The higher the body temperature, the High fever in an adult with and without symptoms

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

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Everyone knows that 36.6 ° C is normal temperature body, and 39 ° C means that everything is very bad. But at the same time, have you ever wondered what will happen if your thermometer suddenly shows numbers outside of these values?

We are in website seriously asked this question and found a result that everyone should know. Let's look at extreme temperatures and find out why they are not mentioned anywhere.

Normal Temperature - 35.5-37°C

During the day, our body temperature ranges from 35.5°C (morning) to 37.0°C (evening). Such a change in temperature is determined by the daily cycle of the Sun, you do not directly influence the process. In addition, here's interesting fact: the average body temperature of women is 0.5 °C higher than that of men.

Continuous 37.1-38.0°C

Such a rise in temperature is perceived by us as a terrible disease. But in fact, temperatures of 39 ° C and above inhibit the reproduction of the vast majority of microbes. Due to this, the processes immune system flow faster, blood flow intensifies, the time for the release of antibodies against your virus is reduced. This often turns on a program of fine muscle tremors, which keeps the heat inside. If you have a fever in this state, this indicates the second phase - a decrease in temperature. So high temperature is an automated struggle of the body for survival. It's not bad at all. But you can’t do nothing either - look at the next paragraph.

Also, the temperature can rise to 40 °C in a steam bath - in this case, do not worry, this is natural.

Extreme 42-43°C

Have you ever wondered why the scale of a medical thermometer ends at 45 ° C? The fact is that at 42 ° C, irreversible decomposition of proteins in the body begins, at 43 ° C - denaturation of proteins in brain neurons, which leads to a guaranteed lethal outcome. Therefore, temperatures above 40 °C must be brought down immediately.

Dangerous 30-35°C

A temperature level of 30 to 35 ° C indicates either severe overwork or the presence of a serious illness. Even with a minimal drop in body temperature below normal, a person begins to shiver (muscles try to generate more heat), shrink blood vessels. From 33 ° C, the body's metabolic processes begin to slow down.

Catastrophic 29.5°C

Colds come by surprise at any time of the year.

Once in the body, they gradually gain strength, having rather harmless first signs.

For this reason, many do not respond to them immediately, which contributes to the spread of the disease.

But when a cold causes a temperature of 38, the patient begins to panic and take everything that he finds in the medicine cabinet at home, without thinking about the consequences.

But with timely and proper treatment the virus can be overcome in 1-2 days!

With a cold, body temperature can exceed 38 degrees Celsius

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to correctly determine the diagnosis.

Of course, for this you should consult a doctor.

But what if this is not possible?

It is important to know the symptoms that distinguish the common cold from other illnesses.

Most often it is confused with the flu and intensive care is started.

Runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, a slow rise in temperature - all these are the first symptoms of a cold.

With the flu, degrees rise sharply, the body begins to ache, often appears headache, weakness.

Having recognized the first signs of SARS, you immediately need to strike a complex blow.

The cold will subside within a day.

For this you need:

  • Go to bed immediately and stay in bed . The body should spend energy on fighting the virus, and not on maintaining a vigorous physical condition. It is best to provide him with peace in the form of sleep.
  • Start a hot drink to remove toxins.
  • Ensure the intake of vitamin C in the body in any of its forms. It provides the production of interferon, which helps the body cope with the virus.
  • Rinse the nose and gargle with disinfectant solutions . For their preparation, you can use furatsilin, potassium permanganate or ordinary table salt (can be iodized).
  • In the absence of fever you need to disperse the blood well and warm the body . For this purpose, you can soar your legs, rub your body with tinctures, do wet warm inhalations and dry foot compresses with mustard.

Flu also requires rest and plenty of fluids.

But rubbing and warming are contraindicated, since one of its first symptoms is hyperthermia - a sharp increase in temperature beyond 38 degrees.

In this case, any "overheating" is fraught with complications and deterioration of the patient's condition.

High temperature with a cold in an adult. Treatment

First you need to understand what is high temperature?

The temperature of 37-38 degrees for a long time is called subfebrile.

She talks about the presence of an inflammatory process, a sluggish disease, chronic form ailment.

If the thermometer scale ranges from 38.5 to 39 - the temperature is elevated. Above 39 degrees - high temperature.

Temperatures above 38.5 degrees must be brought down

With the help of heat, the body fights the penetration of viruses, bacteria, harmful substances.

Therefore, use any antipyretic drugs not worth it .

A low temperature during illness will allow the virus to spread.

But in a situation where hyperthermia lasts for a long time, intervention and medical assistance are required.

Colds and fever 38. What should I do?

If, when measuring the temperature of a patient, the thermometer mark is in the range of 37-38.5, it can be treated with the same home remedies:

  1. With swelling and runny nose, clear the sinuses from the mucus produced. Fighting the virus locally, it is a "waste" material, the penetration of which into the sick organism is not desirable.
  2. With a sore throat, rinse with herbal decoctions . Do not gargle with soda solution. It dries the mucous surface, neutralizing the natural barrier that protects against the penetration of the virus. Applying saline solutions, you should not make them concentrated, otherwise the action is equated to soda. For a therapeutic result, 1 teaspoon per glass of water is enough.
  3. Need to drink plenty of water . You can take almost any warm liquid: teas, herbal decoctions, fruit drinks, juices, broths and plain water. Well suited infusion of steamed rose hips. It will saturate the body with natural minerals and vitamins, especially essential C.
  4. When coughing, apply various emollients and expectorants . For example, drink a decoction of linden, warm milk with a teaspoon of honey, suck a piece of butter or a candied tea rose.

