Choosing the best ointment for chickenpox. Effective ointments for chickenpox for children How to use ointments against chickenpox

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Ointment for chickenpox in children plays an important role in the treatment of the disease, because it is accompanied by rashes and intolerable skin itching. There are rules for applying local preparations. Children's skin is treated regularly based on age.

Chickenpox ointment for children is applied only to the affected areas. The rash first appears on the face, and then spreads over the head and trunk. Outwardly, it looks like pimples filled with liquid contents.

Ideally, rashes are treated no later than after the onset of itching. This reduces the chance that the child will scratch the damaged skin, resulting in scarring.

The components that make up local remedies eliminate the inflammatory process, restore tissues and heal wounds, and have an antiseptic effect.

Ointments for chickenpox for children

Preparations for application to the skin from chickenpox are divided into groups:

  1. Antiviral, slowing down the divergence of the pathogen throughout the body and facilitating the course of the disease.
  2. Antihistamines that relieve burning, itching and swelling, eliminating the inflammatory process.
  3. Homeopathic, stopping inflammation, reducing the risk of scarring, eliminating irritation, swelling and itching.
  4. With zinc, which have a drying effect, accelerate the restoration of damaged tissues, restore water balance.

The duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks. Preparations for the treatment of the affected skin of a child are prescribed by a doctor. Most often, several tools are used at once.

Acyclovir (aciclovir) - ointment for children

Acyclovir is an antiviral agent, the main component of which is thymidine. In structure, this substance is similar to DNA, which facilitates its perception and speeds up the healing process. The use of Acyclovir stops the spread of HSV type 3 throughout the body. This promotes healing and reduces the area of ​​skin lesions. The action of the drug is aimed at the formation of local immunity, elimination of swelling and itching.

Acyclovir is applied to the affected skin of a child 5-6 times a day at regular intervals. Proper application of the ointment significantly reduces the likelihood of scarring caused by scratching the rash. Treatment is carried out until crusts appear at the site of the vesicles or redness disappears. Allergy to the drug is the basis for its cancellation.

Zinc ointment

The tool has a white color and helps to cope with itching and rashes, and also stops inflammation, dries wounds and has an antiseptic effect. Zinc ointment is applied to the child's clean skin up to 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 2 to 4 weeks, but it is recommended to treat the skin until the symptoms completely disappear.

The drug is safe for children, but in rare cases causes allergies. Application to the skin of the face can lead to its dryness and the appearance of age spots after a chickenpox rash (as a result of loss of moisture by the epidermis). There is a salicylic-zinc ointment, which includes an additional substance that has pronounced antimicrobial properties.

This tool compares favorably with others at a lower price. It contains zinc dioxide - a non-toxic substance, which, when applied well to the skin, dries it, eliminates the inflammatory process. The only contraindication to the use of zinc ointment is intolerance to its components. To rule it out, you need to test for an allergic reaction.

Calamine - ointment from itching for young children

Calamine is a lotion, which includes zinc oxide and carbonate, liquefied phenol, medical clay, glycerin and other components. The drug has a safe composition and does not cause significant side effects. It has an antiseptic effect, relieves burning and itching, speeds up the healing process and prevents the spread of type 3 HSV throughout the body.

The use of Calamine in children prevents the formation of scars. The lotion is applied to the affected skin several times a day (preferably once every 4 hours), but is not used to treat mucous membranes. After using the product, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water (to prevent the spread of infection throughout the body). The duration of therapy is 7-10 days.

Ointment colorless

Parents apply brilliant green to the chickenpox rash, after which characteristic colored spots remain on the skin, which are very difficult to wash off. There are effective colorless ointments for children:

  1. Viferon is a gel with an antiviral effect, which includes interferon. The use of the drug stops the reproduction of type 3 HSV.
  2. Zovirax, which includes an antiviral component - acyclovir, aimed at combating type 3 HSV. The tool is used 6 times a day for a week.
  3. Fenistil is an antihistamine gel that relieves burning and itching on the skin. In children, it can be used with early age. The active substance is similar to the name of the drug.


