Congratulation locksmith at graduation in kindergarten. Beautiful congratulations on graduation in kindergarten - from parents, children and educators

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Kindergarten always sparkles
Fresh comfort, cleanliness.
Lined up towels
Under your sensitive hand.

Let the children of the following groups
Be clean and tidy
Let your hard work be appreciated,
And in life everything will be fine!

Towels and sheets
Curtains in the group and linen,
Were clean every day
With a laundress - very lucky!

And, for graduation, today,
We want to say from the bottom of our hearts:
For hard work
Thanks for the comfort!

May every day be bright
Happiness to you, kindness, love,
In each group, so that the children,
Could be more careful!

Thank you for the cleanliness
For everything that you erased for us,
For your ironing on the fly,
For the comfort that you created!

Let things go well
We wish fragrant washings,
Kindness, smiles and warmth,
And ironing only neat!

Thank you for erasing
Linens and our towels
That we were kept clean
We thank you with all our hearts!

We wish that all the guys
Appreciated your hard work:
It is very important for kindergarten,
After all, it gives freshness and comfort!

Golden hands, hard work,
So that the sheets shine - the main concern,
To keep the towels clean
We will not forget your great kindness to us!

We congratulate you on your graduation today,
And we wish you a lot of health for centuries,
Let it be easy for you to work in your beloved garden,
May you always be happy, happy and beautiful!

Towels all in a row
They shine with purity.
And bed linen
Captivates with freshness.

It's all her job
Washerwomen good care,
And she knows the job
Everything works great!

We say thank you together
Let's say goodbye to her.
Her work was always needed,
It's more fun to be clean!

We wish you success
You are a wizard of purity.
And also love and laughter
And spiritual beauty!

We congratulate our washerwoman
Let's hurry to graduation
All the things we could get dirty
She will make whiter!

Washes the whole bed
Towels, bedspreads,
We wish happiness a cradle,
So that the sun shines on the soul!

Dear laundress, our dear Cinderella, we congratulate you on the graduation of our children. Thank you for the constant cleanliness and order, for the freshness and comfort. Our dear Cinderella, we wish you not to know fatigue and bad mood, always flutter with happiness and decorate the long white sheet of your life in your favorite colors.

Congratulations on graduation
Our dear laundress.
An important matter, not an easy one,
You are directly involved.

You were able to clean everything
What we messed up together.
And we want to tell you
Forgive us generously.

We wish you patience
After all, it's not an easy job.
You are worthy of respect
And now everyone will understand us!

We want to say a big thank you to the fairy with golden hands, who works invisibly from everyone! You keep us all clean, do not miss a spot and diligently wash any tablecloth! Thanks for your hard work! We wish you happiness, good health and sunny weather in your soul!

Words of gratitude from parents at graduation in kindergarten to all the staff of the preschool educational institution and each employee individually - this article is devoted to this important topic. In order to perform beautifully at the graduation party, do not ignore everyone who has contributed to the upbringing and preparation for the school of your baby this year, carefully read the options for thanks and congratulations that we offer.

In our material, we tried to bring verses with words of gratitude for all employees kindergarten. There are plenty to choose from and how to supplement the parents' cheering speech at the graduation.

Congratulations, gratitude, poems of the Head at the graduation in kindergarten

For patience and care.

Our most large,
Invigorating us in the morning
Sends greetings capricious, harmful
Team of fathers and mothers.

We often come to you for advice.

The children have finished their preschool path,

And today we want to wish you

So that your kindergarten can survive

In such a difficult time,

Enough patience you this burden

Carry through the years on women's shoulders!

Not to express all respect in words,

Thank you for everything, for the warmth and care,

Let only work be your joy,

Good luck and happiness to the kindergarten and you,

Bow to you today from dads and moms!

Congratulations, gratitude, poems to the choreographer at graduation in kindergarten

For patience and love.

Choreography is a delicate matter
You are definitely up to it.
From clumsy kids skillfully
You made gentlemen and ladies.
Feel the scene and move smoothly
You taught your students
We want to tell you today about the main thing:
We are eternally grateful to you!

Congratulations, thanks to the chefs at the graduation in kindergarten

For delicious and useful work.

Who came to kindergarten in the morning?

