Effective cold medicines: we treat orvi and orz. Cold powder: a list of effective drugs Antiviral drugs in Belarus names

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Colds always creep up unexpectedly. Usually, a sudden illness disrupts the usual rhythm of life and knocks out of the work schedule. An insidious disease often lies in wait for people who have a weakened immune system and periodically suffer from viral infections. respiratory tract.

Especially the winter season is traditionally accompanied by malaise and acute respiratory diseases. At timely treatment a cold does not cause negative consequences and does not pose a serious danger to human health. But the unpleasant symptoms of the disease do not allow you to continue your usual activities. It mainly has the following characteristics:

  • Chills, nasal congestion
  • Discomfort in the throat, pain in the larynx
  • Feeling of difficulty swallowing
  • Elevated temperature
  • headache syndrome
  • General malaise
  • Cough
  • Feeling tired and exhausted
  • The presence of an active inflammatory process against the background of a viral infection

The most popular cold remedies are sold in powder form. Ease of use makes them a versatile therapeutic drug for use on the road, at home or at work. A fairly simple way to prepare a "potion" can easily put a person on his feet who begins to get sick. Powder for colds is recommended to be consumed warm as a tea. Powder preparations for colds magically improve the condition in the shortest possible time.

The effect of cold and flu powders on the human body

Already after the first drunk portion of the healing solution, a positive effect is felt. The liquid is quickly absorbed, so the form of application of the drug guarantees quick result. It is not recommended to consume cold and flu powder in large quantities. If the rule is abused, there may be irreversible consequences associated with a violation of the work internal organs digestion. It is also undesirable to carry out a course of treatment with powder agents during pregnancy and lactation, such agents are contraindicated in people with acute renal failure. Uncontrolled use of this group medical preparations- a direct path to chronic diseases.

Powders for colds belong to a group of drugs that have an express effect on the body, respectively, they contain chemicals in their composition. Using them with extreme caution will save you from possible danger. The main components of powder preparations: paracetamol and ibuprofen (their action is aimed at reducing pain and reducing elevated temperature bodies). With a certain course of the disease, the doctor may prescribe powder mixtures for colds and flu with various additional components, depending on the complexity.

When using powder for colds, you should be aware of possible side effects. The most common of these is a strong feeling of drowsiness. Acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of the powders, is contraindicated for use by children under 12 years old, so you should be careful about the health of the younger generation.

An overview of the most popular powder remedies for colds and flu

Medicine is developing rapidly, so the pharmacological industry offers a huge number of drugs to relieve the symptoms of a viral infection or the common cold. Consider the most popular of them:

  1. Theraflu. This representative of the group of powder remedies for colds belongs to the category of the most effective drugs due to its combined composition. Theraflu successfully fights all the symptoms of viral diseases (fever, headache, malaise), because it contains phenylephrine, pheniramine maleate, paracetamol. Despite its effectiveness, the remedy has a number of contraindications: the medicine is prohibited for use by persons with epilepsy and bronchial asthma, also not recommended for deviations in the functionality of the genitourinary system. Pregnant and lactating mothers are advised to choose another alternative treatment for themselves. The drug is available in two dosage forms: tablets and powder.

Even the instructions for this tool indicate its main pharmacological property- quick, but short-term removal of severe symptoms of colds and flu, SARS. Thus, a full-fledged treatment is not carried out, but only the removal of symptoms occurs. The rapid reaction of the drug is manifested in the disappearance of nasal congestion, lowering the temperature level, elimination of body aches and runny nose. The tool is ideal for emergency cases when you urgently need to be on your feet. The effect of the drug has a limited time, further rehabilitation is indispensable. It should be borne in mind that advanced disease, if left untreated, can lead to undesirable consequences therefore, the help of a qualified specialist is simply necessary to prescribe an adequate method of recovery.

  • Coldrex. This tool belongs to the category of the most popular tools. The anti-cold quality of the drug manifests itself in the form of a vasoconstrictor effect, which helps to eliminate nasal congestion and reduce lacrimation. A universal remedy has an effect on the vessels of all organs of the human body. Based on the characteristics of the drug, its use should be avoided by people who have diseases of the cardiovascular system and suffer from hypertension and unstable pressure. The use of this remedy poses a clear danger to people at risk. Health is above all. Professional advice from a specialist will help you choose a treatment without critical side effects.

    The composition of Coldrex is quite complex: paracetamol, ascorbic acid, phenylephrine hydrochloride. In addition to the main composition, the powder contains sweeteners, thickeners, as well as safe dyes. It is not recommended to use the drug in this category in children under 12 years of age.

  • Fervex. The effect of the action of the powder agent of this group is provided by the combined composition. Fervex and Theraflu are similar in components and have identical efficacy. This drug is one of the safest and is able to relieve the symptoms of a cold for a long period of time. Perfectly copes with all signs of colds and flu: muscle aches, sore throat, headache, has a beneficial effect on the process of normalizing body temperature.

    Fervex is an excellent remedy for alleviating the condition in young children. There is a children's (recommended for use by babies from the age of 6) and an adult (it is allowed to use from the age of 15) forms of release of the drug. A nice bonus to the main composition is a component for removing puffiness. For this reason, you can reduce the use of vasoconstrictor drops from the common cold. An inadequate reaction of the body can occur when using the drug by people who suffer from alcohol dependence and glaucoma. In general, a worthy remedy with a long-term effect, which greatly alleviates the unpleasant condition of colds and flu.

