Dmitry venevitinov biography. Castle of the Princess of Oldenburg VS D.V. Museum-Estate

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“Had Venevitinov lived for at least ten years more, he would have moved our literature forward for decades…”
N. G. Chernyshevsky

Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov(September 14 (26), 1805 - March 15 (27), 1827) - Russian poet, translator, prose writer.

Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov was born in Moscow. His father, retired ensign of the Semyonovsky regiment Vladimir Petrovich Venevitinov (1777-1814), came from a wealthy Voronezh noble family. Mother, Anna Nikolaevna, came from the princely family of Obolensky-Belykh. Through her, Dmitry Venevitinov was distantly related (fourth cousin) with A. S. Pushkin.

Venevitinov received a classical home education, in 1822-1824. as a volunteer attended lectures at Moscow University. He was fond of not only history, philosophy and the theory of literature, but also mathematics and the natural sciences. Having passed the exams for the university course, in 1824 he entered the service of the Moscow Archive of the College of Foreign Affairs, but his main occupation was literature. By this time, he was already the author of several poems, mostly freely transcribing ancient and modern European authors. Venevitinov was one of the organizers of the Moscow Society of Philosophy, which aimed to study idealistic philosophy and romantic aesthetics.

In November 1826, Venevitinov moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, joining the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the entrance to St. Petersburg, the poet was arrested on suspicion of involvement in the Decembrists' conspiracy. He spent three days under arrest in one of the guardhouses in St. Petersburg. Being away from relatives and friends oppressed the poet. In addition, Venevitinov caught a bad cold, which led to an early death on March 15 (27), 1827, apparently from severe pneumonia. The body was sent to Moscow. Venevitinov was buried on April 2, 1827 at the cemetery of the Simonov Monastery in Moscow. At the funeral were Pushkin, Mickiewicz and other friends of the poet.

In his literary activity, Venevitinov showed versatile talents and interests. His romantic poetry is full of philosophical motifs. Many poems are dedicated to the high purpose of poetry and the poet, the cult of friendship: "Poet" (1826), "Poet and friend" (1827). He dedicated poems to friends, close people, beloved Zinaida Volkonskaya: "To my goddess" (1826), "Elegy" (1827), "Testament" (1826).

Venevitinov bequeathed at the hour of his death to put a ring on his finger - a gift from Zinaida Volkonskaya. When he fell into oblivion, AS Khomyakov put the ring on his finger. In the 1930s, during the demolition of the Simonov Monastery, the body of D.V. Venevitinov was exhumed and reburied at the Novodevichy cemetery. During the exhumation, the ring was removed from the poet's finger and is now kept in the Literary Museum.

Venevitinov was not only a poet, but also a translator, prose writer, wrote literary critical articles, translated the works of E. T. A. Hoffmann, J. V. Goethe and others. He was also known as a gifted artist, musician, and music critic.

The name of Dmitry Venevitinov is closely connected with our region. The Venevitinovs had possessions in the Voronezh province. As a child, Dmitry, together with his parents, stayed in the "family nest" - in Novozhivotinny. After the death of his father, the Venevitinov family stopped coming to the estate. But in August - September 1824, together with his younger brother Alexei, Dmitry Venevitinov visited Voronezh and his Voronezh estate. He lived in Novozhivotinnoye for about a month, often recalled his childhood, wrote letters to his mother and sister Sofya, and composed poetry. Now there is a monument federal significance– Museum-estate of D. V. Venevitinov.

In 1994, in the outskirts of the Kominternovsky district of Voronezh, a new street was formed - Venevitinskaya. In 2005, in honor of the 200th anniversary of Dmitry Venevitinov, a monument to the poet was opened on the territory of the Museum-estate of D. V. Venevitinov.

Works by D. V. Venevitinov

Venevitinov DV Complete works / DV Venevitinov; ed. A. P. Pyatkovsky. - St. Petersburg: Printing house of O. I. Bakst, 1862. - 264 p.

The complete works of the poet, published in 1862 in the St. Petersburg printing house of Bakst under the editorship of A.P. Pyatkovsky, also contain a portrait of the author, a facsimile and articles about his life and writings.

Venevitinov D.V.Poems / D. V. Venevitinov. - Moscow: Soviet Russia, 1982. - 174 p. - (Poetic Russia).

Venevitinov D.V.Poems. Poems. Dramas / D. V. Venevitinov. - Moscow: Fiction, 1976. - 128 p.

