Management of verbs with prepositions in German. German Verbs with Prepositions and Cases: Management of German Verbs

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

The control of a verb is the ability of a verb to require the use of words dependent on it in a certain case (with or without a certain preposition).

Management is also characteristic of verbs in other languages, for example, in Russian:

  • wonder (to whom? what?) - the dependent noun is in the dative case,
  • to admire (whom? what?) - instrumental case,
  • hope (for whom? for what?) - accusative case with a preposition.

IN English language Verbs also often require a specific preposition to be learned along with the verb, such as:

hope (for smth.) - hope (for smth.)
insist (on smth.) - insist (on smth.)
rely (on, upon smb.) - trust (smth.), rely (on someone)

Often the control of verbs in German and Russian is the same, and the use of such verbs does not cause difficulties:

sehen j-n (Akk.) - to see someone, something. (vin.)
helfen j-m (Dat.) - to help smb. (dat.)

However, there are a significant number of verbs that do not coincide in control in Russian and German, for example:

sich interessieren fur Akk. - be interested in smth. (creative)
Ich interessiere mich fur Musik. - I'm interested in music.

As can be seen from the example, in Russian the verb "to be interested" requires after itself a noun in the instrumental case without a preposition, and in German - an accusative with a preposition fur (which is most often translated into Russian "for, for").

When controlling a verb, not the most common meaning of the preposition in which it is usually remembered may be realized, so the use of just such a preposition with this verb may seem "illogical" to a non-native speaker. The same German preposition can be translated differently into Russian, and vice versa: arbeiten an D. - work on smth.

teilnehmen an D. - to participate in smth.
denken an A. - to think about smth.

talk about smth. - sprechenüber A.
take care of smth. - sorgen fur A.
dream about smth. - traumen von D.

The most common verbs to manage Special attention, because due to a mismatch with the Russian language, errors occur when they are used:

1. gratulieren + Dat (zu) - the Germans congratulate in the dative case. I congratulate you on your birthday... and so on.

2. anrufen + Akk - to call (with the accusative case!). Literally: I call you \ I will dial you.

3. denken an + Akk \ sich erinnern an + Akk - think about \ remember about ...

4. aufhören mit + D. - stop doing something (yes, used with the preposition MIT)

5. beantworten + Akk - to answer something (there is no preposition HA in German in this case) Ich beantworte die Frage. no suggestions needed.

6. bedanken sich bei D. | fur A. - to thank smb. | for smth.
entschuldigen sich bei D. | gegen G. / für A. - to apologize to smb. | for smth.
(there are two prepositions, and the cases are followed by different ones)

7. beschäftigen sich mit D. - to do smth. (whatever subject you are in will be transmitted through the preposition MIT)

8. entscheiden sich für A. - to decide on smth. (in this case, für indicates ownership)

9. freuen sich über A. - to rejoice in smth. (accomplished)
freuen sich auf A. - to rejoice in smth. (upcoming)

10. kennen lernen A. - (by) getting to know smb. (preposition is not needed at all). Ich habe dich kennengelernt.

Control table of German verbs

Cards "Management of verbs"

Verbs used with preposition and dative:

Expressions used with preposition and Akkusativ:

Expressions used with preposition and dative:

Reflexive verbs with translation and control m:

sich ärgern (to get angry) über+Akk. (for someone or something)

Sich beschweren (to complain) über+Akk. (for someone or something)

Sich kümmern (take care of) um+Akk. (about someone or something)

Sich unterhalten (talk, have fun) mit+D. (anything)

Sich erkundigen (to inquire, inquire, direct
help) nach+D. (about someone, something) sich gewöhnen (get used to) an+ Akk. (to something)

Sich freuen (rejoice) über + Akk. (something done), auf+Akk. (something to come)

Sich erinnern (remember, remember) an+Akk. (about anything)

Sich bedanken (thank) bei + D. (someone) fur+ Akk. (for anything)

Sich entschuldigen (to apologize, make excuses) bei + D. (to someone), wegen + G. (for anything)

Sich verabschieden (to say goodbye) von+D. (with anyone)

Sich bemühen (try, work) um+Akk. (over something)

Sich schämen (to be ashamed) + G. (of something)

Sich beschäftigen (to practice) mit+D. (anything)

Sich wundern (be surprised) über+Akk. (to something)

Sich furchten (be afraid) vor+D. (someone, something).

Sich interessieren (to be interested in) für+Akk.

Sich vorbereiten (get ready) zu+D. (to something), für + Akk., auf + Akk (to something)

Sich entscheiden (decide) für+Akk. (for something)

List of German verbs with control and translation:

abhängen von D. depend on smb., smb.
abholen A. to pick up smb.
absagen von D. to refuse smth.
abziehen A. | von D. distract smb. | from smth.
achten auf A. pay attention to smth., smth.; keep an eye on someone or something. amüsieren sich über A. to have fun with smth.
anbauen A. | an A. attach smth. | to smth.
Angst haben vor D. to be afraid of smth., smth.
ankommen auf A. to depend on smth.
annehmen sich G. take care of smth.
anrufen A. call smb.
ansprechen um A. to ask for smth.
anstoßen an A. hit smth., bump into smth.
antworten auf A. to answer smth.
arbeiten als N. to work for smb., in the capacity/position of smb.
arbeiten an A. work on smth.
arbeiten bei D. to work for smb., for some. firm
ärgern sich über A. to be angry, angry at someone/sth., because of smth.
aufhören mit D. stop, interrupt smth.
aufpassen auf A. to keep an eye on
aufregen sich über A. to worry, worry about smth., smb.
ausgeben für A. to spend, spend on smth.
ausweichen D. avoid smb., smb.