How to treat a cold with a temperature in an adult

If the use of these remedies does not give the expected result and the fever continues to gain momentum, old reliable methods to reduce the temperature will help.

  • Compresses. To do this, the fabric (towel) must be folded in several layers and soaked in a cool solution of vinegar and water - 1 tbsp. to a glass of liquid. Apply compresses to the forehead, neck, feet, armpits. Change as they heat up.
  • Rubbing. The cloth must be soaked in warm water and wiped with it all over the body, while undressing the patient. Leave it uncovered for a few minutes to remove excess heat.
  • Room air cooling also helps to reduce fever. At the time of ventilation, the patient should be dressed, but not wrapped in countless layers of blankets. For this, the windows are opened for 7-10 minutes. It is important to ensure that this does not create a draft.

Ventilation of the room helps reduce fever, but the patient should be well dressed

The use of drugs to combat high fever with a cold in an adult begins in the following cases.

  1. By doctor's prescription . Everyone has their own characteristics of the body, chronic diseases, which reduces the protective functions. Fever exacerbates the problem and may be incompatible with the general condition of the patient.
  2. When the temperature is above 39 degrees or it lasts for several days . Often this indicates the addition of a bacterial infection, which is dangerous not only for health, but also for life. In this case, the direction of treatment can be radically changed by the attending physician.
  3. If a patient of retirement age or, conversely, a child . Such a patient is difficult to tolerate fever, his thermoregulation center does not work in full force and it can overheat. You should not wait until a too young or elderly organism copes with the disease itself. Such patients need to start bringing down the temperature already at 38 degrees.

How to cure a cold in adults with a temperature above 39 degrees

If all the necessary measures are taken, but the body cannot cope with the disease for a long time, and the degree of the body continues to grow, help and intervention are needed.

Self-medication is better not to engage . Required Medications must be prescribed by a doctor .

After all, many popular antipyretic drugs have a number of contraindications.

  • Paracetamol. It has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, has an analgesic effect, and has a good effect on the centers of thermoregulation. Contraindications: sensitivity to components, kidney disease, liver dysfunction.

  • Ibuklin. Contains ibuprofen and paracetamol. Dealing with heat effectively. Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, diseases of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.

  • Panadol. In composition - paracetamol in tablets, which does not have any distinctive effects from it.

  • Theraflu. Reduces muscle pain during fever, fights chills and swelling of the ENT organs. It has dosage restrictions. Contraindications: diabetes, diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart disease, pregnancy, lactation, arterial hypertension, chronic diseases.

  • Nurofen. Contains ibuprofen and auxiliary components. In addition to antipyretic, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. Contraindications: ulcerative and erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, heart failure, disruption of the liver and kidneys, vestibular apparatus, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity with a component.

  • Coldrex. Consists of paracetamol, caffeine, ascorbic acid and other chemical non-drug substances. Facilitates pain syndrome fights puffiness and congestion respiratory tract. Contraindications: diseases of the liver, heart, kidneys, prostate gland, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, lactation, hypertension.

Coldrex helps adults get rid of fever

The choice of means and method of treatment always remains with the patient.

It is important to help your body in time and not start the disease.

No need to wait for the disease to mow down.

Then you can’t get rid of him with tea alone, and you will need to use stronger drugs, perhaps even antibiotics.

Remember that timely therapy saves the resources of your wallet and body.

Body temperature- one of the main physiological constants of the body, providing the optimal level of biological processes. Slightly low or high body temperature - how to treat it? How to treat high or low temperature and should it be done at all?

How to measure body temperature correctly

To find out the exact temperature, you need to measure the rectal temperature. In this case, the measurement error is the lowest. When the patient already has a temperature, the results of a measurement elsewhere will be very different from the actual temperature.

The usual normal body temperature is not very easy to determine. Significant individual fluctuations can occur during the day. On average, the temperature fluctuates between 36 and 37.5 degrees. If a person is physically active, he is warm; in the evening, the temperature is usually slightly higher than in the morning.

What is the best thermometer to measure body temperature

The old mercury-in-glass thermometers found in most households are now obsolete. In addition, they are quite dangerous in the hands of a child.

Today there are modern temperature meters: digital, or contact, and infrared. While a digital thermometer can be placed in the mouth, rectum, or armpit, infrared thermometers are placed in the ear or on the forehead.

Digital thermometer (also electronic contact thermometer): The temperature can be read digitally. These models are very reliable, especially when used rectally as mentioned above. If this is not possible, then the temperature readings will be relatively accurate if the thermometer is placed in the mouth.
Ear thermometer: using infrared rays, the temperature is measured in seconds by eardrum. For newborns with otitis media, however, this thermometer is not suitable. But if the child is not comfortable with measuring the temperature of the rectum, an ear thermometer is a good alternative. At the pharmacy, you can ask for a thermometer that matches the age of the child.
forehead thermometer: The temperature of the forehead is also measured using infrared rays. But with such a measurement, small deviations are often unavoidable.

normal body temperature

We all know that the normal body temperature is 36.6 C. In fact, this indicator varies in the same person at different periods of life. For example, a thermometer gives different numbers during the month, even with full health. This is typical mainly for girls. Their body temperature usually rises slightly during ovulation and normalizes with the onset of menstruation. But fluctuations in body temperature can occur within one day.

