Top best quotes about success and the secrets of achieving it. Statuses about inspiration, inspiring statuses Inspirational statuses motivating

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We all lack the motivation to achieve more. You always need someone to remind you that you need to constantly move forward... Now this can be done with skillfully selected statuses to motivate you to success.

When it's unbearably difficult

  1. A good team contributes to a good result, but does not guarantee it.
  2. Don't know how to become successful? Go the opposite way: figure out how you can become unsuccessful and never do it.
  3. To gain power, you need little, but also a lot: just completely understand yourself.
  4. We were all told that we need to learn from defeats. Then what kind of defeat is this?
  5. Impulsiveness is good. But without patience she is nothing.
  6. Trying something that doesn't work is madness. But still, then you are not doomed...
  7. If you don't try, you won't have a path. What can we say about the results?
  8. Gaining self-confidence is the work of the insecure themselves.
  9. If your imagination hasn’t made you a fortune, it can still help you imagine that life isn’t so bad...

Get a goal

You can only develop when you know how to compare yourself with yourself in the past. Search the right words you need status-motivation for success.

  1. Don't be afraid to dream, don't be afraid to daydream.
  2. Hesitate as little as possible before acting, but it’s still worth thinking about.
  3. Can't find a way out of this situation? Then think about why you are looking for this way out...
  4. With each new dawn, do what you are afraid of. Even the smallest thing!
  5. You can be motivated to apply knowledge or to obtain it. But motivation for the sake of motivation is absurd.
  6. Turn off Instagram, stop following those you envy, and think about what exactly you need.
  7. The story with opportunities and limitations is the same as with goals and obstacles. Only in other words.
  8. Don't you think that the phrase “intrinsic motivation” is in itself absurd? Can it be external?
  9. If you can't get what you want, try to send away what you don't want. It is it that takes up space.

Amazing achievements

It's always nice to achieve more than you planned. This is the real source of self-confidence. You can get the appropriate attitude using a motivating status for success.

  1. Be brave: it's always in fashion.
  2. The weak say that motivation is of no use. And only the strong remain silent because they know how to use it correctly.
  3. There shouldn't be many life goals.
  4. Don't be tempted. Better do it yourself.
  5. Before you begin to achieve any result, you must clearly imagine it.
  6. Successful people are not fearless. They are also afraid, doubtful and cry at night.
  7. It is doubly commendable to develop where everyone else is deteriorating.
  8. Success has no formula, no special courses. Success is too individual...
  9. Moving even in the smallest steps, after some time you will realize that it was not in vain that you started.

Move forward every day

It is difficult to find a person who has never suffered defeat. More precisely, there is absolutely no point in looking for such a person. But in order to have as few defeats in your life as possible, listen to the essence of statuses about motivation and purpose.

  1. There are no barriers if a person is not a barrier to himself.
  2. Make mistakes, but it’s different every time.
  3. Procrastinating until tomorrow is not such a bad thing, but one day the chances of doing so will end.
  4. Happy is the one who rises above himself, but never forgets who he is and where he comes from.
  5. Think now about who you will be in 10 years.
  6. Wasting time is just as thoughtless as wasting money.
  7. Only those who live forever can afford laziness. That is, no one.
  8. Many people think about changing their image, but only a select few go so far as to change their perception.
  9. “Burying talent in the ground” is terrible. But many live boring lives without understanding what their talent was.
  10. Routine activities bring peace and confidence in the future, but not exciting sensations.
  11. Not all people can be content with little, but each of them would like to be content with much.

Motivation in business

Working “for someone else” is often boring, dull and very unprofitable. To inspire yourself to do what you love, read motivation statuses for business success.

  1. If you're living a life you don't want, have the courage not to blame others for it.
  2. Even the most painful failures are justified if you made them on the way to your dream.
  3. A poor man is one who had as many chances as a rich man, but gave them up.
  4. Think about it: we are often afraid to start because of someone's unfounded opinion.
  5. You can punish a child for laziness. But rest assured: he will grow up and will not punish himself for this.
  6. Stubbornness is not always the other side of determination.
  7. Don't be afraid to fall. And if you are very afraid, then create a smaller goal.
  8. If you have a head on your shoulders, you need to learn to use it.
  9. Often dreams don't mean anything. In such cases they are not associated with faith.

A status about motivation in life and a goal in it, of course, will not solve your problems. But it will definitely make you think about how to adjust your life path.

Good day, dear readers of my blog! In order for achievements to be present in your life and you to realize your plans and goals, I suggest that you consider motivational quotes for success for inspiration and confidence. They are about great people who achieved recognition and even changed history. They revealed to us their secrets of success, in the form of aphorisms about business, creativity and the path of their development in general.