Beantworten A. to answer smth.
beauftragen A. | mit D. entrust smb. | smth.
bedanken sich bei D. | fur A. to thank smb. | for smth.
bedienen sich G. to use smth.
bedürfen G. to need smth.
befassen sich mit D. to do smth.
begegnen D. meet smb., come across smb.
begeistern sich für A. to be inspired by, to admire smb., sth.
beginnen mit D. start with smth., smb.
begluckwünschen A. | zu D. congratulate smb. | with smth.
begründen mit D. justify with smth.
behuten A. | vor D. protect smb. | from smth.
beitragen zu D. contribute to smth., contribute to smth.
beitreten D. to get into smth.
beiwohnen D. be present at smth.
beklagen sich bei D. | über A. to complain to smb., to smb. | on someone, something
bemühen sich um A. to labor, pore over smth.
benehmen D. take away, take away from smb.
beneiden A. | um A. to envy smb. | in smth.
berechtigen A. | zu D. give/entitle smb. | on smth.
berichten über A. to inform, to report, to report on smth.
beschäftigen sich mit D. to do smth.
beschränken sich auf A. be limited to smth.
beschuldigen A. | G. blame smb. | in smth.
beschweren sich bei D. | über A. (to) complain to smb., to smb. | on someone, something
bestehen aus D. consist of smth.
bestehen auf A. insist on smth.
beteiligen sich an D. to participate in smth.
betreten A. get into smth., somewhere.
bewahren A. | vor D. (to) save, (u) save smth. | from smth.
bewerben sich um A. apply for smth., lay claim to smth.
bewundern A. admire, admire smth.
bezeichnen als N. name(s), name, name someone, something.
beziehen sich auf A. refer to smth., touch on smth. bitten A. | um A. ask (from) smb. | about smth., about smth.
blättern in D. flip through, flip through smth.
brauchen A. need smth.

Danken D. | fur A. to thank smb. | for smth.
denken an A. think about smth., smth.
deuten auf A. indicate, hint at smth.; foreshadow, foretell.
diskutieren über A. to discuss smth., discuss smth.

Eingehen auf A. agree, go for smth.
einigen sich auf/über A. agree (among themselves) on smth., agree on smth., agree on smth.
einkehren bei D. call in, call in, turn to smb.
einladen A. | zu D. invite smb. | on smth.
einreden auf A. to persuade, to persuade smb.
entgehen D. slip away, run away from smb., smth.
enthalten sich G. to abstain from smth.
entkommen D. avoid smth., bypass smth.
entlaufen D. run away from smth., smth.
entnehmen D. (to) borrow from smb., from smb.
entscheiden sich für A. decide on smth.
entschließen sich zu D. decide on smth.
entschuldigen sich bei D. | gegen G. / für A. to apologize to smb. | for smth.
entsetzen A. | G. remove smb. | from some post, some positions
entsinnen sich G. to remember smth.
entziehen A. | D. take away smb., sth. | from someone
erfahren durch D. | über A. learn from smb. | about smth.
erinnern sich an A. to reminisce about smth., smth.
erkennen A. | an D. to recognize, to identify someone, smth. | for smth.
erkranken an D. to fall ill with smth.
erkundigen sich bei D. | nach D. make inquiries, inquire from smb., somewhere. | about smth., smth.
ernähren sich von D.
ernennen A. | zu D. appoint smb. | by someone, to some job title
erreichen A. achieve smth.
erschrecken vor D. to be afraid of smth., someone.
erzahlen D. | von D. story(s) to smb. | about smth.
erziehen A. | zu D. bring up smb. | by someone, somehow, in the spirit of smth.
fehlen D. | an D. to miss | something

Fertig sein mit D. bring to an end, complete smth.
flehen um A. to beg for smth.
fliehen vor D. avoid smb., run away / escape from smb. folgen D. (to) follow somebody/sth., obey somebody/sth.
forschen nach D. investigate smth.
fragen A. | nach D., über A. ask smth., smb. | about smth., smth.
freuen sich auf A. to rejoice in smth. (upcoming)
freuen sich über A. to enjoy smth. (accomplished)
fürchten sich vor D. to fear someone, something.

Gehorchen D. obey smb., obey smb.
gehören zu D. belong to smb., (to) smb.
gelten als N. / für A.
genießen A. enjoy smth.
gewöhnen sich an A. get used to smth., smb.
glauben an A. believe in smth.
gleichen D. to be like someone/something. similar/equal to someone/something.
gratulieren D. | zu D. congratulate smb. | with smth.
greifen A. | nach D. grab smb. | for smth.
grenzen an A. border on smth.

Halten A. | für A. to accept, to consider smb. | for someone, for someone
halten auf A. attach meaning.
halten von D. to be some opinions about someone / something; respect someone.
halten sich an A. stick to smth.
handeln mit D. trade smth., with smb.
handeln sich um A. to say, we are talking about smth., smth.
helfen D. | bei D. help smb. | in smth.
hindern A. | an D. hinder smb. | in smth.
hinweisen auf A. point to smth.
hoffen auf A. to hope for smth., smb.

Informieren über A. inform smth., inform about smth.
informieren sich über A. collect information, inquire about smth.; find out, find out.
interessieren sich für A. to be interested in smth.

Jagen nach D. to chase, hunt for smth., smth.
jammern über A., ​​um A. mourn smb.

Kämpfen für/um A. to fight for smth., someone.
kämpfen gegen A. fight against someone/sth., against someone/sth.
kennen lernen A. (by) getting to know smb.
klagen über A. to complain about smth., smth.
kleben an D
kneifen in A. to pinch for smth.
konzentrieren sich auf A. concentrate on, (c) concentrate on smth., smth. kümmern sich um A. to take care of, worry about smth., smth.
kündigen D. to fire smb.

Lachen über A. to laugh at smth., smth.
lassen von D. to refuse someone, something.
lauern auf A. to wait, wait for someone.
lehnen sich an/gegen A. to lean against smth.
leiden an/unter D. to suffer from smth., from smth.
leiten A. to manage smth., smth.
liegen an D. depend on smth., be determined by smth.

Mahnen A. | an A. remind smb. | about smth.
mangeln an D. to miss smth.

Nachdenken über A. to think about smth., smth.
nachfolgen D. (to) follow smb., smb.
nachgehen D. follow smb., sth.
nagen an D. gnaw on smth.
nähern sich D. to approach smth.
nehman A. | D. take, take, take smth. | from someone, something

Passieren D. happen to someone/sth., from someone/sth.
profitieren von D. profit from smth., take advantage of smth.

