What is the normal level of cholesterol in the blood in women? What kind of cholesterol is considered the norm in women A woman, 53 years old, what kind of cholesterol should be.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Let us consider in detail how the rate of total cholesterol in a woman changes with age, compare the data in the table. Let's figure out why high cholesterol is dangerous, the causes and signs of this condition, methods for correcting the lipid profile.

The role of cholesterol in the female body

About 80% of the substance is synthesized by the liver (endogenous), the remaining 20% ​​a person receives with food (exogenous). Main functions:

  • structural component of cell membranes;
  • raw material for the synthesis of steroid hormones (estrogens, progesterone, androgens, cortisol, aldosterone), bile acids, vitamin D;
  • regulation of cell permeability;
  • protection of red blood cells from exposure to hemolytic poisons;
  • in pregnant women - a necessary element for the formation of the fetus.

The total number of fractions of blood lipids is called total cholesterol (TC). Of clinical importance are:

  • low density lipoproteins (LDL, LDL) are the main carriers of endogenous sterol, which they provide to all cells of the body. An increase in the concentration of LDL, VLDL contributes to the formation of atherosclerotic deposits. Therefore, such cholesterol is called bad;
  • high density lipoproteins (HDL, HDL) - utilizes the excess, sending them back to the liver. They prevent the formation of plaques, for which they are called good cholesterol.

The norm of cholesterol in women

Total cholesterol, the norm of which some consider 5.5 mmol / l, is not suitable for every condition, age, because as a person ages, his metabolism is constantly changing. This also applies to fat metabolism. It is most convenient to present cholesterol in the norm in women by age in the table.

After analyzing the data, it is easy to notice a trend: the concentration of OH, LDL almost does not change before menopause. However, with the onset of menopause, the indicators increase markedly.

This explains the sharp increase in the number of heart attacks, strokes among women after 50 years. The level of HDL remains virtually unchanged throughout life.

Total cholesterol, mmol/lLDL, mmol/lHDL, mmol/l
Age 20-30 years old
3,2-5,7 1,5-4,3 0,9-2,2
Age 30-40 years
3,4-6,3 1,8-4,5 0,9-2,1
Age 40-50 years
3,9-6,9 1,9-4,8 0,9-2,3
Age 50-60 years
4,1-7,8 2,3-5,4 1,0-2,4
Age 60-70 years
4,5-7,9 2,6-5,7 1,0-2,5
Over 70 years old
4,5-7,3 2,5-5,3 0,85-2,38

High cholesterol levels may be due to:

  • alcoholism;
  • overweight;
  • unhealthy diet;
  • hereditary disorders of lipid metabolism;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • insufficiency thyroid gland;
  • blockage of the bile ducts;
  • violations of the liver;
  • gout (in the elderly);
  • oral contraceptives (young girls);
  • diuretics;
  • taking cyclosporine, amiodarone.

An isolated high concentration of VLDL, LDL can be caused by kidney disease, Cushing's syndrome, the use of beta-blockers, glucocorticoids, as well as all of the above factors.

Age 20-30 years old

The girl's body has recently completed hormonal changes associated with growing up, the onset of sexual activity. Normal cholesterol levels for women 20-30 years old: OH - 3.2-5.7 mmol / l, LDL 1.5-4.3 mmol / l, HDL - 0.9-2.2 mmol / l. Hypercholesterolemia, dyslipidemia develop very rarely. Usually their cause is endocrine / genetic disorders, oral contraceptives.

Age 30-40 years

The body of a woman is still quite young, it copes well with the regulation of lipid metabolism. His normal performance differ little from the previous age group: TC - 3.4-6.3 mmol / l, LDL - 1.8-4.5 mmol / l, HDL - 0.9-2.1 mmol / l. The main reason for exceeding the norms is endocrine diseases, disruption internal organs, lifestyle errors.

Age 40-50 years

All types of metabolism begin to gradually slow down. Closer to the age of 50, the body of some women begins to prepare for menopause. Before the onset of menopause, this has little effect on the level of fat. The norm of total cholesterol for women 40-50 years old is 3.6-6.9 mmol / l, LDL - 1.9-4.8 mmol / l, HDL - 0.9-2.3 mmol / l.

There is a sharp increase in the number of patients with dyslipidemia of various origins. After all, it is already much more difficult for a mature organism to absorb the effect of damaging factors. Therefore, the consequences of unhealthy habits, neglected diseases begin to make themselves felt.

Age 50-60 years

Age of radical change. The ovaries cease to form new eggs, synthesize female sex hormones - menopause sets in. It is accompanied by a global restructuring of all types of metabolism, including fat. The indicators of blood lipoproteins begin to rise sharply: OH - 4.1-7.8 mmol / l, LDL - 2.5-5.4 mmol / l, HDL 1.0-2.4 mmol / l.

Over 60 years old

Most women of this age have chronic diseases. Many of them, primarily disorders of the thyroid gland, arterial hypertension contribute to an increase in lipid levels. Compared with the previous age group, the level of indicators changes little, the norm: OH - 4.5-7.8 mmol / l, LDL 2.6-5.7 mmol / l, HDL 1.0-2.5 mmol / l .

Cholesterol and Pregnancy: Should You Worry?

During childbearing, the level of lipids of all fractions, except LDL, gradually increases, reaching a maximum concentration by the end of the third trimester. Such changes should not disturb a woman. They are absolutely normal and are explained by the metabolic restructuring of the body, the needs of the fetus:

  • organism future mother synthesizes a large amount of steroid hormones necessary for the normal course of pregnancy, the raw material for which is cholesterol. This causes the liver to produce more sterol.
  • The second reason for the sharp increase in the level of total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides is the peculiarities of the fat metabolism of a pregnant woman. In the first, beginning of the second trimester, the accumulation of adipose tissue occurs. When the fetus begins to rapidly gain weight (third trimester), the body starts its breakdown. The activation of lipolysis is accompanied by an increase in the plasma lipid content.

