Sex - the meaning of the word in dictionaries and encyclopedias. Sex is one of the important factors of reliable relationships between people.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Sex in the family and at work Litvak Mikhail Efimovich

3.1. Sexual life in the broad and narrow sense, the definition of concepts

We refer to sexual relations, to sexual life in a broad sense, any relationship between a man and a woman. The idea of ​​the oak is already in the acorn itself. If you create the appropriate conditions for it, then the oak will definitely grow. So, as soon as someone thought of an individual of the opposite sex as a person of the opposite sex, invited a lady to a dance, helped her carry her suitcase, or a woman, having visited a man on business, prepared tea for him or cleaned his apartment in a friendly way, this is already should be considered the beginning sexual relations. At this moment he lives a sexual life in the broadest sense of the word. In order to determine whether you are currently sexually active or not, I offer you the criterion of my teacher S.S. Liebig. When you do something with a person of the opposite sex, ask yourself the question: “Is it possible to replace this person or you with a person of the opposite sex, without practically changing anything in the relationship?” If possible, therefore, you are not sexually active at this moment. When I lecture someone, repair a car with someone, or do surgical operation, then at this moment neither I nor my partner of the opposite sex are sexually active. And in my place, and in his place could be another person of the opposite sex. And the quality of communication does not depend on the gender of the communication partner, but on his qualifications. If you look at sex life from this point of view, it is easy to see that sex and business are closely intertwined with each other. It's all about proportion. At work, more business, less sex. Even in the so-called male communities (army, male monasteries, etc.) and in purely female industries and communities (textile factories, nunneries, medical institutions, laundries, etc.) sex occupies a significant place, but only in a protracted ideational stage, although it sometimes comes to full completion in the form of onanism. Yes, and the post-sexual stage also takes place here in the form of self-flagellation or obsessive fears. In the family, the share of sex is much larger, at least it should be much larger. And he, sex, is a system-forming factor here, the core of family relations. In brothels, on the other hand, sex is also the main production, where the qualifications of workers are determined by their sexual technique.

This approach allows us to clearly classify relationships, to understand what each of us must do if we don’t want to get into an uncomfortable position at best. In the worst case, the case can turn into a tragedy. But there is no escape from your gender. When a same-sex company gathers, it also engages in sexual activity, at best, only on an idea level. What do men talk about among themselves? About sports, fishing, cars, politics ... and about women, that is, having sex. What do women talk about when they get together? About the rags recipes, children ... and about men, that is, they have sex. When men and women get together even for work, they still rank each other in terms of sexual attractiveness, make frivolous remarks and tell obscene jokes, that is, they have sex.

The pattern here is this: the more exciting and difficult the work, the more you are involved in it, the less important the gender of your partner is for you, the less you think about yourself as a representative of one sex or another. When you storm a height in the mountains, you dress not by gender, but by functional, that is, so that it is convenient to climb the rocks. And when you are on a steep slope, you have no time to think what impression you make. But as soon as the intensity of the work weakens or it becomes uninteresting, then immediately sexual components can be noticed in the working relationship. You can even formulate a rule: “A lot of interesting work, little sex. Not much interesting work, a lot of sex.”

Here is a story from one of my students:

“I had a man at my reception, our business partner. Together we solved one of the most difficult production issues of our further cooperation. Successfully solved it. He left. Somewhat tired, I leaned back in my chair. An employee sitting at another table noted with delight and envy that a very interesting man visited me, but somehow I didn’t even pay attention to it.

What can be said? A colleague either did nothing, or her work was uninteresting. Well, when they get together for a holiday, what do they do? Sex permeates our whole life. What do men talk about among themselves on vacation? What are the women about? What are they all thinking about? And no research is needed. If sexual needs are not satisfied, then only about sex! And in production, if it does not capture the whole person, sexual issues begin to come to the fore. IN narrow sense sex includes everything that ultimately must end with the introduction of a member into the vagina, or substitution and perverted forms of this.

This text is an introductory piece.

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1 The relationship between a man and a woman, how much is sweet and romantic in this. Everyone puts their own special, hidden meaning into these words, and both girls and guys perceive this concept in completely different ways. Well, well, as Guy de Maupasan said - " closer to the body". As you probably guessed, today we will talk about such an attractive word as Intimacy, which means you can read a little lower. Be sure to add our resource site to your bookmarks so as not to miss informative information. In addition, the site administration is constantly working over content improvement.
However, before I continue, I would like to advise you to familiarize yourself with a couple of other publications on the subject of "sekaza". For example, what does it mean Fuck, how to understand Let's sleep, which means Give on the fang, the meaning of the expression Throw a stick, etc.
So let's continue Intimate value? This term is derived from the adjective intimate", which in turn was borrowed from the Latin language" intimus", which can be translated as " sincere", "innermost", "lower". Well, in Russian this word came from French " time". This term has several meanings, and we will touch on only the most popular of them.

Synonym for intimacy: fuck , fuck , sleep , blow in , fry .


Well, Tolyan, did you have sex with Nastya?

Max, how is she in intimacy, pleases you?

I don't want to have sex with him, he's mine good friend, and no more.

intimacy- so they say about sincere, close relationships, about a feeling of closeness between two people


The night, the muffled light of the wall lamp, the rain outside the window created a dangerous and insinuating intimate atmosphere.

intimacy- this is the life, the entrance to which is forbidden to everyone, except for the closest and most trusted persons

Each person will find in this word something of their own, personal. When people ask this question, a variety of associations come to mind. For many people, intimacy is associated with harmony with the person to whom you can completely entrust your body, and soul in addition. Others believe that this concept means something ephemeral, a kind of mystery and the closeness of two lonely hearts. In fact, this is the moment of exposure, the opening of one's inner essence in front of another person.