Rachen an D | fur A. take revenge on smb. | for smth.
rechnen auf A. count on smb., smb.
rechnen mit D. to reckon with smth.; take into account, take into account
reden von D. / über A. talk about smth, smth.
richten sich an A. to address smb.
richten sich nach D. be guided by smth., follow smth.
riechen nach D. smell like smth.
rühren an D. to touch smth., to touch smth. schelten auf A. scold, curse someone.

Schießen auf A. / nach D. to shoot at smb., at smb.
schimpfen auf/über A. scold, scold someone.
schimpfen mit D. to swear at smb.
schmecken nach D. to taste smth.
schreiben mit D | an A. write with smth. | to smb.
schuld sein an D. to be guilty of smth.
schützen vor D. to protect, protect from smb., sth.
schwärmen von D. dream of smb.
schweigen von D. keep quiet about smth.
sehnen sich nach D. yearn for smth., smth.
siegen über A. to beat somebody/sth., to beat somebody.
sorgen für A. take care of smb., smb.
spielen A. to play smth., on smth.
spielen um A. play smth., bet smth. on the line
sprechen mit D. | über A./von D. talk to smb. | about smth., smth.
staunen über A to be surprised at smth.
sterben an D. die from smth.
stimmen fur A. | gegen A. to vote for smth., smth. | against someone, something
stolz sein auf A. be proud of smth., smb.
stören A. disturb smb., bother smb.
stoßen auf A. to run into smth., to run into smth.
streben nach D. strive for smth.
streiten mit D. | über/um A. to argue, quarrel with smb. | about smth., because of smth.

Tasten nach D. to feel smth.
taugen zu D. fit for smth.
teilnehmen an D. to take part in smth.
träumen von D. to dream of smth.
trinken auf A. (you) to drink to smb., smb.

übelnehmen A. | D. take offense at smth. | on someone
überlegen sein an D. to excel in smth.
überreden A. | zu D. to persuade, to beg, to persuade smb. | about smth., on smth.
Übersetzen über A. to transport, transport; step over; switch something.
übersetzen aus D. | in A. translate from some language | on some language
überzeugen sich von D. to make sure of smth.
unterhalten sich mit D. | über A. to talk, talk to smb. | about smth., smth. verabschieden sich von D. say goodbye to smb.

Verbeugen D. prevent smth.
verdammen zu D. to condemn to smth., to sentence to smth.
verfallen D. to be doomed to smth.
verfügen über A. to dispose, dispose of smth.
vergewissern G, über A. to convince of smth.
verheiraten mit D. marry smb.
verlangen von D. | nach D. demand from smb. | something
verlassen sich auf A. rely on smth., someone.
versichern G. to assure smth.
verspäten sich zu D. to be late for smth., for smth.
verstoßen gegen A. to break smth., to sin against smth.
vertrauen auf A. to trust smth., smb.
verzichten auf A. to refuse smth. ; donate, donate.
verzweifeln an D. to despair of smth.
vorbeifahren an D. to pass smb.
vorbeigehen an D. pass by smth.
vorbeikommen bei D. to drop in, drop in (on the way) to smb.
vorbereiten sich auf A. prepare for smth.
vorbeugen D. prevent, warn smth.
vorwerfen A. | D. rebuke smb. | in smth.

Wachen über A. to keep an eye on someone or something.
wählen zu D. to elect smb.
warne A. | an/vor D. to warn, to warn smb. | about smth., from smth.
warten auf A. to wait for smb., sth.
wenden sich an A. to address smb.
werden zu D. to turn into smb., into sth.
wetten um A. argue, bet on smth.
wissen von D. to know about smth.
wundern sich über A. to be surprised at smth.

Zeugen von D. testify to smth.
zielen nach D. aim at smb., at smb.
zugehen auf A. to approach smb.; get in touch with, get in touch with.
zuhören D. listen to smth., smb.
zureden D. to persuade smb.
zürnen D. get angry at smb., sth.
zusehen D. look at smb., sth.
zustimmen D. agree with smth., smth.
zustoßen D. happen to smb., sth.
zweifeln an D. to doubt smth., to question smth.

The control of verbs (verb) is their ability to influence the case form of the noun following them, that is, to control it. Often verb. affects not only the case, but also the preposition with which the noun is used. In most cases, the administration of German v. coincides with the management of their synonyms in Russian.

Mirgefällt dieses Mädchen. - I like this girl.

However, there is a huge number of verbs, the management of which in German does not in any way coincide with the management of their synonyms in Russian.

The concept of control of the verb, as follows from the above, exists both in German and in Russian, as well as in English and in many other languages; it is one of the basic elements of grammar.

For example:

English: to look + for + smth. - looking for something

to look + at. + smb., smth. - to look at smth., smth.

to wait + for + smb., smth. - to wait for smb., smth.

Russian: to blame + someone. (Vin. pad.) + in + smth. (Suggestion fall.)

to watch + for + someone. (TV drop)

look + smth. (Win. fall.)

look + at + someone, smth. (Vin. pad.)

As you can see from the example, sometimes the meaning of the verb depends on the control. One verb in use with different prepositions or cases can change its meaning. In German, such cases also occur:

Nom. + haben + verstanden (Part. II) – understand (verb in the third form, in the past tense)

For example: Ich habe Sie verstanden. - I understood you.

einverstanden sein + mit + jemandem - to agree with smb.

For example: Ich bin mit Ihnen einverstanden. - I agree with you.

ankommen + auf + Akk. - to depend (on smth.)

For example:

Die Lösung des Problems kommt auf mich an. The solution to the problem is up to me.

ankommen + in + Dat. - to arrive (somewhere).

For example:

Ihr Versand kommt aus Moskau in die Post heute Morgen an. - Your parcel from Moscow arrives at the post office this morning,

More important nuance however, there is a difference between the case form of the noun after the verb in German and the case form of the noun in Russian. It should be noted that very often the verb, in addition to the noun, requires after itself the reflexive pronoun sich, which also in each individual case must be in a certain case (Dativ or Akkusativ).

interessieren - to be interested

Ihre Arbeit hat mich interessiert.

sich interessieren + fur + etw. (Akk.) - to be interested in smth.

Ich interessiere mich fur Ihre Arbeit. - I'm interested in your work.

