection treatment of the musculoskeletal system and the solution of aesthetic problems are carried out. When purchasing a course of treatment, a 10-15% discount is provided. Discounts and bonuses for regular customers.
  2. FSBI "Endocrinological Research Center", st. Moskvorechye, 1. Dry carbon dioxide baths. Highly qualified specialists, modern equipment.

Before treatment, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination - carboxytherapy is a safe procedure if carried out strictly according to indications. Before using the mask yourself at home, you should also consult a doctor.

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An innovative procedure for the treatment of spinal diseases, carboxytherapy

Diseases of the back and joints, chronic or in the acute stage, are always accompanied by severe pain and limited mobility caused by pinched nerve roots and muscle spasms.

A new unique technique of carboxytherapy, or gas injections, allows you to relieve discomfort and feel noticeable relief after the first procedure.

What is the essence of the procedure

Already from the name you can understand that carbon dioxide is used to carry out the procedure.

It is this substance that is injected pointwise into the spasming muscles using a special device. What happens in the body?

The intake of carbon dioxide is perceived as hypoxia - that is, a lack of oxygen, and therefore a lack of nutrients for such vital processes as hematopoiesis and protein synthesis in muscles.

The body throws all its resources to the problem area - to the site of microinjection of carbon dioxide - capillaries expand, blood flow increases, metabolism accelerates.

In other words, the body begins to work harder. As a result, pain is naturally relieved and spasm goes away, and the functioning of the immune and metabolic systems is stimulated.

Within five minutes, carbon dioxide is eliminated through the lungs and kidneys, but oxygen remains in the cells and continues to work.

The effect can be compared with the effect of yoga or breathing exercises using the Buteyko method, when holding your breath and then inhaling causes a powerful surge of oxygen to the tissues.

Implementation history

During the rehabilitation period after treatment of almost all diseases - including the musculoskeletal system - trips to the resort were always recommended.

The Czech Karlovy Vary, Marjanske and Franciskovy Lazne have been a favorite place for recuperation and simply healthy recreation for Russians for more than one century.

It offers something that is not available anywhere else in the world: clean air, unique mineral waters, healing mud - and carboxytherapy as well.

It was in the Karlovy Vary sanatorium that this procedure was first introduced, and soon gained wide popularity throughout Europe.

Today, pneumopuncture is also used for cosmetic purposes - to eliminate scars, scars, stretch marks and cellulite deposits, for the purpose of rejuvenation, increasing facial skin turgor, eliminating bags and circles under the eyes, flabby cheeks and chin.

Not so long ago it was introduced into Russia.

What devices are used to produce

Some patients are afraid of the procedure because they suffer from injection phobia.

In this case, fears are completely unnecessary - no one will prick the patient dozens of times with a needle in the most painful places on the body.

The pneumopuncture procedure is performed using a special device - a medical pistol. Clinics in Russia mainly use devices made in Europe - French or German.

Purified medical carbon dioxide is injected into the gun tank - you can always ask to see the relevant quality control and compliance certificates.

Indications and contraindications for gas injections

Pneumopuncture is indicated for:

  • acute and chronic diseases of the spine and joints associated with degenerative tissue changes: osteochondrosis, arthritis, intervertebral hernia, etc.;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • constant pain of various origins;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • defects in appearance - scars, wrinkles, stretch marks, sagging skin, etc.

The video shows non-injection carboxytherapy, which is used in cosmetology:

Osteochondrosis is a pathology of the spine caused by both age-related changes in the body and other external factors, which is characterized by changes in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs with the subsequent formation of hard bone growths - osteophytes.

The growths put pressure on neighboring tissues, pinching muscles and nerves, thereby causing inflammation, severe pain and impaired mobility.

Judging by the reviews of satisfied patients with osteochondrosis, carboxytherapy is especially effective, as it stimulates blood flow to the problem area, restores metabolism (and therefore prevents further salt deposits in the tissues) and cartilage tissue naturally.

In case of spinal hernia, gas injections also give quick and long-lasting results.

As practice shows, surgical removal of a hernia is ineffective - sooner or later protrusion will occur in another area if the main problem causing deformation of the intervertebral disc with subsequent pinched nerves is not resolved, rupture of the fibrous ring and leakage of fluid from the spinal canal.

And this, again, is insufficient nutrition of tissues and metabolic disorders. Carbon dioxide injections will not only quickly relieve pain and calm inflamed nerves, but also stabilize processes in the body, preventing further development of the disease and possible complications.

