How to treat trichomoniasis in men injections. Treatment of trichomoniasis in men

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

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On the territory of the Russian Federation, thousands of cases of infections that are sexually transmitted are recorded annually. The World Health Organization confirms that a similar situation is observed in European countries. The first place in the prevalence of STIs among the population is occupied by trichomoniasis - it accounts for 24.7% of cases. In numerical terms, the figure is 170 million people - that is how many patients with a similar diagnosis are counted annually. The infection affects both men and women. Doctors note that it is not the course of this disease that is dangerous in itself, but the complications to which it can lead. Trichomonas in men cause not only inflammation of the seminal tubercle and seminal vesicles, but also cause prostatitis, diseases of the bladder and kidneys, and even lead to infertility.

Modern researchers have about 50 varieties of Trichomonas, the forms differ in size, body type, number of flagella. The human body affects only three species, these include: urogenital (Tr.vaginalis), intestinal (Tr.intestinalis) and oral (Tr.tenax) Trichomonas.

Another extremely unpleasant moment in the existence of these protozoa is the ability to provide protection to other pathogens of sexual infections. This happens after the absorption of chlamydia viruses, ureaplasma, Candida fungi, herpes and others by Trichomonas. The resulting shell does not allow the active drug component to reach the microorganism and destroy it. The same is true for the cells of the immune system. Also, due to their mobility, Trichomonas help other pathogenic pathogens to easily migrate through the tissues of the whole body, seriously undermining human health. These simplest open the way for other infections: the gradual destruction of the epithelium of the bladder and genital organs reduces the protective function, more and more viruses and bacteria penetrate inside. It is also dangerous that those suffering from trichomoniasis fall into the risk zone and are more likely to become infected with HIV.

Medicine pays more and more attention to the study of the resistance of Trichomonas to various environmental conditions, including antibiotics. Previously, there was a position according to which protozoa could easily exist outside the human body, for example, in the water of ponds and rivers, and had adaptability to the external environment. But so far, substantiated evidence for such a view has not been found. Trichomonas vaginalis are sensitive to high temperatures - at 45-50°C most of the population dies, and at 60°C there is an instant death of all individuals. On the other hand, they tolerate sub-zero temperatures quite well: for 45 minutes at –10 ° C, their activity and viability are observed. They cannot live in fresh water bodies for one simple reason - increased sensitivity to changes in osmotic pressure, death occurs after 15 or more minutes - up to an hour.

Drying negatively affects the life of Trichomonas, but on wet surfaces they are able to exist for some time, especially on cotton fabrics and sponges. The inability to exist in an open environment is explained by the fact that urogenital Trichomonas do not form cysts, so infection through direct contact is difficult. Microorganisms are detected on gloves and tools that were used to collect the analysis. Their life time is 3-45 minutes. Excellent struggle with the simplest antiseptics, laundry soap.

Ways of transmission of trichomoniasis

Therefore, we can say that the main causes of trichomoniasis in men are promiscuity and unprotected sex.

The incubation period of trichomoniasis in men

According to statistics, the incubation period lasts 10 days, in some cases it increases to a month or more, or, conversely, decreases to 2-3 days.

The presence of infection in the body is judged by the clinical picture of the disease, taking into account the results of the tests - protozoa should be detected in the biological material under study. An accurate diagnosis is not made only on the basis of the patient's complaints or during the examination, it is only possible to make an assumption. The verdict is issued after receiving laboratory tests.

During the procedure for taking material for analysis, biological particles are extracted from the urethra and rectum. Doctors currently have three methods of laboratory diagnostics in service:

Microscopy of native preparations (Trichomonas stands out significantly against the background of cellular elements - it is twice as large as leukocytes);

Microscopy of stained smears (allows for diagnostics after a long period after sampling, reveals mobile and immobile protozoa);

Bacteriological analysis in a liquid nutrient medium (good for determining atypical forms, relevant during treatment in order to monitor the effect of the drug on the pathogen).

An immunological method or a latex agglutination method can also be used. However, it should be noted that the methods of RSK, RIF, RPGA are not regarded as the main stage of diagnosis. The reason is getting false results, both positive and negative. It is wise to use these diagnostics as a screening test. When monitoring chronic trichomoniasis or suspected carriage of the pathogen, latex agglutination is performed, which helps to identify soluble antigens at a concentration of 50 ng / ml. It is not necessary to perceive one of these methods as the only true and effective one, since it is possible to accurately speak about the presence of Trichomonas only when conducting a comprehensive diagnosis.