In the morning, immediately after waking up, the temperature is minimal, and by the evening it usually rises by 0.5 C.

contribute to a slightly elevated body temperature can:

  • stress;
  • physical activity;
  • taking a bath;
  • the use of hot (as well as strong) drinks;
  • stay on the beach;
  • too warm clothes;
  • emotional outburst.

And then there are people for whom the normal value of body temperature is not 36.6, but 37 C or even a little higher. This usually applies to boys and girls. asthenic type physique, having, in addition to a graceful physique, still vulnerable mental organization.

Fever is not uncommon, especially in children. According to statistics, it is typical for every fourth child aged 10 to 15 years. Usually such children are somewhat closed and slow, apathetic or, conversely, anxious and irritable. But in adults, this phenomenon is not unique.

However, it is not worth blaming everything on the characteristics of the body. Therefore, if the usual body temperature has always been normal and suddenly suddenly became elevated for a long time and at different times of the day, this is a cause for concern.

Causes of elevated body temperature

Cause elevated temperature body can be inflammation or infection. But sometimes the thermometer readings remain above the norm even after recovery. And the elevated body temperature can last for several months. This is how the syndrome of post-viral asthenia often manifests itself. Doctors in this case use the term "temperature tail".

A slightly elevated body temperature caused by the consequences of an infection is not accompanied by changes in the analyzes and passes on its own. However, there is a danger of confusing asthenia with incomplete recovery, when an elevated temperature indicates that the disease, which had subsided for a while, began to develop again. Therefore, just in case, it is better to take a blood test and find out if the white blood cells are normal. If everything is in order, you can calm down, the temperature will jump, jump and eventually “come to your senses”.

Other common cause elevated body temperature experienced stress. There is even a special term - psychogenic temperature. At the same time, fever is accompanied by symptoms such as bad feeling, shortness of breath and dizziness. Well, if in the foreseeable past you have not endured any stress or infectious diseases, and your body temperature is elevated, then it is better to be examined. After all, dangerous diseases can be the cause of a prolonged increase in body temperature.

At elevated body temperature, the first step is to exclude all suspicions of inflammatory, infectious and other serious diseases. First you need to contact a therapist who will draw up an individual examination plan. As a rule, if there is an organic cause of elevated body temperature, there are other characteristic symptoms:

  • pain in different parts of the body;
  • weight loss;
  • lethargy;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sweating.

When probing, an enlarged spleen or lymph nodes may be detected. Usually, finding out the causes of fever begins with the following examinations:

Then, if necessary, more detailed studies are prescribed - for example, blood tests for rheumatoid factor or hormones thyroid gland. In the presence of pain of unknown origin, and especially with a sharp decrease in body weight, consultation with an oncologist is necessary.

If examinations have shown that there are no organic reasons for elevated body temperature, it is too early to relax, because there is still cause for concern.

Where does the elevated temperature come from, even if there are no organic causes?

It appears not at all because the body accumulates too much heat, but because it gives it poorly to the environment. Violation of the thermoregulation system at the physical level can be explained by a spasm of superficial vessels located in the skin of the upper and lower extremities. Also, in the body of people with elevated body temperature, malfunctions in the endocrine system can also occur (the causes may be impaired function of the adrenal cortex and metabolism).

Doctors consider this condition as a manifestation of the syndrome of vegetovascular dystonia and even gave it a name - thermoneurosis.

And although this is not a disease in its purest form, because no organic changes occur, it is still not the norm. After all, prolonged fever is stress for the body. Therefore, this condition must be treated. Neurologists at elevated temperature in such cases recommend:

  • massage; acupuncture (to normalize the tone of peripheral vessels);
  • psychotherapy.

Greenhouse conditions do not help, but rather interfere with getting rid of thermoneurosis. Therefore, for those who suffer from this disorder, it is better to stop taking care of yourself, and begin to harden and strengthen the body. People with problematic thermoregulation need:

  • correct daily routine;
  • regular meals with an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • taking vitamins;
  • sufficient exposure to fresh air;
  • physical training;
  • hardening.

Diseases with high body temperature

The normal value of body temperature is maintained by two groups of processes: heat production and heat transfer. The thermometer will show higher numbers when heat production is activated:

Or if heat transfer deteriorates:


If, in addition to a high temperature, you are worried about coughing, shortness of breath even at rest, and / or you cough up brown sputum - consult a doctor immediately! You may have a lung infection, such as pneumonia.

Inflammation of the lungs can be very severe, especially in the elderly and people with poor health. If the doctor confirms the diagnosis, he may prescribe fever medication and antibiotics. In addition, the specialist will refer you for a chest x-ray. Sometimes there is a need for inpatient treatment.

Acute bronchitis

If you are coughing up greyish-yellow sputum and/or have difficulty breathing, you may have acute bronchitis(respiratory infection). Drink plenty of fluids and try to keep your fever down. You can also take medicines that reduce coughing. If you develop shortness of breath or you do not feel better after 48 hours, by all means consult a doctor.


  • headache;
  • pain in the limbs;
  • runny nose;
  • a sore throat.

It is very likely that you have in common viral disease such as the flu. Stay in bed and take aspirin or paracetamol to reduce fever and feel better. If you develop shortness of breath or do not feel better after 48 hours, see your doctor.


