What to take instead of postinor. Postinor analogues are cheaper

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

In case of unplanned unprotected sexual intercourse, Postinor will come to the rescue. The drug is intended to cleanse the uterine cavity and tubes of fertilized cells.

The tablets are not indicated for regular use. Read the instructions for use, about the features of the drug, as well as what cheap analogues of Postinor are available.

Instructions for use

Hormonal medication works as a means to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The active substance is levonorgestrel.

Postinor is available in the form of dragees, 2 or 4 tablets in a blister. The active ingredient is effective in 85% of cases.

However, there are several nuances that must be taken into account when taking:

  • The tablet should be taken within 3 days (72 hours) after possible conception.

    The shorter the interval between unprotected sex and taking the pill, the more likely it is that the medication will work.

  • The second tablet must be consumed 12 hours after the first tablet, but no later than 16 hours.

Such hormonal drugs are now available only by prescription and are taken under the guidance of a gynecologist. The main effect is abortifacient.

The active component of the drug prevents the sperm from fertilizing the egg. If a zygote has already formed, the hormone prevents penetration into the uterus.

After some time, the dead cells come out along with menstruation.

Postinor can be prescribed to women who have a long delay in menstruation. The medication is not prescribed for girls under 16 years of age.

The drug is used at a young age in extreme cases, when a minor has been raped, etc.

The list of contraindications also includes pregnant women and nursing mothers. You should not use the drug if you have liver or kidney failure.

The list of side effects is long. The most common violations include:

  • Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Bleeding from the uterine cavity.
  • Severe fatigue, migraine.
  • Your breasts may hurt and your regular menstrual cycle may be disrupted.
  • After taking the drug, periods become less or more heavy than usual.

If you experience severe discomfort or abdominal pain, consult your doctor. Sometimes reactions of individual intolerance to the components of the composition are observed.

Cheap analogues of Russian production

The cost of the original is about 400 rubles for a small package. The Russian manufacturer offers its own pharmacological agents.

The most famous close substitutes on the domestic market are Zhenale and Ginepriston.

Compare synonyms with the Hungarian generic:

  • Genale. Does not differ in composition and main active component.

    However, if pregnancy continues after taking the drug, then the risk of giving birth to a sick child with many pathologies is high.

    The list of contraindications and side effects is almost identical to the original. However, it is better to check the dosage and regimen of taking the tablets with your doctor.

    The price does not differ from the cost of the Hungarian original, depends on the number of tablets in the blister and ranges from 360 to 780 rubles.

  • Gynepristone. The drug is also prohibited for pregnant and nursing mothers.

    If it is necessary to take the pill during lactation, breastfeeding the child is prohibited for two weeks until the active substance is completely eliminated from the body.

    The drug should not be used by patients with a history of heart disease and dysfunction of the kidneys, adrenal glands and liver.

    Disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system often occur after taking the pills; abdominal pain and dizziness often appear.

    In case of individual intolerance to the components, allergic reactions appear. The active substance is mifepristone. Ginepristone is in the price category from 250 rubles.

Russian generics differ little from Postinor. The list of indications, contraindications and side effects is almost identical.

Ginepristone differs in its hormonal composition. However, the domestic manufacturer offers to purchase the product cheaper than the Hungarian original.

Other foreign substitutes

Imported substitutes have always been very popular among the population. Foreign products are considered to be of better quality and performance.

Check out the differences between imported products and the original in the table:

Name Indications for use and description Contraindications Side effects Average cost per package
Microlute A German-made drug of similar action and composition This method of emergency contraception is not used during pregnancy or lactation.

