The raincoat is spiked. How to cook puffball mushroom - interesting ideas for cooking delicious dishes

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  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Agaricaceae (Champignon)
  • Genus: Lycoperdon (Raincoat)
  • View: Lycoperdon perlatum (Edible puffball)
    Other names for mushroom:


  • Raincoat real

  • Raincoat prickly

  • Raincoat pearl

Usually actually raincoat called young dense mushrooms that have not yet formed a powdery mass of spores (“dust”). They are also called: bee sponge, rabbit potato, and a ripe mushroom - fluff, pyrkhovka, duster, grandfather's tobacco, wolf tobacco, tobacco mushroom, damn tavlinka and so on.

fruiting body:
The fruiting body is pear-shaped or club-shaped. The fruit spherical part in diameter ranges from 20 to 50 mm. Lower cylindrical part, sterile, 20 to 60 mm high and 12 to 22 mm thick. In a young fungus, the fruiting body is spiny-warty, white. In mature mushrooms, it becomes brown, buffy and naked. In young fruiting bodies, Gleba is elastic and white. The raincoat differs from hat mushrooms in a spherical fruiting body.

The fruiting body is covered with a two-layer shell. Outside, the shell is smooth, inside - leathery. The surface of the fruiting body of a real raincoat is covered with small spikes, which distinguishes the mushroom from those that have the same white color as the mushroom itself at a young age. The spikes are very easy to separate at the slightest touch.

After drying and maturation of the fruiting body, white Gleba turns into an olive-brown spore powder. The powder comes out through the hole formed in the top of the spherical part of the fungus.

An edible raincoat can be with or without a barely noticeable leg.

in young raincoats, the body is loose, white. Young mushrooms are suitable for consumption. Mature mushrooms have a powdery body, brown in color. Mushroom pickers call mature raincoats - "damn tobacco." Old raincoats are not used for food.

warty, spherical, light olive-brown.

Edible puffball is found in coniferous and deciduous forests from June to November.

A little-known edible delicious mushroom. Raincoats and dust jacketsedible until they lose their whiteness. Young fruiting bodies are used for food, Gleb of which is elastic and white. It is best to fry this mushroom, pre-cut into slices.

The edible raincoat outwardly resembles, which has the same pear-shaped and club-shaped fruiting body. But, unlike a real raincoat, a hole does not form on its top, but the entire upper part disintegrates, after disintegration only a sterile leg remains. And all other signs are very similar, Gleba is also dense and white at first. With age, Gleba turns into a dark brown spore powder. Golovach is prepared in the same way as a raincoat.

These mushrooms are familiar to everyone, but almost no one collects them. When you knock down white balls, brown clouds of smoke rise up - the spores of these mushrooms scatter. This species was called a raincoat because very often it grows precisely after the rains. Until the Raincoats turn green inside, these are delicious mushrooms. Italians consider this species to be the most delicious of mushrooms. But, when Gleba acquires a greenish color, the mushroom becomes cottony and tasteless, but not poisonous. Therefore, the collected mushrooms cannot be stored for a long time, they even plucked turn green very quickly.

This representative of the mushroom kingdom is familiar to many since childhood. Remember - this is the same edible (prickly) raincoat mushroom that, when damaged, makes a funny sound and releases a lot of grayish dust. However, only mature fruiting bodies “behave” this way, young ones, on the contrary, are white and pretty.

Edible puffball (Lycoperdon perlatum) or prickly puffball belongs, oddly enough, to the Champignon family, the genus Raincoat. It is also known as a pearl or real raincoat. In the people, the mature fruiting bodies of this representative of the kingdom of fungi are called:

  • wolf tobacco;
  • duster;
  • grandfather tobacco;
  • tobacco mushroom;
  • fluff.

He received his popular names for a characteristic feature - the mushroom, as it were, smokes if you step on it. But young raincoats are called hare potatoes or bee sponges.

But, despite the fact that the prickly puffball is also called edible, it still belongs to the section of conditionally edible species, since only young fruit bodies of mushrooms are used in cooking.