The poet's books include his selected works.

Venevitinov DV Poems // Anthology of Russian poetry. – URL: .

Poets of Pushkin's time: selected poems. - Moscow; Leningrad: Detgiz, 1949. - 286 p. - (School library).

The collection includes selected poems by sixteen of the greatest poets of Pushkin's time, including Dmitry Venevitinov.

Russian poetry of the first halfXIX century. - Moscow: Slovo, 2001. - 765 p. - (Pushkin Library).

The book presents the work of fifty-six poets of various trends, including Dmitry Venevitinov (pp. 379–389).

Literature about the life and work of D. V. Venevitinov

Akinshin A. N. Voronezh nobility in persons and destinies: historical and genealogical essays with the application of the List of noble families of the Voronezh province / A. N. Akinshin, O. G. Lasunsky. – Ed. 2nd, revised. and additional - Voronezh: Center for the Spiritual Revival of the Chernozem Territory, 2009. - 432 p.

The book of Voronezh scientists presents biographies of the noble families of the Voronezh province, who lived on the territory of the region until 1917. The Venevitinovs and Stankeviches, the Raevskys and Tulinovs, the Potapovs and the Somovs… Poets and educators, manufacturers and military men. Among the illustrations, you can find drawings by the brother of the poet Dmitry Venevitinov Alexei Vladimirovich, who captured views of the village of Novozhivotinnoye in the middle of the 19th century.

Budakov V. V. Poet-philosopher Dmitry Venevitinov / V. V. Budakov // Voronezh: Russian Provincial Journal. - Voronezh, 2003. - Special. issue : Day of Slavic Writing and Culture. – S. 118.

Budakov V. V. “It is too early to die, but to live ...” (Dmitry Venevitinov) / V. V. Budakov // Devotees of the Russian word / V. V. Budakov. - Voronezh, 2007. - S. 110-116.

The book "Ascetics of the Russian word" - lyrical essays about writers and poets, life and work related to the black earth region, the Central Russian strip. One of the essays is dedicated to Dmitry Venevitinov.

Venevitinov Dmitry Vladimirovich // Literary map of the Voronezh region. – URL: .

Dmitry Venevitinov. Estates of the Venevitinovs. The creative heritage of the poet / [intro. Art. E. G. Novichikhina]. - Voronezh: Center for the Spiritual Revival of the Chernozem Territory, 2010. - 215 p.

The name of the poet is closely connected with the Voronezh region: four estates of the Venevitinov family were located in Ramon - on the picturesque banks of the Don. The world of the noble estate was saved only in the village of Novozhivotinnoye. This book offers not only an acquaintance with biographical materials and the work of a remarkable poet, critic, philosopher. For the first time, the reader will be able to look into all four estates, learn about their history and modern life, walk through the halls of the house-museum of D. Venevitinov.

Zhikharev V. In the captivity of the "queen of muses and beauty": (Dmitry Venevitinov and Miniato Ricci) / V. Zhikharev // Rise. - Voronezh, 2012. - No. 12. - P. 218–223.

Vitaly Zhikharev's essay brings new details to the love story of the twenty-year-old Russian poet Dmitry Venevitinov for Zinaida Volkonskaya, who, in turn, was carried away by the Italian chamber singer Count Minato Ricci.

Lasunsky O. G. Venevitinov Dmitry Vladimirovich / O. G. Lasunsky // Voronezh Encyclopedia: [in 2 volumes] / [ch. ed. M. D. Karpachev]. - Voronezh, 2008. - T. 1. - P. 126.

Mordovchenko N. I. Venevitinov and poets of wisdom / N. I. Mordovchenko // History of Russian literature: in 10 volumes - Moscow; Leningrad, 1953. - V. 6: Literature of the 1820-1830s. – S. 448–459. – URL: .

Article on the website of the Fundamental electronic library(FEB) "Russian Literature and Folklore" tells about the literary and philosophical circle "Society of Philosophy" (1823-1825). Venevitinov took an active part in the organization and work of the circle. The members of the circle were engaged in the study of German idealistic philosophy.

Museum-estate of D. V. Venevitinov. – .

Museum-estate of D. V. Venevitinov // Literary map of the Voronezh region. – URL: .