The drug is also prohibited for patients with diseases of the genitourinary system; it should not be taken if there is an individual intolerance to the components

The list of side effects has been added: in some cases, due to hormonal imbalance in the body, hair loss, swelling is observed, and a mental disorder may even appear 300 rubles
Escapelle Does not differ in indications and composition from Postinor Children under 16 years of age, should not be taken by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The drug is also not indicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney disease

Abdominal pain may appear, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted, and the amount of discharge will decrease. Headaches often appear, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted 450 rubles
Eskinor Indian analogue of the Hungarian contraceptive Do not use in children under 16 years of age, for heart disease, liver and kidney dysfunction, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. The list of side effects occurs with the same frequency 250 rubles

Among foreign generics you can even find cheaper products. The composition, indications, contraindications and even side effects do not differ from the original drug.

Check with your gynecologist for the regimen, dosage and which emergency contraceptive medication to choose.

Important! Read the instructions for use carefully.

The drug Postinor belongs to the group of contraceptive postcoital drugs. Postinor is a synthetic drug with antiestrogenic and gestagenic properties, which can be called an emergency drug. Analog drugs can also be included in the same group. Ginepristone, Escapel, Genale, Microlut, Levonorgestrel, Eskinor-F.

Postinor and its analogues cannot be considered a real contraceptive, since the principle of their action is completely different from the principle of action of real contraceptives that are used regularly. It is impossible to constantly take postcoital drugs, since the structure of the endometrium changes, severe side effects appear in some organs, addiction may occur, due to which the effectiveness of the drug will be reduced, and it may also begin.

Therefore, the drug Postinor and its analogues should be used only in emergency cases: during rape, unplanned unprotected sexual intercourse, when a condom breaks and in other unforeseen cases.

Which drug should you prefer - Postinor or any of its analogues?

Postinor is one of the earliest of all drugs produced; every second woman experiences nausea after taking it. And if pregnancy does occur, Postinor may have a negative effect on it.

The operating principle of analogues. However, there are some distinctive properties. For example, a drug Escapelle, created later, has fewer side effects, and you can drink it not for 72 hours, like Postinor, but longer - for 96 hours.

In general, usually all later generation drugs are more effective and less harmful. But if we talk about an analog drug Gynepristone, then its side effects are identical to Postinor: it causes nausea, even vomiting, bleeding, and also disrupts the menstrual cycle. Both drugs can equally cause urticaria, weakness, dizziness, and hyperthermia. That is why it is strictly forbidden to take Postinor and its analogues uncontrollably without a doctor’s recommendations - the consequences can be irreversible.

In addition, it is very important to remember that all such drugs have many contraindications. They cannot be accepted

  • with renal and liver failure,
  • with extragenital pathology,
  • for pulmonary diseases,
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

If you still have to take postcoital pills, it is better to purchase those that are right for you. And which ones exactly - only a specialist doctor can say.

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Prohibited during pregnancy

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Preserving a woman’s sexual health is one of the pressing problems of modern gynecology. Regulation of the number of abortions is currently considered the basis of fertility rates. In the last decade, emergency contraception has become increasingly popular.

Postinor is one of the main drugs used for emergency prevention of unwanted pregnancy. The drug belongs to the group of contraceptive drugs. Postinor has both cheap and expensive analogues on the pharmaceutical market.

One tablet contains 750 mg of levonorgestrel, which is the strongest gestagen. Additional components of the medication are: colloidal silicon dioxide, corn and potato starch, talc, lactose. The drug is sold in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription.

Postinor combines two actions:

  • antiestrogenic;
  • progestin.

Against the background of its use, conception is prevented, while the embryo is not able to attach to the inner surface of the uterus. The drug can also suppress ovulation. The duration of the period within which you are allowed to drink Postinor is limited. The medicine is used orally within 24 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse or against the background of the alleged ineffectiveness of barrier methods of contraception.

However, after 72 hours, its use is not able to terminate the pregnancy, since the dose of the active substance is not enough for this.

Postinor is contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity to it and in girls under 16 years of age. Side effects may include the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, menstrual irregularities, abdominal pain, changes in stool, migraine, bleeding.