In fact, intimate relationships are very different, they can be social, physical, spiritual, emotional, etc. They also differ, that is, they can be divided into very close, sincere, secretive, secret, pure and deeply personal relationships between people who do not put any conditions and requirements on each other.

Intimacy is such a relationship when you can trust only one person, open your soul to him, tell all your sorrows and experiences. Intimacy is everything that concerns our bodily shell, that is, all these kisses, caresses, lovemaking, etc.
By reading this article, you have learned what does intimate mean, and now do not confuse the meaning of this concept.

What is Sex? The meaning of the word "Sex" in popular dictionaries and encyclopedias, examples of the use of the term in everyday life.

Meaning of "Sex" in dictionaries


Philosophical Dictionary


Psychological Encyclopedia


Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Sex M. – Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

1. Everything related to the sphere of sexual relations.

Psychological Dictionary

(sex, SEXUAL) In biology: all organisms, except for protozoa, are divided into two sexes - male and female - and new members of the species appear by the fusion of two sex cells - one male and one female. Hence sexual reproduction, sexual contact, sexual organs - terms referring to the structures and functions necessary to create new individuals. sexual characteristics are signs that allow you to determine sex: either primary signs that are directly related to reproduction, or secondary - those that are usually associated with a certain sex, but are not directly related to reproduction. In psychology: Sexual refers to drives, behavior patterns, emotions, and sensations that are either observed or speculated to be intrinsically related to reproductive activity (or using the reproductive organs as a source of sensation). Psychoanalysis overturned traditional ideas about sex, arguing that: a) adult sexual behavior has INFANTILE roots: INFANTILE SEXUALITY, ORAL and ANAL eroticism (see EROTIC), COMPOSITE INstincts, etc., which play a role in the development of not only adult sexual instinct, but also the personality as a whole; and b) infantile and adult sexual drives influence non-sexual behavior, and this influence is mediated by SYMBOLIZATION and SUBLIMATION. As a result, psychoanalytic literature uses the terms "sex", "sexual" and "sexuality" to refer to phenomena that are non-sexual in their external manifestations, but whose latent content is (presumably) a derivative or analogue of sexual phenomena (see MANIFESTOUS and LATENT). To get rid of the confusion created by the expansion of the concept of "sex", Ernest Jones advises to use "sex" in a limited, traditional sense ("sex"), and, "sexuality" - for a wider range of phenomena. Hence "sexual", depending on the context, means: "related to sexual differentiation", "related to reproductive behavior, instincts or organs", "erotic, pleasurable".

Sex, Sexual (sex, Sexual) – Psychological Encyclopedia

(sex, SEXUAL) In biology: all organisms, except for protozoa, are divided into two sexes - male and female - and new members of the species appear by the fusion of two sex cells - one male and one female. Hence sexual reproduction, sexual contact, sexual organs - terms referring to the structures and functions necessary to create new individuals. sexual characteristics are signs that allow you to determine sex: either primary signs that are directly related to reproduction, or secondary - those that are usually associated with a certain sex, but are not directly related to reproduction. In psychology: Sexual refers to drives, behavior patterns, emotions, and sensations that are either observed or speculated to be intrinsically related to reproductive activity (or using the reproductive organs as a source of sensation). Psychoanalysis overturned traditional ideas about sex, arguing: a) adult sexual behavior has INFANTILE roots: INFANTILE SEXUALITY, ORAL and ANAL eroticism (see EROTIC), COMPOSITE INstincts, etc., which play a role in the development of not only adult sexual instinct, but also the personality as a whole; and b) infantile and adult sexual drives influence non-sexual behavior, and this influence is mediated by SYMBOLIZATION and SUBLIMATION. As a result, psychoanalytic literature uses the terms "sex", "sexual" and "sexuality" to refer to phenomena that are non-sexual in their external manifestations, but whose latent content is (presumably) a derivative or analogue of sexual phenomena (see MANIFESTOUS and LATENT). To get rid of the confusion created by the expansion of the concept of "sex", Ernest Jones advises to use "sex" in a limited, traditional sense ("sex"), and, "sexuality" - for a wider range of phenomena. Hence "sexual", depending on the context, means: "related to sexual differentiation", "related to reproductive behavior, instincts or organs", "erotic, pleasurable".

Sex appeal J. - Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

1. Distraction. noun by value adj.: sexy.

Sexy App. - Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

1. Exciting sensual emotions.

Sex bomb - Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

About a woman with a pronounced sexuality

Sex Bomb J. – Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

1. A woman with a pronounced sexuality.

Sexism - Political vocabulary

(Latin sexus gender) - political discrimination based on sex, "sexual racism". S. is a concept widely used in feminism.

Sexism - Psychological Dictionary

Prejudice based on gender. In practice, the term is used in such a way that its meaning goes beyond this simple definition in two directions. First, prejudice is usually understood as an attitude or belief, while the term sexism (like the related term racism) usually refers to differential actions and behaviors towards people that distinguish between them on the basis of their gender. Secondly, this term is almost always used in relation to discrimination against women. This is a one-sided point of view, which comes from objective data in society, but which, unfortunately, defines the limits of the meaning of this term.