The museum-estate of D. V. Venevitinov, opened in 1994, is a monument of federal significance, one of the few noble estates of the 18th century that have survived in Russia. The museum is located in the village of Novozhivotinnoye, Ramonsky District, Voronezh Region. Its exposition includes the decoration of the halls of a noble noble estate of the 19th century and everything connected with the Venevitinov family. The museum includes a two-storey mansion (1760-1770), an outbuilding (1887), a park area with a pond. In 2005, a monument to the poet was unveiled on the estate.

Novichikhin E. Novozhivotinnoe / E. Novichikhina. - Voronezh: Central Black Earth Book Publishing House, 1994. - 114 p. - (Voronezh Land. Encyclopedia of cities and villages).

The book tells about a village in the Voronezh region, originating in the second half of the 17th century. The fate of the poet Dmitry Venevitinov is closely connected with the history of this village.

Poet and philosopher Dmitry Venevitinov // Origins. Ethnocultural features of the Voronezh region. - Voronezh, 2014. - S. 147–148.

An article from a collection that tells about the ethno-cultural features of our region, about the life and traditions of our ancestors, about people associated with the Voronezh land.

Udodov B. Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov / B. Udodov // Voronezh residents: famous biographies in the history of the region. - Voronezh, 2007. - S. 116-120.

Chernyshev M. A. “In the soul of an unsolved thought melting ...” / M. A.Chernyshev. - Saratov: Zavolzhye, 1992. - 280 p.

The book tells about the life and work of the famous poet of the XIX century Dmitry Venevitinov.

Venevitinov, Dmitry Vladimirovich

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov (September 14 (26), 1805, Moscow - March 15 (27), 1827, St. Petersburg) - Russian romantic poet, translator, prose writer and philosopher.

Dmitry Venevitinov was born on September 14 (26), 1805 in Moscow, in the parish of the now lost Church of the Archdeacon Evpla, which was located at the intersection of Myasnitskaya Street and Milyutinsky Lane. His father, retired ensign of the Semyonovsky regiment Vladimir Petrovich Venevitinov (1777-1814), came from a wealthy Voronezh noble family. Mother, Anna Nikolaevna, came from the princely family of Obolensky-Bely. Through her, Dmitry Venevitinov was distantly related (fourth cousin) with A. S. Pushkin.
Venevitinov grew up in a preserved house in Krivokolenny Lane, where he received a classical home education, which was led by his mother (Princess Anna Nikolaevna Obolenskaya). Venevitinov was taught French and Latin, as well as classical literature, by his tutor Dorer, a retired French officer, Greek - by the Greek Beyle (Bailo), painting - by the artist Laperche. Russian literature was taught by Professor of Moscow University A.F. Merzlyakov, and music, most likely, by I.I. Genishta.

In 1822, Dmitry Venevitinov entered Moscow University, where he became interested in German philosophy and romantic poetry. At the university he listened to individual lectures, in particular the courses of A. F. Merzlyakov, I. I. Davydov, M. G. Pavlov and Loder. Participated in the meetings of the student literary circle of N. M. Rozhalin. In 1823, he successfully passed the exam at the university course and in 1824 entered the service of the Moscow Archives of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs (“archival youths” - this is how Pushkin ironically called the employees of this archive in his novel “Eugene Onegin”). In August - September 1824, together with his younger brother Alexei, he visited his Voronezh estates, which was clearly reflected in his letters.

Together with Prince V. F. Odoevsky, Venevitinov organized a secret philosophical "Society of Philosophy", which also included I. V. Kireevsky, A. I. Koshelev, V. P. Titov, N. A. Melgunov and others. M. P. Pogodin and S. P. Shevyrev attended meetings of the circle, not formally being its members. The circle was engaged in the study of German idealistic philosophy - the works of F. Schelling, I. Kant, Fichte, Oken, F. Schlegel and others. Venevitinov took an active part in the publication of the magazine "Moscow Bulletin".

In November 1826, under the patronage of Princess Zinaida Volkonskaya, Venevitinov moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, joining the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the entrance to St. Petersburg, the poet, together with F. S. Khomyakov and the librarian of Count Laval O. Voshe, who accompanied the wife of the Decembrist Prince. S. P. Trubetskoy, Ekaterina Ivanovna (nee Laval was arrested on suspicion of involvement in the Decembrist conspiracy. He spent three days under arrest in one of the guardhouses in St. Petersburg. Venevitinov was interrogated by the duty general Potapov. According to biographers, the arrest and interrogation had a strong effect on Venevitinov He spent three days under arrest, which exacerbated his lung disease.After that, in March, returning lightly dressed from the ball, Venevitinov caught a bad cold.