Prices for drugs

The cost of Postinor and its popular analogues in Russian pharmacies is presented in Russia.

These medicines are complete analogues of Postinor in terms of therapeutic effect, and some of them are in chemical composition.

The safest drug substitutes

Despite the frequent use of Postinor, its generally accepted, safe and most effective analogues are hormonal drugs or an intrauterine device. All of them are recommended by WHO to prevent unwanted pregnancy.


This product is an intrauterine device that contains 52 mg of levonorgestrel (this is several times higher than its concentration in Postinor). Additionally, it contains the elastomer polydimethalsilaxane, barium sulfate, and iron oxide. The spiral complex consists of:

  • insertion tubes;
  • piston;
  • flange;
  • housings;
  • slider.

The intrauterine contraceptive itself is T-shaped. Its main task is a local gestagenic effect on the uterus. Due to the high concentration of levonorgestrel, the cellular and structural morphology of the endometrium changes, the motor activity of sperm is inhibited, and the cervical mucus thickens. This whole chain leads to the prevention of fertilization.

The active substance begins to flow immediately after installation of the spiral and goes directly to the target organ (uterus and appendages). Mirena must be administered within the first 5-6 days after unprotected sexual intercourse, which guarantees the prevention of pregnancy.

It is prohibited to use it in girls who have not given birth and have not been examined, as well as those who have a large number of sexual partners (the risk of genital tract infection is high).

Also contraindications are:

  • presence of pregnancy;
  • acute inflammatory process of the pelvic organs;
  • cervical dysplasia;
  • malignant neoplasms of the uterus or ovaries;
  • allergy to the components of the spiral.

Installation of the IUD should only be done by an experienced specialist, since the risk of uterine perforation is high.


The basis of the medication is also levonorgestrel in an average therapeutic dosage of 1.5 mg. Produced by Gedeon Richter, Hungary. As an emergency contraceptive, the drug affects ovulation and fertilization. Effective in the first 72 hours after sexual intercourse, during which contraceptive methods were not used. In a later period, it is ineffective, since there is a high probability of implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity.

Properties of the drug

Accordingly, contraindications are pregnancy, as well as individual intolerance to the drug and liver failure. Escapelle does not replace regular contraception and does not affect menstrual function. After using this medication, local barrier contraceptives (condom, spermicide, cervical cap) must be used throughout the subsequent cycle.

The most common side effects are:

  • nausea or vomiting;
  • headache;
  • bowel disorders;
  • bleeding not associated with menstruation;
  • increased fatigue.


It is a representative of the group of hormonal drugs-modulators of the reproductive system, a means of emergency contraception. Produced by the Hungarian pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter. The tablet contains 30 mg of the active ingredient - unipristal acetate.

Additional substances are: lactose monohydrate, povidone and magnesium stearate. It can be used, unlike Postinor, within 5 days after unprotected sexual intercourse. If vomiting occurs 2 hours after taking the tablet, you should take another one.

Contraindicated in case of pregnancy, allergic reaction to components, lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, severe liver disease. It is also prohibited for girls under 18 years of age to use.

Dwella is a less harmful analogue of Postinor. Cases of undesirable effects are rare. Manufacturers report the likelihood of vomiting, nausea, and dysmenorrhea. It has a moderate effect on the ability to drive a vehicle, so when taking it you should stop driving.

The cheapest similar products

On the pharmaceutical market there are analogs for emergency contraception that are cheaper than Postinor. The difference in price is due to the active substance used in the drug, its concentration and the manufacturer.


The drug contains an active substance different from all other drugs - mifepristone. Additionally included:

  • calcium stearate;
  • sodium glycolate;
  • microcellulose.

The drug blocks the action of progesterone at the receptor level, competitively binds to glucocorticosteroids, promotes myometrial contractility, inhibits ovulation, and prevents implantation of a fertilized egg.

