How to cook pork kidneys tasty and fast. Are pork kidneys useful How to cook pork kidneys to stew

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

The variety of dishes is amazing. Having plunged into the ocean of recipes, you will find an innumerable amount of yummy that you will want to try. Stewed pork kidneys with vegetables in tomato sauce is one such option. I think that among my readers there will be fans and lovers of kidney dishes. The reputation of this culinary product can hardly be overestimated, since the use of animal entrails is the most beneficial food for the body. In addition, when quenching, by-products retain all substances in themselves almost in full.
It is worth noting that pork kidneys contain a high level of vitamin B, and the product is also rich in minerals and protein. These properties are very important for the normal functioning of organs, and the body as a whole. They also contain fatty acids that are responsible for the renewal of body cells. By the way, for those who prefer beef more than pork, do not rush to close this recipe, you can also cook beef kidneys using it.

How to cook pork kidneys correctly, odorless

The main thing to do before cooking stewed pork kidneys is to follow a number of rules. It's no secret that many housewives are frightened off by the smell of urea, which is present to one degree or another in the by-product. This is the main stumbling block in terms of using this meat product in home cooking. However, if you properly prepare the kidneys before stewing, then you can subsequently not be afraid that the dish will be seriously and irrevocably spoiled.

To make stewed pork kidneys tasty and fragrant, you should know certain conditions for their preparation. Some secrets will help to make a really appetizing and tasty dish. How to cook odorless pork kidneys?

  1. First, before cooking, the kidneys should be rid of the smell of urea by soaking them.
  2. Secondly, when cooking, it is important not to mix them with other offal.

To cook odorless pork kidneys, they must be immersed in a container of water and kept for at least 5-6 hours. In this case, the water must be changed periodically, at least 3 times. In this case, there will be no trace of a specific smell. It should also be mentioned that the kidneys can be soaked in milk, and experienced cooks consider this the best way. But in order to save money, you can use plain drinking water. Ideally, soak the kidneys for a day by placing them in the refrigerator, for example, it is convenient to do this in the evening.

The kidneys should not be stewed and cooked with some other offal (, heart, lung, etc.), since the latter can acquire a specific taste of the kidneys. Those. kidneys should be the main meat ingredient, and the choice of other ingredients, whether it be vegetables, gherkins or cereals, is up to you. has already published a recipe for making a very popular dish in many families -. On today's table, we will have an equally delicious dish - stewed pork kidneys with vegetables, and step-by-step photos will clearly illustrate the entire culinary process.

Stewed pork kidneys with vegetables, recipe with photo


Pork kidneys - 2 pieces
Carrot - 1 piece
Onion - 1 piece
Garlic - 2 cloves
- 2 tablespoons
Bay leaf - 2 pieces
Allspice peas - 3 things
Salt and ground pepper - to taste
Vegetable oil - for frying
Dill - a small bunch


1. To cook pork kidneys correctly, that is, without smell, you need to get rid of it. Therefore, the first step is to remove the unpleasant smell of urea from the kidneys. We rinse them under running water and leave them to soak in water for several hours - at least 5, not forgetting to periodically change the water.

2. Next, cut the kidneys in half, free from fat, capsules, ureters and external blood vessels. Rinse and put into a cooking pot.

3. Boil the offal until cooked for about 50 minutes. In this case, the first 10 minutes we change the water twice. To do this, bring the product to a boil, remove the pan from the stove, drain the water, wash the kidneys and again fill it with clean water (it can be hot from the kettle). Put on the stove and repeat the procedure. After changing the water for the third time, boil them in salted water until tender.

4. Cool the finished kidneys so as not to burn yourself and cut into strips.

5. By this time, prepare the vegetables. Peel the carrots, garlic and onions, wash and cut into strips.

6. In a heated pan in vegetable oil, fry the vegetables, stirring occasionally until golden brown.

7. Add boiled chopped kidneys to the pan.

8. Season the dish with tomato paste, spices and salt.

9. Mix the products well and at the very end add finely chopped greens.

10. As soon as the food boils, reduce the heat and simmer under a closed lid over low heat for 20 minutes.

You can serve stewed pork kidneys in tomato with any side dish, for example, boiled potatoes or spaghetti.

But even without any garnish, you can put this dish on the table, it is self-sufficient! Since, in addition to tender and soft pieces of kidneys, it contains stewed vegetables seasoned with tomato sauce. It turns out a very tasty and satisfying second course for a family dinner. I recommend not to forget about such a useful offal as the kidneys and be sure to include it in your diet! Moreover, there are many delicious cooking recipes with it, I will be glad if you share them in the comments.

Kira Stoletova

Today, the entrails of the animal, and especially pork kidneys, are very popular.

What is the product

Pork kidneys are a complete offal, smooth and even in structure. Most people compare them to beans because of their relatively small size. Pork kidneys weigh approximately 150 g. A product that belongs to high-quality meat should not have any cracks, cuts, tears, extraneous stains. At the same time, green and yellow spots are the norm: they indicate that the product was poorly cleaned of the spleen and fluids in the animal's body.

Good products should have a brown tint: this indicates that the pig was fed well and was completely healthy. If, nevertheless, kidneys with yellowish spots are acquired, they should be cleaned at home immediately.

Most experts say that the kidneys of young animals are much softer and tastier compared to the product obtained from an old pig. Lighter buds hint that their owner was no more than 1-2 years old at the time of slaughter, darker buds indicate that they either belonged to an old pig or had lain on the counter for more than 24 hours.

Positive properties of pork kidneys

It can be said with full confidence that such a product carries many positive properties for the human body. People suffering from kidney disease can safely include the described pork product in their menu: it will help improve their health. This offal includes B vitamins necessary for the human body, which affect the good functioning of the entire digestive system and the normal functioning of all systems of the human body. In addition, pig kidneys are rich in the following positive substances:

  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • sulfur;
  • potassium;
  • chlorine.

Doctors include such a product in the diet of people who have problems with blood formation, the passage of capillaries, there is stagnation in the blood and the possible presence of blood clots. Substances that are part of the pig kidneys have a positive effect on the flow of blood in the body, making the trace elements move faster. In addition, such an amazing offal contains a small amount of calories, so even those people who are on a diet can eat it. At the same time, they will be able to get all the necessary substances.

Negative Product Features

As most experts assure, today there are no special contraindications. In addition, not a single case of overdose or death from pig kidneys has been recorded. At the same time, one should not lose sight of the possible intolerance of such a product by a person - an allergy.

In all other situations, the kidneys are an absolutely safe and healthy product that contains many different useful substances. Of course, do not forget that you still need to adhere to the norm, since oversaturation with any product can lead to at least indigestion.

Helpful information

The product does not have the most pleasant smell, but its quality is not affected. This is the natural "flavor" of the kidney. So that the product does not harm, it must be washed well, and then soaked in milk.

