Fistula on the gum near the tooth under the crown. A dangerous phenomenon that accompanies inflammatory processes is a fistula on the gum: photos, causes and treatment of the pathological process Fistula in the sky causes

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Any dental disease requires a visit to a doctor. At home, you can alleviate the symptoms and do prevention, but only a doctor can cure the disease. This also applies to fistula - a fairly common ailment that affects the oral cavity. Without treatment, it can lead to serious consequences.

Fistula in the gums: what is it?

The fistula is inflammatory disease which can be determined even by visual inspection. It looks like a hole in the gum or a bubble with pus. The fistula is not an independent disease, it is formed at the location of the diseased tooth, in which the pulp or root is affected.

Due to the inflammatory process in the diseased root or dental nerve, multiple proliferation occurs connective tissue. Pathogenic bacteria multiply intensively, provoking suppuration in the gums or in the sky. At this stage, you must definitely go to the hospital, otherwise the disease will progress, the bone and mucous tissue will collapse.

Thus, inside the gum, between the root and the outer layers, a cavity is formed in which pus accumulates. The fistula channel is connected to the diseased root, through which fluid and purulent masses come out. At the initial stage, it is not easy to detect a fistula - pus accumulates inside the gum without breaking through (for more details, see the article: what to do if pus forms in the gum under the tooth?). To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the affected area. Most often, a dentist is contacted when the canal is already open and pus comes out.

Causes and symptoms of pathology

Fistula itself is not an independent disease. It is only a consequence that occurs due to one or more of the following causes:

There are several symptoms that are characteristic of a fistulous tract:

  • pain in the gum during light pressure or touching it;
  • pain in the gums and in the tooth during mechanical action on the tooth, for example, when chewing;
  • loosening of the tooth;
  • the appearance of swelling or pouch on the gums, especially around the wisdom tooth;
  • discharge of pus or fluid from the formed vesicle;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • bad smell from the mouth.

Symptoms can appear both in combination and singly. To accurately diagnose a fistula on the gum, you will need a visit to the dental clinic and fluoroscopy.

Fistula treatment

If a hole has formed on the gum, then an immediate appeal to the dentist is necessary, since this is a sign of damage to the tissues of the tooth and gums. Treatment of dental fistula in advanced cases is carried out by surgical intervention. It is impossible to cure it on your own, although you can alleviate the condition before seeing a specialist.

What will the dentist prescribe?

The dentist prescribes a course of treatment depending on the causes of fistula formation. To begin with, they need to be identified, and one visual examination is not enough for this, so a specialist, as a rule, takes an x-ray. This procedure allows you to evaluate the internal location of the fistula and diagnose diseases that caused purulent inflammation.

In the case when the cause was poor-quality therapy of a tooth affected by caries or pulpitis, the doctor performs the following actions:

  1. removal of a filling from a tooth;
  2. cleansing the cavity and canals from pus;
  3. treatment of the inflamed area with antiseptic materials and the imposition of a temporary filling;
  4. removal of a temporary filling, examination for inflammation;
  5. in the absence of an inflammatory process - filling.

A neglected case requires surgical intervention. It is necessary when purulent masses have affected the bone tissue and periosteum.

The prostheses, crowns, pins that caused the fistula are removed and the tissues are resected, the fistulous canal is cleaned with a laser and the purulent mass is removed (we recommend reading: what is a tooth resection and how is it performed?). When a tooth cannot be saved, it is removed.

Fistula therapy in an adult patient is a lengthy process. One visit to the dentist is not enough. As a rule, the doctor prescribes antibiotics that will need to be taken. Usually prescribed:

  • doxycycline;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Penicillin;
  • Gentamicin.

In addition to antibiotics, you can rinse your mouth antiseptics. These measures alone cannot be an independent method of treatment, you should not take medication without contacting a dentist, otherwise the problem will return after a while. The course of antibiotics is selected by the doctor depending on the course of the disease individually.

Home methods and folk remedies

Folk remedies can become an auxiliary way to treat fistula. They can help reduce pain and inflammation if you can’t immediately go to the dentist, but they will not help get rid of a hole in the gum. They are used together with therapeutic treatment, after consulting with the attending dentist.

