Memo for parents "Age characteristics of children in the fifth year of life." Memo “Age characteristics of children in the fifth year of life”

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  • Specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation13.00.07
  • Number of pages 183

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the methodology for the development of coherent speech in children.

1.1. Linguistic foundations of methods for developing coherent speech.

1.2. Psychological foundations of methods for developing coherent speech in children preschool age

1.3. The problem of developing coherent speech of preschoolers in pedagogical literature

Chapter 2. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of coherent speech in children of the fifth year of life.

2.1 Materials and analysis of the results of the search experiment.

2.2 Features of coherent speech of children of the fifth year of life.

2.4 Discussion of the results of experimental training.

Recommended list of dissertations

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  • Pedagogical technology for the development of coherent speech in preschoolers using modeling 2002, candidate of pedagogical sciences Pashkovskaya, Liliya Aleksandrovna

  • Dependence of the development of coherent monologue speech in children of senior preschool age on the features of variable learning to retell 2001, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Shorokhova, Olga Alekseevna

  • Correctional pedagogical work on the development of coherent speech in older preschoolers with visual impairments 2009, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Doroshenko, Oksana Viktorovna

  • Teaching Russian coherent speech to children of senior preschool age in multiethnic groups of kindergarten 2005, candidate of pedagogical sciences Fedyukina, Nadezhda Vladimirovna

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Formation of speech coherence in children of the fifth year of life”

The development of coherent speech is the central task of children's speech education. This is due primarily to its social significance and role in the formation of personality. It is in coherent speech that the main, communicative, function of language and speech is realized. Coherent speech is the highest form of speech-thinking activity, which determines the level of speech and mental development child (T.V. Akhutina, J.I.C. Vygotsky, N.I. Zhinkin, A.A. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, F.A. Sokhin, etc.). Mastering coherent oral speech is the most important condition for successful preparation for school.

The psychological nature of coherent speech, its mechanisms and developmental features in children are revealed in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.A. Leontyev, S.L. Rubinstein and others. All researchers note the complex nature of coherent speech and point to the need for special speech education (A.A. Leontyev, L.V. Shcherba).

Teaching coherent speech to children in the domestic methodology has rich traditions laid down in the works of K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy. The fundamentals of the methodology for developing coherent speech in preschoolers are defined in the works of M.M. Konina, A.M. Leushina, L.A. Penevskaya, O.I. Solovyova, E.I. Tikheeva, A.P. Usova, E.A. Flerina. Problems of content and methods of teaching monologue speech in kindergarten were fruitfully developed by A.M. Borodich,

N.F. Vinogradova, L.V. Voroshnina, V.V. Gerbova, E.P. Korotkova, N.A. Orlanova, E.A. Smirnova,

N.G. Smolnikova, O.S. Ushakova, L.G. Shadrina and others. The features of children’s coherent speech, methods, and teaching different types of texts based on different sources of statements were studied. The authors defined the goals and objectives of the development of coherent speech, methodological principles, created systems of training sessions for various types of coherent statements, and considered the specific conditions for children to master coherent speech.

Most pedagogical studies are devoted to the problems of developing coherent speech in children of senior preschool age. Further development requires questions of the formation of speech coherence in the middle group, taking into account the age and individual differences of children in the fifth year of life. The fifth year of life is a period of high speech activity of children, intensive development of all aspects of their speech (M.M. Alekseeva, A.N. Gvozdev, M.M. Koltsova, G.M. Lyamina, O.S. Ushakova, K.I. Chukovsky, D.V. Elkonin, V.I. Yadeshko, etc.). At this age, there is a transition from situational to contextual speech (A.M. Leushina, A.M. Lyublinskaya, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin). Research by a number of scientists indicates the great potential of children of this age in mental development. So, H.H. Poddyakov notes that it is in the fifth year of life that a child masters the necessary linguistic means to construct a coherent statement. O.M.Babak, studying the cellular structure of the precentral and postcentral zones of the cerebral cortex in children of different ages, found that it in children of the fifth year of life is not much different from the structure of the same area in children 11 and 13 years old. The author points out the greater functional and anatomical maturity of the cerebral cortex of four-year-old children. The structure of the studied areas of the cerebral cortex of a child of the fifth year of life approaches the corresponding structures of an adult.

At this age, the child quickly develops the ability to generalize (M.M. Koltsova). He can master generalization of the highest type. There is a deepening of concepts and the associated assimilation of the meanings of words. Children are more conscious of speech (A.N. Gvozdev). In the fifth year of life, a pronounced critical attitude to the speech of others, and sometimes to one’s own, appears (A.N. Gvozdev, K.I. Chukovsky, N.H. Shvachkin).

Modern pedagogical practice reveals a very contradictory picture of the state of teaching coherent speech to children of this age. On the one hand, in many preschool educational institutions, the capabilities of children from 4 to 5 years old in mastering their native language are underestimated; teaching coherent speech is limited only to the framework of dialogue or retelling of well-known fairy tales and stories, descriptions of individual objects; on the other hand, the content, forms and methods of teaching coherent speech to older preschoolers in middle groups. This approach is reflected in a number of numerous variable programs.

Thus, there is a contradiction between the needs of mass practice in the methodology of forming the coherence of speech in children of middle preschool age and its insufficient development. This circumstance determined the choice of the topic of this study. It addresses the following problem: under what pedagogical conditions is it possible to more effectively develop speech coherence in children of the fifth year of life? Its solution is the goal of the study.