Sexism - Psychological Dictionary

(sexism) D. Stang and L. Wrightsman define S. as "any attitude, action or institutional structure, which bases a reaction on a person on the fact of his or her gender in situations where gender should not serve as a reason for such a decision "S. usually manifests itself in discrimination against women solely because of their gender." Personal S., which reflects individual differences in negative attitudes towards women, should be distinguished from social or institutional S., which reflects traditional attitudes or actions that may not stem from the personal prejudices of individuals. Personal sexism. Personal S. is usually measured using attitude scales. The most widespread yav-Xia Attitudes Toward Women Scale (AWS), dev. D. Spence and R. Helmraich. There is a 15-item short version of AWS that measures political, economic, and social attitudes. equality of women and men. Researchers have found that women's scores are more pro-feminist than men's, and that college students of both sexes are more pro-feminist than their parents of the same sex. F. Goldberg notes that negative attitudes towards women, apparently, exist in almost all men. However, R. Brannon points out that measurements of gender bias, as well as measurements of racial bias, have almost no evidence for their behavioral validity. Non-verbal actions can serve as more reliable indicators of personal S. compared to more reactive verbal indicators. N. Henley provides a list of non-verbal actions commonly associated with power and status differences between the sexes, including eye contact, body position, interpersonal distance, and touch. public sexism. Research, which aimed to establish that negative attitudes towards women exist as part of a broad social. in fact, were more successful than those in which attempts were made to assess individual differences in the manifestation of S. F. Goldberg showed that women rated the same essay lower if they were told that its author was a woman. Dr. researchers have shown similar negative biases in assessing works of art, poetry, and professional achievement. Numerous research. gender stereotypes indicate that differences in the perception of males and females can be characterized by two main clusters of traits. I. Broverman and her collaborators found that, in the opinion of both sexes, independence, logic, objectivity, preoccupation with earthly concerns and the ability to do mathematics, science, and business are considered to be typical male traits. Typically feminine traits include awareness of others' feelings, gentleness, and tact. It was found that in the perception of specialists in the field of mental. health characteristics of a mentally healthy man and a mentally healthy adult. (regardless of gender) are almost the same, while a mentally healthy woman looks more emotional and less mature than a mentally healthy adult. Such gender stereotypes have obviously created a double bond for women - they can. b. either women, or mature, but not those and others at the same time. The perception of men does not contain such contradictory combinations of traits. The sources of gender stereotypes seem to be universal. S. finds extensive documentary evidence in the language. Research show that the English language degrades women by vulgarizing feminine forms, by relegating women to exceptions in professions or occupations traditionally defined as masculine, and by excluding feminine as in the use of masculine pronouns when both genders are implied. Most of the substantive differences in the perceptions of men and women relate to abilities and accomplishments. Triman and Terrell, based on their estimates, concluded that most of the pay differences between the sexes can be. attributed to gender discrimination. Even when women hold the same positions as men, they may receive less remuneration for similar accomplishments. Thus, S. can manifest itself in various forms: in the form of personal attitudes, to-rye can be measured either on the basis of standardized self-reports or on the basis of non-verbal signs; in the form of unconscious, having social. the basis of perceptions and attributions, to-rye are usually considered and studied as stereotypes, but to-rye in reality can take the form of social. reality as a result of the mutual consent of both sexes; and at the level of institutionalized social practice, which results from differences in the assessments of the achievements of women and men and leads to professional segregation of women, who end up in a less advantageous position. See also Prejudice and Discrimination, Social Equality R. K. Unger

Sexism - Psychological Dictionary

(Sexism) . 1) Individual prejudiced attitudes and discriminatory behavior towards members of one sex or another, or 2) institutional practice (even if it is not motivated by prejudice), which is expressed in the fact that representatives of one sex or another are forced into a subordinate position.

Sexism - Psychological Dictionary

Ideology and practice of discrimination of people on the basis of gender. It is based on attitudes or beliefs, according to which women (or men) are falsely attributed (or denied) certain qualities. The term appeared in the 1960s. in the United States in the Women's Liberation Movement. Especially often it is used when discussing prejudices against women, gender stereotypes. Men can also be victims of sexism, both personally and gender-wise. social group: for example, sexism underlies the forced conscription of only men into the army. Like racism, sexism involves physical and intellectual superiority, although no convincing argument is made that men are better than women or vice versa. Traditional arguments - such as pointing to the limitations of women in terms of education, creativity, or references to the notorious female logic or psychological instability continue to be supported in the public mind by some Russian media. At the same time, male dominance is seen simply as natural, obvious, habitual and eternal - and therefore fair. The introduction of the concept of sexism by feminists made visible the features of such a discriminatory picture of the world for women, which is also reflected and fixed in various languages ​​(see Feminist Criticism of Language). Some of the theories of the origin of sexism are based on biological differences between the sexes. In accordance with other theories - sexism is due, rather, to psychology or cultural characteristics. But all feminists, as well as many representatives of the Western men's movement, agree that sexism must be fought - legislative reforms are overdue, as well as profound changes in public consciousness and interpersonal relations.

Sexism - Psychological Dictionary

Prejudice against other people based on gender. A person has rigid attitudes (relationships) or beliefs about members of the opposite sex that justify his prejudice. In a more general sense, the term refers to discrimination against members of one sex by members of the other sex (in the field of education, professional field, etc.). Although all this applies to any gender, the term is usually used in the sense of male discrimination against women.

Sexism - sociological dictionary

Discrimination against women.