The most common recipes:

Aloe can be used on its own, but it can be combined with honey to increase its effectiveness. Several fleshy leaves are crushed and mixed with liquid honey. The gruel is insisted for 3-4 days and smeared with the affected gum.

In addition to honey, garlic can be added to chopped aloe. The mixture is prepared according to this recipe: three leaves of aloe, Kalanchoe and 3 cloves of garlic are crushed in a blender. The gruel is wrapped in gauze and applied to the gum for 10 minutes. It is not recommended to keep it longer, because garlic can cause burns to the mucous membrane.

It is forbidden to use alcohol and vodka for rinsing the mouth. It may seem that alcohol disinfects the affected area, but its effect on the mucous tissue causes a burn and provokes an increase in the inflammatory process.

Treatment with folk methods cannot be called complete, but it can significantly reduce pain.

What to do during pregnancy?

When a dental fistula forms in a pregnant woman, she should immediately contact a dentist. Inflammatory and infectious diseases especially dangerous during such a period and can lead to dangerous consequences both for the woman herself and for her child.

It is impossible to delay treatment for another reason. Due to pregnancy, doctors usually do not prescribe antibiotics, so the fistula must be treated in the initial stages, when the infection has not yet had time to spread beyond the source of occurrence. As a rule, treatment is reduced to eliminating the cause of the disease. The affected tooth is opened, the cavity and canals are cleaned, treated with disinfectants and closed with a filling.

In addition to treatment in the dental chair, the dentist may prescribe a herbal decoction rinse. Most often, herbs are prescribed that relieve inflammation, irritation, and have a disinfecting effect. It can be chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, eucalyptus.

And if not treated?

Dental fistula is a serious formation that cannot go away without treatment. If nothing is done about this problem, then it can lead to serious consequences:

Like any disease, fistula is best prevented rather than treated. To do this, you need to follow preventive measures:

  • thoroughly clean the oral cavity twice a day;
  • regularly visit the dentist for a preventive examination, even if nothing bothers you, because some diseases begin asymptomatically;
  • consult a dentist in a timely manner if there are painful sensations in the mouth.

Self-treatment of oral diseases leads to complications. The sooner the patient seeks help from a dentist, the easier it will be to cure the fistula. Timely and proper treatment will help not only to save time and effort of the patient, but also to avoid unpleasant and dangerous consequences.

A fistula on the gum of a tooth is a pathological formation represented by a small passage through the gum to the lesion. Most often, the fistula comes from the root of the diseased tooth. Serous or purulent exudate is discharged through such a channel. You can see the fistula in the place of the projection of the tooth, in its upper part. It looks like a hot spot. The fistula does not form next to healthy teeth. Therefore, there is always caries near it, either a filling, crown, bridge or other restoration.

The fistula can be detected independently. Its appearance is preceded by swelling of the gums, pus accumulates in the tissues. When the purulent contents break through and begin to come out, the pain subsides somewhat. A non-healing hole is formed on the gum, from which exudate constantly oozes. This is the fistula.

A fistula on the gum can form in almost every person, regardless of age and gender. Children are no exception, as a fistula can develop even with milk teeth.

The presence of a fistula on the gum should not be ignored, since this pathology can lead to serious problems with health. IN open wound pathogenic bacteria will freely penetrate, which contributes to increased inflammation, tooth loss. Therefore, if a formation is found on the gum, it is necessary to contact the dentist. However, it will be impossible to postpone a visit to the doctor for a long time, since the fistula will provoke pain, which will significantly worsen the quality of a person’s life.

The symptoms of a fistula on the gums are as follows:

    will come from the mouth bad smell, which characterizes the process of decay and is not eliminated by oral hygiene.

Pain will be as intense as possible at a time when purulent exudate only accumulates in the area of ​​​​the inflamed tooth and in the gum tissues. After the pus breaks out and the fistulous canal is formed, the pain subsides.

When a fistula develops due to a violation of the technique of dental treatment, the fistula does not occur immediately. For some time, the process will have a latent asymptomatic course. The error of the dentist should be corrected as soon as possible.