This tool relieves itching with chickenpox and is used to smooth out the resulting scars. Contraindications to its use are: open wounds(from which blood protrudes), children under 2 years of age, individual intolerance to the components. To enhance the cooling effect of the drug, it is placed in advance in the refrigerator chamber.

The gel is applied pointwise to the damaged areas 3 times a day (or more often if there is severe itching). Poxclin is quickly absorbed into the skin of the child, so it is not rubbed. The duration of treatment is up to a month. After the same period after opening the tube, the product becomes unusable. Since the drug costs 800-1000 rubles, many parents take its analogue (Calamine or Tsinodol), which has a similar effect.

Gistan for children

The active ingredient of the drug (Betulin) is of natural origin. Gistan has an anti-inflammatory effect, soothes the skin, forming a protective film on it, and prevents virus infection of healthy areas.

Other topical agents

Other ointments that are also suitable for children have a significant effect on chickenpox:

How to use the ointment for chickenpox in young children

Most of these funds should be applied to the affected areas up to 5-6 times a day (the dosage is distributed once every 4 hours with a dotted thin layer). The average duration of therapy is 5-10 days (in exceptional cases - longer). Often ointments, gels, creams and talkers are applied until dry crusts appear at the site of the rash. The funds are applied to the skin of the baby with washed hands, and preferably with the help of a cotton swab and a cotton swab.

The use of local preparations for chickenpox speeds up recovery, makes you feel better and prevents the formation of scars, relieving itching, against which the child can. Condition proper treatment is to comply with hygiene regulations. Most funds can not be distributed to the mucous membranes.

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Today we will talk about how to smear chickenpox in different situations. The main task in the treatment of chickenpox is discomfort in the form of itching and fever, but in severe cases of the disease, antiviral agents will also have to be used. Below, after a list of ointments and external products, we will give recommendations, after which it will be clear how much and why to smear chickenpox with greenery, how you can smear chickenpox to relieve itching and fight the virus. And also let's talk about how many days to smear chickenpox in different cases and whether it is necessary to do this at all.

Before we begin to consider how to smear chickenpox in children in pursuit of certain goals, it is necessary to talk about the rash itself and why it should be treated with ointments and moxibustion agents at all. In the initial stage, a rash similar to ordinary acne. Appears on the face and only then passes to the trunk, arms, legs, mucous membranes of the oral cavity and the genital area.

If the rashes are not treated in advance, combing is not prevented, then the restoration of the skin will be greatly delayed, perhaps scars in the form of scars will remain at the site of the rash. In this regard, the treatment of chickenpox should be directed, first of all, to a significant relief of itching and proper care of a sick child.

What is green for chickenpox

What will happen if you do not smear chickenpox with greenery? It has long been known that in fact there is no therapeutic effect when treating the elements of the rash with greenery. And as an ointment for the treatment of chickenpox, brilliant green is not provided. Everyone should understand that the cause of the disease is a virus that cannot be killed. Zelenka does not pass into the depth of the skin. Its short-term effect on bacteria cannot cure anything. Therefore, brilliant green is not mandatory in the treatment of chickenpox.

It has been established by medicine that as soon as new bubbles stop appearing, on the sixth or seventh day, the child ceases to be contagious. To trace this phenomenon, parents process fresh bubbles every morning, and when it is found that there are no bubbles not smeared with green, it means that exactly after 5 days the baby is no longer contagious.

This suggests that the brilliant green is just a dye in order to determine the timing of contagiousness, and therapeutic therapeutic effect not in use. Some people believe that it is used to dry out chicken rashes, but this is not true.

How often to smear a rash with brilliant green for chickenpox in a child is determined by the intensity of the appearance of pimples. Since the rash appears in waves, it is necessary to monitor new rashes and mark them with a coloring agent, you can do this with green paint, or you can use fucorcin, which is described in more detail below.

How to smear acne with chickenpox

There are many remedies for chickenpox for children. First, let's look at some drugs, breaking them into groups, and below we'll talk about how to use them.