Sexism - sociological dictionary

- discrimination based on sex (from the English sex - biological sex)

Sexism - sociological dictionary

(sexism) - 1. Preferences and practices that openly or covertly discriminate against women or men on the basis of their sex or Gender - see Discrimination on the basis of sex. 2. Neglect of men, but mainly women, carried out in institutions and social relationships, for example, the use of the masculine personal pronoun "he" for both men and women. See also Patriarchy.

Sexism - sociological dictionary

(English sex - gender) - a category introduced by representatives of the feminist paradigm and denoting a position or action that belittles, excludes, underestimates and stereotypes people based on gender. In other words, S. is an orientation that disadvantages one sex in relation to the other. S. is considered as one of the types of social gender stereotypes, which are based on the ideas about the masculine and feminine and their hierarchy accepted in society. Moreover, the very attempt to build such a hierarchy is C. Stereotypes in relation to sex meet a child already at birth (the first question that is asked at the birth of a child: "Boy or girl?") and accompany him throughout life cycle(professional communication, marriage and family relations, education, upbringing, etc.). Sexist prejudices and stereotypes (along with racism, nationalism and ageism - age discrimination) are not as safe as it might seem - they have influenced the consciousness and behavior of people since childhood, dividing them into "us" and "them". These ready-made patterns of behavior, opinions, assessments, replacing the understanding of a phenomenon with its identification and attribution to the accepted scheme, are sometimes so deeply rooted in the unconscious structures of the human psyche that it is difficult to fight them with rational arguments. Stereotypes of femininity and masculinity do not just shape people, they often prescribe certain psychological qualities, norms of behavior, occupation, professions, and much more, depending on their gender. In a traditional society, not a person, but a biological sex has a decisive influence on a person's life. (According to the widely held version, the phenomenon of the intensive spread of the ideology of feminism in Western Europe in the late 1940s and early 1950s was due to the following circumstance: the ruling economic groups sought to replace the jobs released as a result of the scientific and technological revolution with women of European origin, and not uncultured marginal African immigrants. of Asian descent.) Gender stereotypes affect both women and men. An example of a negative impact on women is the formation of various complexes in adolescent girls (for example, "fear of success"). Taboo on emotionality, the stereotype of the always successful winner, the "sexual giant", etc. cause many men who do not want or do not know how to follow these stereotypes, stress, a sense of failure, illness. Sexist stereotypes are often very veiled and may not be explicitly expressed. A.A. Yarmolovich, E.N. Vezhnovets

Sexism - Philosophical Dictionary

Political discrimination based on sex, "sexual racism". "Sexual racism" in this case is not just an analogy, we are talking about a common basis in comparing S. and racism. Such a basis is the complex dialectic of the so-called. social and non-social differences. Race, gender, age, on the one hand, are physiological characteristics and seem to be perceived as extra-social phenomena, but, on the other hand, presented in a certain socio-cultural context, they necessarily acquire the features of essential with t. sp. powers of differentiation and are embedded in systems of dominance. Physiological differences are by no means the basis for S. and racism; differences in some physiological aspects are used only to legitimize archaic social relations of domination. These relations have primarily a sociocultural content, and the "biology" of racial and gender differences is itself a sociocultural product (see "Gender", "Gender technologies"). Modern racism and modern S. have similar argumentation structures, symbolized in the social category "biology". A social group designated as "foreign" or "other" receives a certificate of "inferiority" and is deprived not only of the right to "equality", but (which may be more important) of the right to remain "other" with impunity (G. Bock) . This is how the problem of "minorities" arises, which has become the basis for the formation of the ideology of political correctness. S. is a concept that is widely used primarily in feminist theories and practices. Through the analysis of S., feminism criticizes the traditionally existing gender asymmetry, demonstrates the sexist practice of creating and broadcasting gender stereotypes designed to reproduce the existing power discourse of gender relations. The term "sexist" characterizes the cultural and economic structures that create and reinforce rigid models of the declaration and definition of sex, formalize dominant and subordinate through the criterion of sex (M. Fry). In the studies of feminists, the object of analysis, criticism and struggle are both open, traditional forms of S., and its implicit, unreflected forms up to "linguistic" S. (sex discrimination language means). O. V. Shaburova

Sexism - Psychological Encyclopedia

Ideology and practice of discrimination of people on the basis of gender. It is based on attitudes or beliefs, according to which women (or men) are falsely attributed (or denied) certain qualities. The term appeared in the 1960s. in the United States in the Women's Liberation Movement. Especially often it is used when discussing prejudices against women, gender stereotypes. Men can also be victims of sexism both personally and as a gender social group: for example, sexism underlies the forced conscription of only men into the army. Like racism, sexism involves physical and intellectual superiority, although no convincing argument is made that men are better than women - or vice versa. Traditional arguments - such as pointing to the limitations of women in terms of education, creativity, or references to the notorious female logic or psychological instability continue to be supported in the public mind by some Russian media. At the same time, male dominance is seen simply as natural, obvious, habitual and eternal - and therefore fair. The introduction of the concept of sexism by feminists made visible the features of such a discriminatory picture of the world for women, which is also reflected and fixed in various languages ​​(see Feminist Criticism of Language). Some of the theories of the origin of sexism are based on biological differences between the sexes. In accordance with other theories - sexism is due, rather, to psychology or cultural characteristics. But all feminists, as well as many representatives of the Western men's movement, agree that sexism must be fought - legislative reforms are overdue, as well as profound changes in public consciousness and interpersonal relations.

