Champignon pilaf in a slow cooker. Delicious recipe for pilaf with mushrooms in a slow cooker

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Nowadays they are no longer surprised by what is typical meat dishes cooked without meat, resulting in very tasty and satisfying Lenten dishes. Pilaf with mushrooms is one of these dishes. This vegetarian delicacy is not inferior in taste to its meat alternative. Of course, it is best to prepare lean pilaf not from champignons, but from wild mushrooms. It’s even better if you picked these mushrooms with your own hands.

Today I am preparing lean pilaf with dried mushrooms. Immediately before preparing the dish, I soak the mushrooms for half an hour in warm water, then rinse them from sand and fill them with water for another 1-3 hours. After this procedure, wild mushrooms are ready for use.

In addition to mushrooms, I use long grain rice and Ruby rice to add variety to the dish. Vegetables used include onions, carrots, garlic and yellow bell pepper. I would like to note that you can put any vegetables to your taste. Pilaf cannot do without spices: coriander, cumin and barberry are a wonderful trinity for this dish. You can also use a special seasoning for pilaf. You will also need salt and pepper, vegetable oil for frying, hot water and fresh herbs.

The ingredients are ready, let's start preparing lean pilaf with mushrooms in a slow cooker!

Cut the onion into large cubes.

Cut the carrots into half circles.

Set the multicooker to the “Frying” mode or the most suitable mode for this. Pour vegetable oil into a bowl and transfer vegetables. Cook until the ingredients are soft (15-20 minutes).

We also cut the pepper into large cubes.

Transfer to onions and carrots and continue simmering for another 5-10 minutes.

We sort the mushrooms and cut them into smaller pieces if necessary.

Transfer the mushrooms to stewed vegetables into the slow cooker. Add spices: salt, pepper, coriander, cumin and barberry. Mix well and fry for 15 minutes.

We thoroughly wash both types of rice.

Transfer the rice to the already prepared zirvak. Place garlic cloves on top.

Fill with hot water and add a little salt. Change the multicooker mode to “Mixed rice” or “Pilaf”, if available. Cook lean pilaf with mushrooms in a multicooker until the device signal: the water should evaporate and be absorbed, the rice should swell and become soft.

Salt the finished dish to taste, sprinkle with dill (you can use any other fresh herbs).

Mix and leave to brew in the multicooker bowl for 15 minutes.

Lenten pilaf with mushrooms is ready! Bon appetit!

Time: 60 min.

Servings: 6

Difficulty: 3 out of 5

Delicious recipe pilaf with mushrooms in a slow cooker

Pilaf is a common dish that is popular nowadays. His recipes are known to everyone: some prepare this dish with meat, some with vegetables, and some with mushrooms. Pilaf with is an excellent dish that turns out crumbly, aromatic and incredibly tasty.

Mushrooms add additional flavor and richness to rice - and these are the main criteria for any delicious dinner.

Mushroom is perfect for people who want to cleanse and unload the body. This dish can also be prepared during Lent. Mushrooms are a high-calorie product, so pilaf is not only tasty, but also healthy for the body.

Such lean rice is well suited not only for a variety of everyday meals, but also for a holiday table, because the resulting dish is no worse than meat.

If you are going to cook this food in a slow cooker, this recipe will not take you any time - and this is important in our time. Moreover, a dish prepared in a slow cooker turns out no worse when cooked in a cauldron or pan with thick walls.

When choosing mushrooms, you should give preference to fresh types, since pickled ones will only spoil the entire taste of the dish, and will also make it not crumbly, but, on the contrary, semi-liquid. After all, salted mushrooms are endowed with a large amount of marinade, which will be released from them only during the cooking process.

It is better to cook pilaf with mushrooms in a slow cooker:

  • With fresh champignons, as they are quite tasty and soft.
  • Blue legs, which give the dish a special taste due to its dense structure.
  • Honey mushrooms, ideal for boiled rice.

Frozen varieties should be used for cooking only in extreme cases, as they will be soft and tasteless in the dish.

  • In autumn and summer, you can add zucchini or bell pepper to the recipe.
  • If you like to cook pilaf with tomatoes instead of tomato paste, you need to peel them before adding them to the recipe.
  • To wash rice from gluten, the cereal must be washed several times - as a result, the water should be clear.
  • For the recipe, carrots can not only be grated, but also cut into small cubes. This way the fish will acquire not only an amazing taste, but also an appearance.
  • If you want to pour hot water over the rice, you need to mix it thoroughly so that the cereal does not turn into a single lump.
  • The type of mushroom does not really matter: it can be either champignons or oyster mushrooms. The main thing is that they have a dense structure.
  • You shouldn’t add too much water, because instead of pilaf you will get porridge.
  • If you take dried mushrooms for this recipe, they must first be soaked in milk - then they will turn out not only tasty, but also tender.
  • If this recipe is not intended to be vegetarian, in addition to mushrooms, you can also add finely chopped chicken, which will give the rice additional flavor and juiciness.

Cooking method

For this recipe we will use champignons, since they are easiest to find fresh these days.


The first step is to prepare the frying.