The subject of the study is pedagogical conditions and means that ensure the development of coherent speech of children of the fifth year of life in a preschool institution.

The object of the study is coherent monologue-type statements of children of the fifth year of life.

The study is based on the hypothesis that the development of coherence in the narrative statements of children of the fifth year of life occurs more effectively when the following conditions are met:

The use of a technique that allows children to visually imagine the sequence of events unfolding and, thereby, ensuring the logic and coherence of the presentation; -development of the semantics of words, which determines their correct understanding and use, choice and combination in coherent speech; -formation of ideas about the structure of the narrative and the ability to connect sentences in a statement in different ways;

Using situations of a dialogical nature to master coherent monologue statements.

Research objectives:

1. To study the features of coherent monologue statements of children of the fifth year of life.

2. Determine the pedagogical conditions for the development of coherent narrative speech in children of the fifth year of life.

The methodological basis of the study is the principles of philosophy and psychology on the leading role of activity and communication in the development of personality; theories of speech activity formulated in the works of L.S. Vygotsky,

S.L. Rubinshtein, A.A. Leontyev; concept of speech development of preschool children, developed by F.A. Sokhin and O.S. Ushakova.

Research base. Experimental work was carried out in preschool institutions No. 10, 65, 105, 227 in Yaroslavl and No. 25 in Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region. In total, the study involved 200 children at the search stage; in the ascertaining and formative experiments - 4 2 children, of which 21 were from kindergarten No. 105 (control group) and 21 from kindergarten No. 227 (experimental group).

Stages of research. The chosen methodological basis and the assigned tasks determined the course of the theoretical and experimental research, which was carried out in several stages from 1994 to 1998.

At the first stage (1994-1995), a theoretical analysis of literature and dissertations related to the problem area of ​​research was carried out; the main idea of ​​the study was formed. At this stage, the hypothesis, objectives and research methods were determined.

At the second stage (1995-1997), a search experiment was carried out; research methodology was developed; The obtained material was generalized and systematized.

At the third stage (1997-1998), a confirmatory experiment, experimental training and a control experiment were carried out; The effectiveness of the developed materials was tested. The results were summed up, the data obtained were processed and generalized, conclusions were formulated, and individual theoretical principles were clarified.

In accordance with the intended purpose and objectives, the following research methods were used:

Study and analysis of psychological, linguistic, psycholinguistic and pedagogical literature;

Study and analysis of documentation of preschool institutions;

Monitoring the organization and content of communication between the teacher and children and children with each other;

Pedagogical experiment;

Quantitative and qualitative comparative analysis statements of preschool children;

Analysis and generalization of experimental data.

The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that it:

Information about the features of coherent monologue speech of children of the fifth year of life has been supplemented; the content of training has been determined, the basis of which is made up of statements of a contaminated and narrative type, necessary for children 4-5 years old for communication and cognition;

Pedagogical conditions for the development of coherent speech in children have been substantiated and experimentally tested: the formation of ideas about the structure of a narrative and ways of expressing connections between sentences and parts of a statement; conducting special speech exercises aimed at developing the semantics of children's speech and mastering methods of intratextual connections; the use of variable visualization, enriching the content of the children's monologue, acting as a model of narration and thereby allowing children to master its structure; the use of appropriate communicative situations in order to enrich the content of children's speech and develop the ability to construct a coherent statement of a monologue type.

The practical significance of the study lies in the development of a step-by-step methodology for teaching coherent monologue statements to children of the fifth year of life, increasing the level of their speech development. Created by the author guidelines for educators and parents. The research material can be used in mass practice in preschool institutions. different types, as well as in the training and advanced training of preschool specialists in pedagogical universities, colleges and advanced training institutes.

The reliability and validity of the results obtained are due to a methodological approach based on the theory of speech activity, on the provisions on the leading role of activity and communication in personality development; using a set of research methods that correspond to its subject, purpose and objectives; quantitative and qualitative processing of materials; the effectiveness of the experimental work carried out; representativeness of the volume of statements; the long-term nature of experimental work.

Approbation of work results.

The dissertation materials were discussed at meetings of the Department of Methods of Preschool Education and Training at Moscow State Pedagogical University (1994-1998), presented at scientific and practical conferences of Yaroslavl Pedagogical University (1995-1998), an international conference dedicated to K.D. Ushinsky in Yaroslavl (1996), international conference on current problems of preschool education in Moscow (1996). The research materials are used when delivering lectures on “Theory and methods of speech development in preschool children” at the Faculty of Pedagogy of Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after. K.D. Ushinsky, for preschool specialists at the Institute for Advanced Studies, are reflected in 7 publications.

The following provisions are submitted for defense:

The strategy for teaching coherent speech to children of the fifth year of life should be determined by communicative approach, which involves the development of monologue speech as a means of communication and in the process of communication. In the methodology of speech development, it is necessary to ensure an increase in the coherence of utterances within dialogic speech;

The development of speech coherence in children of the fifth year of life occurs more dynamically in communicative situations, relying on variable clarity, which allows one to determine the content and logic of the statement. A gradual increase in the coherence of speech is ensured by: retelling familiar fairy tales based on illustrations, storytelling using a series of pictures with a developing plot, game situations, sets of toys in which the dynamics of actions were modeled, storytelling on a verbal basis;

With systematic work, children of the fifth year of life master the skills of consistently constructing coherent narrative statements and using different methods of intratextual connections.

