New Year party invitation templates. Free New Year Invitation Templates

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Step-by-step master class of an invitation card for the New Year

Good day!
I present to your attention invitation card for our New Year's Eve.

Since I have 2 children junior group, then the task of execution was facilitated according to their age. The children only painted the Christmas tree with gouache and glued the details of New Year's toys and snowflakes on it. The rest is done by the teacher.
To make a postcard you will need:
- regular and curly scissors (if any)
- thick paper A4 format and A5 format
- glue
- drawing supplies
- stationery knife

Step-by-step process of making a New Year's invitation

1) Fold the A5 size paper in half. On the front side, cut out the windows with a clerical knife. The shape and size of the window are arbitrary. This is the door. We paint the door with beige paint, imitating the texture of wood. We paint the back side of the card from the inside in pink (the color can be any and you can even add several colors, preferably pastel colors). If there is paper with a beautiful print for wallpaper, you can just stick it on.

2) Draw a Christmas tree template on a piece of A5 paper and let the children color it. You can use ready-made green paper, but by painting with gouache, you can achieve a beautiful effect of needles. When the paint dries, cut out the Christmas tree with curly or simple scissors (or the children will do it themselves). Then give the children a choice of multi-colored circles and snowflakes squeezed out by a figured snowflake hole punch (if any). Glue a star on top. I applied voluminous sequins and glued it with a hot rubber gun. This, of course, must be done by ourselves, without children.

3) Now we decorate the inside of the postcard, which is our wall. To do this, cut out a clock printed on a simple printer and pasted in the upper right corner. In the lower right corner cut out of colored paper and glued a square. We glue a strip on it and finish drawing the packing tape.

4) We close the postcard and start decorating the door. We paste a curly strip under the window (you can use braid, ribbon, just a colored strip or a piece of paper cut with a curly hole punch, as in this case). Below you need to glue a piece of paper with a printed invitation text. Now we finish drawing the door handle and nails in the corners of the part with the text.

5) We bend inward the corner of the lower part of the Christmas tree and place it exactly in the middle of the wall, combining the lower edges. Lubricates the bent corner with glue and carefully close the postcard. We put under the press until the glue dries completely.

6) We take 2 small segments and fold them with the letter "Z", while the central segment of these parts coincides with the distance from the tree to the wall. Lubricate the lower parts of the folded parts with glue and glue as in the photo. Then we fold the parts, grease the upper parts and close the card. Again we put it under pressure for a while.

After a while, carefully open the card, check if everything is in order. The Christmas tree, with such gluing, seems to stick out to the fore, which gives a certain spatial feeling to the postcard.

Good luck and creative success!

The New Year will quickly break into our lives very soon. Many companies will celebrate its coming with celebratory corporate parties for employees and partners. You can notify everyone about the place and time of the event by phone, e-mail or word of mouth. But you want everything to be top notch.

Start over - send targeted original invitations to the New Year's corporate party. The text can be poetic, playful or official - it all depends on the status, personal qualities of the guest and your imagination. There is no time and talent for writing - use ready-made options or slightly improve them. You can even peek at ours.

Invitations in verse

New Year's poems, by definition, cannot be serious. Such an invitation is hardly suitable for business partners or company management, but for middle managers and ordinary colleagues - that's it.

Every employee is valuable to us.
New Year, as an important holiday,
Great for corporate
Your colleague is calling you personally.

There will be a bright program
Santa Claus and Dog Barbos,
Dances, contests and jokes,
And a whole load of gifts.

Feast at the festive table -
We look forward to seeing you!
Appearance is up to you
Pass - super mood!

Where are we going with a colleague?
There is no secret in this.
We won't let the team down!
Oh no, oh no, oh no!

I received an invitation
I won't break the chain.
The boss invited me
And I'm calling you!

Celebrate this time
Great New Year!
The soul and body will go to dance,
And maybe fly away!

We are our brave team:
We are waiting for courage indomitable!
Where are the dances, laughter, program, potion,
We will provide all the fun!

Grab yourself by the neck,
I dare to tell you.
Because the New Year
Waiting for you, me and all of us!