  1. Acyclovir - ointment, cream. Antiviral agent for outdoor use. Removes the inflammatory process. Reduces the activity of the virus and prevents the process of its reproduction. Reduces the acute period of chickenpox. Use together with immunostimulants enhances the effect of Acyclovir.
  2. Oxolin is an ointment for local and external use. Used for chickenpox for children. Apply to affected areas 2-3 times a day. Wax paper is applied to the areas smeared with ointment.
  3. Oil tea tree. Antiviral, immunostimulating agent. Refers to natural antiseptics. Can replace some medical preparations. It is used as an external remedy for skin lesions. For application to the affected areas, it is necessary to prepare a home remedy in the form of mixed oils (tea tree oil and any oil in a ratio of 1/10). Apply 2-3 times during the day.
  4. Infagel. Antiviral, immunostimulant - a remedy for external use. It is used to treat affected areas of the skin from chickenpox in children. Has no side effects. It can be used as part of combination therapy with antibacterial agents, interferon inducers, and antiviral drugs.

How to burn chickenpox

  1. Levomycetin alcohol. Caustic agent. It quickly inhibits viruses, inhibits the development of infection, prevents the decay of ulcers, prevents the spread of the disease inward, dries up wounds, and accelerates skin regeneration.
  2. Salicylic alcohol. A remedy for skin problems. Quite affordable and effective in application. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Drying agents

  1. Salicylic-zinc paste, used to dry wounds. It should be applied to the affected areas of the body with a thin layer 2-3 times a day. Salicylic and zinc ointments can be combined, used as an analogue of a paste.
  2. Zinc ointment for chickenpox is used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to zinc oxide. The dose of zinc depends on the dosage form of the drug and on the indications of the disease. Analogue - Desitin.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

  1. Salicylic ointment. Used in the treatment of chickenpox in children. Belongs to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Reduces infectious and inflammatory processes on the skin. Used for outdoor use. In case of contact with mucous membranes, rinse immediately with plenty of water.
  2. Kamistad - gel. The agent, which includes lidocaine, is used for topical application. It has a local anesthetic, antimicrobial effect.
  3. Ibuprofen - gel, ointment. Removes moderate pain syndrome and reduces inflammation. Softens febrile syndrome with chickenpox in children. It is intended for symptomatic therapy.

Antiallergic drugs

  1. Fenistil - drops, gel, emulsion. Histamine H1 receptor blocker. Drops are used for oral administration. Gel - for external use. When chickenpox are used from skin itching. Contraindicated in children under the age of 1 month. At the age of 6 years, the drug may cause increased excitability in children. Application and dosage - only on the recommendation of the attending physician.
  2. Fukortsin - solution. Antiseptic for external use. The solution is applied to the affected areas of the skin 2-4 times a day. After the solution dries, ointments and pastes are applied to the treated areas. It is not recommended to apply the product on large areas of the skin. In this case, the drug can cause dizziness and weakness - toxic effects.

Scar protection

  1. Bepanten - cream, ointment. Preparations for the treatment of ulcers and wounds. Used for outdoor use. Improve trophism and regeneration of affected tissues. Eliminates dry skin as a result of chicken pox. D-Panthenol is an analogue.
  2. Mederma - gel from scars. Means for external use, only on already healed areas. The gel is applied to cleansed dry skin, rubbed until completely absorbed for 3-5 minutes 2-3 times a day.

Rules for the use of funds

It must be understood that chickenpox ointment is selected for a specific purpose. There are several treatment plans, they can be adjusted for the individual characteristics of the patient, but you should still be aware of them:

  • First, antiviral and antiherpetic drugs are usually used when chickenpox is severe. Namely: in adults, in children with chickenpox "newborns" and with extreme caution in pregnant women.
  • Secondly, to relieve itching, you can not use an antihistamine ointment a lot. It is necessary to use means for relieving itching very carefully and only after the recommendations of a doctor. There is no need to smear each element of the rash, as this can lead to an overdose of the agent, due to the active absorption of the drug through the skin, which can cause complications.
  • Thirdly, with a mild or classic course of the disease, it is enough to smear the child only with brilliant green or analogues of brilliant green, which you can learn about in the article -, only to track new rashes. And in parallel, use the auxiliary procedures for relieving itching, given below.
  • Fourthly, this does not apply to ointments, but it is very important - using antipyretics, you can not take Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin), this will cause very serious complications!
  • Fifthly, all antiherpetic, antihistamine and antipyretic drugs, everything that has contraindications, with chickenpox must be recommended by the attending physician, not the pharmacist, but the doctor.