  • the fruit body has a mace-like, flattened-capitate or inverted-pear shape - the upper part is rounded, the lower part is even and cylindrical, forming a kind of leg, smoothly turning into a hat with a tubercle in the middle. Height - from 4 to 7 cm (less often - 10 cm), diameter - from 2 to 4 cm;
  • the surface of the fruiting body is covered with small spines or warts. In young mushrooms, the surface color is white or yellow-brown, in mature and old ones it turns brown, the thorns disappear;
  • the pulp or gleba in young representatives of the prickly puffball is pearly white, sometimes with a grayish tinge, moderately dense, but easily destroyed. Over time, it acquires a gray-brown hue and turns into spore powder, which then flies out through a hole that appears at the site of the former tubercle;
  • spores are brown or light yellow. In order for the spores to fly up in a cloud of dust, it is enough to touch the fungus. They are scattered by special fibers called capillaries.

Places of distribution and fruiting period

Prickly raincoats grow all over the world, with the exception of the territory of cold Antarctica. They prefer to grow in deciduous or coniferous forests, pastures and meadows, grassy glades and bear fruit from early summer to late autumn.

Prickly puffball loves manured fertile soil, usually grows in groups. Its mycelium can spread in the soil for hundreds of meters around the clearing where the mushroom grows. This is a saprotroph that often settles on the remains of plants, using fallen leaves and branches as a substrate.

Similar species and how to distinguish from them

A real raincoat at an immature age looks appetizing and pretty, and at this time it can be confused with an oblong golovach (Calvatia excipuliformis), also a conditionally edible representative of the mushroom kingdom. The latter differs from the prickly raincoat in that during ripening it does not form a hole for spores, but the entire hat part is completely destroyed.

There is also a great similarity with the conditionally edible pear-shaped puffball (Lycoperdon pyriforme), which differs from the real puffball in the absence of spikes on the skin.

Primary processing and preparation

Puffball mushrooms belong to the IV category of edibility. They are used for cooking only at a young age, while the flesh is dense and has a white color. Immediately after coming home, you should immediately deal with the collected mushrooms, they are edible on the first day after collection. Mushrooms are fried and dried. They are very nutritious.

Useful and medicinal properties

The edible raincoat also has medicinal properties. IN traditional medicine it is known as a good antitumor agent, recommended for anemia, eczema, digestive problems and runny nose. A raincoat is also used to stop bleeding, to stop inflammatory processes. It cleanses the body and is used in cosmetology, improving the condition of the skin.

It is interesting that, despite all the advantages of an edible raincoat, it is rarely collected. But in vain - for example, in Italy, the mushroom is considered the most delicious. If you decide to try to cook raincoats, then remember - you can’t store them for a long time, even in the refrigerator - their taste deteriorates very quickly.

Many mushrooms of the family Rainwear (Lycoperdales) are often collectively referred to as "raincoats", although among them there are not only raincoats ( Lycoperdon), but also fluff (powder, Bovista), golovach (Calvatia) and some other types. Any mushroom picker has seen a variety of raincoats many times: with a smooth surface and with growths, warts and needles. These mushrooms also differ in the shape of the fruiting body: spherical, pear-shaped, egg-shaped, etc. White balls of some mushrooms lie on the ground, others rise on a false leg.

Raincoats grow in forests and parks, appear in the steppes, on agricultural fields, pastures and well-groomed lawns. If you trample on a ripe mushroom, it will release "smoke" with spores.

Mushroom pickers often trample on raincoats to release a cloud of "smoke"

There are several popular names for raincoats: "grandfather's gunpowder", "dust duster", "wolf tobacco", "damn tobacco", "hare potato", "mushroom egg" and "forest egg".

Variety of species

Even an experienced mushroom picker is not always oriented in complex taxonomy. This applies to many mushrooms, including raincoats.

At first you call all the mushrooms “wolf tobacco”, then, having learned that these are raincoats, you will call them raincoats, and then you will figure out that raincoats are different: just a raincoat, prickly raincoat, pear-shaped raincoat, needle-shaped raincoat, blackish powder, round golovach, golovach oblong. (V.A. Soloukhin).

Raincoats, porkhovka and golovach belong to the group Gasteromycetesnutrevikov”), because their fruiting bodies remain intact until the spores mature. Then the shell breaks, which leads to the release of "smoke" with spores. These mushrooms are saprophytes, because They need decayed organic matter for food.

Let's bring short description several mushrooms, which we call "puffballs". All of them are very tasty. They are harvested young while their fruiting bodies are firm and filled with white pulp.