How to prepare for analysis

It is necessary to donate venous blood, it is very desirable to do this in the morning (before 12:00). Before taking material, you must:

  • 2-3 days do not drink alcohol. It can provoke an increase in indicators;
  • take a blood test strictly on an empty stomach (8-14 hours). The ban also applies to all drinks, with the exception of water;
  • the day before, do not be nervous, avoid heavy physical activity, fatty foods;
  • do not smoke immediately before taking it, avoid stress. If you are scheduled to undergo unpleasant medical procedures, they must be rescheduled to a later time.

An isolated indicator of total cholesterol is not very informative. Much more important is the content of its fractions, primarily LDL, HDL. But today even these data are considered controversial. There is more and more evidence that the harmfulness of cholesterol is determined by the size of its particles, as well as some additional little-studied factors. Therefore, when evaluating the level of sterol, doctors try to be less attached to specific norms, pay more attention to clinical picture generally.

How to normalize cholesterol using a diet

All fat metabolism values ​​are well corrected proper nutrition. After all, with the products we get about a quarter of all cholesterol. Moreover: without dieting, taking sterol-lowering drugs is not advisable.

  • Reduce intake of saturated fats. They are abundant in red meat, especially pork, roast beef, whole dairy products (fat cottage cheese, cream, butter, cheese), coconut, palm oils. Saturated fatty acids have a poor nutritional value, they are good at increasing LDL levels. Their advantages include the ability to increase good cholesterol,.
  • Avoid trans fats. They are formed during the processing of vegetable oils. The most common source of trans lipids is margarine and products containing it (baked goods, confectionery). Their main danger is the ability to simultaneously reduce the level of good cholesterol, increase the concentration of bad.
  • Increase your intake of soluble fiber - vegetables, greens, whole grain cereals, fruits, legumes. Dietary fiber can reduce the absorption of cholesterol by the digestive tract, which favorably affects the patient's lipid profile.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are natural lipid-lowering agents that normalize the level of sterol, neutral fats. There are many such unsaturated fats in fatty fish (herring, mackerel, mackerel, anchovy, salmon), flax seeds, walnuts.
  • Deep-fried dishes, fast food - rarely contain useful nutrients, are probably rich in trans fats, simple carbohydrates.
  • 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Otherwise, the body will have to synthesize more cholesterol to protect cell membranes from its lack.
  • Nuts. 35 g of walnuts, almonds or peanuts is enough to reduce LDL levels by 5%. In addition, they are rich in complete proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, which protect the heart from adverse factors.
  • Vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, rapeseed). Composed predominantly of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They have a high nutritional value, help lower food sterol.
  • Soy. To reduce LDL by 5-6%, it is enough to eat 25 g of soy protein. This is 60 g of tofu, 300 g of soy milk or 50 g of soy meat.
  • Oatmeal, barley, rye flakes. An excellent source of fiber. Nutritionists recommend adding berries and fruits to them for greater nutritional value and taste. As a dressing, use low-fat kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk.
  • Fatty fish. It has been proven that two servings of fish / week can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases due to the intake of the right fats, proteins.

How does lifestyle affect lipid profiles?

Some unhealthy habits can cause an increase in the level of LDL, TC, a decrease in the concentration of HDL. This:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • excess weight;
  • sedentary lifestyle.


Compared to men, women before menopause have a lower chance of developing cardiovascular disease due to the peculiarities of hormonal metabolism. However, these benefits disappear once they start smoking (6). The components of tobacco smoke damage the vascular wall, making it vulnerable to LDL. Settling, they start the process of formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Refusal of cigarettes contributes to a sharp increase in the level of good cholesterol (30%), reducing the likelihood of myocardial infarction, stroke (6). After 5-10 years of abstinence, the risk drops to the level of people who have never smoked.


A moderate amount of alcoholic beverages can slightly increase HDL levels. But only on condition that a woman consumes no more than 14 g of ethyl alcohol per day, which is equivalent to 45 ml of vodka, 150 ml of wine, 360 ml of beer. The best choice recognized dry red wine. It contains a minimum of sugars, a maximum of flavonoids.

Large doses of alcohol negatively affect fat metabolism: HDL levels fall, while bad cholesterol, on the contrary, rises. In one study (5), the difference between the LDL concentration of the control and the "drinking" group was 18%.

Excess weight

Women who are overweight very often suffer from various types of dyslipidemia. The conducted studies have established: regardless of the timing of the diet, its result, age, in all the subjects there is a decrease in bad cholesterol, an increase in good cholesterol. Even a small weight loss (5-10%) has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism.

Physical activity

Regular exercise contributes to the normalization of lipid metabolism, prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases. In just 3 months of regular training, the participants in the experiment managed to achieve the following results:

  • HDL 4.6%;
  • LDL 5% ↓;
  • triglycerides 3.7% ↓.
  • Healthy women need to maintain a normal level of LDL, TG, increase the concentration of HDL. The ideal workout regimen is 5 times/week for 30 minutes. Aerobic exercises of medium intensity and low-intensity exercises with weights are combined with each other.
  • Women with high cholesterol need to achieve a decrease in the concentration of LDL, TG, an increase in HDL. The recommended volume of loads is 5 workouts / week for 30 minutes. Medium-high intensity aerobic exercises are combined with medium-/high-intensity strength exercises.
  • Women with limited mobility elderly age, disability) and hypercholesterolemia, it is recommended to maintain maximum physical activity throughout the day. Suitable for hiking, shopping, gardening. It is advisable to do a little exercise every day, loading the main muscle groups.