Sometimes a verb may require a double object after itself:

bringen j-m etw (Akk.) - to bring to smb. smth.

For example: Ich habe heute meiner Mutter die Blumen gebracht.

In German, a group of verbs is distinguished that requires a double Akkusativ after itself, that is, two nouns in the Accusative case (Akkusativ), they can be associated with a preposition or used without it.

For example: halten + Akk. + fur + Akk. - take someone for someone

Fur wen haltet ihr mich? Who do you take me for?

In learning the German language, the topic of verb management is very important and one of the most difficult, because there are a huge number of verbs. with management other than Russian. Such verbs. and their administration should be learned by heart. Usually teachers use a number of the most frequently used verbs; their lists differ little and look about the same.

List of the most commonly used verb controls:

antworten auf etw./Akk. - answer (to smth.)

sich/Akk. anziehen- dress

anfangen mit etw./Dat. - to begin (with something)

aussteigen aus+Dat. - to go, unload (from smth.): Ich steige aus dem Bus aus.

anrufen j-den/Akk. - call (someone)

telefonieren mit. + Date. - call (someone)

arbeiten an etw./Dat. - to work (on smth.)

Abschied nehmen von j-dem/Dat. - say goodbye (to someone)

sich verabschieden von j-dem/Dat. - say goodbye (to someone)

abwischen etw./Akk. - wash (from something), wipe (smth.): Ich habe das Fenster schon abgewischt.

beantworten etw./Akk - to answer (to smth.)

begrüßen j-den/Akk - to greet (someone)

beginnen mit etw./Dat. - to begin (with something)

betreten +Akk. - to enter (somewhere): Ein fremder Mann betrat das Zimmer.

eintreten in+Akk. - go in (somewhere)

besprechen etw./Akk - to discuss (smth.)

sprechen mit j-dem/Dat. Uber etw./Akk. - talk (with someone about smth.)

brauchen etw./Akk. - to need (smth.)

beenden etw./Akk. - stop, finish (smth.)

begegnen j-dem/Dat . - meet

bekannt sein durch etw./Akk. to be famous (of smth.): Dieses Land ist durch seine einzigartige Architektur bekannt.

bringen j-dem/Dat. etw./Akk. - to bring (smth. to smth.)

durchfallen in+Dat . - fail, fail (in smth.)

denken an j-den/Akk. - to think (about smth., about smth.)

nachdenken über etwas/Akk. to ponder (something)

danken j-dem/Dat. fur etw./Akk. - to thank (smth. for smth.)

einverstanden sein mit etw., j-dem/Dat. to be in agreement (with someone)

einladen j-den/Akk. zu etw./Dat. - invite (someone to smb.)

einsteigen in+Akk. - sit down (somewhere): Ich steige ins Auto ein.

einziehen in+Akk. - to enter, move in (something)

entschuldigen j-den, etw./Akk. - to excuse (someone, smth.)

sich entschuldigen bei j-dem/Dat. fur etw./Akk. - apologize (for smth.)

erzählen j-dem/Dat. (über)etwas/Akk. - to tell (to smb. about smth.)

fallen zu Boden - fall (to the floor)

gehen (mit)j-dem/Dat: Wie geht es (dir)? — Es geht mir gut.

gefallen j-dem/Dat. - like (someone)

fahren mit etw./Dat. - to ride (on smth.)

fertig sein mit etw./Dat. - prepare (something): Ich bin mit der Arbeit fertig.

Freude (Spaß) machen j-dem/Dat. - to bring joy (pleasure) (to smb.)

sich freuenüber etw./Akk. /auf etw./Akk . - rejoice in (something)

zu Besuch gehen/kommen zu j-dem/Dat. - go/visit (someone)

geschehen mit j-dem/Dat. to happen (to someone)

gehoren j-dem/Dat. - belong to someone)

gehoren zu +Dat. - belong to someone)

gratulieren j-dem/Dat. zu etw./Dat. - congratulate (smb. on smth.)

gelingen j-dem/Dat. - get (from someone)

hören etw., j-den/Akk. - hear (smb.)

zuhoren j-dem/Dat. - to listen (to smb.)

halten etw./Akk. to hold (something)

sich unterhalten mit j-dem/Dat. Uber etw./Akk. - to communicate (with someone), have fun (with someone, smth.)

helfen j-dem/Dat. bei etw./Dat. - to help (smth. in smth.)

interessieren j-den/Akk. to be interested in (someone)

sich interessieren fur etw./Akk. - be interested in (smth.)

klingeln an/Dat. - call (somewhere) (at the door)

klopfen an/Akk. - knock (somewhere) (at the door)

kennen etw./j-den/Akk. - to know (someone, something)

kennen lernen j-den/Akk. - get to know (someone)

leicht(schwer)fallen j-dem+Dat. - come easy/hard (to smb)

los sein mit j-dem/Dat. - to happen (to someone)

nah sein von etw./Dat. - to be close (to something) (about an inanimate object)

nah stehen j-dem/Dat. - stand next to (with someone) (about an animated object)

nennen j-den/Akk.+Akk. - call (someone smb.)

passieren j-dem/Dat. to happen (to someone)

rufen j-den/Akk. - to call (someone)

zurufen j-dem/Dat. - to speak (to smb.)

sammeln etw./Akk. - collect (sth.)

schenken j-dem/Dat. etw./Akk. - to give (smth. to smth.)

schreiben mit j-dem/Dat. - to write (to smb.)

schreiben j-dem/Dat. etwas/Akk. - to write (to smth. to smth.)

sich schreiben mit j-dem/Dat. - chat (with someone)

sprechen mit j-dem/Dat. Uber etw./Akk. - talk (about smth. with smb.)

staunenüber etw./Akk. - be surprised (at smth.)

stören j-den/Akk. bei etw./Dat. - disturb (smth. in smth.)

treffen j-den/Akk. - to meet (someone)

sich treffen mit j-dem/Dat. - meet (with someone)

umziehen in+Akk. - to move, move (somewhere)

umsteigen aus+Dat. in+Akk. Ich bin aus dem Bus in die Straßenbahn umgestiegen.

verbringen etw./Akk. - spend (sth.) (time)

vorbereiten etw./Akk. - prepare (smth.)

sich vorbereiten auf etw./Akk. - prepare (for smth.)

verstehen etw./Akk. - understand (smth.)

sich verstehen mit j-dem/Dat. – to understand (smb.) (pl.): Ich verstehe mich mit meinen Eltern gut.

versammeln j-den/Akk. - collect (someone)

vorstellen j-dem/Dat. j-den/Akk. - represent (smb. to smb.)

sich vorstellen j-dem/Dat. - introduce yourself (to smb.)

warten auf j-den,etw./Akk. to wait (for someone or something)

waschen sich/Dat etw./Akk. - wash (smth. to smth.)

sich/Akk. waschen - to wash

wünschen j-dem/Dat. etw./Akk. - to wish (smth. to smth.)

