Rat race. What does the phrase undercarpet mouse fuss mean

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

From birth to death, they are busy with their petty household chores, solving unnecessary and meaningless problems that they essentially create for themselves. They weave various intrigues and conspiracies, trying to " spin out"Fatter for yourself, but is it worth the candle? Of course, our quick-witted one could not just pass by, and came up with several expressions, words and concepts that aptly and accurately characterize such ups and downs. Today we will talk about one of them, this Rat race, which means you can read a little below. This resource has collected many articles in which we interpret the words and phrases that we use in our everyday speech. Therefore, be sure to add us to your bookmarks so as not to miss the latest publications that appear very regularly with us.

However, before I continue, I would like to advise you to read some more news on the subject of phraseological units and sayings. For example, what does it mean Do not teach me how to live, better help financially; the meaning of the phrase Soon the fairy tale is told, but the deed is not done soon; meaning of the proverb Forewarned means armed; which means Don't say gop until you jump over, etc.

So, let's continue, Mouse fuss, meaning?

Rat race so in an ironic vein they call various petty chores, unworthy deeds, empty worries that do not affect anything, but rather are done out of habit.

Find out more who is Mouse ace?

Synonym of mouse fuss: vanity, mouse running.

Since ancient times, these small pests have had a rather negative attitude, due to their nature and harmful nature. And if mice have such a lifestyle due to their instincts, then people from them can easily change behavior patterns. Therefore, if an individual "turns on" in a team who tries to pull the blanket over himself, weaves intrigues and " sits up"colleagues, and without having tangible benefits from this, then the behavior was aptly" christened "" mouse fuss". There are such people in any human team, and in fact there is nowhere to escape from them, they fuss, gain little things for themselves, curry favor with their superiors, and generally behave extremely unpleasantly. According to studies, it is women " rattling", and are engaged in mouse fuss, for men such behavior is low and far from respected.

In addition to intrigue and " zarub"with each other at work, this term, as we mentioned above, is also called minor troubles. Remember the phrase like" squirrel in a wheel "? This rodent is put in a wheel, where it starts to run for a long time, senselessly, not seeing goals, and not trying to stop.In this case, these two phraseological units are quite close in meaning, since people do all these chores and small deeds rather out of habit, not seeing any particular benefit from them, and in general not imagining a goal to strive for.

From the foregoing, it can be inferred that this phrase is not suitable for encouragement, but rather is an expression of disdain. In childhood, children often do all sorts of nonsense, play games for months and even years, increasing their " rate", " stats"and levels. This cannot affect the real world in any way, but they continue to engage in this mouse fuss. Some parents, seeing how senselessly and mercilessly their child kills his time, cut off, forbid approaching the computer, and drive their offspring into the street for new impressions. Such heartlessness is simply necessary so that young people do not get hooked on " needle" MMO games, and for many years became useless to society.

After reading this short but useful article, you learned what it means Rat race, and now you can explain its meaning to your friends and acquaintances.

Mouse running, mouse running, mouse bustle, bustle, mouse bustle of life, bustle of vanities Dictionary of Russian synonyms. mouse fuss n., number of synonyms: 9 stupid activity ... Synonym dictionary

RAT RACE- that Petty intrigues, unworthy deeds. It implies a group of persons participating in situations related to the division of property, with the distribution of spheres of influence, with the acquisition of a new social status, etc., often for the purpose of obtaining personal gain. ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

rat race- Mice / fuss (running around, fuss) Trouble, fuss due to trifles, trifles ... Dictionary of many expressions

Mouse fuss (hustle)- Razg. Iron. Petty chores, worries, activities. FSRYA, 75, 463; BTS, 567; ZS 1996, 230 ...

mouse running- n., number of synonyms: 7 lives mouse running (6) mouse fuss (9) mouse fuss ... Synonym dictionary

mouse bustle- noun, number of synonyms: 7 lives mouse running (6) mouse running (7) ... Synonym dictionary

FUCKING- Mouse fuss (hustle). Razg. Iron. Petty chores, worries, activities. FSRYA, 75, 463; BTS, 567; ZS 1996, 230 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