What folk remedies deserve special attention

There are methods traditional medicine, whose effectiveness is confirmed by scientific research. These include phytotherapy with the following plants (4):

  • Garlic - daily use perfectly normalizes lipid metabolism. The effect of the use of spices is dose-dependent: the more you eat it, the better the result you get.
  • Turmeric - prevents the development of certain types of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, regulates fat metabolism. With hypercholesterolemia, it is recommended to eat 1-2 g of spice daily.
  • Aloe vera is a well-known plant that is used in home cosmetics and the treatment of dermatological problems. However, scientists have recently discovered another useful property her extract. It turned out that when taken orally, it increases the content of HDL (7-9%), and according to some reports, it reduces the concentration of OH (10-15.5%), LDL (12%), neutral fats (25-31%).
  • Sea buckthorn - rich in vitamin C, E, omega-3, omega-7 fatty acids, flavonoids. It is valued for its cardioprotective, antidiabetic effect, the ability to reduce plasma sterol, and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Licorice root - has a very specific taste, antioxidant, hypotensive effect. Well lowers the level of total cholesterol (5%), LDL (9%) sugar, triglycerides (14%). To achieve a similar result, it is enough to eat 0.1 g of the plant extract or its equivalent.

In what cases is drug therapy prescribed and why?

Medicines are prescribed to women for several reasons:

  • Diet, lifestyle changes are not enough to achieve cholesterol targets. In this case, the doctor prescribes drugs that reduce the production of sterol by the liver (). Other lipid-lowering agents (fibrates, cholesterol absorption inhibitors, bile acid sequestrants) that regulate lipid metabolism are less commonly used.
  • High risk of cardiovascular complications. In some categories of women, the simultaneous initiation of drug therapy and lifestyle correction is more than justified. Such shock treatment allows you to minimize the chances of a heart attack, stroke.
  • Correction of risk factors associated with concomitant diseases. arterial hypertension, diabetes, disorders of the thyroid gland are accompanied by a violation of the metabolism of fats, require the administration of appropriate medications.

For reception medicines there are clear indications, in other cases it is enough to start monitoring nutrition, get rid of bad habits.

What do cholesterol tests say, what is their norm for women?


  1. Jillian Kubala, MS, RD. 11 High-Cholesterol Foods - Which to Eat, Which to Avoid, 2018
  2. Steven Mann, Christopher Beedie, and Alfonso Jimenez. Differential Effects of Aerobic Exercise, Resistance Training and Combined Exercise Modalities on Cholesterol and the Lipid Profile: Review, Synthesis and Recommendations, 2014
  3. Jenna Fletcher. What should my cholesterol level be at my age? 2017
  4. Paramjit S Tappia; Yan Jun Xu; Naranjan S Dhalla
  5. Elizabeth R. De Oliveira e Silva, David Foster. Alcohol Consumption Raises HDL Cholesterol Levels by Increasing the Transport Rate of Apolipoproteins A-I and A-II, 2000.
  6. Tammy Worth. Smoking Plus High Cholesterol Ups Heart Attack Risk, 2016

Last updated: September 1, 2019

The cholesterol level in the blood of women is an indicator that often changes. And it depends on the hormonal state, age, lifestyle, etc.

By identifying the amount of cholesterol in the blood, you can warn yourself against many diseases and pathologies, including heart attack and stroke.

Let's find out how much is the norm of total cholesterol in the blood of women by age, what is "good" and "bad" cholesterol, what treatment is required to correct the level if it is above or below the norm in the analysis?

General information

Cholesterol (cholesterol) - natural fatty alcohol, a chemical compound having a waxy soft structure.

It is found in almost all parts of the body, including the skin, liver, heart, intestines, nervous system, muscle tissue.

Cholesterol is formed by the body itself and is produced as a result of a structural combination of steroids and fats (lipids).

20% of cholesterol comes from food, the remaining 80% is produced by the liver.

After eating, fatty alcohol is absorbed into the liver from the intestines. The main source of cholesterol is fish, dairy products, meat, poultry.

For the body to function properly, the presence of cholesterol in small quantities is necessary.

High rates, on the contrary, harm the normal functioning of all organs and systems, and can lead to blockage of the arteries. As a result, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke.

Women before menopause have low cholesterol levels. During pregnancy and after 55 years, the risk of an increase in the level increases.

Elevated cholesterol levels are often seen in childhood. The source of pathology is improper and irrational nutrition, hereditary predisposition.

What are the main functions of fatty alcohol in the body? This element helps in the production of vitamin D, bile acids and hormones.

The program “Live healthy!” will tell about cholesterol:

Normal values

There is practically no pure cholesterol in the body. It is part of specific compounds called "lipoproteins".

Lipidogram (blood chemistry) provides information on the parameters characterized by fat metabolism.

These include:

  • LDL - low density lipoproteins;
  • HDL - high density lipoproteins;
  • total cholesterol.

The indicator of the latter is determined by summing the former. Total cholesterol is a relative value.

The norm for a woman at the age of 30 is significantly different from the norm at the age of 60. An increased rate is also detected in expectant mothers.

In the last stages of pregnancy, it increases almost 2 times.

Important in determining the qualitative characteristics of blood is not only total cholesterol, but also the correspondence between HDL and LDL - good and bad cholesterol.

The name "good" and "bad" does not mean that the first is beneficial, and the second is only harmful. Each of them has its own function.

So, what level of cholesterol in the blood is considered normal in women at different ages? On average, the norm should be equal to 5.2 mmol / l.

More accurate indicators of the norm of cholesterol in the blood in women by age (total, LDL and HDL) are shown in the table:

These values ​​are subject to change depending on the woman's health.

In case of hormonal failures, problems with the thyroid gland, during pregnancy, these indicators can be adjusted.

These rates may vary depending on the time of menopause.

The longer the activity of sex hormones persists, the better the indicators of blood cholesterol levels will look.

What does the low mean?

Not only increased rate cholesterol can talk about problems in a woman's body.

A lower level also indicates the development of pathologies.