As an independent pathology, a fistula on the gums is not formed.

There must be appropriate reasons for this:

    Untreated caries or its poor-quality treatment. Over time, caries can turn into pulpitis, and then into periodontitis. The infection spreads, affects the upper part of the root, purulent occurs, and then a fistula forms.

    Violation of the technique of filling the dental canal. When the doctor fills the canal of the tooth, he then sends the patient to undergo a control x-ray examination. This allows you to make sure that the filling was of high quality. Otherwise, an abscess may develop, and then a fistula. Moreover, in 60% of cases, the fistula is formed due to poor-quality canal filling.

    Damage to the root of the tooth. When a doctor works with a canal using traumatic instruments, he must be as careful as possible, as there is a risk of damage. If suddenly the dentist allowed the perforation of the canal and a rupture occurred, then the development of purulent inflammation is ensured in the future.

    Eruption of wisdom teeth can lead to the formation of a fistula. Few have them erupt without pain and discomfort. In the most difficult cases, the process is delayed for a long time, the gum becomes inflamed and swollen. The tooth injures it from the inside as it grows. In this place, pus begins to accumulate, which finds its way out through the fistulous canal.

    Prolonged eruption of milk teeth in children. In this case, the mechanism of formation of a fistula on the gum is similar to that which occurs when a wisdom tooth erupts.

    Cystic formations in the gum cavity may be the cause of the fistula. Fistulas are formed against the background of inflammation of the cyst.

    The presence of a granuloma of the tooth, in which pus accumulates in the soft tissues around. If this focus of infection is not sanitized in time, a fistula will form.

There are also risk factors that can give rise to diseases that contribute to the formation of fistulas, among them:

    Strong overwork;

    Sudden hypothermia of the body, or its overheating;

    Violations in the work of immunity;

    Diseases of an infectious nature, both of the organism as a whole and of the oral cavity in particular.

Dangers of gum fistula

If a fistula is found on the gum, it is necessary to seek help from a dentist as soon as possible. After all, the consequences of this pathology can be very serious.

If the existing inflammation is ignored for a long time, tooth loss is possible. This is due not only to its increased mobility, but also to the damage to healthy tissues located nearby. The more extensive the process, the higher the likelihood that the tooth will have to be removed surgically.

In addition, the periosteum may be involved in inflammation, in which there are vessels responsible for feeding other, healthy teeth. The infected periosteum undergoes degenerative processes, which in the future will lead to the loss of not one, but several teeth at once. In this case, a massive surgical intervention, which will be aimed at removing the entire diseased part of the periosteum.

If there is a lot of pus, then it can affect soft tissues faces. When this happens, they also have to be removed during the operation.

Such serious consequences must necessarily force a person to seek the advice of a dentist when a fistula is found on the gum.

Diagnosis of a fistula on the gum

A visual examination of the patient will be enough for the doctor to make a diagnosis. To clarify the condition of the diseased tooth, and to accurately identify the focus of inflammation, an X-ray examination may be required.

With its help, it will be possible to determine the depth of the fistula, the degree of growth of the granuloma or cyst, the extent of the damage to the periosteum, etc.

The doctor must make a differential diagnosis with diseases such as wen, purulent inflammation of the tissues. Self-diagnosis of a fistula is unacceptable.

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment for the patient. It can be of two types: medical and operational.

A combination scheme is usually used:

    Opening the tooth to gain access to the root canals.

    Pumping out purulent masses, removal of dead tissue.

    Antiseptic treatment of inflammation.

    The introduction of a therapeutic composition into the dental cavity for a certain time. After that, the patient is sent home, appointing him the date of the next appointment.

    During a return visit to the doctor, he will remove a temporary filling from the tooth and assess the condition of the tooth cavity.

    If necessary, the doctor will again treat the tooth with a medicinal composition. It is not excluded the appointment of physiotherapy procedures.

    After the inflammation is qualitatively stopped, the dentist will install a permanent filling.