Work structure. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusions, bibliography, contains 6 tables and 2

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  • System-dynamic approach to the study of coherent speech utterances in children with speech underdevelopment 2007, candidate of pedagogical sciences Lanina, Tatyana Nikolaevna

  • Linguistic ideas about text types in older preschoolers and their development in the learning process 2002, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Galkina, Irina Aleksandrovna

  • The use of polysensory perception in the process of correcting coherent statements in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment 2001, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Vanyukhina, Galina Afanasyevna

  • Development of coherent native speech of older preschoolers in Komi kindergarten 1998, candidate of pedagogical sciences Ostapova, Zoya Vasilievna

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Theory and Methods of Preschool Education”, Elkina, Natalia Vasilievna

1. In modern methods of speech development, coherent speech is considered as the central task of children’s speech development. Most studies are devoted to the problems of developing monologue speech in children of senior preschool age. The issues of speech development in children of middle preschool age remain insufficiently studied. An analysis of the state of teaching coherent speech in practice revealed a contradictory picture. Thus, in most preschool institutions, work is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the “Model Program”, where it is recommended to begin training with a description. Similar content is offered in a number of variable programs. At the same time, some studies indicate the possibility and feasibility of teaching children of the fifth year of life a coherent narrative statement.

2. As shown by the results of search and ascertaining experiments conducted in secondary groups of preschool institutions during 1995-1997, narration as a type of monologue statement is accessible to children of this age. Some children, even without special training, manage to consistently express thoughts using a chain, mainly pronominal, connection. According to our data, this is more often observed in statements of a contaminated type, which is more consistent with the communication needs and capabilities of children of this age.

Experimental work already at the exploratory stage of the study revealed the dynamics of children’s speech development throughout the fifth year of life. The statements of children aged 4.5-5 years are, in a number of indicators, more perfect than the speech of younger children, which allows us to conclude that it is possible and necessary to purposefully develop coherent speech in children of the fifth year of life and to complicate the content and methods of teaching.

3. The study confirmed the validity of the proposition that the formation of coherent speech in children of the fifth year of life occurs on the basis of familiarization with the structure of the text and possible ways of connecting sentences.

4. In the educational system, it is important to use special speech exercises aimed at developing all aspects of speech, especially its semantics, and mastering the methods of intra-textual connections, variable clarity, enriching the content of a child’s monologue, ensuring the dynamics of actions and allowing children to master the structure of a coherent utterance (series of pictures with developing plot, sets of toys, figures for flannelgraph).

5. The results of the analysis of children's statements indicate the effectiveness of our proposed methodology. The development of speech skills and coherence as the main criterion of speech in the children of the experimental group is higher than in the preschoolers of the control group (0.6 and 0.37, respectively).

This study is not exhaustive. It seems promising to us to further study questions about the sequence of teaching preschool children various functional and semantic types of statements, about the relationship of speech classes with other types of activities, continuity and prospects in the work on the development of coherent speech in different age groups.

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Yulia Korotkikh
Age characteristics children of the fifth year of life

Speech development from 4 to 5 years.

On fifth year of life The child shows significant progress in mental and speech development. The baby begins to identify and name the essential features and qualities of objects, establish the simplest connections and accurately reflect them in speech. His speech becomes more varied, more precise and richer in content.

Increase active dictionary (from 2500 to 3000 words) creates the opportunity for the child to construct his statements more fully and express his thoughts more accurately. In speech children the number of abbreviations, rearrangements, omissions decreases, words formed by analogy appear ( "scraped" - "scratched"). In their speech, adjectives increasingly appear, which they use to denote the characteristics and qualities of objects, reflect temporal and spatial relationships (when determining color, the child, in addition to the primary colors, names additional ones - blue, dark, orange, possessive adjectives begin to appear (fox tail, hare hut). The child uses adverbs, personal pronouns, and complex prepositions more and more widely (from, under, about, collective nouns appear (dishes, furniture, etc.), but the child still uses them very rarely.

A four-year-old child constructs his statements from 2–3 or more simple common sentences, and increasingly uses compound and complex sentences.

The growth of vocabulary, the use of more structurally complex sentences often leads to that children begin to make grammatical errors more often: incorrectly modify verbs ( "want" instead of "want", do not agree on words (verbs and nouns in number, adjectives and nouns in gender, allow violations in the structure of sentences).

In that age children begin to master monologue speech. In their speech, sentences with homogeneous circumstances appear for the first time. They correctly learn and correctly agree adjectives with nouns in indirect cases. However, many still cannot, without the help of adults, coherently, consistently and accurately retell the text of a fairy tale or story they have read.

On in the fifth year of life a child is capable recognize by ear this or that sound in a word, select words based on a given sound.

A child’s sufficiently developed speech hearing gives him the opportunity to distinguish in the speech of adults an increase and decrease in voice volume, acceleration and deceleration of the tempo of speech, and to catch various means expressiveness. Imitating adults Children can reproduce various intonations quite accurately themselves.: raise and lower the tone of voice, highlight individual words in phrases, pause correctly, express an emotional-volitional attitude to what is being said.