Raincoat prickly (Lycoperdon perlatum) is covered with clearly visible conical needles. If the white or cream skin is peeled off, then a more or less noticeable mesh pattern will remain on it. The smell of the mushroom is pleasant. This type of raincoat can be safely put in the basket while the mushroom is young and strong, and its flesh is white and elastic. The fungus often grows in groups.

Raincoat pearl (Lycoperdon perlatum) prefers manured pastures, although it is also found in forests. The pearl raincoat grows (usually in waves) from May to mid-November. This fungus has a white, pear-shaped fruiting body that turns yellow as it matures, then becoming grey-brown. Old mushrooms are filled inside with spore powder. Peel with small growths or non-spiny spines, which are sometimes only in the upper part.

This is a very beautiful and tasty mushroom (photo from Wikipedia)

Golovach oblong (Calvatia excipuliformis) in some reference books is called a variety of prickly raincoat. However, the bighead is taller, its spines are softer and thinner, it is edible at a young age. Sometimes the fungus resembles a bubble in shape, which was inflated with air and pulled down from below (the golovach is bag-shaped, or bubble-shaped). These mushrooms often grow in pastures.

Stunning appearance raincoat gigantic, or Langermanns gigantic (Langermannia gigantean). In some publications, he is ranked among the golovachs. This is a huge mushroom. It grows in forests (deciduous and mixed), meadows, fields and pastures. More likely to find it from the end of summer (August - October). The huge "soccer ball" can weigh up to 8 kg and is 40 cm across. Separate specimens-record holders are known, which weighed almost 20 kg and had a fruiting body diameter of 30 cm !!! More likely to find a giant raincoat the size of an average head of cabbage.

The skin of this raincoat can be either smooth or slightly flaky. As it grows, the color of the flesh changes from white (or slightly yellowish) to greenish-brown, then to dirty brown. In old mushrooms, the skin dries up and resembles parchment. The edible pulp is often friable, reminiscent of homemade cheeses in texture. As the fungus grows, it becomes lighter, noticeably loses weight. The giant raincoat mycelium is durable, can live up to 25 years.

Raincoat pear-shaped (Lycoperdon pyriforme) refers to small species (up to a maximum of 5 cm tall). It often grows on rotting wood, tree trunks and stumps. The shape of the fruit body is pear-shaped, resembling a white ball narrowed downwards, which has a short false leg with rare light threads of mycelium. This delicious mushroom is fried and boiled (in soups) unless it is overripe. The degree of maturity can often be determined not in the forest, but in the kitchen, because. when ripe, the mushroom does not always quickly change the color of the skin.

Puffball (Scleroderma)

False raincoat (scleroderma) should not be collected. In most books of the Soviet period, this mushroom is considered inedible or poisonous. Western authors call it only inedible, specifying that cooks sometimes add pulp to sausages instead of truffles. They all warn that the puffball can be hazardous to health if eaten in large quantities.

I have not tried this mushroom, so I can only refer to the opinions of reputable mushroom experts. I take them verbatim.

The false puffball that is used to scare us in all books about mushrooms is not poisonous at all, even when raw. It is simply tasteless, and according to the rules it should be classified as an inedible mushroom. Moreover, the young false puffball (when the flesh is white on the cut) has a sharp spicy taste and can serve as a spicy seasoning for meat and poultry dishes. This is how it is used in Europe, especially in Slavic countries.
The final inedibility of the false puffball comes from the moment when its flesh ceases to be pure white on the cut. (M. Vishnevsky).

I remind you once again: false raincoats are poisonous, however, only if you eat them in large quantities. In the Czech guide to mushrooms, J. Klan says that “for the sake of a strong spicy taste, young mushrooms are used instead of roots in the preparation of soups and sauces.” These are truly inscrutable human whims! Sacrificing your stomach health for an exotic taste? (M. Sergeeva).

We conclude: the degree of poisoning with false puffballs depends, first of all, on the amount of mushrooms eaten.

False puffballs are easy to distinguish from edible species. False puffballs usually have a warty-scaly dense skin of a yellowish-ocher color, which may have small cracks. In older mushrooms, the skin dries out, ruptures and no longer holds the spores that are under it.