Sexism - sociological dictionary

Attitudes or beliefs that falsely attribute or deny certain qualities to members of one or the other sex, leading to an increase in gender inequality.

Sexolect - Psychological Dictionary

Characteristics of the voice and speech of an individual (identifiable individual characteristics of the speaker), reflecting either his physiological sex, or an imitation of the opposite sex. The term "sexolet" includes the following conceptual components: basic sexolect - corresponds to belonging to the original biological sex, which is characterized by a set of specific speech manifestations; derivative sexolect - corresponds to the imitated sex and is achieved: a) with the help of technical imitation; b) by natural imitation; c) through physiological reorientation (sex change due to the presence of gender dysphoria). Compared to the male voice, the female voice is characterized by a greater energy saturation of the high-frequency components of the spectrum of vowel sounds. In the field of vocalism, a number of features are noted associated with the presence of a smaller mouth opening in males in the production of sounds than in females, which leads to the formation of narrower vowels. For female speech, as a rule, in a neutral emotional state, a greater degree of melodic indentation is characteristic (the presence of large inter-syllable and intra-syllable pitch frequency intervals), a larger melodic range, a higher register, and an accelerated tempo. It is noted that there are erased borderline manifestations of the sexolect. Ethnic and psychological factors can also play a significant role in voice and speech.

Sexolect - Psychological Encyclopedia

Characteristics of the voice and speech of an individual (identifiable individual characteristics of the speaker), reflecting either his physiological sex, or an imitation of the opposite sex. The term "sexolet" includes the following conceptual components: basic sexolect - corresponds to belonging to the original biological sex, which is characterized by a set of specific speech manifestations; derivative sexolect - corresponds to the imitated sex and is achieved: a) with the help of technical imitation; b) by natural imitation; c) through physiological reorientation (sex change due to the presence of gender dysphoria). Compared to the male voice, the female voice is characterized by a greater energy saturation of the high-frequency components of the spectrum of vowel sounds. In the field of vocalism, a number of features are noted associated with the presence of a smaller mouth opening in males in the production of sounds than in females, which leads to the formation of narrower vowels. For female speech, as a rule, in a neutral emotional state, a greater degree of melodic indentation is characteristic (the presence of large inter-syllable and intra-syllable pitch frequency intervals), a larger melodic range, a higher register, and an accelerated tempo. It is noted that there are erased borderline manifestations of the sexolect. Essential Psychological Dictionary

(from Latin sexus - gender + Greek logos - word, science) - area scientific knowledge about the biological, mental and social aspects of sexual relationships between people. S. acquired the status of a science in the middle of the 20th century. after a number of important discoveries in the natural and social sciences and overcoming the resistance of the Christian church, which traditionally interpreted sexual behavior as a concession to a sinful body, excusable only by the need for procreation. The term "S." introduced by I. Bloch (1907). Modern S. is a complex scientific discipline, which is subdivided into 3 relatively independent (the boundaries are quite permeable and conditional) areas with their own conceptual and methodological apparatus - biological and medical, psychological and socio-historical (cultural-historical). An important role in the formation S. played the theories of the 19th century, which considered sexual behavior as a manifestation of universal biological laws and synthesized natural science knowledge and moral and ethical views. It was argued that the functions of sexuality (inherent only in the male half of humanity) are limited to reproduction; that sexual abstinence is good for health; that masturbation is a disease and moral vice, fraught with serious consequences (in particular, insanity). Physicians were the first to make a significant contribution to S.: the Viennese psychiatrists 3. Freud and Richard von Kraft-Ebing (1840-1902), who introduced the concepts of sadism and masochism, German. psychiatrist Albert Moll (1862-1939), German. dermatologist and venereologist Ivan Bloch (1872-1922) doctor and publicist Henry Havelock Ellis (1859-1939), Swiss psychiatrist and neurologist Auguste Forel (1843-1931), and others. in the 19th century ethnography (cultural anthropology) contributed to obtaining extensive material on marriage and family relations among various peoples, which to a certain extent shook the prevailing stereotypes. In the works of Bloch, Moll, Forel, Ellis, Hirschfeld, and others, an attempt was made to synthesize biomedical and cultural-historical knowledge. At the same time, the practice of mass sexological surveys began to take shape. An example is the survey by biologist Alfred Kinzie (1894-1956) of 12,000 healthy adult Americans of both sexes, which gave a statistically significant picture of sexual attitudes and behavior (1921). First science Center, In-t S, founded in Germany by Magnus Hirschfeld (1919), functioned until it was defeated by the Nazis in 1933. The psychological direction of S. owes its appearance to Freud with his theory of the unconscious, one of the cornerstones of which was the idea of ​​sublimated and repressed sexual drives , including their extragenital forms. But the reduction of the whole trend to the concept of Freud is wrong. Now it covers many problems related to individual and group (eg, gender, age) characteristics of sexual behavior - sexual orientation, type of sexual object, ways of communicating with a sexual partner and sexual satisfaction, symbolization of sexual behavior. The characteristics of an individual's sexual life depend not only on the degree of awareness of the need for it, but also on its personal meaning (to be a means of obtaining sensual, emotional pleasures, a means of self-assertion, procreation, etc.). Obviously, views on the psychological nature of sexuality are also determined by adherence to one or another general psychological concept. Many researchers proceed from the fact that sexual behavior depends on: 1) general psychological properties (type of personality, temperament, character, emotionality, hierarchy of motives, value orientations, communicative qualities, ways of self-affirmation, strength and duration of attachments, self-respect, etc.); 2) micro- and macro-society, which largely determine sex education, gender identity. A special place belongs to developmental psychology, which studies the patterns, features and dynamics of psychosexual development on. different stages of the life path, stages and driving forces of gender identification, mental patterns of adolescent and youthful sexuality. Significant contribution to the S. clinical and differential psychology. (I AM.)

