Dogs are man's most faithful friends presentation. "A dog is man's true friend"

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A dog is man's friend. Presentation

Dogs always happy to see you. They love you unconditionally. A dog is an ideal friend and reliable helper. There's no better friend for the child, how dog. Caring for a pet every day teaches the child to be responsible. Also, be more patient and hardworking. Obviously, when there is dog In the house you need to take her for walks and play outside. Dog is a wonderful companion for lovers of outdoor activities and physical activity. This way children grow up healthier and accustomed to an active lifestyle.

Place dogs in the system of the animal world is not easy to determine. What's happened dog? A specialist biologist will say that this is a mammal from the order Canidae, and he will be right. A game warden can say that a wild dog is a dangerous predator and will also be right. For us, the people who held dog in the house, dog friend and protector, a loyal and affectionate creature. Dogs are animals, whom we constantly meet on the street, or when we come to visit friends. We are used to seeing them around us. Man tamed a dog approximately 12 thousand years ago. This happened in many places around the world. There are various domestication hypotheses dogs by man. One of them is shared housing and shared hunting. The dog came to the man not as a prisoner or a beggar. TO person came an equal partner in hunting and protecting common housing. Nowadays there are over three hundred breeds dogs. By appearance many of them bear little resemblance to their ancient ancestors.


Introduce breeds dogs, their role in life person.

Promote love for animals.

Develop attention, perception and ability to listen to comrades.

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Research objectives:

  • Find out why we need dogs in our lives;
  • Find out more interesting things about the life of dogs;
  • Get to know the dog breeds.
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    The living castle grumbled

    He lay down across the door.

    Two medals on the chest -

    It's better not to go into the house.

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    Questionnaire “Why do we need dogs?”

    Answer “yes” or “no” to the questions:

    1. Do you like dogs?

    2. Do you have a dog?

    3. Is a dog a man’s friend?

    4. Is a dog a house watchman?

    5. Is a dog a toy for children?

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    Results of the questionnaire conducted in grade 1A:

    • 24 students were interviewed.
    • 22 people love dogs.
    • 14 of them have a dog at home or in the yard.
    • All the guys consider dogs to be man's friends and home guards.
    • Only 1 person thinks that a dog is a toy.
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    What I learned about dogs

    The dog came from the wolf. Man domesticated the dog a long time ago. There are now about 400 dog breeds in the world.

    The science of dogs is called cynology. And the person who trains the dog is a dog handler.

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    In Egypt, the dog was deified. In connection with the death of a dog, mourning was declared in Egyptian houses, and the owner of the house shaved off his hair.

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    IN Ancient Greece and Rome, dogs played an important role. Were in particular demand attack dogs, mighty and undaunted. They occupied an honorable place in the army of Alexander the Great.

    In Rome, fighting dogs began to act as gladiators; alone they fought bulls, lions, elephants, and bears.

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    In Russia, dogs have been guarding borders since the mid-19th century. They are used in military and police service.

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    In the 20th century, dogs are used by customs officers, they are trained to be guides for the blind and to help the disabled.

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    Proverbs about dogs

    • Without a cat there is no home, without a dog there is no yard.
    • You can't catch a hare without a dog.
    • Ermoshka is rich - he has a dog and a cat.
    • They live like a cat and a dog.
    • And the dog does not bark at the one whose bread he eats.
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    Aphorisms about dogs

    • Dogs laugh too, but they laugh with their tails. (M. Eastman)
    • Buy a puppy and you will find the most devoted love in the world. (Kipling)
    • If there were no dog, a person would feel lonely. (Maeterlinck)
    • By your attitude towards the dog I will know what kind of person you are. (A. Bosse)
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    Dog breeds:

    The breed is indoor and decorative. Poodles' coat does not shed, but requires constant care. They are cut once every six months. They are well trained, obedient and friendly.

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    They belong to the breed of service dogs. Used for shepherd, guard, search and other services. Very smart, well trained.

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    Translated from in English- “dog-bull”. The ancestors of bulldogs participated in military campaigns, bull baiting and dog fighting.

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    Small long-haired decorative dog. Developed in Bologna, Italy in the 18th century. In the 1970s, the colored lapdog, which was not recognized in other countries, was bred in Russia.

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    By now, greyhounds are rare everywhere. They are known as sporting dogs. In many countries of Europe and America, greyhounds participate in sports races after an artificial hare.

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    The Rottweiler is a calm, balanced dog, devoted to its owner, distinguished by courage and endurance. Bred in many countries for guard and search services.

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    Saint Bernard

    Saint Bernards are loyal and very obedient dogs. They love people and treat children very carefully and carefully. The most famous St. Bernard was Barry, who between 1800 and 1812 saved the lives of forty people buried in avalanches.