Produced by the domestic concern “Obninskaya CFC”, which is located in the Kaluga region. Used for emergency prevention of pregnancy. Contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • allergic reaction to the drug;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • disturbances in fibrinolytic activity of the blood;
  • inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages;
  • severe extragenital pathology.

It is not recommended to use Ginepristone in combination with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The effectiveness of the medication is high when used within three days after coitus. There is currently no information about cases of overdose.

The basis of the drug is mifepristone. Produced in Russia by the company Izvarino Pharma. According to its pharmacological action, the drug is an antiprogestogen. In different dosages it can effectively influence the condition of the female genital area.

For emergency postcoital contraception, 10 mg of the medication should be used within 72 hours after exposure. At a dosage of 50 mg it can inhibit the growth of myomatous nodes in the uterus. Not used as a primary contraceptive.

Zhenale inhibits ovulation and prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg. Has high bioavailability – up to 80%. Prohibited for use at the slightest suspicion of pregnancy, regardless of the topical location.

There is a possibility of profuse bleeding while taking it, so the use of Zhenale is allowed only under the strict supervision of a medical professional. This side effect may require instrumental revision of the uterine cavity (curettage).

The drug is not prescribed in parallel with anti-inflammatory medications. Breastfeeding should be stopped and not resumed for two weeks after taking Zhenale.


Contraceptive drug manufactured by Femme Care Ltd. Like Postinor, it contains 0.75 mg levonorgestrel. With the use of Eskinor-F, pregnancy is prevented: the embryo does not attach to the endometrium of the uterus. The medication can also inhibit ovulation.

Effective when used no later than three days after unprotected sexual intercourse. In a therapeutic dose, it does not affect the coagulation properties of blood or metabolic processes.

Given the presence of lactase and its derivatives, Eskinor-F is contraindicated in cases of glucose-galactose malabsorption. Use with caution for diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Later, its use is not able to terminate the pregnancy, since the dose of levonorgestrel contained in the tablet is not enough for this. If the drug is effective, menstrual-like bleeding soon occurs.

The famous Israeli medicine, which is produced by the concern “Lab. Leon Pharma. It contains an increased dose of levonorgestrel - 1.5 mg. This is twice the concentration in Postinor.

According to scientific data, pregnancy was prevented while taking it in 88% of patients. It is quickly absorbed and remains in the circulatory system for a long time (about a day). The active component is excreted exclusively in the form of metabolites.

The drug is effective for three days from the day of coitus, provided that it no longer occurs after that. You can drink it on any day of the menstrual cycle. If, despite all conditions of use, pregnancy does occur, then it is first necessary to exclude ectopic pregnancy.

Modell 911 does not lead to menstrual irregularities. The medicine is not used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In the modern world, a woman is allowed to choose for herself whether to become pregnant or not. For this purpose, there are now many methods of contraception. However, in life there are different stories.

For example: unsuccessfully interrupted sexual intercourse, in which there is no certainty about the outcome. All this can lead to an unplanned pregnancy.

In order not to commit sins, I mean abortion, and not to suffer from remorse or, even worse, health problems all your life, it is better to take the so-called “emergency contraceptive pills.”

The most widely known and most commonly used by women is Postinor. It consists of two small white round tablets. The first tablet should be taken no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse. The second 12 hours after the first. The results of its action depend on how long after you took the pill.

94% take the drug no later than 24 hours;

86% no later than 48 hours;

57% no later than 72 hours.

Of course, it should be taken into account that these tablets cause many side effects, including fever and nausea, dizziness and a feeling of weakness.

But modern medicine does not stand still and Postinor has been replaced by more gentle analogues: Escapelle, Ginepriston (Agesta), Zhenale.

These drugs consist of one tablet and have much fewer side effects.

For example, Escapel, which is an absolute analogue of Postinor, since its main component is also levonorgestrel, has an increased dosage delay of up to 96 hours. Agree, a day is a lot in such situations. And the risk of getting pregnant while taking it is 1.1%.

