All the titans of ancient Greece. Titans of ancient Greece

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- the son of Kronos, or Saturn and Rhea, brother of Zeus, ruler of the underworld, where he reigns over the shadows with his wife Persephone, or Proserpina. In Roman mythology, Pluto.

Atlant - in Greek mythology Titanide, son of the Titan Iapetus and the Oceanid Clymene. He maintained the firmament near the Garden of the Hesperides as punishment for participating in the battle with Zeus on the side of the Titans.

Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leta (Latona), the patron of poetry, music and singing, and also the patron of flocks. As the messenger of the will of Zeus, Apollo was the god of predictions and oracles.

Coy - Greek mythology Titan, son of Uranus and Gaia, brother and husband of the Titanide Phoebe, who gave birth to Leto and Asteria. Participated in the Titanomachy and was thrown into Tartarus by Zeus along with his brothers.

Ares is the god of war, the son of Zeus and Hera. In early myths, the birth of Ares occurred without the participation of his father from the touch of Hera to a magic flower. In later myths, Ares appeared as the son of Zeus.

Kronos is the son of the sky god Uranus and the earth goddess Gaia. He succumbed to his mother’s persuasion and castrated his father Uranus in order to stop the endless births of his children.

Hermes is the Arcadian god of pastures, executor of the will of Zeus. Hermes, the great inventor, patron of industry, god of roads, guide and guide of the dead. In Roman mythology it corresponds to Mercury.

Ocean - ancient god water element, the forefather of the gods of the sea, rivers, streams and springs. Titan, son of Uranus and Gaia. From him came a large generation of water deities who made up a special water Olympus.

Dionysus is the eternally young god of the fruitful forces of the earth, vegetation, viticulture and winemaking, known as the “god with bull horns,” the son of Zeus and the Theban princess Semele.

Pallant is the son of Gaia and Uranus. During the Gigantomachy, Athena crushed the lustful Pallant with a piece of rock, and then tore off his skin, while still alive, to make herself an aegis.

Zeus is the son of Kronos (Saturn) and Rhea, the husband of Hera, the most powerful and highest of the gods of the Greek people, the sovereign ruler of the world, the father of gods and people. In Roman mythology, Jupiter.

Prometheus is the son of the Titan Iapetus and the Oceanid Clymene, or, according to another version, Asia or the goddess of justice Themis. Gave people divine fire, hidden by the thunderer Zeus.

Mars is the god of war in Roman mythology, the oldest deity of Rome, who was part of the triad of gods that originally headed the Roman pantheon - Jupiter, Mars and Quirinus.

Uranus is the most ancient of the Greek gods. Personification of the sky in Greek myths. The progenitor of the giants, goddesses of vengeance Erinyes, nymphs, hecatoncheires, giant cyclops, Aphrodite and the titan Kronos.

Mercury is the god of trade, profit and enrichment in Roman mythology, the patron of travelers, the son of Maya.

Neptune is one of the most ancient gods of the Roman pantheon. He was identified with the Greek mythological god Poseidon.

Pan is a field and forest god, the patron saint of herds grazing in the forest and field, possessed the gift of prophecy, and was considered the son of the prophetic Peak and the grandson of Kronos (Saturn). Among the Romans - Faun

Poseidon is the son of Kronos, or Saturn, and Rhea, brother of Zeus; after the victory over the titans, during the division of dominion over the world, he became the ruler of the sea. In Roman mythology, Neptune.

Jupiter is in Roman mythology the almighty god of the sky, the king of the gods. Jupiter was revered as the supreme deity, the lord of thunder and lightning.

Janus – Roman god of doors; as such had two faces. He was also the god of contracts and alliances. Janus commanded the beginnings. Before the advent of the cult of Jupiter, Janus was the deity of sky and light.