    If the fistula has formed due to damage to the canals, then in some cases the doctor may not remove the filling from the tooth. Access to the focus of inflammation can be obtained through the gum.

    In the presence of a crown or pin, tooth filling is a very difficult process, so most often the doctor recommends surgical removal top of the tooth.

To complete the fistula treatment process, a rehabilitation course will be required. The affected area is irradiated with ultrasound or treated with a laser. It is possible to treat a fistula with a biometric current.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes oral antibiotics to the patient if local treatment turns out not to be enough. Well antibiotic therapy is 7 to 10 days. The drugs of choice are broad-spectrum antibiotics, for example, Augmentin, Tsiprolet, Ofloxacin, Sumamed.

The imposition of professional dental gels and pastes on its surface will contribute to the speedy tightening of the fistula.

Concerning symptomatic treatment, then it is possible to prescribe antihistamines to reduce swelling of the gums, taking painkillers.

Concerning surgical treatment, then it is shown in three cases:

    Large areas of soft tissues are involved in the process of inflammation.

    The tooth is crowned or has pins.

    The periosteum of the tooth has undergone degenerative processes.

Affected tissues are removed mechanically, with the help of scraping. In the future, the canal of the tooth is treated with a laser. The surface of the tooth is filled. These are the main manipulations that the doctor performs in the patient's oral cavity. Then he lets him go home, giving appropriate recommendations. It is mandatory to prescribe systemic antibiotics and antiseptic treatment of the affected area.

A fistula on the gums cannot go away on its own, so you should not waste time and postpone a visit to the dentist. Perhaps the extinction of pain, but not the relief of the inflammatory process. Therefore, the sooner professional treatment is started, the faster it will be possible to achieve a full recovery.

Education: Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (1996). In 2003 he received a diploma of educational and scientific medical center Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Fistula on the gums is an inflammatory purulent disease. Translated from Latin, this term means "pipe". The fistula is a channel connecting the focus of inflammation with outer surface. Its formation is associated with an internal infectious process and ongoing suppuration.

The second name of the pathology - phlegmon, means "purulent inflammation." Purulent exudate seeks a way out and forms a tubular cavity.

The formation of exudate is dangerous by intoxication of surrounding tissues and sepsis (blood poisoning).

How to treat a fistula, and what are the reasons for its formation on the gum?

A fistula on the gums in a child or an adult is formed as a result of the activity of pyogenic microorganisms (they can almost always be detected if a bacteriological examination of pus is performed). The causative agents of phlegmon and fistulas are staphylococci, gonococci, pneumococci and many other pathogenic bacteria. They enter the apex of the tooth from various sources of infection. What diseases can form a fistula on the gums?

Causes of fistula: caries, pulpitis, periodontitis

  • Caries- an inflammatory disease in which the hard tissue of the tooth rots, forming cavities inside the tooth (caries in Latin means "decay"). The destruction of the tooth from the inside occurs as a result of the activity of carious bacteria.

These diseases are the result of a neglected carious process or poor-quality treatment. When filling the dental canals, there should be no voids. If voids are nevertheless formed, in most cases they cause inflammation or fistulas. Also possible cause infection and fistula formation is the perforation of the tooth root, during treatment. Perforation is a non-physiological opening in the root of a tooth that forms a common channel between the periodontium and the root canal. Through it, carious microorganisms rush into periodontal tissues. Periodontitis, granuloma is formed, a fistula is often formed.

Causes of a fistula: wisdom teeth and compound milk teeth

The appearance of a fistula is possible when inflammation occurs from complex eruption of wisdom teeth or from a long eruption of milk teeth in children. The gum swells, is injured by a tooth located on the opposite side, becomes inflamed. Conditionally pathogenic microflora joins (cocci, which are always present in the oral cavity), infection of the gums and fistula formation occur.

If the treatment eliminates the source of infection, pus ceases to form, the fistulous cavity heals.

If the source of infection remains untreated, then inflammation, edema and fistula persist. Another fistula may occur next to the first, previous exit.

How to treat inflammation and fistula on the gums in a child and an adult?