Reasons for the low value:

  • sepsis;
  • hepatic diseases;
  • hyperthyroidism (an endocrine syndrome characterized by intense);
  • malignant anemia;
  • malabsorption (nutrients are not sufficiently absorbed from the stomach and intestines);
  • Tangier syndrome (lack of alpha lipoproteins);
  • malnutrition;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • malignant formations in the liver;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • lung diseases in the chronic stage;
  • hypoproteinemia (decrease in plasma total protein).

Why the scores are high

Elevated cholesterol levels may about various diseases

  • hypothyroidism (deficiency of thyroid hormones);
  • family-type hyperlipidemia (increase in the amount of lipids in the blood);
  • liver disease;
  • alcoholism;
  • diabetes;
  • high fat content in food;
  • malignant tumors in the pancreas;
  • nephrotic syndrome (kidney damage);
  • hypertension;
  • ischemic disease hearts;
  • somatotropic hormone deficiency;
  • glomerulonephritis (kidney disease of an immunoinflammatory nature).

Any disease in an exacerbated form can affect the value of cholesterol. Therefore, it is better to take the analysis when all the signs disappear.

When to consult a doctor

If a deviation from the norm is found in the test results, then you should immediately seek the advice of a doctor.

Timely reduction of cholesterol levels - the most important factor, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis and stroke.

  • consume foods high in fiber;
  • limit fat to 30% (7% should be from saturated fat, 20% from monounsaturated, and the rest from polyunsaturated).

No more than 300 mg of cholesterol should be consumed daily for healthy people and 200 mg for those who have a predisposition to pathology.

Trans fats, palm oil, fats from animal products increase the amount of bad blood cholesterol in women and reduce the level of good cholesterol.

Therefore, margarine, cookies, creams, pastries, chips, french fries, fried foods, etc. should be avoided.

The drug has practically no side effects and contraindications.

Usually assigned:

  • "Fluvastatin";
  • "Rozuvastatin";
  • "Pravastatin";
  • "Lovastatin";
  • "Simvastatin";
  • "Atorvastatin".

Often the doctor prescribes naturally occurring statins:

  • vitamin B3;
  • vitamin C;
  • curcumin;
  • garlic;
  • fish fat;
  • cellulose;
  • policosanol;
  • flax seeds;
  • products consisting of fermented soybeans;
  • basil;
  • artichoke.

Do not reduce the interval between meals, there should be 3 in total.

Bowel movement is also important in this case. Excess cholesterol is excreted with feces.

What is cholesterol, how it can be dangerous, how to lower it, the program "Food without Harm" will tell:

  • prevent rupture of cholesterol plaques;
  • reduce the risk of peripheral arterial disease;
  • prevent narrowing of the carotid, coronary, cerebral arteries, as well as femoral artery supplying blood to the legs.
  • Without cholesterol, the normal functioning of internal organs and systems is impossible.

    To keep the indicators of this element normal, you should eat right and rationally, play sports, visit a doctor in a timely manner and take blood tests.

    Many believe that cholesterol is harmful to the body, since its accumulation on the walls of blood vessels can cause coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis. This is not entirely true, because only high cholesterol levels in the blood can cause unpleasant consequences.

    There are two types of cholesterol - good and bad. In this article, we will look at what types of cholesterol are, what is the norm of cholesterol in the blood and how to achieve it.

    The latest and most relevant information from med. experts, the norm of cholesterol in the blood has already been published.

    Cholesterol: general information

    Cholesterol (complex fat) is found in all cell walls of living organisms, being directly involved in the synthesis of vital important substances. A person receives a lot of cholesterol from food, but most of it is synthesized in the liver.

    Newly elevated cholesterol levels in the blood are not accompanied by symptoms, and pathology can only be detected with the help of a special examination.

    Contrary to popular belief, complex fat in small doses is not harmful, but rather beneficial. Good cholesterol is considered to be the combination of fatty acids with particles of complex HDL protein compounds (lipoproteins).

    Bad cholesterol is in the blood in the form of large particles of LDL (low density lipoprotein).

    They are prone to clogging vessels due to precipitation of particles. What is the rate of cholesterol in the blood, is determined by the total concentration of various fats in the body.

    When conducting a study of the blood lipid profile, cholesterol indicators are divided - this allows you to check their number and the necessary balance.

    Factors in determining normal cholesterol levels

    The norm of cholesterol in the human body is determined purely individually, depending on your gender, weight, age, height and characteristics of the body. In children, this indicator of the norm will always be lower than in adults. It is almost impossible to derive a single formula.

    In men, the norm will be higher than in women of the same age, but after menopause, women experience an increase in this indicator.

    The level of cholesterol in the blood may increase slightly in women during pregnancy and this will be the norm.

    In people suffering cardiological diseases and diabetes mellitus, the normal indicator should be less than in people of the same age, gender and characteristics, but not susceptible to these diseases.

    Everything is purely individual and data on what kind of cholesterol is normal should be obtained in medical institution as a result of the necessary scientific research of your body.

    You can view the approximate indicators of the norm of cholesterol in the blood on the table by age, however, these are not accurate data and you can only focus on them, but not follow them. Let's look at what cholesterol should be in a healthy person.

    If we evaluate general indicators provided in the table, then a safe and normal limit for health would be 3.5-5 mmol / l. Elevated limits this indicator will be considered a deviation from the norm, but here it is necessary to take into account your own characteristics of the body.

    For people who have heart disease or diabetes, a normal blood cholesterol level of 4-5 mmol / l is applicable. It is this indicator that will not contribute to the occurrence of relapses and deterioration.

    There are several factors in view of which the total norm of cholesterol can change. That is why, when determining what is the norm of cholesterol in a person, it is necessary to pay attention not only to growth and sex indicators, but also to other factors.