From the kidneys, you can make both first and second courses; they can be both boiled and fried, although in the latter case most of the useful substances evaporate. The main rule is that under no circumstances should kidneys be combined with any other offal, as they interact poorly with each other. In general, doctors and chefs advise absolutely all offal to always cook separately and use them in different dishes.

Pork kidneys are a very healthy and high-quality product that will be a good addition to the diet. Most experts recommend that every person use them at least once every 3 days: this will have a good effect on the work of all body systems.

How to cook kidneys

Most people are absolutely sure that pork kidneys are a tasteless meat that should be thrown away. The whole problem is that not everyone knows how to properly cook pork kidneys. The first and main thing to do is to soak them in water, in milk. It is necessary to soak correctly, for about 30-50 minutes, in order to completely remove all the smell and even make the taste a little different.

It is important to sustain these 30-50 minutes. If you soak the offal in milk or water for a shorter amount of time, this will not help to remove either the smell or a slightly bland taste. Only after this procedure, the product can be cut for cooking.

From the kidneys, you can cook anything. They can be stewed, boiled, steamed and fried.

How to cook odorless pork kidneys. Quick and easy recipe!!!

Harm PORK kidneys? This is true?

Beef kidneys. Offal on our table

Butter is used for frying, salt can be added to taste. The kidney dish looks very tasty and pretty. Creamy sauce goes well with this product. You can entrust the cooking to cookbooks or experiment on your own.


So, you can be absolutely sure that pork kidneys will not cause any harm to the body. The main thing is to soak them immediately after purchase: milk or water will neutralize the heavy smell and remove the slightly bland taste.

Pork kidney dishes are not very popular in our area, although in other cuisines of the world they are considered almost a delicacy. The reason for this is ignorance of how to cook odorless pork kidneys and avoid a "rubber" consistency.

According to the recipes of our grandmothers, we soak this offal for a long time (which, in fact, is correct if the pig that gave it was old, or the kidneys themselves are not very fresh) and cook for hours. But it is precisely the prolonged thermal effect that has such a detrimental effect on the most delicate structure and makes the dish practically inedible. Therefore, further we will give some tips on how to properly cook pork kidneys in order to get a real culinary delight.

Golden Rule: choose only fresh kidneys. They should be light reddish-brown in color, smooth, shiny and fairly firm.

If you see dark spots or, even worse, mucus, and dents remain from pressure for a long time, do not take them in any case. We also recommend that you refuse frozen offal.

We remove the smell

1. First of all, wash and dry the kidneys with a paper towel (this way it will be more convenient to work with them).
2. Trim off any excess white fat.
3. Now we get rid of the smell. To do this, there are several soaking options. Usually, before this, the kidney is cut lengthwise or soaked as a whole. You can also slightly incise the surface with a “mesh” so that the accumulated aromas are better washed out.

Option 1. Double boil

Soak the kidneys in plain water for 2-12 hours.
Then rinse, cover with water and bring to a boil over high heat.
Drain the water, refill with cold water and boil again.

Option 2. Vinegar rinse

Pour 300-400 ml of white vinegar into a bowl and add a heaping tablespoon of salt. Flush the kidneys until the water becomes cloudy.
Place the bowl under running water and let the product "rinse" for about 20 minutes.

Option 3. Soaking in milk

Fill the kidneys with milk (it perfectly absorbs odors and adds tenderness to the taste) and leave for 1-3 hours.
Then rinse thoroughly. Milk after that, alas, cannot be used.

You should not skip the soaking stage, because pork kidneys, in contrast, almost always have a very unpleasant pungent odor.

Delicious pork kidney recipes

This product goes well with soy sauce or pickles. Kidneys can be cooked as a separate dish and served with all kinds of cereals, added to soups and pickles, used as an appetizer or stewed immediately with a side dish. We offer you several recipes for simple, but endlessly delicious dishes.

Pork kidneys stewed in sour cream


1 kg of kidneys
one medium carrot and one onion each
3 garlic cloves
3 tbsp sour cream
2 tbsp soy sauce
50 g butter
200 ml milk
salt pepper


1. To prepare the kidneys, you must first soak them in milk, and then carry out a “double boil”.
2. Let the product cool and cut in any way.
3. Then cut the onion into half rings, carrots into half circles, chop the garlic and fry all this in oil until soft.
4. Add pork kidneys. Fry until they start to brown slightly.
5. Make a sauce of sour cream, seasonings and soy sauce and pour it over the cooking dish. Simmer for 20 minutes.

An ideal side dish for stewed kidneys would be buckwheat porridge or potatoes in any of its forms.


400 g kidneys
10 g dried mushrooms
40 g onions
20 g flour
50 ml. vegetable oil and white wine


1. Cut the soaked kidneys into strips and put in a frying pan with already heated oil.
2. Add finely chopped onion and fry until lightly browned.
3. Fill the pan with wine and simmer until tender (10-15 minutes).
4. In another pan, fry the chopped mushrooms.
5. Mix flour with salt, sprinkle on the kidneys and mix.
6. Put the finished kidneys on a dish, and sprinkle with mushrooms on top.

For beauty, you can put a branch of parsley on top.

Pork kidneys with vegetables (multi-cooker recipe)


600 g of kidneys
5 large potatoes
2 fresh cucumbers
1 large carrot
1 large onion
1 garlic clove
large bunch of parsley (with root)
2 tbsp. tomato paste and vegetable (preferably olive) oil
1 glass of water and sour cream
salt pepper


1. Cut the soaked kidneys into cubes, sprinkle with salt and pepper and leave for a few minutes.
2. Put them in a slow cooker, sprinkle flour on top and cook for 15 minutes in the "Baking" mode.
3. Mix sour cream, tomato paste and minced garlic.
4. Pour the resulting sauce into the bowl and simmer for 15 minutes.
5. Finely chop the onion and carrot into the pan, chop the parsley root as much as possible and fry in oil for 10 minutes.
6. Then pour it all into a bowl, cut potatoes and cucumbers into strips, put everything in a slow cooker and simmer for about an hour and a half.

Before serving, garnish the dish with a spoonful of sour cream and chopped parsley.

As you can see, cooking pork kidneys is not as difficult as it seemed before. Of course, although this product is prepared in 20 minutes, it requires preliminary, rather lengthy preparation. But at the exit you will get the most delicate delicacy that can be served on the festive table.

Additional recipes with video

And in conclusion, we offer you a video on how to cook odorless pork kidneys and then beautifully decorate the finished dish.

Pork kidneys stewed with onions and carrots

Pickle with pork kidneys

Pork kidney dishes are not very popular in our area, although in other cuisines of the world they are considered almost a delicacy. The reason for this is ignorance of how to cook odorless pork kidneys and avoid a "rubber" consistency.