These are our chefs.

Breakfast porridge is ready

The porridge is cooked. Hooray!

Who cooked fragrant soup

And a side dish of different cereals?

Who baked us buns

Or apple pie?

These are our chefs.

They have been working since six in the morning.

Dear chefs,

Adults and kids

They say thank you

Thanks from the bottom of my heart

For borscht, meatballs, porridge ...

We appreciate your work!

Congratulations, thanks to the nanny for graduation in kindergarten

For help and support.

From clear dawn to dark

She is in our garden

Who will bring us lunch

And take away the dishes.

The children helped out:

All the tables were set

And learned not to crumble

And don't use sand.

Our group is not more beautiful,

Clean and light all around!

Maybe our nanny

And not two, but ten hands?

Let's thank her now

For care and comfort.

And for what it's time

She dedicated her work to us!

Congratulations, gratitude to the teacher at graduation in kindergarten

For hard work with heart.

Accept our recognition today
For all your kindness and experience,
Thank you for raising our children!
Your profession is not needed in the world.

And the children are all used to your hands,
And now it will be difficult to explain to us,
That your eyes will no longer see them,
Years go by, days add up in them,

And the children, of course, have grown up with us,
After all, with you they were always in business,
Now with a song, now with a brush, with many books!
You taught letters and numbers to children,

And now they will go to school,
And thank you with love
Their moms and dads! And goodbye to you
There will be a desire for success and creativity,
Thank you for everything, for your work and patience,
We wish you happiness, we are all with inspiration!

for hard work with heart.

Children are a special, radiant people,

Not everyone will find an approach to them at all,

Not everyone, whatever one may say,

The key to their hearts will be able to find!

Only to those who are both bright and pure,

Who, like a child, is open and radiant,

In whom kindness and cordiality live,

Children meet with love!

You, educators, are peculiar to these

Qualities that all children adore

Apparently, contrary to all clichés,

You are all children at heart!

So don't be sad and don't be discouraged

Warm everyone with your warmth,

You are a model, you are an example, a standard!

Be happy! Earth bow to you!

Congratulations, gratitude, poems to the methodologist at graduation in kindergarten

For titanic work.

Thinking in a modern way

To raise kids.

All sciences, no doubt

The Methodist needs to know.

Be a doctor in psychology

Physiology children,

Rhetoric and logic

Of course, pedagogy.

And to be a Methodist,

Children need to be loved.

bosses right hand,

It was difficult for you sometimes.

It's all educational process.

Had some significant progress.

Your merits are great:

You helped teachers

Raise and educate children.

Thank you from mothers.

Congratulations, gratitude to the music worker for graduation in kindergarten

For the development of creative potential.

"Fa" from "salt" is not distinguished,
Talent is not given to everyone
But it doesn't bother us
There is a musician in the kindergarten.

On mother's day and on father's holiday,
At Christmas or at New Year
Even the furious prankster
Liho sings a song.

We are grateful for our children
You made friends with the world of beauty,
Gently introduced them into this wonderful world,
They taught beautiful songs to sing.

Congratulations, gratitude to the accounting department for graduation in kindergarten

for an accurate calculation.

So that the balance always converges,
The kindergarten did not go bankrupt.
The accountants are working
Accounting since morning.

educators salary,
And parents pay,
We urgently need to calculate
And give receipts...

We say thank you
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Congratulations, gratitude, poems to a nurse at graduation in kindergarten

For attention and disease resistance.

On time to get vaccinated
Spout check and chair,
Someone scratched today
Someone coughed yesterday.
How can we survive chickenpox?
And harden the body?
Only a doctor can help with this.
He can tell everything.
Give vitamins in the morning
And lift your spirits!
And protect from angina,
Children's sighs to understand.
Well, for this our doctor-
Low bow to the ground.
Our children's health
You took good care of it.

Congratulations, gratitude to the art teacher for graduation in kindergarten

For teaching children the magic of the fine arts.

Children, as usual,
They love to draw very much.
But they used to have to
Explain the drawings to us.
But over the years we see
Amazing progress.
Among them, we know for sure
There are levitans too.

Kids can create here
brush and pencils,
Is it plasticine on the lid
Or bright crayons.