Fistulous canals: treatment

Pulsating pain in fistulous formations increases until the fistula matures. As soon as the purulent canal broke through (the sore opened, and the outflow of pus began), pain decreases, swelling decreases. Necessary treatment consists in neutralizing the focus of infection, preventing the formation of pus and filling carious canals inside the tooth.

If the fistula is in the formation stage, that is, there is pain, swelling, redness, the gums are filled with pus, the temperature rises, then the fistulous canal is opened. An x-ray is taken beforehand, which allows to establish the presence of granulomas, cysts, unfilled internal cavities in the tooth pulp. In the course of treatment, it will be necessary to ensure the outflow of exudate from the granuloma (if any), remove the cyst and refill the tooth.

  1. An external fistula is opened from the outside of the gum.
  2. An internal fistula is opened through unsealing the tooth or drilling new channels that provide an outflow of pus.
  3. In some cases, the tooth has to be removed in order to be treated.

After opening the fistula, the wound is left open and periodic disinfecting rinses and physiotherapy are performed. Rinsing helps to remove the flowing exudate from the oral cavity, and physiotherapy treats the inflammatory process. In some cases, apply additional treatment: the fistulous canal is washed with a disinfectant solution to remove pathogens. Or apply antibacterial pastes and gels to the gums.

In parallel with external treatment, antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs are taken orally. medications, antibiotics.

When the symptoms of inflammation disappear, swelling, redness disappear, pus stops oozing, the cavity begins to overgrow. You can put a temporary filling in the root canals. After 7-10 days, the temporary filling is replaced with a permanent one (if there are no signs of a new infection - temperature, pain, redness).

Fistula and treatment with folk remedies

Application folk remedies for the treatment of fistula is possible in the stage of treatment of inflammation, counteracting infection.

Row medicinal plants or natural preparations are natural antibiotics, they are able to counteract the spread of infection from the inside and outside. What can be used to treat fistula inflammation?

  • warm decoctions of anti-inflammatory action for rinsing the mouth and baths (the decoction is taken into the mouth and kept near fistulous suppuration for 4-5 minutes): eucalyptus, calendula, yarrow, tansy;
  • from bee products, - propolis, - dissolve in the mouth under the tongue to disinfect the oral cavity;
  • from herbal remedies of alternative medicine - liquid chlorophyll, colloidal silver.

After the treatment of inflammation, mandatory cleaning and filling of carious canals is necessary. An x-ray is required to control the quality of the filling. A temporary filling is placed, which is replaced with a permanent one after 7-10 days. Untreated caries in the oral cavity will form further tooth decay, secondary inflammation of the gums with possible fistulous formations.»>

Such a phenomenon as a fistula (fistula) that occurs on the gum in the area of ​​the root of the affected tooth is familiar to many patients of dental clinics. Usually, a fistula is easy to detect with the naked eye, because it looks like a swelling of the gums, or a wound from which purulent masses are released. The appearance of a fistula is always accompanied by pain and causes discomfort to a person.

The LeaderStom clinic is often visited by patients who have such a problem in an advanced form. To help you avoid the unpleasant consequences of inflammation that occurs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tooth root, we will tell you more about the causes of the appearance of a fistula on the surface of the gums, methods of treating and preventing a fistula. What is a fistula localized on the gum? The translation of the word "fistula" from the Latin language sounds like "pipe". And, indeed, it looks like a narrow channel-tube, through which purulent masses are removed from the source of inflammation (located at the root of the tooth). Thus, the accumulated pus makes its way: it moves from the root through the jaw bone and eventually breaks through the gum tissue. At this point, the person usually feels relieved and, thinking that the disease has receded, cancels the visit to the dentist. But since the cause of the formation of the fistula has not been eliminated, the existing channel is filled with pus again and again. Symptoms by which a fistula on the gum can be recognized A fistula formed in the gum is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. They usually push the patient to visit the dental clinic.

Symptoms indicating the presence of a fistula are as follows:

  • Swelling and redness of the gums.
  • Severe or moderate pain when pressing on the tooth.
  • The formation of a wound on the gum, from which pus is separated.
  • The occurrence of mobility of the tooth root.
  • An increase in the patient's body temperature.