As a rule, skin painful irritation stops after a week. In rare cases, if the disease passes in a more severe form, it lasts almost a month, but the rash is observed during the entire stage of the disease.

The better to smear chickenpox, in each individual case, focusing on the patient's condition, the doctor will prescribe. But there are several recommendations of doctors that should be followed:

  • if antiherpetic drugs such as Acyclovir are used, fluid deficiency in the body should not be allowed to avoid complications in the kidneys;
  • with chickenpox, drinking plenty of water is recommended even without the use of antiherpetic ones, it’s just that when taking them, this is a prerequisite;
  • it is necessary to bathe the child in warm water to relieve itching, since it is the heat of chickenpox that causes the child to sweat that provokes itching;
  • after taking a bath, you do not need to wipe the child with a towel, in order to avoid scratching the chicken rash, you just need to adjoin the towel to the skin;
  • the patient should have clean and comfortable clothes every day, this is also necessary to combat itching;
  • with a local antihistamine prescribed by a doctor, you need to smear only severely itchy places, and not all rashes.

Summing up, it is worth recalling that nothing will happen if you do not smear chickenpox with greenery. Just in this case, in order to understand when the child ceases to be contagious, it is necessary to count from the first rashes. As a rule, after a feather rash after 7 days, the child is no longer contagious. You must also understand that instead of constantly cauterizing a chicken rash, for temporary relief from itching, it is better to follow the recommendations of the doctors described above.

Chickenpox, called chickenpox by patients, manifests itself in almost 90% only in childhood. Adult patients tolerate the disease much more difficult, while they always have heat, in some cases, hospitalization is required due to severe weakening. Treatment of chickenpox involves taking antiviral drugs that can eliminate viral damage and increase the protective functions of the patient's body. It is also recommended to smear the spots that have appeared with a special solution or a number of other antipruritic and antiseptic medicines. You can get to know them below.

Before starting treatment, you need to know the most important facts about chickenpox:

  • the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, which causes its instant spread in children's groups;
  • it is impossible under any circumstances to comb the formed bubbles, otherwise noticeable traces will remain on the skin even after the skin has healed;
  • the disease is provoked by the herpes virus, which quickly spreads throughout the body;
  • after entering the bloodstream, the infection may not make itself felt for two to three weeks;
  • directly into the hatchery period is coming the most intense infection of others;
  • Zelenka does not restrain the disease in any way, when using it, you can see old and new papules, and there is also a process of drying and reducing the intensity of itching.

Attention! It is believed that chickenpox can only be contracted once, but some patients do not develop the necessary resistance to the virus and may again suffer from the disease..

Fukortsin with chickenpox

Issued medicine in the form of a solution purple. The composition of the drug includes such active substances as boric acid, phenol and resorcinol. Fukortsin has a powerful antiseptic and healing effect, while reducing the manifestation of itching.

The drug should be applied up to 4 times only on diseased areas, and this should be done strictly at regular intervals. After using the solution, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation and pain, which disappear on their own and do not require replacement. medicinal product. But this is only if, simultaneously with burning, the skin does not begin to swell and significant redness does not appear around the treated area.

Fukortsin also heals scratches and scratches well, which can appear in place of papules if the child constantly touches them. You can use the medication only on rashes, since with extensive processing, severe intoxication of the body can occur.

It manifests itself in the form of dizziness, breathing problems and collapse. It is undesirable to use Fukortsin on children under three years of age. Also, under no circumstances should the affected areas be treated due to exposure to infection in pregnant and lactating women.

There are no serious contraindications for the drug. The exception is alcohol intolerance, since Fukortsin is part of the solution, and individual intolerance to any component.

Attention! It should be borne in mind that, unlike brilliant green, Fukortsin is washed off from the skin for a very long time. Purple spots can remain on the skin for up to four weeks..

Calamine for chickenpox

The drug is available in the form of a lotion, which can eliminate virtually any dermatological problem. This effect is achieved due to the active influence of zinc oxide. A feature of Calamine is that the oxide is mined in the cleanest areas of Greece and Transbaikalia.