Both portraits and landscapes
Learned to draw
You can even in opening days
Send their pictures.

Congratulations, gratitude to the head of physical education for graduation in kindergarten

For a healthy mind in a healthy body.

So that children do not get fat,

So that in a healthy children's body

The spirit has always been healthy,

The physical worker said:

"Before the kids wake up,

Bring to charge

Sports will help you become dexterous,

If necessary, surrender change

Yes, with a log, with a Swedish wall

Kids should be friends.

Let them beat their knees a little

And tear their pants."

Which of them will become an athlete,

The whole world will glorify the country,

After a couple of years

We learn from the newspapers...

In the meantime, thank you

From the guys, their dads and moms!

Congratulations, thanks to the caretaker at the graduation in kindergarten

For the acquisition, preservation and rational usegarden property.

Who's taking it seriously
All economy? Our caretaker!
In whose hands is always skillfully
Does any business argue?
She's always fine
Paint, brooms, notebooks,
Let the enthusiasm in the eyes sparkle
And you don't want to be sick.
Let's break up. The hour has struck.
Remember us often!

Congratulations, gratitude to the laundress at graduation in kindergarten

for his invaluable contribution to the common cause.

Clean towels for nose and cheeks

Dry sheets for sweet sleep

All this is the work of overworked hands.

Even if she is invisible.

Not super washer and not water

And our washerwoman all this time

Made sure it was clean.

For this, thank you, we will tell her together!

After all, it is important and necessary to be careful!

Congratulations, gratitude to the castle attendant at graduation in kindergarten

For the quality performance of their duties.

She leads responsibly
All our rubles accounting
The best castlemaid in the world
Respect and honor!
In her hands skillfully
Does any business argue?
For artists every year
She sews amazing costumes!

sweeps pillowcases,

Hems the curtains.

Thank you from everyone -

For work, for success.

Congratulations, gratitude to the psychologist for graduation in kindergarten

For the formation of the emotional well-being of children.

And you can improve your health not only by exercising.

If the nerves are not in order, then the psychologist will help here.

So that the psyche of the child does not inspire fear in adults,

They need a subtle psychologist - to tell when and how,

Explain this and that, personal test.

Give parents answers - why their son does not eat.

Slowly slowly into a big, complex life

You carefully introduced the babies by the hand.

In the classroom you taught to communicate and make friends

After all, with such preparation it will be easier to live in school.

Congratulations, gratitude to the defectologist at graduation in kindergarten

for speech development.

We remember how our children
Started talking
Only to mother these speeches
We all need to translate.
The children went to kindergarten
They have a lot to do.
Words are ok
Mom doesn't blush at school.

Congratulations, gratitude to the employees of the personnel department at graduation in kindergarten

For great staff.

Working with different staff
You always choose the best.
And without statements with orders
You know everything about employees.

Your mission is:
Accept people into the team
And we know - any commission
Rate the work at five!

We are on this warm and clear day
We wish you love and kindness
And so that with a wonderful mood
Your day starts in the morning.

Congratulations, gratitude to the guards at the graduation in kindergarten

For kindness and good mood.

On this festive day, we want to celebrate
Those people who greet us with a smile in the morning,
Those who take up their post in the morning and afternoon,
And good wishes to all moms and dads.

Their watchmen call - this is so, by the way,
Maybe someone did not know, we are very grateful to them.
And so on this spring day of ours,
We are not too lazy to wish them a good word.

We wish them health, good luck,
May happiness always accompany them everywhere and always.
In gratitude for their work, we send them a bow,
Thank you family for taking care of our home!

Congratulations, thanks to the carpenter at the graduation in kindergarten

For timely repaired furniture.

You have done a lot for our group,
You have a chisel, screws,
Nails, planer, hacksaw, saw,
This makes my head spin.
Set up a shelf and a soft sofa,
Thank you very much, we will tell you!

To all sorts of villains
They did not penetrate into our garden,
We have an important employee,
Guardian of children's peace.

You are reliable and courageous
Protecting the kindergarten
At night when all the children
They sleep in beds at home.

We wish you success
In the service of your uneasy
And say goodbye today
Because graduation!

So that strangers do not penetrate us,
You guard the kindergarten!
You have mastered this
Thank you from all the guys!