According to the recipes of our grandmothers, we soak this offal for a long time (which, in fact, is correct if the pig that gave it was old, or the kidneys themselves are not very fresh) and cook for hours. But it is precisely the prolonged thermal effect that has such a detrimental effect on the most delicate structure and makes the dish practically inedible. Therefore, further we will give some tips on how to properly cook pork kidneys in order to get a real culinary delight.

Choose carefully

Golden rule: choose only fresh kidneys. They should be light reddish-brown in color, smooth, shiny and fairly firm.

If you see dark spots or, even worse, mucus, and dents remain from pressure for a long time, do not take them in any case. We also recommend that you refuse frozen offal.

We remove the smell

1. First of all, wash and dry the kidneys with a paper towel (this way it will be more convenient to work with them). 2. Trim off any excess white fat.

3. Now we get rid of the smell. To do this, there are several soaking options. Usually, before this, the kidney is cut lengthwise or soaked as a whole. You can also slightly incise the surface with a “mesh” so that the accumulated aromas are better washed out.

Option 1. Double boil

Soak the kidneys in plain water for 2-12 hours. Then rinse, cover with water and bring to a boil over high heat.

Drain the water, refill with cold water and boil again.

Option 2. Vinegar rinse

Pour 300-400 ml of white vinegar into a bowl and add a heaping tablespoon of salt. Flush the kidneys until the water becomes cloudy. Place the bowl under running water and let the product "rinse" for about 20 minutes.

This is also interesting: How to eliminate an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator ?!

Option 3. Soaking in milk

Fill the kidneys with milk (it perfectly absorbs odors and adds tenderness to the taste) and leave for 1-3 hours. Then rinse thoroughly. Milk after that, alas, cannot be used.

You should not skip the soaking stage, because pork kidneys, unlike beef kidneys, almost always have a very unpleasant pungent odor.

Delicious pork kidney recipes

This product goes well with soy sauce or pickles. Kidneys can be cooked as a separate dish and served with all kinds of cereals, added to soups and pickles, used as an appetizer or stewed immediately with a side dish. We offer you several recipes for simple, but endlessly delicious dishes.


1 kg of kidneys, one medium carrot and onion each 3 cloves of garlic 3 tbsp. sour cream 2 tbsp. soy sauce 50 g butter 200 ml milk

Salt pepper

1. To prepare the kidneys, you must first soak them in milk, and then carry out a “double boil”. 2. Let the product cool and cut in any way. 3. Then cut the onion into half rings, carrots into half circles, chop the garlic and fry all this in oil until soft. 4. Add pork kidneys. Fry until they start to brown slightly.

5. Make a sauce of sour cream, seasonings and soy sauce and pour it over the cooking dish. Simmer for 20 minutes.

An ideal side dish for stewed kidneys would be buckwheat porridge or potatoes in any of its forms.

Pork kidneys with mushrooms in Lithuanian


400 g kidneys 10 g dried mushrooms 40 g onions 20 g flour, 50 ml each. vegetable oil and white wine


1. Cut the soaked kidneys into strips and put in a frying pan with already heated oil. 2. Add finely chopped onion and fry until lightly browned. 3. Fill the pan with wine and simmer until tender (10-15 minutes). 4. In another pan, fry the chopped mushrooms. 5. Mix flour with salt, sprinkle on the kidneys and mix.

6. Put the finished kidneys on a dish, and sprinkle with mushrooms on top.

For beauty, you can put a branch of parsley on top.

Pork kidneys with vegetables (multi-cooker recipe)


600 g of kidneys 5 large potatoes 2 fresh cucumbers 1 large carrot 1 large onion 1 garlic clove large bunch of parsley (with root) 2 tbsp. tomato paste and vegetable (preferably olive) oil, 1 glass of water and sour cream

Salt pepper

1. Cut the soaked kidneys into cubes, sprinkle with salt and pepper and leave for a few minutes. 2. Put them in a slow cooker, sprinkle flour on top and cook for 15 minutes in the "Baking" mode. 3. Mix sour cream, tomato paste and minced garlic. 4. Pour the resulting sauce into the bowl and simmer for 15 minutes. 5. Finely chop the onion and carrot into the pan, chop the parsley root as much as possible and fry in oil for 10 minutes.

6. Then pour it all into a bowl, cut potatoes and cucumbers into strips, put everything in a slow cooker and simmer for about an hour and a half.

Before serving, garnish the dish with a spoonful of sour cream and chopped parsley.

As you can see, cooking pork kidneys is not as difficult as it seemed before. Of course, although this product is prepared in 20 minutes, it requires preliminary, rather lengthy preparation. But at the exit you will get the most delicate delicacy that can be served on the festive table.

Additional recipes with video

And in conclusion, we offer you a video on how to cook odorless pork kidneys and then beautifully decorate the finished dish.

Pickle with pork kidneys


How to cook pork kidneys

In our diet, we most often use standard dishes, but in some cases we want to cook something tasty from unusual foods for us.

We look for recipes either on a cooking site or a cookbook. Finding recipes in our time on the Internet is not particularly difficult. Resourceful housewives spread the step-by-step preparation of a wide variety of delicacies into the network. The pork kidney dish is one such delicacy. But not every housewife will always dare to cook such a healthy, but specific dish, since there are a lot of nuances in its preparation, and if you do not follow the step-by-step instructions, then no tasty dish will come out of the kidneys.

In addition to excellent taste, the kidneys have another advantage - this dietary dish is rich in minerals, vitamins and protein. Pork kidneys are a storehouse of B vitamins, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium and other useful elements. They contain substances that are involved in the procedure of hematopoiesis in the body. Pork kidneys contain a lot of zinc, iron, selenium, which blocks the development of cancer cells.

When choosing kidneys in the store, you need to pay attention to their freshness, as well as kidney fat: the kidneys should have a white uniform color and uniform structure, and the presence of fat on them is a good indicator, although during the cooking process it will be necessary to carefully remove it.

Rules for the preparation of kidneys

Only in this case you will get an excellent dish of kidneys, if you follow all the rules for their preparation. And the main rule: you should never mix offal. If you decide to cook a dish from the kidneys, then you need to use only the kidneys. The next rule in the preparation of kidneys: the kidneys must be soaked for at least six hours before cooking. And don't forget to change the water as soon as it turns red. Approximately every two hours. It is better to perform this procedure in a room with an air temperature of +10 to +18 degrees. And one more rather significant point before soaking the kidneys: cut the kidneys into small cubes. To speed up the soaking process, you need to add a little vinegar to cold water.

The process of cooking kidneys depends on their type. Rinse the beef kidneys and put them in a pot of cold water, wait until the water boils with the kidneys. After that, it is necessary to drain the water, take hot water from the kettle and put until ready to cook over medium heat. If you decide to cook lamb or pork kidneys, then the cooking procedure will be slightly different. You should put these types of kidneys in a pot with already hot water, bring it to a boil, let the kidneys cook a little and drain the water. Then fill the kidneys, again with hot water and boil.

