How to strengthen your witch gift. How to develop your magical abilities

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I began to think about how you can "wake up" such a witch. To awaken a witch means to awaken the dormant powers in her, and then to establish the broken connection of the witch with her kind. Indeed, today there are very few real witches left, and the need for these unusual women who own a unique magical gift is higher than ever.

And I found such an opportunity and by now hundreds of witches have been awakened by me and are successfully developing as witches. The awakened witch has the same powers, abilities, abilities, and talents as if she had adopted the gift and craft directly from her witch grandmother (or great-grandmother).

The awakened witch has a choice in which direction to develop, what kind of witch she becomes, which of her abilities to focus on, and which ones to ignore. Of course, abilities in themselves mean a propensity for one activity or another, but the choice is ultimately up to the witch, and not her, say, grandmother, as it would be if the grandmother-witch raised and trained her granddaughter from childhood, preparing a replacement for herself and continuing her witch family according to their will and understanding.

To become an awakened witch, a sleeping witch must wake up, and she can only do this in my witch awakening sessions. Today, I'm the only one who seriously deals with sleeping witches (and witches in general), and even the term "sleeping witch" was coined by me (or rather, it was "given" to me). By the way, they laughed at me because of him, as they laughed at my other term "white witch". Today, this is the standard terminology in Russian-speaking magic.

Although a sleeping witch can partially use her power, more often unconsciously, less often consciously, she will remain a sleeping witch and, despite any of her witchcraft, she will neither feel nor perceive herself as a witch and the witches of her kind will not be able to help her in any way. It is impossible to explain, it can be felt by those witches who wake up in my sessions. The life of an awakened witch is divided into before and after awakening. Awakened witches feel this very emotionally, but they cannot really tell anything, since the experience of awakening is deeply personal, it is the experience of mystical experiences from contact with the Unknown, which cannot be conveyed to anyone by any words.

The changes that take place in a sleeping witch when she awakens are so striking that they are noticeable to those around her and especially those close to her. The voice, gait, posture, facial expression, eye color change, authoritative notes appear in the manner of speaking. A witch does not recognize herself by looking at her reflection in the mirror.

Sometimes these changes frighten the awakened witch herself, she is looking for support, she has many questions, she needs to rely on someone in her searches, she needs information about her abilities, witches of the family come to her and want something from her, some kind of devil spins around her, she begins to understand the language of animals, birds, trees and plants, her words and wishes expressed in passing turn out to have their own power ...

A lot of unusual, magical, mysterious things happen to a novice witch. And in order to support the witch in this difficult period of time, the period of the actual birth of the witch, we created this site (of our clan), a site created by witches for witches.

There are people who have magical abilities from birth, usually they know how to influence others. In a word, there are potential witches and magicians who are unaware of their supernatural power. Usually people use it unconsciously.

Many of us are sure that such people do not exist, that only "dark" and poorly educated people believe in black magic. In fact, in our time, people with supernatural abilities have not disappeared. We just don't notice them.

It is possible that the woman standing next to you in line at the supermarket checkout is a witch. Or perhaps you yourself have some power. Take a closer look at yourself.

I am a witch. Angela's eyewitness account

I discovered my magical power at the age of 29. One day I found out that one of my co-workers was spreading gossip about me at work. On that day, I looked in her direction and thought: “May your tongue fall off!” Literally in a moment, the gossip girl burned her mouth and tongue with hot tea. At that moment, I did not expect that thoughts were capable of such a thing. I laughed at this incident and soon forgot about it.

But the following incident confirmed my supernatural abilities. Once a friend invited me to visit to celebrate her daughter's birthday. I admired the two-year-old baby aloud, but I thought to myself that she does not look very good, she will probably get sick often. After a while, I found out that the girl became very ill, lost weight and would not get better. Then I realized that I jinxed the child.

Realizing that I had the evil eye and the powers of a witch, I began to act cautiously.

How to discover the abilities of a witch or sorcerer in yourself

Watch your thoughts carefully. What are the consequences of them? Is it possible that what you said will come true? Pay attention to how cats treat you. These animals feel witches - they do not fall into the hands of such people, hiss and run away. But small children, on the contrary, are drawn to them, asking to kneel and carefully examine them. The childish, still unformed energy itself is attracted by the strong energy of the witch.

Try to sincerely wish something good (within reason, of course) to someone you know. If your wish comes true, it is quite possible that your energy impulse helped.

Have you ever dreamed of gaining superpowers? But what if you already have them but don't know it? With the help of this free online test, you will be able to assess your energy potential, as well as receive recommendations regarding the occult development and self-improvement.

Despite the fact that this test for magical abilities is compiled in a somewhat frivolous comic manner, it allows you to fairly accurately determine the natural inclinations of a person. As you know, in every joke there is some truth... The effectiveness of the development of superpowers largely depends on the magician's ability to interact with the forces of nature. Therefore, one should not neglect her support in such a difficult matter as the acquisition of magical abilities.