Sexology - Psychological Dictionary

An interdisciplinary branch of knowledge, in the broad sense of the word, studying the patterns of sexual differentiation, and in a narrower sense, sexual behavior and motivation. A scientific discipline about the biological, mental and social aspects of human sexual behavior. The term was introduced in 1907 by I. Bloch. The first line of research in sexology is biological and medical research into the dimorphism of sexual, somatic, neurohormonal, biological evolutionary and other natural determinants and elements of the reproductive system, arousal and sexual behavior. The second direction of research is the social and historical and cultural problems of the normative aspects of gender and sexuality, stereotypes of masculinity and femininity, the institutional framework of sexual behavior, social ideas about "right" and "wrong" behavior and how these ideas affect the real behavior of people in different societies, environments and social groups. The third direction is psychological studies of sexual motivation and behavior, starting with its psychophysiological mechanisms and ending with socio-psychological processes of sexual attraction, love, partnerships, etc. Each of the special disciplines that make up sexology has its own methodology, technique and conceptual apparatus, but they are in dire need of a theoretical synthesis. In the past, sexological concepts have suffered from reductionism, attempting to reduce complex forms of sexual behavior to relatively simple, predominantly biological elements. Modern sexology, without denying the importance of the biological factors of sexuality, considers it a product of the sociocultural development of the individual and society, tries to avoid rigid normativism, recognizes the existence of many individual and group differences in erotic imagination ("sexual scenario") and people's behavior. Human sexuality cannot be understood by itself or within the framework of reproductive biology, but only in the context of a certain whole, whether it be culture, value orientations or the emotional world of the individual. closely related to all major areas of psychology. It has important practical, applied, primarily medical significance associated with sexopathology, gynecology, sex hygiene, and socio-pedagogical significance associated with sexual education and education. Psychological Dictionary

Sexotka - Dictionary of thieves' jargon


Sex work - Psychological Dictionary

Employment related to women's and male prostitution, as well as the provision of sex services (phone sex and sex shows). A number of authors believe, based, among other things, on the study of the identity of sex workers, that selling sex for money is the same work as any other (O "Connel Davidson). Sex here is separated from its other social meanings - for example , interpersonal, romantic relationships, relaxation - and is treated exclusively as a professional activity.The development of modern society has blurred the boundaries between consumption and the object of consumption, work and leisure, consumption and production of goods and services, turning sex into work that is associated with the consumption of the body and the formation certain type of identity (Chapkis) Employment in the sex industry is associated with a certain amount of emotional labor, which connects it with employment in the leisure industry (see Feminist analysis of labor) in that it requires the performance of emotionally rich roles, which determines the success of the sale services offered (Brewis and Linsted).The sociology of labor relations, dealing with the problems of sex work, focuses on traditional topics for this discipline - the problems of the state of the labor force, its division into main and peripheral, conditions and wages, professionalization, labor conflict (McKeganey, Barnard). In a number of countries (Australia, Germany, the Netherlands), sex services are a legitimate type of labor activity with the ensuing forms of social control - standards for working conditions, medical examination, professional organizations, pay conditions (Perkins, Prestage, Sharp and Lovejoy). In such countries, there is also an illegal sex industry, where underage, illegal immigrants work, forced labor is used, which is no longer regulated by labor, as in the first case, but by criminal law. In Russia and a number of other countries where prostitution is prohibited, sex work functions as a shadow and semi-shadow criminal employment. Incomes in this sector of economic activity in 1997 in St. Petersburg alone amounted to 20 billion rubles (Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedomosti), a significant number of people are involved in this - according to the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate, more than 70 thousand were engaged in female prostitution (Moscow Alternative). Prohibition of sex work is an ambivalent policy: by formally banning this type of work, the authorities do little to prevent prostitution, which is carried out in organizations such as massage parlors and escort services that exist in almost any large industrial city. In the Russian media, one can increasingly hear discussions in favor of legalizing prostitution, which would take sex work out of the criminal business and make it safer for workers and clients (Arbatova; Govorukhin; others). modern society has blurred the boundaries between consumption and the object of consumption, work and leisure, consumption and conflict (McKeganey, Barnard). In a number of countries (Australia, Germany, the Netherlands), sex services are a legitimate type of labor activity with the resulting forms of social control - standards for working conditions, medical examinations, professional organizations, wage conditions (Perkins, Prestage, Sharp and Lovejoy). In such countries, there is also an illegal sex industry, where underage, illegal immigrants work, forced labor is used, which is no longer regulated by labor, as in the first case, but by criminal law. In Russia and a number of other countries where prostitution is prohibited, sex work functions as a shadow and semi-shadow criminal employment. Incomes in this sector of economic activity in 1997 in St. Petersburg alone amounted to 20 billion rubles (Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedomosti), a significant number of people are involved in this - according to the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate, more than 70 thousand were engaged in female prostitution (Moscow Alternative). Prohibition of sex work is an ambivalent policy: by formally banning this type of employment, the authorities do little to prevent prostitution, carried out in organizations such as massage parlors and escort services that exist in almost any large industrial city. In the Russian media, one can increasingly hear discussions in favor of legalizing prostitution, which would take sex work out of the criminal business and make it safer for workers and clients (Arbatova; Govorukhin; others).