Mouse hustle- See Mouse fuss (FUSTER) ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

fuss- And; and.; unfold 1) Random noisy movements (during the game, struggle, etc.) The children started fussing. 2) with whom than. Business, an occupation that delivers a lot of trouble, requiring painstaking work. There is a lot of fuss with pies. 3) unfold covert activity; intrigue... Dictionary of many expressions

fuss- And; and. Razg. 1. Random noisy movements (during play, wrestling, etc.). The children got excited. 2. with whom than. Business, an occupation that delivers a lot of trouble, requiring painstaking work. There is a lot of fuss with pies. 3. Unfold covert activity; intrigue... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Board game "Mouse fuss" (12120036 R), . Many mice settled in a huge house. They made a real mouse fuss there for tidbits of cheese. Mice deftly jump from mink to mink, collecting cheese and interfering with each other. But they must ... Buy for 1000 rubles
  • Rat race. Collection of short stories, Sergei Goncharov. “Caution, the doors are closing”, or Why you can’t ride the subway? How to become a master? What is beyond the horizon of a dream? How not to let the chimera destroy life? How long does it really live...

How can you define the activities of people who weave endless intrigues, but who, as a rule, are not worth the candle, because the jackpot is not so big? Of course, there are many phraseological definitions in culture, but we will talk about one, namely the expression "mouse fuss". The meaning of phraseologism today occupies us.


Of course, there are cute mice, such as white laboratory mice. True, their fate is unenviable, but they look good. But the stable phrase is not about them, but about their fellow pests, who usually misbehave in houses: they ruin stocks of cereals, mark the territory with their waste products, gnaw on fabrics and furniture. And what is characteristic, they make their way, as a rule, inaudibly, damage property and just as quietly leave, leaving traces of their stay in the room. This is the origin of the expression "mouse fuss". The meaning of the phraseological unit follows along with examples of use.

Projection of mouse behavior on human society

Due to their naturally harmful nature, rats and mice are not held in high esteem by humans. But if the mice live in such obedience to instinct, then the person freely chooses his strategy of behavior. Therefore, when a person begins to behave unworthily - to weave intrigues against a neighbor or colleague, and two rubles will bring benefits to him such moves - this is defined by other people as "mouse fuss" (the meaning of phraseology becomes clear if we turn to its origin).

The phenomenon of mouse fuss is present in almost every team. There is an opinion that women are more prone to petty intrigues, but it is erroneous, because everything depends on the level of moral development of a person.

Gossip, gossip and petty intrigues are not alien to men. Psychologists say that the stronger sex is even more prone to discussing rumors than the beautiful sex.

Thus, the expression "mouse fuss" (the meaning of the phraseological unit has already been partially disclosed by us) is universal and relevant in almost any situation, because there are people-mice in any professional community.

Value Variations

In addition to senseless and merciless intrigues, the speech turnover “mouse fuss” can also mean small useless chores. The easiest way to explain this facet of the meaning of phraseology is through a reference to its “colleague” - “a squirrel in a wheel”. Here the two converge in meaning. And sometimes it also happens that intrigues are meaningless chores, because they do not imply any result or benefit at all, and the only result is a damaged relationship with a person.

Tonality of expression

By origin and meaning, it can be understood that it is difficult to praise the statement "mouse fuss" (its meaning is very dismissive and not suitable for these purposes).

Kids in the 90s had a lot of mindless, but generally cute fun. For example, collecting chewing gum liners. To the adults of that time, it probably seemed like a frivolous task. And hypothetically, a parent could come up to a child and say, pointing to the candy wrappers: “What are you doing, what kind of mouse fuss?” Only a heartless adult person, of which, unfortunately, there are many, could do so.

Two neighbors and a vanity race

Some people love to compete, and they compete mainly with their neighbor. For example, there are conditional three neighbors. Two compete with each other, and the third in the role of an outside observer. The subject of the dispute of people living nearby should be visible and tangible - cars. One car is better than the other. And the loser is exhausted, working, earning money. And finally, he brings himself a new car - better than his neighbor's. And the neighbor (not a good person) has already bought another one - an elite foreign car.

How can an outside observer comment on this process? Of course, only: “Well, what kind of mouse fuss ?!” In fact, the proposal can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that the gap between the goal and the means to achieve it is shown.