We wish to protect bravely
Our kindergarten is expensive,
Indeed, this is very important!
Thank you, you are our hero!

Reliable and strong
Security in the garden
Congratulations on your graduation
Kindergarten caretaker.

You are always on duty
Follow the order
At night at the castle
All sites are closed.

Quiet and calm
We wish you on duty
More vigilant than a watchman
It does not exist in the world.

vigilant watchman
Favorite kindergarten
At our graduation
We are happy to congratulate you.

We wish you always
Stand at your post
And long nights
Protect our garden.

To be okay
Swings and gazebos,
Completely safe
The children were playing in the garden.

We wish you silence
We are night shifts
And for your protection
"Thank you" we say.

You guard the kindergarten
From strangers!
Thank you from all the guys
No one will sneak into our garden!

But even if the thief might
It will come while everyone around is sleeping,
Believe me, it's not difficult for you
Will drive him back!

You guard the kindergarten,
To keep strangers out!
Everyone is happy to say "thank you"
May you smile happily!

Let any day to you
Brings only success!
Walk towards your goals and dreams
Easy, no hassle!

The caretaker guards our garden
From robbers, thieves,
We want him to be happy
And did not know the doctors!

Let the best health
Accompanies you everywhere
We wish you a graduation with love,
So that happiness is unrestrained!

Dear watchman, we congratulate you on the graduation of our wonderful guys. Thank you for always standing guard over the peace and order of this kindergarten, thank you for kind smiles and wise advice for children. We wish you health and strength for many years to come, we wish you courage in your heart and great love for this world.

Happy graduation congratulations to the watchman
Sincerely, the kindergarten is in a hurry,
For peace and security
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

On this day, let health
You will be added for a century.
In life, sometimes harsh
It was to have less trouble.

No way you go
Since the planned path.
And only true friends
Meet up ahead.

Our good watchman, guard,
You don't sleep at night.
Courtyard, paths, kindergarten
Store carefully!

Thank you for your work
We, loving, tell you.
And on graduation day, today,
Thank you very much!

We wish you goodbye
Happiness, joy, hope.
May dreams and all desires
Will come true one day!

“How quickly our kids have matured” - excited mothers exclaim in one voice. Quite recently, tiny fidgets for the first time crossed the threshold of a warm and hospitable kindergarten, and today they are already real graduates. Ahead of the guys is the most delightful time of exciting discoveries, school friends, fun holidays and the first uncomplicated difficulties. But all this - later! And today we have to say goodbye to what was familiar and expensive in the past few years. On the solemn day of the prom, dressed-up boys and girls will please the teachers for the last time with songs and dances, thank the kindergarten workers, and surprise their parents with almost adult deeds. At the graduation in kindergarten, congratulations in verse and prose will sound to children, parents, the headmaster, and teachers. Each guest and participant in the celebration will feel like an important part of a unique and one-of-a-kind children's holiday.

Solemn congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from the head of the children

The headmaster is the most important “mother” of the kindergarten. She is the first to accept the children who come to her “house”, the first to attend timid children's matinees, the first to let her native graduates go to a new school life. And, of course, she is the first to read solemn congratulations to the children at graduation in the kindergarten. Her congratulatory words express at the same time the sadness of parting, and festive joy, and parental instruction, and pride in the new generation of talented children released by her preschool. Solemn congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from the head of the children is most often a beautiful verse for several stanzas with the best wishes, a simple meaning and short cheerful memories from the years lived together.

Examples of congratulations from the head of the graduation in kindergarten

The first graduation in your life.

Kindergarten will say goodbye to you.

Matinees, games, daytime sleep -

It's all memories now.

The school will gladly open its doors to you,

And the teacher will meet you at the doorstep.

Preschool children will not be at this moment -

Children will be called students.

There is a lot of luck ahead of you.

Books are waiting, tasks, equations.

We wish you victories in everything,

Let learning be given with ease.

Say goodbye to kindergarten

The time has come for you.

But do not be upset -

Smile, kids.

You were wondering here

It was fun to play

Run on the playground together

Good food, good sleep.

You grew up here quickly, quickly,

They got older and smarter.

Like the sun, radiant

You glowed with ideas.