Wissen etw./Akk., von etw./Dat. - to know (sth., about smth.)

sich wundernüber etw./Akk. - be surprised (at smth.)

zufrieden sein mit etw., j-dem/Dat. - be happy with (smth.)

10 most “illogical” but important control verbs. Despite their complexity, they are often used in colloquial speech, are everyday and very necessary. So it's time to figure it out. Go! .

Verb management is a very important topic that often causes confusion. We're so used to getting to know someone, not someone; but to decide on something, and not for something ...

But there is nothing to be done: in order not to get into a puddle, you need to learn. Today we present a selection of very commonly used, but not at all "logical" verbs with control in German.

REMEMBER! If management in German does not coincide with Russian and is difficult for you, various memos can help and they can be successfully invented and applied!

1. gratulieren + Dat (zu)- Germans congratulate in the dative case.
Ich gratuliere DIR ZUM Geburtstag - I congratulate YOU on your birthday.

2. anrufen + Akk- to call (with the accusative case!).
Ich rufe DICH an - I call YOU \ I will dial YOU.

3. denken an + Akk \ sich erinnern an + Akk- think about / remember about ...
Ich denke AN dich - I think of you.

4. aufhoren mit + D.- stop doing something (yes, yes, used with the preposition MIT)
Ich höre MIT dem Rauchen auf - I stop (quit) smoking

5. beantworten + Akk- to answer something (in German, the preposition NA is absent in this case)
Ich beantworte die Frage (no pretexts needed) - I answer the question

6. bedanken sich bei D. | fur A.- thank someone | for smth.
entschuldigen sich bei D. | gegen G. / fur A.- to apologize to smb. | for smth.
(there are two prepositions, and the cases are followed by different ones)
ich bedanke mich BEI Ihnen FÜR ihre Hilfe - I thank you for (your) help

7. beschäftigen sich mit D.- do smth. (whatever subject you are in will be transmitted through the preposition MIT)
Ich beschäftige mich MIT der Fotografie - I do photography

8. entscheiden sich fur A.— decide on smth., choose smth. (in this case, für indicates ownership)
Ich entscheide mich für Antwort A - I choose answer A

9. freuen sichüber A.- rejoice in smth. (accomplished)
freuen sich auf A.- rejoice in smth. (upcoming)
Ich freue mich ÜBER deinen Besuch - I am glad for your visit (you have already come to visit)
Ich freue mich AUF deinen Besuch - I am glad for your visit (which will happen, for example, tomorrow)

10. kennen lernen A.- (to) get to know smb. (preposition is not needed at all).
Ich habe DICH kennengelernt - I met YOU

What control verbs are the most difficult for you?
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The German verb system is not easy to learn not only from the point of view of the presence of complex grammatical tense forms, separable and inseparable verb prefixes, numerous frame structures, irregular verbs with their basic forms that are obligatory for memorization, etc. In addition, that is, what prepositions and cases they control is also a very voluminous and important topic for high-quality language acquisition.

Despite the presence of a large number of coincidences in the management of German and their corresponding Russian verbs when translating, a huge number of representatives of this part of speech demonstrate a completely different management of prepositions and cases in comparison with that which is familiar to a Russian-speaking person. Many verbs govern a number of prepositions and cases at the same time, depending on the meaning chosen. As a result, their incorrect use can simply lead to a misunderstanding of the speaker by those to whom he is addressing, and even the emergence of undesirable life situations.

That is why we offer you a fairly extensive list of German verbs with their inherent management of certain cases and prepositions. This list of verbs includes, for the most part, such units, the connection of which with other members of the sentence is different from the control of their equivalents when translated into Russian. This list of German verbs is intended to help you navigate correct use German verbs in speech and alleviate the existing difficulties of translating German texts.