Forms of trichomoniasis

In medical terminology, various classifications of urogenital trichomoniasis are used. One of them is based on the duration of the course of the disease, the intensity of the body's response to infection. Depending on this, the following forms of trichomoniasis are distinguished:

Fresh (acute - the symptoms are pronounced, subacute and torpid - there are almost no signs of the disease, they do not cause concern to the patient);

Chronic (characterized by few symptoms, the presence of infection is diagnosed for two months or more);

Trichomonas carriage (the pathogen is registered in laboratory tests, is present in smears, but there are no signs indicating a disease).

Symptoms of trichomoniasis in men

The symptoms and signs of the disease do not have a certain specificity, therefore, relying on any clinical manifestations can only be used to suggest a diagnosis, and not to accurately establish it.

In most cases, trichomoniasis in men spreads in the urethra, testicles, seminal vesicles, appendages, prostate. It is often noted that the patient does not feel unwell, but at the same time is a carrier of the infection, which leads to unhindered infection of sexual partners. The chronic form of the disease gives serious complications, among which are noted: non-gonococcal urethritis, persistent prostatitis, constant inflammatory processes in the appendages, which ultimately leads to infertility.

The incubation period, when the pathogen does not make itself felt, lasts from 2 to 200 days. This form of trichomoniasis is characterized by a late onset of symptoms, usually they begin to disturb a person due to a decrease in immunity or the addition of other infectious pathologies. Trichomoniasis in men can be acute, subacute, chronic. The most typical form of carriage for male patients.

The first symptom that patients notice is the appearance of discomfort during the emptying of the bladder. Possible burning, pain when urinating. Going to the toilet becomes more frequent, more often the urges are false, especially in the morning. Sometimes there is mucous discharge from the urethra in small volumes. Very rarely, the symptoms seriously disturb a man, disrupting the normal rhythm of life, then the patient is forced to consult a doctor. If the signs are insignificant, they are of little concern, then treatment is carried out only at a later date due to the latent course of the disease. Men diagnosed with prostatitis do not at all attach importance to the symptoms characteristic of trichomoniasis, as they perceive them as another exacerbation of the underlying disease.

If a patient has trichomoniasis in the form of trichomonas urethritis and the tissues of the urethra are affected, then the main manifestations will be discharge mixed with mucus or pus, slight itching, burning sensation after going to the toilet or at the end of sexual intercourse. Diagnosis of the state of the urethra shows its changes - squeezing and compression of the canal, solid infiltrates can be detected. Gradually tightening of the urethra leads to discomfort during the emptying of the bladder, severe discomfort. If the infection has gone higher, then it will also capture other organs - the bladder, kidneys. The entry of Trichomonas into the prostate gland causes symptoms of prostatitis, which include: pulling pain of the organ, frequent urges, including false ones, pain during urination, a feeling of insufficient emptying of the bladder.

Ulcerative formations are rarely observed on the mucous membrane of the urethra and the median suture, as a rule, they are caused by a significant decrease in immunity. The simplest form of infection - fresh - after two months becomes chronic or develops into a carrier state. Latent trichomoniasis may be accompanied by mild symptoms or their complete absence. It is not excluded a violation of the process of urination, minor pain and a partial disorder of sexual function. With the carriage of the pathogen, the signs are completely absent, the presence of Trichomonas is detected only in laboratory tests.

Complications after trichomoniasis in men

New diseases against the background of trichomoniasis are observed with a long-term presence of infection in the body. Typical complications: inflammation of the seminal tubercle and vesicles, prostatitis, accompanied by inflammation of the prostate ducts, bladder disease, pyelonephritis, infertility.

There are also some hypotheses that trichomoniasis may be the cause of prostate cancer. Similar statements were made by researchers from the Cancer Center. Alvin J. Siteman in the USA. In their opinion, the chronic form of infection is becoming one of the key factors in the occurrence of malignant tumors of the prostate gland. Scientists have stated that there is an interdependence between the form and period of the course of urethrogenital trichomoniasis in men and prostate cancer. It was concluded that chronic infection of this type increases the risk of developing cancer by 40%. The duration and severity of the latent disease is determined by conducting an enzyme immunoassay, thanks to which it is possible to establish the volume of antibodies to the pathogen. There is also reason to believe that the presence of a microorganism affects the PIM 1 proto-oncogene, as a result of which it is modified into an oncogene, causing prostate cancer.
Therefore, trichomonas in men can cause very unfavorable consequences.

Treatment of trichomoniasis in men

Modern doctors use specific antitrichomoniasis medications to treat patients with trichomoniasis. When prescribing treatment, certain rules are also followed:

Both sexual partners should undergo therapy, and at the same time;

During treatment, alcohol and active sexual life should be abandoned;

It is necessary to eliminate other diseases that lower the body's immunity, including getting rid of hypovitaminosis;

The condition of the body is assessed a week after treatment.