Causes of a fistula in the oral cavity

The key factor in the formation of a fistula on the gum is inflammation. Let's now see why the root of a tooth can become inflamed?

This happens in the following cases:

Launched carious processes in the teeth. Why is untreated caries dangerous? Over time, carious cavities become deeper, they first affect the dentin, and then the pulp of the tooth. Acute toothache usually indicates that the infection has reached the nervous tissue. Then the nerve dies, and then the inflammation passes into the canals of the tooth root. In this case, either a granuloma or cyst forms on the root of the tooth, or purulent masses make their way in the form of a fistula in the gum.

Improper treatment of caries. A number of cases have been recorded when a fistula formed on the gum above the patient's outwardly healthy teeth. This happened because a person’s tooth had been cured incorrectly at one time. Those. if it was a dead tooth and the canals were treated, then they were not completely sealed. Or there was a leaky filling on the tooth, under which the inflammatory process continued to occur.

Root canal damage. When a dentist performs root canal treatment, sometimes he can damage them, so to speak, perforate them. Holes such as perforations are often the cause of a dental fistula that develops on the gum.

How is a fistula on the gum diagnosed?

When talking about the diagnosis of a fistula that appeared due to inflammation that arose in the area of ​​​​the tooth root, it should be noted that there are two forms of manifestation of this problem:

  • External. When the fistula is visible to the naked eye, and the doctor can easily identify the affected tooth during a visual examination.
  • Internal. When the process is still on initial stage and it can be diagnosed with the help of an X-ray examination, which also allows you to determine the size of the inflammation and the degree of damage to the gums and bone tissues.

What is dangerous fistula in the mouth?

In addition to unpleasant symptoms and palpable pain, the formation of a fistula on the gums can lead to more sad consequences: If the fistula treatment is not started in time, the patient risks losing a tooth, in the area of ​​​​the root canals of which inflammation has developed. The area of ​​the lesion during the inflammatory process, manifested as the formation of a fistula on the surface of the gums, increases over time. And this means that in a neglected situation, healthy teeth of the patient can also be infected. As a result, the inflammatory process will also begin in them.

How to cure inflammation of the tooth and cope with the fistula on the gum?

Fistula treatment requires thorough measures and professional medical care, which will be provided to you by the specialists of the dental clinic. The solution to the problem lies in the fact that the doctor either dissects the patient's diseased tooth, or gets to the source of inflammation through the gum.

The fight against fistula on the oral mucosa in various cases implies:

Preparation of the patient's tooth, on which inflammation was found, cleaning the canals, followed by the application of an antiseptic medicine and their filling.

Unsealing the canals, in the event that they were previously not completely sealed, the use of an anti-inflammatory drug, the installation of a temporary filling. Then, as in the first case, the canals are re-sealed and a permanent filling or crown is placed. When the root is perforated, all the contents are also removed from the canals, and then the inflammation is neutralized and the damage is closed with a special cement. In a situation where it is easier to get to the focus of inflammation through the gum (for example, if a crown is installed on the patient’s diseased tooth), the doctor performs surgical operation using a laser.

After the tooth has been cured in the dentist's office and the fistula has been eliminated, the patient performs a series of preventive measures, accelerating the healing process and preventing the emergence of new inflammation. These measures include the use of rinses and other topical preparations. In more difficult situations, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics.

Need to know

The problem of such a phenomenon as a fistula on the gums is that it is not always possible to “foresee” it. If in the case of advanced caries the situation is more or less clear, then when the cause of inflammation was poor-quality canal filling or perforation of the patient's tooth root, the source of inflammation remains hidden from the eyes of the doctor and patient for a long time and can only be detected during X-ray examination.

Another unpleasant moment associated with “overtreated teeth”, on the gums near which a fistula has arisen, is the fact that in 60-70% of cases the filling of the canals does not occur completely. As a result, inflammation reappears after a while. And this means that the fistula on the gum above the root of such a tooth in the patient may reappear. In order to avoid such a situation, patients with a fistula problem should only go to a professional clinic and choose an experienced doctor. Such a specialist will be able not only to technically competently seal the root canals of the tooth, but also to prescribe an X-ray examination without fail. According to the results of the picture, the doctor will determine whether there are cavities inside the canal.