Repeat this procedure at least three times, until the water stops stinking and gets rid of the yellow color. As soon as you get rid of the yellow tint of water and the unpleasant smell, cook the kidneys over medium heat for forty minutes. The process of cooking kidneys on average takes about an hour and a half.

Do not forget to also salt your cooked kidneys, but remember that this should be done only after you have changed the water for the last time. Thirty minutes before the kidneys are ready, also add the bay leaf, black peppercorns, and onion to the pan.

Only after all these stages of preparation, the kidneys are ready to start preparing a dish from them or use them in the form already cooked for a snack. For kebabs, hodgepodges, pickles, it is better to use pork kidneys. Pork kidneys are also excellently combined with buckwheat or rice porridge, pasta or mashed potatoes. You can fry the kidneys, but do not cut them too finely so that the kidneys do not become tough. But it is better to serve beef kidneys in a stew.

The process of cooking pork kidneys, of course, plays an important role. But even more important is the quality of the original product itself. If you get stale, old kidneys, then no matter how you soak them, you will not get rid of the smell of moldy urine in the dish. Therefore, on the market, you should choose smooth, bean-like offal in a light brown or brown color, without tearing the outer tissues. They should be about 100-150 grams each. They are sometimes sold in a fat capsule. You can also buy these, but then you pay for excess weight and at home you will fiddle with in order to extract offal from a greasy shirt. The kidneys of gilts (they are usually light brown in color) are more tender compared to adult animals.


Let's start with the very basics. Before you start cooking pork kidneys, they must first be deprived of a specific smell. There are several methods of preliminary preparation of offal for subsequent heat treatment. The simplest of them is to soak the kidneys for 2-3 hours in cold water. After that, it's a good idea to let them swim in cold milk for about an hour (it's an excellent absorbent for all sorts of unwanted tastes and odors). Naturally, both milk and water should then be poured out. Another method to get rid of the smell of urine is to lightly blanched the offal in vegetable oil and water. However, they should not be cut very thinly so that the kidneys do not turn out to be hard. You can also use this proven method: bring it to a boil twice, changing the water each time.

How to cook pork kidneys?

Now that the product has been prepared for further cooking, you can think about what to make of it. In Slavic national cuisines, it is widely used in pickles, as well as in sauces for various crumbly cereals. The Ukrainian dish “buckwheat with mushrooms and kidneys” is especially famous, for which the offal in sour cream is stewed together with the gifts of the forests. You can cook a hodgepodge, or you can just make or fry a stew, and even a shlyk. In a word, there are a large number of answers to the question of how to cook pork kidneys, it is only important not to mix them with other offal. This product is very fond of the neighborhood of pickled onions and pickles, soy and wine sauces.

Kidneys in onion sauce - Russian dish

This simple recipe for pork kidneys has long been passed down from mother to daughter. Bring the offal soaked for a day to a boil and drain the water. Collect fresh water and put the kidneys in it to cook until tender. Cool and then cut into slices. Prepare the sauce separately: fry a soup spoonful of flour in a frying pan in three tablespoons of butter until golden brown. Pour in half a station of broth, in which the offal was cooked. Keep the pan on fire after boiling for five minutes. Fry the chopped onion in another pan until transparent, add the kidneys, fry for five minutes, then add three finely chopped cucumbers to them. Put a bay leaf and a few peppercorns, combine with the sauce and simmer for another 10-15 minutes under the lid.

How to cook pork kidneys in Ukrainian

It will take a glass of fatty mixture for two or three pieces of offal. Prepared (soaked, lightly boiled and cut into pieces) kidneys fry in a mixture of vegetable and butter until golden brown. Add sour cream, pepper, salt and simmer for 2-4 minutes. You can bake this dish in the oven by adding another spoonful of mayonnaise.

Kidneys boiled-fried

In order to prepare this simple, but very interesting dish, you need to have with you:

  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Sunflower oil, breadcrumbs
  • One egg
  • Half a kilogram of pork kidneys.

The kidneys must first be thoroughly rinsed and cleaned. After that, you should cook them in the broth, and then cool. After cut into slices, dip the egg and breadcrumbs into the beaten mixture, fry in oil.

Pork kidneys stewed

In order to prepare this simple dish, we need:

  • Flour, salt, bay leaf - to taste.
  • One glass of sour cream
  • Two onions
  • 500 grams of pork kidneys

In order to cook pork kidneys, they should be boiled. Then you should cut them into slices, and then roll in flour. We begin to stew the kidneys in a pan with onions already stewed. It is necessary to gradually add broth or water. Next, you need to put a bay leaf, and when the kidneys are already soft, then pour in a glass of sour cream, stir and boil further, salt. Be sure to decorate with dill before serving.

Immediately, for many housewives, the question arises, with what is it better to serve pork kidneys? Very simple answer! Potatoes are the best option. You can cook, for example, mashed potatoes.

You can also cook a snack of pork kidneys. The following ingredients will come in handy for this:

  • Vegetable oil, vinegar, soy sauce - 50 grams each
  • Two bunches of lettuce
  • 300 grams of pork kidneys

Rinse thoroughly the kidneys (pre-soak in milk or water), and then boil. Then clean the kidneys from fat and film, rinse and cut into strips. Cut the green lettuce, put the kidneys on top, pour over the soy sauce, which must first be mixed with vegetable oil and vinegar.

Pork kidneys in gourmet sauce

For cooking we need:

  • Half a kilo of pork kidneys

To prepare the sauce, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Bay leaf, peppercorns, salt - to taste
  • Three pickles
  • Two bulbs of onion
  • Three tablespoons of butter
  • One tablespoon of flour

It is necessary to prepare this dish especially carefully pork kidneys to get rid of the smell of urine. There are different methods for this. You can soak the kidneys in milk. And you can and throughout the day in cold water, placing them in the refrigerator. Water should be changed about once every 6-8 hours. But before lowering the kidneys into the water, they must be thoroughly washed, cleaned of fat and films, and then cut in half. When you next change the water in the refrigerator, you should pour a little vinegar into it.

After the kidneys are soaked, they should be placed in a pot of water, brought to a boil for the first time, and then drained. Dial again and put back on fire. After that, leave the kidneys to cook for one and a half hours.

Once the kidneys are cooked, they must be cooled and cut into slices. And then you need to move on to making the sauce. To do this, fry one tablespoon of flour in a frying pan and fry in 3 tablespoons of butter. Then pour half a glass of water or broth into this flour. Boil it all for five minutes.

Finely chop the onion and fry it in a cauldron in salted oil until it becomes golden brown. Cut the pickled cucumber into small cubes and also add to the cauldron. Pepper, salt. Pour all this with flour sauce, add a few leaves of parsley and simmer for fifteen minutes. Pour the chopped kidneys with sauce, serve hot.