In addition to zinc oxide, iron oxide is also included in the composition. Both of these substances, when interacting, have a strong antiseptic effect. The natural origin of Calamine determines its good tolerance, the absence of accumulation of toxic substances. Only in exceptional cases, due to strong sensitivity, side effects occurred in the form of a slight headache and swelling of the skin. The lotion does not contain alcohol, hormones and allergic components.

When using Calamine, you should strictly follow the instructions, which will allow you to use the medication even on babies:

  • first you need to shake the container with the medicinal solution well;
  • using a clean, preferably sterile swab, stick or bandage, apply the lotion only to the affected areas of the skin;
  • do not wear clothes until the skin is completely dry;
  • you can use the lotion up to four times a day, while you can repeat the application procedures until the symptoms disappear completely, Calamine shows a particularly good result when combined with antihistamines;
  • you should carefully monitor that the lotion did not get on the mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory organs and oral cavity;
  • good results when using Calamine should be visible already in the first five days, if there is no improvement, the patient's condition begins to deteriorate, the medication should be immediately discontinued.

Attention! The drug has a very high price, which confuses many parents. But at the same time, it was this medication that received the most good feedback in the treatment of chickenpox.

Yellow Rivanol against chickenpox

The drug is available in the form of a powder, which should be diluted independently in clean boiled water. Yellow Rivanol actively eliminates the manifestation of itching, significantly disinfects the skin and prevents ulcers and wounds from forming.

The exact number of daily applications for a child should be determined only by the attending physician, since Rivanol has a relatively aggressive effect on the body. Usually the dose is 1-2 applications. For adults, the dosage is for skin rashes 1-4 uses of a 0.05-0.2% solution of the drug. Use the medicinal solution should be individually selected amount of time.

It is strictly forbidden to use the medication in the presence of any pathologies with the kidneys, as this can lead to their failure. At the same time, a complete contraindication to the use of Rivanol is the presence in the urine of even small traces of protein. You should not use the solution for the treatment of children under three years of age, as it is difficult to predict the reaction of their body to the therapy being carried out.

Sometimes when using yellow Rivanol, side effects such as redness, severe swelling, pain in the area where the medication was used. In this case, you should immediately stop the drug and, if necessary, carry out symptomatic treatment.

Attention! Rivanol stains the skin in an intense yellow color. The solution is also washed off much worse than brilliant green. The drug also does not tolerate combination with other topical medications.

Potassium permanganate solution against chickenpox

It should be used very carefully to prevent the development of a burn, since even one undissolved crystal can severely damage the skin. To prepare a treatment solution, 250 ml of warm boiled water is taken and mixed with potassium permanganate, the water should be pink. After that, a cotton swab is wetted in this water and all pimples are lubricated with it.

The medical solution does not leave any marks on the skin, does not burn and does not cause any discomfort, if all the crystals are dissolved and not overdone with their amount. To do this, it is enough to follow the color of the water. Potassium permanganate can be used at any age and even on pregnant and lactating women. A solution of potassium permanganate is used exclusively for topical application.

Attention! Potassium permanganate can also be used differently. To do this, you need to take a bath for bathing and add a few crystals of the substance to the water so that the liquid acquires a light pink color. Bathe the child in such water once before bedtime..

Video - How to treat chickenpox in adults and children without brilliant green

Fenistil gel for chicken pox

A traditional anti-allergic agent that reduces the intensity of itching and prevents the child from scratching the papules. You can use the drug from the first day of life, since the composition of the gel is as safe as possible even for the smallest children. The medication is applied up to 4 times a day exclusively on the affected areas of the skin, it is better to do this with a cotton swab.

After using the drug, it is impossible for direct sunlight to fall on the skin for a long time, as the epidermis becomes very sensitive to any influences. You can use the gel until the disturbing symptoms disappear completely, but only on condition that the result appears already in the first two to three days.

At the first manifestations of a viral rash, a specific chickenpox ointment is prescribed. The sooner treatment is started, the sooner the bubbles with liquid will open, crusts will form and healing will take place. The pharmacy chain offers a wide selection of ointments with different effects: antipruritic, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, analgesic and combined. One ointment for chickenpox can be used from the very beginning of the disease, and the other - already at the stage of scarring, when you need to smooth, moisturize and nourish the skin.

