Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the use of modern educational technologies by pedagogical workers in the educational process. Municipal educational institution of additional education "interschool educational center of Krasnoperekopsky district

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

A generally accepted classification of educational technologies in Russian and foreign pedagogy does not exist today. Various authors approach the solution of this topical scientific and practical problem in their own way. In a modern developing school, the personality of the child and his activities come first.



Modern pedagogical technologies and their effectiveness.

Global changes in the information, communication, professional and other spheres of modern society require adjustment of the content, methodological, technological aspects of education, revision of the previous value priorities, targets and pedagogical means.

It is necessary to understand the essential characteristics of the modern interpretation of the concept of "educational technology".

"Technology" is a detailed way of carrying out this or that activity within the framework of the chosen method.

"Pedagogical technology" is such a construction of the teacher's activity, in which the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and assume the achievement of a predictable result.

It is possible to single out the criteria that make up the essence of pedagogical technology:

  1. unambiguous and strict definition of learning objectives (why and for what);
  2. content selection and structure (what);
  3. optimal organization of the educational process (how);
  4. methods, techniques and teaching aids (with the help of what);
  5. as well as taking into account the necessary real level of teacher qualification (who);
  6. and objective methods for evaluating learning outcomes (is this true).

A generally accepted classification of educational technologies in Russian and foreign pedagogy does not exist today. Various authors approach the solution of this topical scientific and practical problem in their own way. In a modern developing school, the personality of the child and his activities come first. Therefore, among the priority technologies are:

traditional technologies: referring to traditional technologies various types of training sessions, where any system of means can be implemented that ensures the activity of each student based on a multi-level approach to the content, methods, forms of organization of educational and cognitive activities, to the level of cognitive independence, the transfer of teacher-student relations to parity and much more;

gaming technologies;

test technologies;

modular block technologies;

developmental learning technologies;

technology of problem learning;

project-based learning technology;

Computer techologies;

and etc.

I think you will agree with me that teachers in our school use traditional technologies more often. What are the downsides?

Traditional technologies are technologies built on an explanatory and illustrative way of teaching. When using this technology, the teacher focuses on the translation of the finished educational content in his work.

When preparing for lessons, the teacher is concerned about finding the most effective options for presenting new material and the visualization that accompanies the story.

At the same time, the presentation of information to students, determined by the framework of the program, almost always takes place in the form of a teacher's monologue.

In this regard, many problems arise in the educational process, the main ones are the low level of communication skills, the inability to get a detailed answer from the student with his own assessment of the issue under consideration, and the insufficient inclusion of students listening to the answer in the general discussion.

The root of these problems lies not in the mood of the children, not in their "passivity", but in the procedure that the applied technology sets.

That is, the teacher must tell the material provided for by the program, force the student to learn it and evaluate the degree of diligence.

The teacher goes to the classroom with a ready task, he tries to include the student in his activity, to subordinate him to his regime. Students are personally not included in this process most often. The teacher pushes through information with the help of multiple repetitions, provides external acceptance of tasks through game forms and other techniques, stimulates obedience and performance.

Explanatory and illustrative technologies prescribe a special role and place for the teacher in the educational process. He has not just an active, but a super-dominant position in the classroom: he is a commander, a judge, a boss, he seems to be standing on a pedestal, but at the same time he is burdened with a depressing sense of responsibility for everything that happens in the class. Accordingly, the student plays a passive role, which comes down to observing silence and strictly following the instructions of the teacher, while the student is not responsible for anything.

Students in the lesson do practically nothing on their own, do not think independently, but simply sit, listen or perform elementary tasks prescribed by the teacher.

A. Diesterweg also said: “A bad teacher presents the truth, a good one teaches to find it.”

The new living conditions in which we are all placed put forward their own requirements for the formation of young people entering into life: they must be not only knowledgeable and skillful, but thinking, proactive, independent.

With the traditional version of the organization of the educational process, personality development, of course, occurs. Children spontaneously develop, even if they are not given special attention and worries.

But this process can be greatly strengthened if it is made the main goal of the teacher's work and reasonably organized.

New learning technologies do not discard the presentation of information to students. The role of information is simply changing. It is necessary not only for memorization and assimilation, but for students to use it as a condition or environment for creating their own creative product. It is well known that a person develops only in the process of his own activity. A person can be taught to swim only in water, and a person can be taught to act (including mental actions) only in the process of activity.

The tasks of modern pedagogical technologies are focused on the education of a truly free personality, the formation in children of the ability to think independently, acquire and apply knowledge, carefully consider decisions and clearly plan actions, effectively cooperate in groups of various composition and profile, be open to new contacts and cultural ties. . This requires the widespread introduction of alternative forms and methods of conducting educational activities into the educational process.

The teacher can change the school, make it modern. The basis of such transformations is always the development of new technologies as a combination of traditional and innovative methods and techniques. I would like to emphasize: it is not calls for the modernization of the educational process, not the development of regular improvement and development programs that renews the school. It is updated by a teacher who has mastered new technologies for teaching and educating

Characteristics of some modern pedagogical technologies.

  1. Developmental training.
  2. Problem learning.
  3. Project training.
  4. Cooperation in education.
  5. Computer techologies.

Developmental training.

In order to make the lesson developing, the teacher must:

  1. replace the reproductive question-answer system of the lesson and the types of tasks with more complex ones, the implementation of which involves a wide variety of mental qualities (memory, attention, thinking, speech, etc.). This is facilitated by problem questions, search tasks, tasks for observations, solving practical problems, performing research tasks, etc.;
  2. change the nature of the presentation of new material and turn it into a problematic, heuristic, stimulating students to search;

Involve students in self-management and self-regulation of cognitive processes in the lesson, involving them in setting the objectives of the lesson, developing a plan for its implementation, control and self-control, in evaluating, self-evaluating and mutually evaluating the results of activities. Students can act as laboratory assistants, assistants, teacher assistants, consultants.

In pedagogy, there is still no consensus on how to differentiate didactic material, how many levels of complexity should be distinguished, what kind of tasks should be included in each level.

According to the general opinion of the didacts, the first level of complexity should be tasks that are the simplest in content and aimed at testing reproductive knowledge; the second level - tasks that require the use of mental techniques; the third - tasks of a creative nature. In this regard, the taxonomy of educational tasks by D. Tollingerova is of interest, which offers a taxonomy containing five types of tasks, and each subsequent group of tasks includes the operational composition of the previous groups.

  1. Jobs that require playback of data. These include tasks of a reproductive nature: on recognition, reproduction of individual facts, concepts, definitions, rules, diagrams, and reference notes. Tasks of this type begin with words: which one, what is it, what is it called, give a definition, etc.

2. Tasks requiring the use of mental operations. These are tasks for identifying, listing, describing facts (measuring, weighing, simple calculations, listing, etc.), listing and describing processes and methods of action, parsing and structure (analysis and synthesis), comparing and distinguishing (comparison), distribution (categorization and classification), identification of relationships between facts (cause - effect, goal - means, etc.), assignments for abstraction, concretization and generalization. This group of tasks begins with the words: set those of what size; describe what it consists of; make a list; describe how it goes; how we act when; What is the difference; compare; identify similarities and differences; Why; how; what is the cause, etc.

3. Tasks requiring the use of mental actions. This group includes tasks for transfer (translation, transformation), presentation (interpretation, clarification of meaning, meaning), tasks for substantiation, proof. Tasks begin with words: explain the meaning, reveal the meaning, as you understand; By
what do you think that; determine, prove, etc.

4. Jobs requiring data reporting. This group includes tasks for the development of reviews, summaries, reports, reports, projects. That is, these are tasks that provide for solving not only mental operations and actions, but also a speech act. The student not only reports the result of the task, but builds a logical course of reasoning, reports, if necessary, about the conditions, phases, components, difficulties that accompany the task.

5. Tasks requiring creative mental activity. This includes tasks for practical application, for detection based on one's own observations, solving problematic tasks and situations, including those requiring knowledge transfer. Tasks of this type begin with words; come up with a practical example; pay attention; Based on your own observations, determine etc.

Problem learning.

One of the famous philosophers once remarked that education is what remains in the mind of the student when everything learned is forgotten. What should remain in the student's head when the laws of physics, chemistry, theorems of geometry and the rules of biology are forgotten? Quite right - creative skills necessary for independent cognitive and practical activity, and the conviction that any activity must meet moral standards.

Currently, problem learning is understood as such an organization of the educational process, which involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and the active independent activity of students to resolve them.

This type of training:

  1. aimed at independent search by students for new concepts and methods of action;
  2. involves the consistent and purposeful presentation of cognitive problems to students, the resolution of which (under the guidance of a teacher) leads to the active assimilation of new knowledge;
  3. provides a special way of thinking, the strength of knowledge and their creative application in practical activities.

In problem-based learning, the teacher does not communicate ready-made knowledge, but organizes students to search for them: concepts, patterns, theories are learned in the course of searching, observing, analyzing facts, and mental activity.

The necessary components of problem-based learning are the following concepts: "problem", "problem situation", "hypothesis", "experiment".

What is a “problem” and a “problem situation”?

problem (from the Greek. problema- task) - “a difficult question, a task that needs to be solved” (SI. Ozhegov). The problem can be scientific and educational.

An educational problem is a question or task, the method of solving or the result of which is unknown to the student in advance, but the student has certain knowledge and skills in order to search for this result or method of completing the task. A question to which the student already knows the answer is not a problem.

Psychologists define a problem situation as a mental state of a person in which a cognitive need arises as a result of any contradictions.

Problem situations can be created at all stages of the learning process: during explanation, consolidation, control.

The technological scheme of problem-based learning is as follows: the teacher creates a problem situation, directs students to solve it, organizes the search for a solution and the application of the acquired knowledge in solving practical problems. Thus, the child is placed in the position of the subject of his learning and, as a result, new knowledge is formed in him. He masters new ways of acting.

When implementing problem-based learning, the teacher builds relationships with the class so that students can take the initiative, make assumptions, even incorrect ones, but other participants will refute them during the discussion (brainstorming). A distinction must be made between hypothesis and guesswork, which has nothing to do with problem-based learning.

The teacher should remember that problem-based learning can be based on solid knowledge. Therefore, students should be offered a reasonable amount of computational tasks aimed at memorizing formulas and operations, the use of which will allow them to solve problem situations in the future.

Stages of the implementation of problem-based learning in the practical activities of a teacher

Problem-based learning is possible under the following conditions:

  1. the presence of a problematic situation;
  2. readiness of the student to find a solution;
  3. the possibility of an ambiguous solution.

At the same time, the following stages of the implementation of problem-based learning are distinguished:

First stage - preparation for the perception of the problem. At this stage, the actualization of knowledge is carried out, which is necessary for students to be able to solve the problem, since in the absence of the necessary preparation, they cannot begin to solve.