Drugs for the treatment of trichomoniasis in men

Antibiotics and sulfa drugs are used only in combination therapy, since they alone do not give the desired effect.
The most common general medicine for treating infection is metronidazole. There is a version that it affects the structure of the DNA of a microorganism, destroying it. The drug is able to save the body not only from the simplest, but also to destroy the anaerobic flora. At the same time, aerobic microorganisms remain resistant to the presence of metronidazole in tissues. The drug can provoke the production of interferon.

Methods of treatment with metronidazole are somewhat different. To avoid the likelihood of developing drug resistance of Trichomonas, use the following treatment regimens:

On the first day, the dose is taken three times: in the morning (1 g), 0.5 g in the afternoon and evening. From the second to the fourth days - 0.5 g three times a day. For the course in total - 6.5 g.

For 5 days, 0.5 g is prescribed four times a day. Total - 10 g.

The term of admission is 10 days, in the amount of 1-1.5 g per day. The total amount for the course is 10-15 g.

Intravenous drip injection of 100 ml of a solution containing 0.5 g of metronidazole for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out three times a day for a week or five days.

In addition to metronidazole, other nitroimidazole derivatives have become widespread - tenonitrozole, tinidazole, nimorazole.

A single dose of 85% of the dose will provide protection for the body for 5 days, which is beneficial in the prevention of the disease. A large proportion of tiberal is excreted in the urine (63%), the rest - with feces (22%), for this reason, the drug allows you to achieve good results in the elimination of cystitis, urethritis, proctitis. Tiberal does not inhibit aldehyde dehydrogenase, as do other drugs in this group, so alcohol withdrawal is not required. It has practically no contraindications, but is not used for CNS lesions.

Scheme of taking ornidazole in the treatment of trichomoniasis: 1 tablet twice a day after meals. The course is 5 days, both partners pass it at once. The effectiveness of therapy in men and women is 97% based on laboratory studies. After a three-day intake of tiberal, foamy discharge and itching are noticeably reduced in all patients.

Sometimes additional topical treatment using preparations containing nitroimidazoles is also possible. For example, Rozeks cream, Rozamet. But you can not rely only on local therapy. In addition, medicines of this group are forbidden to be used simultaneously with alcohol. At the end of treatment, you can drink alcohol-containing drinks only after a month.

If the symptoms seriously disturb the patient, then he is shown painkillers, antispasmodics, physiotherapy. If foci of mixed infection are detected, treatment is carried out against the identified microorganism (antibiotics, antifungal drugs).

At the same time, the treatment of the sexual partner is carried out. Read about the features of the course and treatment of trichomoniasis in women on our website.

Checking the effectiveness of the treatment of trichomoniasis in men

The effectiveness of the treatment is evaluated after 5-7 days, sowing on an artificial medium and a polymerase chain reaction of the smear material are performed.

Immunity against Trichomonas is not developed. Serum and secretory antibodies are observed in sick and recovered patients, but they do not guarantee the protection of the body from infection. Their presence in the analyzes does not give a reason to judge the recovery.

Prevention of trichomoniasis in men

The main preventive method is the use of barrier contraception. It is important to undergo an examination in time and consult a specialist when the first signs of any sexual infection are detected. It is recommended to use local antiseptics in case of damage to the condom during sex, for example, miramistin is suitable for emergency treatment of the genital organs.

Many people are interested in what pills are prescribed for trichomoniasis. With this pathology, which provokes the occurrence of inflammatory processes, the doctor prescribes medication. You cannot get rid of trichomoniasis with pills alone, so you need to undergo complex drug therapy.

The Trichomonas bacterium affects the genitourinary system of both men and women (including), and children. If treatment is not started in time, the disease can become chronic, change into another form, there will be a threat of miscarriage, premature birth or infertility.

How is trichomoniasis treated?

It is required to consider the features of the treatment of trichomoniasis. The disease can be eliminated by complex therapy, which usually includes:

Treatment involves both sexual partners being tested and taking medication. Reception of drugs should be continued until the symptoms of trichomoniasis disappear and the laboratory examination does not give a negative result.

On average, the course of treatment is 7-14 days with a possible repetition in a month. This is typical for patients who have had a relapse of the disease.

For men, trichomoniasis treatment is prescribed for a period of 8 to 12 days, but this period is always extended, since complications often occur or the prescribed drug is not suitable, demonstrating its inefficiency. Men are required to take tests, and even if the results are negative, they still have to undergo treatment. From oral medications, men should drink the following medications:

  1. Metronidazole.
  2. Nimorazole.
  3. Ornidazole.
  4. Ternidazole.
  5. Tinidazole.

Topical preparations

Topical preparations that can cure pathology are available in the form of ointments, gels and creams. For example, this is Rosex cream, which is produced in France, and Rozamet ointment / cream, manufactured in Croatia.