Step 1

Peel the carrots and onions, rinse them. Cut the onion into cubes, grate the carrots.

After this, put the vegetables in the multicooker bowl and fry them until lightly crusted (for this we use the “Frying” program). Don't forget to add some frying oil (preferably unscented) to your kitchen appliance.

Step 2

Meanwhile, prepare the mushrooms. We wash them in cool water and cut them into thin strips. Then add the champignons to the multicooker bowl and fry the ingredients until the mushrooms have lost all their moisture.

Step 3

Place pre-washed rice in a slow cooker. After this, add water so that it covers the food by 1-2 cm. Then add spices and salt.

Step 4

We turn on the kitchen appliance in the “Pilaf” mode and wait for the equipment to prepare our dish.

Then we transfer it to plates and bring it to the table. If desired, the finished pilaf with mushrooms in a slow cooker can be sprinkled with fresh herbs or finely chopped garlic can be added.

As you can see, pilaf with mushrooms is quite simple to prepare. In addition, you will need a minimum of products that can be found in every housewife's kitchen.

If desired, you can add a little ketchup, sour cream or mayonnaise to the pilaf - this will make it even tastier and more satisfying (of course, if it is not a lean or dietary dish).

Watch another version of this dish in the video below:

Many people don’t like to cook meatless dishes, because it’s difficult and you have to come up with options for what to put in instead of meat. Recipe for pilaf with mushrooms in a slow cooker, will solve your problem and photo They will explain step by step what and why you need to do to prepare this tasty and healthy dish. Also like this rice with mushrooms A very tasty and satisfying dish, so you can safely cook it if you need to feed a large family. Mushrooms generally contain a lot of proteins, so they are no less filling than meat, and during Lent, or for those who want to take a break from meat, this is just the thing. In addition, our recipe is universal, you can use it to prepare pilaf with chicken or fish, just replace one ingredient and leave everything else unchanged. Well, why are we interested in you? If yes, then we present to your attention recipe for delicious pilaf in a slow cooker.

Pilaf with mushrooms in a slow cooker step by step recipe

Required ingredients:

  1. Three hundred grams of champignon mushrooms;
  2. Two large onions;
  3. Two carrots;
  4. Half a kilogram of steamed rice;
  5. A little vegetable oil;
  6. 700 milliliters of drinking water;
  7. Four cloves of garlic, or five small ones;
  8. Coriander seeds - one teaspoon;
  9. One teaspoon of cumin;
  10. One teaspoon of paprika;
  11. Salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook pilaf with mushrooms in a slow cooker:

  • Wash the mushrooms, peel them, dry them, and cut them into thin slices.
  • We do the same with the onions, wash them, clean them, and cut them into halves of rings.
  • Wash the carrots, peel them and cut them into strips.

  • In a special mortar, mix all the spices at once and mix.
  • Pour all the ingredients into the multicooker bowl, add seasonings and add vegetable or olive oil, mix thoroughly.

  • We rinse the rice thoroughly until the water becomes clear, after which we also place it in the multicooker bowl.
  • Distribute the rice over the entire surface of the vegetables, without stirring, evenly stick the garlic cloves into the rice, and fill with water.

  • On the multicooker, set the “pilaf” mode for one hour.
  • After the program signals its completion, open the lid and thoroughly mix the pilaf with mushrooms and vegetables, after which you can let it simmer a little in the “keep warm” mode for 20 minutes.

That's it, it's so simple recipe for pilaf with mushrooms in a slow cooker, photo The whole cooking process was clearly demonstrated to you, and we hope everything became clear to you and you can easily prepare this dish yourself. With this we say goodbye to you, see you again on our website multicooker, we have many interesting recipes for you for all occasions, be sure to come back and share recipes on social networks, thank you!

Champignon mushrooms will make the taste of the familiar pilaf unusual, and the unsurpassed aroma of stewed rice will amaze everyone without exception. The success of such a culinary experiment is guaranteed.

Today, such a dish as pilaf has become extremely popular; now you can cook it not only in a special cauldron, but also with the help of a modern kitchen appliances. Find out how easy it is to prepare delicious chicken pilaf in a slow cooker.

There are many different recipes with photographs that demonstrate the preparation of aromatic and delicious dish. Now the main ingredient is not only pork or lamb; quite tasty pilaf is obtained using chicken. Lenten options with vegetables are also possible; pilaf with mushrooms in a slow cooker will turn out quite tasty. Additional components may include tomato paste and dried fruits.

If you don’t have fillet on hand, you can quickly cook pilaf in a slow cooker with other parts of the bird carcass (chicken wings, chicken legs or drumsticks). During prolonged heat treatment, the meat will gradually boil and cook together with the rice. At the same time, each of the ingredients will retain its original appearance and excellent taste.

Before preparing pilaf, you should take care of the quality of the products used, because the taste of the finished dish largely depends on this. The main component of the dish is rice; crumbly pilaf with chicken will only be made from long-grain cereals (it is advisable to use steamed rice).