Top 50 best quotes

  1. I want it. So it will be. Henry Ford.
  2. Believe that you can, and half the way has already been completed. Theodore Roosevelt
  3. Most effective method do something - do it. Amelia Earhart
  4. When it seems like the whole world is against you, remember that a plane takes off against the wind.
  5. You don't have to be great to start, but you do have to start to become great.
  6. If you try, you have two options: it will work or it won’t. And if you don't try, there is only one option.
  7. Success is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. Winston Churchill.
  8. There are two types of people who will tell you that you can't achieve something: those who are afraid to try themselves, and those who are afraid that you will succeed. Ray Goforth
  9. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes! Don't be afraid to make mistakes - don't be afraid to repeat mistakes! Theodore Roosevelt.
  10. It’s not your problems that should push you back, but your dreams that should lead you forward. Douglas Everett
  11. If you stop every time you are insulted or spat at, then you will never get to the place where you need to go. Tibor Fischer
  12. Opportunities don't really just appear. You create them yourself. Chris Grosser
  13. Many people lose power because they think they don't have it. Alice Walker
  14. Falling is neither dangerous nor shameful; staying down is both.
  15. The difference between someone who achieves something and someone who achieves nothing is determined by who started first. Charles Schwab
  16. The starting point of any success is desire. Napoleon Hill
  17. I didn't fail. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison
  18. Even if you are very talented and put in a lot of effort, some results just take time: you won't get a baby in a month even if you get nine women pregnant. Warren Buffett
  19. It is not the strongest species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one that best adapts to change. Charles Darwin
  20. Leaders are not born or made by anyone - they make themselves.
  21. Millions of people saw apples fall, but only Newton asked why.
  22. The most important thing is to do at least something to achieve success, and do it right now. This is the most main secret- despite all its simplicity. Everyone has amazing ideas, but rarely does anyone do anything to put them into practice, right now. Not tomorrow. Not in a week. Now.
  23. The only way to define the limits of what is possible is to go beyond those limits.
  24. You should not compare yourself with others, and if nature created you to be a bat, you should not try to become an ostrich. Hermann Hoesse
  25. All progress happens outside of your comfort zone. Michael John Bobak
  26. If you think you're too small to be effective, then you've never fallen asleep with a mosquito in the room. Betty Reese
  27. I'm not trying to dance better than anyone else. I try to dance only better than myself. Mikhail Baryshnikov
  28. You will never be able to solve a problem if you keep the same thinking and the same approach that led you to this problem. Albert Einstein
  29. An entrepreneur should not view failure as a negative experience: it is simply a part of the learning curve. Richard Branson
  30. Your well-being depends on your own decisions. John Rockefeller
  31. I'm convinced that half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is persistence. Steve Jobs
  32. To succeed, you need to separate yourself from 98% of the world's population. Donald Trump
  33. Knowledge is not enough, you must apply it. Desire is not enough, you have to do. Bruce Lee
  34. Success has more to do with action. Successful people keep trying. They make mistakes, but they don't stop. Kondar Hilton
  35. Always choose the difficult, difficult path - you will not meet competitors on it. Charles de Gaulle
  36. Most people are much stronger than they think, they just forget to believe it sometimes.
  37. If a person does not try to do more than he can, then he will never be able to do all that he is capable of.
  38. Our greatest glory is not that we have never failed, but that we have always risen after falling. Ralph Emerson
  39. The air is full of ideas. They are constantly knocking on your head. You just have to know what you want, forget it and do your own thing. The idea will come suddenly. It has always been this way. Henry Ford
  40. Successful people do what unsuccessful people don't want to do. Don't strive for it to be easier, strive for it to be better. Jim Rohn
  41. A ship is safer in port, but that's not what it was built for. Grace Hopper
  42. It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to destroy it. You will approach things differently if you think about it. Warren Buffett
  43. If all you do during the work week is calculate how many hours and minutes are left before the weekend starts, you will never become a billionaire. Donald Trump
  44. If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate. Thomas Watson
  45. I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career and lost almost 300 games. 26 times I was trusted to take the final winning shot and missed. I failed again and again and again. And that's why I was successful. Michael Jordan
  46. Take the idea. Make it your life - think about it, dream about it, live it. Let your mind, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be filled with this one idea. This is the path to success. Swami Vivekananda
  47. Twenty years from now you will regret more the things you didn't do than the things you did do. Therefore, cast aside your doubts. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the fair wind with your sails. Explore. Dream. Open it up. Mark Twain
  48. Hidden in your subconscious is the power that can change the world. William James
  49. The most important things in the world have been accomplished by people who kept trying even when there was no hope left. Dale Cornegy
  50. Anyone who has not faced difficulties does not know strength. Someone who has never experienced adversity does not need courage. It is mysterious, however, that the best character traits in a person grow precisely in soil filled with difficulties. Harry Fosdick

That's all for today, dear readers! I wish you to be inspired and reach the same heights as the famous corporations that I talked about in the article.