  • Pharmacitron. It is a potent drug to combat the signs of viral and acute respiratory diseases. The fundamental component is paracetamol, which helps to significantly reduce the temperature and reduce pain. It does not matter what kind of pain the patient is experiencing - dental or headache, Pharmacitron will perfectly cope with the task. When using the drug, there is no possibility of an allergic reaction, because the unique composition of the product is enriched with an antihistamine component. There are a number of weighty contraindications, the neglect of which can lead to terrible consequences. These include: uncontrolled use of alcoholic beverages, early pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance to certain components of the drug. Children under 6 years of age are unacceptable for the use of this drug.
  • Upsarin Upsa. Fast-acting anti-cold powder, which contains aspirin. Remarkably relieves chills and relieves headaches. Effective lowering of temperature is the main plus of medicinal powder. Like any express powder, Upsarin Upsa has a number of serious contraindications: gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the circulatory system. The last limitation should be taken into account Special attention, since this powder preparation has a direct effect on blood clotting.
  • Nimesil (Nimesulide). This cold powder does not belong to the category of popular remedies, although it has excellent analgesic and antipyretic properties. The direct purpose of the powder preparation is to relieve symptoms of colds and flu. Nevertheless, there are a number of painful conditions on which Nimesil has a positive effect: the removal of pain syndrome after injuries of the musculoskeletal system, as well as severe headaches and postoperative period. We can say that this remedy is a direct analogue of the Upsarin Upsa powder, since it has the same contraindications and restrictions on use: pregnancy, blood diseases, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, duodenum, arrhythmia. Nimesil is strictly forbidden to use in conjunction with drugs to increase blood clotting, since in this case there is a high risk of developing thrombophlebitis.
  • Antigrippin. The active effect of the drug is due to the combined composition: chlorphenamine, vitamin C, paracetamol. The drug is used for colds to reduce headaches, fever, pain in muscle tissue and larynx. When taking this remedy, it is not recommended to engage in activities that require a high concentration of attention. Driving is especially dangerous, since the occurrence of sudden dizziness is the most unpleasant by-effect. There may be a problem with sleep, weakness and increased fatigue of the body, disruption of the digestive tract. Use with alcohol is not recommended, use on early dates pregnancy is unacceptable. Severe forms of anemia are a reason to abandon this type of powder product.
  • Colds. A budget option for relieving the symptoms of a cold. It will briefly alleviate the condition if an important event is planned. The effect is noticeable but not significant.
  • Rinza and Rinzasip. These remedies quickly eliminate all manifestations of colds and flu. Paracetamol and caffeine included in the composition contribute to a significant relief of the condition. Auxiliary substances add a pleasant aftertaste and color.
  • Efferalgan. This drug occupies the last line of this list for a reason, because it is the usual paracetamol. Beautiful branded packaging and the presence of additional components do not improve the quality of the product.
  • Prevention is the basis of health

    The positive effect of powder preparations for colds and flu is provided by medicinal components that affect the entire body (and also have a number of side effects). Despite the fact that all diseases can be successfully treated, it is still better to prevent them. Preventive measures to improve immune system- a great way to stay always in shape.

    It should be remembered that cold and flu powders are not a cure, but only the removal of visible symptoms. Timely consultation with a specialist will save you from the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

    They don't heal!

    As soon as the cold snap brings us the season of colds, the population begins to attack pharmacies in search of salvation from them. What of the widely advertised pharmaceutical variety can actually be considered a cure, and what is a blatant patient swindle, which is sold based on a placebo effect? Let's evaluate the most popular flu and cold medicines.

    A cold is not treated with pills, but by creating conditions for the body to defeat the infection!

    A cold is not treated with pills, but by creating conditions for the body to defeat the infection!
    ARVI is an acute infection of the respiratory tract with any of the specially trained viruses: these are adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, influenza and parainfluenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus.

    What exactly is important only for epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists, all other mortals should not give a damn: swine, bird, cat flu or flu at all. For you, this is all SARS, or even simpler “colds”, since there is absolutely no difference in treatment, and the symptoms vary widely in different people and even for the same person at different times.

    And if you ask an old-school doctor, “How did you treat the flu?”, He will answer: “ sick leave for 7 days,” Encyclopatia reassures.

    But while some are trying to speed up recovery with the help of folk remedies - milk with honey, vodka with pepper, jars of mustard plasters or cognac with a nurse - others are looking for a pharmacy miracle cure, and annoying advertising slips them something allegedly newest, effective and expensive.

    Three years ago, Slon found out that Russians spend more than 29.5 billion rubles a year on cold and flu medicines. The ten most profitable looked like this:

    1. Arbidol. Sales volume — 5 billion rubles
    2. Theraflu. Sales volume — 3.8 billion rubles
    3. Anaferon. Sales volume - 3.5 billion rubles.
    4. Oscillococcinum. Sales volume — 2.6 billion rubles
    5. Kagocel. Sales volume — 2.6 billion rubles
    6. Coldrex. Sales volume — 1.4 billion rubles
    7. Antigrippin. Sales volume — 1.4 billion rubles
    8. Fervex. Sales volume — 1.1 billion rubles
    9. Amiksin. Sales volume — 1.1 billion rubles
    10. Ingavirin. Sales volume — 885 million rubles

    The only problem is that a thorough study of the properties of these drugs has shown that if some of them at least alleviate the symptoms of a cold, then the rest do not at all have the effectiveness proven by serious scientific studies.

    In particular, regarding homeopathic drugs, experts say that one molecule of the active substance, diluted in a huge amount of sugar, can hardly cure anything ... However, the placebo therapeutic effect has been known since time immemorial.

    So, let's list these "leaders" in alphabetical order:


    Homeopathic remedy, and that says it all. There are both children and adults, which differ slightly in the composition of molecules per ton of product.


    The drug is presented as an interferon inducer, anti-inflammatory and homeopathic remedy at the same time: each tablet contains an iodine molecule. According to experts, frankly charlatan.