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    Dolmatin is a strong, muscular and lively dog. She is very playful and resilient. This is a family dog ​​and is easily trained for various services.

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    Chow - chow

    The Chow Chow is an ancient, versatile breed originating from northern China and was used for a variety of purposes: hunting, guarding livestock and home guarding. Although today the Chow is primarily a companion dog.

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    Presentation - Dog is man's friend

    Text of this presentation

    Research work on the topic: “A dog is man’s friend”
    Author-compiler: Karimov Rustam, 3rd grade Leader: Ibraeva R.V. MKOU "Tanrykulovskaya secondary school" Almenevsky district, Kurgan region

    Relevance Man is increasingly using nature for his own purposes. The further he moves away from nature, the stronger he feels the need for it. He finds it in friendship with various animals. For thousands of years, a dog has lived next to us - a faithful friend and helper of man. She protects herds of sheep and cows, searches for criminals, detects drugs, helps hunters track and shoot game, guards the state border, guides people who have lost their sight through the streets, serves physiologists, biologists and astronauts, plays with children, etc. I have a dog too. Every day when I come to feed him, he looks at me with a devoted look and wags his tail. But I thought about how little I know about my four-legged friend. Why are dogs so loyal to their owners? This is how the idea arose to find answers to the questions that interested me.

    The purpose of the study is to find out why a dog is considered a person’s friend. Objectives: Study and analyze information on this topic; To figure out Interesting Facts about dogs Conduct a survey Hypothesis: A dog is called a person’s friend because it lives next to a person and helps him. Research methods: analysis, synthesis, observation, survey

    I. Human domestication of dogs
    One of the first domestic animals domesticated by man was the dog. The ancestor of the dog was the wolf. The history of the development of the dog began a long time ago. Archaeological excavations testify to this. In ancient Egypt, the remains of dogs that were used for hunting were found. During the Middle Egyptian Kingdom, dogs became sacred and highly respected creatures, occupying a prominent position in the palaces of the pharaohs. During the Roman Empire, dogs were used for various needs and requirements; they were hunters, warriors, watchmen, gladiators in bull fights and just friends. The chronicle testifies that Peter I had a dog, which during campaigns helped maintain contact with military leaders, carrying orders and reports. She could cover a distance of 3-5 kilometers in 10-15 minutes. A man fell in love with a dog for his exceptional affection for him and his willingness to sacrifice his life in the name of man. And the dog became the most devoted animal to man, his best four-legged friend.

    II. Main dog breeds
    Poodle The breed is indoor and decorative. Poodles' coat does not shed, but requires constant care. They are cut once every six months. They are well trained, obedient and friendly.

    Belongs to a breed of service dogs. Used for shepherd, guard, search and other services. Very smart, well trained.

    The Rottweiler is a calm, balanced dog, devoted to its owner, distinguished by courage and endurance. This dog is bred in many countries for guard and search services.

    Saint Bernard
    Saint Bernards are loyal and very obedient dogs. They love people and treat children very carefully and carefully. The most famous St. Bernard was Barry, who between 1800 and 1812 saved the lives of forty people buried in avalanches.

    Chow chow
    The Chow Chow is an ancient, versatile breed originating from northern China and was used for a variety of purposes: hunting, guarding livestock, and home guarding. Although today the Chow Chow is primarily a companion dog.

    The Pekingese is a very good and loyal friend, but remembers any harm or insult done to him. Treats children with restraint.

    Great Dane
    Great Danes are distinguished by a calm, balanced character, devotion to their owner, fearlessness and lightning-fast reactions. They are easy to train and are suitable for guard and guard duty.

    2.1 Monuments to famous dogs
    For a thousand years the dog has deservedly enjoyed fame best friend and human assistant. Writers, poets and scientists at all times and in all countries praised the dog for its understanding, loyalty and devotion to the person who raised it. In gratitude to man's faithful friends, monuments are erected that can be found in various countries of the world.

    Monument to Laika
    It was Laika who went down in history as the first earthly inhabitant to ascend into space. This significant event occurred in 1957. The sculpture was installed on the territory of the State Research Institute of Military Medicine of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
    Monument to St. Bernard Barry
    One of the most famous dog monuments was erected in Paris. It was built in 1899. On a stone pedestal there is a huge dog and a child trustingly clinging to him. The inscription on the pedestal reads: "Barry, who saved forty people and was killed forty first."

    Monument to a couple in love from Krasnodar
    The monument to dogs in love was “made for the joy of people,” so that a gloomy person would cheer up when he sees it. The chief architect of Krasnodar, Alexander Kuznetsov, noted that the uniqueness of the monument to dogs lies in the fact that it is the only one in the city that makes wishes come true. “To make a wish come true, you need to rub the dogs’ paws,” said the architect.