Pork kidneys in tomato sauce

In order to prepare this dish, we need the following ingredients:

  • Spices, salt - to taste
  • 100 grams of tomato paste
  • Two onions
  • 600 grams of pork kidneys

After the kidneys are soaked, they should be boiled in three waters, for 2-3 minutes each time. Let cool and then cut into small pieces. Put a frying pan on a high heat and fry the pieces of kidneys on it. After that, as they are browned, you should reduce the heat and immediately add finely chopped onions to the pan. Salt and add spices to taste. After the onion turns golden, add a little water to the pan. And tomato paste right away. After that, cover the kidneys with a lid and simmer for an hour. Moreover, it should be controlled so that the kidneys do not burn.

Of course, kidneys are not a product that can be served at the festive table. But if you soak them correctly, then from this offal you can cook a large number of healthy and tasty recipes that your loved ones will try with pleasure.

How to cook kidneys?

How to cook kidneys?

As you know, offal is often used in traditional cuisines of different countries. Kidneys contain useful vitamins and substances. Perhaps the most important problem in cooking kidneys is to properly cut them and remove the smell, which is a very serious drawback of this type of offal. But if you learn how to cook kidneys, you will understand that this is not just a delicious dinner. With the help of kidneys, you can cook a real delicacy. Let's take a closer look at how to cook pork and beef kidneys.

Pork kidneys in Ukrainian

Cooking kidneys is a rather long and delicate process. They take much more time than other by-products. Therefore, before you start cooking, you need to properly prepare them.


  • 500 grams of chilled pork kidneys
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1 large onion
  • 4 pickles
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • Spices (lava leaf and black peppercorns)
  • Vinegar


  1. Clean the kidneys from fat and films, cut each into two parts, rinse thoroughly.
  2. Place the kidneys in a saucepan and cover with water, refrigerate for 8 hours. After that, remove, drain the water and repeat the procedure. For the fifth time, add vinegar to the water with which you will fill the kidneys. This will be needed in order for the smell to disappear.
  3. After this long preparation, place the kidneys in a pot of water and bring to a boil.
  4. Drain the water, then collect clean water in a pot with kidneys and put on fire. Boil for 1.5 hours.
  5. When the kidneys are ready, remove them from the broth and cut into slices.
  6. Sauté the onion until golden brown and add the kidneys, stir and simmer for a couple more minutes.
  7. For the sauce, fry 1 tablespoon of flour with 3 tablespoons of butter, pour in 100 ml of broth and cook for about 5 minutes.
  8. Finely chop the pickles and add to the pot with onions and kidneys, drain the sauce.
  9. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.

Ready. Pickled cucumbers can easily be replaced with pickled tomatoes. Buckwheat porridge or mashed potatoes are well suited for a side dish.

beef kidneys

This recipe is suitable for those who do not like extra calories and frying, it is also suitable for preparing the kidneys for consumption if you are going to make a pate out of them. Like pig kidneys, beef kidneys must be processed to remove the smell and not interfere with the flavor of the finished dish.


  • 1 kg chilled beef kidneys
  • 2 heads of cloves
  • 1 teaspoon ground chili pepper
  • 1 tablespoon salt


  1. Cleanse the kidneys of fat, films and large blood vessels. There are housewives who advise leaving a little fat - this should make the kidneys juicier. But here, as you know, it's a matter of your taste.
  2. Soak the kidneys in water for at least three hours. If possible, it is better to soak them for twelve hours. Don't forget to put them in the refrigerator. This will be the first step in ridding the kidneys of an unpleasant odor.
  3. After soaking the kidneys, take them out and cut them into pieces the size of a matchbox. This will help them cook more evenly.
  4. For the second stage of getting rid of the smell, fill the kidneys in a saucepan with water and bring to a boil. After that, drain the water, rinse them in cold water and repeat this procedure twice.
  5. For the third time, fill the kidneys with water and bring to a boil. After 20 minutes of cooking, add spices and seasonings. After that, cook them for another 40 minutes.

Beef liver prepared in this way goes well with jacket potatoes. Regular boiled potatoes will also be just right. Also, after the liver is cooked, you can stew it with onions for extra flavor and aroma. Also try making pork kidney pate. Pick the ingredients for it that you like. Beef liver prepared according to this recipe can be eaten even cold.

Bon appetit!

You may also be interested in these articles:

  • How to cook pork kidneys
  • How to cook beef kidneys

How to cook kidneys?

By-products are inexpensive, they contain the same proteins, fats and amino acids as full-fledged meat, but they are bought relatively rarely. The fact is that not all housewives know how to properly cook offal, and if the liver or heart is still in demand in the market, then they rarely buy kidneys. The whole point, of course, is the not very pleasant smell, which scares consumers away from this rather tasty and cheap product.

Getting rid of the smell

When we have found the right beef or pork kidneys, the question is how to cook them without smell. There are several ways to get rid of bad breath.

The first method is the cheapest, but the longest. You will need water throughout the day. We take out the kidneys from the film in which they are sometimes sold, cut out the ducts, remove the fat, cut into medium-sized pieces, for beef kidneys - trying to cut into slices. Pour cold water with a little soda. We wait 2 hours, rinse, change the water, wait another 2 hours, boil until boiling in clean water, wash and leave to soak for another couple of hours (we change the water, of course).

The second method is suitable only for those who are not afraid of vinegar. Pour 2 tbsp into water. tablespoons of vinegar, pour the same amount of salt, wash the kidneys in this mixture, then move it under running water for a quarter of an hour.

The third way is to soak the kidneys in milk, wait a couple of hours and rinse. In all cases, the unpleasant smell will go away and the kidneys can be safely cooked.

What to cook?

There is no smell, now we will decide what can be prepared from kidneys, for example, beef. First courses are also prepared from this offal: pickles, saltworts, and snacks. But most often they simply fry the kidneys with the addition of various ingredients. Here is the most popular option.

Kidneys and sour cream - a classic

We will tell you how delicious to cook the kidneys after you have soaked them.


  • veal kidneys - 2-3 pcs. (about 700 g);
  • sour cream with a fat content of at least 15% - 100 ml;
  • salt - 2 pinches;
  • white salad bulbs - 4-5 pcs.;
  • cold pressed sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • freshly ground black pepper - to taste.


We cut the onion into feathers, heat the oil, put the kidneys in the pan, quickly fry until the color changes and add the onion. Stir vigorously until the onion is golden brown. Add salt, pepper and sour cream at the same time, stirring, warm until boiling. Turn off and serve with vegetables and herbs, potatoes or rice.

Many people unfairly ignore offal, considering them unfit for consumption. This is considered a huge mistake, because with the right processing and combination with other ingredients, you can create a real masterpiece. First and second courses are prepared from the kidneys, as well as various snacks.

To make the dish tasty, you need to know some features and processing rules.

kidney recipes

You need to start any cooking with soaking or with another way to get rid of the smell, for example, you can cut the kidney a little, sprinkle with soda and leave for half an hour, and then rinse under running water. After the soaking process, remove the capsules, vessels, ureters, and then rinse everything thoroughly.