    Amiksin / Lavomax / Tiloron / Tilaksin

    The active substance tilorone was patented in the United States in 1968, but clinical trials have not passed. In 2001, the only randomized study of the effectiveness of the drug in influenza and other respiratory viral infections was conducted. The results were published only in the Russian Medical Journal, which is not reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission. Applicable only in Russia, Ukraine and Georgia.


    Again homeopathic pseudo-medicine. One hundred million tablets contain one molecule of purified antibodies isolated from the blood serum of rabbits and immunized with recombinant human interferon gamma. Oleg Kiselev, director of the Research Institute of Influenza, in an interview with the Dozhd TV channel: I drive Anaferon all over the country, and I can’t get kicked out. … the whole idea [of the drug] is just a scam.”


    Active ingredients:

    - chlorphenamine maleate, narrows the vessels of the nose and eliminates swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;

    The drug effectively relieves symptoms, but does not have antiviral activity.


    Arbidol was invented back in the thirties, but came into fashion only in 2007, when the author's patent expired. Paradoxically, the data from a study of the effectiveness of Arbidol, conducted in the 1970s, are still classified. Initially, it appeared as an immunostimulant, then it was reclassified as an antiviral agent. The website of the drug indicates that the use of "Arbidol" leads to a reduction in the average duration of the disease by 1.7–2.65 days, and the duration of symptoms such as fever, intoxication, rhinorrhea, by 1.3–2.3 days. The US Food and Drug Administration refused to register it.


    Homeopathic "divorce" again, this time both in the form of drops and in the form of tablets. positive action aflubin can only be the result of a placebo effect.


    Birch extract synthesized by the Russian chemist Toviy Lovitz in the eighteenth century. In the twenty-first, they began to actively sell it as a dietary supplement: an agent that is antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant, and protects the liver. Practically a panacea, perhaps even save from HIV. It is not a medicine, the effectiveness has not been proven.


    Suggested as an expectorant in the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases respiratory tract. Efficiency has not been proven by any serious scientific study.


    Another dietary supplement actively promoted as a remedy for literally “everything”, including against sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, since “The natural enzymes contained in it act on a wide range of diseases.” According to the manufacturer, it heals and gives youth through increased immunity; heals everything, including autoimmune diseases, trauma and embolism. But not a single serious organization has recognized Wobenzym as a medicine; clinical effectiveness has not been proven.


    According to the instructions, the drug stimulates the production of its own interferon in the human body, preventing infection of the body with viruses. Again, according to the instructions, "Viferon" can be used to treat herpes, chlamydia and hepatitis. However, outside the countries former USSR interferon inducers are not registered as drugs, and there are no publications in reputable international scientific journals proving their effectiveness.


    The main active ingredient is sodium aminodihydrophthalazinedione. Neither the WHO nor the FDA know anything about him. This does not interfere with sales in Russia.


    Human recombinant interferon alpha-2b refers to interferon inducers that stimulate the production of its own interferon in the human body, which prevents the body from being infected by viruses.
    Outside the countries of the former USSR, interferon inducers are not registered as medicines, and their clinical efficacy has not been published in reputable scientific journals.


    On the site of the drug we read: "A herbal remedy that enhances the body's natural defenses due to a mild stimulating effect that helps strengthen the immune system." An immunostimulating agent that does not cure in any way. Proven by the Cochrane Society.


    "Ingavirin" appeared in pharmacies in 2008 without full-fledged research. Accelerated clinical trials were conducted in mice as well as a group of 100 patients. "The use of" Ingavirin "in the first 48 hours of illness leads to a significant reduction in the period of fever, intoxication and catarrhal symptoms" - this is the conclusion of a group of scientists who conducted a study of the drug under the guidance of its inventor - Alexander Chuchalin. In the 1970s, this pulmonologist developed the drug vitaglutam, which until 2008 was used as a hematopoietic stimulant in patients receiving anticancer therapy. In 2009, during the swine flu hysteria, Chuchalin remembered his invention and discovered that the drug could also fight the swine flu virus. Now "Ingavirin" is sold as an "antiviral drug."

    There are 31 articles on the drug in the international database of scientific publications, but all of them were written in Russia, and most of them were co-authored with Chuchalin.


    According to DSM Group research, in November 2015 this remedy ranked sixth among the best-selling drugs in the country. Joint brainchild of Rosnano and Mrs. Golikova. It belongs to the group of interferon inducers, that is, to drugs with unproven effectiveness. These funds are recognized as medicinal only in the CIS, in Europe and the USA they are not. Clinical studies were conducted in Russia by the inventors of kagocel, who noted that its use reduces the incidence of influenza and SARS by 3.4 times. In other countries, such a strong effect has gone unnoticed. Moreover, in last years There are a number of claims that the use of this drug may adversely affect fertility, so its use in children and young men and women is questionable.

    Oxolin / Oxonaphthylin / Tetraxoline

    Antiviral agent for external use. According to experts, it has zero efficiency. Judging by the number of publications, scientists outside the post-Soviet space do not know anything about him. The name mimics a real antimicrobial agent - oxolinic acid, but it is not included in the composition of the "drug".


    A homeopathic remedy, that is, sugar at a fabulous price. In the homeland of the inventor - in France - the most popular anti-influenza drug available without a prescription. However, it is not considered a medicine there either. The results of seven clinical trials, in which 3459 patients participated, did not confirm the preventive efficacy of Oscillococcinum and similar homeopathic remedies against influenza. At the end of 2012, the British Cochrane Society for Evidence-Based Medicine published a report denying the effectiveness of Oscillococcinum. And in 2010, the US Food and Drug Administration even included the drug in the list of fraudulent products. This “fufloferon” is based on an extract from the liver and heart of a musky duck, but the proportion is such that millions of granules can contain only one molecule of the extract. If you are not lucky, then there will be none.


    Another homeopathic "fufloferon" from the French manufacturer of oscillococcinum - the Boiron company. Designed to treat cough in various manifestations, but does not cure, of course.