List of German verbs

German verb Translation with explanations
abhangen von Dat. be in (something) dependent on smb. or from something
Abholen Akk. to come, to call in, to come in, to run after someone.
Absagen Dat. refuse something.
Absagen Akk. cancel something.
Abziehen Akk. von Dat. divert (thoughts, attention) from smth. or from someone; take one's eyes off of smth. or from someone
achten auf Akk. pay attention (one's) to smb. or on something; to watch; to keep an eye on; look after, look after someone.
achten Akk. respect, revere, revere
amüsieren, sichüber Akk. laugh at, make fun of, make fun of. or over smth., to have fun about smth.
anbauen Akk. an Akk. put on, put on. to something
Angst haben vor Dat. to be afraid of, to be afraid of, to be afraid of or something.
ankommen auf Akk. to be dependent, to be dependent, to be dependent, to feel dependent on someone or something (es kommt auf ... an)
annehmen, sich Gen. take care of, look after smb. or about something.
annehmen Akk. accept smth. or somebody; suppose, presume.
anrufen Akk . call someone
ansprechen Akk. contact someone; touch something.
ansprechen Akk. Wegen Akk. / auf Akk. contact someone. about (about) smth.
anstossen Akk. give a push to someone or something.
anstossen an Akk. bump into (unintentionally) smth.
antworten auf Akk. to answer, to give answers to smth.
arbeiten als Nom. to work for smb., in a position / as smb.
Arbeiten an Akk. to work, toil, to expend one's strength, to pore over
arbeiten bei Dat. work somewhere. (in a company), on smb.
ärgern, sichüber Akk. get angry, angry, annoyed at someone, at something due to / because of something
aufhoren mit Dat. stop, interrupt something.
aufpassen auf Akk. to look after, to observe, to keep an eye on or for something.
aufregen Akk. mit Dat. annoy, annoy someone something
aufregen, sichüber Akk. to worry, to be nervous, to worry about smth., because of smb.
ausgeben fur Akk. spend, spend (money) on smth.
ausweichen Gen./Dat. avoid smth. (collisions, troubles, etc.), smb.
beantworten Akk. reply to smth.
beauftragen Akk. mit Dat. to entrust, to entrust to smth. (do)
bedanken, sich bei Dat. fur Akk. (from) to thank someone for something, express gratitude to smb. for smth.
Bedienen Akk. serve someone. (= serve food and drink for smb.); serve smth.
bedienen, sich Gen. (to) make use of smth.
bedienen, sich an Akk. to serve oneself on one's own (of food, drink) = to provide oneself with smth.
bedurfen Gen. to need, to need something
befassen, sich mit Dat. (to) do smth.
begegnen Dat. to meet someone, to meet someone towards
begeistern, sich fur Akk. admire, admire, be inspired by smth., smb.
beginnen mit Dat. start smth.
begluckwünschen Akk. zu Dat. congratulate (congratulate) someone on something; rejoice in smth. (successes achieved, etc.)
begrunden mit Dat. back up, substantiate.
behuten Akk. vor Dat. to protect, to protect, to protect, to protect someone from something
beitragen zu Dat. contribute to, contribute to smth.; promote smth.
beitreten Dat. get into something. (to an organization, club, etc.)
beiwohnen Dat. be present at smth., at smth.
beklagen, sich bei Dat. Uber Akk. (to) complain to someone about something or someone, to tell in a pitiful way to someone. something
bemuhen, sich um Akk. make an effort, try to get something; work hard, make an effort, tinker with smth.
beneiden Akk. um Akk. (to) envy smb., be envious of smb. because of smth.
berechtigen Akk. zu Dat. empower, empower on smth.
berichten über Akk. to report, to report, to inform about smth., concerning smth.
beschäftigen, sich mit Dat. be busy with
beschränken, sich auf Akk. confine oneself to
beschuldigen Akk. Gen. blame someone. in something
beschweren, sich bei Dat. Uber Akk. (to) complain, (to) cry to smb. on smth. or on someone
bestehen aus Dat. to consist of, to be made up of.
bestehen auf Akk. insist on smth.
bestehen vor Dat. resist smth.
beteiligen, sich an Dat. take part, take part in
betreten Akk. enter somewhere. (in smth.)
bewahren Akk. vor Dat. save, save someone, smth. from something, from someone
bewerben, sich um Akk. to apply for smth., to apply for smth., to try to achieve, to achieve smth.
bewundern Akk. to admire, to admire, to admire, smth., smth.
beziehen, sich auf Akk. refer to, lean on, be related to.
bitten Akk. um Akk. to ask someone to ask for something, ask someone for something
blättern in Dat. flip through, leaf through
brauchen Akk. to be in need, to be in need, in need of something.
Danken Dat. fur Akk. (to) thank someone, express gratitude to someone for smth.
denken an Akk. think about, think about, think about something or someone
deuten auf Akk. indicate, show, hint at smth.; promise, foretell.
diskutieren über Akk. have a discussion about smth., discuss something
eingehen auf Akk. agree to, agree to
einigen sichüber/auf Akk. agree (between themselves) smth., agree on smth., converge on smth.
einkehren bei Dat. turn around, drop in, go to smb.
einladen Akk. zu Dat. invite someone somewhere (to something, to someone)
einreden Akk. Dat. give something to someone
einreden auf Akk. to try hard to convince someone
entgehen Dat. slip away, run away from someone, avoid something.
enthalten, sich Gen. abstain from smth.
entkommen Dat. to avoid something, to get away from something, from someone.
entlaufen Dat. run away, run away, get away from or from someone
entnehmen Akk. Dat. borrow something. from someone, from somewhere (from something)
entscheiden, sich fur Akk. make up your mind, make up your mind.
entschliessen, sich zu Dat. decide, decide on something
entschuldigen, sich bei Dat. fur Akk. apologize to someone for something
entsetzen Akk. Gen. dislodge someone. from smth. (from post, position, etc.)
entsinnen, sich Gen. remember something.
entziehen Akk. Dat. take away, take something away from someone from someone
erfahren durch Akk. Uber Akk. learn from someone about something
erinnern, sich an Akk. reminisce, reminisce about someone or something
erkennen Akk. an Dat. to recognize, recognize someone, something. on the basis of something, on the basis of something
erkranken an Dat. get sick with
erkundigen, sich bei Dat. nach Dat. make inquiries, inquire from someone, somewhere. about something, about someone
ernahren, sich von Dat. feed on, feed on, feed on.
ernennen Akk. zu Dat. appoint someone to someone (for position, post, etc.)
Erreichen Akk. achieve smth.
erschrecken vor Dat. to be frightened, to be frightened of or someone; to be horrified by someone, from something
erzahlen Dat. von Dat. /über Akk. to tell someone about something, about someone
Erziehen Akk. zu Dat. educate in smb. smth. (= to educate someone in some way: to become someone, something)
Fehlen Dat. an Dat. to be lacking, to be lacking something
fertig sein mit Dat. complete, end something.
Flehen um Akk. to beg, to beg, to beg.