Venevitinov and Khomyakov settled in the Lansky house. Staying away from relatives and friends, away from his native Moscow oppressed the poet, although the social circle in St. Petersburg was quite wide: V. F. Odoevsky and A. I. Koshelev already lived here. A. Delvig was a frequent guest of Venevitinov.

The poet died on March 15 (27), 1827 in St. Petersburg, before reaching the age of 22. He was buried in the cemetery of the Simonov Monastery in Moscow. He bequeathed to put a ring on his finger at the hour of death - a gift from Zinaida Volkonskaya. When he fell into oblivion, the ring was put on his finger. But suddenly Venvetinov woke up and asked: “Are they going to marry me?” And died. A. Pushkin and A. Mitskevich were at the funeral. Reburied in the 1930s. at Novodevichy Cemetery...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Another poet of the Pushkin era.

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    The noble nest of the Venevitinovs with a stone manor house and a beautiful landscape park is considered one of the oldest surviving estates in the Voronezh region. The estate was founded and developed in the village of Novozhivotinnoye over several decades of the 18th century and belonged to representatives of the noble family of the Venevitinovs. It has been known in Voronezh since the 17th century, when its ancestor, "ataman of the Voronezh boyar children", Terenty Venevitinov received several villages near the newly founded Voronezh fortress for good service.

    Manor history

    The estate in Novozhivotinnoye gained wide popularity thanks to one of its owners, a distant relative of Pushkin, the poet and philosopher Dmitry Venevitinov, who spent part of his childhood in the Don expanses. The construction of the manor house, according to researchers, falls on the years 1760-70, at that time the poet's grandfather, Pyotr Venevitinov, lived in Novozhivotinnoye. The estate was built in the classical style and had two floors with a mezzanine, which has not survived to this day.

    From April to August 1887, Ethel Voynich performed the functions of a governess at the Venevitinov estate. The writer, who became world famous thanks to her novel The Gadfly, taught the children of the Venevitinovs music and English.

    It should be noted that the building of the estate has undergone many changes in 250 years, associated with repeated repairs - even under the owners, and with redevelopment during the years of Soviet power. After the revolution, the former estate was adapted first as a school, then as an orphanage, during the war years - as a military unit, which, of course, had a negative impact on the safety of individual parts of the building. Since 1994, after the restoration and improvement of the manor house, outbuilding, gates and park, the estate became a branch of the Voronezh Regional Literary Museum. In addition, the building is included in the list of objects of historical and architectural heritage of federal significance.


    In 2012, the museum-estate of Venevitinov was radically transformed: a large-scale restoration was carried out here, which, while preserving the interiors of the 19th century, made it possible to organize the exhibition space in a new way. Now the museum hosts regular thematic tours that tell about the country estate culture of Russia, the life and work of representatives of the Venevitinov family. The updated exposition includes very valuable exhibits, for example, 12 decrees of Peter I and the caftan of ataman Terenty Venevitinov.