Translated from English, the word "sex" literally means gender. However, the great and mighty Russian language gives two meanings to this word - homonyms, if they are not okay. But let's drop it to the side of reflection and closer to the body. Let's start with language. How did the word sex get into our language?

To clarify this issue, let's move away from the topic of philology and plunge into the wonderful world of biology. To continue their kind, oddly enough, living organisms multiply. Bacteria and protozoa do this by fission. The new organism is an exact copy of the previous one. Random mutations are very rare in such cases. That is why the process of evolution at the first stages was very slow. But still, he went beyond and today the planet is inhabited by many different types plants, animals.

More complex organisms require a more complex method of reproduction. This will require two representatives of the species. Living organisms have acquired special mechanisms of reproduction. They called them gametes. But this mother nature was not enough. Later, in the process of evolution, several varieties of gametes appeared. The first - sedentary, infrequently updated and less prone to mutation is called the egg. The second - mobile, small and subject to mutation was called sperm (in plants) and sperm (in animals). Responsibilities were distributed as follows: the egg retains a valuable genotype, and the sperm is responsible for the change (mutation). So, evolution consists of opposite processes. Preservation of the valuable and search for the new.

Initially, living organisms possessed both types of cells. Subsequently, nature ordered in such a way where the gametes were distributed among different individuals. As a result of this round of evolution, two categories appeared, which are marked on the public toilet with the letters “M” and “F”, and in scientific terms: “male” and “female”. This is where the sex begins.

As mentioned above, sex is sex, that is, the gender of an individual

But with the advent of such differences, a new question arose: how to deliver the entire necessary material for procreation. If everything is more or less clear with fish - fertilization occurs in the external environment, then nature had to create special organs for more complex organisms. If in childhood we were told on the example of pistils and stamens, then everything will be tough and grown-up. Females have a vagina, males have a penis. The penis is inserted into the vagina, ejaculation is performed and the spermatozoa entering the egg begin the process of creating a new organism. This process is called "coitus", but in English, in this sense, the word "sex" was used, which was borrowed. In other words, sex is one of the important factors in a reliable relationship when it comes to procreation.

Sex is one of the important factors of a reliable relationship. Men's opinion

From the lips of women you can often hear that men need only one thing from women. Actually this is not true. Men need not one, but two! Two legs, two ears, into which you can pour a stream of beautiful words, well, and two more things.

In fact, when it comes to men, then sex- one of the important factors of reliable relationships, if not the most important. A man evaluates the strength of his feelings for a woman already on the basis of his intimate experience with this woman. And, unfortunately, no matter how much they try to change it by moral censure or in other ways, this approach cannot be changed in the near future.

In men, the process of cultivating strong feelings does not begin with knowing the partner as a person, but with the sexual act. Only after not only he, but also his partner is satisfied with the result of the work done in bed, only after evaluating the quality of sexual intercourse, a man begins to experience really strong and strong feelings for a woman.

Often, such a line of behavior, laid down by nature itself, causes a lot of inconvenience to the man himself. Often he has to gather all his will into a fist so as not to dissolve his hands. After all, a man understands perfectly well that such behavior will not be regarded by a woman as cultural and highly moral.

In other words, the path to strong feelings in men and women is paved in completely different ways. If a woman, before embarking on an intimate component of a relationship, needs to get to know her potential partner as deeply as possible, then in men such a need arises after sexual intercourse.

So, already based on the information written above, we will give some tips that will certainly prove useful in bed if a woman applies them, because sex- one of the important factors of reliable relationships.

It is very important for a man to know that he was able to give her such sensations that no one has ever delivered to her. Yes, unfortunately, it should be noted that with the change of numbers on the calendar, women and men change the number of partners. Therefore, do not be surprised that you are not the first of each other. It will be very important for a man to hear the cherished words saying that he was able to deliver such pleasure that no one could deliver before him. If it so happened that the intimate experience was the first, it will be important for a man to hear that he was at least beautiful. In subsequent sexual acts, the man will give all the best, because it is not enough to take the height - it must be kept!

The second one flows smoothly from the first advice. Do not overplay in an effort to demonstrate the full amount of pleasure. Men very subtly feel falseness in such moments. Much to my surprise, this is true: a man does not perceive subtle hints, but when it comes to sex, he very subtly feels the nuances.

In order to grow significantly in the eyes of your man sexually, do not forget to share your sexual fantasies with your partner.

You should not hold back moans during intercourse, or let's express ourselves in the words that we discovered today - coitus. Contrary to the desire of women to hold back their moans - men find them sexy. But back to the previous point - everything should be in moderation. In bed, they don't give an Oscar for best acting.

Do not leave sexual fantasies unfulfilled. We are talking about both their own fantasies and the fantasies of a partner. After all, if you are not very accommodating in intimate matters, the likelihood that these fantasies will be realized with another girl increases.

It is highly desirable to find out what kind of underwear the partner finds sexy and dress it as much as possible. Indeed, besides him, hardly anyone sees the underwear of the chosen one, and it makes no sense to hide this one from a partner.

A man loves with his eyes very much, so sex with the lights off should happen with rare exceptions. Do not worry too much about the possible minor flaws in your body. Nobody is perfect. And even despite the fact that today the cult of the athletic body is actively promoted, men themselves are well aware that absolutely not most of the representatives of his sex have the figure of Apollo. Sex- one of the important factors of reliable relationships, and no less important factor in sex is to accept a partner as he is. After all, love is not only for the body!