No less reliable are Zhenale, Ginepriston or Agesta. They give 98.8% results. The tablet contains 10 milligrams of mifepristone, but it must be taken no later than 72 hours. These drugs have less impact on the woman’s reproductive system, but also have a number of side effects.

Please note that all medications cannot be used independently for problems with the liver and kidneys, as well as irregular cycles. In such cases, it is better to consult with gynecologist. They should be taken orally on an empty stomach and not eat anything for 2 hours. If you have an attack of vomiting during these 2 hours, then unfortunately you need to take another tablet, otherwise the risk increases significantly.

Remember: emergency contraception drugs protect against unwanted pregnancy, but not against sexually transmitted infections; may affect your body; and do not get rid of pregnancy if it has already occurred. You can take them no more than 2 times a month, and no more than 2 times a year.

They are expensive. But you buy them once, but you have to live with the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy for the rest of your life.

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

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This page provides a list of all Postinor analogues by composition and indication for use. A list of cheap analogues, and you can also compare prices in pharmacies.

  • The most popular analogue of Postinor:
  • ATX classification: Levonorgestrel
  • Active ingredients/composition: levonorgestrel

Popular analogs of Postinor

The list of drug analogues based on statistics of the most requested drugs

All analogues of Postinor

The above list of drug analogues, which indicates Postinor substitutes, is the most suitable because they have the same composition of active ingredients and coincide in indications for use

Different composition, may have the same indication and method of use

Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
chlormadinone, ethinyl estradiol -- 158 UAH
dienogest, ethinyl estradiol 399 RUR 700 UAH
Norethisterone, ethinyl estradiol -- --
150 rub. 100 UAH
levonorgestrel, ethinyl estradiol 327 RUR 580 UAH
desogestrel, ethinyl estradiol 500 rub 81 UAH
desogestrel, ethinyl estradiol 360 rub. 130 UAH
desogestrel, ethinyl estradiol 332 rub. 73 UAH
desogestrel, ethinyl estradiol 636 RUR 116 UAH
desogestrel, ethinyl estradiol -- 88 UAH
gestodene, ethinyl estradiol 580 rub. 104 UAH
gestodene, ethinyl estradiol 450 rub. 110 UAH
drospirenone, ethinyl estradiol -- 31 UAH
gestodene, ethinyl estradiol 374 RUR 127 UAH
drospirenone, ethinyl estradiol -- 109 UAH
gestodene, ethinyl estradiol -- 168 UAH
-- --
norgestimate, ethinyl estradiol 2 rubles --
drospirenone, ethinyl estradiol 3 rubles 188 UAH
844 RUR 192 UAH
drospirenone, ethinyl estradiol -- 198 UAH
drospirenone, ethinyl estradiol 461 RUR 95 UAH
drospirenone, ethinyl estradiol 500 rub 102 UAH
drospirenone, ethinyl estradiol -- 33 UAH
drospirenone, calcium levomefolate, ethinyl estradiol -- 198 UAH
drospirenone, ethinyl estradiol 527 RUR 146 UAH
drospirenone, ethinyl estradiol 382 RUR 100 UAH
drospirenone, ethinyl estradiol 325 rub. --
drospirenone, ethinyl estradiol -- --
drospirenone, ethinyl estradiol -- --
-- --
ethinyl estradiol, drospirenone -- 110 UAH
drospirenone, ethinyl estradiol -- 141 UAH
norelgestromin, ethinyl estradiol 800 rub 342 UAH
dienogest, ethinyl estradiol 806 RUR 208 UAH
nomegestrol, estradiol -- --
dienogest, ethinyl estradiol -- 109 UAH
dienogest, ethinyl estradiol -- 95 UAH
dienogest, ethinyl estradiol -- 196 UAH
chlormadinone, ethinyl estradiol 508 RUR 18 UAH
levonorgestrel, ethinyl estradiol 150 rub. 76 UAH
420 rub. 720 UAH
gestodene, ethinyl estradiol 185 RUR 450 UAH
levonorgestrel 362 RUR 170 UAH
medroxyprogesterone 85 RUR 95 UAH
medroxyprogesterone, progestogen 2 rubles 1929 UAH
etonogestrel 11057 RUR --
desogestrel 580 rub. 64 UAH
desogestrel 3 rubles 328 UAH
desogestrel 658 RUR 215 UAH