The skin affected by chickenpox is soothed with various ointments.


Ointment for chicken pox dosage form, has a number of advantages:

  • penetration depth to provide a more effective local effect (elimination of pain, inflammation, the risk of secondary infection of the wound);
  • ease of use and ease of application;
  • pleasant texture;
  • the ability to smear the face without the risk of burns;
  • the minimum number of side effects and effects on the functioning of organs and systems;
  • creation of a protective film against external negative influences (dust, dirt, etc.);
  • combined effect with tightening, moisturizing and nourishing damaged skin.


Today, chicken pox acne can be smeared with special creams and ointments that do not leave marks on the surface of the skin and fight against skin defects, red spots. The main varieties of ointment forms from chickenpox rashes for children and adults are as follows:

  • Ointment based on zinc. Advantages:
  1. maximum drying effect;
  2. the ability to trace wound healing;
  3. acceleration of the natural processes of maturation and self-cleaning of chickenpox acne.
  • Antiviral creams are designed to inhibit the activity of the virus by blocking its growth and reproduction. Advantages:
  1. ensuring a faster and easier course of the disease;
  2. preventing the spread of the virus deep into the body.
  • Antihistamines to relieve itching, swelling, inflammation. Such ointments help to cope with annoying itching, so there are fewer combed wounds, which, after tightening, form scars.
Homeopathic ointments have a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Homeopathic cream formulations with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Advantages:
  1. removal of redness, swelling;
  2. protection against secondary infection of wounds.

A broader classification involves the division of all pharmaceutical products ointment form for the treatment of varicella rash and aesthetic healing of fresh scars after illness.

Pharmacy products

Any modern chickenpox cream is endowed with a number of advantages in comparison with folk remedies. They are as follows:

  • optimally selected composition with effective therapeutic components;
  • the complexity of the impact;
  • low cost;
  • safety for the treatment of the face and other delicate parts of the body;
  • instant and lasting effect.

Examples of suitable ointments for the treatment of chickenpox are given below.


"Acyclovir" will quickly and effectively eliminate the spread of the chickenpox virus.

The uniqueness of ointments based on acyclovir lies in their composition, which includes an active ingredient that is identical to the natural particle of DNA - thymidine. Therefore, the tool works with respect to the DNA of the virus that provoked the development of chickenpox. As a result, the effect is achieved quickly and lasts longer. The drug instantly stops the process of reproduction of the pathogen, while simultaneously stimulating the immune system.

To achieve the desired effect, the ointment should be smeared up to 6 times a day. The speed of action depends on the timeliness of the treatment started. If chicken pox has begun to progress, at the moment Acyclovir is considered the best choice.

Ointment based on zinc

As part of the product, zinc oxide is used, the main properties of which are:

  • removal of inflammation;
  • drying of weeping wounds in places of bursting sores;
  • defense against other pathogens.

The medicine is endowed with a wide spectrum of action at a relatively low cost. The main advantage of the ointment is the absence of contraindications. The remedy can be used as soon as the first blisters appear (instead of brilliant green) until the wounds are completely healed. the only side effect the drug is an individual intolerance.


The main active ingredient is interferon, which is endowed with a powerful antiviral effect. The main properties of the drug:

  • accelerated tightening of chickenpox pimples and exfoliation of the resulting crusts;
  • stimulation of local immunity;
  • effective removal of inflammation;
  • aesthetic final effect (skin without scars).

Among its analogues, "Viferon" is the safest combined antiviral and immunostimulating agent with the only contraindication - individual intolerance. How much to treat the skin, the doctor will tell.


An ointment based on zinc carbonate is synthesized. The tool is endowed with the ability to effectively and quickly relieve itching. Additional effects:

  • cooling;
  • fast healing;
  • calming;
  • regeneration.

Additionally, the medicine relieves redness, irritation, swelling, forms a barrier against secondary infection better than pink potassium permanganate, ordinary or red brilliant green.

Due to the safe composition, it is allowed to use the medicine for itching several times a day, that is, as needed, for a course of up to 10 days. Carefully you need to smear the product in the area near the mucous membranes so that the cream does not get into the eyes, nose, mouth.

