Infectious diseases of children presentation on the topic. Presentation "Prevention of colds" on pedagogy - project, report Childhood diseases and their prevention presentation

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Infectious diseases prevention methods The presentation was prepared by: Primary school teacher Lokhanova M.A.

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Prevention of infectious diseases is . . Prevention of infectious diseases is a series of measures, including - preventive vaccinations, quarantine measures, curing the source of infection. There are many methods of preventing infectious diseases, with particular attention paid to limiting contacts, immunization, chemoprevention of infections and increasing human resistance to infectious disease.

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Immunity In most cases, infection does not lead to the death of the sick person, and the body clears itself of the infection, after a small manifestation of symptoms. Antibodies contribute to the acquisition of good immunity against infectious diseases. Immunity under the influence of these two factors can manifest itself as follows: direct effect on pathogens; neutralization of viruses, thus, microorganisms become unable to interact with the cells of the body; destruction by T-lymphocytes of cells affected by microorganisms. Reaction immune system microorganism often causes symptoms such as heat and inflammation, which can cause much more damage to the human body than the direct destructive action of microbes.

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Classification of infectious diseases by L. V. Gromashevsky: Intestinal (cholera, dysentery, salmonellosis, escherichiosis); Respiratory tract (influenza, adenovirus infection, whooping cough, measles, chicken pox); "Blood" (malaria, HIV infection); External integuments (anthrax, tetanus); WITH various mechanisms transmission (enteroviral infection).

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Classification of infectious diseases (depending on the nature of the pathogen): Prion (Jacob, kuru, fatal familial insomnia); Viral (influenza, measles, viral hepatitis, HIV infection, meningitis); Bacterial (plague, cholera, dysentery, infections, meningitis); Protozoan (amebiasis, critosporidiosis, toxoplasmosis, malaria, babesiosis, balantidiasis); Fungal infections, or mycoses, (epidermophytosis, candidiasis, aspergillosis, mucormycosis, chromomycosis).

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Methods for the prevention of infectious diseases: Quarantine - a set of measures to stop the spread of infection. This includes: isolation of previously ill patients, disinfection of the place of residence of patients, identification of those in contact with patients, etc. Disinfection is carried out in order to destroy pathogens of infectious diseases in the external environment. Disinsection is a measure for the destruction of insects. Deratization is the extermination of rodents. To combat rodents, sources of infectious diseases, poisons are used, various tools and methods of trapping and exterminating rodents are used.

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Methods for the prevention of infectious diseases: Anti-epidemic measures - a set of recommendations that ensure the prevention of infectious diseases among individual groups population, reducing morbidity and eliminating individual infections. Vaccine - medical preparation designed to create immunity resistant to infectious diseases. The vaccine is made from weakened or killed infection microorganisms.

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Features One of the features of infectious diseases is the presence of an incubation period, that is, the period from the time of infection to the appearance of the first signs. The duration of this period depends on the method of infection and the type of pathogen and can last from several hours to several years (the latter is rare). The place of penetration of microorganisms into the body is called the entrance gate of infection. Each type of disease has its own entrance gate.

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Federal Law "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases". The law uses the following concepts: Immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases - a system of measures taken to prevent, limit, spread and eliminate infectious diseases through preventive vaccinations. Preventive vaccinations are the introduction of medical immunobiological preparations into the human body to create specific immunity to infectious diseases. Medical immunobiological preparations - vaccines, toxoids, immunoglobulins and others medicines designed to create specific immunity to infectious diseases.

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National Immunization Schedule The National Immunization Schedule includes: prophylactic vaccinations against hepatitis B, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, rubella, poliomyelitis, tetanus, tuberculosis, mumps. These preventive vaccinations are carried out for all citizens of Ukraine within the time limits established by the national calendar of preventive vaccinations. Preventive vaccinations according to epidemic indications are carried out by citizens in case of a threat of the occurrence of infectious diseases, the list of which is established by the federal executive body in the field of health care.