    1805 - 1827

    A country: Russia

    Venevitinov Dmitry Vladimirovich - poet. Born September 14, 1805, died March 15, 1827 Coming from an old noble family, Venevitinov grew up in the most favorable conditions, taking advantage of the caring care of an intelligent and educated mother. Of his mentors, Venevitinov was particularly influenced by the intelligent and enlightened French Alsatian Dorer, who familiarized him well with French and Roman literature. Venevitinov studied Greek with the Greek Bailo, the publisher of the Greek classics. Venevitinov got acquainted early with the ancient classical world; hence the graceful harmony of his mental structure, clearly reflected in the inseparable connection between his poetic inspiration and his philosophical thinking; contemporaries called him "a poet of thought". He also had the ability to paint and significant musical talent. He did not enter the students, but listened to the lectures of some university professors. He was especially interested in the courses of A.F. Merzlyakov, I.I. Davydov, M. G. Pavlov and Professor of Anatomy Loder.The last three tried to connect the teaching of their subject with the then dominant philosophical system of Schelling in the West and, undoubtedly, contributed a lot mental development Venevitinov in the spirit of Schellingism. Merzlyakov had a beneficial effect on university youth through public pedagogical talks arranged by him; here Venevitinov soon attracted general attention with his clear and deep mind and remarkable dialectics. He also showed these qualities in the circle of students, the center of which was N.M. Rojalin; young people engaged in philosophical debates and read their own writings on various abstract topics. In 1825, Venevitinov joined the Moscow Archives of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs. Easy service left a lot of free time. A rather numerous literary society was formed from the aforementioned circle, and five of its members constituted a more intimate secret "society of wisdom", with the aim of exclusively pursuing philosophy, mainly German; but it was closed by themselves, due to fears aroused by the event of December 14, to which their acquaintances and relatives turned out to be touchy. Among the small works read at the meetings of the society are Venevitinov's prose sketches: "Sculpture, Painting and Music", "Morning, Noon, Evening and Night", "Plato's Conversations with Alexander", representing (the last - even in the form itself) a successful imitation of Plato's dialogues, both in the development of thoughts and in poetic tone. The members of the society had a desire to have their own printed organ. At first it was supposed to publish an almanac (almanacs were then in vogue); but Pushkin, who arrived in Moscow in early September 1826, advised the circle to found a monthly magazine. Venevitinov, who was distantly related to Pushkin and already known to him from the article about the first song of "Eugene Onegin", outlined the program of the planned periodical, heading it: "A Few Thoughts on the Plan of the Journal." Soon, the publishing of the Moskovsky Vestnik was started, in the spirit of the Venevitin program, according to which the main task of the Russian periodical was “to create in our country scientific aesthetic criticism on the basis of German speculative philosophy and to inculcate in the public consciousness the conviction of the need to apply philosophical principles to the study of all epochs of sciences and arts. The journal has been published since the beginning of 1827, under the supervision of the collective editorial board and under the official responsibility of M.P. Pogodin. By this time, Venevitinov had already transferred to the service from Moscow to St. Petersburg, in the office of a foreign collegium. This was facilitated by the platonically adored Princess Zinaida Alexandrovna Volkonskaya Venevitinov. Leaving Moscow at the end of October, Venevitinov took with him a companion, at the request of the same Volkonskaya, the Frenchman Voshe, who had just escorted Princess E.I. to Siberia. Trubetskaya, who followed her Decembrist husband there. At the entrance to St. Petersburg, Venevitinov and Voshe were arrested due to the extreme suspicion of the police towards everyone who had even the slightest relation to the participants in the conspiracy of December 14th. The three-day arrest had a detrimental effect on Venevitinov: in addition to a heavy moral impression, staying in a damp and untidy room had a harmful effect on his already poor health. He missed Moscow, where his beloved family, Princess Volkonskaya, his comrades in the literary society and the jointly started journal, the concerns of which Venevitinova warmly expressed in his surviving letters to Pogodin and others, remained. Dissatisfaction with his position prompted him to think about leaving as soon as possible to serve in Persia. Before leaving Moscow, Venevitinov enthusiastically devoted himself to the study of German philosophers: Schelling, Fichte, Oken, as well as the works of Plato, which he read in the original (these studies are evidenced by a small work he performed for Princess Alexandra Trubetskoy: "Letter on Philosophy", remarkable for Platonic harmonious presentation and impeccable clarity of thought). Venevitinov, apparently, devoted most of his time to poetic creativity. This is evident both from the number of his generally few poems that fall on the Petersburg period of his life, and from the perfection of form and depth of content. In early March, returning lightly dressed from a ball, Venevitinov caught a bad cold, and soon he was gone. On his grave monument in the Simonov Monastery, in Moscow, his significant verse was carved "How he knew life, how little he lived!". He knew life not from experience, but because he was able to penetrate deeply into its inner meaning with his early ripened thought. “Poet” is for Venevitinov the subject of a kind of cult, expressed in his best poems, both in sincerity of tone and in charm of form: “Poet”, “Sacrifice”, “Consolation”, “I feel, it burns in me ...” , "Poet and Friend" and "Last Poems". The rhymed translation of the famous monologue "Faust in the Cave" is distinguished by the extraordinary grace of verse and expressive language; excellently translated from Goethe's "Earthly Destiny" and "The Apotheosis of the Artist". Apart from these translations, the number of poems by Venevitinov does not exceed 38. Those belonging to the first period of his work, that is, written before moving to St. Petersburg, do not differ in the impeccable form that those listed above represent, which in this respect can be compared with Pushkin's poems. But the poems of both periods are equally characterized by sincerity of feeling and lack of sophistication both in thoughts and in expressions. In some of them, a pessimistic mood affected, under the influence of which the novel in prose, which remained unfinished, was started. In general, however, Venevitinov's poetry is dominated by a bright view of life and faith in the fate of mankind. The contemplative-philosophical direction of Venevitinov's poetry leads many who wrote about him to assume that he would soon leave poetry and indulge in the development of philosophy. A vivid imprint of the philosophical turn of thought lies on his remarkable critical articles, in which he was far ahead of his contemporaries with aesthetic understanding. In addition to the publication of "Works of D.V.V." (1829), the Complete Works of D.V. Venevitinov", edited by A.V. Pyatkovsky (St. Petersburg, 1882), with his own article about life, about the works of Venevitinov, and separately "Poems of Venevitinov" (1884), in the "Cheap Library". - See Barsukov “Life and Works of M.P. Pogodin” (vol. II, St. Petersburg, 1888); N. Kolyupanov “I.A. Koshelev (vol. I, part 2, St. Petersburg, 1889) and articles by Mikhail Venevitinov in the Historical Bulletin (vol. XVII, 1884) and in the Russian Archive (1885, I, pp. 313 - 31). I. Boldakov.