If you have one or more of the following symptoms:

  • pain when tilting the head forward;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • fear of bright light;
  • drowsiness or confusion.

Contact your doctor. These symptoms may be caused by meningitis (inflammation of the meninges) caused by microbes or viruses entering the brain.

You will probably be hospitalized to clarify the diagnosis using a lumbar puncture. If you have bacterial meningitis, you will be given antibiotics, most likely intravenously. If you have viral meningitis, no special treatment is required, but you will be given pain medication and IV fluids. Recovery usually occurs within 2-3 weeks.

Acute infection of the kidneys or bladder

If you have one or more of the following symptoms:

  • lower back pain;
  • frequent urination;
  • pain when urinating;
  • pink or cloudy urine.

These symptoms may be due to acute infection kidney or Bladder.

Seek immediate medical attention. The doctor will examine you, give you a referral for a urine test, and probably prescribe antibiotics. He will also refer you for a special x-ray examination of the kidneys to find out the cause of the disease. Further treatment depends on the results of the examination.

Being in the hot sun or in a stuffy room

Being in the hot sun or in a stuffy room can lead to an increase in body temperature. In most of these cases, the elevated temperature returns to normal after about an hour in a cool room. But call your doctor right away if your temperature continues to rise.

High fever associated with postpartum infection

Postpartum infection, although a rare disease in our time, can cause fever after the birth of a child. This usually happens when the uterus and/or vagina become infected after childbirth. If you have pain and redness of the breast, then it may be infected. If your doctor suspects you have a postpartum infection, they will send a sample of your vaginal discharge for analysis. Treatment includes a course of antibiotics.

Inflammation of the fallopian tubes

If, in addition to a high temperature, you feel pain in the lower abdomen and / or you have had heavy or bad smell vaginal discharge. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes (sometimes referred to as salpingitis) - possible reason these symptoms. The doctor will conduct a vaginal examination and take the discharge for analysis. If the test results confirm the diagnosis, you will most likely be prescribed a course of antibiotics.

Fever may be a symptom of the following diseases

How to bring down the temperature

What temperature should be brought down?

This question has long been quite acute among doctors.

Both opinions have a place to be, because an increase in temperature can be caused by various factors: it can be an external manifestation of malfunctions nervous system, in this case, taking antipyretic drugs may be powerless.

The temperature may rise slightly during the working day (overexertion, nervous shock) if there are no symptoms colds no, you can't knock it down.

Should I bring down a low temperature if it lasts for several days?

It is possible that this is a sign of neurosis or traumatic brain injury, hormonal disorders in the body. In this case, you first need to establish the cause, it makes no sense to bring down the temperature purposefully.

What drugs to bring down the temperature?

In the understanding of a person, a medicine is a kind of magic pill that must be drunk urgently. Undoubtedly, if the temperature really has risen sufficiently and the patient is ill, measures should be taken and a syrup or tablet should be given.

But before bringing down the temperature with pharmaceutical preparations, try to make it "natural" tricks. First, give the patient hot tea or compote to drink. This will give the body the necessary amount of moisture. After a while, offer a drink again, but with raspberries. Raspberry helps to increase sweating, and it helps heat transfer.

  • Provide cool air in the room.
  • If possible, try not to wrap up the patient too much.
  • Alcohol rubbing will quickly help bring down a very high temperature.

How to bring down the temperature if nothing helped?

Paracetamol suppositories work very well. It is through the walls of the intestine that the medicine is absorbed instantly. If there are no candles at hand, you can prepare an enema. To do this, dissolve the crushed antipyretic tablets in warm water and inject them into the patient.

Decreased body temperature

Often, many complain of an unreasonable decrease in temperature, while hands and feet freeze, there is general apathy and lethargy. Low body temperature occurs for a number of reasons:

  • low hemoglobin;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • decreased immunity;
  • recent illness;
  • prostration.

If you visited a doctor, passed tests, and low temperature body remains, then in order to increase body temperature, try changing your lifestyle - go in for sports, follow the principles healthy eating take more vitamins.

Causes of a decrease in body temperature

  • decreased thyroid function;
  • damage to the adrenal glands;
  • violation of the normal functioning of the body after a chronic illness;
  • overwork;
  • the use of a large number of drugs;
  • pregnancy;
  • lack of vitamins of group C and much more.

Low body temperature - (i.e. body temperature below 36 ° C) is sometimes observed in healthy people in morning hours, but even at this time it usually does not fall below 35.6°C.

Morning temperature decrease to values ​​of 35.6 - 35.9 ° C is often observed with a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, with certain diseases of the brain, exhaustion as a result of starvation, sometimes with chronic bronchitis, and also after significant blood loss.

Decreased body temperature inevitably occurs during freezing (after the end of the stage of adaptive warming of the body due to chills) down to 20 ° C and below, when metabolic processes practically stop and death occurs.

A less pronounced, not life-threatening, decrease in body temperature is sometimes achieved due to artificial cooling of the body (artificial hypothermia) in order to reduce the metabolic rate and the body's need for oxygen, in particular during prolonged surgical operations using heart-lung machines.

The first signs of low body temperature

  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • general malaise;
  • irritability;
  • inhibition of thought processes.

If a child has a low body temperature, it must be shown to a doctor.

If, at low body temperature, a person does not experience any unpleasant symptoms, vigorous and efficient, examinations did not reveal any pathology, and the temperature throughout life remains lower than usual in healthy person, this can be regarded as a variant of the norm.