"Irikar" well eliminates itching of the skin and redness.


The drug belongs to the group of homeopathic medicines. Its main action is an antipruritic effect. Healing ointment is synthesized from medicinal herbs, contributing to the accelerated tightening of ulcers. Additionally, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous action is performed. Under the influence of the drug, the severity of inflammation decreases by stopping the burning sensation, removing redness and crusts from the affected areas of the skin. You need to apply the product up to 3 times a day. How many days to treat damage, the doctor will tell.


  • Cream "La Cree" with antihistamine and antipruritic effect. Synthesized on the basis of avocado nut extracts, medicinal herbs and panthenol, which is responsible for accelerating the regeneration process of the skin on which the dimples remain.
  • "Alpizarin" with antiviral effect. The agent is synthesized on the basis of a medicinal extract of Alpine Hedysarum. The ointment is effective directly against the herpes simplex virus.
"Alpizarin" includes an extract of alpine grass and relieves the manifestations of the herpes virus.
  • "Infagel" with anti-inflammatory, antiviral, immunostimulating effect on a hydrogel basis. The gel forms a thin protective film on the skin, which prevents contact of open chickenpox ulcers with external pathogens.
  • Gel "Fenistil" with an antihistamine effect to reduce itching, allergic manifestations and inflammation. The colorless gel substance additionally provides an analgesic effect. The main advantage is speed, so it is enough to smear the places of the greatest accumulation of the rash 2 times a day.
  • Zovirax (5%) works directly against the chickenpox virus. It is an analogue of "Acyclovir".
  • "Bepanten" is a whitish ointment that restores the integrity of the upper layers of the epithelium.

With such a viral illness as chickenpox, almost every person encounters in his life, and most often in childhood. And although infection is possible only once (strong immunity is developed to the virus), and the active phase does not last long, chickenpox brings a lot of discomfort and discomfort. The standard and well-known method of eliminating the main symptom is to lubricate the rash with brilliant green, but today pharmacological market offers more effective drugs. One of the forms is therapeutic ointments of various types of influence.

Varieties of ointments for the treatment of chickenpox

There is no specific therapy for chickenpox, and the primary task is to eliminate the red rash, which is very itchy and haunts the patient. If the papules are combed, then this can turn into a number of complications, so this should not be allowed. In order to get rid of itchy pimples all over the body as quickly as possible, they are treated with special compounds. They may have a different mechanism of influence, in particular:

  • antiviral agents - this group of drugs is aimed at inhibiting the process of the spread of the virus. Thus, the disease proceeds in more mild form and it goes faster. That is, this group acts directly on the causative agent of the disease;
  • antihistamines help to effectively cope with itching, relieve swelling and inflammation on the skin. Thanks to this symptomatic effect, numerous pimples stop annoyingly itching;
  • homeopathic preparations - they are able to have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, relieve redness and swelling. Thanks to the use of such ointments, the likelihood of infection of the wound during combing is minimized;
  • zinc-based preparations - dry the rash, accelerate the processes of tissue regeneration, so pimples pass much faster. In fact, the tool accelerates the maturation and cleansing of papules, and the subsequent restoration of the skin.

Regardless of the drug chosen, the main guarantee of its effectiveness is the beginning of the use of the ointment from the very first stages of the development of the rash.

Reviews of the best ointments for chickenpox instead of brilliant green

When a numerous rash spreads throughout the body, a simple question arises - how to smear from chickenpox? It is especially relevant in adults, because not everyone will agree to show themselves to others, being covered with standard green spots from brilliant green. We offer to consider the most commonly used drugs for the quick elimination of pimples.

Zinc - an effective remedy

This drug has a very aggressive effect, actively drying the skin and accelerating tissue regeneration. Many people have a question - is it possible to smear chickenpox with zinc ointment? Such a remedy is often prescribed by specialists, it has a minimum number of contraindications, is approved for use for patients of any age, and is not toxic to the body. The composition also contributes to the rapid removal inflammatory process and healing of injuries, due to which it is considered an effective and most affordable remedy for chickenpox in the price category.