    The exposition of the museum-estate tells about the life and work of the outstanding Russian poet, philosopher and critic Dmitry Venevitinov and other representatives of this noble family.

    Ticket price:

    For persons over 14 years of age - 115 rub.
    For pensioners - 60 rub.(50% discount on ticket price)
    For children - 50 rub.


    in a group of more than five people:

    • for persons over 14 years of age - up to 175 rubles.,
    • for children - 70 rub.

    group of less than five people:

    • for persons over 14 years of age - up to 230 rubles.
    • for children - not available

    Free of charge (upon presentation of certifying documents):

    • veterans of the Great Patriotic War and persons equated to them;
    • non-working disabled people of groups I and II;
    • combat veterans;
    • conscripts;
    • military cadets educational institutions vocational education prior to concluding a contract with them;
    • orphans and children left without parental care, children with disabilities;
    • elderly citizens staying in boarding schools;
    • children under the age of 7;
    • employees of museums of the Russian Federation;
    • The first Wednesday of each month - in the mode of self-examination of expositions and exhibitions by persons studying in basic professional educational programs, upon presentation of their student ID.
    • Last Wednesday of each month - for persons under the age of eighteen, upon presentation of a passport or birth certificate
    • First Thursday of every month - for families with many children, including free excursion service.

    How to find us:

    396034, Voronezh region, Ramonsky district, with. Novozhivotinnoye, st. School, 18

    Opening hours

    Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday – 10:00-18:00
    Thursday – 12:00-20:00
    Monday Tuesday- day off

    The box office closes 30 min. before the end of work

    Description of the object:

    The estate museum is a complex of residential, utility and park buildings of the 17th - early 20th centuries. Currently, the total area of ​​the museum-estate is about three hectares and includes a two-story mansion, an outbuilding and a park area.

    The estate belonged to the ancient noble family of the Venevitinovs. Here the Russian poet spent his youth early XIX V. D.V. Venevitinov.

    Other well-known names are closely associated with the estate - the historian, archaeologist, poet, writer and public figure Mikhail Venevitinov, the nephew of Dmitry Venevitinov, as well as the English writer and composer Ethel Lilian Voynich, the author of the famous novel "The Gadfly", who since 1887 in the Venevitinov family for two years she worked as a governess and teacher of music and English.

    Rare materials from its funds are exhibited in the halls of the museum: authentic decrees of the Peter the Great era, rare maps of the 18th century, works by M.A. Venevitinov, works by D.V. Venevitinov, antique furniture, rare books, family portraits and much more.

    The estate is a wonderful place for relaxation and contemplation, where the silence and romance of the world of a noble estate help to forget about the hustle and bustle for a while, to flip through the unique pages of "Voronezh antiquity"

    Dmitry Venevitinov was the fourth cousin of Alexander Pushkin and became the prototype for Vladimir Lensky in Eugene Onegin.

    The Venevitinov estate is the only Russian noble estate in the Voronezh region that has been preserved in the most complete condition, the years of foundation of which have their roots in the pre-Petrine time of the middle of the 17th century.

    The estate museum is a monument of history and architecture of federal significance.

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