Titans and Olympians

In Ancient Greece, there are two groups of gods: titans, - gods of the second generation and Olympian gods, or Olympians- gods of the third generation. The Titans were born from the earth Gaia and the sky Uranus. There were six brothers - Oceanus, Kay, Crius, Hipperion, Iapetus, Kronos and six sisters - Thetis, Phoebe, Mnemosyne, Theia, Themis, Rhea, who married each other and gave birth to a new generation of gods - Prometheus, Helios, Selene, Eos (Aurora) and others. Youngest of the Titans Kronos on the advice of his mother Gaia, he castrated Uranus with a sickle to stop his endless fertility, and took the place of the supreme god of the Titans.
The Olympians included the children of Kronos and Rhea - Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades (Hades), Poseidon and Zeus, as well as their descendants - Hephaestus, Hermes, Persephone, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Athena, Apollo and Artemis. Their leader was Zeus who deprived his father of power.

The history of the confrontation between the titans and the Olympians

The history of the confrontation between the Olympians and the Titans began with the fact that, fearing to lose power, Kronos began to swallow his children. He swallowed Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades and Poseidon. Fearing that she would lose her last child, Zeus, Rhea hid him in a deep cave and gave Kronos a stone instead. The grown Zeus rebelled against his father and forced him to return the children he had absorbed into the world. They began to fight with Kronos and other titans for power over the world.

Titanomachy or battle of the Titans or Olympians

This fight known as Titanomachy, or battle of the titans- giants, was terrible and stubborn. The Titans - all except Oceanus - set out from Mount Othria; Olympians - from Mount Olympus. Their strengths were approximately equal. The battle lasted ten years until Zeus learned that the Olympian gods would win only if they freed the fifty-headed, hundred-armed giants, the Hundred-Arms or Hecatoncheires, imprisoned in the bowels of the earth (Tartar) by Uranus.
Soon, the terrible and huge, like mountains, the Hundred-Handed Ones, as well as the giant Cyclops and some of the titans (Ocean and the Oceanids, Prometheus) joined the gods. Intoxicated by the freedom they received, the Hundred-Handed Ones tore rocks out of the Earth and with force, hundreds of them, brought them down on the heads of the Titans as they approached Olympus. The Earth groaned, a roar filled the air, everything around was shaking. Even Tartarus shuddered from this struggle. Zeus tirelessly threw fiery lightning bolts, which the Cyclopes barely had time to forge and bring to him. Fire engulfed the entire Earth, the seas boiled, smoke and stench covered everything with a thick veil. The Thunderer was also helped by Pan, who knew how to instill causeless panic in his enemies.

"Titan" is a term for members of a powerful race in Greek mythology. The Titans ruled the world before the Olympians. They were immortal and possessed incredible strength, being well versed in old religious rituals and magic. They are also known as the elder gods. The Titans lived on Mount Othrys.


There were two generations of Titans, the first of which was mainly associated with the term "titans". They were the children of Gaia and Uranus, namely six men and six women, including Corsus, Cronus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, Oceanus, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Rhea, Theia, Themis and Tethys.

Brothers and sisters came to power overthrowing his father from the throne. While they ruled Greece, some had intercourse with each other and gave birth to another generation of titans.


According to Greek mythology, in the entire universe there was only Chaos and emptiness. But Gaia followed Chaos along with Eros. She subsequently gave birth to Uranus. The gods continued to communicate with each other, giving birth to others, including Erebus, Nike and Oceanus. Eventually Gaia and Uranus united with each other and the twelve Titans were born.


In Greek mythology, the Titanomachy was a well-known war between the Titans and the Olympian gods (led by Zeus) that lasted ten years. The result is easy to guess, since Olympian gods such as Zeus are among the most powerful and recognizable in all of mythology.

When the Titans reigned over the Earth, Uranus was the ruler. But he was far from being considered kind. The Titan was upset with his wife and sent several of his children, the Cyclopes and the Hecatonchires, to Tartarus.

Eventually, Geia's emotions reached their limit, and she built a giant sickle, which she used to order her children to castrate their father and overthrow him from the throne. Kronos agreed to help and plan the attack with his mother.