    Peptide bioregulator and immunostimulator. Active ingredient - extract thymus cattle - thymus. There is no evidence that the drug is effective for colds.


    Active ingredients:
    - paracetamol, reduces fever, anesthetizes and constricts blood vessels .;
    - pheniramine maleate, has an antihistamine effect, reduces allergic reactions;
    - ascorbic acid, it is believed that vitamin C increases the body's resistance to infections. This misconception has been refuted in numerous studies in recent years.
    The drug relieves symptoms, but does not fight the flu virus.

    Cycloferon / Reamberin / Remaxol

    interferon inducer. Clinical efficacy has not been proven in any serious scientific study.


    Despite the fact that these miracle drops are not a medicine, the dietary supplement is actively advertised, recommending for bronchitis, sinusitis, SARS, and so on. “It has antibacterial and antiviral activity, and also has antifungal, antioxidant and hypolipemic effects,” one of the online pharmacies tells us. Everything would be fine, but citrolux will not cure any of the diseases listed in the instructions. Ascorbic acid and grapefruit seed extract, of which it consists, will be useful, perhaps, for healthy people.


    It is positioned as a means of activating nonspecific defense mechanisms of the body during inflammatory and infectious diseases in adults. Homeopathic "fufloferon", which, of course, does not work.


    Another homeopathic remedy from antibodies immunized with recombinant human interferon gamma.

    All of these pseudo-drugs will not help you cure or avoid a cold. 20 years ago, none of them existed, and for some reason people got sick that same week once a year.

    You will recover in a week, with and without "treatment". The duration of ARVI in 5-7 days cannot be reduced, since it is determined by biology - during this time antibodies to viruses and interferons are formed, and you will not speed up this process by dripping recombinant interferon into the nose rectal or something else.
    You can only alleviate your fate with paracetamol or ibuprofen (aspirin is not allowed because of the risk of bleeding in adults and Reye's syndrome in children!); decompose a stuffy nose with anticongestants (no longer than a week!) and facilitate the exit of rubbish with mucolytics and expectorants. All.

    Folk methods of “treatment” that do not have any justification and effectiveness, except perhaps the powerful force of distracting psychotherapy, when one thought needs to be calmed in the head: “Something must be done!”:

    - jars, mustard plasters, pepper spray plasters;
    - soar your feet in boiling water, even with a hearty solution of the same mustard;
    - steam inhalation over potatoes, a kettle or a saucepan;
    - rubbing with alcohol, vodka, vinegar, urine, fat, oil;
    - smearing with balm "Asterisk" and other odorous mucks.

    What should a sick person do?

    To bring down or not to bring down T to 38 ° is a rhetorical question, you can focus on well-being; it is desirable to shoot down higher: there are no obligatory reasons, but if the fever causes serious discomfort, feel free to shoot down. There is no evidence that lowering the temperature with antipyretics prevents the body from fighting a cold - their use is purely symptomatic.

    You can use combined preparations with paracetamol (Antigrippin, Teraflu, Coldrex, Fervex, etc.): they are tastier, more convenient and more expensive than tablets with a pure substance. The effectiveness is the same, plus symptom reduction due to phenylephrine and pheniramine / chlorphenamine.

    You need to dress warmly so that it “does not blow”, but you should not die from overheating either.

    The room must be ventilated: there is no need to arrange a drafty hurricane, but stale air full of microbes without life-giving oxygen is bad. It is ideal to have a carbon dioxide meter and measure the need for ventilation on it, so as not to cool the room too much and not reduce the humidity with dry outdoor air. The virus survives best in dry, cold air; wet, moving and warm reduces the likelihood of its transmission.
    The temperature in the room is from 20° to 25° (warmer than usual, but self-made saunas are not needed), and the humidity should be turned up to > 40% (although it is unlikely to work out more, if we talk about absolute).

    Drink a lot - anything, not necessarily boiling water: the liquid should simply not be colder than body temperature. Tea, compote, fruit drink, decoctions, mineral water, ideally - solutions for redigration like rehydron. It’s disgusting, but better than plain tea, since electrolytes also come out with an increased liquid output, it is advisable to replenish them.

    Eat at will: you don’t need to choke due to lack of appetite, you are already so bad. If there is an appetite, then try to lean on light food, more liquid and with carbohydrates, barbecue will not work.

    Wash snot with saline solutions. Inconvenient and cheap with saline, convenient and luxury - Dolphin, Aqua Maris, etc., the effectiveness is absolutely the same. After all the mucus is gone, you can sprinkle vasoconstrictors into a dry (!) Nose to breathe, repeat for no more than a week.

    The most difficult thing about this treatment is to realize that this is the main and only treatment.
    And after a day or two, after an acute period, when the temperature settles down, and the sweat and chills pass, you can go out for a breath of fresh air, away from crowds of people: shopping centers, metro and work. There is nothing to lay on the rolls.

    What about prevention?

    Wash your hands: the contact method of transmission is sometimes even cooler than the drip. During an epidemic, all commonly used surfaces are potentially infected: money, handrails, doors, other people's hands, a can of cola, a bottle of beer, a pack of chips. He touched something, brushed the snot off his nose with a dirty hand - and voila, sick leave.

    Become unsociable: not sitting at home, but walking away from the crowds of the masses. Less transport, more walking through the park, fewer supermarkets, more small shops; postpone excursions to shopping malls and queues at Sberbank for the duration of the epidemic.
    Dry air is bad. Better a little invigorating freshness than turning on an extra heater and drying up the mucous membranes, on which viruses will joyfully fly. If you are cold, then dress like you are small: the body in general and the nose in particular should still be warm.

    Dry mucous membranes are an even greater evil, since mucus is our natural barrier. You can moisturize with the same saline solutions (saline, Dolphin, Aqua Maris, etc.), puff / rinse your nose and gargle as much and as often as possible.