How to increase body temperature

There are life situations in which a person needs an artificial increase in body temperature. In this context, there are countless methodologies for achieving the desired indicators, both the most effective and the ones that are unstable.

First of all, it is recommended, as the safest way to raise the temperature, implementation exercise endurance, and you can determine the list of exercises yourself, the main point in this process is the achievement of high fatigue.
Also, safe ways to increase body temperature include being in a very hot bath, though with small growth rates - up to 2 degrees.
General physical method, derived from the laws of thermodynamics - placing the body in any space where the temperature is higher than the temperature of the body itself.
One of the simplest but sufficient effective ways achieve the desired result rub salt on armpits.
They also work almost flawlessly iodine ingredients- for example, a small amount of unrefined sugar along with 4-5 drops of iodine on the tongue, or dilution of more iodine in a glass of water, while adding about 6 tablespoons of unrefined sugar. An increase in body temperature in such ways is provided.
It is also quite effective graphite use in small quantities.
Of the more exotic ways to raise the temperature, one can bring placing a cut onion for 10-15 minutes under the armpits.

Fever in a young child

If a child, especially a small one, has a fever, some parents are frightened and do not know how to act. The appearance of a high temperature signals an emerging disease. At the most critical moments, you should immediately call ambulance, in other cases, you can cope with the temperature yourself.

What can not be done with a high temperature in a child?

What needs to be done?

Questions and answers on the topic "Body temperature"

Question:Can it be 37.2-37.3 in the evening and 35.2 in the morning with oncology.

Answer: Such jumps in temperature are possible, but not only in oncology.

Question:Tell me, low body temperature - is this normal? My life temperature is 35.4 - 35.6 (I feel good). I had an elevated temperature only a few times in childhood with serious illnesses, now (28 years old) I endure all diseases not just without a temperature, but on the contrary with a low one, now, for example, I have laryngitis, the temperature is 34.8! Stable. (feeling a little weak). What is the reason for this?

Answer: Low body temperature is not the norm! Check thyroid function for decreased function.

Question:How to measure the temperature of a child?

Answer: Experts recommend measuring the temperature of the baby at rest, and even better - when the baby is sleeping. The baby should be picked up or put on the side if he is sleeping. Place the thermometer on the opposite side of the mother. The setting of the thermometer consists in its complete placement between the arm and the body of the child, as if hiding it from the armpit to the elbow. For children over 4-5 years old, it is permissible to put a thermometer, like adults, perpendicular to the plane of the shoulder.

Question:How many days can you bring down the temperature? What if the temperature rises again and again?

Answer: In cases where you do not know what exactly is causing the temperature in you or your child, be sure to see a doctor if, 1 day after you got sick, you (or your child) do not feel better or if you develop some of the features described at the beginning of the article. As we said above, in such situations, it is much more important to identify the cause of the disease and begin treatment aimed at eliminating it than to bring down the temperature. If you know what is causing the temperature and it is not dangerous, you can lower the temperature (and concomitant symptoms) within a few days.

Question:What medicine for fever to choose?

Answer: Either paracetamol (acetaminophen) or ibuprofen can be used to reduce high fever in children. Paracetamol (acetaminophen), ibuprofen, or aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) can be used to reduce high fever in adults.

Question:Hello! I am 25 years old, the temperature is 36.9 - 37.2 for more than half a year. It doesn't create any problems for me! I just don’t know if it’s possible to engage in heavy sports (barbell) at such a temperature? In training, it only throws in the heat once again, but it’s normal! Please tell me!

Answer: Hello. In a healthy person, body temperature can rise to 37.5 C, this is not dangerous. You can play sports if there are no other health problems.

Question:Hello! For four months now, the temperature has been 37.5 - 37.7. But only in a standing position, that is, it is worth lying down and the temperature returns to normal. Doctors say that this is a "violation of internal thermoregulation." I ask how to treat - they shrug their shoulders. I no longer know what to do and what to think. Help me please. Tell me something. To what doctor further to go, whether that.

Answer: Hello. Violation of thermoregulation is a variant of the norm, it does not need to be treated.

Question:Please tell me how many minutes it takes to measure the temperature with a mercury thermometer?

Answer: Hello! Body temperature is measured with a mercury thermometer for 7-10 minutes, while the armpit should tightly fix the device so that the result is as reliable as possible. In addition to mercury, there are also electronic contact thermometers. They take the temperature faster, usually within 30-60 seconds. however, many instruments have errors. The most convenient option for young children is non-contact thermometers that measure body temperature at the moment when you pass it over your forehead.

Question:Hello, we are 5 months old, our daughter has a temperature of 37-37.3 since birth, 2 weeks ago we had a general blood test and a general urine test, the pediatrician said that the indicators were normal. But the temperature is above 37 constantly. We also have swollen upper gums now, the lower 2 incisors have already erupted. Should I do an add-on or postpone? what to do with this body temperature? Whether to hand over in addition any analyses? Up to 5 months there was a neurology medical exemption, now the neurologist allowed the vaccination.

Answer: Hello! Often in children, this temperature is considered a variant of the norm, especially if no pathologies have been detected in the blood and urine. Regarding vaccination: I recommend that you consult with an immunologist in person, he gives permission for vaccination or draws up an individual schedule according to which you will vaccinate your baby. I strongly recommend that Viferon gel be applied to the child's nose before a visit to the doctor, now there is a lot of viral infection, the child must be protected.