False raincoats often grow in nests (photo from Wikipedia)

The color of the pulp in young mushrooms, according to the writings of most authors, is yellowish or light olive even at a young age. On it, a marble pattern with white streaks is noticeable. The central part of the false raincoat darkens as it matures, becoming first gray-violet, then almost black. The pulp of even adult puffballs retains its density. Everyone notes an unpleasant pungent odor.

For mushroom pickers who have not collected raincoats before, it is better not to take risks and not collect mushrooms with elongated false legs growing in nests. For safety reasons, it is better not to take raincoats with a clearly yellow or brown skin. Especially when it is covered with coarse growths and has noticeable cracks. The bad smell should also stop.

Which raincoats are the best?

Edible puffballs are eaten while they are young. They then have a tasty dense white pulp that is under the skin (smooth or with growths). In an adult mushroom, the flesh changes its quality and color. It becomes looser, often sticky, gray or greenish-yellow. Old mushrooms are filled with spores. The shell of their fruiting body thins, dries and is easily broken. Then the fungus becomes dusty, releases a cloud of spores and settles to the ground. It is worth saying that raincoats grow up quickly.

As you know, a young raincoat is hard and strong to the touch, and on the cut it is white as sour cream. At this time, you can, without hesitation, put it in a pan. The roast will be fragrant with an excellent mushroom aroma. With age, the pulp of the raincoat begins to turn slightly yellow, becomes watery, pressed with a finger, does not spring, does not try to straighten up. At this stage, raincoats should no longer be taken. (V.A. Soloukhin).

A ripe raincoat will seem appetizing to few

How to make a raincoat

Raincoats are a great addition to any mushroom mix. Prepared separately, raincoats will not appeal to everyone (due to the specific taste). Another thing is a giant raincoat. One such mushroom can serve as an occasion for a separate party! (A. Schwab).

I love this mushroom. True, I take only smooth young white “balls”. A frying pan of fried puffballs is a delicious and satisfying meal. To taste, this mushroom is a bit like something between mushrooms, scrambled eggs and ... chicken meat. The taste of protein is enhanced if the raincoat is fried with butter or ghee.

I like not boiled raincoats, but fried ones. They can be cut into pieces, slices or circles and put in a pan with oil. Sometimes, before frying, large slices up to 2 cm thick are rolled in flour or breadcrumbs. They can be salted and even pepper before this. Tasty and whole balls fried in oil. First, fry on one side until a beautiful golden brown, then turn over or roll to the other side. It takes a little time for this. Especially if you fry the mushroom in a frying pan under the lid.

It is worth saying that almost all raincoats have a skin that resembles either a skin or an eggshell. It's better to take it off.

V.A. Soloukhin described in detail the condition of a man who always considered all raincoats toadstools:

I remember with what embarrassment I brought home the first raincoats, how my wife refused to fry them, with what interest I tried them for the first time. And now this is for me the most common edible and tasty mushroom, of course, when there is no oil, chanterelles or aspen in the forest. But even when they are, it’s nice to add strong young raincoats to the pan for a bouquet.

Once again, we will appreciate the culinary merits of the giant raincoat, while its flesh has a pure white color. During this period, the fungus competes with the noble mushrooms themselves. The “ball” is peeled and fried, soup is boiled from it and dried. Other raincoats are also suitable for drying, even pearl ones.

V.A. Soloukhin quotes one of his readers, who not only describes how raincoats are made, but also compares how they are processed:

I love raincoats. In fried form, right, they are slightly inferior to white ones. To make the dish more tender, it is better to remove the rough shell from some of them. The golovach is oblong - carefully crushed in your hands, and the shell cracks and comes off, like a shell from a hard-boiled egg. This is best done under a tap. In some globular raincoats, the shell is removed, like the peel from an orange. The best - prickly - does not cause any worries at all: cut it into a frying pan. I successfully dry them. Crushed into a powder, you can make an excellent soup out of them.

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Today we will introduce you to a very interesting, useful, and also delicious mushroom called a raincoat.


Quite often, mushroom pickers call this mushroom differently. The most popular names are tobacco mushroom, duster or hare potato. This phenomenon is connected with various factors, the details of which we will not go into.

But it is important to know what exactly this mushroom is characterized by increased activity absorption of toxins from environment. In this component, he is several times superior to his "relatives".