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Prevention of infectious diseases Lecturer - organizer of life safety MKOU secondary school No. 1 of Izobilny SC Lyakhova L.P. Ways to prevent infectious diseases

  • restriction of contacts;
  • immunization;
  • chemoprophylaxis of infections: application medicines to prevent infection and reproduction of the pathogen;
  • promotion
  • resistance

    person to



Restriction of contacts Prevention of infectious diseases begins with the mandatory registration of all diseases. These include tuberculosis, tonsillitis, botulism, dysentery, whooping cough, influenza, etc.
  • Prevention of infectious diseases begins with the mandatory registration of all diseases. These include tuberculosis, tonsillitis, botulism, dysentery, whooping cough, influenza, etc.
If infection found necessary:
  • Isolate the patient
  • Hospitalize the patient
  • Wear cotton bandages
  • Carry out disinfection
  • Take antibiotics
  • In the event of a focus of infection, declare a quarantine.
Immunity is the resistance of the body to infectious diseases.
  • natural immunity (congenital)
  • produced:
  • as a result of illnesses
  • is inherited
  • artificial immunity
  • (acquired) arises
  • as a result of the introduction of ready-made antibodies into the body;
  • with the introduction of blood serum of recovered people and animals
  • with the introduction of vaccines - cultures of weakened microbes
Test 1. You often (more than 4 times a year) catch a cold, the disease often proceeds without fever, then you recover for a long and difficult time. 2. You suffer from allergic diseases. 3. You have weight problems (too big or too small). 4. You often have recurrences of herpes that do not go away fungal infections. 5. You have a lot of bad habits: you smoke, overeat, are fond of sweets, like to drink. 6. You are easily pissed off, after which you have difficulty calming down. 7. You do not play sports at all and lead a sedentary lifestyle. 8. You sleep with your mouth open, snore in your sleep. 9. You have chronic diseases. 10. You have difficulty falling asleep, often have bad dreams. 11. You often feel tired, apathetic, irritated. 12. You prefer to snack on chips, pies, buns. Love coffee and sweet sodas. Eat fruits and vegetables occasionally. Key to the test
  • If you answered yes to two or three statements, you should pay attention to your lifestyle, because your immunity is at risk.
  • If you agree with six or more statements, it makes sense to consult a doctor for advice.
How to increase immunity? A sure way to boost immunity is exercise.
  • If you have never played sports, it is better to start with a simple walk. Intense 45-minute walking can be a great help to boost and strengthen immunity.
One of the means to increase immunity and promote health in general is nutrition.
  • Refuse refined, canned, saturated with various additives food.
  • Your diet should certainly include greens, fresh fruits and vegetables, honey and bee products, nuts, berries, cereals and cereals, as well as a small amount of eggs, dairy and sour-milk products.
  • Eat wholemeal bread and with bran, as well as cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley.
Be sure to take balanced vitamin complexes.

Do not rely on the fact that everything you need is in vegetables and fruits.

The main and important step to get strong immunity is hardening. Immunomodulators directly affect the increase in immunity

  • Now in pharmacies there is a fairly wide selection of immunomodulators.
  • A doctor's consultation is required!
Do not forget about immunomodulators created by nature itself.
  • You can immediately highlight the top ten products - defenders of immunity:
Fight stress.
  • Do massage, relaxing exercises, relieve stress with soothing relaxing baths with herbs, salt, aromatic oils.
  • Sleep at least 8-9 hours a day, always in a well-ventilated room.
Doctors say that optimistic people are less susceptible to illness: flu and colds bypass them.
  • Try to smile more often. After all, a smile reflexively stimulates the production of the hormone of joy, which helps to strengthen the immune system.
  • Fundamentals of life safety. Grade 10. Frolov M.P. and others. M.: 2008. - 352 p.

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The presentation on the topic "Prevention of colds" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: Pedagogy. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 9 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Prevention of colds

Reminder for parents! Kindergarten No. 86 Primary School for children with visual impairment MDOU! GPA teacher 1st grade Suslaeva Ya.G.

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What are infectious diseases. Infectious diseases are a group of diseases caused by the penetration of pathogenic (pathogenic) microorganisms into the body. In order for a pathogenic microbe to cause an infectious disease, it must have virulence (poisonousness; lat. virus - poison), that is, the ability to overcome the body's resistance and exhibit a toxic effect

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You need to know!