Answer: Hello! You have a treatment for giardiasis, so you can treat and then control this moment with repeated tests. The child does not have a critical decrease in body temperature, so I do not see any reason for concern yet. You can take a general blood test and see the changes.

Question:A week ago, our temperature rose to 37.2. They called a doctor, examined her, said that her throat was red and hard breathing and her upper teeth were being cut, she diagnosed her with tracheitis, prescribed the antibiotic Lecoclar, and Ambraxol cough syrup. Passed tests. Analyzes are more or less normal, only leukocytes are lowered by 3.6. The rest is normal. We started treatment, the temperature subsided for three days, then rose again to 37.2. They took him to the doctor. She said that the throat is normal, the breath is clean. It's most likely teeth. Can this temperature be maintained during teething? What should I do?

Answer: Hello! The teeth themselves cannot be the cause of the fever. They can cause a temporary decrease in immunity and, as a result, infection with viruses or bacteria. Therefore, with an increase in body temperature, a qualitative examination by a doctor is recommended, plus the delivery of basic tests - general analysis blood and urinalysis (if there are any inflammatory changes in them responsible for the increase in body temperature). You say that all tests are normal, except for a decrease in leukocytes (may be with a viral infection). I recommend that you start antiviral treatment, for example, with the effective and safe drug Viferon. However, before using it, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician in person.

Temperature in a healthy person

An increase in body temperature without symptoms often remains invisible to the patient - and at the same time, even subfebrile fever (from 37.2 to 37.9 ° C) can be combined with weakness, affect working capacity, physical activity. Mild malaise is not always perceived as a symptom and is associated with stress, lack of sleep, changing daily routine.

In order to prevent overdiagnosis, that is, an erroneous judgment about the presence of a disease in a patient, the physiological causes of an increase in body temperature should be excluded. Prior to the start of the examination, it is necessary to collect a detailed anamnesis, which involves a survey regarding lifestyle, the presence of bad habits, the nature of the diet, the level of physical activity, and professional activities.

If at the stage of an oral consultation it is found out that a long-term elevated temperature without symptoms is associated with physiological processes, you will not have to use numerous laboratory and instrumental research methods and medications.

An elevated body temperature in a healthy person is observed:

  • during operation in a heating microclimate;
  • during the hot season;
  • in case of non-compliance of clothing with temperature environment.
  • during physical activity;
  • when eating a large amount of food with a high energy value;
  • when eating hot foods and drinks;
  • as a result of stress, fear;
  • as a manifestation of daily fluctuations.

Women of reproductive age who are concerned about fever without symptoms should be evaluated for possible pregnancy.

If the temperature rises without symptoms in the second half of the menstrual cycle, physiological mechanisms should also be considered.

The heating microclimate is a combination of climatic parameters (ambient temperature, air velocity, etc.) that contributes to the accumulation of heat in the human body, which is manifested by profuse sweating and an increase in body temperature. To reduce the intensity of the adverse impact, breaks in work, the installation of air conditioners, and a reduction in the working day are necessary.

Relaxing on the beach in direct sunlight, being in a hot room are likely factors that cause an increase in body temperature. Closed clothing made of dense fabric that does not allow air and moisture to pass through makes it difficult to transfer heat - this leads to a temperature imbalance with excessive accumulation of heat in the body.

Physical activity includes sports or work activities and leads to an increase in body temperature without an objectively determined cause; with sufficient training, patients feel good, the temperature returns to normal after a short rest.

A hearty breakfast, lunch or dinner, especially if the food was hot, can affect body temperature: values ​​​​shift up to 0.5 ° C from normal level. It is also known that the temperature changes when a person experiences strong emotions. An elevated temperature combined with a wave of heat or heat is observed for a short time after drinking alcohol.

Daily rhythms are evolutionarily fixed mechanisms that cause an increase in body temperature in the evening. The difference between the indicators at different times of the day can be from 0.5 to 1 °C.

In addition, it is important to clarify which method of thermometry the patient uses. Sometimes a temperature without a reason is the result of an incorrect assessment of the data obtained during the measurement. Rectal temperature is higher than axillary (determined in the armpit) and oral (measured in oral cavity).

Determination errors can be associated with a thermometry device - mercury thermometers are considered the most accurate. Electronic and infrared thermometers are sensitive to the measurement technique, so you must strictly follow the instructions; the discrepancy between the actual body temperature and the recorded values ​​​​can reach 0.5 ° C.

Temperature as a symptom

Constitutional fever, or thermoneurosis, can cause an elevated body temperature without symptoms. Subfebrile fever is observed for several months and even longer, while the patient's state of health remains satisfactory.

If pathological manifestations are present, they are quite variable, the connection with fever can not always be traced. These include hyperhidrosis, a feeling of discomfort in the heart area, headaches, mood swings, sleep disturbance, a tendency to low or high blood pressure or a sharp fluctuation of its indicators for no apparent reason.

Temperature without other symptoms is a presumptive sign:

  1. Infectious-inflammatory process.
  2. Systemic diseases connective tissue.
  3. endocrine pathology.
  4. vascular thrombosis.
  5. Neoplasms.

Diseases belonging to the listed groups can begin with an increase in temperature with erased clinical picture including additional symptoms. In some cases, the patient's complaints and initial examination do not allow to determine any other changes, except for fever.