The child has in the fifth year of life the ability toto the perception and pronunciation of sounds:

The softened pronunciation of consonants disappears,

Many sounds are pronounced more correctly and clearly,

- replacement of hissing sounds disappears: W, F, H, whistling: S, Z, C,

The replacement of hissing and whistling sounds with the sounds T, D disappears.

Majority children by age five Assimilate and correctly pronounce all sounds, including the complex sounds L, R, Рь, hissing Ш, Ж, Х, Ш, clearly pronounce polysyllabic words, maintaining the syllabic structure. But some children the pronunciation of certain groups of sounds is still unstable, especially in difficult polysyllabic words ( For example: whistling and hissing - in some words the sound is pronounced correctly, in others - incorrectly). Words containing sounds that are close in articulation are pronounced with errors ( "laboratory" instead of "laboratory", "sachet" instead of "highway"). This is explained by the fact that children Some sounds are not fixed or they do not clearly differentiate them by ear and in their own pronunciation.

If the child has 5 by the end years of life there is a distorted pronunciation of the whistling sounds S, Z, Ts (with the tip of the tongue inserted between the teeth - interdental, the sound P is pronounced not due to vibration of the tip of the tongue, but as a result of trembling soft palate or small tongue ( "French pronunciation", the sound L is pronounced like V, then such children need special speech therapy help. These distortions are not age, will not disappear on their own. Such children will be helped by a speech therapist who, using an individual approach and the help of parents, will teach the child to correctly pronounce sounds, distinguish and correctly use similar sounds.

So by five your baby's age:

* Has a vocabulary of about 3000 words.

* Knows his address.

* Uses sentences of 5-6 words.

* Uses all types of sentences, including complex ones ( “Mom washed the dishes, and I drew a house”, “Mom and I didn’t go for a walk because it was raining”)

* Can retell short stories and fairy tales.

* Determines right - left in oneself, but not in others.

* Knows simple antonyms ( "big small", "hard - soft").

* Uses past, present, future tense.

* Knows the purpose of objects and can tell what they are made of ( “This is a ball, they play with it, they throw it, kick it, it’s made of rubber - rubber”).

* Sound pronunciation is usually fully formed.

* There are no gross agrammatisms in speech; errors are possible when constructing complex sentences.

Parents can independently influence their child’s speech development. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations.

Tips for parents:

1. Walk around the city with your child, go on excursions. The source of broadening a child’s horizons and developing his ideas about the world is observation. Therefore, it is important to ensure that his experience is as diverse as possible. Consider real cognitive interests children! Boys, for example, are more likely to be interested in the gadgets of a car than in housekeeping.

2. Spend enough time on educational conversations with children. From the age of four, a child’s horizons expand not only through practical observations and experimentation, but also through storytelling. Start reading to them not only fiction, but also educational literature. Thanks to your stories, watching educational TV shows, the child breaks away from the world "Here and now". He is actively interested in animals that he has only seen on TV or in pictures, listens to stories about the ocean and the desert, about other countries and the people who live in them. Children also enjoy listening to stories from life parents or other people.

3. Read and tell fairy tales to children. Fairy tales provide standard ideas about good and evil. Such ideas become the basis for the child’s formation capabilities evaluate your own actions. In fairy tales, good and bad characters should be clearly distinguished. Don't rush to show illustrations. Let everyone imagine Little Red Riding Hood in their own way. Let your imagination work children.

4. Take them for walks outside the yard and familiar playground. Four year olds love travel and adventure. In warm weather of the year You can organize small hikes and picnics. Expand your child’s experience through feasible excursions. Take him to see buildings of unusual architecture, monuments, beautiful corners of nature. Go out to a river or pond and observe life of its inhabitants. Expand your views children about the work of adults. Conduct excursions to a construction site, a store, a hairdresser, a savings bank, or a post office.

5. Develop fine motor skills - it stimulates thinking, creative development, attentiveness of the child and directly affects speech. If the child’s fingers are tense, bend and unbend all together, or, conversely, are flaccid, and the child cannot make isolated movements, then most often this is "non-speaking" or children who speak poorly. From early age freedom of action is needed, because movements accompany the development of speech. Teach your child to finger paint. Rolling balls, balls, tearing paper to develop manual dexterity Can be offered to children:



small designer;


coloring books;

sorting through cereals;

stringing beads, buttons on a thread, etc.

Finger games are also useful.

Has a beneficial effect on speech correction children;

Improve memory, attention, thinking;

Preparing your hand for writing.

6. Develop a long, smooth exhalation, since the pronunciation of many sounds depends on the strength and direction of the air stream. To make the development of a child’s speech breathing interesting and exciting, you can invite him to blow on a turntable (weather vane, inflate bubble, balloons, blow on colorful ribbons, cotton balls, paper boats floating on the water, or blow snowflakes, leaves from the palm of your hand.

The fifth year of life is a period of intensive development of independence of preschool children in the forms of activity available to them, including play.

Researchers note that at this age children experience significant changes in cognitive activity. Perception improves, children master the ability to examine objects, identify individual parts in them and establish relationships between them. This allows you to obtain a lot of new specific information about the world around you. Thinking and speech develop and this contributes to the assimilation of knowledge even without direct observation of the object. Children begin to identify common characteristics of objects, group them according to external similarity, material, purpose, and understand the simplest cause-and-effect relationships (the meaning of this or that work for other people, etc.). Their ideas about the world become more generalized.