One of the features of infectious diseases is the presence of an incubation period, that is, the period from the time of infection to the appearance of the first signs. The duration of this period depends on the method of infection and the type of pathogen and can last from several hours to several years (the latter is rare). The place of penetration of microorganisms into the body is called the entrance gate of infection.

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What can be done to reduce the risk of colds in a child and avoid their consequences?

In fact, it is very simple, you just need to draw up a small plan of preventive measures for your child, and even better, get involved in their implementation with the whole family, and then taking care of the child’s health will also benefit you and get rid of seasonal diseases.

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The first point of the parents' plan for the prevention of infectious diseases.

The first point of our plan, which can be developed together with the child, which will undoubtedly attract his interest and make him fulfill it not with reluctance, but with joy. Swimming is a universal hardening for everyone. Even if the child does not have the opportunity to engage in other sports, often be outdoors, have enough rest, then, believe me, swimming will be enough. It not only perfectly hardens and improves immunity, it is practically indispensable for a growing organism, as it develops muscles and promotes growth.

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The second point of the parents' plan for the prevention of infectious diseases.

The second point of our plan is to combine tasty and healthy. If you make it a rule to drink tea with lemon every day and eat it with sugar along with zest, accustom your child to garlic, which does not have to be eaten in its pure form, but you can just finely chop fresh garlic and sprinkle it in a bowl of soup, and, in addition , put crushed garlic in a saucer near the child's bed or on the table where he does his homework. And yet, get a rosehip syrup rich in vitamins (especially vitamin C) at the pharmacy. Add it to tea or give your child as an independent drink, diluting it in warm water.

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The third point of the parents' plan for the prevention of infectious diseases.

The third point is to teach the child to take care of his health. Viral infections are usually easiest to catch in crowded places. You should not limit the child's communication with peers, but still tell him how to protect himself from viral infections- it is possible and necessary. Explain to your child that it’s best not to kiss when meeting friends, wash your hands before putting something in your mouth, try not to be very close to people who are coughing and sneezing, avoid going to public places unnecessarily, and use public transport as little as possible, in the garden or school, do not use other people's handkerchiefs and utensils.

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The fourth point of the parents' plan for the prevention of infectious diseases.

Fourth. To avoid colds, first of all, you need to eliminate them. possible reasons. Dress your child according to the season, no warmer or lighter than necessary. The main requirement is that there is no hypothermia, and the feet are dry and warm, and therefore good shoes are the key to your child's health. And of course, the head also needs to be kept warm, be sure to provide for the presence of a hood in the child's winter clothes.

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That's all wisdom! Difficult? No! The best defense against a cold is prevention.

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.
  • The presentation on the topic "Children's infections" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Medicine. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 11 slide(s).

    Presentation slides

    slide 1

    Children's infections

    There are a number of infectious diseases that are commonly called children's, as they are ill mainly in childhood. Moreover, as a rule, this happens once, and strong immunity lasts for life. Childhood infections include: measles, rubella, chickenpox (chickenpox), scarlet fever, whooping cough, and mumps (mumps). The main manifestation of measles, rubella, chickenpox and scarlet fever is a skin rash, the nature and sequence of which varies depending on the specific disease. The appearance of a rash is almost always preceded by fever, weakness, headache. Infectious parotitis (mumps) is characterized by an increase and soreness of one or two parotid glands - while the patient's face acquires a characteristic pear-shaped shape. The main manifestation of whooping cough is typical bouts of spasmodic coughing. In a spasmodic attack, a wheezing breath is followed by a series of short convulsive coughing shocks that follow each other without stopping for one exhalation. Some of these diseases (chicken pox, rubella) are relatively mild in childhood, while others can cause complications and have the most serious consequences. However, childhood infections are most severe and prolonged in people who become ill with them in adulthood. If you suspect such infections in children or adults, you should consult a doctor (pediatrician or therapist), who will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

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    Chickenpox (chickenpox)

    Chickenpox (chicken pox) is a highly contagious acute infectious disease that occurs with a characteristic blistering rash. Children who visit are more likely to get sick kindergarten or school - places with a large congestion of people. The disease is caused by one of the herpes viruses. chicken pox - very contagious disease. The virus is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person by airborne droplets (when talking, staying in one small room). Infection can also occur from a patient with shingles (caused by the same type of herpes virus). A person with chickenpox becomes contagious two days before the rash appears, and remains contagious for the first 5 to 7 days after the rash appears. The incubation period for chickenpox is 7-21 days. The virus enters the human body through the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and pharynx. Then the virus spreads throughout the body by lymph and blood, penetrates the skin and mucous membranes, where it multiplies.