You hug her - you look at me. You kiss her - you look at me. I don’t understand - am I inspiring you?!

Nature prompter of Inspiration.

Creativity without inspiration is like a wallet without money.

The inspiration of today is the shame of tomorrow.

The state of inspiration is a spiritual uplift from the depths of the soul.

The spirit inhaled, and here comes inspiration.

Nothing quenches the thirst for creativity like sources of inspiration.

A talented person even plays the fool with inspiration.

Loved ones inspire, loving ones feed.

Inspiration is the kind of guest who does not like to visit the lazy.

Time is sand. Life is water. Words are the wind... Be careful with these components so that you don't end up with dirt!

Any gusts are fine as long as they are not connected to a sewer pipe.

Inspiration comes only while working.

My gift has dried up, there is lead in my brain, and I have finished smoking my pipe. The stomach is empty. O my creator! How fragile inspiration is!

He drew inspiration from the bottom of his soul.

I went looking for inspiration and found it in a man living for a dream.

Inspiration is caused by the sight of the sea, the love of a woman.

Never prove anything to anyone. This is your personal life, not a geometry theorem!

Excitement is a surrogate for inspiration.

Inspiration is synonymous with uncontrollable desire.

Inspiration is not for sale, but you can sell the manuscript.

No one knows how fate will turn out... Live freely and do not be afraid of change. When the Lord takes something away, don’t miss what he gives in return...

Inspiration is born from the touch of chance to the poet's passion.

Inspiration will always sing; inspiration will never explain.

Smile, everything will be fine!

If people change their appearance, that means they change their lives...

A creative crisis is when you draw inspiration from a sieve.

The poet was overwhelmed with inspiration.

Having crossed out the annoying past... And, I live happier than yesterday... It is impossible to be good for everyone... You need to be happy for yourself!!!

I always knew that I was your inspiration!

To inspire someone, you must first learn to inspire yourself.

Inspiration is the desire to be.

Inspiration sometimes comes from unexpected sources...

We smile and wave to all the problems in our life...

Sometimes life is like porridge without butter... And sometimes it’s like noodle soup... Your life is your dish. So cook it with your soul.

Alas, inspiration has not only an inhalation, but also an exhalation.

The poet was often inspired; other visitors were not allowed into the room.

Self-love is inspiring.

If you suddenly feel sad, then think about the octopus. He has legs from his ears, and hands from his ass, and a butt with ears, and a head in his butt... and nothing, he doesn’t complain)

Gambling is the father of vices, the son of risk and the brother of inspiration.

Tears don't suit you, stupid, put on a smile, enjoy life...

Inspiration is like the wind. You don't see it, you feel it.

Inspiration without an idea is like a castrato in love.

Don't wait for inspiration, go after it with a baton.

Do whatever you want. Do what you think is right. You will still be judged for the rest of your life.

Talent needs incentive and inspiration. If there is neither one nor the other, doping will not help.

Inspiration has no schedule.

Inspiration is comparable to a lightning strike, and the search for a muse is comparable to a lingering rain.

Inspiration needs illness, injury, madness.

The strength of a magnet is transmitted from iron to iron, just as the inspiration of a muse is transmitted through a poet to the reader and listener.

Only those who have experienced suffering will be inspired.

Smile - illuminating everyone with smiles! Make mistakes - it’s more fun to live with mistakes, don’t be scared, anything happens in life, don’t give up, everything doesn’t work out right away.

Inspiration is the forerunner of insight.

Don't hold back someone who leaves you. Otherwise, the one who comes to you will not come!

A magical surge of inspiration can awaken in every person.

Inspiration is a thin thread, and so thin that it breaks not where it is thin, but where it breaks.

Inspiration is like first love.

When inspiring men to do something, a woman does not necessarily need to know the technical details of the project.

I will look for inspiration in tea.

Be more optimistic: after stepping on a rake, enjoy the sparkling fireworks...

Take care of the women who inspired all our victories and defeats!

Inspiration is needed in geometry, as in poetry.

Too many people break without even realizing how close to success they were at the moment they lost heart.

Jesus Christ alone founded His empire with love... He is more than a man.

Inspiration comes to those who create with skill and love.

Any effort will be in vain if you don't have inspiration.

Inspiration is not a herring that can be pickled for many years.

Inspiration is not a freebie, but a reward.

Close is not the one you can reach with your hand, but the one to whom the soul reaches out...

Give better inspiration than a sip of sympathy.

Even after 100 unsuccessful attempts Don't despair, because 101 can change your life.

It is advisable that the water in the sources of inspiration is not cloudy.