The plan worked, and when the blood of Uranus fell to the earth, three generations of children were born from it, including Melia, Erina and the Giants. Some of the blood fell into the sea, and the goddess Aphrodite emerged from it.

Kronos seized the throne, but Uranus told him that his own sons would attack him and dethrone him. Then Kronos turned into a paranoid god, like his father, and abandoned his brothers back to Tartarus.

He also swallowed his children to prevent the prophecy. Cronus's wife, Rhea, deceived her husband and saved one of the children, Zeus. The latter was safe while growing up. When he became old and strong enough, Zeus tricked his father into drinking a special mixture that made him vomit the children he had once swallowed. Zeus gathered them together and convinced them of the need to overthrow their father.

This was the beginning of the Titanomachy. Hecantocheires and Cyclopes joined the battle. The first of them threw stones at the Titans, while the Cyclopes created lightning for Zeus.

The Olympians won the war. All the titans, except Prometheus and Themis, were imprisoned in Tartarus. Zeus and his two brothers, Hades and Poseidon, divided the universe between themselves. Zeus became the king of the sky, Poseidon watched over the seas, while Hades became the ruler of the Underworld. All this symbolizes the beginning of a new era in Greek mythology.

Some Famous Titans

Cron. Kronos was the leader and youngest of the Titans, who was eventually overthrown by his sons just as he overthrew his father from the throne. Some myths say that Kronos was imprisoned forever in Tartarus along with his brothers and sisters, while others claim that he was sent to rule the Elysian fields after a gigantic war.

Rhea. Rhea was the mother of the Olympian branch of gods and goddesses in Greek texts. Meanwhile, she never lived with her children.

Themis. Themis is known as the embodiment of law, customs and divine order. She was often described by her followers as the Titans' "good lawyer". Themis's name translates to "law of nature" and she has always been involved in organizing events between gods and humans.

Ocean.The ocean was connected with the waters. He was usually depicted as a strong, muscular man with long beard and horns. Due to its connection with the seas, the lower part of its body is usually a snake.

Theia. This person ruled the sun and could be found in several myths, some of which date back to classical antiquity.

Kors and Phoebe. Corsus is consistently mentioned as one of the Titans, but he does not show active involvement in any myths or aspects of Greek religion. He was known as the titan of wisdom. Cause copulated with his sister Phoebe, and Leto and Asteria were born to them.

The first became the mother of the gods Artemis and Apollo. Phoebe often associated with the moon, and was an oracle for some time.

Titans of Greece and everything connected with them. Eleven half-brothers and sisters, one and a half dozen half-brothers and thirty thousand ugly bats with dog faces - it’s scary, but it’s still unknown what you’ll give birth to with such a lifestyle! Yes, that’s exactly how many vile children the ancient Greek lord of the sky had - about three dozen more or less famous and a countless number of Erinyes, goddesses of vengeance. But our entertainment portal will not now remember each of them - only the most famous and impressive offspring, the titans, will appear to your attention.

1. Big children are big problems. Not very attractive in appearance and, at the same time, having a gigantic size, the titans, since childhood, had the opportunity to earn many complexes of approximately the same size - at least on the basis of their father's dislike. And, if modern youth has a chance to complain to the guardianship authorities, or at least to the police, then the titans of Greece could not do this. And who can complain if your father is the coolest pepper in the universe?!

Indeed, at that time, Zeus was the biggest and most serious bump, and, moreover, on Earth. Moreover, he turned this very Earth, hmm ... Exactly on what you thought about - and in the most direct sense. After all, the Earth-Gaia was the mother of the titans and at the same time the wife of the supreme deity.

In accordance with ancient Greek mythology, Uranus and Gaia were considered the most ancient generation of gods. The first personified the sky, and appeared from Chaos - the state of the world, when there was nothing but Mist. She married Chaos and gave birth to Gaia and Uranus. Gaia personified the Earth and was the elder sister of Uranus. The brother and sister entered into a marriage union, and children appeared from him - 6 gods and 6 goddesses. It was they who were the titans - the ancient Greek gods of the second generation.