1. Read the text expressively. The origin of what phraseologism is mentioned in it? Find it in the list of phraseological units in the previous exercise.
Mice have been living in Russian huts for a long time. Quietly, imperceptibly, the life of these nocturnal animals flows, the results of which become visible in the morning - a piece of cheese, sausage or bread eaten or bitten, gnawed bags of cereals and more. The peasant tried to exterminate these small rodents: he set traps, planted poison, got cats and cats, but it was not so easy to deal with mice - they continued their quiet life, bringing a lot of trouble to a person.
From observations of the behavior of these animals, the expression "mouse fuss" was born, which means "petty chores."
2. Think of a short story using the given phraseological unit in it correctly.
3 . Prove that in the underlined word:
1) there are more letters than sounds;
2) only one soft consonant;
3) both letters i denote one sound.

Solution 1

The text refers to the origin of the phraseological unit "mouse fuss".

Solution 2

Dad is very often dissatisfied with the work of his subordinates. He calls their actions mouse fuss. I've always had no idea what he means. When I asked what this meant, my dad explained that his employees do a lot of unnecessary things and actions instead of concentrating on a clearly defined task.

How can you define the activities of people who weave endless intrigues, but who, as a rule, are not worth the candle, because the jackpot is not so big? Of course, there are many phraseological definitions in culture, but we will talk about one, namely the expression " mouse fuss". The meaning of phraseologism today occupies us.


Of course, there are cute mice, such as white laboratory mice. True, their fate is unenviable, but they look good. But the stable phrase is not about them, but about their fellow pests, who usually misbehave in houses: they ruin stocks of cereals, mark the territory with their waste products, gnaw on fabrics and furniture. And what is characteristic, they make their way, as a rule, inaudibly, damage property and just as quietly leave, leaving traces of their stay in the room. This is the origin of the expression "mouse fuss". The meaning of the phraseological unit follows along with examples of use.

Projection of mouse behavior on human society

Due to their naturally harmful nature, rats and mice are not held in high esteem by humans. But if the mice live in such obedience to instinct, then the person freely chooses his strategy of behavior. Therefore, when a person begins to behave unworthily - to weave intrigues against a neighbor or colleague, and two rubles will bring benefits to him such moves - this is defined by other people as "mouse fuss" (the meaning of phraseology becomes clear if we turn to its origin).

The phenomenon of mouse fuss is present in almost every team. There is an opinion that women are more prone to petty intrigues, but it is erroneous, because everything depends on the level of moral development of a person.

Gossip, gossip and petty intrigues are not alien to men. Psychologists say that the stronger sex is even more prone to discussing rumors than the beautiful sex.

Thus, the expression "mouse fuss" (the meaning of the phraseological unit has already been partially disclosed by us) is universal and relevant in almost any situation, because there are people-mice in any professional community.

Value Variations

In addition to senseless and merciless intrigues, the speech turnover “mouse fuss” can also mean small useless chores. The easiest way to explain this facet of the meaning of phraseology is through a reference to its “colleague” - “a squirrel in a wheel”. Here the two converge in meaning. And sometimes it also happens that intrigues are meaningless chores, because they do not imply any result or benefit at all, and the only result is a damaged relationship with a person.

Tonality of expression

By origin and meaning, it can be understood that it is difficult to praise the statement "mouse fuss" (its meaning is very dismissive and not suitable for these purposes).

Kids in the 90s had a lot of mindless, but generally cute fun. For example, collecting chewing gum liners. To the adults of that time, it probably seemed like a frivolous task. And hypothetically, a parent could come up to a child and say, pointing to the candy wrappers: “What are you doing, what kind of mouse fuss?” Only a heartless adult person, of which, unfortunately, there are many, could do so.

Two neighbors and a vanity race

Some people love to compete, and they compete mainly with their neighbor. For example, there are conditional three neighbors. Two compete with each other, and the third in the role of an outside observer. The subject of the dispute of people living nearby should be visible and tangible - cars. One car is better than the other. And the loser is exhausted, working, earning money. And finally, he brings himself a new car - better than his neighbor's. And the neighbor (not a good person) has already bought another one - an elite foreign car.

How can an outside observer comment on this process? Of course, only: “Well, what kind of mouse fuss ?!” In fact, the proposal can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that the gap between the goal and the means to achieve it is shown.

What is "MOUSE SHUTTER"? What is the correct spelling of this word. Concept and interpretation.