    Let's look at a few features in which normal cholesterol can be elevated:

    1. Cold weather outside the window not only affects our mood, but also can increase or decrease the level of complex fat in the blood;
    2. The menstrual cycle also has an impact on the rate of cholesterol in humans;
    3. Pregnancy can increase cholesterol up to 12-15%;
    4. Malignant formations reduce the amount of cholesterol and this can subsequently lead to the growth of pathological tissues;
    5. The level of cholesterol in the blood, the norm of which also depends on diseases, can be different. If you have diabetes, angina pectoris, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, cardiovascular diseases or an enlarged thyroid gland, then the normal readings can drop to 15%.

    Not only high cholesterol is dangerous for the body, but low cholesterol can lead to bad consequences. Therefore, it is necessary that there be a norm of cholesterol in human blood, which will not significantly decrease and increase.

    Normal cholesterol in women

    What should be normal cholesterol in women of certain ages, we learn from the following table:

    The increase in the normal range with age is due to hormonal processes associated with the onset of the menstrual pause.

    Normal cholesterol in men

    Indicators of the norm of cholesterol in the blood for a man can be viewed in this table:

    It is worth paying attention to the normal level of cholesterol in the blood of adult men - its indicator plays a very important role. The male body is more prone to the accumulation of harmful cholesterol due to its hormonal characteristics.

    Children are already born with a cholesterol level of 3 mmol / l. What is the norm of cholesterol in children is a moot point, it is believed that it is 2.5-5.2 mmol / l.

    It is necessary to monitor the nutrition of the child so that he does not consume large amounts of junk and fatty foods. Dairy products, lean red meat, and poultry are good sources of saturated fat.

    High cholesterol risk groups

    The normal level of cholesterol in the blood should not only concern people who already have certain deviations from the norm. Many people who do not currently have health problems should pay attention to the following factors that provoke an increase in cholesterol levels:

    At risk are people who have diseases of cardio-vascular system and various pathological disorders of the heart.

    Ways to bring cholesterol back to normal

    Minor changes are brought back to normal very quickly and easily, the main thing is to identify them in time. Normal cholesterol levels can be "earned" through proper nutrition, exercise and other standard requirements of a healthy lifestyle.

    You need to limit yourself in nutrition, eat only healthy and healthy foods, more walks in the fresh air, healthy sleep and moderate physical activity. It would seem nothing complicated, but with proper and timely maintenance of the body in order, the result will not keep you waiting.

    We have prepared a list of foods that are most preferred for people with hypercholesterolemia and will help to quickly bring cholesterol back to normal:

    If your cholesterol level is too high, then these rules will not help you bring your blood cholesterol levels back to normal. This means the need drug treatment a doctor who can tell you about all the necessary medications.

    To get the fastest and effective result combine use medicines co in a healthy way life.


    You should not be afraid of cholesterol-containing foods, as they are good for our body. Complex fatty alcohol is vital for our body, but only when cholesterol levels are normal.

    After reading this article, you learned what cholesterol should be, what is its norm and how to prevent the risk of its increase. It is necessary to use this knowledge, but you also need to check with a doctor in time and follow his recommendations.

    cholesterol (cholesterol)- polyhydric cyclic alcohol, a structural component of cell membranes, the initial substrate in the synthesis of sex hormones, glucocorticoids, bile acids, vitamin D. It is synthesized in the liver (up to 80%) and enters the body with animal products (meat, butter, eggs, etc. .). It is transported in the blood as part of low density lipoproteins (LDL), high density lipoproteins (HDL), very low density lipoproteins (VLDL). Total cholesterol includes both esterified (esterified to a fatty acid) and free lipoprotein cholesterol of all kinds. Increased content total cholesterol in the blood is associated with a high risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

    Cholesterol norms are different, in addition, recently they began to distinguish between norms in people different ages, as well as the norms of cholesterol in women and the norms of cholesterol in men.

    If we evaluate the general content of cholesterol in the blood of an adult, then an indicator not exceeding 5.2 mmol / l is considered normal and safe for health.

    High blood cholesterol levels increase the risk of atherosclerosis. Excess intake of cholesterol leads to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are the most common causes of death. More than half of adults have blood cholesterol levels approaching upper bound norms (more than 5.5 mmol / l). Numerous studies have convincingly shown that lowering cholesterol reduces the likelihood of sudden death from a heart attack, as well as from other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Table: norm of blood cholesterol in women and men, by age (mmol / l)

    Cholesterol in the blood (mmol / l) in women and men by age varies as follows:

    total cholesterol

    LDL - cholesterol

    HDL - cholesterol

    An increase in cholesterol with age in women is caused by hormonal changes that occur in the body with the approach of menopause and especially after its onset.

    It is especially important for men to monitor cholesterol, since their vessels and heart are not protected by sex hormones, as in women. Therefore, the risk of atherosclerosis and serious pathological conditions associated with blockage of blood vessels in the strong half in middle age is quite high (heart attack, stroke, impotence).

    What do cholesterol test results mean?

    The test will show you and your doctor the levels of several types of cholesterol, such as LDL (“bad cholesterol”) and HDL (“good cholesterol”).

    A large amount of LDL in the blood leads to the deposition of fat on the walls of the arteries, which leads to their damage. Such deposits of cholesterol and fat are called atherosclerotic plaques, and the condition itself is called atherosclerosis. It increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

    If your LDL level is above 4 mmol/L, you should try to lower it. Depending on the presence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease, the target LDL level should be much lower, around 2.0 mmol/L or even lower. Talk to your doctor about how much you should lower your cholesterol.

    "Good" cholesterol flushes LDL out of artery walls and protects the heart. A high HDL level (greater than 5 mmol/l) is good for you. If it is below 2 mmol / l, the likelihood of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system increases.

    Blood test for cholesterol

    Blood is given in the morning (up to 12 o'clock) strictly on an empty stomach, after 8-10 hours of fasting. Before donating blood, exclude alcohol, any liquid, drugs, physical and mental stress. In children, blood is taken before the next feeding. Blood sampling is carried out before diagnostic and medical procedures: operations, injections, biopsy, general body massage, endoscopy, ECG, X-ray examination.