To compile a list of cheap analogues of expensive drugs, we use prices that are provided to us by more than 10,000 pharmacies throughout Russia. The database of drugs and their analogues is updated daily, so the information provided on our website is always up to date as of the current day. If you have not found the analogue you are interested in, please use the search above and select the medicine you are interested in from the list. On the page of each of them you will find all possible analogues of the drug you are looking for, as well as prices and addresses of pharmacies where it is available.

How to find a cheap analogue of an expensive medicine?

To find an inexpensive analogue of a medicine, a generic or a synonym, first of all we recommend paying attention to the composition, namely the same active ingredients and indications for use. The same active ingredients of a drug will indicate that the drug is a synonym for the drug, pharmaceutically equivalent or a pharmaceutical alternative. However, we should not forget about the inactive components of similar drugs, which may affect safety and effectiveness. Do not forget about the instructions of doctors; self-medication can harm your health, so always consult a doctor before using any medication.

Postinor price

On the websites below you can find prices for Postinor and find out about availability at a pharmacy near you

Postinor instructions

on the use of the product


Release form



Active substance: levonorgestrel 0.75 mg;

Excipients: colloidal silicon dioxide - 0.5 mg; magnesium stearate - 1 mg; talc - 2.5 mg; corn starch - 23.5 mg; potato starch - 0.5 mg; lactose monohydrate - 71.25 mg


pharmachologic effect

Postinor is a postcoital hormonal contraceptive for oral administration. Synthetic progestogen with pronounced gestagenic and antiestrogenic properties. Causes inhibition of ovulation, changes in the endometrium, and prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg. Increases the viscosity of cervical mucus, which interferes with the advancement of sperm.

The effectiveness of contraception decreases as the time elapses between sexual intercourse and taking the drug increases: contraceptive effectiveness is 95% if Postinor is taken in the first 24 hours, 85% between 24 and 48 hours, and 58% between 48 and 72 hours .


When Postinor is taken orally, the drug is quickly and almost completely absorbed. Absolute bioavailability is almost 100% of the dose taken. After taking 0.75 mg of levonorgestrel, Cmax in serum equal to 14.1 ng/ml is achieved after 1.6 hours. After reaching Cmax, the content of levonorgestrel decreases. T1/2 is about 26 hours.

Levonorgestrel is excreted approximately equally by the kidneys and through the intestines exclusively in the form of metabolites. The biotransformation of levonorgestrel corresponds to the metabolism of steroids. Levonorgestrel is hydroxylated in the liver, metabolites are excreted in the form of conjugated glucuronides. Pharmacologically active metabolites of levonorgestrel are unknown. Levonorgestrel binds to serum albumin and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Only 1.5% of the total dose is in free form, and 65% is associated with SHBG.

Postinor, indications for use

Emergency post-coital contraception in women with a regular menstrual cycle after unprotected sexual intercourse, as well as in cases where the contraceptive method used cannot be considered reliable.

Postinor is recommended for use as an alternative hormonal contraceptive in the following emergency situations: during unprotected sexual intercourse, if the method of contraception used cannot be considered reliable (rupture, slippage or improper use of the male condom, displacement, rupture or premature removal of the diaphragm or cervical plate, unsuccessful use of the method of interrupted intercourse, erroneous calculation of days of ovulation in the case of using the calendar method, loss or removal of an intrauterine contraceptive device, skipping 3 or more tablets when taking a hormonal oral contraceptive for continuous use), rape.


adolescence up to 16 years;

severe liver failure;


rare hereditary diseases such as lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption;

hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Carefully: diseases of the liver and biliary tract, jaundice (including a history), Crohn's disease, lactation.