The next stage of preparation - by-products are poured with cold water, brought to a boil, and then the water is drained. Once again, pour hot water and boil over medium heat. It is important to consider that if pig and ram meat is used, then it must be put in boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. 2-3 times and only then bring to readiness.

Dish - kidneys in Russian

Thanks to the right combination of products, the meat is tender and very juicy. For this dish, you need to take the following products: 225 g of pork kidneys, half an onion, half a carrot and half a parsley root, and another 40 g of pickles, 10 g of capers. 1 teaspoon of flour, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tomato paste, a clove of garlic, 15 g of oil and salt.

To prepare the kidneys in Russian, peel the vegetables, chop and fry until half cooked. Remove the peel from the cucumbers and cut them into thin slices, and pass the garlic through a press.

Cut offal into small pieces and fry them in a pan. After that, pour tomato sauce on them. Put the prepared ingredients there and simmer until cooked. Can be served on its own with a sauce or can be added to mashed potatoes.

Pork kidney recipe - julienne

A great appetizer for an ordinary family dinner and for a festive table. For cooking, you need to take the following products: 100 g of ham, 320 g of offal, 225 g of champignons, onion, 100 g of cheese, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream and ketchup, and another 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk and 1 teaspoon of flour, a couple of clove buds, allspice, salt, herbs and bay leaf.

We will divide the preparation of this dish from the kidneys into several stages:

  • Cool the prepared offal, remove the fat and cut into thin slices, and the ham into strips. Cut the onion into 4 parts, and then chop into strips. Also chop the mushrooms;
  • Offal lightly fry and lay out. Fry the mushrooms in the same oil, and then transfer them to the meat. We also send ham and pre-fried onions there. It remains to salt, pepper and mix everything;
  • Separately, we combine sour cream, ketchup, flour and milk, as well as chopped greens. Add the prepared sauce to the meat filling and mix thoroughly. Arrange everything in cocotte bowls, and sprinkle cheese grated on a fine grater on top. You need to cook in an oven preheated to 180 degrees until a crust forms. You can decorate the dish with herbs.

Beef kidney dish - pickle

A hearty first course will appeal to both children and adults. For cooking, you need to take the following ingredients: 0.5 kg of kidneys and hearts, 250 g of red beans, 5 potatoes, a couple of onions, carrots, 3 pickles, 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste, 5 cloves of garlic, 90 g of pork fat, 3.5 liters of broth, herbs and salt.

We propose to divide the cooking process into stages:

  • First you need to soak the beans in cold water, best of all overnight;
  • Prepared offal must be cut into medium-sized pieces. Separately, they should be boiled until tender, and then cut into strips;
  • Peel the onions and carrots, cut into thin strips, and cucumbers into thin slices. Potatoes also need to be peeled;
  • Swollen beans should be sent to the broth and cooked over low heat. Onions need to be fried, and then, add carrots to it and cook until soft. Send the pasta there and cook for a couple more minutes. Pour over vegetables 1 tbsp. hot broth and when everything boils, the gas must be turned off. Cucumbers should be stewed separately;
  • When the beans are half cooked, add the sliced ​​potatoes to it. When everything boils, cook for 5 minutes. on a small fire. After that, add vegetables with tomato, cucumbers and offal. Don't forget salt, pepper and bay leaf;
  • Grind the lard, pass the garlic through a press, mix and add salt. Mix everything well with a pestle. Season the prepared pickle with the prepared mass, mix and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. It is recommended to serve with sour cream and herbs.

Dish from the heart and kidneys - roast

This combination of products is very satisfying and tasty. They can be added to any side dish. For cooking, you need to take the following ingredients: 0.5 kg of liver, 325 g of heart and onion, 225 g of kidneys and oil, ground hot pepper and salt with garlic.

Peel the onion, cut into half rings and fry with the addition of pepper. Cut the meat products into small pieces, and then put everything to the onion. Add salt, stir and fry lightly. Pour a little water there, close the lid and cook over low heat until tender.

Delicious dish - fried kidneys

You don't have to spend a lot of time on cooking, 45 minutes is enough. The dish is very simple and anyone can handle it. For 2 servings, you need to take the following ingredients: 0.5 g of pork kidneys, a couple of onions, half a bunch of dill, 1 teaspoon of flour, 4 cloves of garlic, salt, pepper, bay leaf, chili and vegetable oil.

Prepared by-products must be cut into small pieces, and then, fry everything in hot oil for 15 minutes. Peel the onion, cut into half rings, and the garlic into small pieces. Put the vegetables to the offal, and also send flour and spices there. You need to fry until the onion becomes golden. Serve with chopped dill.

Original dish - kidneys in wine sauce

This dish deserves to be included in the menu of famous restaurants. It is prepared from the following products: 750 g offal, 0.5 tbsp. oils and wines, a couple of onions, 1 teaspoon of flour, 50 g of tomato paste, and you also need pepper and salt.

We pre-prepare the main ingredient, and then cut it into small pieces and fry in oil. Throw in the chopped onion and cook until golden brown. After that, add the paste and 0.5 liters of warm water there. Separately combine wine, flour, salt and pepper. The resulting sauce must be poured when the offal is ready.

Dish of beef kidneys with mushrooms in sauce

An excellent independent dish, which, if desired, can be served, for example, with mashed potatoes. To make 4 servings, you need to take the following ingredients: 0.5 g offal, 225 g dried mushrooms, 3 pickles, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of white wine and grated cheese, egg yolk, 100 g of sour cream, spices and frying oil.

During the soaking of the kidneys, mushrooms should also be prepared, which should be soaked for an hour in warm water. After the time has passed, rinse the mushrooms, put in a saucepan and bring to a boil. After that, take out the mushrooms and cut them into pieces. Chop onions and cucumbers into strips, and offal into pieces of about 3 cm.

First you need to fry the onion with mushrooms for 4 minutes, and then add the kidneys and continue cooking. After a couple of minutes, add the wine, lower the heat and simmer covered for 5 minutes. Put cucumbers, spices there and mix everything. Beat sour cream and yolk separately, and then add the mixture to the pan along with 0.5 tbsp. mushroom decoction. Cook for 15 min. Sprinkle with cheese before serving.

All the above hot dishes are prepared easily, the main thing is to follow all the recommendations. Do not forget that in any recipe it is necessary to prepare the main ingredients so that its smell does not spoil the taste of the final dish.

To cook something like that from ordinary products, we turn to a cookbook or to relatives to find out recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation, one of these recipes is a recipe for cooking pork kidneys. This is not a dish that takes five minutes to prepare, but the taste we get in the end is worth the amount of effort.

If your budget is not too large, and you want to feed your family delicious, this recipe is just for this case, but you have to work hard. After all, pork kidneys are such an offal that, if cooked correctly, has a pleasant, alluring taste. I'll tell you how to do it.