Children of the fifth year of life develop coherent speech, the ability to tell others, retell a familiar fairy tale, and give a verbal description of a character; Emotional and moral assessments are formed, under the influence of upbringing there is a desire to be useful to others, to show attention to their needs, and to be friendly towards peers. Children actively master the means of emotional expressiveness: intonation, facial expressions, gestures, posture, gait; understand and can convey feelings of joy, grief, and humor.

All achievements in the development of the child, with the appropriate guidance of the teacher, can be reflected in games. In the fifth year of life, joint role-playing play becomes especially important. It becomes the leading form of play activity and causes significant changes in the child’s psyche. It is in the role-playing game, the main content of which is the creative reproduction (modeling) of interactions and relationships between people, that favorable conditions are created for the development of thinking and speech.

Researchers (E.N. Zvorygina, N.F. Komarova) note that in at this age children learn to solve game problems collectively, to jointly coordinate their plans, while they are faced with the need to arbitrarily follow the rules.

IN role-playing games children practically master the basics of a culture of relationships between people. Role relationships can be the content of both collective and individual (director's) play.

The authors of the complex method of developing play (E.N. Zvorygina, N.F. Komarova) believe that in the fifth year of life, the first component of this approach acquires a special place - familiarization with the environment through active activity. Children who actively come into contact with the adults and peers around them are convinced from personal experience of the need to learn certain norms of communication and interaction, learn to be attentive to others, and try to take into account their character and mood. They are interested in people of different professions, their behavior in the most unusual critical situations, when a person’s character, his attitude to business, to people stands out most clearly and clearly.

Educational games, the next component of the comprehensive method, help improve the gaming experience. Children of middle preschool age have quite a wealth of experience, so the role of educational games is somewhat reduced. They are carried out both frontally and individually. Such games help improve role-playing behaviors, which children became accustomed to already in their fourth year of life. Such games include: theatrical games, riddle games, active games, musical games, didactic games, etc.

Game problem situations help to lead children to independent and creative use of enriched real and play experiences. Situations can be created both by changing the play environment and by communicating with children about the content of their game.

Truly independent play arises, the researchers note, when the teacher complicates the subject-game environment. In the middle group, along with toys, children use substitute objects and include imaginary objects in the game, showing imagination. Children of this age urgently need large toys and a set of playing materials that would facilitate unification for joint games.

Children of the fifth year of life use in their games different ways: both those that were learned in previous groups (play actions with toys, with substitute objects, replacing some play actions with words), and new methods (role designated by a word, role-playing interaction, role-playing conversation). The teacher improves these methods by communicating with the children as they play.

E.V. Zvorygina notes in her research that as a result of using the method of comprehensive guidance in the formation of play, by the end of the fifth year of life, children acquire rich play experience.

In their games, they realize interesting ideas, combining a variety of knowledge about the environment. They prefer to play together, while actively setting gaming tasks for each other and agreeing on how to solve them together.

Children of the fifth year of life have a good command of objective methods of play: with substitute objects, with toys, with imaginary objects, they easily designate play actions and objects with words.. Conveying the role taken in the game, they use a variety of means of expressiveness: characteristic movements, facial expressions, gestures, intonation . They enter into role interaction not only a short time, but also for a longer period. Games often involve meaningful role-playing conversations. These qualitative changes in play activity indicate the development of role-playing games.

New approach to the formation of role-playing play in children of the fifth year of life is noted in their study by N.Ya. Mikhailenko and N.A. Korotkova. They emphasize that an important way to build a story-based game is to develop role-playing behavior in children. For this purpose, the researchers determined the task of the teacher in working with children of the fifth year of life, namely: to develop in children the ability to change role behavior in accordance with the different roles of partners, change the playing role and re-designate it for partners in the process of unfolding the game. The solution to this problem is possible in a joint game between the teacher and the children, where the adult is not a leader, but a partner. In this case, the teacher must take into account two conditions: 1) the use of multi-character plots with a certain role structure, where one of the roles is directly related to all the others; 2) refusal of a one-to-one correspondence between the number of characters (roles) and the number of participants in the game (there should be more characters in the plot than participants).

N.Ya. Mikhailenko and N.F. Korotkov point out that it is advisable to begin such work with each child individually. At the first stage, the game is structured in such a way that the child has the main role, and the adult consistently changes his roles as the plot develops. If a child comes up with his own suggestions during the game, it is necessary to accept them and include them in the overall scheme of the plot. When playing with a child, the teacher uses a minimum number of toys so that manipulation with them does not distract attention from role-playing interaction.

At the next stage, the teacher teaches children to change the initially taken role as the game unfolds. The adult takes on the main role and offers the child an additional one. During the game, the teacher encourages the child to consistently change playing roles. Involving children in the game is carried out only at the request of the children. If playing with the teacher does not captivate the child, its continuation is pointless, because in this case it turns into an activity.