Second phase - creating a problematic situation. This is the most responsible and difficult stage of problem-based learning, which is characterized by the fact that the student cannot complete the task assigned to him by the teacher, only with the help of his existing knowledge and must supplement them with new ones. The student must understand the reason for this difficulty. However, the problem must be manageable. The class may be ready to solve it, but students must be set to action. They will accept the task for execution when the problem is clearly formulated.

Third stage - the formulation of the problem is the result of the problem situation that has arisen. It indicates what students should direct their efforts to, what question to seek an answer to. If students are systematically involved in problem solving, they can formulate the problem themselves.

Fourth stage - problem solving process. It consists of several steps: putting forward hypotheses (it is possible to use the “brainstorming” technique when even the most improbable hypotheses are put forward), their discussion and the choice of one, the most probable, hypothesis.

Fifth stage - proof of the correctness of the chosen solution, its confirmation, if possible, in practice.

For example, if we ask students in the 8th grade why the wa having the same quantitative and qualitative composition, have different properties, this most important chemical problem will not cause the need to solve it, since their knowledge is still insufficient.

Search (heuristic) conversation.

A heuristic conversation is a system of logically interrelated questions of the teacher and answers of students, the ultimate goal of which is to solve a holistic, new problem for students or part of it.

Independent search and research activities of students.

Independent activity of students of a research nature is the highest form of independent activity and is possible only when students have sufficient knowledge necessary to build scientific assumptions, as well as the ability to put forward hypotheses.

Cooperation in education

It has been proved that work in conditions of cooperation is a very effective mode of educational work. And it's not just that cooperation in learning allows you to better master the material and remember it longer. Learning in a cooperative environment also demonstrates other important advantages over learning in a competitive environment.

So, the activity in the conditions of cooperation provides:

1. Higher level of efficiency and productivity of the educational process:

  1. the level of comprehension of the material rises (works performed in the conditions of cooperation are more logical, reasonable, their positions are deeper and more seriously argued than similar works performed individually or in the conditions of competition);
  2. the number of non-standard solutions is growing (in conditions of cooperation, members of the group are much more likely to put forward new ideas, offer unexpected options for solving the problems they face);
  3. the transfer of knowledge and skills is carried out (the famous statement of L.S. Vygotsky “What children can do today only together, tomorrow they are able to do on their own”);
  4. well confirmed by experiments to test the transfer of knowledge and skills acquired in groups to the situation of individual work of schoolchildren;
  5. a positive attitude towards the material being studied is formed (schoolchildren have a better attitude towards the material that they studied in conditions of cooperation than to the material that they have to master individually or in a competitive environment; they are more willing to return to previous topics, deepen and expand their knowledge) ;
  6. a readiness is formed not to be distracted from the task being solved (under conditions of cooperation, schoolchildren are less likely to be distracted from the educational task and, on average, do it more in the allotted time interval than schoolchildren working independently or in a competitive environment).
  1. Formation of a more friendly, benevolent atmosphere in the classroom.
  2. Increasing self-esteem and communication competence of schoolchildren and, ultimately, greater mental health of students.

The fundamental provisions essential for the use of learning in cooperation (communication) in the educational process are:

  1. independent individual or Team work in groups working on a project;
  2. the ability to use research, problematic, search methods, methods of joint creative activity;
  3. possession of a culture of communication in different small teams (the ability to listen calmly to a partner, to express one’s point of view with reason, to help partners in difficulties that arise in the course of work, focusing on a common, joint result);
  4. the ability to allocate roles (duties) to perform a common task, being fully aware of the responsibility for the joint result and for the success of each partner.

Project training.

Project-based learning is a type of learning based on the consistent implementation of complex educational projects with information breaks to master basic theoretical knowledge.

Project-based learning is always focused on the independent activity of students - individual, pair, group, which students perform within a certain period of time.

Basic requirements for the use of project activities:

  1. The presence of a problem or task that is significant in research, creative terms, requiring search for its solution.
  2. The problem raised in the work should, as a rule, be original.
  3. The basis of the activity should be the independent work of students.
  4. Use of research methods.
  5. The work performed should demonstrate the depth of the author's knowledge of the chosen field of study.
  6. The work must meet the established formal criteria.

The most decisive link in this innovation is the teacher. The role of the teacher is changing, and not only in project-based research education. From a carrier of knowledge and information, an omniscient oracle, the teacher turns into an organizer of activities, a consultant and a colleague in solving a problem, obtaining the necessary knowledge and information from various (maybe non-traditional) sources. Work on educational project or research allows you to build a conflict-free pedagogy, relive the inspiration of creativity together with children, turn the educational process from boring coercion into productive creative creative work.

Wherever we are engaged in project or research activities with students, it must be remembered that the main result of this work is the formation and education of a person who owns design and research technology at the level of competence.

The presentation of the project is equally important. than the project itself. It's a skill and a skill. Which develop speech, thinking, reflection. During the presentation of the project, students get the opportunity to form the ability to speak in public. Evidence to answer questions, lead a discussion

The concept of information (computer) technology.

New information technologies are now becoming more and more popular in teaching. They develop the ideas of programmed learning, open up new, yet unexplored technological learning options associated with the unique capabilities of modern computers and telecommunications.Computer techologies -these are the processes of preparing and transmitting information to the student, the means of implementation of which is a computer.

The computer performs the function of the learning object:

  1. when programming;
  2. creation of software products;
  3. application of various information environments.

The collaborating team is recreated by the computer as

consequence of communication with a wide audience.

The pre-day environment is organized using:

  1. game programs;
  2. computer games over the network;
  3. computer video.

The work of a teacher in computer technology includes the following functions:

Organization of the educational process at the level of the class as a whole, the subject as a whole;

Organization of intra-class coordination and activation;

  1. individual observation of students, provision of individual assistance;

preparation of components of the information environment, their connection with the subject content of a particular training course.

Informatization of education requires computer literacy from teachers, which can be considered as a special part of the content of computer technology.

Based on the above functions of computer technology, there are at least three approaches to the use of computers in education that are widely used today. We are talking about a computer as a storage (and source) of information, about a computer as a developing environment, about a computer as a learning device.

The use of information and computer technologies opens up new opportunities for teachers in teaching their subject. The study of any discipline using ICT gives children the opportunity to reflect and participate in the creation of lesson elements, which contributes to the development of students' interest in the subject. Classical and integrated lessons, accompanied by multimedia presentations, tests and software products, allow students to deepen the knowledge gained earlier, as the English proverb says - “I heard and forgot, I saw and remembered”. The use of modern technologies in education creates favorable conditions for the formation of the personality of students and meets the needs of modern society.

It is obvious to everyone that a modern multimedia computer is a reliable assistant and an effective educational tool in teaching various subjects. The use of a computer in the classroom and in extracurricular activities makes the teacher the glory of an advanced and progressive person.

Multimedia presentations have firmly entered the school life. The presentation quickly and clearly depicts things that cannot be expressed in words; arouses interest and diversifies the process of information transfer; enhances the impact of the speech.

The possibility of using a computer as effective remedy creating problem situations in the classroom. The teacher can, for example:

1. turn off the sound and ask the students to comment on what is observed on the screen. Then you can either watch again with sound, or not return to watching if the guys have successfully completed the task. The conditional name of this technique: "What would it mean?";

2. stop the frame and ask the student, having done a thought experiment, to try to describe the further course of the process. Let's give this technique the conditional name "And then?";

3. demonstrate some phenomenon, process and ask to explain, make a hypothesis why it happens this way. Let's call this principle "Why?".

Using electronic computers as an effective learning tool, it turned out to be insufficient to work only with ready-made information products, you should create your own. The use of slide films during lectures provides dynamism, visibility, a higher level and volume of information compared to traditional forms. When preparing a slide film for a lesson, you can use electronic textbooks, scanned drawings and diagrams, and Internet information.

In addition to lecture lessons, the use of a computer is effective in consolidating knowledge. At an intermediate stage between obtaining new information (lecture) and knowledge control (survey, test). It is necessary to organize the work of students to master the material of the topic, based on self-control. One of effective ways- training testing. This activity involves the individual work of each student with a computer program. The student gets the opportunity to work at a pace convenient for him and pay attention to those issues of the topic that cause difficulties for him. And the teacher conducts individual work with those students who need help.

Thus, if technological capabilities are accompanied by an appropriate method of use, this makes teaching the subject more attractive for both teachers and students, can facilitate the work of the teacher, free him from routine work at all three stages of learning.

The result of using modern technologies.


The result of using technology

Ra Developmental learning

Comprehensive harmonious development of the child's personality, preparation of an educational base for gymnasium education

P Problem based learning

Multilevel training

Ra Development of multi-level tasks. Completion of training groups in accordance with individual capabilities

T Technology of level differentiation based on mandatory results

From Development of educational standards. Failure warning.


Research Skills Research

Time Development of research skills in the learning process in one lesson and in a series of lessons, followed by the presentation of the results of the work in the form of: abstract, report

P Project-based teaching methods

Transition to the level of socially significant results

Technology "Debate"

Developing Public Speaking Skills

L Lecture-seminar credit system

Game learning technology: role-playing, business and educational games

Improving the quality of education based on the development of educational standards of education.

Education Training in cooperation (team, group work)

Once the development of mutual responsibility, the ability to learn by virtue of their own capabilities with the support of their comrades

Information and Communication Technologies

Use of electronic textbooks.

ZZ Health-saving technologies

Strengthening the health-saving aspect of subject education

The development of the individual at school takes place in the classroom, so the task of the teacher is to ensure that each child is included in different types activities. A correctly chosen goal determines the selection of methods and forms of organization of educational and cognitive activity of students ...

Recall what the king of one planet said in Antoine de Saint-Exupery's fairy tale "The Little Prince": "If I order my general to turn into a sea gull, and if the general does not comply with the order, it will not be his fault, but mine." What can these words mean for us?

In fact, they contain one of the most important rules for successful teaching: set realistic goals for yourself and those you teach. Unfortunately, we often ignore this rule. We give long lectures, emotionally tell interesting things (in our opinion), we can give children the task of reading a huge passage from the textbook, retelling it, we can show a movie or play a whole lesson. But some time passes, and only fragments of the knowledge that they were supposed to master remain in the memory of the children. This happens because the children do not have the opportunity, time and sufficient skills to reflect on the material being studied.

Therefore, the most important component of the pedagogical process should be the personality-oriented interaction of the teacher with students, where comfortable psychological well-being of teachers and students would be ensured, a sharp decrease in conflict situations in the classroom and during educational activities, where favorable prerequisites would be created for increasing the level of general cultural training; a favorable microclimate was created in the classroom, school.

We make weather in the classroom. So let's do it reasonably, efficiently and, if possible, sunny. And let's do only good weather!

After all, the changeable, unstable nature of the weather in the classroom has a bad effect on the health of people who are constantly in it. The sharply continental climate in the classroom is especially bad for everyone.

This is when different continents exist side by side in the classroom: the continent of teachers and the continent of students.