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    Rubella is a highly contagious acute infectious disease caused by the rubella virus. Most often, unvaccinated children aged 2-9 years are sick. Rubella is especially dangerous in the first 3 months of pregnancy - while severe congenital malformations of the child often develop, intrauterine fetal death is possible. In general, rubella is more severe in adults than in children. The source of infection is a person with a clinically expressed or erased form of rubella. Ways of transmission - airborne (when talking with the patient, kissing) and vertical (from mother to fetus). A contact route of infection is also possible - through children's toys. The patient becomes contagious 1 week before the onset of the rash and continues to shed virus for 5 to 7 days after the onset of the rash. A child with congenital rubella excretes the pathogen for a longer time (up to 21-20 months).

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    Measles is an infectious disease caused by the measles virus. The probability of infecting a person who has not had measles through contact with a sick person approaches 100%. Most often sick children of preschool and school age. The source of infection is a sick person. The patient is contagious 4-6 days before the onset of the rash and in the first 4 days of the rash. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets - when coughing, sneezing, talking and even breathing. It is also possible vertical transmission of measles - from a pregnant woman to the fetus.

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    Whooping cough is an acute infectious disease accompanied by inflammatory phenomena in the upper respiratory tract and paroxysmal spasmodic cough. Most often, unvaccinated children under the age of 5 become infected, and whooping cough is especially dangerous for children in the first year of life. At an older age, this infection is much easier. Whooping cough is caused by a specific bacterium called Bordetella pertussis. The microbe is transmitted by airborne droplets (when coughing, sneezing, talking) in close contact with a sick person. The disease is highly contagious. However, the contact (for example, through toys) route of infection transmission is impossible, since the bacterium quickly dies in the external environment. Immunity after an illness is developed very persistent and usually lasts for life. Relapses can occur in old age. However, as a rule, doctors take it for a cold - the disease is so easy.

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    Scarlet fever

    Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease characterized by fever, intoxication, sore throat and profuse punctate rash. Most often, children 2-10 years old get sick. The causative agent of scarlet fever is group A streptococcus, which can also cause kidney damage (glomerulunophritis), tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, rheumatism and other diseases. Scarlet fever occurs if at the time of infection with streptococcus there is no immunity to it. The source of infection is a patient with scarlet fever, tonsillitis or a "healthy" carrier of stereptococci. The incubation period usually lasts from 1 to 10 days. The child is considered contagious the day before the onset of the first symptoms and for the next 2-3 weeks. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets (when sneezing, kissing, etc.). In addition, you can get infected with scarlet fever through food, shared utensils, clothes, or simply by holding on to the door handle, which was previously opened by a completely healthy-looking carrier of the infection.

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    mumps (mumps)

    Mumps (Latin parotitis epidemica: mumps, mumps) is an acute benign infectious disease, with non-purulent lesions of the glandular organs (salivary glands, pancreas, testes) and the central nervous system, caused by paramyxovirus. The name "mumps" is considered obsolete. Now this disease is more often called "mumps". In Latin, the parotid salivary gland is called glandula parotidea, and its inflammation is parotitis; => hence the name of the disease. Children aged 3 to 15 years are most often affected. Infection occurs by airborne droplets (when coughing, sneezing, talking) from a sick person who is infected up to 9 days. There are also several mutations of the virus that are sexually transmitted because of this, the disease is sometimes classified as a venereal disease. After suffering mumps, strong immunity remains.

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    An acute infectious disease that occurs with the phenomena of membranous inflammation at the site of the introduction of the pathogen. Diphtheria is caused by a special microbe - a diphtheria bacillus, discovered only in the last century. Diphtheria bacillus is resistant to cold, drying; can be stored for several weeks on objects, things. Under the action of sunlight dies after a few hours; very sensitive to disinfectants. If the trouble has not passed your house, boil things and the bed of a sick child, dishes and his toys (pour at least boiling water); door handles, faucets, toilet seat, wash and treat with chloramine. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, through objects and things that the patient used. The place of introduction is the mucous membrane. Diphtheria bacillus, getting on the mucous membrane of the throat, nose, larynx, feels very comfortable. It multiplies at lightning speed, producing a poison that poisons the body. The toxin affects the heart muscle, nervous system, liver, kidneys. Protection - vaccination.