Research by N.Ya. Mikhailenko and N.A. Korotkova showed that the teacher’s play with each child and with subgroups of children of the fifth year of life, stimulating flexible role behavior and role changes, produces significant changes in children’s independent activities. Preschoolers interact more freely, connect with their peers who are already playing, taking on roles that are appropriate in meaning. At the same time, children widely and creatively use the method of conditionally performing actions with story toys and substitute objects, combining previously learned play skills with new ones. They develop a taste for the dynamic development of the plot during the game due to the inclusion of new characters and changing game roles within a particular semantic sphere. In the game, the child not only interacts consistently with one or two peers, but also models role-playing dialogue with a partner - a toy, with an imaginary partner, i.e. establishes various role connections in the game. All this prepares the possibility of a further transition to the joint creative construction of new game plots in older preschool age.

The fifth year of life is a period of active formation of cognitive activity in a child, in particular its motivational and operational components. This is the time when the child’s active interest in objects and phenomena of the world around him develops, when he becomes inquisitive. .

The fifth year of life during preschool age is called middle preschool . This period of a child’s development is marked by significant changes in his character, activities, the course of mental processes, relationships with others, and the like.

In the fifth year of life, role-playing play remains the child’s leading activity and reaches more than high level development than in the fourth year of life. During play, the child reproduces not only the world of adults, but also the relationships between them. He knows how to highlight the rule, and obedience to it automatically acquires a new meaning for him. Dominant attitudes appear:

Prestigious (selfish);


Aimed at achieving success.

Features of the development of the cognitive sphere

In the fifth year of a child’s life, a gradual transition occurs from the superficial perception of individual isolated objects and phenomena to the knowledge of their interconnections and relationships. A feature of the cognitive activity of a child of middle preschool age is the constant interaction of practical, experimental and intellectual actions.

The experience that a child acquires in the process of solving problems, presented in a visually-active way, is the fertile ground for the transition to visual-figurative, and then to verbal-logical thinking. This transition occurs on the basis of improving the child’s visual-motor and orientation-research activities.

In the fifth year of life, perception becomes a meaningful, purposeful, analytical process. Visual perception becomes one of the main processes of direct cognition of objects and phenomena. The child learns to distinguish primary colors and masters a set of standards for the shapes of objects. The child’s understanding of the relationship between objects by size is improved: width, height, length. A child can “by eye” establish relationships between five objects according to these parameters. Spatial perception is actively formed. It is consistent with practical activities that are the foundation for the formation of various survey activities. Survey activities are an operational component of perceptual activity and the most important indicator of a child's success. As before, the child better perceives and remembers those objects with which he interacts, he is especially interested in their functional characteristics.

Development of a child's thinking

At the same time, the thinking of a child of the fifth year of life is characterized by chaos. The child is not yet able to combine the individual “achievements” of his thoughts into a coherent product. But the knowledge of objects and phenomena in various relationships is quite accessible to him. Special experimental studies and leading pedagogical experience have proven that such knowledge is a universal means of developing a child’s mental activity. Mastering a knowledge system requires the child to be able to actively use existing experience to comprehend new information.

Crucial in the process of developing a child’s thinking is the adult’s skill in encouraging the child to selectively activate existing knowledge each time in a new aspect in accordance with a specific situation. The experience of such activity in a child of the fifth year of life gradually leads to a qualitatively new approach to the analysis of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Each time the child discovers new aspects of already familiar objects and penetrates into their new connections. It is here that the child’s general creative attitude to reality arises, and cognitive activity acquires a creative character.

Development of memory processes

Memory develops especially intensively in a child of the fifth year of life. It occupies a leading place in expanding the child’s knowledge of the world around him and orientation in it.

The child develops a need for voluntary reproduction, and then voluntary memorization. With the help of adults, he begins to master simple trick voluntary memorization - repetition. The volume of what the child is able to remember increases. For example, when a child retells a fairy tale, he not only reproduces the main events, but also resorts to details and conveys direct and authorial speech. For the development of a child’s memory, the most important are:

speech communication;

listening to literary works;

role-playing game.

Development of imagination

In the fifth year of a child’s life, his imagination, closely connected with perceptual actions, actively develops. Gradually, the child learns to distinguish his mental images from the objects themselves, to designate them with words, and to transfer their functions to other objects. The first attempts to control one’s own images and change them in accordance with one’s plan become noticeable.

The child’s imagination develops in close connection with speech. After all, it is speech that contributes to the formation of ideas about an object and allows the child to imagine an object that he does not see. The limited development of a child’s speech activity definitely inhibits the development of his imagination.

Under the influence of verbal communication with adults, the child’s first images of voluntary imagination appear: while drawing on a proposed topic or during a group game. Imagination is especially clearly manifested and at the same time developed in role-playing games and dramatization games. For example, when a child tells famous works, he endows the characters with new features and actions, and makes his first attempts to change the author’s text.

Any productive activity, especially construction, is important for the development of a child’s imagination. Construction is one of the most important means of developing a child’s universal ability for any activity. Construction reveals a child’s ability to be creative and becomes a means of self-expression.

In the fifth year of life, the child shows a steady interest in various types of visual activities. The range of images of nature, people, animals, toys that the child seeks to reproduce is expanding. The child’s drawings improve noticeably. Thanks to the development of coordination of movements, images of objects and figures become recognizable by certain characteristics. The first, albeit schematic, simple plots appear; lines, spots, and strokes predominate. The child strives to create a pre-conceived image (in drawing, modeling, appliqué or design). It is clear that such ideas of a child are still unstable, however, he is capable of clearly telling what he achieved in a drawing, structure or sculpting.