RAT RACE that Petty intrigues, unworthy deeds. This refers to a group of people participating in situations related to the division of property, the distribution of spheres of influence, the acquisition of a new social status, etc., often for the purpose of obtaining personal gain. This means that the actions and deeds performed (P) are evaluated by the speaker as unscrupulous and unseemly, or as vain, petty chores. Speaks with disapproval. speech standard. ? R - mouse fuss. Only ed. h. In the role of subject, additional, obst. The order of component words is fixed. They were creative people, but they could well provide their house outside the city for various meetings and for storing such materials if mouse fuss began between journalists and counterintelligence officers. A. Marinina, Requiem.- You see, Vyacheslav Nikolaevich, there is a real mouse fuss around the prizes. This first place used to be only the first place and gave nothing but glory and honor. And now the prizes are awarded to the contestants in thick envelopes stuffed with hard currency. A. Marinina, Black List. Sofya Petrovna Preobrazhenskaya was always far from petty theatrical affairs, any theatrical mouse fuss was alien to her. B. Khaikin, S.P. Preobrazhenskaya. Finally, the years of the World War with the rear embezzlement of everything, even medicines, the stupid mouse fuss of different, in fact, not so much employees, but leaders of the Zemstvo Union fed from the front ... K. Simonov, Sofya Leonidovna. Something could have been done to keep Vichka's father's apartment, but Vichka waved her hand. Didn't want "mouse fuss". They had to move later. T. Nabatnikova, Every hunter. They replaced state activity itself with mouse fuss with meetings, decisions (never or almost never carried out), resolutions, these same country houses, clinics, canteens, sausages and everything, everything, everything. Chimes, 1995. Dealers, rogues ... are running mouse fuss around oil fields: blocking and blocking off plots ..., selling and reselling plots of land. V. Vetlina, Living blood of the earth. It's not easy for her there. There is enough dirt in the institute. She does not participate in their mouse fuss, and this is insulting to others, so they poison her slowly. I. Gerasimov, Night trams. cultural commentary: The image of phraseology. correlates with the zoomorphic code of culture, i.e. with a set of culturally conditioned stereotypical ideas about the properties, characteristics or behavior of animals, which act as a source of human understanding of the world. In this case, the figurative content of phraseology. is based on observation of the behavior of an animal that has long been familiar to traditional culture - a mouse and displays a stereotypical idea of ​​him as a nimble, agile creature that can penetrate housing even through small cracks, imperceptibly spoil food, leaving behind dirt (crumbs, small pieces of food ), causes damage to things, scratches fussily, rustles, "messes". phraseol. contains a zoomorphic metaphor in which the unscrupulous actions of a person are likened to such behavior of a mouse. phraseological image. also correlates with the spiritual code of culture, that is, with a set of moral attitudes and ideas, in which the secret weaving of petty intrigues, unscrupulous competition are evaluated negatively. phraseol. in general, it is associated with the stereotypical idea of ​​unseemly deeds and petty vain chores caused by the potential for personal gain.

With. stupid,
Chaplyginsky district,
Lipetsk region

Let's deal with phraseology

Have you noticed, dear readers, that phraseology is slowly but surely disappearing from the speech of modern youth? I first thought about this a few years ago, when a colleague of mine was astounded to say that none of her eighth graders knew that putting your teeth on the shelf had nothing to do with dentures. Having purposefully worked with high school students, I was convinced that they have a poor sense of phraseological units, practically do not use them in speech, and in the test, many cannot even distinguish correct interpretations from the wrong ones. I suspect that not only my students suffer from this speech disease. This means that it is necessary to change the attitude towards the topic “Phraseology”: for now, for a considerable number of teachers and students, it seems to be fascinating, interesting, but outdated, of little use. It is this important topic that the article brought to your attention by an author already familiar to you - L.A. Aksenova.

Target: To replenish students' knowledge of phraseological units; to continue work on enriching the phraseological stock of schoolchildren.

We repeat the theory

Recall some information on vocabulary and phraseology.

1. What is the role of the word in language? How is a word similar to a phrase? How is it different from him?
2. What does the expression mean the word has a lexical meaning?
3. Explain the difference between direct and figurative meaning.
4. What is a phraseological turn? Name the main features of phraseology.
5. What is the difference between a free combination of words and a phraseological unit?
6. Name the main types of phraseological units according to the degree of semantic cohesion of the components. Give examples.
7. Name the sources of phraseological units.