Belongs to the Champignon family, has a closed pear-like or rounded body. The leg is false. The skin adheres tightly to the upper part of the plant, thus creating the inner pulp. When ripe, voids appear there - a kind of chamber. They collect a lot of spores in the form of a powder. They may have a different color.

In a ripe raincoat, the peridium is quite thin, which causes a rupture and the powder gets out.

Appearance raincoat and its place of growth you can see in the video.


The raincoat has a lot of subspecies, but among them there are several main ones.


It can often be found in the forest, in the meadows. On the cap of the mushroom in its upper part there is a characteristic tubercle.

The name is due to the surface of the mushroom. It is white in color and has small spines that fall off easily.


Another type of raincoat, the distinguishing feature of which is its size and ovoid or spherical shape. The mushroom may have a white or yellow-gray color.

Quite often, a fallen shell is collected on it, which makes the plant not very attractive. However, it can mature up to 7 kilograms.



It somewhat resembles the previous view, but its shape is bulbous, the upper part is thickened, and the lower one is narrowed. This mushroom is sterile.

Where does it grow

Such a mushroom, in fact, does not have a specific geography or origin. He is well known in Russia. A raincoat can be found everywhere, just not everyone knows about its features, valuable medicinal properties.

However, there are references to this plant, according to which the raincoat has been used since ancient times, using its healing properties.

Storage method

Having collected mushrooms, they will keep in themselves beneficial features no more than two days.

So immediately they need to be sent to the refrigerator. To increase shelf life, place in the freezer, but cut the mushroom into slices first.

In the conditions of the freezer, the product is stored for up to 6 months. Only a pickled raincoat or dried one lasts longer - about a year.

If you need this mushroom in terms of healing, then you need powder from a ripe puffball. It must be stored in a glass container in a dry place where the sun's rays do not fall.


In fact, there are more than enough features and a raincoat. But still I want to highlight the most interesting moments.

First of all, it serves as a great helper for our health. The key feature is the ability to absorb radionuclides, as well as salt of a heavy metal, and then quickly and easily, in a natural way, remove these “nasty things” from the body.

It is because of this that a lot of dietary supplements are created on the basis of a raincoat. The authors of this drug are confident that it promotes healing, cleansing the body, as well as restoring the skin and giving it elasticity.

How to choose

When hiking for mushrooms, few mushroom pickers dare to bend down to rip off their raincoat. Quite often they are simply neglected. Moreover, many deliberately crush, kick and destroy it.

This is due to the fact that many mistakenly take it for a dangerous, poisonous mushroom. This is not the case, and today we will talk about this in more detail.

If you decide to pick mushrooms and your goal is a raincoat, then you need to know an important rule. You can not collect it if the weather is damp. Otherwise, your initially snow-white handsome man will literally turn into a kind of dirty rag in just a couple of hours, which you can’t eat.

Young "individuals" are suitable for cooking, which are not soaked or boiled in order to remove harmful substances. They simply don't exist. So feel free to throw it into the pan, into the oven, dry it, salt it and eat it.

A young raincoat, suitable for food, has a rather non-standard appearance for edible mushrooms - the body is spherical, white, with small scales on top. Its false leg, which can reach no more than 5 cm in length and 2 cm in diameter, may be absent.

When the mushroom ripens, a brown coating forms on the surface, it becomes smooth.

Choose only young mushrooms, the flesh of which is elastic and dense. Don't be afraid to collect different kinds raincoat, since each of them can be eaten.

The old mushroom is dangerous due to the fact that it intensively absorbs toxins. It's best not to collect it near freeways, as car exhaust isn't the nicest thing to try.

Nutritional value and calories

As you know, mushrooms are very dietary product. And the raincoat was no exception. For 100 grams of this mushroom you have:

Chemical composition

In respect of chemical composition the raincoat is not inferior to many other mushrooms, and in some components even surpasses them. For example, it has more protein than in our favorite champignons.

It is worth noting that the mushroom includes:

  • Fats;
  • Complex of vitamins;
  • Useful micro and macro elements;
  • Polysaccharides;
  • mineral salts;
  • Antibiotics, etc.

Useful and medicinal properties

This mushroom should be appreciated not only for its taste, but also for the benefits that it carries.