Acyclovir - healing ointment against chickenpox

This drug belongs to the group of antivirals, and at the heart of its composition has a component identical in structure to the DNA element thymidine. After application to the skin, the product directly acts directly on the causative agent of smallpox, stopping its reproduction, which helps to achieve quick results. The ointment needs to be applied pointwise to the papules themselves, and the procedure should be repeated up to 6 times a day. In fact, the sooner you start using the drug, the less will be the prevalence of the rash on the body.

Calamine for itching with chickenpox

The active ingredients in this ointment are calamine and zinc oxide. Due to the written components, the drug is able to dry the rash, reduce the intensity of edema, irritation and inflammation, minimize disturbing itching, and also stimulate tissue regeneration processes. When using Calamine during chicken pox, it turns out to reduce the likelihood of scratching, since the drug actively fights itching. In many European countries, this particular product is standard in the treatment of chickenpox at any age.

Viferon - colorless ointment

This antiviral drug- substance interferon. The product not only stops the processes of virus reproduction, but also helps to relieve inflammation and activate the processes of regeneration of the tissues involved in the process. The tool relieves itching only partially, so you should not hope that it will relieve the discomfort to the fullest. At the heart of the drug is an agent ready to fight the causative agent of the disease, so the effect of its use can be noticed almost immediately. The big plus of the drug is that the ointment itself is colorless, that is, it will not leave any marks on the skin.

Zindol remedy for the treatment of rashes and blisters

Tsindol is a suspension (in simple words, a talker) created on the basis of zinc oxide. Despite the fact that many people talk about an ointment with that name, it simply does not exist - you can cook it yourself on the basis of this tool. The drug quickly removes redness, dries the rash, forms a protective layer against external factors influence, and also destroys pathogenic bacteria, reducing the likelihood of infection. The suspension is applied pointwise directly to the affected areas themselves. The frequency of application is 4-6 times a day. A couple of hours after use, the composition is washed off with water.

What drugs can get rid of scars and scars?

Often, after chickenpox, scars and scars remain on the body. different sizes, especially if the rashes were very combed. This effect is more common in adults than in children, since the skin is not so actively updated. So, to eliminate the consequences of the disease, you can use:

  • ointment Contractubek c- the use of this drug reduces the severity of skin deformation, leads to the alignment of the surface of the scar relative to the surrounding skin, and also softens the stiffness of the tissues. The tool is able to increase the elasticity of scar tissue, restoring its regenerative abilities. The ointment contains allantoin, sodium heparin and onion extract Serae. The tool should be applied exclusively to the scars themselves 2-3 times a day, accompanied by a light rubbing;
  • Mederma- Gel for external use based on the extract of Serae onion and allantoin. Suitable for fighting scars and scars up to a year. The gel is recommended to be applied topically 3 times a day, followed by rubbing until completely absorbed;
  • Dermatix- silicone gel, which is designed to combat already formed scars, is also suitable for old scars. The composition is applied to the area, previously washed with soap and water and thoroughly dried, and allowed to dry completely on its own. The procedure is carried out twice a day for two months.

Separately, it is worth noting a large group of ointments based on dexpanthenol (D-Panthenol, Panthenol, Panthenol-Ratiopharm, etc.). Depending on the manufacturer, these products may contain a number of auxiliary components, for example, sea buckthorn oil, triglycerides, lanolin, citric acid, etc. To achieve high-quality results in the fight against scars after chickenpox, a white ointment is applied in a thin layer twice a day to still fresh scars. The active ingredient will help relieve the inflammatory process, and will also lead to rapid skin regeneration.

Names of medicines against chickenpox for children

In childhood, the disease itself is rarely complicated, but severe itching becomes a real problem for a child, who is sometimes difficult to explain that it is impossible to itch. To combat the rash and minimize discomfort, the following drugs can be used:

  • Fenistil gel;
  • Psilo-balm;
  • Viferon;
  • Zovarix;
  • Gistan;
  • Zinc ointment;
  • Calamine etc.

The drugs described are different types influence, however, all of them are able to quickly alleviate the condition of the child and make recovery less problematic and uncomfortable. If the baby does not comb the rash, then the likelihood of infection and the formation of scars is minimal, which is also very important.

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