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    specific prevention of infectious diseases

    Vaccination is an active immunization, which consists in introducing specific antigens into the body, to which it actively responds with the development of immunity. From time to time there is an unfavorable situation with infectious diseases associated with unreasonable medical challenges to vaccination, refusal of parents to vaccinate their children. As a result of the decrease in immunoprophylaxis, the incidence of measles, whooping cough, mumps infection, etc. is increasing. Today, no one has any doubts that vaccination is the most effective method the fight against infectious pathology, which currently has no alternative. However, it should be rightly noted that vaccination coverage in last years grew by half. The basis of modern vaccination is based on the principle of re-introduction of the antigen, which makes it possible to achieve more high level and a longer duration of preservation of antibodies in the blood, as well as a pronounced immunological memory. It has been established that the optimal interval between the first and second administration of the vaccine is from 1 to 2 months. With an earlier re-injection, vaccine antigens may be eliminated due to the high levels of antibodies induced by the first injection. Lengthening the interval between injections does not reduce the effectiveness of immunization, but leads to an increase in the non-immune layer.

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    Keep me immune

    Almost any disease, especially infectious disease, leads to a weakening of the immune system and the emergence of a state of immune deficiency: surgery and anesthesia; overwork and chronic stress, malnutrition, a number of hormonal drugs and antibiotics. There is such a rule: the stronger and wider the action of an antibiotic, the more it reduces immunity. Antibiotics are fungal yeast, but candidiasis (thrush) can often occur as a complication. In this case, the rehabilitation course should include antifungal drugs. Real immune therapy is quite complicated, and so far only Cordyceps can be considered a universal remedy for improving immunity, which stimulates the reproduction of T-lymphocytes, which in turn regulate the level of immunity. Only the diagnosis of the immune status allows the doctor to judge the presence of an immunodeficiency state. And a person just needs to lead healthy lifestyle life and leave your immunity alone.

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    The immunity of the child is in the hands of the parents!!!

    The immunity of the child is laid even during fetal development. Therefore, if your baby is often sick, then smoking during pregnancy, drinking alcohol could be the culprit. Sometimes the formation of a child's immunity can be adversely affected by infectious diseases transferred by the mother during pregnancy. Malfunctions of organs can also be the cause of poor immunity. gastrointestinal tract baby or lack of vitamins. If your baby has dysbacteriosis or rickets, then, most likely, he will subsequently have problems with immunity. Therefore, do not delay a visit to the doctor if you observe signs of these diseases in your baby. There are frequent problems with immunity in babies born ahead of time. Very negatively affect the state of immunity of the child and severe diseases or surgical interventions. After any infectious disease The baby's immune system is weakened. Viral diseases like the flu or chickenpox also disrupt your baby's immune system. For some time after the illness, the baby will be very susceptible to various diseases and can even go into the category of frequently ill children. factors that also affect the state of immunity are the diet of the baby and his lifestyle. If your baby eats only sweets and does not eat animal food or vegetables at all, then, of course, his menu will lack the necessary substances, which cannot but affect immunity. A sedentary lifestyle, rare and short walks in the air, prolonged sitting in front of a TV or computer monitor can also adversely affect. Passive smoking is very harmful to babies. Take care of your baby's health!

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.
  • Immunoprophylaxis is a system of measures taken to prevent, limit the spread and eliminate infectious diseases through preventive vaccinations.

    Vaccination and revaccination Vaccination is: single (measles, mumps, tuberculosis) multiple (poliomyelitis, DPT). The multiplicity indicates how many times it is necessary to receive a vaccine for the formation of immunity. Revaccination is an event aimed at maintaining immunity. Usually done a few years after vaccination.

    FEDERAL LAW On the Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases (as amended on December 29, 2004) This Federal Law establishes the legal basis for the state policy in the field of immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases, carried out in order to protect health and ensure the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population Russian Federation.