Infectious diseases are an extensive group of pathologies, many of which can occur in a latent (hidden) form - for example, tuberculosis of various localization, viral hepatitis B and C.

Sometimes high temperature becomes the main manifestation of infective endocarditis, foci of chronic infection (sinusitis, tonsillitis, carious teeth). Careful diagnostics is required to confirm or refute the infectious nature of the fever.

Systemic connective tissue diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, etc.) are associated with immunological disorders and manifest as inflammatory lesions of the connective tissue. Temperature without cause in adults can be recorded for several weeks and even months before the onset of additional symptoms.

The complaint that an adult has a fever without symptoms sometimes characterizes initial stage hyperthyroidism. This is a syndrome of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, manifested by an increase in the level of triiodothyronine and thyroxine and an increase in the intensity of basal metabolism. The development of pathology may be due to autoimmune mechanisms, the hereditary factor is also important.

Temperature without symptoms in an adult with thrombosis is an important diagnostic sign; elimination of fever with heparin therapy in the absence of effect from antibacterial agents suggests the presence of vascular pathology.

Fever with tumors

In the case of neoplasms, the temperature without signs of disturbance general condition is fixed at the beginning of the development of tumors of the bladder, kidneys, liver, hemoblastoses, multiple myeloma. It is believed that the cause of elevated body temperature is the production of pyrogens - biologically active substances that contribute to the appearance of fever (for example, interleukin-1).

The severity of fever does not always depend on the size and location of the tumor; fever without symptoms at the onset of the disease most often corresponds to subfebrile and febrile levels. After removal of the tumor, as well as with successful treatment with chemotherapy, normalization of temperature indicators is observed.

Fever is characteristic of tumors localized in the cavities of the heart (cardiac myxoma). Before the heart valves are involved in the pathological process, it is difficult to suspect the presence of a neoplasm.

Symptoms characteristic of the detailed clinical picture of myxoma:

  • sudden increase in body temperature;
  • weight loss;
  • pain in muscles and joints without a specific localization;
  • shortness of breath, dizziness, swelling;
  • skin pigmentation.

Fever in cardiac myxoma is resistant to application antibacterial drugs. In the blood test, there are signs of anemia (a decrease in erythrocytes, hemoglobin), an increase in ESR, leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, but in some cases erythrocytosis, thrombocytosis (increased levels of erythrocytes and platelets) are recorded.

Infective endocarditis is one of the possible complications of the course pathological process with myxoma of the heart.

Temperature without other signs occurs in patients who are undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy and is called neutropenic fever. There is a sharp decrease in the number of neutrophils, followed by the addition of infection; in this case, the only manifestation of the infectious process is fever above 38 ° C.

It is necessary to carry out antibiotic therapy with monitoring of body temperature and evaluation of effectiveness within 3 days after the start of treatment.

About ways to measure body temperature

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in measuring body temperature. If there is no thermometer at hand, then you can touch the forehead of the sick person with your lips, but mistakes often occur here, this method will not allow you to accurately determine the temperature.

Another more accurate technique is counting the pulse. An increase in temperature by 1 degree leads to an increase in heart rate of 10 beats per minute. Thus, you can roughly calculate how much the temperature has risen, knowing the indicator of your normal pulse. Also, an increase in the frequency of respiratory movements indicates a fever. Normally, children take about 25 breaths per minute, and adults - up to 15 breaths.

Measurement of body temperature with a thermometer is carried out not only in the armpit, but also orally or rectally (holding a thermometer in the mouth or anus). For young children, a thermometer is sometimes placed in the inguinal fold. There are a number of rules that should be followed when measuring temperature so as not to get a false result.

  • The skin at the measurement site must be dry.
  • During the measurement, you can not make movements, it is advisable not to talk.
  • When measuring the temperature in the armpit, the thermometer should be held for about 3 minutes (the norm is 36.2 - 37.0 degrees).
  • If you use the oral method, then the thermometer should be held for 1.5 minutes ( normal rate 36.6 - 37.2 degrees).
  • When measuring the temperature in the anus, it is enough to hold the thermometer for one minute (the norm with this technique is 36.8 - 37.6 degrees)

Norm and pathology: when is it time to “knock down” the temperature?

It is generally accepted that normal body temperature is 36.6 degrees, however, as you can see, this is rather relative. The temperature can reach 37.0 degrees and be considered normal, it usually rises to such levels in the evening or during the hot season, after physical activity. Therefore, if before going to bed on the thermometer you saw the number 37.0, then there is nothing to worry about yet. When the temperature exceeds this limit, it is already possible to speak of a fever. It is also characterized by a feeling of heat or chills, redness of the skin.

When should the temperature be brought down?

The doctors of our clinic recommend the use of antipyretics when the body temperature reaches 38.5 degrees in children and 39.0 degrees in adults. But even in these cases, you should not take a large dose of antipyretic, it is enough to lower the temperature by 1.0 - 1.5 degrees so that the effective fight against infection continues without a threat to the body.

A dangerous sign of fever is blanching of the skin, their "marbling", while the skin remains cold to the touch. This indicates a spasm of peripheral vessels. Typically, this phenomenon is more common in children, and is followed by convulsions. In such cases, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

infectious fever

For bacterial or viral infections The temperature rises almost all the time. How much it increases depends, firstly, on the amount of the pathogen, and secondly, on the state of the body of the person himself. For example, in the elderly, even an acute infection may be accompanied by a slight increase in temperature.