If you want to receive high-quality medical care and avoid problems with your teeth in the future, we offer you to become patients of the LeaderStom dental clinic network. Our dentistry has it all necessary equipment for the diagnosis and competent treatment of fistula on the gums without relapses and complications. Our doctors have a solid practice in this matter and specialize in resolving complex and ambiguous situations.

Good afternoon to regular readers and those who accidentally stumbled upon our page. The topic that will be touched upon today, unfortunately, arises for many. It frightens, causes pain and discomfort, and is commonly called a fistula on the gums. After reading the article, you will receive answers to the questions of what it is and what to do if you have identified this unpleasant symptom.

Important nuances of the question

Let's skip the complex medical terms and try to understand all this in a language understandable to most.

A fistula is a kind of connecting channel between an outbreak of infection and the gum surface.

As inflammation grows, a large number of bacteria accumulate in the focus. They themselves are not visible, but we can observe the product of their vital activity - pus. Microbes live, multiply, producing a large amount of pus, which is always looking for a way out. As soon as the pus has approached the gum, we understand that we have a fistula, and we begin to look for ways to cure it. But more on that later, but first it’s worth figuring out where it comes from and how it can be recognized at home without visiting the dentist’s office.

How to recognize the formed fistula on the gum?

In order to identify a problem and begin to deal with it, you need to identify it. The following symptoms may be the precursors of this disease.

If you find one or more of these symptoms, you can understand that you have a fistula on the gums and you need to look for its causes. The dentist may need additional diagnostics in the form of x-rays, but in most cases a superficial examination will be sufficient.

Video - How to treat a fistula on the gum

Why does a fistula occur?

There can be many reasons for the manifestation of a fistula, but they all come down to inflammatory processes that occur in the immediate vicinity of the root of the tooth with the formation of pus. A healthy tooth does not form a fistula. But this phrase should not be taken unequivocally. On the one hand, the occurrence of a fistula in the area of ​​the affected tooth is natural. But much more often we think that the tooth was cured, the dentist did not find any problems, and after a while the inflammatory process started and a purulent fistula formed.

The fistula does not appear on its own. He is drawn like a magnet. Even if caries has been cured and sealed or covered with a crown, it can subsequently cause an inflammatory process.

A fistula on the gums can result from:

  • untimely detected or untreated caries or pulpitis;
  • errors of the doctor who cleaned and sealed the roots of the tooth;
  • incipient perforation of the tooth root.

It is worth dwelling on each of the symptoms in detail.

Poor hygiene, caries, pulpitis…

The vast majority of dental problems are due to insufficient care behind oral cavity. The most common disease - may not attract sufficient attention to the patient and is ignored by him. If caries is not treated or consult a doctor at an advanced stage, there is a high probability of developing a more complex disease - which is already accompanied by damage to the dental nerve.

Ignoring this disease also leads to the death of the nerve, the appearance of necrotic tissues, severe inflammation and suppuration, which is looking for a way out. Now it will be difficult to do without the help of a dentist, because periodontitis will have to be treated, which will certainly be accompanied by a fistula.

A fistula on the gum, as a rule, does not occur immediately. It is preceded by strong, regardless of pressure, and pronounced inflammation of the gums. The pain will continue until the pus breaks through the gum wall and comes out. Without treatment at this stage, you can simply lose a tooth. To prevent this, it is necessary to contact the dentist to carry out the procedure for cleaning the dental canals, removing the affected tissues and filling them with high quality. But this process does not always go smoothly.

What will happen if you do not treat the fistula on the gums:

There is compression of the nerves, which leads to numbness of part of the face
With a critical growth of the cyst, the jawbone becomes brittle and chewing solid food can lead to a jaw fracture.
Because of the cyst of the upper jaw, a severe and unpleasant disease appears -. It is accompanied by headaches and nasal congestion.