This is not an army draft.
Not a cinema ticket.
For this time break
The boss allocated the budget!

And of course it's not a game.
Spartak - Lokomotiv!
Dancing, fire, this, heat,
A corporate party awaits there!

In short, in a tuxedo, or in a T-shirt.
Order: do not be on pins and needles!
It's a happy new year!
The whole team is waiting for you!

Colleague, tirelessly
We worked together for a whole year!
The road is straight for you and me
Celebrate the temporary flight!

I sincerely invite you
Corporate friend!
Here, I'm sending you an invitation.
There's a big gap there!

In a good establishment
Celebrate the New Year!
Take your mood
And positive platoon!

At the end, you can specify the time and place of the party by referring to the employee by name.

Texts of invitations in prose

In invitations to a corporate party for the main specialists of the company and business partners, it is preferable to use a strict, official style, no matter where you will be: in the office, a country boarding house or a restaurant. But the New Year is a special holiday, which means that the text should not be dry and faceless.

In a restaurant

Dear _________, on behalf of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and our company, we wish you a Happy New Year! We wish you indomitable energy, grandiose plans, stable growth and prosperity. May the coming year be successful, and all past failures become a launching pad for professional take-off.

We invite you to a New Year's dinner, which will be held at the restaurant ______, (name, date, time). We hope that the festive program and warm atmosphere will bring pleasant, positive impressions.

Sincerely, _______.

To a club or other entertainment venue

Dear _______, please accept sincere, heartfelt congratulations on the New Year from all employees of _______ (company name). We wish you health, well-being and prosperity. May the coming year be a record year in terms of the number of professional achievements, personal victories and successfully completed projects.

We invite you to become a guest at the festive New Year's program, get a boost of energy, positive and good mood. We are waiting for you ___________ (name, address, date, time).

Sincerely, _______.

New Years at the office

Dear, _______, ______ (name of organization) wishes you a Happy New Year. We wish that the era of change brings only positive changes, and let there be a clear decision, unbending will and true professionalism behind every smile of fortune.

We invite you to a New Year's corporate party in our office ______ (day, time).

Sincerely, ______.

Invitations to a corporate party of a lighter and even playful nature are perfect for colleagues. They can be just fun or pretty cool. It all depends on the number of employees, their degree of creativity, relationships and the general mood in the team. And we also collected ideas for holding.

In the cafe

Father Frost, Snow Maiden and White Metal Rat are already covering chic table and they are waiting for you (you) in a cafe (restaurant) ______ (name, date, time) for a reckless, extravagant, incendiary party in honor of the New Year. In the program: dancing until you drop, songs until you are hoarse, fun until you lose your pulse.

We assure you with an oath that the management of the company will be very upset by your (your) absence - it is not possible to eat and drink everything by yourself. So attendance is a must!


Dear colleague, the management of the company sincerely admires your (your) success and offers to leave all the roles in the past in order to enter the image of a cute Rat at a fun New Year's party, which will take place _______ (place, date, time). Happy New Year and may it bring only joyful events, and all the bad things will disappear like champagne bubbles.


Colleague, leave the old year a tired look, last year's Pig - intractability and cockiness. Load your bones into a formal suit (dress) and, at the speed of the symbol of the year - the Rat - rush to the New Year's corporate party, which may not take place without your extraordinary personality. We hope that you will not let you down, and in return we guarantee excellent fun, exquisite bourgeois dishes and, possibly, a personal plate with a drink-weary face.

Do not miss your chance, he is waiting for you _______ (place, date, time).

Invitation templates

New Year's invitations require colorful design. You can create a sketch yourself or connect a support group, but in the pre-holiday bustle, there is often no time for this. As an option, buy ready-made postcards, but they often come with text that does not always correspond to what you want.

The most reasonable way out is to use a ready-made invitation template. The form can be printed on the printer and enter the missing information by hand. By clicking on the button, you will find two formats: Word (there you can simply correct the desired text) and in image format.jpeg (you can print this picture and enter the data by hand).