Additionally, other drugs can be prescribed to protect the liver during therapy (hepatoprotectors), antibiotics that are effective in eliminating other infections and bacteria mixed with Trichomonas, immunomodulators (Viferon-3, Immunal, Cycloferon, Kagocel). In order to anesthetize and eliminate itching, antispasmodics, analgesics are prescribed that can relieve discomfort, as well as adaptogens, which can be: ginseng, aloe, eleutherococcus.

For sure to carry out sanitation, completely empty the bladder, rinse the genitals, take a hygienic shower twice or thrice a day. The effectiveness of treatment for trichomoniasis is assessed 7 days after the main therapeutic measures have been completed. To do this, men must pass tests for a laboratory test, sowing on the microflora, a smear, and be diagnosed by PCR.

It is forbidden to test on your own new drugs that appear in the pharmacy all the time. Otherwise, a person is able to harm his health for a long period. It is better to carry out regular preventive measures that will help avoid infection of the genitourinary system.


Among the main measures it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Avoid promiscuity.
  2. Use condoms and other methods of contraception.
  3. Have sexual intercourse with a regular and healthy partner.
  4. Regularly visit your doctor, take tests to detect infections in the genital tract and organs in time.
  5. If you have unprotected sexual intercourse or use a low-quality condom, consult a doctor to prescribe preventive medications.

It is necessary to use bactericidal agents to treat the genitals. These are, for example, Betadine, Miramistin and Chlorhexidine.

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease. In men, trichomoniasis is almost asymptomatic, so it is often detected at a late stage. Treatment of trichomoniasis should take place under the strict guidance of a doctor: following all his recommendations allows you to cope with the disease quickly enough. Let's talk about how trichomoniasis in men is treated in more detail.

How to treat trichomoniasis in men? It should be immediately noted that the treatment of this disease is carried out according to its own scheme, unlike the treatment regimens for other sexually transmitted infections. This is due to the fact that the disease is caused not by viruses and bacteria, but by special microorganisms from the flagellate family, which, in fact, are representatives of the animal world. If a man has the first symptoms of trichomoniasis, treatment should begin immediately. Very often, the disease occurs with virtually no symptoms, so the ideal option to detect it on time is regular examinations for infections in the body.

Chronic trichomoniasis: treatment

There is no need to treat trichomoniasis on your own: an incorrectly chosen scheme can cause undesirable consequences and aggravate the condition of the body. There are frequent cases when, due to untimely access to a doctor and self-treatment, trichomoniasis from an acute form flowed into a chronic one.

In the treatment of trichomoniasis in men, including chronic, drugs are used to destroy the causative agent of the disease. In the chronic course of the disease, in addition to drugs, procedures are used that eliminate the external symptoms of the disease. The doctor may prescribe ultrasound therapy, urethral instillation, paraffin treatment and a number of other procedures.

Since trichomoniasis also affects the immune system in men, it is cured, including with the help of immunomodulatory drugs, which are taken in combination with other drugs.

How to find out that it is chronic trichomoniasis that develops in the body? This is indicated by a number of symptoms, including:

  • frequent colds, fatigue;
  • sexual dysfunction, in particular, worsening of erection and decreased libido;
  • discharge from the urethra of an unclear nature, often purulent.

It should be noted that trichomoniasis often manifests itself repeatedly, due to the fact that the disease was previously undertreated in one of the partners. In this case, it is treated in the same way as in the acute course of the disease. To avoid relapse, both partners need to undergo treatment, regardless of whether they have symptoms of the disease or not. Recovery can only be judged after a study is completed, which is re-appointed after a course of treatment. If the tests did not reveal the presence of microorganisms, you are healthy.

Treatment of trichomoniasis in men: medications

Treatment of trichomoniasis is carried out, as mentioned above, with the help of special medications. If the disease is acute rather than chronic, medication is usually sufficient.

In the treatment of trichomoniasis in men, various drugs are taken. The main group is nitroimidazoles. Metronidazole is considered the most effective medicine for the stronger sex. For more than half a century, this drug has been helping to cope with the disease caused by Trichomonas. Metronidazole has many different analogues, for example, klion and trichopol. Usually, a single dose of 2 g tablets is enough to get rid of an uncomplicated form of the disease. The doctor, as a rule, prescribes the drug depending on the patient's condition. It happens that he offers to undergo a weekly course of treatment.