Poorly sealed canals

In dental practice, the need for opening and subsequent filling of canals arises when:

  • pulpitis;
  • preparation of the tooth for crowning.

Sad statistics say that in almost 70% of cases, canal filling does not occur in the most appropriate way. The dentist performs this procedure almost blindly, often cleaning the root and not filling it to its full length. It happens that the sealed channel is not sufficiently filled with material, in which cavities are formed over time - places where bacteria accumulate. As a consequence of one and the second - inflammation of the apex of the root.

Due to the lack of a nerve, the patient will not immediately feel pain. And only when the infection spreads to the surrounding tissues, causing inflammation, we begin to sound the alarm.

An experienced doctor will always play it safe and take a picture of the sealed canals. It will clearly show the quality of the procedure.

The consequences of poor-quality treatment will be much more difficult to eliminate than to prevent. The doctor will have to re-open the channels, expand, clean them, conducting drug treatment tooth. This treatment can take months. In difficult cases, they even carry out surgery aimed at removing the top of the root as a source of inflammation.

perforated root

Another mistake of the dentist, leading to the appearance of a fistula. In some cases, during the work, the doctor violates the integrity of the wall of the tooth root. If this mistake is not corrected in the very near future, then an infection settles in the root holes, matures and the patient gets the same fistula with extensive inflammation.

Such a fistula is dangerous because it can go not only to the gum, but also hit the periosteum of the tooth. In such a situation, treatment requires not only a trip to the dentist, but also the appointment of complex therapeutic therapy with the use of medicinal antibacterial drugs, mixes for rinsing and fiz. procedures.

Getting rid of the fistula at home

I hope, my dear readers, you understand how many factors exist that precede the appearance of fistulas on the gums. Many of you have probably wondered: is it possible to deal with this problem at home? I will try to answer this question as well.

Most likely, a visit to the dentist should not be neglected. After all, only he will be able to establish the true cause of the occurrence and tell you how to cure the disease. He will conduct a thorough examination, may prescribe a diagnostic x-ray or CT examination of the jaw to rule out possible complications and developing a treatment plan.

In the case when the fistula on the gums is associated with internal inflammatory processes of the tooth, nerve or soft tissues, you will have to resort to conservative treatment, which involves opening the root canals, thorough cleaning with possible treatment and subsequent filling. But you as a patient will have to heal the fistula and heal the purulent canal. Having eliminated the cause, after treating the infection with antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs, you can proceed to local disposal of the fistula.

To date, in any pharmacy you can find an extensive range of ointments, gels for lubricating gums, which have disinfecting and healing properties. Do not forget to look into the doctor's office before using them and consult. He will tell you how to smear and how to rinse.

At the stage of restoration of the soft tissues of the gums, it is worth remembering folk methods and healing powers of natural pharmacy. Gargling with herbs will not only not hurt, but will also speed up healing.

Video - Fistula on the gum - symptoms, treatment, removal, in children

Salt, soda and folk recipes

Salty soda solution is the first thing to rinse with at all its stages of manifestation. It will relieve inflammation from the gums, soften the tissues and will contribute to the speedy release of pus through the canal.

And here are a couple of recipes from nature that can be combined with traditional treatment.

  1. Three magical herbs - chamomile, calendula and sage - are readily available for sale at any pharmacy. Take each dessert spoon, pour boiling water, hold in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, let cool and strain. This decoction is enough for two rinses. It is recommended to rinse up to four times a day (checked by the author personally and approved).
  2. Eucalyptus can be used as a compress vegetable oil. To do this, grind a teaspoon with a slide of leaves and mix with a spoonful of oil. Leave for a day, add grated onion, put on a bandage napkin and attach to the gum
  3. Another proven compress option for those who do not like onions. Pick three leaves of Kalanchoe and three leaves of aloe, chop with a clove of garlic until smooth. Transfer the mass to gauze and apply three times daily. In this case, the compress should be kept for no more than ten minutes.

In conclusion, advice: take care of your teeth, do not ignore trips to the dentist and smile more often!

Preventing a problem is much easier and cheaper than treating it. Looking forward to your feedback!

Video - Fistula

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