Practical tasks

Exercise 1. Write down in one word what the following expressions mean:

    pull yourself together (calm down);

    take over (to subjugate, take over);

    don't believe your ears (to be surprised);

    don't show your nose (do not appear);

    pout (take offense);

    walk in front of someone on their hind legs (serve);

    grab the tummies (laugh);

    climb a wall from something (get freaked out);

    jump into the bottle (get angry, get angry);

    coward celebrate (get scared);

    don't stand in one place (develop, improve);

    dance to someone's tune (obey);

    to ride someone (exploit).

What part of speech words did you write down while doing this task? Remember what verb spellings you know.

The next task can be performed in the form of a "Find a Pair" game. Each student receives half of the postcard with phraseological units written on it. He must find another student who has a synonymous idiom written on the postcard. Having found a mate for himself, the student writes down both phraseological units (his own, original, and synonymous with him) in a notebook along with an interpretation.

Task 2. Take a card with a phraseological unit written down. Choose a synonymous phraseological unit for it.

Note. An asterisk marks phraseological units that are generally synonymous, but differ in compatibility.

    In two counts - in the blink of an eye (very fast, instantly);

    two steps away (Very close);

    (work) in the sweat of your brow - tirelessly (diligently);

    (keep) with iron gloves - in a black body (severely, severely treat someone);

    drag chestnuts out of the fire - * rake the heat with someone else's hands (use the results of someone else's work);

    soar in the clouds - build castles in the air (to indulge in fruitless dreams);

    at full speed - from all legs (quickly, hastily);

    won't muddy the water - won't hurt a fly (meek, meek person);

    everything is one - one hell (don't care, don't care);

    an apple has nowhere to fall - a step has nowhere to step - * like a herring in a barrel (a lot of people);

    1. The father did not complain about anything and only with a short postscript reported that he was a little out of order and was in the hospital. (V. Oseeva) 2. There is nothing to do, I had to return to the agreed place empty-handed. (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin) 3. Just in case, we gave a detour along the city rampart about three versts. (V.Kaverin) 4. Foolishly, I did not agree in advance with Alexei Kozmich, but, you know, he is a tight-fisted merchant: I am afraid that he will tear off his skin for work ... ... (I. Efremov) 5. There is a rumor that this is not the first time the team abandoned him in the middle of the flight. What?! Enough fools for his age! (A. Green) 6. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then, but I still can't forget this meeting.

    Questions for task 4

    1. What question does the idiom answer in each sentence? What member of the proposal is it?
    2. Try to replace each phraseological unit with one word or a free combination of words.
    3. Have you met phraseological turns equal to the sentence?

    Now it is not so common to meet people who actively use phraseological units in speech. Therefore, when studying the topic "Phraseologisms", it is so important to work with literary texts.

    Task 5. Read. Name the authors and works from which these lines are taken.

    1. “It is known,” began the Wolf, “that from time immemorial
    Always poisoned us wolves,
    And bad things were said about us.”

    2. And Mishenka doesn’t lead with his ear:
    Mishenka already said goodbye to the world,
    Climbed into a warm lair
    And sucks a paw with honey there
    Yes, the sea is waiting for the weather.

    3. And is it any wonder when a tradesman wants to live,
    As a distinguished citizen
    And the fry is small - like a noble nobleman.

    4. Under a tree, with his belly up and with his fist under his head, a huge man was sleeping and in the most impudent way shied away from work. The indignation of the generals knew no bounds.
    - Sleep, couch potato! they pounced on him. - I suppose you don’t know with your ear that two generals here are dying of hunger for the second day! Now march to work!
    A man got up: he sees that the generals are strict. I wanted to give them an arrow, but they just froze, clinging to him.

    5. Don't let your soul be lazy!
    So as not to crush water in a mortar,
    The soul must work
    And day and night, and day and night!
    Don't let her sleep in bed
    By the light of the morning star
    Keep a lazy man in a black body
    And don't take the reins off her!