    On your resource it will look like this

    Some imported medicines for cold symptoms have disappeared from the capital's pharmacies. We are talking about the preparations "Coldrex" and "Fervex". In the regions they can still be purchased, but still - they are in the remnants.

    - There is no Coldrex in Minsk, there is a little Teraflu, there are very few pharmacies (where there is Teraflu. - Note TUT.BY), - they say in the reference pharmacy network of the capital.

    The tabletka.by portal distributes Coldrex in one of the Minsk pharmacies of the Belfarmatsiya network, but, as it turns out, the drug is not there either.

    - We have an inventory, and we do not know the rest of the goods. Only Belarusian is available, they say there about the presence of Coldrex.

    In one of the Berolina pharmacies in Minsk they also say that Coldrex and Fervex have been gone for a long time. At the same time, there are analogues, mostly Belarusian ones.

    The pharmacist of another of the pharmacies of the capital said that Fervex had not been in their pharmacy for three or four months, and Coldrex - one or two.

    In the regions, both one and the second drug can be found, but this is not in all cities of the country, but only in some. However, they are in the remnants. For example, in one of the pharmacies of Luninets, they said that Fervex was no longer there, and only one bag remained of Coldrex.

    Belpharmacia did not comment on the lack of drugs in the pharmacies of the capital, noting that this is done only in agreement with the press service of the Ministry of Health.

    Coldrex is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline. TUT.BY sent an official request to the Belarusian representative office of the company. On the website of the Center for Expertise and Testing in Healthcare, the register of medicines indicates that the registration of Coldrex in Belarus ends on January 4, 2019. Fervex is not in this register at all. Regarding "Teraflu" from three manufacturers, it is indicated that the registration is indefinite.

    The press service of the Ministry of Health confirmed that due to the completion of registration in Belarus, there may be no cold medicines Fervex and Coldrex Hotrem in powders, Coldrex in tablets, Teraflu Extra, Rinza in tablets.

    “Since the state registration procedure is of a voluntary declarative nature, the Ministry of Health cannot oblige manufacturers to register any specific medicines within a certain period of time, they said. — According to GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare, Teraflu (powder for oral solution) is not shipped to Belarus due to changes in the regulatory and technical documentation. The company does not have information on the timing of the resumption of supplies of the above drug.

    The Ministry of Health noted that in Belarusian pharmacies of both state and non-state forms of ownership, combined medicines of domestic and foreign production containing paracetamol are widely represented in different price categories, namely: Angricold, Angrimax Neo, Angrimax, Antigrippin ", "Antiflu Kids", "Aflumed", "Grippolek", "Grippomix", "Grostudin", "Negrinpin", "Orvikold", "Paraskofen", "Rinzip", "Tailolfen Hot", "Trialgin", "Fastorik ", "Citramon-Borimed". At the same time, they are replaceable and equally relieve the symptoms of flu and colds.

    Every person almost every year is faced with a cold. Children of preschool and school age. For the treatment to be truly effective, you must consult a doctor for an appointment. But in recent years, more and more patients have complained that they are being prescribed expensive drugs at a time when cheap cold remedies can be prescribed. From today's article, you will learn about these. Below you will be given cheap analogues of expensive cold medicines. But this does not mean that now you can safely self-medicate. If something worries you, then you need to seek medical help. Only then can you be sure of the safety of the treatment.

    Antiviral drugs: the first to be prescribed

    If a person falls ill, then the infection is caused by a virus. This happens most often. Therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, doctors prescribe antiviral agents. Such medicines as Arbidol, Amiksin, Tamiflu, Kagocel and others are widely popular and in great demand. But all of them are quite expensive (about 400-1000 rubles). Does it make sense to overpay or can you find cheap funds?

    For a cold caused by a viral infection, Rimantadine can be used. The medicine costs an average of 50 rubles. At the same time, its effectiveness is not lower than that of the above drugs. The drug "Rimantadine" acts exclusively on existing viruses. Therefore, for the purpose of prevention, it is not used. It is forbidden to use the medication for children under 7 years of age. You can replace antiviral agents with inexpensive "Cycloferon". Tablets of 10 pieces will cost you 150-200 rubles. It's not as cheap as Rimantadine, but not very expensive either. The medicine "Cycloferon" can be used in children from the age of 4. In addition, the drug also has an immunomodulatory effect, it can be used for prophylactic purposes.

    Drops and spray "Grippferon" are popular with doctors. This medication can be used in newborns and pregnant women, it is prescribed everywhere. The nasal medicine costs about 200 rubles. You can replace the drug with the usual "Interferon", keeping within only 100 rubles.

    Remedies to relieve a runny nose

    Often with a cold, a person has a runny nose, accompanied by nasal congestion. To eliminate this unpleasant symptom, doctors prescribe medications such as Nazivin, Sanorin. Such drugs cost about 200 rubles. You can replace them with Naphthyzin, Galazolin, which will cost you no more than 50 rubles. You can use them for no more than 3-5 days, like expensive analogues.

    As an antiseptic, doctors can prescribe Miramistin solution. You can buy it in a pharmacy for 200-350 rubles. An analogue of this medication will be Chlorhexidine, which costs no more than 50 rubles. An expensive nasal antiseptic based on silver ions is Sialor (250-300 rubles). Without any fear, it can be replaced with a solution of "Protargol" for 60-80 rubles.

    Drops "Pinosol" (200 rubles) replace the drug "Pinovit" (100 rubles). These medicines are made on the basis of plant extracts and oils. Their composition is absolutely identical, only the manufacturer differs.

    We wash the nose

    Salt solutions are often prescribed to treat viral and bacterial infections that accompany rhinitis. These are Aquamaris, Aqualor, Humer, Dolphin and so on. They are relatively expensive (about 100-300 rubles). Is it possible to pick up cheap remedies instead of them (for a cold accompanied by a runny nose)?