    For diagnostic purposes, results should always be evaluated in conjunction with the patient's history, clinical examination, and other data.

    Increasing the concentration of cholesterol:

    Increase in cholesterol concentration: food rich in cholesterol and unsaturated fatty acids, androgen therapy, cyclosporine, thiazide diuretics, ergocalciferol (high doses), glucocorticoids, levodopa, amiodarone.

    Primary dyslipoproteinemias:

    • familial and polygenic hypercholesterolemia (types IIa, IIb);
    • dyslipoproteinemia type III;
    • familial combined dyslipoproteinemia type III;
    • dyslipoproteinemia types I (hereditary deficiency of lipoprotein lipase), IV, V (familial hypertriglyceridemia);
    • increase in HDL.

    Secondary dyslipoproteinemias:

    • atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease;
    • liver failure, intra - and extrahepatic cholestasis;
    • nephrotic syndrome, chronic renal failure;
    • hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus;
    • isolated deficiency of somatotropic hormone;
    • gout, type I glycogenosis (Girke's disease):
    • alcoholism;
    • malignant tumors of the pancreas;
    • prostate cancer;
    • pregnancy (physiologically).

    Decrease in cholesterol concentration:

    Decrease in concentration: food low in cholesterol and high in polyunsaturated acids (may reduce by 10-15%), taking cholesterol-lowering drugs, as well as therapy with estrogen, interferon, neomyocin, thyroxine, ketoconazole, monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

    • Decreased HDL, LDL;
    • catechism, starvation malabsorption;
    • Heavy acute diseases, including acute myocardial infarction, sepsis, extensive burns (due to acute tissue damage; decrease to 40% of the initial level during the first day of illness, return to the state before the disease for 3 months);
    • Liver failure associated with hepatocyte necrosis, liver cirrhosis, hepatocarcinoma;
    • hyperthyroidism, megaloblastic anemia, thalassemia;
    • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
    • rheumatoid arthritis, intestinal lymphangiectasia.

    Medical cholesterol lowering

    For the treatment of people with increased level blood cholesterol levels are most commonly used statins. The most commonly used are: Atorvastatin (Lipitor), Simvastatin (Zokor), Lovostatin (Mevacor). In most cases, fairly cheap Lovastatin helps to achieve the target level of blood cholesterol.

    Patients who are observed allergic reactions statins or these drugs do not help lower cholesterol levels, other groups of drugs are prescribed, such as Ezetimibe, Niacin, which are most often used in combination with statins. Talk to your doctor about the drugs that are best for you.

    Quite rarely can develop side effects such as muscle pain and liver problems. Tell your doctor if you suspect a change in how you feel is related to your medication.

    In order to make sure that the drugs really work, and that there is a gradual decrease in blood cholesterol levels to the planned result, a dynamic assessment of your condition is necessary.

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    Let us consider in detail how the rate of total cholesterol in a woman changes with age, compare the data in the table. Let's figure out why high cholesterol is dangerous, the causes and signs of this condition, methods for correcting the lipid profile.

    The role of cholesterol in the female body

    About 80% of the substance is synthesized by the liver (endogenous), the remaining 20% ​​a person receives with food (exogenous). Main functions:

    • structural component of cell membranes;
    • raw material for the synthesis of steroid hormones (estrogens, progesterone, androgens, cortisol, aldosterone), bile acids, vitamin D;
    • regulation of cell permeability;
    • protection of red blood cells from exposure to hemolytic poisons;
    • in pregnant women - a necessary element for the formation of the fetus.

    The total number of fractions of blood lipids is called total cholesterol (TC). Of clinical importance are:

    • low density lipoproteins (LDL, LDL) are the main carriers of endogenous sterol, which they provide to all cells of the body. An increase in the concentration of LDL, VLDL contributes to the formation of atherosclerotic deposits. Therefore, such cholesterol is called bad;
    • high density lipoproteins (HDL, HDL) - utilizes the excess, sending them back to the liver. They prevent the formation of plaques, for which they are called good cholesterol.

    The norm of cholesterol in women

    Total cholesterol, the norm of which some consider 5.5 mmol / l, is not suitable for every condition, age, because as a person ages, his metabolism is constantly changing. This also applies to fat metabolism. It is most convenient to present cholesterol in the norm in women by age in the table.

    After analyzing the data, it is easy to notice a trend: the concentration of OH, LDL almost does not change before menopause. However, with the onset of menopause, the indicators increase markedly.

    This explains the sharp increase in the number of heart attacks, strokes among women after 50 years. The level of HDL remains virtually unchanged throughout life.

    Total cholesterol, mmol/lLDL, mmol/lHDL, mmol/l
    Age 20-30 years old
    3,2-5,7 1,5-4,3 0,9-2,2
    Age 30-40 years
    3,4-6,3 1,8-4,5 0,9-2,1
    Age 40-50 years
    3,9-6,9 1,9-4,8 0,9-2,3
    Age 50-60 years
    4,1-7,8 2,3-5,4 1,0-2,4
    Age 60-70 years
    4,5-7,9 2,6-5,7 1,0-2,5
    Over 70 years old
    4,5-7,3 2,5-5,3 0,85-2,38

    High cholesterol levels may be due to:

    • alcoholism;
    • overweight;
    • unhealthy diet;
    • hereditary disorders of lipid metabolism;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • thyroid insufficiency;
    • blockage of the bile ducts;
    • violations of the liver;
    • gout (in the elderly);
    • oral contraceptives (young girls);
    • diuretics;
    • taking cyclosporine, amiodarone.

    An isolated high concentration of VLDL, LDL can be caused by kidney disease, Cushing's syndrome, the use of beta-blockers, glucocorticoids, as well as all of the above factors.