    6. Yard faithful dog Barbos,
    Who diligently carried the lordly service,
    I saw my old friend
    Buzzing, curly lapdog,
    On a soft down pillow, on the window.
    Flattering to her, as if to relatives,
    He almost cries with tenderness
    And under the window
    Screams, wags its tail
    And he jumps.
    “Well, Zhuzhutka, how do you live
    Since the gentlemen took you to the mansions?
    After all, you remember: in the yard we often starved,
    What service are you doing?" -
    “For happiness, it’s a sin to grumble, - Zhuzhutka answers, -
    My master has no soul in me;
    I live in contentment and kindness,
    And I eat and drink on silver;
    I frolic with the master; and if I get tired
    I roll on carpets and a soft sofa.
    How do you live? - "I," replied Barbos,
    Lowering your tail with a whip and hanging your nose, -
    I live as before: I endure the cold
    And hunger
    And, saving the master's house,
    Here, under the fence, I sleep and get wet in the rain;
    And if I bark inappropriately,
    I accept beatings.
    But why are you, Zhuzhu, in the case got,
    Being powerless and small
    Meanwhile, as I tear from the skin in vain?
    What are you serving?" “What are you serving?
    That's great! -
    Juju answered with a sneer. -
    I walk on my hind legs."
    How many find happiness
    Only the fact that they walk well on their hind legs!

    Texts used: S. Mikhalkov. Wolf herbivore; I. Krylov. Bear at the bees; I. Krylov. Frog and Ox; M. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The story of how one peasant fed two generals; N. Zabolotsky. Don't let your soul be lazy; I. Krylov. Two dogs.

    Questions and tasks

    1. Write out phraseological units from the passages. Expand the meaning of each.
    2. Describe them stylistically.
    3. What do you know about the origin of these expressions?
    4. Summarize your observations: what is the role of phraseological units in the text? What properties of phraseological units allow them to give speech a special expressiveness?

    Phraseological units are an integral part of the Russian language and culture, and, of course, it is not enough just to recognize them in the text: you need to be able to actively use them in speech. To do this, you need to offer students activating tasks.

    Task 6. What phraseological unit with the word stars You know? (Meaning miss the stars from the sky.) What does it mean? (To be a person of ordinary, ordinary abilities.) In what situations can this phraseological unit be used? Come up with and write down 1-2 sentences with him.

    Task 7. Make up phraseological units from scattered words. Write them down, determine the meaning of each. Make sentences with one or two.

    Fairy tales, week, without, porridge, grandmother's, year, without, loops, birch, hitch, and, knit, knot (r.p.).

    Answer: grandmother's tales fiction, nonsense; knit loops - to deceive, deceive; a week without a year - recently; without a hitch and a hitch - easy, smooth, very good; birch porridge - rods.

    Task 8. Replace the numbers with the letters of the alphabet and read the idioms.

    1. 14 29 26 10 15 1 33 3 16 9 15 33.
    2. 14 21 12 10 20 1 15 20 1 13 1.

    Questions and tasks. Determine the meaning of each phraseological unit. What do you know about the origin of the second expression?

    Answer: rat race; tantalum flour. mouse fuss- chores, fuss over trifles, trifles; tantalum flour(tantalum torment) - unbearable suffering due to the inaccessibility of the desired, which seems so close.

    “According to the ancient Greek myth, Tantalus, the Phrygian king, was severely punished for insulting the gods: he was forever doomed to experience the pangs of thirst and hunger, although water and luxurious fruits were next to him.” ( V.P. Zhukov, A.V. Zhukov. School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989)

    Since students do not know phraseological units well, they should be taught to work with dictionaries. In ordinary explanatory dictionaries, the most common phraseological units are included under the sign "t". The dictionary entry, in which one or another phraseological unit may appear, is not always obvious. For example, the expression prick up your ears in one dictionary can be in an article ear, and in the other - in the article sharpen up(at the same time, in good dictionaries, there is usually a link in the “dummy”). Students should know that before deciding that an expression is not in the dictionary, they should check all the key words of a phraseological unit.

    Task 9. Focusing on the special sign ( t ) and remembering the principles of searching for phraseological units in the dictionary, independently find several phraseological units in the explanatory dictionary. Two or three of them (from among those not discussed in the lesson) write down in a notebook along with interpretations.

    You need to know that some phraseological units have free combinations of words similar in sound. Reminding students of this will help the following task.