    You can replace these compounds with the drug "Rizosin". It costs about 80 rubles per bottle. If you want to save even more, then give preference to a solution of sodium chloride. Such a medicine will cost you 50 rubles for a large bottle of 200 milliliters. Note that saline solution for washing the nose, you can do it yourself. In this case, it will be practically free. Add a spoonful of salt and soda to boiled water at room temperature, mix thoroughly and use it to your health!

    Cough preparations

    cheap antibiotic for colds

    Sometimes it happens that viral infection takes on a bacterial form. Often this is the result of improper treatment, reduced immunity, if a person suffers a cold on his feet. In such a situation, the use of bactericidal and bacteriostatic drugs is indicated. A cheap antibiotic (for a cold) should not be chosen independently, since the preferred medication may simply be ineffective. Therefore, consult a doctor and discuss the issue with him. Pay attention to which drugs can be replaced with inexpensive analogues:

    "Sumamed" (500 rubles) for "Azitrus" (50 rubles). "Flemoxin" (300 rubles) for "Amoxicillin" (40 rubles). rub.) and so on.

    Cough preparations

    For bronchitis and pneumonia, doctors always prescribe mucolytic or bronchodilator formulations. In pediatrics, such means as Lazolvan and Ambrobene are often used. The drugs can be taken orally or used by inhalation. They cost about 250-300 rubles per bottle. The composition of the medicine contains the active substance ambroxol. On the basis of the same component, the drug of the same name "Ambroxol" is produced at a cost of no more than 50 rubles.

    What other cheap cold medicines are available for kids? Mukaltin will also be an effective and inexpensive cough remedy. These tablets cost an average of 20 rubles for 10 pieces. At the same time, pills help no worse than syrups. You can also give the drug to children. If desired, "Mukaltin" can be replaced with "Althea" syrup, which will cost you no more than 40 rubles.

    Cheap preventative cold medicine

    Often, people who often get sick are prescribed preventive medications. At the same time, it is quite difficult to find a cheap tool. For colds and flu, doctors prescribe drugs such as Ergoferon and Anaferon. They cost an average of 300-400 rubles. The more expensive "Isoprinosine" (600 rubles) is used. Homeopathic formulations are prescribed, for example, Oscillococcinum (900 rubles). Medicines "Bronchomunal" and "Immunal" are very popular.

    You can replace the described medicines with cheap cold remedies. For the purpose of prevention, use Echinacea or Echinacea-P tablets. They are an absolute structural analogue of the drug "Immunal". The difference in price is almost 900 rubles. "Echinacea-P" costs 90 rubles for 100 tablets, and "Immunal" 200 rubles for 20 pills. If you were unable to purchase the described remedy, then you can safely buy echinacea tincture or dried tea briquettes. The effect will be identical.

    Symptomatic treatment

    Symptomatic treatment

    Often, patients use for colds drugs such as Fervex, Teraflu, Coldrex in the form of powders. One serving of such medicines costs an average of 20-60 rubles. The composition contains antipyretics and vitamin C. You can safely replace these magic bags with cheap medicines. From a cold, the usual "Paracetamol" will help you. In most cases, it is he who is the component of expensive drugs. 10 tablets of antipyretic will cost you about 8-12 rubles. You can also buy vitamin C at a pharmacy at a reasonable price (20 rubles for 100 pills).

    At a temperature, doctors also prescribe Nurofen. This drug is often used for children younger age. But adult patients take it at least as often. You can replace expensive tablets (200 rubles) with inexpensive Ibuprofen, the price of which is an average of 50 rubles per 100 capsules.

    Whether to replace expensive with cheap: reviews

    Is it really possible to find a good cheap remedy for a cold? Or is it better not to take risks and take expensive drugs that have already become familiar to everyone? What do doctors think about it?

    Doctors report that some cheap medicines are sometimes better than expensive ones. Unfortunately, in recent years, more and more often you can hear about counterfeit drugs. At the same time, the choice of ill-wishers falls precisely on expensive drugs. After all, it is more profitable to fake a medicine for 1000 rubles than one that costs 20 rubles. In this regard, recently doctors are trying to prescribe inexpensive generics. But as before, doctors cooperate with pharmacological firms, promoting their drugs. Therefore, this issue remains controversial to this day.

    Judging by consumer reviews, we can say that cheap cold medicines are no worse than expensive drugs. The stereotype that expensive means good is gradually collapsing. Perhaps in the near future all consumers will accept long-proven and inexpensive medicines, abandoning new drugs at exorbitant prices.


    Powders for colds


    From the article, you learned which cold medicines are prescribed especially often and how they can be replaced. It is not recommended to choose an analogue of the drug on your own. Despite this, many patients do not heed this rule. It is worth remembering that when choosing a generic drug of an expensive drug, you should pay attention to its composition, dosage and restrictions. Many cheap medicines are not thoroughly tested, so they have more contraindications. Save on health without harming yourself, all the best!

    Most people experience SARS at least once a year. After all, there are many viruses that cause colds, which even the strongest immunity does not always cope with. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies have developed effective and cheap pills and cold powders.

    Doctors assure that infectious and viral diseases need prevention and the most effective measure in this case will be to stimulate the body's defenses. Antiviral drugs should be drunk with influenza and SARS. Such treatment has a complex effect, affecting the virus that develops in the patient's body.

    Cold preparations are made on natural and synthetic components. They can be used at various stages of the development of the disease. But means against viruses are most effective in the first two days after infection.

    Medicines have the following basic effects:

    Development warning chronic diseases. Reducing the likelihood of complications. Relief of the course of SARS.

    Today, there are many drugs for colds. But what means to choose so that they are fast and inexpensive?