You may be interested in other online divination:

Unleash your superpowers!

Each magician has his own patron who helps him in all ceremonies and rituals. With this magical ability test, you will find out who your patron is. Perhaps this is the legendary sorcerer Merlin? Mysterious Isis, keeper of the secret sciences? Or Shiva - the goddess of destruction and chaos? Take advantage of the free online "I am a magician or how" test to find out immediately!

Human superpowers include not only obvious manifestations of magical powers, such as telepathy, telekinesis and clairvoyance. They are not subject to many magicians who have successfully replaced the absence of super abilities with astrology and divination practices on Tarot cards, runes, etc. Through the free online testing presented here, you will find out in which direction you should develop your super abilities that nature has endowed every person.

Sometimes abilities such as clairvoyance or telepathy develop spontaneously, or as a result of a sharp emotional shock. However, more often they appear as a result of a special set of trainings, including meditation and special practices. But the first step in unlocking your potential is to explore your abilities and inclinations.

By taking advantage of the test for magical abilities, you will save yourself time, which is so valuable for every magician. After all, it is much easier to develop those talents for which a person has an inclination than to try to master something from scratch. Remember - beyond the ability, this is not a gift of the gods or the privilege of the elect, but the properties of a person that are in their infancy present in each of us. Therefore, do not hesitate, take the test for magical abilities, identify your talents, and start developing them. It's about time

Witches have always been considered the bearers of the powerful forces of nature. Take a closer look at yourself: perhaps you also have hidden talents for clairvoyance or rituals.

Not all people feel the presence of extrasensory abilities from childhood. For many, the ability to esotericism is revealed already in adulthood. But the sooner the understanding that you are unusual comes, the better: knowing that you can do something, you can learn to help people and communicate with Nature directly, comprehending your destiny.

Signs of psychic abilities

How to determine that the rituals and ceremonies you will get are not an empty repetition of words and gestures, but actions filled with meaning and power that lead to the desired result? There are several main signs that indicate a predisposition to esotericism and that you are capable of becoming a real witch:

Unusual appearance. If you have bright green eyes from birth, an unusual hair color, or catchy features like a large mole or an unusual birthmark, then this often indicates the presence of magical abilities.

Vivid, eventful dreams. If you see chronologically from childhood right dreams, in which not only there are bright colors and distinct sounds, but also smells or tastes are felt, then most likely you have the ability to lucid dream and astral travel.

Your wishes often come true. Does it happen to you that you really desire something, but do not tell anyone for some reason, and despite all the circumstances, the desire is fulfilled as soon as possible? If so, then you definitely have the ability for practices related to the intention and fulfillment of the desired.

You have a developed intuition. Sometimes it seems even too much. You somehow incredibly know that today you do not need to go to a business meeting, which will not take place anyway due to circumstances beyond your control. Or do you always know exactly who is calling you without looking at the phone? Or maybe you always know exactly what mood the person you are thinking about is in?

In this case, you definitely have clairvoyant abilities and you can develop it with the help of meditations and special techniques.

Animals love you. Our own, others' or even wild ones. If you always feel what your cat wants, why the dog is sad, and your neighbor’s angry old cat starts purring and rubbing against your legs when he sees you, then you have the ability to communicate with Nature and the elements. In this case, you can try to work with him, developing your talent.

Knowing how to recognize a witch in yourself or in your relative, girlfriend or colleague, you can better understand the laws of a happy life and change it for the better. We wish you the fulfillment of all desires, more miracles in life, and do not forget to press the buttons and

14.10.2016 07:08

Every woman who feels drawn to everything unidentified and mysterious can become a witch in real life. First, you should...

It is believed that one can become a witch not only because of the presence of certain magical abilities from the moment of birth, but also at one's own will. But in order to succeed on this path, both hereditary witches and everyone else need to know how to develop the abilities of a witch and make a lot of effort.

How to develop your innate witch abilities?

There are two seemingly simple, but in fact, incredibly difficult exercises that will help make the witches stronger and more pronounced.

  1. Concentration. Take a candle and light it on a dark evening, just make sure that there are no drafts in the room, if the flame fluctuates, then it will be very difficult to complete the exercise. Next, sit on a chair directly opposite the candle, close your eyes and try to relax. After sitting for 2-3 minutes, open your eyes and look at the brightest part of the candle flame, try not to take your eyes off it for as long as possible. It is considered that you have reached the maximum when you can stare at the flame without blinking for 3 minutes and at the same time not think about anything other than completing this task.
  2. Defocused look. To develop this ability, the witch needs to take 3 candles and arrange them so that one is directly in front of her face, and the other two are approximately opposite her shoulders (on the right and left sides, respectively). First, concentrate on the candle flame in front of you, hold your gaze for at least 1 minute, then try to make your gaze defocused. A sign that you have succeeded will be that you will see two side candles at the same time, and the flame of the one in front of you will become blurry. Repeat this exercise several times a night for best results.

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