    The national calendar of preventive vaccinations is a regulatory legal act that establishes the timing and procedure for conducting preventive vaccinations for citizens

    BCG Hepatitis B* DPT/HIB IPV/OPV MMR *** Influenza* 1 First 24 hours + + 3 -7 days 1 month + 3 months + IPV 4, 5 months. + IPV 6 months + + OPV From 6 months. 12 months + 18 months + OPV 20 months OPV 6 years + 7 years + ADS-M 14 years ADS-M * * OPVVaccination calendar of Russia order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 51 N dated January 31, 2011 * Children from a contact according to the scheme 0 -1 -2 -12, vaccinations are carried out earlier not vaccinated up to 55 years old ** then every 10 years ** * adults are vaccinated against measles up to 35 years old, against rubella up to 25 * 1 annually for risk groups, schoolchildren and people over 55 years old

    Vaccination and human rights This issue has been resolved in federal law"On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases", which gives citizens the right to refuse vaccinations (including their children), while they must give a written receipt. But society also has the right to protect itself from the consequences of the actions of such persons, so the Law provides, for example, for the exclusion of unvaccinated citizens from certain types of work, as well as the exclusion of an unvaccinated child from a kindergarten, educational or sanatorium institution in the event of a special epidemiological situation. Before refusing to vaccinate their child, parents must realize that by doing so they violate the child's right to health, and in some cases, to life. Every year, about three million children's lives are saved by immunization, but another three million children die worldwide from infections that could have been prevented by vaccination.

    Article 5. Rights and obligations of citizens in the implementation of immunoprophylaxis 2. The absence of preventive vaccinations entails: a ban for citizens to travel to countries where, in accordance with international health regulations or international treaties of the Russian Federation, specific preventive vaccinations are required; temporary refusal to admit citizens to educational and health-improving institutions in the event of mass infectious diseases or the threat of epidemics; refusal to hire citizens for work or removal of citizens from work, the performance of which is associated with a high risk of contracting infectious diseases.

    When entering school, the child experiences significant stress Stress of pedagogical influences ( bad dream, appetite of the child, his tearfulness for no reason); Limited time stress (one of the most severe, accumulates over 2 weeks without rest); Inconsistency in teaching methods age characteristics students (reading with a stopwatch, the requirement for a reading speed of 120 words per minute, with the possible perception of information at a speed of no more than 80-90 words per minute); lack of systematic comprehensive work on the formation of the value of health and a healthy lifestyle; insufficient qualifications of teachers in matters of age physiology, psychology, health protection of schoolchildren Due to stress, a decrease in immunity and an increase in susceptibility to infections

    School and health during schooling 70% functional disorders, formed in the primary grades, develop into chronic organic: 4-5 times the incidence of the organs of vision increases 3 times the digestive organs and the musculoskeletal system increase 2 times neuropsychiatric disorders more than 2 times diseases of cardio-vascular system Only 10% of high school students are healthy, 50% have chronic diseases and 40% are at risk

    Measures to improve the health of the child before school daily routine and strict adherence to rational nutrition hygienic skills (washing hands with soap) hardening intake of vitamins reducing the use of antibiotics in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (preventing the development of antibiotic resistance) immunization (scheduled in accordance with the calendar and additional)

    About preventive vaccinations Why are parents afraid of vaccinations? Vaccination has long been recognized worldwide as a way to prevent infectious diseases, but some parents have misconceptions associated with vaccination nothing will happen to a child, which does not correspond to reality, the belief that there are other ways to protect against infections - the hope for homeopathy, folk or alternative medicine, the effectiveness of which has not been proven the opinion that it is better to get sick - not all diseases, no one can predict, which of the children the disease will cause complications fear of complications after vaccination - after most vaccinations there are no complications, especially from high-quality modern distrust of official, "traditional" medicine religious views - vaccinations do not contradict the official position of confessions (

    What do children REALLY need to be vaccinated against before school? chicken pox: – One time if you have not had chickenpox before or have not been vaccinated pneumococcal infection: – One time for frequently ill children, children with chronic diseases ( respiratory system, cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, spleen, immunodeficiencies, diabetes, asthma, etc.) Haemophilus influenzae (HIB) infection: - Once for all children under 5 years of age (if not vaccinated in the first year of life), especially for frequently ill children, children with chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, asthma influenza: - annually, in order to avoid complications that are often found in children (pneumonia, otitis media, hospitalization)