  • The pulp contains calvacin, which fights bacteria and fungi, has an anti-cancer effect, and reduces the activity of tumor development.
  • Preparations made on the basis of spores remove heavy metals, radionuclides, and toxins from the body.
  • The pulp can be used externally as well as inside. External use is to apply it to ulcers that appear with skin cancer. For internal use, tinctures and decoctions are used. They relieve fever, inflammation, swelling in the throat, fight kidney problems, and help in suppressing the development of cancer.
  • Spore-based remedies help with gastrointestinal problems, high blood pressure, blood viscosity, have an immuno-strengthening effect.
  • Spores also help stop bleeding, anesthetize, and heal festering lesions on the body.

In fact, there are incredibly many benefits from this mushroom, because it is in vain underestimated by mushroom pickers.


There are several nuances that relate to the raincoat and its use.

  • Do not pick these mushrooms in places that are in close proximity to polluted areas, factories, or highways. The raincoat actively absorbs toxins, so you can go;
  • It is better to refuse mushrooms during pregnancy and feeding;
  • If you have kidney problems then this mushroom is not for you;
  • Another condition under which a raincoat cannot be used is individual intolerance.


In cooking

What else can you do with a mushroom other than eat it? After all, it is tasty, useful. Mushrooms can be an excellent substitute for meat and many other foods while on a diet.

How to cook

How to prepare raincoats:

  • Salt;
  • fry;
  • Pickle;
  • bake;
  • put out;
  • Boil and so on.

But first they need to be prepared. To do this, remove the skin from white fruits. Cut the resulting pulp into pieces you like.

Fried mushrooms

After completing the previous manipulations, slicing the mushrooms, roll them in flour, add a little salt and fry in plain vegetable oil. A special sauce is perfect for this dish.

To prepare the sauce, you need to finely chop the sweet pepper, add finely chopped capers, green onions, as well as pickled or pickled cucumbers. Mix all this with mayonnaise, add salt to your taste, as well as fresh lemon juice. To spice up, we recommend adding a little soy sauce.

Pour this sauce over your mushrooms and your guests will be delighted with such a simple but incredibly tasty dish.


If you are a fan mushroom soups, then the raincoat will open new horizons for you.

Take the cooked chicken broth, add the sautéed carrots and onions to it. Mushrooms need to be cut into slices, although this is not important. They are fried in a pan, thrown into the broth and boiled for literally 10 minutes.

The soup will be even tastier if you add fresh herbs and a little canned peas to it. The result exceeds all expectations.

Raincoat under sour cream

This is a great standalone dish. But it is also very tasty to eat with boiled rice.

The ingredients needed are the following:

  • Mushrooms - 0.5 kg;
  • Sour cream - 0.2 l;
  • Potatoes - 0.3 kg;
  • Onion - 2 pcs.

Plus, you will need vegetable oil and seasonings to taste. The indicated amount of ingredients is enough for about four large servings.

Preparation is carried out as follows:

  • Peel the potatoes, boil them by adding salt to the water;
  • Peel the mushrooms, rinse thoroughly, cut as you like;
  • Fry the mushrooms in a pan for 25 minutes;
  • Peel and chop the onion, fry in a separate pan until golden brown;
  • Place the onion in the mushrooms, add salt, pepper as desired. Mix everything and fry for 15 minutes;
  • 5 minutes before the mushrooms are ready, add sour cream. Stir the ingredients, let them sweat a little over low heat.

Well, now you can serve it to the table. Such mushrooms are great for young potatoes or friable steamed rice. Choose for yourself which side dish you like best.

In medicine

Alas, mushroom pickers are not particularly aware of the true properties of a raincoat. But experts in the field of medicine will confirm that using a raincoat is not only tasty, but also very useful.

We have already talked about the positive and healing properties. Therefore, now we bring to your attention several recipes for medicinal tinctures and decoctions prepared on the basis of raincoats.