    Age 20-30 years old

    The girl's body has recently completed hormonal changes associated with growing up, the onset of sexual activity. Normal cholesterol levels for women 20-30 years old: OH - 3.2-5.7 mmol / l, LDL 1.5-4.3 mmol / l, HDL - 0.9-2.2 mmol / l. Hypercholesterolemia, dyslipidemia develop very rarely. Usually their cause is endocrine / genetic disorders, oral contraceptives.

    Age 30-40 years

    The body of a woman is still quite young, it copes well with the regulation of lipid metabolism. Its normal indicators differ little from the previous age group: OH - 3.4-6.3 mmol / l, LDL - 1.8-4.5 mmol / l, HDL - 0.9-2.1 mmol / l. The main reason for exceeding the norms is endocrine diseases, disorders of the internal organs, lifestyle errors.

    Age 40-50 years

    All types of metabolism begin to gradually slow down. Closer to the age of 50, the body of some women begins to prepare for menopause. Before the onset of menopause, this has little effect on the level of fat. The norm of total cholesterol for women 40-50 years old is 3.6-6.9 mmol / l, LDL - 1.9-4.8 mmol / l, HDL - 0.9-2.3 mmol / l.

    There is a sharp increase in the number of patients with dyslipidemia of various origins. After all, it is already much more difficult for a mature organism to absorb the effect of damaging factors. Therefore, the consequences of unhealthy habits, neglected diseases begin to make themselves felt.

    Age 50-60 years

    Age of radical change. The ovaries cease to form new eggs, synthesize female sex hormones - menopause sets in. It is accompanied by a global restructuring of all types of metabolism, including fat. The indicators of blood lipoproteins begin to rise sharply: OH - 4.1-7.8 mmol / l, LDL - 2.5-5.4 mmol / l, HDL 1.0-2.4 mmol / l.

    Over 60 years old

    Most women of this age have chronic diseases. Many of them, primarily disorders of the thyroid gland, arterial hypertension contribute to an increase in lipid levels. Compared with the previous age group, the level of indicators changes little, the norm: OH - 4.5-7.8 mmol / l, LDL 2.6-5.7 mmol / l, HDL 1.0-2.5 mmol / l .

    Cholesterol and Pregnancy: Should You Worry?

    During childbearing, the level of lipids of all fractions, except LDL, gradually increases, reaching a maximum concentration by the end of the third trimester. Such changes should not disturb a woman. They are absolutely normal and are explained by the metabolic restructuring of the body, the needs of the fetus:

    • The body of the expectant mother synthesizes a large amount of steroid hormones necessary for the normal course of pregnancy, the raw material for which is cholesterol. This causes the liver to produce more sterol.
    • The second reason for the sharp increase in the level of total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides is the peculiarities of the fat metabolism of a pregnant woman. In the first, beginning of the second trimester, the accumulation of adipose tissue occurs. When the fetus begins to rapidly gain weight (third trimester), the body starts its breakdown. The activation of lipolysis is accompanied by an increase in the plasma lipid content.

    How to prepare for analysis

    It is necessary to donate venous blood, it is very desirable to do this in the morning (before 12:00). Before taking material, you must:

    • 2-3 days do not drink alcohol. It can provoke an increase in indicators;
    • take a blood test strictly on an empty stomach (8-14 hours). The ban also applies to all drinks, with the exception of water;
    • the day before, do not be nervous, avoid heavy physical exertion, fatty foods;
    • do not smoke immediately before taking it, avoid stress. If you are scheduled to undergo unpleasant medical procedures, they must be rescheduled to a later time.

    An isolated indicator of total cholesterol is not very informative. Much more important is the content of its fractions, primarily LDL, HDL. But today even these data are considered controversial. There is more and more evidence that the harmfulness of cholesterol is determined by the size of its particles, as well as some additional little-studied factors. Therefore, when evaluating the level of sterol, doctors try to be less attached to specific norms and pay more attention to the clinical picture as a whole.

    How to normalize cholesterol using a diet

    All values ​​of fat metabolism are well adjusted by proper nutrition. After all, with the products we get about a quarter of all cholesterol. Moreover: without dieting, taking sterol-lowering drugs is not advisable.

    • Reduce intake of saturated fats. There are many of them in red meat, especially pork, roast beef, whole dairy products (fat cottage cheese, cream, butter, cheese), coconut, palm oils. Saturated fatty acids have a poor nutritional value, they are good at increasing LDL levels. Their advantages include the ability to increase good cholesterol,.
    • Avoid trans fats. They are formed during the processing of vegetable oils. The most common source of trans lipids is margarine and products containing it (baked goods, confectionery). Their main danger is the ability to simultaneously reduce the level of good cholesterol, increase the concentration of bad.
    • Increase your intake of soluble fiber - vegetables, greens, whole grain cereals, fruits, legumes. Dietary fiber can reduce the absorption of cholesterol by the digestive tract, which favorably affects the patient's lipid profile.
    • Omega-3 fatty acids are natural lipid-lowering agents that normalize the level of sterol, neutral fats. There are many such unsaturated fats in fatty fish (herring, mackerel, mackerel, anchovy, salmon), flax seeds, walnuts.
    • Deep-fried dishes, fast food - rarely contain useful nutrients, are probably rich in trans fats, simple carbohydrates.
    • 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Otherwise, the body will have to synthesize more cholesterol to protect cell membranes from its lack.
    • Nuts. 35 g of walnuts, almonds or peanuts is enough to reduce LDL levels by 5%. In addition, they are rich in complete proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, which protect the heart from adverse factors.
    • Vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, rapeseed). Composed predominantly of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They have a high nutritional value, help lower food sterol.
    • Soy. To reduce LDL by 5-6%, it is enough to eat 25 g of soy protein. This is 60 g of tofu, 300 g of soy milk or 50 g of soy meat.
    • Oatmeal, barley, rye flakes. An excellent source of fiber. Nutritionists recommend adding berries and fruits to them for greater nutritional value and taste. As a dressing, use low-fat kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk.
    • Fatty fish. It has been proven that two servings of fish / week can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases due to the intake of the right fats, proteins.