Metronidazole is well absorbed by the body and in places where the pathogen is localized, it creates a high concentration. But, unfortunately, the drug also has side effects. For example, heaviness in the stomach, dizziness, sometimes even vomiting.

Tinidazole metronidazole has a similar effect, but this drug has fewer side effects. They can also be prescribed either one-time or for a weekly course of admission: it all depends on the severity of the course of the disease.

It must be remembered that even after treatment for trichomoniasis, there is a high risk of re-infection. That is why men should be attentive to the choice of sexual partners and avoid casual relationships - this will save the stronger sex from unpleasant diseases and, one way or another, the complications that may be associated with them.

Trichomoniasis in the male half is a fairly common occurrence. The main reason for such a wide prevalence is due to the fact that the infection is easily transmitted through sexual contact, that is, in scientific terms, the contagiousness of the disease is very high, but the disease is not rich in symptoms. It is precisely the absence of pronounced symptoms that this disease is dangerous, unsuspecting men do not pay attention to minor troubles and go to the doctor when dangerous complications develop in the body. The treatment of trichomoniasis in men is not difficult, it is quite simple to cure the disease. The main thing is to recognize the symptoms in time and diagnose the disease.

Trichomoniasis is expressed in the form of inflammation of the genitourinary system, has two forms of flow - acute and chronic. The main feature and danger of the disease is an extremely mild symptomatology, especially invisible to non-specialists. Often the reason for a male visit to a specialist doctor is not the presence of primary symptoms, but problems with urination, when the disease has already passed into the chronic phase and has affected both the prostate gland and the entire genitourinary tract. Of course, in this case, the treatment will be an order of magnitude more difficult and longer than with the timely detection of Trichomonas in the body of men.

The causative agent of the disease

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis

The diagnosis of the disease in men is based on both objective and hardware tools and methods. Primary examination, identification of symptoms and analysis of the patient's complaints give only a preliminary picture for putting forward an assumption about the nature of the disease. Only a qualitative laboratory test can reliably confirm the alleged diagnosis. For this, various methods are used:

  • microscopic examination, for which a smear is taken from the male urethra and its examination is carried out;
  • microbiological research reveals the pathogen through its cultivation in a special container in a nutrient medium;
  • polymerase chain reaction method;
  • method of immunological research.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis

The main targets of the microorganism in the human body are the testicles, prostate, urethra and seminal vesicles. It is these organs that are affected by the infection, but at the same time, despite the danger of the disease, the symptoms are extremely mild, and the incubation period can last up to 20 days. And all this time the male body is the source of a dangerous disease. Men, without noticing any deviations in themselves or ignoring minor symptoms, can spread the disease by engaging in sexual intercourse with their partners. And a long lack of attention to mild symptoms can lead to a number of chronic complications: chronic prostatitis, urethritis, inflammation of the ovarian appendages, and infertility. A weak manifestation of the disease also becomes a consequence of a decrease in the activity of the immune system and damage by other pathogenic infections, which not only complicates the overall picture and prevents the correct diagnosis of the disease, but also makes treatment difficult.

There are several forms in which the disease occurs: acute, subacute, chronic and latent form, in which a man can be a carrier of infection, but not have pronounced symptoms of the disease.

The main symptom that all men should be guided by is discomfort during urination. This symptom is the main one for a number of genitourinary diseases, but it should cause immediate alarm in any man and a desire to go to the doctor and get checked out. Unpleasant sensations can be expressed in burning, in cutting pain when visiting the toilet. Frequent urges to urinate in the morning should also alert, especially if they turn out to be false and you can’t go to the toilet. Sometimes a small amount of mucus is secreted from the urethra. Clearer and more severe symptoms are extremely rare, as they force you to immediately consult a doctor, while helping to quickly and completely recover. Mild symptoms are sometimes superimposed on chronic prostatitis, already familiar to a man, in this case, all deviations in sensations are attributed to him, as a result, the visit to the doctor is delayed, time is wasted.

If trichomoniasis is expressed as a lesion of the urethra (trichomonas urethritis), then the manifestation is more pronounced. Purulent discharge flows through the urethra, and its examination reveals changes in structure and appearance. The urethra becomes more and more narrow, which increases the discomfort when urinating.

Sometimes the disease takes on an ascending type, when even the bladder and kidneys are affected by the infection. The defeat of the prostate carries all the typical ones, which again can complicate the diagnosis of the disease. With an extremely weakened immune system, externally noticeable symptoms, such as ulcers in the urethra, sometimes appear.