  • Powders. They can be purchased at pharmacies. You need to use 1 tsp, diluted with half a glass of water, every day, once before bedtime. In severe poisoning - 1/2 tsp. 8 times during the day.
  • Infusion. Take a dessert spoon of spore powder, pour 200 ml of water (it should not be boiling water, but about 70 degrees). You need to insist for 40 minutes in porcelain dishes. Take half a cup twice a day before meals.
  • Tincture. The proportions of spores and vodka are 1 to 5. The mixture is infused for 2 weeks in a place that is warm and protected from the sun. Use three times a day before meals for 1 tsp. The course lasts no more than 28 days, after which a week break is required.
  • For oncological diseases. Mix a glass of powder with 500 ml of vodka. Close the jar tightly, bury it in the ground, where it should stand for 24 days at a depth of 0.3 m. Then dig it out, strain (do not shake the jar). Use the remedy three times a day before meals. Portion - 1 tbsp. l.
  • From festering wounds. Treat the wound with peroxide, blot with a medical bandage, and then sprinkle with spores. Do not tie up the wound, as pus will actively come out over the next few days. Remove it, disinfect it, and sprinkle the spores again. When the wound is cleared, the tightening process will begin. A similar procedure can be done 2-3 times during the day. Heal until you get rid of the wound.
  • From a runny nose. If you have a severe runny nose, and simple remedies do not help or simply do not exist, just inhale the spores from the raincoat 2-3 times a day. This will quickly relieve nasal congestion, eliminate an unpleasant runny nose.


As practice shows, their use gives positive results, although it is better to use the simplest technique in your own summer cottage.

To do this, you need disputes. They need to be sown in moist soil. The site should resemble the conditions in which the raincoat grows. That is, the grass is not thick, a large shade of trees, fallen leaves.

If you have ever collected raincoats in the woods, then pay attention to what distinguishes the place where you found them. If you manage to repeat the same conditions, you will ensure yourself an impressive harvest.

The fruits will appear a year after sowing the spores. To keep fruiting, periodically add spores to the site of your choice. These are not difficult to obtain, but you will have your own mushrooms every season.

Edible or not

Many mushroom pickers do not dare to say for sure whether a raincoat is edible or dangerous to humans. It is because of this that he is often crushed or passed by, going into the forest for mushrooms.

So, this is 100% edible mushroom. However, it should be consumed when young, when the flesh is white. Before eating, be sure to remove the shell. The pulp inside is delicious, as we recommend to see for yourself. There are many ways to prepare it.

If you went to pick mushrooms and are afraid to make a mistake with the choice of a raincoat, here are a couple of tips for you:

  • The flesh should be exclusively white, without the addition of other shades.
  • The pulp should have a dense, elastic structure. With age, it loses its hardness, and it will not be a problem to determine this by touch.
  • Inside, the consistency of the mushroom should be homogeneous. To do this, you can slightly break it.
  • The structure of an edible raincoat does not have a pronounced hat and legs.
  • There should be no signs of developing spores inside.
  • In order not to confuse a raincoat and a young fly agaric, cut the mushroom. Our hero does not have a long leg, hat and plates.


Fried mushrooms raincoats- this is a really tasty dish that you can cook when you return with valuable "booty" from the forest. This dish is very simple and its preparation will not take you much time. All that is required is to prepare the mushrooms themselves by washing them and peeling them from a hard peel, and then the raincoats can be sent to the pan.

In order for such a mushroom dish to turn out really tasty, you need to properly collect raincoats. So do not cut these mushrooms immediately after the rain. Having saturated with water, they will resemble jelly inside. In addition, it is better to collect young mushrooms, as old specimens are not so tasty. In addition, given the property of these mushrooms to attract heavy metals and radioactive elements, they should be collected in ecologically clean regions and always away from highways.


  • (400 g)

  • (1 large head)

  • (2-3 cloves)

  • (for frying)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    Mushrooms raincoats must be thoroughly washed from dirt.

    Now we will clean each mushroom, since the skin of the raincoat is quite tough. Very small mushrooms can not be cleaned.

    We heat the pan and pour a little sunflower oil into it for frying.

    We send the peeled mushrooms to a hot frying pan.

    We will fry over high heat, but at the same time, raincoats will need to be stirred so that they do not burn.

    Gradually, the mushrooms will begin to brown.

    This color should be ready-made raincoat mushrooms.

    In the process of frying, add the chopped onion and chopped garlic to the mushrooms. Don't forget to season the dish!

    That's how appetizing ready-made fried mushrooms look.

    It remains only to serve a delicious dish and you can call your family to enjoy it.

    Bon appetit!!!

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