Just don't leave everything to the last minute. This is especially important for ladies, because they need to think about the main party of the year. Therefore, it is advisable to send out invitations at least two weeks before the upcoming event. Happy New Year! And may your holiday be on top.

The organization of the New Year holiday necessarily includes congratulatory invitations that should cheer you up, so first you need to choose the right kind words for a celebration or just a congratulatory toast. If this is an invitation card to a party, then the invitation must necessarily cause a desire to attend a festive evening. After all, not a single solemn event can do without such a beginning.

  • restaurant invitation
  • Invite a colleague
  • Invite a colleague
  • Employee Invitation
  • Invitation to a colleague
  • Invitation to relatives
  • Invite friends

Gala party invitation

Dear colleague! December 30 in our office at 17.00 a gala evening will be held in the circle of true friends and reliable partners. We will be very glad to meet you at a solemn and interesting party. We hope that this event will bring a lot of pleasure and unforgettable impressions.

Official invitation to a colleague

Dear Ivan Ivanovich! On this solemn day, I would like to congratulate you on the New Year 2020 and invite you to an unforgettable evening, and also wish you to remain the same interesting and reliable partner. After all, thanks to your efforts, we can confidently rely on a strong and strong shoulder. And may you always be surrounded only faithful friends and reliable associates. The evening will take place on December 30 at 17.00 in the cafe "Prestige".

restaurant invitation

Dear Ivan Ivanovich! On December 30 at 18.00 a solemn event will take place in the Prestige restaurant, where Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and true friends will be waiting for you, who will give you a good mood and pleasant surprises! The evening promises to be interesting and fun, so attendance is strictly required!

Invite a colleague

Dear Irina Petrovna! On this solemn day, let me invite you to an unforgettable magical evening, which will take place at 18.00 in the Prestige cafe, and also let me wish you health, good luck and prosperity. May every day in the New Year have grandiose plans that will help you achieve success in your career and achieve your goals. Happy New Year 2020!

corporate party invitation

An important holiday is approaching, which enchants with its magic! To make it memorable for a long time and leave a sea of ​​positive, we invite you to a gala party on December 30 at 17.00 in the Prestige cafe. We hope that a warm meeting and entertainment program will bring a lot of pleasure, as well as leave a lot of positive emotions. Happy New Year!

Cool restaurant invitation

Dear Dmitry Ivanovich! On December 30 at 17.00 a festive event will take place in the Prestige restaurant. This evening, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden set a magical table with dishes that you must definitely eat, and then dance and please everyone with their presence! That is why attendance is required! There will be a lot of fun and nice gifts.

Invite a colleague

Dear colleague! I congratulate you and your family on the New Year, and let me invite you all to the gala evening, which will be held at the Prestige cafe at 18.00. And may this evening be unforgettable, and the coming time will bring a lot of good luck and success. In the New Year, I wish you fruitful and worthy career growth. Let each day of the coming time only please with good luck, and adversity will remain beyond the threshold of the old year. Family well-being and all the best!

Employee Invitation

Friends! On this joyful day for everyone, I would like to congratulate you on the New Year and invite you and your family to a solemn event that will be held in a festive atmosphere at the Prestige Cafe at 18.00, and also let me wish you and your loved ones only optimism and positive. May each new day of the coming time bring only ups and stability. I wish that in the circle of friends and close people there will always be mutual understanding and mutual assistance. Good luck to you and all the best!

Invitation to a colleague

Dear colleague! I congratulate you on the holiday and invite you to the solemn event, which will be held at 17.00 in the Prestige cafe, and in the New Year I wish you to fly high up the career ladder, and after, keep only on top! May your work bring you only glory, and the environment benefit and respect. Happy New Year!

Invitation to relatives

My dear and most beloved relatives! May the New Year be the time for you to achieve all your goals and objectives. All cherished dreams will surely come true in the near future. Love to you and reliable friends, and on this festive evening, let me invite you to the Prestige restaurant and celebrate this celebration in a warm and cozy atmosphere.