Only a specialist doctor can treat Trichomonas, and the treatment largely has individual characteristics. In no case should you self-medicate or contact anyone other than a specialist. Any attempt to delay treatment or treat yourself dramatically increases the chance of acquiring more dangerous and aggressive forms of trichomoniasis in relation to a person, when the disease proceeds in a latent or atypical format.

Treatment should be carried out immediately upon diagnosis of the disease, at any stage and form. Moreover, the treatment is carried out not only in relation to the patient, but also to his partner, even if his tests are negative, since the immune resistance to Trichomonas is very low and it is easy to re-infect.

With the usual course of the disease without complications, the treatment lasts about 2 weeks, but if the disease has taken on chronic forms and there are complications, then it is difficult to predict the duration of treatment.

During treatment, preparations from the group of nitroimidazoles are necessarily prescribed, the drug prescribed by the doctor is taken orally, while creams such as Rozamet or Rozeks are applied locally, at the sites of the lesion. In special cases, drugs from the nitromidazole group are also prescribed for topical use, but only as an additional treatment, and not the main one.

The drugs taken should not be mixed with alcohol intake, therefore, for the entire duration of treatment and for a month after the end, it is impossible to drink drinks containing alcohol.

With a weakened immune system and a chronic form of the disease, various immunostimulants are prescribed to raise the body's natural defenses. If the symptoms of the disease are pronounced and cause pain to the patient, then drugs are prescribed to eliminate these symptoms, for example, painkillers to eliminate pain.

If trichomoniasis is combined with other infectious diseases, then drugs are prescribed to combat each of the identified pathogens (antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal drugs).

After the end of treatment, about a week later, a second study is prescribed in order to make sure that the patient is cured.

Possible Complications of Trichomoniasis

Complications in trichomoniasis are the result of either improper treatment or its complete absence, when nothing prevented the infection from developing in the body of a man. Complications include: inflammation of the seminal vesicles and tubercle, pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis and much more, including infertility. Many of these diseases take on irreversible forms and are no longer amenable to any treatment.

According to American oncologists, Trichomonas can cause prostate cancer, and the longer and more acute the disease, the higher the risk of cancer. And there is a lot of evidence for this and the results of statistical studies conducted by scientists at the Cancer Center in the United States.

The role of early diagnosis of trichomoniasis can hardly be overestimated, the only way to save the patient from a great danger to his health.

Preventive actions

The main recommendations for the prevention of the disease are related to the usual advice for the prevention of all sexual diseases. In addition to advice to stick to sexual intercourse with a reliable partner, there are more specific activities:

  • use a condom or other barrier contraception for every questionable sexual intercourse;
  • regular examination by specialists for preventive purposes;
  • if sexual intercourse took place without the use of a condom or the latter was damaged in the process, then it is necessary to use an antiseptic for local use, for example, miramistin.

And the last but not least recommendation. In no case do not try to self-medicate, having found any problems in the urogenital area, only treatment as directed and under the supervision of doctors can guarantee a cure and the safety of your life.

How is it manifested and how to treat trichomoniasis in men?

Trichomoniasis in men is the most common sexually transmitted disease. As a rule, the infection enters the body through genital sexual contact, affecting the prostate gland and urethra. Infection during oral and anal intercourse occurs infrequently.

Clinicians identify several routes of infection with trichomoniasis:

  1. Contact with the body fluids of an infected person. This can be blood, vaginal discharge, saliva, etc. Even a simple kiss with an infected partner can pose a threat.
  2. Personal hygiene items. The pathogen can exist for several hours outside the human body, so there is a (low) probability of infection when using infected hygiene items, towels, bed linen and other things of the carrier.
  3. During delivery a child can become infected with this pathology from a sick mother.

Incubation period

In the first day after infection, it is almost impossible to confirm the presence of the disease in the body in the laboratory. This is due to the fact that the incubation period is most often asymptomatic and can last from several days to two months. At this time, there are no signs of trichomoniasis.

Subsequently, the disease moves to an early stage, and the doctor, through various diagnostic methods, confirms the presence of the Trichomonas vaginalis bacterium in the body.

flow shapes

This pathology has several forms:

  1. Acute. It develops 1-2 weeks after the pathogen enters the body. It is characterized by symptoms characteristic of any inflammatory process. If the immune system is depressed, the signs will be very pronounced.
  2. subacute. Symptoms are somewhat less pronounced, which causes certain difficulties in identifying the disease.
  3. Chronic. This is a severe form that develops due to untimely or insufficient therapy. Subsequently, this can lead to serious complications.
  4. Trichomonas carrier. In this state, the pathogen lives on the mucous membranes of a person, while not provoking the manifestation of symptoms. In this case, the man becomes a carrier of the infection, without even knowing it.