Since carbon dioxide participates in the natural metabolic processes of the human body, it cannot harm it.

The procedure has almost no serious contraindications. Caution should be exercised in the following cases:

  • pregnancy - blood flow can trigger premature contractions;
  • acute stage of any disease, especially the cardiovascular system.

Otherwise, the procedure is completely harmless and painless.

How are gas injections done?

First, the patient is examined - only the doctor can determine at which points carbon dioxide should be injected.

  • the patient changes into a hospital tunic and sits or lies down on the couch;
  • the doctor disinfects the areas of skin where injections will be made;
  • the required amount of substance is injected into the gun reservoir, a sterile needle with a very small diameter is put on;
  • micro-injections are performed - quickly and painlessly.

Small wounds with sensitive skin and capillaries located close to the surface may bleed a little - then seal them with pieces of plaster.

If you lightly press on the skin at the injection site, you can hear a slight click - this is the gas dissolving.

As a rule, no ailments or side effects occur.

The patient feels better after the first session; the full course of treatment lasts on average from 3 to 10 procedures, depending on the severity of the disease, age and general well-being of the patient. One course of treatment is enough for six months.

If necessary, preventive sessions can be performed once a month.

Carboxytherapy for osteochondrosis.

Diseases of the spine or joints are not uncommon for modern people. This is due to a passive lifestyle, excessive physical activity, improper diet, genetics, etc. Such diseases provoke severe pain, limited mobility as a result of pinched nerve roots or muscle spasms. In the absence of competent therapy, a person can even become disabled.

Modern medicine offers a new method of treating vertebral or joint pathologies - carboxytherapy, gas injections (pneumopuncture). This procedure allows you to improve the patient's condition after the first session. But before using the technique, you need to know about its indications, contraindications and features.

The essence of the method

Degenerative-dystrophic changes in cartilage tissue and vertebrae provoke pain. Typically, pathological changes occur due to hypoxia (lack of oxygen), as well as a deficiency of nutrients in tissues due to excessive stress or metabolic disorders. As a result, the muscles become denser, tense, spasms and painful sensations occur.

Pneumopuncture for the back and joints is a new treatment method using carbon dioxide. During the procedure, the doctor injects a substance into the joints or muscles of the back near the spine using a special device. After the injection, capillaries expand, blood flow increases, and metabolism accelerates.

Reference. Even after the first session of carboxytherapy, the functionality of the body increases, cells and tissues are saturated with nutrients, pain and spasm disappear, and immune defense is activated.

Weakened cartilage, blood vessels, and nerve processes are supplied with oxygen, and the symptoms of degenerative disorders become less pronounced. After the procedure, the development of pathology slows down.

Gas injections are most often not dangerous to health, since a minimal amount of carbon dioxide is introduced into the body. In addition, the substance is eliminated within 5 to 10 minutes.

Carboxytherapy is carried out using a medical gun. Many domestic clinics use devices that are made in France or Germany.

This device is equipped with a reservoir that is designed to introduce carbon dioxide. Don’t worry, a purified substance is used during the session, which is confirmed by quality certificates.

Mechanism of action

Carbon dioxide is supplied through injections into certain areas of the skin or muscle. After the procedure, the blood condition improves. This is a natural phenomenon, since carbon dioxide is produced in the body, it stimulates all organs and tissues through the blood. But as we age, all processes slow down and the amount of the substance in the body decreases. Because of this, the space of the blood vessels narrows and its throughput is impaired.

After carboxytherapy, blood circulation increases, the affected areas are saturated with useful substances, so their functionality is gradually restored

After the injection, the body is in a state of stress, and hypoxia intensifies. The lumen of the vessels expands, blood circulation is stimulated, after which oxygen begins to be actively released and saturate the tissues. According to studies, the level of useful gas after the procedure increases by 3 times or more.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, injections are made into the most affected areas. CO² is removed from the body, and oxygen continues to work.

Pneumopuncture is used for diseases of the spine and joints, then CO² is injected into the muscles that surround the affected vertebrae or joints.

Reference. Pathologies of the spinal column are the most dangerous, since if its functioning is disrupted, many organs suffer. Severe pain occurs when its nerve endings are pinched, surrounding muscles spasm, and tissue is pinched. These disorders can be eliminated with gas injections.