The sharply continental climate is characterized by sharp changes in the weather in the classroom, which has an extremely negative effect on school-sensitive people, who are the majority in school.

We don’t need anything sharp at school, in the classroom, let alone continental.

Hence - my "let wishes":

Let the teacher be the meteorologist who predicts the weather in the classroom.

Let the method of teaching your subject be changeable, but your professionalism, devotion to children and work, simple human decency remain unchanged.

Let the temperature of knowledge in your class always be positive and never drop to zero or below.

May the wind of change never turn into the wind in your head.

May the wind in your classroom be gentle and fresh.

Let the rainbow of discovery shine in your classroom.

Let the hail of “unsuccessful” and “twos” pass you by, and “fives” and successes flow like water.

Let the storm not break out at all in your class.

Let your class be a greenhouse - a greenhouse of love, kindness, respect and decency. In such a greenhouse, friendly mature, strong shoots will grow. And it will be a wonderful greenhouse effect.

Slides captions:

Modern pedagogical technologies, their effectiveness Blinova G.A., teacher of chemistry and biology

"Technology" is a detailed way of carrying out this or that activity within the framework of the chosen method.

"Pedagogical technology" is such a construction of the teacher's activity, in which the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and assume the achievement of a predictable result.

Criteria that make up the essence of pedagogical technology: an unambiguous and strict definition of learning objectives (why and for what); content selection and structure (what); optimal organization of the educational process (how); methods, techniques and teaching aids (with the help of what); as well as taking into account the necessary real level of teacher qualification (who); and objective methods for evaluating learning outcomes (is this true).

Therefore, among the priority technologies, there are: traditional technologies: referring to traditional technologies various types of training sessions, where any system of means can be implemented that ensures the activity of each student based on a multi-level approach to the content, methods, forms of organization of educational and cognitive activity, to the level of cognitive independence, transfer of teacher-student relations to parity and much more; gaming technologies; test technologies; modular block technologies; developmental learning technologies; technology of problem learning; project-based learning technology; Computer techologies; and etc.

“A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it.” A. Diesterweg

The tasks of modern pedagogical technologies are emphasized: on the education of a truly free personality, the formation in children of the ability to think independently, acquire and apply knowledge; carefully consider decisions and clearly plan actions; to cooperate effectively in groups of diverse composition and profile, to be open to new contacts and cultural ties.

Not calls for the modernization of the educational process, not the development of regular improvement and development programs renews the school. It is updated by a teacher who has mastered new technologies of teaching and education.

Modern pedagogical technologies. Developing education Cooperation in education. Problem learning Computer technologies. Project training.

Developmental learning

In order to make the lesson developing, the teacher must: replace the reproductive question-answer system of the lesson and the types of tasks with more complex ones, the implementation of which involves a wide variety of mental qualities (memory, attention, thinking, speech, etc.). This is facilitated by problem questions, search tasks, tasks for observations, solving practical problems, performing research tasks, etc.; change the nature of the presentation of new material and turn it into a problematic, heuristic, stimulating students to search; involve students in self-management and self-regulation of cognitive processes in the classroom, involving them in setting the objectives of the lesson, developing a plan for its implementation, monitoring and self-control, in evaluating, self-evaluating and mutually evaluating the results of activities. Students can act as laboratory assistants, assistants, teacher assistants, consultants.

Problem learning

A problem (from the Greek problema - a task) is “a difficult question, a task that needs to be solved” (S.I. Ozhegov). The problem can be scientific and educational.

Currently, problem learning is understood as such an organization of the educational process, which involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and the active independent activity of students to resolve them.

This type of training: is aimed at students' independent search for new concepts and methods of action; involves the consistent and purposeful presentation of cognitive problems to students, the resolution of which (under the guidance of a teacher) leads to the active assimilation of new knowledge; provides a special way of thinking, the strength of knowledge and their creative application in practical activities.

The technological scheme of problem-based learning is as follows: the teacher creates a problem situation, directs students to solve it, organizes the search for a solution and the application of the acquired knowledge in solving practical problems. Thus, the child is placed in the position of the subject of his learning and, as a result, new knowledge is formed in him. He masters new ways of acting.

The implementation of problem-based learning is possible under the following conditions: the presence of a problem situation; readiness of the student to find a solution; the possibility of an ambiguous solution.

Stages of implementation of problem learning: The first stage is preparation for the perception of the problem. The second stage is the creation of a problem situation. The third stage is the formulation of the problem. The fourth stage is the problem solving process. The fifth stage is the proof of the correctness of the chosen solution, its confirmation, if possible, in practice.

Cooperation in education

Activities in the conditions of cooperation provide: Higher level of efficiency and productivity of the educational process. Creating a more friendly, welcoming environment in the classroom. Increasing self-esteem and communication competence of schoolchildren and, ultimately, greater mental health of students.

Project based learning

Basic requirements for the use of project activities: The presence of a significant research, creative problem or task that requires search for its solution. The problem raised in the work should, as a rule, be original. The basis of the activity should be the independent work of students. Use of research methods. The work performed should demonstrate the depth of the author's knowledge of the chosen field of study. The work must meet the established formal criteria.

The concept of information (computer) technology.

Computer technologies are the processes of preparing and transmitting information to the student, the means of implementation of which is a computer.

There are at least three approaches to the use of computers in teaching that are widely used today. We are talking about a computer as a storage (and source) of information, about a computer as a developing environment, about a computer as a learning device.

The result of using modern technologies. Technology The result of using technology Developing learning Problem learning Project-based teaching methods Learning in cooperation (teamwork, group work) Information and communication technologies Comprehensive harmonious development of the child's personality, preparation of the educational base. The transition to the level of socially significant results, the formation of educational, cognitive, informational, communicative competencies. The development of mutual responsibility, the ability to learn by virtue of their own capabilities with the support of their comrades. Increasing the effectiveness of the lesson.

The development of personality in school takes place in the classroom, so the task of the teacher is to ensure that each child is included in different activities. A correctly chosen goal determines the selection of methods and forms of organization of educational and cognitive activity of students ...

Recall what the king of one planet said in Antoine de Saint-Exupery's fairy tale "The Little Prince": "If I order my general to turn into a sea gull, and if the general does not comply with the order, it will not be his fault, but mine." What can these words mean for us?

The most important component of the pedagogical process should be the personality-oriented interaction of the teacher with students, where comfortable psychological well-being of teachers and students would be ensured, a sharp decrease in conflict situations in the classroom and during educational activities, where favorable prerequisites would be created for increasing the level of general cultural training; a favorable microclimate was created in the classroom, school.

We make weather in the classroom. So let's do it reasonably, efficiently and, if possible, sunny. And let's do only good weather!

Modern pedagogical technologies

And the future has already arrived

Robert Young

“Everything is in our hands, so we can’t let them down”

(Coco Chanel)

“If a student at school has not learned to create anything himself,

then in life he will only imitate, copy "

(L.N. Tolstoy)

A feature of the federal state educational standards of general education is their activity nature, which sets the main task of developing the student's personality. Modern education refuses the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities; GEF formulations indicate real activities.

The task set requires a transition to a new system-activity educational paradigm, which, in turn, is associated with fundamental changes in the activities of a teacher who implements the new standard. Teaching technologies are also changing, the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) opens up significant opportunities for expanding the educational framework for each subject in an educational institution.

Under these conditions, the traditional school, which implements the classical model of education, has become unproductive. The problem arose before teachers - to turn traditional education aimed at accumulating knowledge, skills, skills, into the process of developing the child's personality.

Leaving the traditional lesson through the use of new technologies in the learning process allows eliminating the monotony of the educational environment and the monotony of the educational process, creates conditions for changing the types of activities of students, and makes it possible to implement the principles of health saving. It is recommended to make a choice of technology depending on the subject content, the objectives of the lesson, the level of preparedness of students, the possibility of meeting their educational needs, the age category of students.

Often pedagogical technology defined as:

A set of techniques is an area of ​​pedagogical knowledge that reflects the characteristics of the deep processes of pedagogical activity, the features of their interaction, the management of which ensures the necessary efficiency of the educational process;

A set of forms, methods, techniques and means of transferring social experience, as well as the technical equipment of this process;

A set of ways to organize the educational and cognitive process or a sequence of certain actions, operations related to the specific activities of the teacher and aimed at achieving the goals (technological chain).

In the context of the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, LLC, the following technologies become the most relevant:

1. Information and communication technology

2. Technology for the development of critical thinking

3. Design technology

4. Developmental learning technology

5. Health-saving technologies

6. Technology of problem learning

7. Gaming technology

8. Modular technology

9. Workshop Technology

10. Case - technology

11. Integrated learning technology

12. Pedagogy of cooperation.

13. Technologies of level differentiation

14. Group technologies.

15. Traditional technologies (classroom system)

1). Information and communication technology

The use of ICT contributes to the achievement of the main goal of modernizing education - improving the quality of education, ensuring the harmonious development of a person who is oriented in the information space, attached to the information and communication capabilities of modern technologies and possessing an information culture, as well as presenting the existing experience and identifying its effectiveness.

I plan to achieve my goals through the implementation of the following tasks:

use information and communication technologies in the educational process;

to form in students a steady interest and desire for self-education;

Formation and development of communicative competence;

direct efforts to create conditions for the formation of positive motivation for learning;

· to give students the knowledge that determines their free, meaningful choice of life path.

In recent years, the question of the use of new information technologies in education has been increasingly raised. These are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, new approach to the learning process. The introduction of ICT in the pedagogical process increases the authority of the teacher in the team, as teaching is carried out at a modern, higher level. In addition, the self-esteem of the teacher himself, who develops his professional competencies, is growing.

Pedagogical excellence is based on the unity of knowledge and skills corresponding to the current level of development of science, technology and their product - information technology.

At present, it is necessary to be able to receive information from different sources, use it and create it yourself. The widespread use of ICT opens up new opportunities for the teacher in teaching his subject, and also greatly facilitates his work, increases the effectiveness of teaching, and improves the quality of teaching.

ICT application system

The ICT application system can be divided into the following stages:

Stage 1: Identification of educational material that requires a specific presentation, analysis of the educational program, analysis of thematic planning, selection of topics, selection of the type of lesson, identification of the features of the material of this type of lesson;

Stage 2: Selection and creation of information products, selection of ready-made educational media resources, creation of your own product (presentation, training, training or control);

Stage 3: Application of information products, application in lessons of various types, application in educational work, application in the management of research activities of students.

Stage 4: Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of ICT, study of the dynamics of results, study of the rating in the subject.

2) Technology of critical thinking

What is meant by critical thinking? Critical thinking is the type of thinking that helps to be critical of any statements, not to take anything for granted without evidence, but at the same time be open to new ideas and methods. Critical thinking is a necessary condition for freedom of choice, quality of forecast, responsibility for one's own decisions. Critical thinking, therefore, is essentially a kind of tautology, a synonym for qualitative thinking. It is rather a name than a concept, but it was under this name that, with a number of international projects, those technological methods came into our lives, which we will give below.