Directions for use and doses

Inside. It is necessary to take 2 tablets in the first 72 hours after unprotected intercourse: the 2nd tablet should be taken 12 hours (but not later than 16 hours) after taking the 1st tablet.

To achieve a more reliable effect, both tablets should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse (no later than 72 hours).

If vomiting occurs within 3 hours after the 1st or 2nd dose of Postinor, you should take 1 more tablet.

Postinor can be used at any time of the menstrual cycle. In case of irregular menstrual cycle, pregnancy must first be excluded.

After taking emergency contraception, a local barrier contraceptive method (eg, condom, cervical cap) should be used until the next menstrual period. The use of the drug during repeated unprotected sexual intercourse during one menstrual cycle is not recommended (due to an increase in the frequency of acyclic spotting/bleeding).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Postinor is contraindicated for use during pregnancy. If pregnancy occurs while using an emergency method of contraception, then based on the available data, no adverse effect of the drug on the fetus has been identified.

Levonorgestrel is excreted in breast milk. After taking the drug, breastfeeding should be stopped for 24 hours.

Side effects

Allergic reactions: possible - urticaria, rash, itching, swelling of the face.

Transient side effects that occur with varying frequency and do not require drug therapy: sometimes (1-10%) - vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, breast tenderness, delayed menstruation (no more than 5-7 days; if menstruation is delayed for more than long term, pregnancy must be excluded); often (more than 10%) - nausea, fatigue, pain in the lower abdomen, acyclic spotting (bleeding).

special instructions

Postinor should be used exclusively for emergency contraception. Repeated use of the drug Postinor during one menstrual cycle is not recommended.

The effectiveness of Postinor tablets after unprotected sexual intercourse, during which contraception was not used, decreases over time:

Time between sexual intercourse and taking Postinor tablets (hours) Efficiency (%)

24 and less95

The drug does not replace the use of permanent methods of contraception. In most cases, Postinor does not affect the nature of the menstrual cycle. However, acyclic bleeding and a delay of menstruation for several days are possible. If menstruation is delayed by more than 5-7 days and its character changes (scanty or heavy discharge), pregnancy must be excluded. The appearance of pain in the lower abdomen and fainting may indicate an ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy.

Adolescents under 16 years of age, in exceptional cases (including rape), need to consult a gynecologist to confirm pregnancy.

After emergency contraception, a consultation with a gynecologist is recommended to select the most appropriate method of permanent contraception.

Emergency contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

In case of gastrointestinal dysfunction (for example, Crohn's disease), the effectiveness of the drug may be reduced.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The effect of Postinor on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery has not been studied.

Drug interactions

When taking drugs that induce liver enzymes simultaneously, the metabolism of levonorgestrel is accelerated.

The following drugs may reduce the effectiveness of levonorgestrel: amprecavil, lansoprazole, nevirapine, oxcarbazepine, tacrolimus, topiramate, tretinoin, barbiturates including primidone, phenytoin and carbamazepine, drugs containing St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), and rifampicin, ritonavir, ampicillin, tetracycline, rifabutin, griseofulvin. Levonorgestrel reduces the effectiveness of hypoglycemic and anticoagulant (coumarin derivatives, phenindione) drugs. Increases plasma concentrations of GCS. Women taking these drugs should consult a doctor.

Drugs containing levonorgestrel may increase the risk of cyclosporine toxicity due to inhibition of its metabolism.


Increased severity of side effects. There is no specific antidote. Symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Storage conditions

At a temperature of 15–25 °C.

Best before date

All information is presented for informational purposes and is not a reason for independent prescription or replacement of medication.

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