It's time for you to go to school, children,

There is no way back.

There will be new meetings there,

But you remember your garden.

You are no longer a child at all.

The school opens the doors of knowledge -

It's time to say goodbye to the garden.

And although this holiday is sad,

But in the soul with trembling warmth

We will remember your funny babble

And we can easily wipe away a tear.

In life you - the road is bright, smooth

And good friends on the way

Happiness and smiles, of course,

And find a calling for everyone!

Beautiful congratulations in prose to children from parents for graduation in kindergarten

If it is difficult for parents to compose beautiful poetic congratulations to children at graduation in kindergarten, they can easily prepare a parting speech in prose. However, each such congratulation must comply with the basic principles:

  • the performance should not be very long and drawn out so that the children do not get tired listening to it to the end;
  • you should not compose a boring or banal congratulatory text - graduates are unlikely to like it;
  • the most beautiful congratulations in prose to children from parents at graduation in kindergarten do not need to be filled with complex turns and too poetic indents. It is better to make a short funny monologue with a clear meaning and simple children's humor;

Texts of beautiful prosaic congratulations from parents to children at graduation in kindergarten

On this day, together we will say goodbye to the kindergarten: to this house, to our beloved teachers. But you know that there are so many interesting things ahead: school, new friends, adulthood. We wish you only positive moments, and although we are also sad that childhood is leaving, we will congratulate you with a cheerful and sonorous laugh. Happy holiday!

The kids are screaming and clapping merrily, and the parents are sad: it's graduation. We send our guys on the road. Ahead of them is a school, difficult tasks, strict teachers - they will have a hard time! Let's wish our children good luck! So that they are only happy and never meet troubles on their life path.

We, your parents, are very happy for you, our beloved girls and boys! You graduated from kindergarten and are growing up before our eyes - you simply cannot be recognized! We wish you to find new friends, master school curriculum and get to know the world around you better.

Congratulations and words of gratitude in verses to educators from parents at graduation in kindergarten

From year to year, parents make the same annoying mistakes when choosing congratulations in verse for teachers at graduation in kindergarten. Eg:

  • they take away precious time for entertainment from the children, reading out too long congratulatory monologues to the kindergarten workers;
  • they choose clichés that have long been boring to everyone instead of beautiful classical or funny modern poetry;
  • determine one responsible speaker instead of a cheerful company of several congratulators;
  • they try to unnecessarily touch teachers, and not cheer them up;

Congratulations in verse for graduation in kindergarten to teachers from the parent committee

The educator has a job -

That's another concern!

Gotta wipe the snot

Songs to sing and dance.

comb, kiss,

Feed and rock.

He laughs, he cries

This stick drives everyone.

Try to follow

Keep everyone safe.

Here with one, oh how difficult,

And you can't count them.

How many eyes do you need?

Yes, and hands, well, exactly six.

We are calm for the children

For your pencils.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

And bow to the ground to you!

A child's smile is like a ray of sunshine

And the eyes are dewdrops, then the morning dawn.

Lives on earth a million "Why",

Give everyone an answer.

Where does the sun sleep? Why is the cloud crying?

An inquisitive childhood looks us in the eye.

Create, surprise, delight and of course,

Then you will win the hearts of a child.

How important it is to understand that in our profession

Loving children is the key to success.

Attention, give them warmth with interest

And they will say that your calling is a teacher!

For a long time you were like mom and dad to us,

And days, And weeks, and even years.

For this, many thanks to you,

We will always love and remember you.

More patience and health to you,

Be content with your work.

We wish you success in your work, so difficult,

And a lot of bright and juicy ideas.

Kind congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from parents to staff

Each employee of the kindergarten makes a significant contribution to the well-functioning work of the institution, to the development and education of children. The nannies take care of the cleanliness and hygiene of preschool children, the cooks observe all nutritional standards, the music director develops talents in the kids and rehearses beautiful matinees, the speech therapist trains and corrects speech. Literally all these professionals have been going hand in hand with the kids for several years, and, of course, they deserve to hear kind congratulations and words of gratitude from their parents at the graduation in kindergarten. After all, it is not at all easy to take care of the comfort, coziness and safety of dozens of little fidgets every day.