    Task 10. Determine in which examples phraseological units were found, and in which - free combinations of words. What is the syntactic feature of phraseological units? Try to come up with your own examples by analogy.

    1. A father lathered his son's head for getting a deuce in algebra. 2. The mother sat her son in the bath and soaped his head. 3. The kid was sitting on his father's shoulders. 4. Sailors-riders were already sitting on the shoulders of the Cossacks, and checkers sparkled in the air. (K. Fedin) 5. The ringer rang all the bells, glorifying Easter. 6. I will go to Tambov and there I will ring all the bells, what has he done here! (N. Virta)

    It is worth introducing schoolchildren to special phraseological dictionaries - at least with the following:

    1) V.P. Zhukov, A.V. Zhukov. School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language: A guide for students. Moscow: Education, 1989.
    2) S.V. Maksimov. Winged words. Nizhny Novgorod: Russian merchant, Brothers-Slavs, 1996.

    Task 11. Determine the meaning of the phraseological units listed below using dictionaries. Make sentences with two of them.

      Alpha and omega, Ared's eyelids, Ariadne's thread, a lamb in a piece of paper, a barrel of Danaid, smoking incense, a swan song, on the sly, breeding turuses on wheels.

      Alpha and Omega - the basis of everything, the most significant;

      Ariadne's thread unexpected help, unexpected way out of a difficult situation;

      lamb in paper bribe;

      barrel Danaid - completely useless and endless work;

      smoke incense - to exalt, to flatter someone;

      a swan song - the most recent, usually particularly significant, display of talent;

      quiet sap - secretly, surreptitiously and gradually;

      (breed) turuses on wheels - (talk) all sorts of nonsense, absurdities.


    The teacher summarizes the work in the lesson, thanks the students for their activity, grades and gives the best ones a colorfully designed “Diploma to Phraseology Connoisseur”.

    In the final conversation, it is worth emphasizing that phraseological turns enliven our speech, make it more figurative. Therefore, every person who wants to give the impression of a bright individuality must enrich his vocabulary, including phraseological units.


    Give students a choice of two tasks.

    1. Write out expressions from the phraseological dictionary that can be used when compiling a story about someone's difficult and. Explain the lexical meaning of each phraseological unit you have chosen.

    2. Make up a coherent story on a free topic, using as many phraseological units as possible.


    Ah, girls and boys!
    There is a class in the world that loves to beat the thumbs. You will ask why? And now you will find out for yourself. There is a boy in this class who turns on the heat of the teachers, and pours mud on his class. You can’t drive up to this boy on a crooked goat, you need to pick up the keys to him. He sits with folded arms all year and thinks how quickly the lesson would end, and by the end of the year he is ready to fall through the ground and at exams blush to the roots of his hair and dissolve nurses.
    And the other boy is a big fan of food, you can’t pull him off the plate by the ears: after all, the cooks at school cook in such a way that you lick your fingers. But suddenly everything changed: he decided to go on a diet, he said that a piece wouldn’t fit in his throat. This is true, because he lost his head in love, and his happiness hangs in the balance, because the girl of his dreams does not like fat people. So the poor fellow walks with his head down.
    The third boy in the classroom is in the clouds or counting the raven in the sky, so when the teacher's pen reaches the line in the magazine where his last name is written, he begins to tremble like an aspen leaf. When everyone starts preparing for the holidays, he disappears somewhere. In the afternoon with fire you will not find it! It seems that he was just here, but you look - he was gone.
    The next boy is good too! He is lanky, he, like Zipper, is bogged down in love. He is very proud of this, he puts his nose on the window, and when they call him to the board, he stands and chews ... a washcloth. If he pushes a speech in his favorite style, then those who listen to him have their eyes on their foreheads, and smart people let his chatter past their ears.
    The fifth likes to hang noodles on everyone's ears. And everyone listens to him with their ears hanging, and he takes advantage of the moment and fills himself with a nightingale. So he leads the guys by the nose, but as soon as someone catches on, he hides the ends in the water. And so every day - not a day without a line! If suddenly it is not possible to lie, he walks as if lowered into the water. In general, he is a boy of exemplary behavior, he only likes to scratch his tongue in class. Thank God that the teachers are not yet itching to explain to him the rules of good manners.
    All these guys have one thing in common: they all like to run headlong through the classroom and corridors.
    Of course, there are also girls in this class. There are three of them. The first girl is an excellent student, everyone envy her. She does not sit idly by, she does something all the time and, if something does not work out, she does not grind her teeth, but works in the sweat of her brow. Therefore, everything goes like clockwork for her.
    The second girl is mysterious, and therefore there is nothing to say about her - except that she has a dime a dozen fans. And she says to everyone: “Date? After the rain on Thursday!". You can't squeeze sympathy out of her, no matter how hard you try.
    The third girl used to be an excellent student, but now she is playing the fool. As you will see in the journal her grades in physics and geometry, the cold creeps through the skin. She is ready to hang on the phone for hours.
    In general, the guys are all with a secret, you can’t figure them out right away. Either they know how to throw dust in their eyes, or they deftly cover their tracks. Tell me: do you know these guys? And I'm making a point.