1. Peel pork kidneys, cut lengthwise and wash with running water.

2. Since pork kidneys are a special product, you need to cook it in a special way, and be patient with cooking, because the kidneys have a certain smell, in order to get rid of it, you need to soak the kidneys for 18-20 hours in cold water, from time to time changing water. For the last time, you can add a spoonful of vinegar or citric acid.

3. Pour the soaked kidneys in a saucepan with water, put on the stove, bring to a boil, drain the water, rinse with running water.

4. Put the kidneys back into the pan and put on the fire again, cook for 60-80 minutes, until tender.

5. Remove the cooked kidneys, cool to room temperature and cut into slices.

6. While the kidneys are cooling, prepare the sauce, for this, put butter and a spoonful of flour on a heated pan. Stir, pour in, 50-70 grams of broth and fry for another 5 minutes.

7. At this time, you need to quickly wash, chop and fry the onion.

8. Add the onion to the pan, mix.

9. Add the kidneys and a few more minutes, reducing the heat, mix.

10. Add spices, mix and fry for another 3-5 minutes until cooked.

In some cuisines of the world, kidney dishes are considered a real delicacy. In our country, the fame of a foul-smelling product has stuck behind them, which became the reason for their rather low popularity. But it is worth admitting that with proper pre-treatment and skillful preparation, the kidneys turn into a really tasty and original dish, from which you will no doubt be delighted. You just need to learn how to cook them, and we will help you with this and tell you how to properly cook pork kidneys, how much to cook them and offer several options for dishes with them.

How to cook pork kidneys tasty and odorless - a recipe for cooking with sour cream


  • pork kidneys - 980 g;
  • milk - 320 ml;
  • carrots - 140 g;
  • onions - 140 g;
  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 160 g;
  • - 45 ml;
  • butter - 55 g;
  • coarse salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • fragrant seasonings and spices to choose from;


To get rid of the notorious third-party smell inherent in pork or any other kidneys, fill the washed product with milk and leave to soak for three hours. After that, we thoroughly rinse the kidneys under running water, fill them with clean water, heat to a boil, boil for a minute, and then drain and rinse again. We repeat the procedure of boiling, draining and washing again, after which we let it cool, and cut into cubes or strips.

We clean the onions, garlic cloves and carrots, chop finely and fry for seven minutes all together in a pan with butter. Now add the pork kidneys and keep the components on the stove until the latter are browned. In a separate bowl, combine sour cream, soy sauce, desired seasonings and allspice, add salt, mix and put in a pan with fried kidneys with vegetables. We let the food in for fifteen to twenty minutes on the quietest fire, and then add the finely chopped greens and leave it to infuse for ten minutes under the lid.

How to cook delicious pork kidney salad - recipe


  • pork kidneys - 580 g;
  • white vinegar - 220 ml;
  • coarse salt - 1 tablespoon with a slide;
  • medium-sized potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • onion red onion - 120 g;
  • - 180 g;
  • Bulgarian sweet peppers - 180 g;
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 10 ml;
  • wine vinegar - 15 ml;
  • refined sunflower oil - 65 ml;
  • seasonings and spices;
  • ground black pepper;
  • chopped fresh basil leaves - 25 g;
  • allspice peas - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh green leaves (optional)


As for any other dish, we prepare pork kidneys for a long time and painstakingly. To do this, we cut them in half, cut out the white ducts, vessels, remove the films and cut them off if there is fat. After that, pour the product with a mixture of white vinegar and salt and leave for an hour, stirring it thoroughly every ten minutes. Now we place a container with kidneys under a stream of cold water and leave to rinse for twenty to thirty minutes.

Next is the heat treatment. Pour the kidneys with clean water, let it boil, and after a minute drain the water and pour in a new one. We repeat the procedure one more time, after which we let the kidneys cool, cut them into thin strips and fry in refined sunflower oil for five minutes, seasoning with salt in the process.

At the same time, boil, peel and cut potato tubers into cubes or cubes, and also chop the peeled onion, bell pepper and pickled cucumbers.

In a bowl, rub peeled and squeezed garlic cloves with a pinch of salt, add soy sauce, wine vinegar, a little sunflower oil and beat well.

We combine the fried kidneys, potatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers and onions in a bowl, season with sauce, mix and put in a salad bowl, seasoning with chopped basil.

Pig kidneys. Recipe

Delicious pickle with kidneys and pearl barley

You will need: - 300 g of pork kidneys; - 200 g of potatoes; - 1 carrot; - 10 g of parsley root; - 1 onion; - 250 g pickled cucumbers; - 100 brine (cucumber); - 50 barley; - 50 g of butter; - 100 g of sour cream; - parsley and dill; - bay leaf, peppercorns and salt.

To remove the specific smell from pork kidneys, first peel them from the film, then cut them into 4 parts and remove the ducts. Pour the kidneys with cold water, preferably milk, and leave for 2-4 hours. Change the water several times. Then put the kidneys in a pot of water, bring to a boil and drain the broth. Cut the kidneys into small pieces, fill with new water and set to boil. Remove foam if it appears.

Steam pearl barley in advance. To do this, first rinse it in several waters, and then pour boiling water over it.

Peel, wash and cut into strips the parsley root and carrots. Fry them in butter and put them into the broth 30 minutes after the start of cooking the kidneys. Also put steamed pearl barley. Cook another 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, peel, wash and cut the potatoes. Free the onion from the husk and chop. Dip the potatoes and onions in the pickle. And after 10 minutes, add chopped pickles and brine. Taste the soup and season with salt. Pour spices, chopped herbs and turn off the fire. Keep the pickle under a closed lid for 10-20 minutes and serve the dish with sour cream.

It is better to take pickled cucumbers, that is, those in which there is no vinegar. They have a special taste and give it to the pickle

Pork kidneys stewed in sour cream

You will need: - 1 kg of pork kidneys; - 1 head of onion; - 50 g of butter; - 200 g of sour cream; - garlic; - pepper and salt.

Wash the kidneys, make an incision and remove the film. Then divide the kidneys in half and remove all the veins. Wash the meat and then soak for 2 hours. Change water often. Then boil the kidneys, while the foam can be left on, because you will not need the broth. Rinse again and then cut the kidneys into thin slices.

Clean the onion and chop. Put the butter in a saucepan and fry the onion, add the pork kidneys. Salt and pepper. Put sour cream on top, mix and simmer for 10 minutes. Chop the garlic and add to the kidneys. Keep on fire for another minute and turn off. Serve with rice, mashed potatoes or buckwheat. Good to add pickled cucumbers. If the kidneys are cooked correctly, you get a very tasty dish.

Pork kidneys, due to their specific smell, are not popular with modern cooks who are accustomed to semi-finished products.

But needlewomen hostesses are happy to prepare a complex dish, especially when they learn the old secrets of how to cook pork kidneys without a repulsive smell.