Effect of the procedure

Doctors and patients notice positive changes after carboxytherapy sessions:

  • Blood circulation increases in the affected areas.
  • Swelling disappears, the pressure of the vertebrae on the nerve endings decreases.
  • Cerebral circulation disorders and dizziness weaken or disappear.
  • The outflow of lymphatic fluid improves.
  • The functionality of the damaged segments of the spine is restored.
  • The risk of further development of vertebral or joint pathologies is reduced.
  • The activity of the spinal cord is restored.
  • The cartilage layer is saturated with nutrients, and the regeneration of damaged tissue is accelerated.
  • Spasms disappear, as well as pain in muscles and ligaments.
  • The inflammatory process is reduced.
  • Signs of meteopathy (meteosensitivity) are relieved.
  • Headaches caused by diseases of the cervical spine disappear.
  • The functioning of the nervous system improves and sleep improves.
  • Venous blood flow is restored.
  • The breakdown of fats accelerates.
  • Metabolic processes are stimulated, the body is cleansed of waste and toxins.
  • The body begins to produce collagen.
  • The body's defenses are strengthened.

As you can see, carboxytherapy is beneficial not only for joints, but also for the whole body.

Reference. Gas injections demonstrate anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, rejuvenating, and restorative effects.

During the procedure, no chemicals are used that can irritate tissues. As reviews say, pneumopuncture is safe and effective, and the result can be seen after the first injection. 1 session lasts no longer than 5 – 10 minutes.

After carboxytherapy, the patient can immediately return to normal activities. If the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations, then the likelihood of side effects is zero. At the end of the session, painful sensations in all parts of the spinal column weaken or disappear.

Indications for pneumopuncture

Gas injections are used to treat osteochondrosis at any stage, especially during the weakening of the symptoms of a chronic disease. In severe forms of pathology, which is accompanied by a bulging intervertebral disc or intervertebral herniation, this technique is also effective.

Pneumopuncture is indicated for arthritis

Carboxytherapy is used for the following diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Arthritis.
  • Arthrosis.
  • Rheumatic diseases.
  • Inflammatory or dystrophic lesions of periarticular structures.
  • Constant pain in the muscles or joints.
  • Headache, dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis.
  • Gout.
  • Bone disease due to calcium deficiency.

In addition, pneumopuncture is used in post-operative or post-traumatic periods, for certain diseases of the heart, blood vessels, varicose veins, pathologies of the nervous system, obesity, as well as to eliminate wrinkles and cosmetic defects (stretch marks, scars). Gas injections are effective for diseases of the genital organs.

Precautionary measures

Carbon dioxide is quickly eliminated from the body, so it does not cause any particular harm to the body. However, some restrictions still exist:

  • Post-infarction or post-stroke condition. Due to the acceleration of blood flow, there is a risk of increasing the area of ​​damage in the heart muscle.
  • Epileptic seizures, mental disorders. A seizure may occur after the injection.
  • Angina pectoris (a form of myocardial ischemia, which is accompanied by chest pain).
  • Functional failure of the heart, kidneys or lungs.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Severe form of hypertension. Due to vascular spasm, a hypertensive crisis or stroke may develop.
  • Severe inflammatory processes of tissues or organs. There is a possibility of infection of the area at the injection site and intensification of the pathological process.
  • Period of pregnancy, lactation. There is no evidence that the procedure is safe for the child.
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Simultaneous use of diuretics from the group of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors and anticoagulants. Nasal and menstrual hemorrhages may increase.

An allergic reaction to gas injections is impossible, this is due to the fact that CO² is a natural gas that is produced in the body. The risk of infection is also minimal, since sterile instruments and purified gas are used during the procedure.

Important. After carboxytherapy, you need to protect the injection site from water. In addition, it is prohibited to take a bath or use the sauna. It is also better to avoid tight underwear.

During the procedure, the patient feels a slight burning and cracking sensation under the skin.

According to statistics, negative reactions occur in no more than 10% of patients:

  • Hyperemia, burning, slight tingling, which disappear on their own some time after the session.
  • Swelling that disappears after a few minutes.
  • A slight cracking under the skin at the injection site also goes away quickly.
  • If the medical staff is careless, bruising may occur.

Most often, injections do not cause discomfort.

Procedure steps

First, the doctor conducts a diagnosis to identify all areas that need injections and identify contraindications. The specialist must have a certificate that allows him to conduct pneumopuncture sessions.