It is curious that with various infectious diseases, body temperature can behave differently: rise in the morning and subside in the evening, increase by a certain number of degrees and decrease after a few days. Depending on this, various types of fevers were distinguished - perverse, recurrent, and others. For physicians, this is very valuable. diagnostic criterion, since the type of fever makes it possible to narrow down the range of suspected diseases. Therefore, in case of infection, temperature should be measured in the morning and evening, preferably during the day.

What infections raise the temperature?

Usually, with an acute infection, a sharp temperature jump occurs, while there are general signs of intoxication: weakness, dizziness, or nausea.

  1. If fever is accompanied by cough, sore throat, or chest, shortness of breath, hoarseness, then we are talking about a respiratory infectious disease.
  2. If the body temperature rises, and with it diarrhea begins, nausea or vomiting, abdominal pain occur, then there is practically no doubt that this is an intestinal infection.
  3. A third option is also possible, when against the background of fever there is a sore throat, redness of the pharyngeal mucosa, cough and runny nose are sometimes noted, and there are also abdominal pains and diarrhea. In this case, one should suspect rotavirus infection or the so-called "intestinal flu". But with any symptoms, it is better to seek help from our doctors.
  4. Sometimes a local infection on any part of the body can cause a fever. For example, fever is often accompanied by carbuncles, abscesses, or phlegmon. It also occurs with (, carbuncle of the kidney). Only in the case of acute fever almost never happens, because the suction capacity of the bladder mucosa is minimal, and the substances that cause fever practically do not penetrate into the blood.

Sluggish chronic infectious processes in the body can also cause fever, especially in the period of exacerbation. However slight increase temperature is often observed at normal times, when there are practically no other obvious symptoms of the disease.

When does the temperature rise again?

  1. An unexplained increase in body temperature is noted with oncological diseases . This usually becomes one of the first symptoms along with weakness, apathy, loss of appetite, sudden weight loss and a depressed mood. In such cases, the elevated temperature lasts for a long time, but at the same time remains febrile, that is, does not exceed 38.5 degrees. As a rule, with tumors, the fever is undulating. Body temperature rises slowly, and when it reaches its peak, it also slowly decreases. Then there comes a period when the normal temperature is maintained, and then its increase begins again.
  2. At lymphogranulomatosis or Hodgkin's disease undulating fever is also common, although other types may be seen. An increase in temperature in this case is accompanied by chills, and when it decreases, then pouring sweat occurs. Excessive sweating occurs usually at night. Along with this, Hodgkin's disease manifests itself as enlarged lymph nodes, sometimes itching is present.
  3. Body temperature rises when acute leukemia. Often it is confused with a sore throat, because there is pain when swallowing, a feeling of palpitations, increase The lymph nodes, often there is increased bleeding (hematomas appear on the skin). But even before the onset of these symptoms, patients report a sharp and unmotivated weakness. It is noteworthy that antibiotic therapy does not give positive results, that is, the temperature does not decrease.
  4. Fever may also indicate endocrine diseases . For example, it almost always appears with thyrotoxicosis. At the same time, body temperature usually remains subfebrile, that is, it does not rise more than 37.5 degrees, however, during periods of exacerbations (crises), a significant excess of this limit can be observed. In addition to fever, thyrotoxicosis is disturbed by mood swings, tearfulness, irritability, insomnia, a sharp loss of body weight against the background of increased appetite, trembling of the tip of the tongue and fingers, menstrual irregularities in women. With hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands, the temperature can rise to 38 - 39 degrees. In the case of hyperparathyroidism, patients complain of intense thirst, frequent urge to urinate, nausea, drowsiness, and pruritus.
  5. Special attention should be addressed for fever, which appears a few weeks after the transferred respiratory diseases(most often after a sore throat), since it can talk about the development rheumatic myocarditis. Usually the body temperature rises slightly - up to 37.0 - 37.5 degrees, but such a fever is a very serious reason for contacting our doctor. In addition, body temperature may rise with endocarditis or, but in this case, the main attention is not paid to chest pains, which cannot be relieved by available analgesics.
  6. Curiously, the temperature often rises with stomach ulcer or duodenum , though it also does not exceed 37.5 degrees. The fever is aggravated if there is internal bleeding. Its symptoms are sharp dagger pains, vomiting of "coffee grounds" or tarry feces, as well as sudden and increasing weakness.
  7. Cerebral disorders(, traumatic brain injury or brain tumors) provoke an increase in temperature, irritating the center of its regulation in the brain. Fever in this case can be very different.
  8. drug fever most often occurs in response to the use of antibiotics and some other drugs, while it is part of allergic reaction, therefore it is usually accompanied by itching of the skin and rashes.

What to do with high temperature?

Many, having discovered that they have an elevated temperature, immediately try to reduce it, using antipyretics available to everyone. However, their thoughtless use can harm even more than the fever itself, because fever is not a disease, but just a symptom, so suppressing it without establishing the cause is not always correct.

This is especially true of infectious diseases, when pathogens must die under conditions of elevated temperature. If you try to reduce the temperature at the same time, infectious agents will remain alive and unharmed in the body.

Therefore, do not rush to run for pills, but lower the temperature competently, when the need arises, our specialists will help you with this. If the fever bothers you for a long time, you should contact one of our doctors: as you can see, it can talk about many non-communicable diseases, so without conducting additional research not enough.

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