    Chickenpox A mild illness? chickenpox – an acute infectious disease – caused by a virus – often carried in childhood quite easily – very easily transmitted from person to person – by contact the probability of infection is higher than 90% Risk: – the older the diseased, the more severe the course – in immunocompromised patients flows more severely and repeated relapses are possible - in patients with bronchial asthma there is a severe course - few people know that after even mild chickenpox in childhood, 1 quarter of patients develop another disease with age - herpes zoster (other names - shingles or herpes zoster) - you can die from complicated chickenpox

    Complications of chickenpox The most common complication (more than 50% of cases) is the addition of a bacterial infection of the skin, which leads to the formation of ulcers, leaves scars, increases the severity of the disease in second place (in 20%), neurological disorders: (varicella encephalitis, varicella meningitis, lesions facial nerve, postherpetic neuralgia) herpes zoster as a reactivation of the varicella zoster virus ophthalmic complications (eye lesions) lesions of internal organs

    Chickenpox treatment Antivirals(acyclovir is used) - not effective in severe forms and complications Symptomatic treatment(pain relief, temperature reduction) Local disinfectants (brilliant green) are not recommended, their use does not reduce the risk of bacterial skin complications Introduction of immunoglobulin - not used in Russia Prevention of disease more effectively

    Vaccination against varicella is recommended for all age groups, starting from 12 months in case of contact with a patient - during the first 3 days the vaccine is administered once immunity is created for several decades the vaccine does not cause disease the immunity that is created after vaccination is absolutely the same as after chickenpox, but without possible negative consequences (herpes zoster and possible complications)

    Pneumococcal infection bacterial infection causes pneumonia and meningitis 60% of children and 30% of adults are airborne carriers Risk factors: - childhood- visits to pre-school institutions, summer camps- chronic diseases - weakened immunity If a child has colds 5-6 times a year - he is at risk!!!

    Pneumococcus: transmission route Pneumococcus carriers: : 60%60% of children preschool age and 30%30% of school children and adults Nasopharynx Trachea. Airborne route Patient with pneumococcal infection Asymptomatic carrier External environment Nasal cavity

    Diseases caused by pneumococcus otitis (more than 700,000 cases per year) pneumonia - pneumonia (more than 30,000 per year) bacteremia and meningitis Pneumococcal meningitis: - mortality in children - up to 30% - mortality in the elderly and debilitated - up to 55% - consequences : hearing loss, vision loss, paralysis - developmental delays of the child - disability

    Children attending institutions Risk of pneumonia and otitis in the first 2-3 months. visits increases by 2, 3 times and depends on the number of children in the group and the length of stay of children in the institution The risk is high for adults aged 18-64 years who are in contact with children attending institutions 59% of children in kindergartens are carriers of penicillin-resistant strains of pneumococcus

    Problems of pneumococcal infection Prevalence Severity of many strains of pneumococcus: - this means that after the disease, immunity is formed only to the pathogen that caused the disease at the moment, and not to the rest. Resistance of some to antibiotics But prevention is possible! 23-valent polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine

    Indications for vaccination against pneumococcus frequently ill children children with bronchial asthma, other chronic diseases children with weakened immunity children from children's groups Vaccination is carried out: - once, from the age of 2 (for some children with serious illnesses again after 3-5 years) - the vaccine cannot cause disease - the vaccine protects against 23 types of pneumococcus, which are most common throughout the world, including Russia - it is necessary to vaccinate not only children, but also adults who are in contact with the child (especially the elderly)

    Influenza Usually, with influenza, the death rate is low, but in general, in the world, thousands of patients die from this disease, especially children and the elderly, which is explained by the mass nature of the disease. Influenza very often leads to various complications, especially chronic cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, which often end in the death of the patient. After 1918, there was no such high mortality rate as during the Spanish Flu, mainly due to preventive measures. However, even in the US, an average of 20,000 and sometimes up to 40,000 people die from the flu every year. Every year, 20-30% of children, 5-10% of adults are sick, the incidence of schoolchildren and preschoolers is 30-40% (3-4 times higher than adults). 250-500 thousand people in the world die from complications.