It is also possible to use another variety of this cereal - brown rice; the taste of this product is practically no different from the traditional one. Everyone without exception will be happy with this pilaf in a slow cooker with chicken.

Ingredients for preparing pilaf with chicken and mushrooms:

Chicken thighs – 450 gr.
Champignons – 200 gr.
Steamed rice – 400 gr.
Refined oil – 30 ml
Ground pepper - to taste
Carrots – 1 pc.
Onions – 1 pc.
Boiled water – 800 ml
Salt - to taste

How to cook delicious pilaf with chicken and mushrooms in a slow cooker, step-by-step recipe with photos:

1. Fry chicken thighs on the “Fry” setting.

2. Pour in refined oil, let the meat acquire a golden hue.

3. Cut the carrots into long cubes, the onion into half rings.

4. Cut the mushrooms into slices of medium thickness.

Note: Instead of champignons, you can use oyster mushrooms, the dish will turn out just as tasty and aromatic.

5. First fry the vegetables for 5 minutes.

6. Add mushrooms, fry for another 5 minutes.

7. Sprinkle the vegetables with spices and place the chicken pieces on top.

8. Pour thoroughly washed rice into the bowl. Fill everything with water, in this case you will need to maintain the proportions of all components, add salt.

9. Cook pilaf with chicken and mushrooms in a slow cooker on the “Stew” mode, setting the cooking time to 40 minutes.

The aromatic dish is ready to be served. Treat everyone to pilaf prepared in a pressure cooker from chicken and mushrooms.

Secrets of cooking

1. Many people don’t know that you can create dietary pilaf with chicken in a slow cooker, because even the strictest diet involves eating chicken fillet. A dish in a pressure cooker with chicken can be cooked without adding excess fat (although this is considered incorrect), preserving the excellent taste of the products used. The caloric content of a dish can be significantly reduced by using less refined oil, thus sticking to the basics proper nutrition(PP).
2. You can also add dried fruits to the selected recipe for chicken pilaf in a slow cooker at your own discretion. Raisins, dried apricots or prunes go well with chicken, the dish will turn out great. These components can be added at the final stage of cooking, after steaming them in a double boiler.
3. Pilaf with chicken and vegetables will taste better if you add 30 grams to the rinsing water. salt. Thanks to this, it will be possible to remove the powder covering the grains, thereby preventing their further crumbling.
4. Pilaf with chicken or turkey fillet will not be over-salted if you add a little melted butter during its preparation.
5. There are many options for preparing chicken pilaf in a slow cooker; choose proven recipes with photos and videos to accurately repeat all stages of cooking.

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To prepare crumbly pilaf, you don’t have to spend hours at the stove. A multicooker will cope with this task perfectly. There are just some simple secrets to cooking pilaf in a slow cooker.

I will tell you how to cook pilaf in a multicooker, using the example of cooking pilaf in a Redmond multicooker.

You can prepare such pilaf with different types meat: beef, pork, lamb, or take poultry fillet: chicken or turkey.

Products for cooking pilaf in a slow cooker
Meat or poultry 500-700 grams
Rice 2 full glasses
Onion 1 medium onion (100-150 grams)
Carrot 1 medium (100-150 grams)
Garlic 4-5 cloves, unpeeled
Vegetable oil 8 tablespoons
Salt taste
Ground black pepper taste
Zira (optional) 1/3 teaspoon
Barberry (optional) 50 grams
Water 3 glasses
Dill greens for serving taste

How to make pilaf in a slow cooker

We clean the meat or poultry fillet from veins and excess fat and cut it into cubes approximately 1.5-2 cm in size.

Cut the onion into small cubes, finely chop the carrots either with a knife or using a grater.

Wash the rice thoroughly. This is the first secret. Rice must be rinsed until clean, stirring each time. It is necessary to remove all powdery dust so that the grains of rice do not stick together during the cooking process. They used to say: “Wash in seven waters.”

Place the rice in a colander so that all the water drains out and the cereal becomes almost dry. This is another secret.

We program the multicooker to the Frying mode for 40 minutes. Pour in vegetable oil, add onions and carrots, sauté, stirring occasionally.

When the onion becomes transparent, add the meat in small portions, stirring each time. First, the meat will release some juice. Now is the time (if you like) to add pilaf seasoning or cumin and dried barberry.

You need to wait until the water has evaporated and the meat begins to brown slightly.

Now add rice and mix thoroughly. This is the third secret. When the rice is almost dry, the oil easily envelops each grain of rice, and this, too, will subsequently prevent the rice from sticking together and turning into porridge. Usually my Frying mode ends around this time. Level the contents of the multicooker and place a few cloves of garlic on top.

Carefully add boiling water in which we dissolve the salt. The last (but not least important) secret: if you cook with regular white rice, you need to use a little less water than usual. For 2 glasses of cereal filled to the brim, take 3 faceted glasses of water, filled to the rim. Close the lid. Turn on the Pilaf mode for 30 minutes.

If cooking with steamed rice, stick to the usual ratio of rice and water of 1 to 2 and increase the time to 40 minutes. And if the multicooker does not have a Pilaf mode, try cooking on the Krupa mode.

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