    Powders for colds

    Anti-cold drugs have a complex effect on the body:

    get rid of the temperature; eliminate headache, cough, runny nose; relieve inflammation caused by infection activity.

    The powder is a fast-acting medicine, so relief comes within 2-3 hours after taking it. So, if the patient observes bed rest and systematically treats with such drugs, then the main signs of the disease will recede in a few days. However, it should be remembered that many cold powders alleviate the condition, but do not destroy the causative agent of the disease.

    Although such drugs prevent the development of complications that often develop against the background of complex SARS. But this is only possible if the patient does not endure a cold on his feet.

    If the remedies for colds are ineffective, then it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible. Indeed, some types of influenza cause such consequences as pneumonia, inflammation of the brain, airway obstruction, and more.

    Popular cold powders: which are inexpensive and effective? There are the following modern facilities against SARS:

    Coldrex; Theraflu; Fervex; Upsarin Upsa; Nimesil; Pharmacetron; Antigripin.

    Coldrex constricts blood vessels, so it should be drunk with nasal congestion and tearing. However, treatment with such a drug is contraindicated in case of violations in the work of the vascular system.

    Theraflu is another commonly used cold powder. It contains phenylephrine, pheniramine maleate and paracetamol. This combination of active ingredients quickly reduces temperature and eliminates other symptoms of SARS. But Theraflu is contraindicated in pregnancy, asthma and other systemic diseases.

    What powder can replace Theraflu? No less popular analogues of the remedy are GrippoFlu, Maxicold and Fervex. The composition of these funds is almost identical (pheniramine, paracetamol, ascorbic acid).

    Treatment with these drugs is indicated for inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, caused not only by SARS, but also by allergies. Also, these medicines should not be taken by pregnant women.

    In addition, Upsarin Upsa based on aspirin helps against colds. The powder is especially effective at high temperatures and body aches. But such medicine can be drunk only in the absence of stomach problems.

    If you need to quickly eliminate pain syndrome with ARVI (headache, discomfort in the throat), Nimesil should be taken. Also, treatment with this drug is indicated for high temperature, however, it has a lot of contraindications:

    pregnancy; kidney disease; childhood; diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; vascular problems.

    Pharmacitron is an effective and inexpensive cold powder. It contains paracetamol, which eliminates body aches and reduces fever. Moreover, you need to drink the medicine if you need to quickly cure a runny nose, including an allergic one. But the use of the drug is contraindicated in patients under 6 years of age, pregnant women, people with alcohol dependence and in case of kidney diseases.

    What other powders quickly help against a cold? With SARS, Antigrippin is often prescribed. This is a combined medicine based on chlorphenamine, vitamin C and paracetamol.

    Antigrippin quickly removes body aches, lowers temperature and relieves a runny nose. But it causes drowsiness, so it is better to take it before bedtime.

    It is worth noting that despite the similar composition for colds, you can not take several powders at the same time. After all, this can lead to an overdose, characterized by the following symptoms:

    difficult and painful urination; overexcitation nervous system; bleeding; dry mouth; allergic skin rashes.

    Antiviral tablets

    Most often, in viral diseases, agents that activate interferon are prescribed. This is a protein found in the mucous membranes of organs that destroys viruses. Antiviral immunostimulants increase the concentration of interferon, significantly speeding up the healing process.

    But today there are a lot of drugs against SARS, the list of which is quite extensive. Therefore, many are interested in the question: which of them are effective and cheap?

    So, for colds, Amiksin tablets are often prescribed. They are available in a film shell of 125 or 60 mg.

    The active component of the product is tilorone. Treatment with Amiksin is indicated for acute respiratory viral infections and for the prevention of colds.

    After taking the drug, interferon begins to be actively produced after 4 hours. In the next 20 hours, the optimal concentration of the substance is reached, so that the viruses do not have the opportunity to multiply.

    Contraindications to the use of Amiksin are: age up to 7 years, lactation and pregnancy. The cost of the drug is from 150 rubles.

    Arbidol tablets also promote the production of interferon. The active substance of the drug is umifenovir. One capsule may contain 50 or 100 mg of the active ingredient.

    The tool has a complex effect - it activates the immune system and suppresses pathogenic microflora. It is used for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases. At the same time, tablets reduce the likelihood of complications and shorten the duration of the disease.

    However, Arbidol should not be drunk during pregnancy, under 2 years of age and lactation. The price of an antiviral agent starts from 140 rubles.

    Also, for colds, Kagocel is indicated. One tablet contains 12 mg of the active ingredient. It activates the process of producing interferon, due to which the body begins to actively fight viruses. In addition, Kagocel can be drunk during seasonal influenza epidemics.

    Contraindications are age up to 3 years, lactation and pregnancy. The cost of the drug is from 220 rubles.

    What inexpensive pills can still be used for a cold? The fastest recovery from a viral disease is promoted by Ingavirin based on imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid.

    The tool has a complex effect:

    relieves inflammation; destroys different types viruses, preventing them from multiplying; promotes the production of interferon.

    For viral diseases, Ingavirin is allowed to be taken from the age of 13, and for preventive purposes - from the age of 18. The price of the drug is from 380 rubles.

    Cycloferon is available in the form of tablets (150 mg) and an injection solution. The active component of the drug is meglumine acridone acetate, which activates the body's defenses and eliminates inflammatory processes.

    In addition to the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, Cycloferon is used for HIV infection, hepatitis and herpes infection. But the tool can not be used during lactation, pregnancy and under the age of four years. The minimum price is from 170 rubles.

    In addition to immunostimulating agents, etiotropic drugs can be used for ARVI. Their action is based on a direct effect on the pathogen, as a result of which its activity decreases and reproduction becomes more difficult.