The unique period of “why”

The fifth year of a child’s life is a new, qualitatively high stage in the development of his cognitive needs, which is an internal source of cognitive activity. Currently, the child’s attention is directed from individual objects, their names and properties to the relationships and connections between them. The child begins to focus attention on actions with objects, notice their causes and consequences, he becomes interested in the interaction of objects in the world around him, he has questions: “Why?”, “Why?”, “Where from?”, “How did this happen?” etc. That is why a child of the fifth year of life is often called a “why”.

The special role of an adult during this period of a child’s development is to respond correctly to his “Why?” To encourage a child to independently search for an answer, an adult should give detailed, serious, thoughtful, truthful answers. In such answers, the child should feel the significance of his questions, and the adult should show a positive attitude towards the interests of the child. It is worth specially developing in each child the desire and ability to ask and look for their own answer to a question.

Particular attention is required to the child’s questions that arise when he solves cognitive problems, which indicate his desire to understand cause-and-effect relationships. Such questions are important because:

Effectively influence the improvement of the cognition process;

Direct mental actions to find the right solution;

Organize thought processes.

So, the emergence of generalizations in a child of the fifth year of life helps him understand the cause-and-effect relationships that he expresses in judgments; his statements increasingly relate to cognitive activity and the situation of cognition. The child acts almost synchronously and speaks about what he is doing. His statements seem to complete individual stages of cognition. This is a means of thinking and direct inclusion in cognitive activity. The child’s speech also records the main essential points of the cognitive task. This is a kind of bridge for moving to a new level: the ability to deploy intellectual influence in the speech space, abstracted from the practical situation.

Working with literary works requires special attention from an adult. The full perception of a literary text in the fifth year of a child’s life is a special interaction between his practical and play activities.

To truly understand a work of art, a child must listen, look at the pictures, “read” the book with his hands several times, recite individual parts of the text for himself and for others, find the characters of the work among the toys, play out individual situations with them, “try on” real life interesting moments of the work. Working on a work of art should become a creative process in which the child is the main character. Only under such conditions do the mechanisms of perception of a literary text and the awareness of the unity of the content and meaning of the work take shape.

By the end of the fifth year of life, the child is already able to:

Emotionally holistically perceive a work of art;

Make attempts to manipulate individual episodes;

Build game plots based on certain episodes;

Combine different characters in your own creative plans;

Distinguish between the main literary genres;

Identify individual means of expression and understand their meaning.

The experience of working with works of art forms in a child of the fifth year of life a selective attitude towards the genre, a separate work, certain plots, characters, and the like. The child strives to read his favorite books again and again. Sometimes he needs to remember a certain word or image from a book, and he begins, for example, to sing on behalf of Kolobok, speak on behalf of the Wolf, walk like a magic fairy, and the like.

Communicative and speech development

The achievements of communicative and speech development of a child of middle preschool age allow him to solve complex social, cognitive and linguistic problems.

Speech characteristics of age


Speech is of leading importance in the development of sensory processes in a child of the fifth year of life. When naming the characteristics of objects, the child simultaneously identifies them. Enriching a child’s speech with words denoting the qualities of objects, connections and relationships between them promotes meaningful perception.

In the fifth year of life, the skills to accurately use definition words during special didactic games, aimed at developing comparison, generalization, classification, because their main orientation is knowledge of the subject, clarification of its qualities and properties, their correct definition in words. An adult’s skill can stimulate the cognitive activity of each child in the following ways:

Giving the child the role of leader in the game;

Preliminary preparation for a new game;

Introduction of a game character, whose role is played by the child and acts on his behalf, and the like.

During this period, the use of generalized ideas about objects and phenomena is also intensified. The child gradually gets rid of the dependence on direct contact with surrounding objects. He can already clearly express what item he wants to receive, what toy he lost, etc. There are attempts to express one’s ideas, to figuratively represent the idea and request.

Cognitive-linguistic achievements

The cognitive and linguistic achievements of a child of this period are associated with the assimilation of the relationships “person - situation”, “linguistic form - meaning”. These basic formations are perceived as the unity of the word together with the meaning of the objects of the communication situation, ensuring the success of the child’s interaction with others. The likelihood of successful contacts with him depends on the assimilation of these relationships. Thanks to them, the child answers questions regarding the characteristics of people’s relationships in communication: “Who?”, “To whom?”, “Where?”, “Why?”, “What does he say?” and etc.

Increased cognitive complexity of speech behavior, activity of interaction with the environment in various types activities determine the rapid replenishment vocabulary child in the fifth year of life. There is a need to clarify and interpret words to the child, to form new ones together. Further development of cognitive processes (perception, memory, thinking, imagination) allows a child of middle preschool age to make language and speech an object of awareness. The transient nature of word formation indicates the naturalness of this phenomenon in the speech development of a child of the fifth year of life.

Arbitrariness of the child's behavior

During the period of middle preschool age, the child’s mental processes gradually acquire signs of arbitrariness. Thanks to this, more and more of the child’s desires turn into his intentions.

A feature of the behavior of a child of this age is that he has intentions and strives to immediately implement them, to reduce the time required for thinking, but is not aware of the ways and means of realizing this intention. When he needs to act on intention for a long time, then auxiliary incentives from an adult are needed to support him. This is where the child’s lack of conscious regulation manifests itself. He cannot reason, analyze the problem from different sides, it is easier for him to give up the desired future.