To ensure a positive result, injections are administered into the main areas of concentration of nerves and muscles around the affected joint or along the length of the spinal column. It is important to treat all areas suffering from hypoxia.

Progress of carboxytherapy:

  1. The patient puts on a hospital gown, sits on a chair or lies down on a couch.
  2. The areas where carbon dioxide is introduced are treated with an antiseptic solution to avoid infection.
  3. A small amount of carbon dioxide is taken into the tank of the diffuser gun, and a nozzle with a thin disposable needle is put on.
  4. Using the device, mini-injections are made that cause virtually no pain.

The depth of administration, appropriate pressure, and dose of CO² are selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

During the procedure, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation and crackling under the skin (this is how the gas is absorbed). After a few minutes, the discomfort disappears. If a person’s skin is sensitive, small bleeding wounds may appear that need to be covered with a band-aid.

If the patient has a phobia of injections, then he may ask to perform carboxytherapy under local anesthesia.

Patients feel relief after the first session of gas injections

Relief occurs after the first procedure. The duration of the therapeutic course is from 3 to 10 sessions. The decision on the duration of the course is made by the doctor, and he takes into account age, general condition, and severity of the pathology. The effect after 1 course lasts for 12 months. To prevent exacerbation of the disease, the patient must undergo 1 additional session once every 4 weeks.


Pneumopuncture can not be done in all clinics in Russia; this procedure is carried out only in large medical centers in large cities. However, despite this, this area of ​​treatment is actively developing.

The price of 1 session and the entire course depends on the level of the medical institution, equipment, treatment area, and number of procedures. The average cost of processing 1 zone is 950 rubles (5 – 7 sessions).

Important. Choose a clinic whose specialists have extensive experience in carbon dioxide treatment. Refuse the procedure at too low a price, as there is a risk of suffering from the unprofessional actions of an inexperienced doctor.

Treatment methods for back and joint diseases are constantly being developed.

Modern medicine offers its clients innovative procedures that allow them to get rid of existing back problems in the most painless and effective ways.

So Carboxytherapy has become a good remedy today– gas injections for the back and joints, which allow you to improve the patient’s condition in a short period of time without surgery.

Carboxytherapy – gas injections for the back and joints. What is this procedure and what is its effect?

Carboxytherapy, or gas injections into the back and joints, is also called pneumopuncture by medical staff.

It consists in the fact that carbon dioxide is injected under the patient’s skin using a targeted method.

It is important to understand! Injections are made into the tissue of the back or joints, but not into the depths of the joint or spine. Accordingly, gas injections for the back are practically painless.

Previously, such gas injections were used only in foreign sanatoriums to strengthen the back, spine and joints. Only recently has carboxytherapy begun to be used in Russia.

During carboxytherapy, a certain gas, carbon dioxide, is introduced into the tissue through an injection, which has a positive effect on the restoration of bones, vertebrae and joints after various diseases and injuries.

For such purposes, special, medical carbon dioxide is used. Its peculiarity lies in an additional, special cleaning system.

This gas is produced by pharmaceutical companies and has all the necessary certificates of quality and safety for the body as a whole.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Among the main advantages of gas injections are the following factors:

The disadvantages include:

  • There is a categorical ban on the use of this method during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Here doctors relieve severe pain using standard methods;
  • Doctors say that after the procedure, a small tumor may form at the site of gas injection. This occurs due to the accumulation of a large amount of substance in one place; after the gas is absorbed, the swelling will go away;
  • Not all modern clinics use this technique, despite its advantages and popularity.

What effect do gas injections have on the back and joints?

The main purposes for which this method of treatment and rehabilitation is used:

If we talk about the back in general, then such injections allow a person to quickly regain their usual mobility after long-term treatment of osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, dislocations and fractures.

Due to the effect of carbon dioxide, blood circulation in tissues becomes much better Moreover, due to increased blood circulation, the condition of local vessels also improves.

Due to the additional saturation of tissue vessels, joints and spinal elements with oxygen, blood flow improves.

The effect of gas on the body and joints occurs gradually, after it is absorbed. This carbon dioxide has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and its elements.

Good to know! During the movement of the joints near which the injection is made, carbon dioxide is absorbed much faster and begins to affect the tissue.

Thanks to a one-time, large concentration of carbon dioxide in one place of the human body, the body’s immunity directs all its resources there, to the painful place.