    Etiotropic drugs are divided into 2 groups. The first is M2 channel blockers, which are also called cyclic amines. They do not allow viruses to multiply. The second category is neuraminidase inhibitors (the enzyme by which viruses invade the cells of the body).

    But what etiotropic antiviral agents are the most effective? The most commonly used tools are:

    Remantadine is one of the safest drugs effective for influenza B viruses. However frequent use the drug is contraindicated, because. resistant strains of the virus may appear. Relenza is a powder for inhalation, the active ingredient of which is zanamivir. Used for influenza B and A. Reduces the duration of the disease and eliminates its manifestations. Tamiflu is a powder for the preparation of a suspension based on oseltamivir. It is effective for influenza B and A. If it is used as a preventive measure, the risk of infection is reduced by almost 90%.

    Also, for colds, homeopathic remedies on a natural basis can be used. Popular drugs from this group are Anaferon, Immunal, Oscillococcinum and their analogues. How else can you deal with the temperature, the video in this article will tell.


    In September-October, the peak season begins for pharmacy chains: people are rushing to buy medicines for colds and flu, both for prevention and for future treatment, - says pharmaceutical market expert, head of the Center for Social Economy David Melik-Guseinov.- Well, what seller in such a situation would not take advantage of the chance to increase profits by raising prices?!

    As a result, since mid-autumn, anti-cold drugs on the shelves of pharmacies have risen in price by an average of 10-15%. True, not all: there is a list of vital drugs, the cost of which is regulated by the state, setting marginal trade markups. This list includes popular drugs to relieve symptoms of flu and colds, for example, acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol. At the same time, more sophisticated analogues of such drugs - in the form of effervescent powders, sprays, etc. - do not fall under state regulation. And pharmacies can raise their prices even to the ceiling.


    Pharmacists themselves admit that over the past 20-30 years, no fundamentally new medicines for headaches or for lowering fever have appeared. “If we compare many more expensive drugs and their cheaper counterparts, then it will be like a car: with a basic set of functions and tuned, with additional options,” David Melik-Guseinov gives an example. So, instead of a tasteless or bitter tablet, you can choose a drink that tastes good - a medicinal powder dissolved in hot water. And instead of simple nose drops - a spray in a beautiful bottle with bright packaging. But, just as a car drives regardless of the presence of heated seats, so analogous drugs will fulfill their main function(antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, etc.) regardless of taste, color, smell and, in most cases, shape.

    If the production technology is not violated, then drugs with the same active ingredient (that is, analogue drugs) will have the same therapeutic effect for the body, regardless of the difference in price, doctors confirm.


    Together with experts, we have chosen 7 main drugs that help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms associated with colds and flu: “off-scale” temperature, headache, tightly clogged nose and cough. In the table you can find both more expensive drugs and their analogues - drugs with the same active ingredient, but at a much cheaper price.

    There are no antiviral agents that are guaranteed to cure the common cold itself. Why?

    As for the effectiveness of drugs for ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections), there are disputes all over the world. “Colds are caused by more than one or even 10 viruses - there are seven different families, each has subfamilies, and there are more than two hundred varieties in total!”, - explains the scale of the problem Professor John Oxford, virologist at Queen Mary University of London. At the same time, viruses have few of their own components that can be affected - these insidious infectious agents are embedded in human cells, using them as material for their own reproduction.

    For influenza, there are a couple of antiviral drugs recommended by the World Health Organization - they are based on innovative developments ( active ingredients oseltamivir and zanamivir). These drugs are produced by the largest pharmaceutical companies that have conducted a lot of clinical trials. However, a number of scientists doubt the veracity of these studies and their results.

    “In any case, it makes sense to take antiviral drugs only if you start doing it in the first 24 hours after the onset of the disease, that is, the appearance of the main symptoms - headache, nasal congestion, sore throat,” notes ex-head of the Kremlin, doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences Alexander Myasnikov. Keep in mind: already on the second day, the concentration of the virus in the blood will be such that it is pointless to fight it with existing drugs, just plant the kidneys and liver in vain.


    Products instead of drugs

    Research carried out in Center for the Study of Colds at Cardiff University (Wales), have shown that blackcurrant juice with hot water is no less effective than many medicines. This drink helps relieve nasal congestion, reduces inflammation in the throat and cough.

    Hot water (but not boiling water!) with lemon and honey is also a great remedy for a sore throat, notes professor of pharmacy at the University of Reading (England) Elizabeth Williamson.

    Data from scientific studies conducted in the USA have confirmed the life-saving effect chicken broth. It slows down the movement of immune cells called neutrophils, which cause unpleasant symptoms colds. Thanks to this, nasal congestion and inflammatory reactions in the throat are reduced.


    The main mistakes in the treatment of flu and colds

    Do not bring down the temperature by taking antipyretics if the thermometer shows below 38 - 38.5 degrees. At this temperature, the body quickly copes with viruses on its own. The exception is cases of individual reactions, when the patient tolerates even a minimal increase in temperature very poorly (a strong heartbeat, headache, etc.) - then it is worth taking an antipyretic.

    Do not abuse vasoconstrictors that relieve nasal congestion. These drugs “burn” the nasal mucosa and, if used frequently, can lead to the development chronic rhinitis. Therefore, if during a cold your nose is not so clogged that it is impossible to breathe, it is better to be patient, doing without medication or using folk remedies(garlic, inhalations, etc.).

    Equine doses of vitamin C or other vitamin complexes rather harm than help. Recent scientific studies have shown that artificially synthesized vitamins are not absorbed by the body, but are excreted, putting an additional burden on the kidneys.

    Save money on colds

    Under the influence of television advertising, expensive medicines are imposed on us. Meanwhile, promoted drugs have inexpensive counterparts that practically do not differ in their effects on the body. The collection from "Komsomolskaya Pravda" will help you navigate the whole variety of medicines that are full of bright packaging on pharmacy windows.

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