In the fifth year of life, the child begins to use his own speech to plan his actions. He notes: “I will paint the forest. I’ll draw a lot of trees and then a bunny.” Or this: “I’ll plant flowers and water them so they grow faster.”

Also, a child of the fifth year of life begins to use speech to guide his actions. When he performs his actions, he mostly speaks out loud. The existence of speech addressed to oneself when achieving a goal indicates insufficient development of the regulatory function in relation to one’s own actions.

Planning for a child is a complex task and requires the mobilization of mental effort. We must teach him to first determine the method of his actions. A child’s ability to determine his future actions and talk about them not only has a positive effect on his goal achievement, but also helps to gradually eliminate impulsiveness in behavior.

It is important to teach the child to think about the sequence of work, to choose in advance required material and tools for performing the action. It is advisable to discuss plans with him, to create the opportunity to choose certain means from many options. The following questions will help: “How do you want to do this and why?”, “How can you do it differently?”, “What’s better?”, “How did I do it, guess?”, “Why would I do that?” and etc.

In middle preschool age, the stability of the child’s intentions increases due to his mastery of the means for their implementation and the acquisition of practical skills. The ability for volitional efforts increases, and, consequently, voluntary behavior begins to develop. A child of the fifth year of life can direct his volitional efforts not only to intensify actions, but also to inhibit them. The child gains conscious control of his dynamic activity. However, this control is still imperfect and limited. Best success the child achieves during play when he takes on the appropriate role. Although such control is not sufficiently conscious, because the game still has an affective nature.

Sample demonstrations;




Indirect guidance is also carried out by providing the child’s actions with a certain meaning, support and encouragement of his efforts. When correcting a child’s actions, instead of direct instructions, one should use leading questions that would force him to think and look for a way out of a difficult situation. Under the influence of such stimulation, the child’s thoughts and actions will become more independent.

Emotional sphere

In the fifth year of life, the content of the child’s emotional sphere becomes more complicated:

The ability to distinguish between true and external manifestations of experiences, understand the experiences of others and associate them with certain actions appears;

A differentiation of emotions occurs, the child actively learns not only the “language” of feelings, but also begins to show his attitude to reality in his drawings, construction kits, poses, intonations, movements and in the choice of communication partners.

An important new development in emotional sphere a child of the fifth year of life is his ability to emotionally decenter, which is the ability to take the position of another person, feel how he feels, show sympathy, complicity, etc. The development of social emotions leads to the emergence of new content of incentive motives in the behavior of a child of the fifth year of life , that is, he begins to understand how to act in a certain situation.

Personal sphere

The process of formation of personal formations in the child’s psyche is a particularly individualized phenomenon and requires a personality-oriented pedagogical approach of an adult. Parallel to cognition environment the child also gets to know himself. In this case, the evaluative judgments of adults, which are a powerful source of experience, acquire particular significance.

The main new developments in the personal sphere of a child of the fifth year of life are:

- deepening the child’s awareness of the self-image: the structure of the Self is built, changes appear in the structure of the self-image, under the influence of the evaluative attitude of the environment, the cognitive component of the self-image acquires a new quality, the child’s knowledge and ideas about himself are systematized and concretized;

- strengthening of the functions of the self-image: stable social-cognitive self-acceptance is manifested, protection and preservation of the achieved level of self-esteem, differentiation and generalization of the child’s personal experience; the level of self-esteem and prediction of the evaluative attitude of others increases, as well as the function of self-affirmation;

- self-image: the child begins to evaluate himself through the eyes of other people, learns to analyze his actions “from the outside,” make decisions, and take into account possible reaction on their actions on the part of communication partners.

The child learns to count his real successes in this or that type of activity, to generalize and classify his own actions in accordance with the norms and rules that regulate the behavior of a child of middle preschool age, that is, a reflexive self begins to form.

The functioning of these new formations of the self-image is mediated by any type of activity of the child and allows him to act “on behalf of” his own self, to become the subject of his own actions, thoughts, experiences, that is, the creator of his inner world. In addition, in the fifth year of life, secondary sexual identification occurs in the child’s personal sphere as an indicator of the unity of experiences and role behavior. The child is aware of the norms and requirements associated with his belonging to a certain gender, and the formation of adequate behavior. The child is able to distinguish people by their gender and accordingly determine which group he belongs to: men or women. This opens the way to the perception and evaluation of one’s own actions, as well as the actions of other boys and girls (for example, a boy should let a girl go ahead, offer her a seat, etc.).

Socialization of the child

In the fifth year of life, the child’s communication becomes more intense, he develops a certain position in the group, as a result of which he is differentiated by social status.

Indicators of child recognition by peers are:

The child’s success in individual and joint activities;

Features and behavior of the child;

Assessment of its success by adults.

In addition, communication acquires the character of an extra-situational-personal one, which is characterized by the emergence of a new content of the need for communication - empathy and mutual understanding.

At this age, it is very important that adults pay due attention to children's self-care. The fifth year of life is a very important period for the formation of a child’s operational capabilities in the most everyday situations of her life.

So, in the fifth year of a child’s life, an active period of awareness and well-coordinated coordination of his place in the system of relationships with adults begins, which ensures his more effective adaptation to social reality.

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