The method of treatment for each form of the disease is selected individually. In order to avoid its transition to the chronic stage, it is necessary to identify the first signs in a timely manner and seek help from a medical institution.

chronic course

Chronic trichomoniasis is the most dangerous form of the disease, since it is characterized by an asymptomatic or asymptomatic course, which is characterized by frequent periods of exacerbation and remission.

As a rule, during the period of exacerbation, there is a sensation of tingling or itching in the genitals, as well as discomfort when urinating. During the period of remission, there are no pathological symptoms. A provoking factor for the development of an exacerbation can be alcohol consumption, hypothermia, heavy physical exertion, hormonal disruptions, and improper hygiene of the intimate area.

In the case of self-medication, refusal of therapy or uncontrolled use of drugs, acute trichomoniasis can become chronic, leading to epididymitis, prostatitis and infertility.


Symptoms of trichomoniasis in men manifest themselves in different ways. The complexity of diagnosing pathology lies in the fact that their signs are not always present, and treatment does not begin on time. In medicine, cases are often detected when a man is a chronic carrier of an infection for several months and there are no symptoms.

The manifestation of this disease:

  • the first signs of the disease in men are itching and burning during urination;
  • discharge from the urethra. They can be different - light and transparent, whitish and gray, in some cases purulent or in the form of foam;
  • single meager discharge occurs in the morning, they look like a transparent drop.

The first symptoms of trichomoniasis are enhanced by eating spicy foods and alcoholic beverages.

  • at the opening of the urethra, inflammation and slight swelling can be observed;
  • there are pain in the perineum, genitals, rarely - the pain spreads to the pelvic area;
  • in some cases, there is a small amount of blood in the urine and semen;
  • there is a suppression of sexual desire, a decrease in potency.

Sensations in trichomoniasis are often confused with the symptoms of a disease such as sciatica, and self-treatment is carried out from it, which, as a rule, ends unsuccessfully.

If the disease is not detected in time by the first signs and treatment is not started, serious complications can occur.

These include:

  • pain in the testicles and scrotum caused by fever;
  • inflammatory processes of the genital organs - swelling and redness of the penis, its head, the appearance of wounds and sores on it;
  • inflammatory processes caused by this pathology often lead to prostatitis;
  • if the pathogen Trichomonas vaginalis has entered the urethra, an inflammatory process develops, which often leads to urethritis. When the inflammation intensifies or there is no treatment, the organs of the genitourinary system are affected - the ureters, bladder and kidneys;
  • as a result of infection in a man, the quality of biological (seed) material decreases and spermatozoa become less mobile. In most cases, these changes lead to infertility that cannot be treated.


To correctly establish the diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is carried out for the presence of pathogens of trichomoniasis in a man.

Such studies include:

  • smears from the urethra;
  • microbiological cultivation of the pathogen and its study in an artificial environment;
  • immunological research.

In some cases, the results of the study of the general smear have an error, and infection is not detected during its conduct.

Therefore, the doctor prescribes the following additional laboratory tests:

  • sowing- when carrying out this method, the smear material is placed in a special environment favorable for pathogens, and they begin to reveal themselves. Such a study is carried out up to a week, it is justified by the high accuracy of the results;
  • DIF (direct immunofluorescence)– the accuracy of this analysis is about 70%, the study takes only a few hours;
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction)- this method allows you to identify the DNA of the causative agent of the disease, studies take from two to five days.


Treatment of this pathology is carried out only by a venereologist, self-medication is unacceptable, since it can lead to rather serious consequences.

Any attempt to treat yourself or delay treatment dramatically increases the chance of acquiring forms of trichomoniasis that are dangerous to human health. In this case, the disease will proceed in an asymptomatic or atypical format.

Immediately after diagnosing the disease, the specialist draws up an individual treatment regimen. Moreover, therapy is carried out both in relation to the patient and in relation to his partner, regardless of what his results of the analysis are. If the examination of the partner showed a negative result, the treatment of the pathology is still prescribed, since the resistance of immunity to Trichomonas is low and there is a risk of re-infection.

With the usual course of the disease, treatment lasts about two weeks, but if the disease has become chronic or there are complications, then it is difficult to predict the duration of therapy.