The constructive basis of the "technology of critical thinking" is the basic model of three stages of the organization of the educational process:

· At the stage of recall from memory, the existing knowledge and ideas about what is being studied are “called”, actualized, personal interest is formed, the goals of considering a particular topic are determined.

At the stage of comprehension (or realization of meaning), as a rule, the student comes into contact with new information. It is being systematized. The student gets the opportunity to think about the nature of the object being studied, learns to formulate questions as he correlates old and new information. There is a formation of one's own position. It is very important that already at this stage, using a number of techniques, it is already possible to independently monitor the process of understanding the material.

The stage of reflection (reflection) is characterized by the fact that students consolidate new knowledge and actively rebuild their own primary ideas in order to include new concepts in them.

In the course of working within the framework of this model, students master various ways of integrating information, learn to develop their own opinion based on understanding various experiences, ideas and ideas, build conclusions and logical chains of evidence, express their thoughts clearly, confidently and correctly in relation to others.

Functions of the three phases of technology for the development of critical thinking


Motivational (motivation to work with new information, awakening interest in the topic)

Informational (call "to the surface" of existing knowledge on the topic)

Communication (non-conflict exchange of opinions)

Making sense of the content

Informational (obtaining new information on the topic)

Systematization (classification of the received information into categories of knowledge)


Communication (exchange of opinions about new information)

Informational (acquisition of new knowledge)

Motivational (incitement to further expand the information field)

Evaluative (correlation of new information and existing knowledge, development of one's own position, evaluation of the process)

Basic Methodological Techniques for the Development of Critical Thinking

1. Reception "Cluster"

2. Table

3. Educational brainstorming

4. Intelligent warm-up

5. Zigzag, zigzag -2

6. Reception "Insert"

8. Reception "Basket of ideas"

9. Reception "Compilation of syncwines"

10. Method of control questions

11. Reception "I know .. / I want to know ... / I found out ..."

12. Circles on the water

13. Role project

14. Yes - no

15. Reception "Reading with stops"

16. Reception "Interrogation"

17. Reception "Confused logical chains"

18. Reception "Cross discussion"

3). Design technology

The project method is not fundamentally new in world pedagogy. It originated at the beginning of this century in the United States. It was also called the problem method and was associated with the ideas of the humanistic trend in philosophy and education, developed by the American philosopher and educator J. Dewey, as well as his student W. H. Kilpatrick. It was extremely important to show the children their personal interest in the acquired knowledge, which can and should be useful to them in life. This requires a problem taken from real life, familiar and significant for the child, for the solution of which he needs to apply the acquired knowledge, new knowledge that has yet to be acquired.

The teacher can suggest sources of information, or can simply direct the students' thoughts in the right direction for independent search. But as a result, students must solve the problem independently and in joint efforts, applying the necessary knowledge, sometimes from different areas, to get a real and tangible result. All work on the problem, thus, acquires the contours of project activity.

The purpose of the technology is to stimulate the interest of students in certain problems, involving the possession of a certain amount of knowledge and through project activities, providing for the solution of these problems, the ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge.

The project method attracted the attention of Russian teachers as early as the beginning of the 20th century. The ideas of project-based learning arose in Russia almost in parallel with the developments of American teachers. Under the leadership of the Russian teacher S. T. Shatsky, a small group of employees was organized in 1905, trying to actively use project methods in teaching practice.

In the modern Russian school, the project-based learning system began to revive only in the 1980s - 90s, in connection with the reform of school education, the democratization of relations between the teacher and students, the search for active forms of cognitive activity of schoolchildren.

Practical application of design technology elements.

The essence of the project methodology is that the student himself must actively participate in obtaining knowledge. Project technology is practical creative tasks that require students to use them to solve problematic tasks, knowledge of the material at a given historical stage. Being a research method, it teaches to analyze a specific historical problem or task created at a certain stage in the development of society. Mastering the culture of design, the student learns to think creatively, to predict possible options for solving the problems facing him. Thus, the design methodology:

1. characterized by high communicativeness;

2. involves the expression by students of their own opinions, feelings, active involvement in real activities;

3. a special form of organizing the communicative and cognitive activity of schoolchildren in a history lesson;

4. based on the cyclical organization of the educational process.

Therefore, both the elements and the actual technology of the project should be applied at the end of the study of the topic in a certain cycle, as one of the types of a repetitive-generalizing lesson. One of the elements of such a methodology is a project discussion, which is based on the method of preparing and defending a project on a specific topic.

Stages of work on the project

Student activities

Teacher activity

Organizational and preparatory

Choosing a project topic, determining its goals and objectives, developing the implementation of an idea plan, forming microgroups.

Formation of participants' motivation, advising on the choice of topics and genre of the project, assistance in the selection of necessary materials, development of criteria for evaluating the activities of each participant at all stages.


Collection, analysis and systematization of the collected information, recording interviews, discussion of the collected material in microgroups, putting forward and testing a hypothesis, designing a layout and poster presentation, self-control.

Regular consulting on the content of the project, assistance in organizing and processing the material, consultation on the design of the project, tracking the activities of each student, evaluation.


Project design, preparation for defense.

Preparation of speakers, assistance in the design of the project.


Evaluation of your activities. “What did the work on the project give me?”

Evaluation of each project participant.

4). Problem learning technology

Today, problem-based learning is understood as such an organization of classes that involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and the active independent activity of students to resolve them, as a result of which there is a creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of mental abilities.

The technology of problem-based learning involves the organization, under the guidance of a teacher, of independent search activities of students to solve educational problems, during which students form new knowledge, skills and abilities, develop abilities, cognitive activity, curiosity, erudition, creative thinking and other personally significant qualities.

A problematic situation in learning has a teaching value only when the problematic task offered to the student corresponds to his intellectual capabilities, helps to awaken the students' desire to get out of this situation, to remove the contradiction that has arisen.

Problem tasks can be educational tasks, questions, practical tasks, etc. However, you cannot mix a problem task and a problem situation. A problem task in itself is not a problem situation; it can cause a problem situation only under certain conditions. The same problem situation can be caused by different types of tasks. IN general view The technology of problem-based learning lies in the fact that students are confronted with a problem and they, with the direct participation of the teacher or independently, explore ways and means of solving it, i.e.

Build a hypothesis

outline and discuss ways to test its truth,

· argue, conduct experiments, observations, analyze their results, argue, prove.

According to the degree of cognitive independence of students, problem-based learning is carried out in three main forms: problem presentation, partially search activity and independent research activity. The least cognitive independence of students takes place in problematic presentation: the presentation of new material is carried out by the teacher himself. Having posed a problem, the teacher reveals the way to solve it, demonstrates to students the course of scientific thinking, makes them follow the dialectical movement of thought towards the truth, makes them, as it were, accomplices in scientific search. In the conditions of partial search activity, the work is mainly directed by the teacher with the help of special questions that encourage the student to independent reasoning, active search for an answer to individual parts of the problem.

Problem-based learning technology, like other technologies, has positive and negative sides.

Advantages of problem-based learning technology: contributes not only to the acquisition by students of the necessary system of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also to the achievement high level their mental development, the formation of their ability to independently acquire knowledge through their own creative activity; develops interest in academic work; provides lasting learning outcomes.

Disadvantages: a large amount of time spent on achieving the planned results, poor control over the cognitive activity of students.

5). Gaming technologies

The game, along with work and learning, is one of the main types of human activity, an amazing phenomenon of our existence.

By definition, a game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior is formed and improved.

Classification of educational games

1. By scope:



— labor



2. By (characteristic) the nature of the pedagogical process:


— training


- generalizing

— cognitive



3. By gaming technology:

— subject



— business

— imitation


4. By subject area:

—mathematical, chemical, biological, physical, environmental

— musical

— labor

— sports


5. By game environment:

- no items

— with items

— desktop

- room

— street

— computer


- cyclic, with vehicles

What tasks does the use of this form of training solve:

- Carries out more free, psychologically liberated control of knowledge.

- The painful reaction of students to unsuccessful answers disappears.

— The approach to students in teaching is becoming more delicate and differentiated.

Learning in the game allows you to teach:

Recognize, compare, characterize, reveal concepts, justify, apply

As a result of the application of game learning methods, the following goals are achieved:

Stimulates cognitive activity

The mental activity is activated

Spontaneous storage of information

Associative memory is formed

Increased motivation to study the subject

All this indicates the effectiveness of learning in the process of the game, which is a professional activity that has the features of both learning and work.

6). Case - technology

Case technologies combine both role-playing games, and the method of projects, and situational analysis.

Case technologies are opposed to such types of work as repetition after the teacher, answering the teacher's questions, retelling the text, etc. Cases differ from ordinary educational problems (problems usually have one solution and one correct path leading to this solution, cases have several solutions and many alternative paths leading to it).

In case technology, an analysis of a real situation (some input data) is carried out, the description of which simultaneously reflects not only some practical problem, but also updates a certain set of knowledge that needs to be learned when solving this problem.

Case technologies are not a repetition after a teacher, not a retelling of a paragraph or an article, not an answer to a teacher's question, it is an analysis of a specific situation that makes you raise the layer of knowledge gained and put it into practice.

These technologies help to increase students' interest in the subject being studied, develop in schoolchildren such qualities as social activity, communication skills, the ability to listen and correctly express their thoughts.

When using case technologies in elementary school, children experience

Development of skills of analysis and critical thinking

Combination of theory and practice

Presentation of examples of decisions made

Demonstration of different positions and points of view

Formation of skills for evaluating alternative options in conditions of uncertainty

The teacher is faced with the task of teaching children, both individually and as part of a group:

analyze information,

sort it to solve a given problem,

identify key issues

generate alternative solutions and evaluate them,

· choose the optimal solution and form action programs, etc.

In addition, children:

・Get communication skills

· Develop presentation skills

Form interactive skills that allow you to effectively interact and make collective decisions

・Get expert knowledge and skills

Learn to learn by independently searching for the necessary knowledge to solve a situational problem

Change motivation for learning

In active situational learning, participants in the analysis are presented with facts (events) associated with a certain situation according to its state at a certain point in time. The task of students is to make a rational decision, acting within the framework of a collective discussion of possible solutions, i.e. game interaction.

Case technology methods that activate the learning process include:

· method of situational analysis (Method of analysis of specific situations, situational tasks and exercises; case-stages)

the method of the incident;

The method of situational role-playing games;

the method of parsing business correspondence;

Game design

the method of discussion.

So, case technology is an interactive learning technology based on real or fictional situations, aimed not so much at mastering knowledge as at forming new qualities and skills in students.

7). Technology of creative workshops

One of the alternative and effective ways of studying and acquiring new knowledge is the technology of workshops. It is an alternative to the class-lesson organization of the educational process. It uses the pedagogy of relationships, comprehensive education, learning without rigid programs and textbooks, the method of projects and immersion methods, non-judgmental creative activity of students. The relevance of the technology lies in the fact that it can be used not only in the case of studying new material, but also when repeating and consolidating previously studied material.