In the old days (and even now in villages), pork kidneys were soaked for a long time to rid them of an unpleasant odor. Sometimes the process dragged on for a day. The product was boiled for a long time, which made the meat tough and tasteless. If you make the same mistakes, then let's figure out how to cook pork kidneys correctly, create wonderful delicacies to the delight of households, and surprise guests with unusual dishes.

Pork kidneys in sour cream (classic recipe)

You will need:

  • 700 g offal;
  • carrots and onions;
  • half a glass of sour cream;
  • one clove of garlic;
  • butter - 1 tbsp;
  • soy sauce - 50 g;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • seasonings.

Cooking process:

  • Pork kidneys must be rid of the smell. It is not difficult. It is recommended to soak the product in milk (the recipe takes into account its presence).
  • Cut the kidneys into portions, along the strips, put in a bowl. Fill them with milk. After three hours, you can start cooking.
  • Chop onions and carrots, dividing in half, garlic - in small pieces. Fry these ingredients in oil until soft.
  • Place the kidney strips on top of the vegetables. Continue cooking until the first blush appears on the meat.
  • Mix sour cream with sauce and spices. Pour over the prepared dish.
  • Simmer for twenty minutes - half an hour.
  • While the kidneys are on the water, it's time to do the garnish. Prepare mashed potatoes or buckwheat porridge. They will ideally set off the taste of an odorless offal.

The secret for the curious: how to cook odorless pork kidneys (if there is no milk).

You can get rid of the offal from the "aroma" by boiling. Just do not need to cook them for hours, bringing the product to inedibility. There is a faster and more convenient way to eliminate a specific odor. At the same time, he will give an answer to the eternal question of hostesses: how much to cook pork kidneys.

Rinse the offal well and get rid of unnecessary fat. Soak the pork kidneys for a couple of hours in plain water (you can leave it overnight). Then you should transfer the kidneys to a container with fresh water and boil quickly. Remove from heat and pour off hot liquid. Immediately fill with cold water and bring to a boil again. After double cooking, the kidneys will get rid of the unpleasant odor. They can be used to prepare any dish.

Recipe for a slow cooker: pork kidneys with potatoes and vegetables

You will need:

  • 500 g of offal and potatoes;
  • 1 piece of carrot and onion;
  • two cucumbers (fresh);
  • glass of water;
  • a large bunch of parsley (preferably a root);
  • 50 g of tomato and oil (olive or any vegetable);
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • salt, pepper, garlic (optional).

The process of creating a dish:

  • Get rid of the smell in advance. You can use the methods described above. And for those who need lunch urgently, we will show you how to cook our product correctly without smell, almost without spending time.

The recipe does not include vinegar. But he is usually at home with any hostess. To process the kidneys, you will need two hundred grams. Pour the vinegar into a bowl, place the kidneys, washed and dried with a towel, notched over the entire surface. Rinse the offal well until the liquid becomes cloudy. Rinse with running water. Place the bowl of kidneys under the stream and leave for twenty minutes. At this time, while the smell disappears, start preparing vegetables.

  • Kidneys cut into cubes or strips (already odorless) should be lightly sprinkled with flour and salt. Next, cook in a slow cooker (“Baking”) for fifteen minutes.
  • Add premixed tomato and sour cream. Switch the device to the "Cooking" position. Hold for another 15 minutes. Add finely chopped garlic.
  • Separately, fry the carrots and onions in oil, adding parsley root (if using) there for a better taste and smell.
  • Place potatoes and cucumbers, cut into strips, by the kidneys. Top with fried vegetables. The processing time is 1.5 hours in the "Extinguishing" mode.

The dish does not require additional garnish. It is recommended to serve hot pepper marinated with honey.

Note to the hostess: pork kidney dishes are tastier and more aromatic if you add parsley root to them.

Not every recipe contains this ingredient, but it perfectly sets off the delicate taste of the kidneys themselves. When preparing this offal, it is advisable to always add parsley along with the root.

Another great addition to the kidneys are pickles. In the above recipe, you can replace them with fresh ones. Then the food will turn out a little more spicy and spicy, with an appetizing smell.

Odorless spicy pork kidney appetizer


  • kidneys - 300 g;
  • carrots - 300g;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • bulb;
  • vegetable oil, vinegar, soy sauce, red and black pepper, garlic (to taste).


  • Soak the kidneys in advance in milk or water (we get rid of the smell). It is advisable to keep them in the liquid longer, after making a notch (small cuts) over the entire surface.
  • Next, boil the offal. At this point, hostesses often stumble, not knowing how to cook pork kidneys. This product, previously freed from odor, is subjected to heat treatment for no more than forty minutes.
  • While the kidneys are gurgling on the fire, prepare the Carrot salad.
  • Rub the carrots on a special grater (you can use a regular, large one).
  • Onion cut into small cubes.
  • Heat a spoonful of vegetable oil in a pan. Fry the onion until golden brown. Quickly squeeze a clove of garlic into the heated mass and add to the grated carrots. Salt and pepper to taste. Add a teaspoon (at least) of vinegar. Leave in a closed container.
  • Cool the kidneys, with the smell already eliminated. Cut into strips. Drizzle with soy sauce. After five minutes, mix with the prepared salad. The original snack is ready.

How to choose pork kidneys

There are many more ways to cook pork kidneys tasty and original. However, you must first choose the right one! By-products do not like long storage, and not only because the characteristic smell intensifies. It is desirable to buy them on the market, from a familiar supplier, and even better - directly from the manufacturer.

Pay attention to the fact that the internal organs of the pig are of a natural, slightly faded color. Sometimes the kidneys are soaked in vinegar to give them a more presentable appearance and drown out the smell. Such a product cannot be cooked correctly. He's already a little damaged.

Strange secretions (mucus) or blackouts on the surface of the offal, too strong a smell, indicate its staleness. Refuse to purchase so as not to spoil either the dishes or the mood. If you buy, it will no longer matter how to cook pork kidneys, it will not work tasty and odorless. The surface of the by-product should gleam, look elastic. Touch them, don't be afraid. The kidneys give in to pressure, but quickly restore the structure. If there is a dent from the finger, it means that they have been lying on the counter for several days.

What to do if you didn’t know how to cook pork kidneys correctly and without smell?

Agree, it happens. An inexperienced hostess will first buy an offal, send it to the pan and put it on fire, only after that she will look for how to cook pork kidneys tasty and odorless. Of course, not a disaster, but unpleasant. After all, it was necessary to soak them or rinse them in vinegar, and we are already cooking.

Don't panic and don't worry. You just have to work on the product according to the "grandmother's method". Boil the kidneys for ten minutes. Change the water and boil again. Try not to make the fire strong. So you should change the water until it remains clear after a ten-minute boil. Usually three approaches are required.

Kidneys prepared in this way are suitable for pickle or snack. Stewed and fried will no longer work. Fresh kidneys are needed to prepare these dishes.

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