Choose good congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from parents to staff in our selection and supplement them with your personal words of thanks.

Examples of congratulatory words to kindergarten staff from parents

You accepted our children as babies,

Who speak badly.

Diligently eat with spoons themselves,

But they don't want to get dressed...

Teaching children diligently to order,

There is a lot to explain to them.

And how to wash and do exercises,

Go to the potty and go to sleep at night.

And tears and snot they need to wipe,

Distract, reassure, understand, regret.

Learn how to move together to the music,

Sculpt, draw and sing a little!

And mothers calmly go to work,

We know the kids are in safe hands.

For your love and for your care,

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your hard work!

Our teddy bear is sad

And he was always so funny...

We are our nanny - Irishka

Let's wave goodbye.

Toys and books are in order,

And cleanly washed all the mugs.

Now girls, boys

Leave ... Goodbye toys!

We promise we will

Learn only "FIVE"!

We will not forget the kindergarten

And we ask you not to forget!!!

You have a magical job:

Sounds, notes have obeyed you.

You can command

Melodies sound in the soul.

Thank you for your songs

That danced with us together

That the music of all our days

Sounded better with you!

Touching congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from children to educators

Graduation in kindergarten is a real fairy tale in reality, remembered by children for a lifetime. Getting their first “certificates” and accepting wishes for the future, the guys realize how much they have matured and wised up. But graduates feel their importance even more sharply, saying goodbye to their native teachers and expressing their personal congratulations on their own. Preparing in advance short thank-you texts in prose or touching congratulatory verses for educators at graduation, children put their sincere and mirror-clear emotions, feelings, impressions into them. Boys and girls are trying in one wish to collect all the most important and valuable for the very first and main mentor in their lives.

And if it is difficult for children to pick up or compose touching congratulations for graduation in kindergarten from children to educators, parents always come to the rescue, suggesting the best text options.

Texts of touching children's congratulations to teachers at graduation in kindergarten

Today is a holiday in kindergarten,

The teacher is in sight.

Receives congratulations

Dreaming of his worldly...

Let dreams come true

Educators of the country!

How many eyes and hands do you need

To follow around

For your tomboys -

Golden lollipops.

There - laughing, here - crying,

And the other is jumping on a stick ...

Not everyone here with this case

Get it done quickly, skillfully.

The teacher will do everything:

He will punish, regret

Kiss and feed

Before going to bed, he will remember a fairy tale.

The garden needs a teacher

Without him, he is not so friendly.

We send you a wagon of joy,

From the graduates - bow!

Thanks to the educators

For affection and warmth.

We were next to you

And on a gloomy day light.


Congratulations to the team from the children!

1st presenter: And now let me open the awards ceremony " Issue - 2014"!

2nd presenter: Determining the winners was entrusted to a competent jury. These are famous scientists, heads of leading enterprises, honored and respected people of our region and state, only, of course, in the future. These are our children.

Gratitude to the winner in the nomination "Adorable mother" for royal patience and maternal care is announced by the head kindergarten!

Egor Kolesnik is invited for the award.


At the head of care

All other worries are more important.

How he comes to work

So the cycle went:

The nanny got sick in the group,

Need someone to replace

And there will be no energy -

Call Gorenergo.

Select specialists

To start the school year.

Invite to kindergarten of artists,

Show the children the story.

Register new kids

Praise the teachers

And of course updates

For kindergarten to buy.

And thank you very much

We all want to say.

It's a pity, NINA EDUARDOVNA is in elementary school

We won't miss you.

2nd presenter "Health is the most important thing in life" for extraordinary resistance to unusual and magical diseases, Olga Mikhailovna is announced, Vlada Vodyanitskaya is invited to be awarded

Good Doctor Aibolit

He has been at his post since morning.

He issues certificates

And he will go to the catering department,

And he will deliver vaccinations on time,

And send the sick home.

Thank you…

What kindergarten is always healthy!

1st presenter: Nomination "Our home - England"!

Child7 Nikita Shishatsky verse

Congratulations to everyone today

You in English - no question

It's the best reward for you.

2nd host "It's fun to walk with a song" muses are announced for the development of creative potential in children. Head V. D and choreographer N. I are invited for the award - Olesya Sheptun and Timur Tolstenev

We always wanted to sing

You just need to know...