A workshop is a technology that involves such an organization of the learning process, in which the teacher-master introduces his students to the learning process through the creation of an emotional atmosphere in which the student can prove himself as a creator. In this technology, knowledge is not given, but is built by the student himself in a pair or group based on his personal experience, the teacher-master only provides him necessary material in the form of tasks for reflection. This technology allows the individual to build his own knowledge, this is its great similarity with problem-based learning. Conditions are created for the development of creative potential for both the student and the teacher. The communicative qualities of the individual are formed, as well as the subjectivity of the student - the ability to be a subject, an active participant in the activity, independently determine goals, plan, carry out activities and analyze. This technology allows you to teach students to independently formulate the goals of the lesson, find the most effective ways to achieve them, develop intelligence, and contribute to the acquisition of experience in group activities.

The workshop is similar to project-based learning because there is a problem to be solved. The teacher creates conditions, helps to understand the essence of the problem that needs to be worked on. Students formulate this problem and offer options for solving it. Various types of practical tasks can act as problems.

The workshop necessarily combines individual, group and frontal forms of activity, and training goes from one to another.

The main stages of the workshop.

Induction (behavior) is a stage that is aimed at creating an emotional mood and motivating students for creative activity. At this stage, it is supposed to include feelings, the subconscious and the formation of a personal attitude to the subject of discussion. Inductor - everything that encourages the child to action. A word, text, object, sound, drawing, form can act as an inductor - everything that can cause a stream of associations. It may be a task, but unexpected, mysterious.

Deconstruction - destruction, chaos, inability to complete the task with the available means. This is work with material, text, models, sounds, substances. This is the formation of the information field. At this stage, a problem is posed and the known is separated from the unknown, work is carried out with information material, dictionaries, textbooks, a computer and other sources, that is, an information request is created.

Reconstruction - recreating from the chaos of your project to solve the problem. This is the creation by microgroups or individually of their own world, text, drawing, project, solution. A hypothesis is discussed and put forward, ways to solve it, creative works are created: drawings, stories, riddles, work is underway to complete the tasks given by the teacher.

Socialization is the correlation by students or microgroups of their activities with the activities of other students or microgroups and the presentation of intermediate and final results of work to everyone in order to evaluate and correct their activities. One task is given for the whole class, work in groups is underway, the answers are reported to the whole class. At this stage, the student learns to speak. This allows the teacher-master to lead the lesson at the same pace for all groups.

Advertising is hanging, a visual representation of the results of the work of the master and students. It can be a text, a diagram, a project and familiarization with all of them. At this stage, all students walk, discuss, highlight original interesting ideas protect their creative work.

A gap is a sharp increase in knowledge. This is the culmination of the creative process, a new selection by the student of the subject and awareness of the incompleteness of his knowledge, an incentive to a new deepening into the problem. The result of this stage is insight (enlightenment).

Reflection is the student's awareness of himself in his own activity, it is the student's analysis of the activity carried out by him, it is a generalization of the feelings that arose in the workshop, it is a reflection of the achievements of his own thought, his own worldview.

8). Modular learning technology

Modular learning emerged as an alternative to traditional learning. Associated with the international concept "module", one of the meanings of which is a functional unit. In this context, it is understood as the main means of modular learning, a complete block of information.

In its original form, modular education originated in the late 60s of the XX century and quickly spread to English-speaking countries. Its essence was that a student, with a little help from a teacher or completely independently, can work with an individual curriculum offered to him, which includes a target action plan, an information bank and a methodological guide to achieve the set didactic goals. The functions of the teacher began to vary from information-controlling to consultative-coordinating. The interaction between the teacher and the student in the educational process began to be carried out on a fundamentally different basis: with the help of modules, the conscious independent achievement of a certain level of preliminary preparedness by the student was ensured. The success of modular training was predetermined by the observance of parity interactions between the teacher and students.

primary goal modern school- to create such a system of education that would provide the educational needs of each student in accordance with his inclinations, interests and abilities.

Modular education is an alternative to traditional education, it integrates everything progressive that has been accumulated in pedagogical theory and practice.

Modular learning, as one of the main goals, pursues the formation of students' skills of independent activity and self-education. The essence of modular training is that the student completely independently (or with a certain dose of help) achieves the specific goals of educational and cognitive activity. Learning is based on the formation of the mechanism of thinking, and not on the exploitation of memory! Consider the sequence of actions for building a training module.

A module is a target functional unit that combines: educational content and technology for mastering it into a system of a high level of integrity.

Algorithm for building a training module:

1. Formation of a block-module of the content of the theoretical educational material of the topic.

2. Identification of educational elements of the topic.

3. Identification of connections and relationships between educational elements of the topic.

4. Formation of the logical structure of the educational elements of the topic.

5. Determining the levels of assimilation of the educational elements of the topic.

6. Determining the requirements for the levels of mastering the educational elements of the topic.

7. Determination of the awareness of mastering the educational elements of the topic.

8. Formation of a block of algorithmic prescription of skills and abilities.

The system of actions of the teacher in preparation for the transition to modular education.

1. Develop a modular program consisting of CDTs (complex didactic goals) and a set of modules that ensure the achievement of this goal:

2. Structure the learning content into specific blocks.

A CDC is formed, which has two levels: the level of assimilation of educational content by students and orientation towards its use in practice.

3. IDCs (integrating didactic goals) are distinguished from the CDC and modules are formed. Each module has its own IDC.

4. IDT is divided into NDTs (private didactic goals) based on them, UEs (educational elements) are allocated.

The principle of feedback is important for managing student learning.

1. Before each module, conduct an entrance control of the ZUN of students.

2. Current and intermediate control at the end of each EC (self-control, mutual control, reconciliation with the sample).

3. Output control after completion of work with the module. Purpose: to identify gaps in the assimilation of the module.

The introduction of modules into the educational process should be carried out gradually. Modules can be integrated into any training system and thereby enhance its quality and effectiveness. You can combine the traditional system of education with the modular one. The whole system of methods, techniques and forms of organization of students' learning activities, individual work, in pairs, in groups fit well into the modular system of education.

The use of modular training has a positive effect on the development of independent activities of students, on self-development, and on improving the quality of knowledge. Students are able to plan their work skillfully, know how to use educational literature. They have a good command of general educational skills: comparison, analysis, generalization, highlighting the main thing, etc. Active cognitive activity of students contributes to the development of such qualities of knowledge as strength, awareness, depth, efficiency, flexibility.

9). Health saving technologies

Providing the student with the opportunity to maintain health during the period of study at school, the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities in a healthy lifestyle and the application of the knowledge gained in everyday life.

Organization of educational activities, taking into account the basic requirements for the lesson with a complex of health-saving technologies:

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements (fresh air, optimal thermal conditions, good lighting, cleanliness), safety regulations;

Rational density of the lesson/class (time spent by schoolchildren on academic work) should be at least 60% and not more than 75-80%;

clear organization of educational work;

Strict dosage of training load;

change of activities;

learning taking into account the leading channels of perception of information by students (audiovisual, kinesthetic, etc.);

place and duration of TCO application;

inclusion of technological techniques and methods that promote self-knowledge, self-esteem of students;

building a lesson taking into account the performance of students;

individual approach to students, taking into account personal capabilities;

Formation of external and internal motivation of students' activities;

a favorable psychological climate, situations of success and emotional release;

Stress prevention:

work in pairs, in groups, both in the field and at the blackboard, where the led, “weaker” student feels the support of a friend; encouraging students to use various methods of solving, without fear of making mistakes and getting the wrong answer;

Conducting physical education sessions and dynamic pauses in the classroom;

purposeful reflection throughout the lesson and in its final part.

The use of such technologies helps to preserve and strengthen the health of schoolchildren: preventing overwork of students in the classroom; improvement of the psychological climate in children's groups; involvement of parents in the work to improve the health of schoolchildren; increased concentration of attention; reduction in the incidence of children, the level of anxiety.

10).Integrated learning technology

Integration is a deep interpenetration, merging, as far as possible, in one educational material of generalized knowledge in a particular area.

The need for the emergence of integrated lessons is explained by a number of reasons.

The world surrounding children is known by them in all its diversity and unity, and often the subjects of the school cycle, aimed at studying individual phenomena, split it into separate fragments.

Integrated lessons develop the potential of the students themselves, encourage active knowledge of the surrounding reality, to comprehend and find cause-and-effect relationships, to develop logic, thinking, and communication skills.

The form of conducting integrated lessons is non-standard, interesting. Usage various kinds work during the lesson maintains the attention of students at a high level, which allows us to talk about the sufficient effectiveness of the lessons. Integrated lessons reveal significant pedagogical possibilities.

Integration in modern society explains the need for integration in education. Modern society needs highly qualified, well-trained specialists.

Integration provides an opportunity for self-realization, self-expression, creativity of the teacher, promotes the disclosure of abilities.

Advantages of integrated lessons.

They contribute to increasing the motivation of learning, the formation of the cognitive interest of students, a holistic scientific picture of the world and consideration of the phenomenon from several sides;

To a greater extent than ordinary lessons contribute to the development of speech, the formation of students' ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions;

They not only deepen the idea of ​​the subject, but broaden their horizons. But they also contribute to the formation of a diversified, harmoniously and intellectually developed personality.

Integration is a source of finding new connections between facts that confirm or deepen certain conclusions. Student observations.

Patterns of integrated lessons:

the lesson is united by the main idea (the core of the lesson),

the lesson is a single whole, the stages of the lesson are fragments of the whole,

the stages and components of the lesson are in a logical and structural relationship,

selected for the lesson didactic material corresponds to the intention, the chain of information is organized as "given" and "new".

Interaction between teachers can be built in different ways. It can be:

1. parity, with equal share participation of each of them,

2. one of the teachers can act as a leader, and the other as an assistant or consultant;

3. The entire lesson can be taught by one teacher in the presence of another as an active observer and guest.

Methods of the integrated lesson.

The process of preparing and conducting an integrated lesson has its own specifics. It consists of several stages.

1. Preparatory

2. Executive

3. Reflective.


2. organization of the creative team,

3. designing the content of the lesson / class,

4. rehearsals.

The purpose of this stage is to arouse the interest of students in the topic of the lesson, in its content. Ways to arouse the interest of students can be different, for example, a description of a problem situation or an interesting case.

In the final part of the lesson, it is necessary to summarize everything said in the lesson, to summarize the reasoning of the students, to formulate clear conclusions.

At this stage, the analysis of the lesson is carried out. It is necessary to take into account all its advantages and disadvantages

eleven). traditional technology

The term "traditional education" implies, first of all, the organization of education that developed in the 17th century on the principles of didactics formulated by Ya.A. Komensky.