fliehen vor Dat. run away, run away, flee, escape from someone, from something
foil Dat. (to) follow someone, something; to be a follower of someone or something; to obey someone or something
forschennach Dat. explore, study.
Fragen Akk. nach Dat./über Akk. ask somebody about something or someone
freuen, sich auf Akk. (to) rejoice in smth. (what will happen in the future)
freuen, sichüber Akk. (to) rejoice in smth. (to what happened in the past)
furchten, sich vor Dat. be afraid of someone or something
gehorchen Dat. obey someone, obey someone
gehoren zu Dat. to belong to (to) something, someone
gelten als Nom. /fur Akk. to be known, to be considered by someone, to have fame, reputation for someone.
geniessen Akk. take pleasure in, take pleasure in.
gewohnen, sich an Akk. get used to smth., to smth.
Glauben an Akk. believe, believe in smth.
gleichen Dat. to be like someone or something; to be equal to, like, to
gratulieren Dat. zu Dat. congratulate someone. with something
Greifen Akk. nach Dat. reach out and grab (or try to grab) someone by something
grenzen an Akk. to border on, to border on
Halten Akk. fur Akk. take someone for someone, take someone for someone
halten auf Akk. attach special importance to
halten zu Dat. support someone, take sides
halten, sich an Akk. hold on to something
handeln Akk. / mit Dat. trade smth. (sell and buy)
handeln mit Dat. um Akk. bargain, negotiate with someone about something (about price, discount, etc.)
handeln, sich um Akk. talking about someone, something (es handelt sich um… = talking about…)
helfen Dat. bei Dat. help, help someone with something
hindern Akk. an Dat. hinder, intrigue, hinder someone in something
hinweisen auf Akk. point out (someone's) attention to something
hoffen auf Akk. to hope for something or someone
informieren über Akk. to inform, to give information, to inform about something
informieren, sichüber Akk. collect, search for information, inquire about something; figure out something
interessieren, sich fur Akk. show interest in smth., in someone; be interested in someone or something
jagen nach Dat. to hunt, chase someone, after something; pursue someone.
jammernüber Akk. mourn something, someone
kämpfen fur/um Akk. fight, fight for something, for someone
kampfengegen Akk. to fight, to fight, to fight with someone, with something, against someone, against something
kennenlernen Akk. get to know someone
klagenüber Akk. (to) complain about smth., about someone
kleben an Dat. stick to, stick to, stick to someone or something
kneifen in Akk. to pinch, pinch for smth.
konzentrieren, sich auf Akk. focus on, concentrate on smth., smth.
kümmern, sich um Akk. to take care of, worry about, take care of, take care of someone, about something
kundigen Dat. to fire (from a job) someone
kundigen Akk. cancel, annul.
lachenüber Akk. to laugh at someone or something
lassen Dat. Akk. leave to someone smth. (for a while, to use; leave a piece of cake, etc.)
lauern auf Akk. lie in wait, wait in ambush for someone
lehnen, sich an/gegen Akk. lean on something, lean on something
leiden an Dat. suffer smth. (by some kind of disease), to be ill with smth.
leiden unter Dat. to suffer (= to have problems, to be damaged) by something (from being affected by something)
leiten Akk. lead someone or something
liegen an Dat. be determined by, be dependent on.
mahnen Akk. an Akk. remind someone of something
manglen an Dat. be missing something
nachdenken über Akk. to think about, to contemplate, to ponder about someone or something
nachfolgen Dat. go, follow, move after someone, after something
nachgehen Dat. follow, follow, follow someone, follow something; to be a successor, follower of smb.
nagen an Dat. gnaw, gnaw on smth.
nähern, sich Dat. approach, approach, approach something
nehmen Akk. Dat. take, take, take something away from someone, something
Passieren Dat. to happen, to happen to someone, to something
profitieren von Dat. make a profit, take advantage of smth.; profit from smth.
rachen an Dat. fur Akk. take revenge on someone for something
rechnen auf Akk. count on something
rechnen mit Dat. reckon with smth.; take into account, take into account
Reden von Dat. / Uber Akk. talk, chat, talk about something, smb.
richten, sich an Akk. contact someone.
richten, sich nach Dat. to follow something, to be guided by something, to be guided by something
riechen nach Dat. to smell of something, to smell of something
Ruhren an Dat. to touch, to touch, to touch
schelten auf Akk. scold, scold, curse, blaspheme
schiessen auf Akk. /nach Dat. shoot, shoot, fire at someone, at someone, at something
schimpfen auf/über Akk. scold, scold, scold someone.
Schimpfen mit Dat. quarrel, quarrel, quarrel with smb.
Schmecken nach Dat. have a taste of something
schreiben mit Dat. an Akk. write with something (pencil, pen, etc.) to smb.
Schuld sein an Dat. to be guilty of something
schützen vor Dat. to protect, protect, protect from someone, from something
schwarmen von Dat. to daydream, to daydream about smb., about something
schwarmen fur Akk. to admire, admire, be fond of, smb., something
Schweigen von Dat. be silent, be silent about something
sehnen, sich nach Dat. to grieve, to grieve for someone, for something
siegenüber Akk. win someone, something, win someone
sorgen fur Akk. take care of, take care of something, someone
spielen Akk. play on something
spielen um Akk. play on something; bet on something bet on something
sprechen mit Dat. Uber Akk./von Dat. talk, talk, converse, talk with someone about something, about someone
Staunenüber Akk. be surprised at something
sterben an Dat. die from something
stimmen fur Akk. / gegen Akk. to vote, cast one's vote for someone, for something / against someone, against something
stolz sein auf Akk. be proud of something, someone; be proud of someone or something
storen Akk. disturb, cause trouble to someone; disturb, disturb someone
Stossen auf Akk. to bump into something, to hit something, to collide with something
streben nach Dat. strive for something
streiten mit Dat. uber/um Akk. to argue, argue, quarrel with someone because of something / about something
taste nach Dat. to feel, to feel, to feel, to feel for something
taugen zu Dat. to fit, to be suitable for something, for something
Teilnehmen an Dat. take part, take part, take part in something
Traumen von Dat. indulge in dreams, daydreams about something, about someone
trinken auf Akk. (you) drink for something, for someone (meaning a toast)
Ubelnehmen Akk. Dat. to be offended, to hold a grudge against someone for something
Uberlegen Dat. an Dat. surpass someone in something
überreden Akk. zu Dat. to persuade, to persuade, to beg someone to do something, to do something
übersetzen über Akk. to transport, move, transport something
Ubersetzen aus Dat. in Akk. translate from one language into another language