There are seven notes - you need to know them

went to classes,

Round dances were led there.

Prepared brilliantly -

We are real artists.

We'll be performing soon

Invite you to the concert.

You have nurtured in us

To dance lessons Timur

Children have been going for many years.

Now everyone is a karaoke star

To dance - no problem.

And if the school suddenly happens

To whom perform on stage,

Anyone can make a difference

Since there is talent, why hide.

Thank you, Elena Vagizovna, for teaching

And dance and sing songs.

So much talent has been revealed to us,

Whatever is expensive to watch.

"Worker of the invisible front" for an invaluable contribution to the common cause, a slave is declared. Laundry for the award is invited Lera Ozerova

She washes all day

And the linen does not decrease.

The doctors, the cooks.

Here is a new mountain.

This is how it goes day by day

To you, Lyubov Nikolaevna, graduation

We say thank you

And thank you for everything!

2nd presenter: Gratitude to the winners in the nomination "Lick your fingers" a slave is declared for tasty and useful work. Cuisines for awarding Nastya Petrenko is invited

Who came to kindergarten in the morning?

These are our chefs.

Breakfast porridge is ready

The porridge is cooked. Hooray!

Who cooked fragrant soup

And a side dish of different cereals?

Who baked us buns

Or apple pie?

These are our chefs.

They have been working since six in the morning.

Dear chefs,

Adults and kids

They say thank you

Thanks from the bottom of my heart

For borscht, meatballs, porridge.

We appreciate your work!

1st presenter: Gratitude to the winners in the nomination ".... A penny saves a ruble" for the acquisition, the preservation and rational use of the property of the nursery is announced to the supply manager for the award, Diana Stepanenko is invited

Working day at the caretaker

It's very difficult to predict.

That flood hangs as a threat,

That plumbing again

Here the battery broke

There is a revision going on.

Didn't have time to look back

The garden is closed for renovations.

How to live without caretaker?

We hasten to thank you, Svetlana Alekseevna!

2nd presenter: Gratitude to the winners in the nomination "Physical training" for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, not so much theoretically as practically, a guide is announced. Phys. sun. Oksana Viktorovna is invited to award Veronika Sh

So that children do not get fat,

So that in a healthy children's body

The spirit has always been healthy,

Physical worker spoke:

"Before the kids wake up,

Bring to charge

Sports will help you become dexterous,

If necessary, surrender change ...

Yes, with a log, with a Swedish wall

Kids should be friends.

Let them beat their knees a little

And tear their pants."

Which of them will become an athlete,

The whole world will glorify the country,

After a couple of years

We learn from the newspapers...

In the meantime, thank you, Oksana Viktorovna

From the guys, their dads and moms!

1st presenter: Nomination "Test" Teacher Psychologist Asiya Mikhailovna

To the psyche of a child Nikita Krivenchenko

Did not inspire fear in adults,

They need a thin psychologist

Suggest when and how

Explain this and that

Personal make a test,

Give parents answers

Why is their son not eating?

Psychology is a science,

Not an easy thing, brothers.

Without a psychologist in our age

Man cannot live.

2nd presenter Gratitude to the winners in the nomination "Correct Speech" for teaching children correct speech, Olga Ivanovna is announced for the award, Alina Zorya is invited

I burred all the letters, did not speak at all,

She controlled our speech, explained everything as it should,

Where to direct the tongue so that we do not lisp,

The word is correct to say and all the letters we name,

Thanks to Natalya Gennadievna!

1st presenter: Gratitude to the winners in the nomination "You will find everything in the world in a box of pencils" Kirill Gasnyansky is invited for teaching children the magic of fine art announcement Anzhela Vladimirovna for the award

Children, as usual,

They love to draw very much.

But they used to have to

Explain the drawings to us.

But over the years we see

Amazing progress.

Among them, we know for sure

There are levitans too.

1st presenter: Gratitude to the winners in the nomination "Workers of the Invisible Front" is announced to Natalya Nikolaevna, Sasha K. is invited for the award.

All in papers, in time sheets, all in worries and deeds,

You need to run to the office, sign her application

To do all this, she needs wings to have.