Distinctive features of the traditional classroom technology are:

Students of approximately the same age and level of training make up a group that maintains a basically constant composition for the entire period of study;

The group works according to a single annual plan and program according to the schedule;

The basic unit of lessons is the lesson;

The lesson is devoted to one subject, topic, due to which the group students work on the same material;

The work of students in the lesson is directed by the teacher: he evaluates the results of study in his subject, the level of learning of each student individually.

The school year, school day, lesson schedule, study holidays, breaks between lessons are attributes of the class-lesson system.

By their nature, the goals of traditional education represent the upbringing of a personality with given properties. In terms of content, the goals are focused mainly on the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, and not on the development of the individual.

Traditional technology is primarily an authoritarian pedagogy of requirements, learning is very weakly connected with the inner life of the student, with his diverse requests and needs, there are no conditions for the manifestation of individual abilities, creative manifestations of the personality.

The learning process as an activity in traditional education is characterized by a lack of independence, weak motivation for educational work. Under these conditions, the stage of implementation of educational goals turns into hard work with all its negative consequences.

Positive sides

Negative sides

The systematic nature of learning

Template construction, monotony

Orderly, logically correct presentation of educational material

Irrational distribution of lesson time

Organizational Clarity

The lesson provides only an initial orientation in the material, and the achievement of high levels is shifted to homework

The constant emotional impact of the teacher's personality

Students are isolated from communication with each other

Optimal resource costs for mass learning

Lack of autonomy

Passivity or visibility of student activity

Weak speech activity (average speaking time of a student is 2 minutes per day)

Weak feedback

Average approach

lack of individual training

Levels of mastery of pedagogical technologies

Mastery level

On practice


Knows the scientific foundations of various PTs, gives an objective psychological and pedagogical assessment (and self-assessment) of the effectiveness of the use of TO in educational process

Purposefully and systematically applies learning technologies (TO) in their activities, creatively models the compatibility of various TOs in their own practice


Has representation of various PTs;

Reasonably describes the essence of its own technological chain; actively participates in the analysis of the effectiveness of the teaching technologies used

Mainly follows the learning technology algorithm;

Owns the techniques of designing technological chains in accordance with the goal;

Uses a variety of pedagogical techniques and methods in chains


A general, empirical idea of ​​PT has been formed;

Builds separate technological chains, but at the same time cannot explain their intended purpose within the framework of the lesson;

Avoids discussion

PT related issues

Applies elements of PT intuitively, occasionally, non-systemically;

Adheres to any one learning technology in its activities;

Allows violations in the algorithm (chain) of learning technology

And most the best option is to use a mixture of these technologies. So the educational process for the most part is a class-lesson system. This allows you to work according to the schedule, in a certain audience, with a certain permanent group of students.

Traditional and innovative teaching methods should be in constant relationship and complement each other. We should remember the saying "ALL NEW IS WELL FORGOTTEN OLD".

Internet and literature.

1).Manvelov S.G. Designing a modern lesson. – M.: Enlightenment, 2002.

2). Larina V.P., Khodyreva E.A., Okunev A.A. Lectures at the creative laboratory "Modern pedagogical technologies" - Kirov: 1999 - 2002.

3). Petrusinsky V.V. Irgi - education, training, leisure. New school, 1994

4). Gromova O.K. "Critical thinking - how is it in Russian?" Creative technology. //BSh No. 12, 2001

Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the use of modern educational technologies by pedagogical workers in the educational process.

Modern comprehensive school diverse and complex, it is constantly changing. Renovation of the school involves solving a number of systemic tasks, the primary of which is the task of achieving a new quality of education. The new quality of education is a focus not so much on the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge and skills by students, but on the development of the personality. An educational institution should form the key competencies of students. This is possible due to the use of modern educational technologies.

The use of modern educational technologies in the practice of teaching is a prerequisite for the intellectual, creative and moral development of students.

In connection with the use of modern technologies, there is a need to assess the effectiveness of their use by teachers. This technique creates the basis for identifying difficulties, promotes awareness and search for optimal ways to overcome them, allows you to determine the strengths of the teacher in work in this area.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of modern educational technologies by pedagogical workers in the educational process is carried out according to the following criteria:

Criterion No. 1. Level of knowledge of modern educational technologies and methods.

Criterion No. 2. The effectiveness of the use of modern educational technologies.

Criterion No. 3. Personal contribution to improving the quality of education through the use of modern educational technologies.

Criterion #1

Level of knowledge of modern educational technologies and methods.

  • 0- low level;
  • 1- medium level;
  • 2- high level.

Application technology

Supporting documents

Indicator score

Problem learning

Lesson notes

Multilevel training

The presence of didactic tasks, tests of different levels

Project method

Availability of abstracts, reports, presentations

Technology of modular and block-modular education

Lesson summary

Game learning technology: role-playing, business and other types of learning games

Availability of didactic material

Collaborative learning (small group work)

Lesson summary

Technology "Debate" (lessons - conference, lectures, etc.)

Summary of lessons, development of these activities

Informational -



The number of presentations developed by the teacher, students, the presence of a media fund, the number of Internet lessons with links to resources posted on the Internet.

Health saving technologies

Lesson notes, availability of materials, health and safety, physical education

The maximum possible score is 10

Criterion #2

Efficiency of application of modern educational technologies.

(for 2-3p.)

municipal stage

1b. - participation

2b. - victory

Regional stage

2b. - participation

3b. - victory

federal stage

3b. - participation

4b. - victory

The maximum score is set (taken into account regardless of the number of winners and the number of participants)

(1p each)

Up to 40% - 1b.

Up to 60% - 2b.

Over 60% - 3b.


Supporting documents

Indicator score

Dynamics of students' progress

Annual Report

Achievement of students at competitions (municipal, regional, federal stages)

copies of diplomas



The need to systematically improve the effectiveness of school education raises the question: what educational technologies according to GEF are the most effective? What organizational systems can be applied in a modern school? Recommendations of experts on the topic, including a list of innovative educational technologies, can be found in the article.

The basis of the federal state educational standards of the second generation is the activity principle, which provides for the need to organize learning through the transfer of initiative from the teacher to the students. Modern educational technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standards are a set of pedagogical methods, forms and means that are systematically used in the educational process and allow you to consistently achieve the declared result with acceptable deviation rates. Signs of new generation educational technologies:

  • the nature and sequence of actions of the teacher corresponds to a specific pedagogical plan, they are based on a reasonable author's position;
  • the chain of organizational actions is built strictly in accordance with the target settings, which ensures consistent movement in favor of the intended result;
  • the teacher abandons the practice of object-subject interaction with children in favor of subject-subject interaction;
  • elements of the pedagogical process, based on modeling situations of search, "discovery" of knowledge and analysis of their practical value, can be reproduced by any teacher and marked by the achievement of the goal;
  • an important part of the technology are diagnostic procedures, allowing to systematically carry out self- and mutual control of knowledge.

Save this for yourself so you don't lose it:

- Implementation of educational projects during the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education (examples of projects)
- Profile training in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of secondary general education (updating the regulatory framework)

Classification of educational technologies in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

The need for a qualitative change in the system of Russian education, which for many years relied on the knowledge basis for the formation of knowledge, necessitates a constant methodological search. Combining the traditions of domestic pedagogical science and innovative ideas, modern educational technologies developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards make it possible to meet the requirements of the regulator and public demands, and therefore the development and testing of active management at all levels. Already today, it is possible to single out a truly large number of organizational and educational models of conducting pedagogical practice, which can be used in their pure form, rethought taking into account the realities of the educational process or the specifics of work in a particular school, integrated and supplemented in a comprehensive manner.

In order to understand the possibilities and features of the implementation of educational technologies, teachers should understand their boundaries, defined within the framework of existing classifications.

Parameters for the classification of basic educational technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standard Pedtech groups
By level of application
  1. General pedagogical - can be used to ensure the integrity of the educational process at the level of an educational institution, school, level of education, region, country.
  2. Private subjects - are implemented within the framework of one subject discipline.
  3. Local (modular) - are used in separate parts of the educational process.
By organizational form
  1. Classroom and alternative.
  2. Academic and club.
  3. Collective, group, individual.
  4. Technologies of differentiated learning.
By type of control of cognitive activity of schoolchildren
  1. Traditional (lectures, involving the use of textbooks, manuals, TCO).
  2. Differentiated (with the participation of a "tutor", in small groups).
  3. Programmed (based on the use of training and control and diagnostic programs).
Approach to the child
  1. Authoritarian, characterized by the implementation of the subject-subject model, strict regulation of the educational process, suppression of children's initiative.
  2. Bulk. Designed for "average" students, which makes it necessary to "reach" the weak and search for opportunities to include gifted children in the system. Cooperation technologies based on the principles of equality, mutual respect, co-authorship.
  3. Technologies of free education - provide the child with freedom of choice, including the organization of educational activities.
  4. Personally-oriented educational technologies of the Federal State Educational Standard of the OO, based on the idea of ​​building the educational process around the personality of the child, which guarantees the possibility of progressive, comfortable and harmonious age-related development.
  5. Humane and personal, inspired by the ideas of psychotherapeutic pedagogy aimed at supporting the self-worth of the individual.
  6. Advanced education technologies aimed at in-depth study of individual disciplines (typical for the gymnasium, lyceum education system).
  7. Compensatory learning technologies are recommended as part of providing psychological and pedagogical correction, “leveling”, adaptation in the school education system for children with developmental disabilities.
By the level of orientation to personal structures
  1. Informational, aimed at consolidating basic ZUN.
  2. Operating rooms providing training for a wide range of intellectual actions.
  3. Technologies of self-development (provide for the formation of ways of mental actions).
  4. Heuristic, providing for the realization of personal creative potential.
  5. Applied - their application ensures the development of the effective-practical sphere of the individual.
By the nature of the content
  1. Teaching and educational.
  2. Secular and religious.
  3. General education and career guidance.
  4. Humanistic, technocratic.
  5. Mono-, polytechnologies.

In modern pedagogical science, more than a hundred organizational and pedagogical solutions are collectively distinguished, but only the most effective educational technologies of the Federal State Educational Standards are widely used in Russian schools, including developing, problem-based, multi-level learning, the project method, TRIZ, critical thinking development technology, ICT, health-saving technology, innovation assessment system "portfolio of achievements". Let us consider in more detail the theoretical features and possibilities of implementing the main educational technologies.

Information and communication educational technology of training according to the Federal State Educational Standard

In view of the fact that the key goal of modernizing the Russian education system is to improve the quality of education of the younger generation, create conditions for the harmonious development of a person who is able to freely navigate in the information and communication space, independently “extract” knowledge, expand existing theoretical and practical experience, and introduce IR technologies into the daily educational process is a priority direction of conducting pedagogical search.