Men get very excited when they are teased about the inaccessibility of the body. He becomes reckless, aware of the fact that the body is within reach, but he cannot just go and get it.

Sex is one of the important factors of a reliable relationship. Women's opinion

As it was written in the section about the opinion of men, the emotional component is more important for women. Before starting sexual intercourse, a woman tries to collect as much information as possible about a potential partner. And by the way, it is not for nothing that there is a saying that women love with their ears.

By the way, you can not describe in detail the opinion and attitude towards sex of women. You can fit in a few words. Everything is exactly the opposite, as in men.

But the result of one study, conducted, oddly enough, by men is still worth special attention. According to the results of these studies, it turned out to draw a picture of what, in addition to feelings, pushes a woman to have sexual intercourse. The reasons, one might say, are the most diverse and surprising. Among them: out of pity, for practice, out of a sense of revenge, and, oddly enough, from a headache.

The last one is the most controversial. After all, there are many anecdotes about the headache of women, which prevents sexual intercourse. And there is even a scientific explanation for this phenomenon. Increases during intercourse blood pressure in the body, which can increase pain. But, on top of everything else, during sex, endorphins are released - hormones of joy. They have an analgesic effect similar to morphine. Therefore, the most ambiguous explanation for the refusal of sexual intercourse is precisely a headache.

Also among the most common motives pushing women to have sex is a feeling of pity. The thing is that girls are taught compassion from childhood. And judge for yourself: the image of a caring nurse does not appear very brightly in our imagination. Compassion is more of a feminine trait.

Very often, women go for sexual contact only out of a sense of pity. They want to help the unfortunate boyfriend raise their self-esteem, many women went for sexual contact in order to create a feeling of security and love in their partner.

Speaking about the feeling of revenge, it will not be necessary to explain for a long time. A woman may have sex with another man in order to take revenge on her unfaithful partner for a similar act.

Another common reason for women to have sex is to gain experience. Many women lost their innocence just because they thought it was time to learn the basics of sexuality.

However, do not forget that our main topic is "Sex is one of the important factors of reliable relationships." That is, we consider sex as an important element of relationships. Therefore, sex without commitment or sex at a time is not an important topic for us.

Given the above, it is worth understanding that for women, the emotional component of relationships is much more important than sex, which makes sex much more vivid.

Six tips for a happy relationship, because sex is one of the important factors for a reliable relationship

Of course, that each person is unique and has a number of physiological and psychological moments. Based on this, it is impossible to make six universal tips, but French sexologists tried to collect the maximum amount of universal and useful information in six points:

  1. Both partners should be as satisfied as possible with their sex life. It would seem that everything is simple, but not everyone observes this axiom. And you just need to finish at the same time. Of course, this applies to more men than women. However, as far as women are concerned, if they want to extend the time of intercourse with a man, it is worth spending more time on foreplay.
  2. If one of the partners does not feel desire, then you should not force him to have sex. After all, sex through “I don’t want” has never been a pleasure. Such events can significantly spoil the quality of sexual life and the relationship itself, and as we remember, sex is one of the important factors in a reliable relationship.
  3. Refusal to have sex must be accepted unconditionally. Otherwise, see point two!
  4. It is worth respecting a person not only in life, but also in bed. In other words, respect in everything and always: before, during and after sex. After all, it is thanks to your partner that you get pleasure.
  5. Sexual relations should bring only joy to partners. Intimacy should not be the reason for the development of complexes.
  6. Both partners are actively involved in sexual activity. intimate relationship are not left to chance, but are discussed and constantly taken steps to improve quality.

Sex is one of the important factors of reliable relationships and changing the function of sex in a modern family

Sex- one of the important factors of reliable relationships, without it it is impossible to imagine any relationship between two people, if you do not take into account the first love from kindergarten. However, it is difficult to call the first feelings relationships. This is undoubtedly a valuable and first experience that will be remembered for a lifetime, but, as the crocodile Gena sings: "The best, of course, is ahead."

Summing up a preliminary result: neither a man nor a woman can build a relationship without a sexual component. From the very beginning, a man evaluates the sexual capabilities of his partner and, based on this, decides on the advisability of continuing the relationship. A woman begins to experience sexual attraction to a partner after she has made a picture about him. But, whatever one may say, in order to build strong and trusting relationships, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to the intimate component.

Changes in the basic functions of sexual intercourse. Sex is one of the important factors of reliable relationships, not only in terms of procreation. If earlier, for example, even in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, sex was considered a taboo topic, considered rather as a way to prolong the family, today many additional topics have appeared around sex.

In the twentieth century, the concept of "safe" sex appeared - sex that prevented pregnancy and the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. By the way, today sex is done more for pleasure. With the development of information technology, access to almost all information was opened and sex was talked about from TV screens, pages of books, newspapers and online publications.

Since the topic of sex has always been and will be hot, this intimate detail of human relationships has been and will be given a lot of attention. Today, sex is not only a way to continue one's family, but also a separate ritual in which only two people take part. We will not take into account the various forms of sexual perversion.

Sex- one of the important factors of reliable relationships, which has become the subject of many scientific studies, which undoubtedly helps today to build strong families and bring human relationships to a better level. Science helps a person in all spheres of life and sex is no exception. And it is worth remembering that the best sex is with the person with whom it is good and without sex.

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