    Main clinical manifestations flu Influenza Fever Intoxication Acute cardiovascular failure Acute respiratory failure Pneumonia Decreased immunity Hypertoxic forms of influenza in children, leading to death CNS damage - meningitis, encephalitis Hemorrhagic syndrome - hemorrhages in various organs, including the brain Reye's syndrome - toxic liver damage Gasser syndrome-HUS Kish syndrome-acute coronary insufficiency

    Influenza is not always a mild illness, even in healthy children Influenza-related deaths (estimates range from 0.2-0.8 per 100,000 cases) Acute otitis media- the most common complication: in 40% of children with influenza under 3 years of age; in 20% of children aged 3-6 years Often the addition of bronchiolitis and rhinosinusitis Associated with the subsequent development of pneumococcal pneumonia Extrapulmonary complications: myositis, myocarditis, encephalitis, febrile convulsions, Reye's syndrome

    Features of the influenza virus Immunity developed to a certain serotype of the virus is quite persistent and, it would seem, should reliably protect the body. However, the external proteins of the flu change rapidly, and the antigenic activity of the virus changes with them. Therefore, the immunity acquired during one influenza epidemic is useless during the other type A virus has the greatest antigenic variability, type B virus has less antigenic variability, and type C virus does not change at all. Vaccination- The best way prevention and reduction of disease severity. Seasonal vaccination is currently considered as a necessary method of preventing influenza (included in the National vaccination calendar from 6 months of age).

    Vaccination against influenza vaccine is effective and safe there is a special dosage of 0.25 ml for children from 6 months to 3 years of age preventive efficacy 70-90%, the incidence of acute respiratory infections is reduced by 30-50% mass vaccination against influenza reduces the risk of pandemics children need to be vaccinated annually up to 9 years old, vaccinated against influenza for the first time in their lives, to form adequate protective immunity, 2 vaccinations at least a month apart must be administered

    GARDASIL is a vaccine (injectable) that helps protect against the following diseases caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) b, 11, 16 and 18 types: Cancer of the cervix (cancer of the lower part of the uterus) (e. such changes in the cells of the cervix, in which there is a risk of their transformation into tumors), detected using the Papanicolaou test Genital warts (condylomas) Cancer of the vagina and cancer of the vulva (external genital organs). papilloma virus infection

    List of medical contraindications for prophylactic vaccinations Vaccine Contraindications All vaccines Severe reaction or complication to a previous dose** All live vaccines Primary immunodeficiency. Immunosuppression. Malignant diseases. Pregnancy. BCG vaccine Child weight less than 2000 g, colloidal scar after previous dose of OPV No absolute contraindications DTP Progressive disease nervous system. History of afebrile convulsions (administered ADS instead of DTP) ADS, ADS-M No absolute contraindications Vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella Severe reactions to aminoglycosides. Anaphylactic reactions to chicken egg white(foreign trivaccines)

    Conditions that are not a contraindication to vaccination Condition History indications for: Prematurity Intestinal dysbacteriosis Enlarged thymus shadow Perinatal encephalopathy Stable neurological conditions Breast-feeding birth defects development Allergies, asthma, eczema Homeopathic treatment Local treatment steroids Maintenance therapy for chronic diseases Prematurity Perinatal encephalopathy Neonatal jaundice Neonatal sepsis Allergy in relatives Epilepsy in relatives Complication of vaccination in relatives Sudden death of a child in the family

    Comparative data on the frequency of complications in case of falling ill with certain target infections and in case of vaccination against them Vaccines Types of complications Complications In case of illness (per 100,000 cases) In case of vaccination (per 100,000 cases) BCG Disseminated tuberculosis 0.1 Osteitis (osteomyelitis) 0.1 -30 Purulent lymphadenitis 100 -4300 DPT Persistent cerebral disorders (whooping cough) 600 -2000 0.2 -0.6 Encephalitis (encephalopathy) 900 -4000 0.1 -3.0 Convulsions 100 -8000 0.3 -90.0 Shock 0.5 -30.0 Lethal outcome 100 -4000 0.0

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