We wish you good health

And we say thanks to Natalya Nikolaevna

presenter: It seems everyone congratulations or not? Who was forgotten? Children tell me?

Thanks to the winners in the nomination "My Second Mom" for painstaking work is announced to the educators Natalya Nikolaevna and Olga Vasilievna

LENA V and Maxim L are invited for the award

Our teachers are a feast for the eyes, the highest class

We all studied with them, we didn’t get bored in the classroom,

What we glued, sculpted, gave everything to parents,

They controlled plasticine, they didn’t even stain their hands,

They taught us to work, not to be lazy in the classroom,

It's sad to part with you, you need to get ready for school,

Olga Vasilievna and Natalya Nikolaevna

Thank you and thank you for everything

Farewell waltz a little sad

It is not easy to spin in it

Farewell waltz

In a light dress high school graduation

And now we invite

Dance for the last time

For dosh-in today

Let the farewell waltz sound

Dance: WALTZ

Vedas. 2:

Dear Guys! All life's joys and hardships, ups and downs, disappointments and victories have always been shared with you by your glorious parents. Word to our parents alumni!

Parents' response.

The response of the educators.

Vedas. 2: We thought for a long time what to give you on this day. Finally, we decided that we would shoot and show you a short film about our life in kindergarten. So, Columbia Pictures is resting, the 20th century fox is just jealous, and we present you a new short

Vedas. 1:

So it's gone it's time for childhood.

All children say goodbye to the garden.

We will miss and be sad without you,

How in children's garden without you will we live?

Child 15: Maksim

We do not hide the pain of parting from you,

But we make a promise Now:

We will, as before, love our kindergarten,

We will be visiting here!

Vedas. 2:

Visiting? Of course, the door is open for you,

But fly away from the nest now.

Who will upset us and make us laugh,

Who will please us and play pranks.

Child 16 Diana

Don't be sad, the kids will come.

They will laugh heartily.

They will make you happy and sad

They will remind us

Child 17 VLADA

Life goes on, time flies.

Rushing to new victories, discoveries.

To new mentors, to new friends,

We must not forget about the garden.

Child20 DANIL K.

It was cozy, beautiful in the group,

In the morning we were happy to go to the kindergarten,

We speak to all of you together.

Children (in chorus): "Thank you!"

And bow to the ground!

Child 23: Veronica

Thanks to everyone who taught us

Who fed us and who treated us,

And for those who just loved us...

All: Bow to you and thank you!

Song "Light it up"

Expensive Graduates with kind parting words, the director of the nursery, Rudas N. E, addresses you

2nd host: Gratitude to the winner in the nomination "Creative Inspirer" for titanic work is announced to the methodologist, Tsokolova Vika is invited for the award

Child2 VIKA C.

Thinking in a modern way

To raise kids

All sciences, no doubt

Methodist needs to know

Tatyana Alexandrovna can be proud of,

It's hard to find a better methodologist,

Can write any program

On training plans to submit,

Everything will be developed, discussed,

And organizes with teachers

1st presenter Gratitude to the winner in the nomination "First Mentor" for painstaking work is announced to the first educators, Leonova Nastya and Likh are invited for the award. Alina

Child 3. How long have we gone to the nursery, Nastya Leonova and

You taught us how to hold a spoon and a mug.

They taught us to wear a coat and a hat,

And sing the first poems and songs.

Parting is not a problem, Alina Likholet?

TO childhood you paved the way in the heart,

You are for us today and always

Relatives, relatives, dear ones

1st presenter: Gratitude to the winner in the nomination "Support and support" for help and support is announced to Maria Ivanovna, Nastya Polupanova is invited for the award

For children to grow up faster

You need to feed them more often.

Educator, believe

Can't live without a helper.

And the cleaning needs to be done

Wipe the dust everywhere

And run to the warehouse for something,

And help the kids get dressed.

Change linens, beds,

How to sleep, refuel.

In general, there is no time to be bored.

Our Oksana Alexandrovna has time

Get things done quickly.

Never get discouraged

That she came to work in the garden.

Many people in the village know

About her priceless work.

In the group she has - as in home:

Cleanliness, comfort, coziness.

You managed to combine the incompatible and perform the impossible

Support the project - share the link, thanks!
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