It should be said that there are many different interpretations of those distant mythological events. In this case, the version of Hesiod, an ancient Greek poet who lived in the 8th-7th centuries BC, is presented. e. He narrated that the sons or titans were called: Oceanus, Krios, Kay, Iapetus, Hyperion, Kronos. The daughters or Titanides were called: Tefis, Theia, Themis, Phoebe, Mnemosyne, Rhea.

The ocean personified the waters of the oceans. He married sister Tethys and from him appeared the daughters of the oceanids and the river gods. By its nature, the Ocean was kind and peaceful. Crios married Eurybia, who was the daughter of the deity Pontus. The latter was considered the son of Gaia from a connection with Ether, personifying the air. Kay married the Titanide Phoebe. From this marriage came Leto and Asteria. Leto later became the mistress of Zeus and gave birth to Apollo and Artemis.

The Titan Iapetus married Clymene, the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. In this marriage Prometheus, Epimethea, Atlanta and Menoetia were born. It was assumed that Iapetus was the progenitor of the Aryan tribes. Hyperion married his sister Theia. From this marriage Helios, Selene and Eos were born. And finally, Kronos, who was Uranus’s youngest son. It was he who took the dominant position among the titans - the ancient Greek gods.

This was preceded by the nasty and suspicious character of Uranus. He was afraid that one of the children would destroy him and seize power. Therefore, he immediately sent the children born into the bowels of the Earth. Kronos was the last born, and Gaia's mother suggested that he castrate his father. He took the sickle and deprived his father of the opportunity to produce offspring while he was sleeping. The crime weapon was thrown into the sea in the northern part of the Peloponnese.

Titan Kronos deprives father Uranus of the ability to produce offspring

After this, all the titans - the ancient Greek gods - were released from the bowels of the Earth, and Kronos became the main one among them, since it was to him that everyone owed salvation. It is believed that it was under Kronos that a golden age began on Earth. But this god, like his father, had a bad character. He married his sister Rhea, and swallowed the children she bore him, because he was afraid that one of them would take away his power.

At first, Kronos swallowed his eldest daughter Hestia, and he liked it. After this, it was the turn of Demeter, Hera (the future wife of Zeus), Hades, and Poseidon. While living with Rhea, the leader of the Titans began a love affair with the nymph Philyra, who was the daughter of Ocean. From this connection came the centaur Chiron, who hated mere mortals and was drawn to drunkenness and scandals. Rhea soon began to suspect her husband’s infidelities, and he turned his mistress into a mare so that she could not tell anyone about their love affair. Kronos was such an unsightly and cruel person.

Meanwhile, Rhea became pregnant with Zeus. She decided to hide the baby from her carnivorous father, and therefore went to Crete and gave birth to him in a deep dungeon. She gave the stone to Kronos, saying that it was a newborn baby. The husband swallowed the stone, but immediately realized that he had been deceived. He began to look for the newborn, but the demons of the kureta began to interfere with the search. When infant Zeus cried, they created noise so that the bloodthirsty father could not hear the baby's cry.

Years passed, Zeus grew up and began a ten-year war with his father. This is a whole series of battles, which in ancient Greek mythology is called the “Titanomachy”. The final stage of the war was the complete victory of Zeus. He emasculated the defeated father and forced him to vomit his swallowed children.

Kronos cast into Tartarus

After this, Kronos and those titans who supported him were cast into the abyss. Even the kingdom of the dead Hades was located above this gloomy dungeon, which was called Tartarus. And so that the titans - the ancient Greek gods could not free themselves, guards were placed near them. These were Hecatoncheires - hundred-armed and fifty-headed giants.

Zeus made Hera his wife and queen of all the gods. Demeter became the goddess of fertility and fields. Poseidon gained power over the sea, and Hades became a god in the kingdom of the dead. These gods are called Olympian gods, since Zeus established his residence on Mount Olympus. As for those titans and titanides who did not resist Zeus, they were not touched and were left among the celestials.

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