This is why doctors say that gas injections (carboxytherapy) in the back or joints is a safe method, because in this case, recovery and rehabilitation occurs naturally, without the use of third-party chemicals, medications, ointments, gels and painful procedures.

What devices are used to perform carboxytherapy?

Carboxytherapy, gas injections in the back and joints, involves the use of a special, medical pistol.

This is not a standard injection syringe, but a carefully designed device that allows you to draw up and correctly inject gas into tissues.

The manufacturer of this device is a French company for the development and production of complex medical equipment.

With the help of such a gun, gas is introduced very precisely, accurately and purposefully into certain areas of tissue around problem vertebrae or joints.

How are gas injections done?

Pneumopuncture or gas injections are performed subcutaneously. Carboxytherapy involves administering a gas injection directly into the tissues surrounding problem areas of the spine or joints.

Thanks to the effects of carbon dioxide, blood circulation in the tissues at the injection site is significantly improved. At the same time, due to increased blood circulation, the condition of local vessels changes for the better.

Carboxytherapy -
Gas injections for the back and joints will help you get rid of pain in the back or other part of the body in a short time.

As a result, good and dilated blood vessels reduce the sensation of pain and discomfort even in the very locations of the vertebrae and joints.

The injections are made with a specially designed pistol, due to which the very moment of puncturing the skin and tissue is practically not felt, and the gas is administered without pain or discomfort.

Before the procedure, the patient is placed on a couch or seated, depending on the place on the body where the injections will be made. The place on the skin where the puncture will be made must be disinfected.

A disposable needle is installed on the medical gun. After one-time use, such a needle is disposed of.

The gun is filled with the amount of gas determined by the doctor. After the injection, the puncture site may bleed a little, this is normal, no need to worry.

Indications for injections

Doctors identify several of the most important indications for which gas injections are a mandatory part of the therapy and rehabilitation period:

Doctors warn! Carboxytherapy (gas injections into the back and blood vessels) does not bring instant relief and pain relief after the first injection. Such injections have a cumulative effect and act gradually.

Accordingly, a decrease in pain will occur after each gas injection until the pain goes away completely. Wherein, the injections have a fairly long-lasting effect, the improvements will last for a very long time.


The list of contraindications to procedures such as carboxytherapy is quite small, but it still exists:

  • Period of exacerbation of rheumatic diseases;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.

Before starting a course of gas injections, the doctor conducts a full survey of the patient Some tests are also taken to check for allergic reactions, chronic diseases, the general condition and well-being of the patient.

Only after these procedures have been carried out, the doctor clearly says whether the patient has any contraindications to carboxytherapy.

Based on the reason for prescribing this procedure, the specialist prescribes the duration of the course and additional medications that may be included in the complex of necessary therapy or rehabilitation.

The average duration of treatment is:

Where can I do carboxytherapy?

Today, carboxytherapy can be performed in private medical centers and rehabilitation institutions in the field of the musculoskeletal system.

However, This method is more common in medical clinics.

Due to the high cost of equipment for gas injections, public hospitals, clinics and medical organizations have not yet adopted this technique as the basis for treating the back and joints.

How much do gas injections for the back and joints cost?

No specialist can give a definite cost for such injections.

The price of carboxytherapy includes several factors:

  • region of the country;
  • equipment used;
  • distance between the equipment supplier and the point of use. After all, it is not possible to buy a specialized syringe for injections in every city, and carbon dioxide in compressed form for injections is not sold in ordinary pharmacies;
  • the number of zones for which this technique is applied. Injections can be made either in one zone or in several at once.

Moreover, a simple medical employee in the treatment room will not be trusted to give such injections.

To correctly and competently introduce gas into tissue, you must undergo mandatory training and education. so that patients do not suffer from illiteracy and uneducated staff.

The average price of such a procedure ranges from 900 rubles to 2000 rubles for one zone. Accordingly, if gas injections are given to several areas of the back at once, the cost of such therapy will range from 1,500 rubles to 5,000 rubles.

The exact price can only be found in that medical institution who carries out such treatment.

Doctors say that with the introduction of the carboxytherapy technique, it has become much easier and more effective to treat serious diseases of the back and joints.

Gas injections allow a person to return to their former joint mobility almost without pain in a very short time, without painful massages, unpleasant acupuncture and taking medications that have a large number of side effects for the entire body as a whole.

This video will show you how carboxytherapy works and how gas injections are given for the back and joints:

From this video you will learn about the carboxytherapy method and its features:

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