Treatment of this pathology includes the use of various antibacterial agents. To cure the disease in men, the following drugs are used according to the scheme:

  • based on metronidazole. This substance is part of Trichopolum, Flagyl, Metrogil and other means. The chronic form of this disease is treated with their intravenous administration. The course of therapy - 10 days;
  • based on trinidazole. This group includes Tridazole, Ametin, Fazizhin and other drugs. These agents are capable of penetrating inside microorganisms, disrupting their DNA. Such an impact makes their vital activity impossible;
  • based on tenonitrozole. These drugs include Atrikan. The drug is available in the form of capsules that dissolve in the intestine. Duration of treatment - 4 days;
  • complex means for the treatment of pathology, which include several potent components at once. These are medicines Klion-D, Ganalgin, Macmirror and others;
  • to enhance the effect from antibiotics, the following drugs can be prescribed: Solkotrikhovak Porogenal, etc. Their use allows you to develop temporary immunity to this disease. Porogenal is a complex drug. It is produced in two forms: solution for injection and suppositories for rectal administration;
  • immunomodulating agents. In the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed simultaneously with antibiotics. A good therapeutic effect has the use of Kagocel, ginseng and lemongrass infusion;
  • ointment treatment. Effective ointments help to overcome the pathogen and relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. They are used as an additional therapeutic agent. These drugs include Clotrimazole, Clindamycin, Metrogyl-gel and some others.

Treatment of chronic trichomoniasis requires long-term use of various drugs. Sometimes the causative agents of pathology are resistant to certain types of medicines, so the doctor prescribes additional therapeutic methods. Only a comprehensive treatment of the disease can stop the spread of pathology throughout the genitourinary system.

Physiotherapy techniques

Trichomoniasis requires immediate therapy, physiotherapy will be a good addition to drug treatment.

Most often, specialists prescribe the following procedures:

  • electrophoresis;
  • prostate massage.

These manipulations are carried out in a medical institution. During this period, men should refrain from sexual intercourse.

Complications in men

Treatment of this pathology should be started immediately, otherwise there is a risk of serious complications, among which you can meet:

  1. Urethritis- a disease in which the site of localization of the focus of infection is the urethra.
  2. Pyelonephritis- an inflammatory disease of the kidneys, which has several forms.
  3. prostatitis in chronic form. The causative agent of infection affects the prostate gland, which adversely affects the process of urination, as well as erectile function. A patient with such a problem is waiting for a complex and lengthy treatment.
  4. Vesiculitis- inflammation of the seminal vesicles. This pathology affects the quality and activity of spermatozoa, which often leads to problems with the fertilization of the egg.
  5. prostate cancer. If there is no therapy, the development of oncology is possible.
  6. Infertility- one of the most severe complications provoked by trichomoniasis. In the absence of a full-fledged treatment, the reproductive function of a man can be lost forever.

Folk remedies

The most effective means:

  1. Five tablespoons of pharmaceutical chamomile pour 400 ml of boiling water. After 2-3 hours of infusion, the product must be filtered. Take this infusion inside 120 ml twice a day (morning and evening), half an hour before meals. Such a healing decoction has a good effect on the initial stage of the disease.
  2. Mix four tablespoons of dried eucalyptus raw materials with the same amount of tansy. To this mixture add 2 tbsp. spoons of yarrow and 3 dessert spoons of sophora. One st. pour a spoonful of the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. Filter before use. Take a decoction of 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day one hour before meals. Treatment with this composition lasts at least three weeks.
  3. Mix one table at a time. a spoonful of raw calendula, celandine, bird cherry, lilac flowers. One spoonful of the collection pour 200 ml of water, boil for 5-7 minutes. Filter the prepared broth and apply for sitz baths. The duration of the procedure is about 20 minutes. The course of treatment is a month.
  4. Dissolve a spoonful of 9% vinegar in 1 liter of warm water. The solution is used for the bath. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. Repeat once every 12 hours.


Prevention of trichomoniasis is primarily protected sexual intercourse.

To avoid infection with this pathology, you need to know the following:

  • the probability of infection through unprotected sexual contact is 80-90%;
  • the disease is not transmitted by contact;
  • it is possible (rarely) to become infected in a household way without observing the rules of personal hygiene;
  • the use of foreign objects (bathing accessories) of an infected person can lead to the development of the disease;
  • pathogens die at t below 31 0 C, as well as above 43 0 C;
  • 100% protection against infection with trichomoniasis is contraception and ignoring casual sex;
  • with treatment that creates an unfavorable environment for reproduction, microorganisms are able to transform into a cyst form.

If a condom is damaged during sexual intercourse, you should immediately treat the penis with any antiseptic preparation and contact a specialist for a full examination within a few days.

Self-medication does not guarantee a cure for the infection; in this case, Trichomonas become more resistant to antibacterial drugs, and the disease is more difficult to cure.

Men should clearly understand that trichomoniasis is a pathology that can cause many serious complications, including complete infertility. Therefore, when signs of this disease appear, you need to consult a venereologist. At the initial stage of the disease, you can limit yourself to taking pills.

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