Invite friends

On the threshold of the New Year and at this time everyone is in a good mood, and in order to make this holiday truly fun, let's meet it with our friendly company at the festive table! We are waiting for you on December 31 at 18.00. Happy New Year!

Dear friends! I really want to celebrate the holiday with you! Therefore, let me invite you to our solemn table! We promise to feed you delicious food, blow up champagne loudly, and also entertain you in an interesting way. This new Year's Eve promises to be fun and interesting. Are looking forward to!!!

For each New year's night- this is that magical time that you need to spend as joyfully and carefree as possible, because, as folk wisdom says, "as you meet, so you will spend." Inviting you to our carnival, we promise you a lot of interesting contests, excellent mood, songs and dances, round dances and poetry reading for Santa Claus, as well as gifts, the beautiful Snow Maiden and a lot of warmth that will warm your hearts from the frost of this winter.

My dear and loved ones! I invite you to my house to celebrate the New Year. You are waiting for fun entertainment, delicious treats and a festive atmosphere in the best company. We invite you to relax and get a lot of pleasure from the environment. Joyful bright fireworks, a wonderful entertainment program - all this for your fun! Happy New Year!

In a restaurant

Dear _________, on behalf of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and our company, we wish you a Happy New Year! We wish you indomitable energy, grandiose plans, stable growth and prosperity. May the coming year be successful, and all past failures become a launching pad for professional take-off. We invite you to a New Year's dinner, which will be held at the restaurant ______, (name, date, time). We hope that the festive program and warm atmosphere will bring pleasant, positive impressions. Sincerely, _______.

To a club or other entertainment venue

Dear _______, please accept sincere, heartfelt congratulations on the New Year from all employees of _______ (company name). We wish you health, well-being and prosperity. May the coming year be a record year in terms of the number of professional achievements, personal victories and successfully completed projects. We invite you to become a guest at the festive New Year's program, get a boost of energy, positive and good mood. We are waiting for you ___________ (name, address, date, time). Sincerely, _______.

New Years at the office

Dear, _______, ______ (name of organization) wishes you a Happy New Year. We wish that the era of change brings only positive changes, and let there be a clear decision, unbending will and true professionalism behind every smile of fortune. We invite you to a New Year's corporate party in our office ______ (day, time). Sincerely, ______.

In the cafe

Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and the fiery Monkey are already laying a chic table and waiting for you (you) in the cafe (restaurant) ______ (name, date, time) for a reckless, extravagant, incendiary party in honor of the New Year. In the program: dancing until you drop, songs until you are hoarse, fun until you lose your pulse. We assure you with an oath that the management of the company will be very upset by your (your) absence - it is not possible to eat and drink everything by yourself. So attendance is a must!


Dear colleague, the management of the company sincerely admires your (your) success and offers to leave the role of a draft horse in the past in order to enter the image of a mischievous Monkey at a fun New Year's party, which will take place _______ (place, date, time). Happy New Year and may it bring only joyful events, and all the bad things will disappear like champagne bubbles.


Colleague, leave the old year a tired look, Kose - stubbornness and intractability. Load your bones into a formal suit (dress) and, at the speed of a frisky Monkey, rush to the New Year's corporate party, which may not take place without your extraordinary personality. We hope that you will not let you down, and in return we guarantee excellent fun, exquisite bourgeois dishes and, perhaps, a personal salad plate for a drink-weary face. Do not miss your chance, he is waiting for you _______ (place, date, time).

Invitation templates

New Year's invitations require colorful design. You can create a sketch yourself or connect a support group, but in the pre-holiday bustle, there is often no time for this. As an option, buy ready-made postcards, but they often come with text that does not always correspond to what you want. The most reasonable way out is to use a ready-made invitation template. The form can be printed on the printer and enter the missing information by hand. By clicking on the button, you will find two formats: Word (there you can simply correct the desired text) and in image format.jpeg (you can print this picture and enter the data by hand). Just don't leave everything to the last minute. This is especially important for ladies, because they need to think about what to wear to the main party of the year. Therefore, it is advisable to send out invitations at least two weeks before the upcoming event. Happy New Year! And may your holiday be on top.

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