    My research
    The attitude of the people of our village towards dogs
    I live in a rural area and having a dog is not a problem for boys and girls like me. The main thing is that the dog has a house, personal belongings and, of course, food. However, we must remember that an animal is not a toy and we need to think carefully when taming it. After all, you can’t play with it and throw it away when you get tired of it. By interviewing my friends, classmates, adults, I learned what we like, we are so different, there are very different things in a dog, as well as people’s attitude towards this animal.

    Properties of dogs that their owners like
    Properties Number of owners who marked the property (%)
    Loyalty, Intelligence, Discipline, Courage, Intelligence, Love for the owner, Decisiveness, Obedience, Courage, Intelligence, Sensitivity, Listening ability, Love for family members, Selflessness, Cheerfulness, Integrity, Nobility, Calmness 92–99.1
    Humor, Individuality, Tolerance, Self-esteem, Compassionateness, Intelligence, Forgiveness 83.5–89.6
    Generosity 71.7–76.9
    Pride, Caution, Perseverance, Inability to deceive 62.3–67.9
    Spontaneity, Emotionality 56.1–59.0
    Trick 42.5
    Independence, Aggression towards strangers 34.4–37.7
    Friendliness towards everyone, Excitability, Ability to deceive 20.8–23.6
    Assertiveness, Naivety, Impudence, Jealousy, Choleric 11.3–17.9
    Phlegmatic, Stubborn, Aggressive towards dogs, Grudges, Stupidity, Dislike for family members, Selfishness 1.9–9.9
    Disobedience, Begging 0.5
    Cowardice 0

    Summing up my work, we can conclude that the goal I set was achieved. The hypothesis that he put forward at the beginning of the work was confirmed. I learned a lot about dogs. A dog helps a person in everything: it saves people in a fire, helps with police work, helps people who have lost their sight, and serves as a guide for them. A dog is a special animal. She has an excellent sense of smell. Able to travel long distances in search of her owner, she senses her owner’s mood and much more. Dogs have proven their friendship to humans through their actions, their loyalty and devotion. And therefore, a dog has every right to be considered a person’s friend. Now I can tell my friends and classmates about why a dog is considered a man’s friend.

    Proverbs about dogs
    Without a cat there is no home, without a dog there is no yard. You can't catch a hare without a dog. Ermoshka is rich - he has a dog and a cat. They live like a cat and a dog. And the dog does not bark at the one whose bread he eats.

    L. Korneev. “A Word about a Dog”, Moscow “Thought”, 1989 V.A. Korabelnikov “Legends and true stories about dogs. The first tamed by man: Book. for students - M.: Education; 1993 Great schoolchild encyclopedia. Moscow "Swallowtail" 2006

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    Dogs have always been close to humans: hunting, hiking, and even flying into space. The dog saved a person more than once, risking its own life. And sometimes she is not only a friend, but a very close, dear being. Sometimes she replaces our relatives and loved ones. The dog saved a person more than once, risking its own life. And sometimes she is not only a friend, but a very close, dear being. Sometimes she replaces our relatives and loved ones. “A dog is a man’s friend” are not empty words. How many songs and films are dedicated to our four-legged friends! How many songs and films are dedicated to our four-legged friends! And how many poems, stories, tales, fairy tales, novels - it’s impossible to count! How it all began - a man finds a friend.

    Dog professions. Service dogs have different professions: bloodhounds, shepherds, watchmen, border guards, divers, guide dogs. Service dogs have different professions: bloodhounds, shepherds, watchmen, border guards, divers, guide dogs. During the war years, dogs served as orderlies, mine detectors, and signalmen.

    Monuments to dogs Man did not remain indifferent to the actions of animals. There are a huge number of monuments to “man’s true friends” in the world. Man did not remain indifferent to the actions of animals. There are a huge number of monuments to “man’s true friends” in the world.

    Monument to a dog named Barry... Monument to "Faithful Hachiko"

    Interesting Facts. While working on the topic, I learned that dogs in different countries bark differently, so Albanian dogs bark “ham-ham”. Albanian - “ham-ham”. In Catalonia - “pap-pap”. In Catalonia - “pap-pap”. Chinese - “wang-wang”, Chinese - “wang-wang”, Russian “woof-woof”, Russian “woof-woof”, Slovenian “how-how”, Slovenian “how-how”, Ukrainian “gaf-gaf” . Ukrainian "gaf-gaf". Icelandic - “vov-vov”, Icelandic - “vov-vov”, Indonesian “gong-gong”, Indonesian “gong-gong”, Italian “bau-bau”. Italian "bow-bow". Conclusion. A dog is one of the first to become a person's friend, and this relationship lasts for many times. There is always someone who needs you, There is always someone who needs you, Who believes in you so naively, Who boldly trusts his soul, Who is ready to wait, loving at the door...

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