    How does lifestyle affect lipid profiles?

    Some unhealthy habits can cause an increase in the level of LDL, TC, a decrease in the concentration of HDL. This:

    • smoking;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • excess weight;
    • sedentary lifestyle.


    Compared to men, women before menopause have a lower chance of developing cardiovascular disease due to the peculiarities of hormonal metabolism. However, these benefits disappear once they start smoking (6). The components of tobacco smoke damage the vascular wall, making it vulnerable to LDL. Settling, they start the process of formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

    Refusal of cigarettes contributes to a sharp increase in the level of good cholesterol (30%), reducing the likelihood of myocardial infarction, stroke (6). After 5-10 years of abstinence, the risk drops to the level of people who have never smoked.


    A moderate amount of alcoholic beverages can slightly increase HDL levels. But only on condition that a woman consumes no more than 14 g of ethyl alcohol per day, which is equivalent to 45 ml of vodka, 150 ml of wine, 360 ml of beer. Dry red wine is recognized as the best choice. It contains a minimum of sugars, a maximum of flavonoids.

    Large doses of alcohol negatively affect fat metabolism: HDL levels fall, while bad cholesterol, on the contrary, rises. In one study (5), the difference between the LDL concentration of the control and the "drinking" group was 18%.

    Excess weight

    Women who are overweight very often suffer from various types of dyslipidemia. The conducted studies have established: regardless of the timing of the diet, its result, age, in all the subjects there is a decrease in bad cholesterol, an increase in good cholesterol. Even a small weight loss (5-10%) has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism.

    Physical activity

    Regular exercise contributes to the normalization of lipid metabolism, prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases. In just 3 months of regular training, the participants in the experiment managed to achieve the following results:

    • HDL 4.6%;
    • LDL 5% ↓;
    • triglycerides 3.7% ↓.
    • Healthy women need to maintain a normal level of LDL, TG, increase the concentration of HDL. The ideal workout regimen is 5 times/week for 30 minutes. Aerobic exercises of medium intensity and low-intensity exercises with weights are combined with each other.
    • Women with high cholesterol need to achieve a decrease in the concentration of LDL, TG, an increase in HDL. The recommended volume of loads is 5 workouts / week for 30 minutes. Medium-high intensity aerobic exercises are combined with medium-/high-intensity strength exercises.
    • Women with limited mobility (old age, disability) and hypercholesterolemia are advised to maintain maximum physical activity throughout the day. Suitable for hiking, shopping, gardening. It is advisable to do a little exercise every day, loading the main muscle groups.

    What folk remedies deserve special attention

    There are methods of traditional medicine, whose effectiveness is confirmed by scientific research. These include phytotherapy with the following plants (4):

    • Garlic - daily use perfectly normalizes lipid metabolism. The effect of the use of spices is dose-dependent: the more you eat it, the better the result you get.
    • Turmeric - prevents the development of certain types of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, regulates fat metabolism. With hypercholesterolemia, it is recommended to eat 1-2 g of spice daily.
    • Aloe vera is a well-known plant that is used in home cosmetics and the treatment of dermatological problems. Recently, however, scientists have identified another useful property of its extract. It turned out that when taken orally, it increases the content of HDL (7-9%), and according to some reports, it reduces the concentration of OH (10-15.5%), LDL (12%), neutral fats (25-31%).
    • Sea buckthorn - rich in vitamin C, E, omega-3, omega-7 fatty acids, flavonoids. It is valued for its cardioprotective, antidiabetic effect, the ability to reduce plasma sterol, and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
    • Licorice root - has a very specific taste, antioxidant, hypotensive effect. Well lowers the level of total cholesterol (5%), LDL (9%) sugar, triglycerides (14%). To achieve a similar result, it is enough to eat 0.1 g of the plant extract or its equivalent.

    In what cases is drug therapy prescribed and why?

    Medicines are prescribed to women for several reasons:

    • Diet, lifestyle changes are not enough to achieve cholesterol targets. In this case, the doctor prescribes drugs that reduce the production of sterol by the liver (). Other lipid-lowering agents (fibrates, cholesterol absorption inhibitors, bile acid sequestrants) that regulate lipid metabolism are less commonly used.
    • High risk of cardiovascular complications. In some categories of women, the simultaneous initiation of drug therapy and lifestyle correction is more than justified. Such shock treatment allows you to minimize the chances of a heart attack, stroke.
    • Correction of risk factors associated with concomitant diseases. Arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, disorders of the thyroid gland are accompanied by a violation of the metabolism of fats, require the use of appropriate medications.

    There are clear indications for taking medications, in other cases it is enough to start monitoring nutrition, get rid of bad habits.

    What do cholesterol tests say, what is their norm for women?


    1. Jillian Kubala, MS, RD. 11 High-Cholesterol Foods - Which to Eat, Which to Avoid, 2018
    2. Steven Mann, Christopher Beedie, and Alfonso Jimenez. Differential Effects of Aerobic Exercise, Resistance Training and Combined Exercise Modalities on Cholesterol and the Lipid Profile: Review, Synthesis and Recommendations, 2014
    3. Jenna Fletcher. What should my cholesterol level be at my age? 2017
    4. Paramjit S Tappia; Yan Jun Xu; Naranjan S Dhalla
    5. Elizabeth R. De Oliveira e Silva, David Foster. Alcohol Consumption Raises HDL Cholesterol Levels by Increasing the Transport Rate of Apolipoproteins A-I and A-II, 2000.
    6. Tammy Worth. Smoking Plus High Cholesterol Ups Heart Attack Risk, 2016

    Last updated: September 1, 2019

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