Modern information and communication educational technologies and methods of the Federal State Educational Standards are aimed at forming in children a sustainable motivation for self-education, the development of communicative competencies and critical thinking, which can be implemented through:

  1. Providing students with free access to information resources, the content of which is not contrary to state, legal and moral standards.
  2. Use of all available funds information support of the educational process.
  3. Implementation of control and diagnostic methods that meet the requirements of the time (keeping electronic diaries, testing on a PC, establishing child-parent thematic chats).
  4. Implementation of the process of individualization, differentiation of training, increasing the effectiveness of lessons through the use of training capabilities of special technical means.

Educational technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standards aimed at the formation of critical thinking

In conditions of free choice, widespread availability of information, which is gradually losing its value aspect, the educational technologies of critical thinking most fully meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in the matter of the formation of meta-subject competencies of future school graduates. The inculcation of a special way of perceiving data, which provides for their mandatory analysis for reliability, is carried out on the basis of designing special educational situations, when students are offered systematic work with various sources of knowledge that need to be classified, systematized, correlated with existing knowledge experience, evaluating the level of usefulness and practicality.

The pedagogical technology of critical thinking provides for the consistent modeling of educational situations that necessitate the "passage" of students through three stages: challenge, comprehension and reflection. Thanks to this, children learn to soberly evaluate information, cutting off unconfirmed conjectures and assumptions, form their own opinion with reason, build cause-and-effect relationships and logical chains, express their point of view correctly, observing the principles of tolerance and mutual respect.

As part of the educational technology of critical thinking, numerous methodological techniques are used: clustering, brainstorming, writing essays, sequences, discussions, intellectual warm-ups, creating "boxes of useful ideas" and many others.

Project educational technology according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The method of creating projects as a pedagogical technique is widely used in US schools with the aim of demonstrating to students the high practical value of gaining knowledge, and a general increase in indicators of learning motivation. Among the modern educational technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standard, he considers project modeling to be one of the most valuable, since it:

  1. It opens up opportunities for in-depth study of a specific problem, the formation of knowledge in the framework of the transition from a point to a general one.
  2. Promotes the development of a communicative culture, the practice of active group interaction.
  3. It involves the presentation of a point of view by students with mandatory argumentation, a willingness to defend it in the form of a constructive discussion with "opponents".

The creation of projects is widely practiced in the preparation of disciplinary or thematic exhibitions, competitions of scientific works, educational festivals, conducting search directed work by gifted students with the assistance of teachers. Under the condition of competent implementation, this technology provides a comprehensive formation of search, analyzer, presentation and reflective skills in children.

Educational technologies for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard through problem-based learning

The practice of developing (problem) learning, based on the differentiation of areas of knowledge into previously studied, transitional and unknown, was introduced by Soviet teachers in the middle of the last century, and now it has confidently become one of the most effective types of educational technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standard. It is based on the teacher's directed modeling of situations that determine the cognitive activity of children on the way to expanding knowledge through defining the boundaries of the known, formulating assumptions and hypotheses, finding the best way to solve an educational problem, conducting collective discussion and reflection.

The technology of problem-based learning, which contributes not only to the formation of a system of knowledge and skills in children, but also to the achievement of high intellectual qualities, self-confidence, can be effective only if the task in question corresponds to the real knowledge level of students, when it is possible to distinguish the boundaries of what is already known and requires confirmation. . At the same time, not every problem task contains a problem situation, which necessitates careful preliminary preparation when applying this teaching method.

The use of modern educational technologies, including a game component, according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Play is one of the main adaptation mechanisms childhood facilitating the assimilation of knowledge about phenomena, objects, models of behavior through the recreation of experience. Game educational technologies, characterized by a high level of audience coverage, subject to proper adaptation, are widely used during pedagogical work with schoolchildren of different age groups.

Didactic games are classified:

  1. By areas of application - physical, intellectual, social, search.
  2. By type of training component - informational, training, generalizing, diagnostic, controlling.
  3. According to the specifics of technology - subject, business, simulation.
  4. By subject - linguistic, literary, mathematical, physical, etc.
  5. By type of environment - without or with objects, computer, desktop.

Pedagogical game technology contributes to the design of the educational process according to the Federal State Educational Standard, in which the accumulation and consolidation of knowledge is easy and natural, children learn to calmly respond to wrong answers and look for the right ones, it becomes possible to fully realize the differentiation of the learning process and psychologically comfortable control of knowledge. While participating in didactic games, including a competitive component, schoolchildren learn to think independently, actively interact with each other, demonstrate activity and independence, which helps to increase educational motivation and improves the dynamics of the educational complex as a whole.

Modular educational technology at school according to GEF

Primary school students are predominantly characterized by a consistent decrease in their academic interest, especially in disciplines, the mastery of which causes serious difficulties. The latest educational technologies of the Federal State Educational Standards, which provide for the teacher's ability to divide educational material into separate modules, make it possible to reverse the current trend and increase the level of quality assimilation of knowledge by children, as well as provide equal learning conditions in classes where there is a significant differentiation of students' abilities. It is important to note that a module can be considered an information block, which is characterized by a clearly formulated goal, a mini-program, a list of practical tasks. different levels complexity, as well as schemes for conducting control evaluation.

Within the framework of modular technology, children are invited to master knowledge in short blocks, for each of which an intermediate assessment is carried out. For the performance of each type of activity, students accumulate points, the sum of which forms the final grade. In addition to the development of independence, the formation of self-assessment skills, this educational technology gives students the opportunity not to focus on intermediate results, even if they do not meet expectations, but to make efforts to correct the learning situation during the development of the next module.

Educational technology of multi-level education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Another effective organizational and pedagogical solution that makes it possible to guarantee equal opportunities for all students (regardless of psychophysical abilities) to master the program minimum is the organization of multi-level education. This educational technology makes it possible to most fully provide the conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, since it is based on the idea of ​​evaluating not the result of educational activities, but the efforts made by the child to master the program material and its further application.

In order to be able to introduce a system of multi-level education, practical tasks for each of the subjects must be differentiated taking into account the depth and complexity of the educational material (but not below the basic minimum). Students are assigned the right to choose tasks of the level that corresponds to their personal educational needs and aspirations, while the levels of depth of study of the material may differ in different subjects. When implementing the technology of multi-level education, the key task of teachers is to support the children's initiative, to provide support, if the student wishes, to raise the “bar” in order to achieve higher educational results.

Pedagogy of cooperation - a modern educational technology for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

In view of the course towards the widespread humanization of the education system, in the center of which the interests and needs of the child are placed, a methodology of pedagogy of cooperation was developed, which is characterized by maintaining the maximum level of psychological comfort for schoolchildren and teachers. Among the modern educational technologies for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the pedagogy of cooperation is the most difficult organizational solution due to the need to:

  • complete rejection of requirements, the transfer of the educational initiative from the teacher to the child while ensuring the individualization of the educational process;
  • the use in didactic manuals of a special verbal-symbolic system that determines the nature of educational actions (read, write, remember, pay attention);
  • providing children with a free type of activity depending on personal needs and the current state;
  • conducting systematic self-analysis and finding ways to correct difficulties (with the support of the teacher).

New educational technology according to the Federal State Educational Standard - workshop technology

A qualitatively new organizational solution, which is an alternative to the traditional classroom system, is the technology of workshops, based on the principles of pedagogy of education, partnership, methods of complete immersion, conducting non-judgmental educational activities.

Conceptually, within the framework of the implementation of this technology, the teacher becomes a “master”, who, after creating a special emotional atmosphere, reveals to the wards the “secrets” of the world of knowledge. Due to this, the acquisition of new information is organized in pairs or mini-groups through the activation of existing learning experience, through sequential "layering". At the same time, the "Master" creates more and more opportunities for development, independent search and creativity, which contributes to the development of children's initiative, sociability, readiness for active interaction in groups. In light of this, it is easy to draw parallels between workshop technology and the project method, but the former is characterized by a greater degree of creativity, and therefore presents a lot of organizational difficulties for the teacher. Of course, in the conditions of a modern school, the design of workshops cannot be carried out systematically, but this technology is very effective as a way to activate cognitive activity.

Features of the implementation of modern educational technologies in the school according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The full list of modern educational technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standard, which can be implemented in the conditions of a modern school, is very voluminous. In addition to the above, it also covers health-saving organizational and pedagogical solutions, active learning methods, advanced learning technology, case technology, and many others. Therefore, one of the significant tasks of practicing teachers is to search for those innovative practices that, in a real educational situation, would create optimal conditions for children to master the program material, form their meta-subject competencies, harmonious development with a consistent disclosure of natural talents.

It is customary to distinguish three levels of application by teachers of educational technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the classroom at school:

  1. Elementary. The teacher applies elements of technology sporadically, intuitively, making mistakes in the implementation of established algorithms.
  2. Developing. The teacher as a whole follows the algorithms of technology, uses a wide range of pedagogical techniques and methods, but makes minor mistakes and excludes the possibility of creativity.
  3. Optimal, characterized by the confident use of educational technologies, the guaranteed achievement of the declared results with an acceptable error rate, the teacher's willingness to confidently combine elements of organizational decisions, to conduct a creative search.
Teachers and school leaders should remember that achieving high results in teaching and educational activities in the new era is impossible without the use of educational technologies in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, which necessitates the adoption of a set of measures to study them, integrate them into the process of schooling and improve, taking into account the real educational situation.

The effectiveness of the use of modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process

A well-known didacticist, one of the leading developers of the problem of forming interest in the learning process, Shchukina G. I. believes that an interesting lesson can be created due to the following conditions:

    the personality of the teacher (even boring material explained by a favorite teacher is well absorbed);

    content of educational material;

    application of modern teaching technologies. If the first two points are not always in our power, then the last one is a field for the creative activity of any teacher.

Today at school education there are significant changes that cover almost all aspects of the pedagogical process. The student's personal interest is a decisive factor in the educational process.

One of the main tasks, I think, is to improve the pedagogical skills of the teacher through the development of modern educational technologies for training and education. Pedagogical technology is the design of the educational process, based on the use of a set of methods, techniques and forms of organizing training and educational activities that increase the effectiveness of training, the use of which has a clearly defined result.

With the mastery of any new technology a new pedagogical thinking of the teacher begins: clarity, structure, clarity of the methodical language.

Applying new pedagogical technologies in the classroom, I was convinced that the learning process can be viewed from a new point of view and master the psychological mechanisms of personality formation, achieving better results.

To improve the efficiency of the educational process when conducting lessons in elementary school, I use the following modern educational technologies:

1. Problem-based learning technology

Herrelevance is determined by the development of a high level of motivation for learning activities, the activation of the cognitive interests of students, which becomes possible when resolving emerging contradictions, creating problem situations in the classroom. Overcoming feasible difficulties, students experience a constant need to acquire new knowledge, new ways of acting, skills and abilities. The effectiveness of this technology is confirmed not only by my own observations, but also by the results of a survey of students, their parents, and the dynamics of improving the quality of education.

"Tell me and I'll forget.
Show me so I can remember.

Let me do it myself
and I will learn."