Uberzeugen, sich von Dat. make sure something is certain
unterhalten, sich mit Dat. Uber Akk. to converse, to communicate, to talk, to chat with someone about someone, about something
verabschieden, sich von Dat. say goodbye to someone
verdammen zu Dat. condemn to something, sentence to something, doom to something (privations, failures, etc.)
Verfallen auf Akk. find, stumble upon something (an idea, a solution, etc.)
Verfallen in Akk. unexpectedly, unplanned to get into some smth. situation, get into something
verfügen über Akk. have something in hand
vergewissern, sich Gen. to be convinced, to be convinced of something
verheiraten mit Dat. give in marriage, marry someone, marry someone
verlangen von Dat. nach Dat. (to) demand, (to) ask someone for something
verlassen, sich auf Akk. rely on someone or something
versichern Gen. to assure, to assure
verspäten, sich zu Dat. to be late for something
verstossengegen Akk. to break something, to sin against something
vertrauen auf Akk. to hope for a successful outcome, to believe in the successful completion of something
verzichten auf Akk. refuse something; donate, donate something
verzweifeln an Dat. despair of something, stop believing in someone
vorbeifahren an Dat. drive through; to pass (of courts) past something
vorbeigehen an Dat. to pass, to pass by something
vorbeikommen bei Dat. to drop in, drop in, run (on the way) to someone
vorbereiten, sich auf Akk. prepare, prepare for something
vorbeugen Dat. warn, prevent something
vorwerfen Akk. Dat. reproach, reproach someone (in) something
wachenüber Akk. to look after, to look after = to care for someone, for something, to take care of someone, about something
wählen zu Dat. elect, choose someone (for a post, position, etc.)
warnen Akk. an/vor Dat. to warn, to warn someone about something / from something
warten auf Akk. wait, wait for someone, wait for something
wenden, sich an Akk. appeal to someone
werden zu Dat. to turn into something, into someone; become someone or something
wetten um Akk. bet, bet on something
Wissen von Dat. know, be aware of something
wundern sichüber Akk. be surprised at something
Zeugen von Dat. testify, speak about something; serve as evidence of something
zielen nach Dat. aim, aim at something or someone
zugehen auf Akk. approach someone; make contact, make contact, communicate with someone
zuhoren Dat. listen to, listen to something, someone
zureden Dat. persuade, convince someone
zürnen Dat. Uber Akk. get angry, get angry at someone, at something for something
zusehen Dat. to look at (to) look at someone or something
zustimmen Dat. agree with someone or something
zustossen Dat. happen to someone or something
zweifeln an Dat. to doubt, to be unsure of something, to question something
Many German verbs require certain prepositions after them, which are combined with objects in a well-defined case: nominative - Nominative (abbreviated N.), answering the questions “who? What?"; genitive - Genitive (G.), answering the questions “who? what? whose?"; dative - Dative (D.), answering the questions “to whom? what? Where?"; or accusative - Accusative (A.), answering the questions “who? what? where?
Here is a list of the most important German verbs that students find difficult to manage. Relatively rare verbs are typed in small print.
The abbreviation "-l." means "-or". Optional elements are enclosed in brackets. Valid equivalent options are separated by a forward slash (/). If the same verb is able to control two prepositions at the same time, then the latter are delimited by a vertical line (|).
Danken D. | fur A. thank someone | for smth.
denken an A. think about smth., smth.
deuten auf A. indicate, hint on smth.; foretell, promise smth.
diskoutieren Uber A. debate about smth., discuss smth.
eingehen auf A. agree to go on smth.
einigen sich auf/uber A. agree (between) smth., reach an agreement about smth., converge on smth.
einkehren bei D. drive in, drive in, turn around to smb.
einladen A. | zu D. invite someone | on smth.
einreden auf A. persuade, convince someone
entgehen D. slip away, run away from someone, something
enthalten sich G. refrain from smth.
entkommen D. avoid something, pass smth.
entlaufen D. run away from someone, something
entnehmen D. (by) borrow from someone, from something
entscheiden sich fur A. make up your mind on smth.
entschließen sich zu D. make up your mind on smth.
entschuldigen sich bei D. | gegen G. / fur A. apologize in front of smb. | for smth.
entsetzen A. | G. shift someone | from some post, some positions
entsinnen sich G. recall about smth.
entziehen A. | D. take away someone, something | from someone
erfahren durch D. | Uber A. to know from someone | about smth.
erinnern sich an A. recall about smth., smth.
erkennen A. | an D. to know, to recognize someone, something | for smth.
erkranken an D. get sick smth.
erkundigen sich bei D. | nach D. inquire, inquire from someone, somewhere | about smth., smth.
ernahren sich von D. eat, subsist, feed oneself smth.
ernennen A. | zu D. appoint someone | by someone, to some job title
erreichen A. achieve something
erschrecken vor D. get scared something, somebody
erzahlen D. | von D. tell to smb. | about smth.
erziehen A. | zu D. bring up someone | by someone, somehow, in the spirit of smth.
fehlen D. | an D. miss, lack to smb. | something
fertig sein mit D. bring to an end, complete smth.
fleshen um A. beg about smth.
fliehen vor D. avoid someone, run away / escape from someone
foil D. (by) follow for somebody/something, obey to whom/something
forschen nach D. research smth.
fragen A. | nach D., über A. ask something, somebody | about smth., smth.
freuen sich auf A. rejoice something (upcoming)
freuen sich Uber A. rejoice something (accomplished)
furchten sich vor D. fear someone, something
georchen D. listen someone, obey to smb.
gehoren zu D. belong to someone, (to) something
gelten als N. / fur A. reckon, reckon by someone, have a reputation someone
geniessen A. enjoy smth.
gewohnen sich an A. get used to to something, to someone
glauben an A. believe into smth.
gleichen D. be like on someone/something, similar/equal to whom/something
gratulieren D. | zu D. congratulate someone | with smth.
greifen A. | nach D. grab someone | for smth.
grenzen an A. border with smth.
halten A. | fur A. accept, count someone | for someone, for someone
halten auf A. attach importance something
halten von D. to be some opinions about someone/something; respect someone
halten sich an A. stick to something
handeln mit D. trade with smth., with someone.
handeln sich um A. say, we are talking about smth., smth.
helfen D. | bei D. to help to smb. | in smth.
hidern A. | an D. hinder to smb. | in smth.
hinweisen auf A. indicate on smth.
hoffen auf A. hope on smth., someone

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