    YURCHENKO Elena,
    8th grade


    The casket just opened

    But I replaced the plus with a minus.
    The whole evening I fought over the example -
    The answer stubbornly did not converge.
    Anton and so, and tried so hard,
    A the casket just opened.

    "The casket just opened" they will say in a situation where there was a simple way out of a predicament.

    Climb into the bottle

    Friends can't convince
    Arrogant Dima,
    What is more accommodating to be
    Sometimes necessary.
    After all, even because of a trifle
    He can argue passionately
    Though not right for sure
    Ready to get in the bottle.

    « Climb into the bottle"- means to be angry, angry, stubborn over trifles.

    bear stepped on ear

    Fedor has one consolation:
    Our Fedya loves to sing.
    Sings where it is necessary and not necessary,
    And we have to endure.
    Because he has a hearing problem.
    People rightly say:
    Kohl bear stepped on the ear,
    Be quiet, brother.

    "The bear stepped on the ear" they talk about a person without a musical ear who cannot sing, or sings loudly, but out of tune.

    Talk nonsense

    What a noise, what a thunder
    In class at school?
    All day Anton with Peter
    They grinded nonsense!
    They hardly understood
    What nonsense they were talking about.

    "Chopping nonsense" means to say something wrong, meaningless, to talk about what you do not know.

    The sea is knee-deep, the mountains are shoulder-deep

    All the bolder in Lena's class,
    Even if it bakes
    Her and reckless,
    Yes and shoulder-length mountains.
    Know yourself, laughing loudly
    Achieving your own
    Here's a brave girl
    Not afraid of anything.

    "The sea is knee-deep, the mountains are shoulder-deep" they talk about a person who is confident in his abilities, ready to do any deed without hesitation.

    Rat race

    The cat was sent away.
    I sit alone and weep bitterly:
    Now in my kitchen
    coming rat race.

    (A. Usachev)

    "Rat race" - these are petty chores, worries, activities, or petty intrigues, unworthy deeds.

    Lie with three boxes

    Yegor went for mushrooms,
    Collected them well:
    I found two rotten morels,

    A lied with three boxes.
    (A. Usachev)

    "Lie with three boxes" - lie a lot.

    On full steam

    All summer Masha without girlfriends
    Grandma was bored.
    We arrived home and suddenly
    Met Marina.
    Hello, Marin! - she's screaming
    And to her on all steam flies.

    "Full steam" means very, very fast.

    break firewood

    Excellent Kukushkina Alla
    The subject at the blackboard answered.
    Why did Oleg tell her?
    After all, he himself did not know the question.
    The teacher, having heard the hint,
    Angrily broke the pointer.
    Yes, as always, Oleg Petrov
    I was able to break a lot of wood.

    "Chop wood" means to do stupid things out of ignorance, harming some business or oneself.

    Wind on the mustache

    Natasha's grandfather says:
    I strive to help you
    And useful advice
    Wrap yourself up!
    But immediately in response to him
    The granddaughter laughed.
    I don't have a mustache
    Ah, what a pity!

    "Wrap on the mustache" means remembering something that may come in handy in the future.

    On the nose
    (tannin signs)

    Like freckles on the nose
    This sign is spring On the nose.
    If Tanya's nose turned blue -
    Summer. Blueberries ripened in the forest.
    Nose from sunburn has become bronze -
    Expect autumn to come soon.
    Became a little pink from frost -
    So, friends On the nose New Year!

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