( Confucius)

This technology attracted me with new opportunities for building any lesson, where students do not remain passive listeners and performers, but turn into active researchers of educational problems. Educational activity becomes creative. Children learn better not what they receive ready-made and memorize, but what they themselves have discovered and expressed in their own way. So that training using this technology does not lose the principle of scientificity, I necessarily confirm and compare the conclusions of students with the rules, theoretical provisions of textbooks, dictionary, encyclopedic articles. The problematic dialogue technology is universal, as it is applicable to any subject content and at any level of education, it is easily and accessiblely presented by E.L. Melnikova in the book "Problem lesson or How to discover knowledge with students".

1) I will give an example of using this technology onRussian lesson on the topic "Unpronounceable consonants".

The word is written on the board messenger. Teacher: - Read this word spelling, orthoepic. (Bulletin, [in, e? sn, ik].) – What surprised you? (Letter T it is written in the word, but when reading, the sound [t] is not pronounced.) – What question do you have? (Why are some consonants written where the sound is not pronounced? How to find out or check whether it is necessary to write a letter denoting a consonant sound in a word if we do not hear it?) So, the children independently came up with a new topic and set the goal of the lesson. The term "unpronounceable consonants", like all terms and facts in general, the teacher can report in finished form. I always give my students the opportunity to suggest their own names and then compare them with scientific terms. In this case, students can be brought closer to the correct name: - The sound is NOT PRONOUNCED, therefore it is called ...

2) Russian language lesson.

The word "flycatcher" is written on the board. It is necessary to highlight the root in the word. There are different opinions. On the basis of word-formation analysis, children come to a new way of isolating the root (in compound words).

3) The introduction of mathematical concepts also presents many opportunities for organizing problem situations in the classroom.

For example , the student received the tasks: "Add 5 to 2 and multiply by 3." And another: "To 2 add 5, multiplied by 3." You can write both problems and calculate as follows:

2 + 5 * 3 = 21
2 + 5 * 3 = 17

Such a record is surprising in children. After analyzing the actions, students come to the conclusion that two different results can be correct and depend on the order in which addition and multiplication are performed. A problematic question arises, how to write this example in order to get the correct answer. The question encourages children to search, as a result of which they come to the concept of brackets. After inserting parentheses, the task becomes:

(2 + 5) * 3 = 21
2 + 5 * 3 = 17

2. Research work .

This approach allows you to transfer the student from a listener to an active participant in the learning process.

Exploratory behavior is one of the most important sources of a child's understanding of the world. To explore, to discover, to study means to take a step into the unknown and the unknown. Children are researchers by nature and take part in various research activities with great interest. The success of a study largely depends on its organization. It is very important to teach children to observe, compare, ask questions and develop a desire to find answers. And, therefore, you need to read additional literature, learn to experiment, discuss the results, listen to other people's opinions. When conducting research, children learn to think, draw conclusions.

3. Health-saving technologies .

In my class, it includes: holding thematic physical minutes at each lesson, dynamic pauses, participating in sports competitions of the school and district, holding parent meetings on the topic “Daily routine at school and at home”, “How to keep a child healthy”, “Computer and child”, the organization of hot meals at the school for all students, a series of meetings with a doctor general practice, organization of outdoor games at breaks. I think that our task today is to teach the child various techniques and methods for maintaining and strengthening their health, so that later, when they go to secondary school and beyond, the children can already apply them on their own. I try to build my lessons with this very goal in mind: how to make a lesson health-saving?
I use various fun physical exercises, gymnastics, “singing” sounds and much more in my lessons.
At different lessons I offer tasks with health-saving content :


Solve the problem .
Petya ate 6 cakes at the holiday, and Vasya ate 2 less. How many cakes did both boys eat?
(children make a short note and write down the solution to the problem)
Can you eat so many cakes? Why?

- What is the rule to follow? (Eat properly)

Literary reading

Reading and discussion of what has been read with conclusions about the right life and health.

For example:

« Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka

    Only clean water can be used for drinking. In an open reservoir, water cannot be clean, it must be boiled.

    If the water is clear, beautiful, is it clean?

    No. It may contain living organisms invisible to the eye, microbes that cause intestinal diseases.

Finger massage, preparing them for written work. I show a finger massage, accompanying it with the words:

small house

One two three four five.
(We unclench the fingers from the fist one at a time, starting with the thumb.)
The fingers went out for a walk.
(Rhythmically unclench all fingers together.)
One two three four five.
(Alternately squeeze the widely spaced fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.)
They hid in the house again.
(We return to the starting position.)

I'll rub my hands

I rub my hands hard
I twist each finger
(Rubbing the palms, grab each finger at the base and with a rotational movement reach the nail phalanx.)
I say hello to him
And I'll start pulling.
I will then wash my hands
(Rub palm on palm.)
I'll put my finger in my finger
I'll lock them up.
(Fingers to "lock".)
And keep warm.
I will release my fingers
(Fingers unhook and sort through them.)
Let them run like bunnies.

4. Training in cooperation (group work)

Group work plays a positive role not only at the first stages of education, but also in subsequent educational work. I try to introduce the method of group work from the very first days of the child's education at school. These can be lessons in technology, the world around, where at the first stages, children are not faced with the complex tasks of analyzing and synthesizing the material being studied. While the children still do not know each other well, I suggest that they divide into groups of 5-6 people if they wish. I give the task to do the work independently to each, and then the same work - but all together.

For example, in a manual labor lesson, work with plasticine, the topic is “10 bulk apples”. First, everyone makes their own apple, and then 5 more with the whole group and collectively decorate the apple tree, hanging apples on it. Before starting work with children, I stipulate the rules of work: call each other only by name and use only polite words in conversation. Later, when the children get to know each other well, I begin work on forming groups for a quarter. The main selection principle is personal sympathy, ability to communicate, the level of intellectual development of the child.

And since the group being created is a single entity, each child must be involved in the work. And therefore, the methodology of such work involves distributing their responsibilities among the children. The leader of the group is the leader. This child should be able to organize work, direct it in the right direction. An idea generator is one who gives an idea, highlights the main idea of ​​the material being studied. Fixer - one who writes down (preferably in diagrams) everything that the group suggests. Critic - identifies shortcomings in the work, criticizes the proposed from the position of unacceptable in the given conditions. The analyst draws conclusions, generalizes what has been said. The main goal of group work is to approach the problem being studied together, regardless of your assigned role.

Working in groups is very interesting for children, as they get to know each other better, learn to communicate, taking into account the interests of a friend. The teacher, observing the children, can conduct a mini-monitoring of the mental characteristics of the child for himself (the ability to communicate in a micro-collective, summarize what has been said, express his opinion, determine the level of performance).

In these lessons, no child is left behind. Even children with a low level of performance, who prefer to be silent in the classroom, make attempts to join the group. You can not think that this work brings results from the first lessons. This requires a series of such lessons and painstaking work of the teacher.

5. Gaming technology

Play is a natural and humane form of learning for a child. Teaching through play, we teach children not in the way that it is convenient for us, adults, to give educational material, but how it is convenient and natural for children to take it.

Games allow for a differentiated approach to students, to involve each student in the work, taking into account his interest, inclination, level of preparation in the subject. Game-type exercises enrich students with new impressions, perform a developing function, and relieve fatigue. They can be diverse in their purpose, content, methods of organization and conduct. With their help, you can solve any one problem (improve computing, grammatical skills, etc.) or a whole range of tasks: form speech skills, develop observation, attention, creativity, etc.

Game activity is used by me in the following cases:

    for mastering the concept, topic and even a section of the subject (lesson-game "Journey through the Land of Knowledge", lesson - play "Folk Holidays");

    as a lesson (class) or part of it (introduction, explanation, consolidation, exercise, control).

These are various games - competitions, relay races, in which it is proposed to find the meaning of an expression, insert the desired sign, come up with an example, etc. Such games are undeniable in assessing the automatism of skills and abilities.

For example , at literacy lessons in the game "Who is more?" Children make up their own words for the given sound. In the game "Find a word in a word" students make words from the letters of the word given by the teacher. For example, a thunderstorm (rose, horn, mountain, etc.) For the same purpose, I use the games “Find a Pair” (find synonyms for words), “Add a word” and others.

For example: Connect the halves of the words.

1) Make several word lists of six letters, divided in half into two columns. Each of them can contain both the first and last halves of words:

(Answer: optics, parquet, balloon, dried apricots, chamber, cinnamon, tanker, peanuts, armada, dance).

2) Connect the halves of the words with arrows so that you get whole words.

3) In mathematics lessons, children are happy to “travel” to the Land of Fairy Tales, to the Far Far Away Kingdom, and when they meet with each hero, they perform certain mathematical tasks.

For example:

Oral counting in elementary school can be carried out according to the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man":

The teacher pronounces the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" and plays on the magnetic board. When a kolobok meets with the heroes of a fairy tale, a goal is set for him: to solve examples or a problem. - Guys, if Kolobok does not cope with his task, then the Wolf will eat him, let's help Kolobok solve examples. (Children agree and solve examples that are written on separate cards) ...

4) At the lesson of literary reading, you can play the game "Proverbs-shifters":

I call the turnaround proverb, and you have to guess what proverb is actually in question, which exists in Russian folklore.

(The cap is on fire on the thief)
2. Joy is gone - nail the door.
(Trouble has come - open the gate)
3. Cowardice of the village avoids.
(Cheek brings success)
4. Someone else's pants are further from the legs.
(His shirt is closer to the body)
5. Close your eyes on your bread.
(On someone else's loaf, don't open your mouth)

6. Comrade is saved. And he throws you.
(Die yourself, but help a friend out)
7. Keep a lot of money and don't be friends with anyone.
(Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.)
8. Ruined work, stay at home and tremble with fear.
(Business before pleasure)
9. Duck cow girlfriend.
(Goose pig is not a friend)
10. No need to think, you need to try twenty times to do something.
(Seven times measure cut once)

But including games and game moments in the process of teaching children, the teacher must always remember their purpose and purpose. We must not forget that there is a lesson behind the game - this is acquaintance with new material, its consolidation and repetition, this is work with a textbook and notebook.

All of the above techniques, new technologies used in the classroom and after school hours, enable the child to work creatively, contribute to the development of curiosity, increase activity, bring joy, form the desire to learn in the child.


    Andyukhov B. Case technology - a tool for the formation of competencies /B. Andyukhova // Director of the school. - 2010. - No. 4. - P.61-65

    Yagodko L.I. The use of problem-based learning technology in elementary school / L.I. Yagodko// Primary School plus before and after. - 2010. - No. 1. – P.36-38

    Zolotukhina A. Group work as one of the forms of student activity in the lesson / A. Zolotukhina // Mathematics. Newspaper Ed. House "First of September". - 2010. - No. 4. – pp. 3-5

    Andreev O. Role play: how to plan, organize and sum it up / O. Andreeva // School planning. - 2010. - No. 2. – P.107-114

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