Sometimes you want so much not to want that you just want, want, want!..

I don’t believe in words - everyone can speak beautifully, I believe in actions - only a few can say with actions!

Love inspires great things. And she prevents them from doing so.

A generous heart is the best inspirer of the mind.

Inspiration is when your ass is in pain and your brain is on fire.

Inspiration is a strict working state of a person.

Only thanks to light we see beauty!!!

Time spent searching for inspiration is the prelude to a masterpiece.

If your opponents resort to personal insults, rest assured that you have won!

When there is no inspiration in life, you churn out feeble creations.

I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, my job is to be happy today!

Statuses about inspiration, inspiring statuses

Success, like most things, begins with your attitude towards it. And if you are fighting for it, then a new selection of motivational quotes about success and achievements, which I have collected, will help you with this . Motivational quotes from great people - time-tested quotes that were formed as a result of the activities of great people. Quotes from great people are quotes from millionaires, billionaires, great scientists and wonderful people who changed history.

1. It’s not your problems that should push you back, but your dreams that should lead you forward. Douglas Everett

2. You won't grow if you don't try to accomplish something beyond what you already know perfectly. Ralph Emerson

3. Don't be afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and it will be given to you according to your faith. William James

4. You will never be able to solve a problem if you keep the same thinking and the same approach that led you to this problem. Albert Einstein

5. And if you are not confident in yourself, nothing good will ever happen. After all, if you don’t believe in yourself, who will?

6. We are slaves to our habits. Change your habits, your life will change. Robert Kiyosaki

7. You will have failures. You will have injuries. You will be wrong. You will have periods of depression and despair. Family, study, work, everyday problems - all this will interfere with the training more than once or twice. However, the arrow of your internal compass should always point in the same direction - towards the goal. Stuart McRobert

8. The art of being happy lies in the ability to find happiness in simple things. Henry Ward Beecher

9. If you stop every time you are insulted or spat at, then you will never get to the place where you need to go. Tibor Fischer

10. When faced with difficulties, you must not give up or run. You must evaluate the situation, look for solutions and believe that everything is being done for the better. Patience is the key to victory. Nick Vujicic

11. There should be no limits for us. Richard Bach

12. The difference between those who achieved something and those who achieved nothing is determined by who started earlier. Charles Schwab

13. Surround yourself only with those people who will pull you higher. It’s just that life is already full of those who want to drag you down. George Clooney

14. Know how to remain yourself and you will never become a toy in the hands of fate. Paracelsus

15. First, don't do anything without a reason or purpose. Secondly, do not do anything that does not benefit society. Marcus Aurelius

16. Knowledge is not enough, you must apply it. Wishes are not enough, you must do. Bruce Lee

17. If you don't like what you get, change what you give. Carlos Castaneda

18. All victories begin with victory over yourself. Leonid Leonov

19. You should not compare yourself with others, and if nature created you as a bat, you should not try to become an ostrich. Hermann Hesse

20. Any desires that arise must be realized without delay. And then all the pleasure disappears. If you wanted to, you did it, why wait, life is short. Here and now! Mikhail Weller

21. Wishing and waiting won’t get you far. Get up and start following your dreams. Jared Leto

22. You can neither win nor lose until you race. David Bowie

23. Whatever you come up with, there will always be someone who has already done it before you. So the main thing is to do it better. Adriano Celentano

24. Sleep. Dream. Wake up. Take action. Come up with it. Fight. Win. Sleep. Dream. Jared Leto

25. Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Take action! Action will describe and define you. Thomas Jefferson

26. If you want to extend your life, shorten your meals. Benjamin Franklin

27. I want this. So it will be. Henry Ford

28. Logic can take you from point A to point B, but imagination can take you anywhere. Albert Einstein

29. The main thing is to give all your strength to your chosen cause and word of mouth will spread from you. Because perfection is rare. Andre Maurois

30. Dream as if you will live forever. Live as if you were dying today. James Dean

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31. If you want to succeed, ask yourself 4 questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not right now? Jimmy Dean

32. Our destiny is shaped by those small, imperceptible decisions that we make 100 times a day. Anthony Robbins

33. Failure is simply an opportunity to start again, but more wisely. Henry Ford

34. Even if you are very talented and put in a lot of effort, some results just take time: you won't get a baby in a month even if you get nine women pregnant. Warren Buffett

Read also:

35. When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself: “What should I do?” In the evening before falling asleep: “What have I done?” Pythagoras

36. Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot. author unknown

37. I used to say, “I hope things change.” Then I realized that the only way for everything to change is to change myself. Jim Rohn

38. Hard work is the accumulation of easy things that you didn't do when you should have done them. John Maxwell

39. You learn the fastest in three cases - before the age of 7, during trainings, and when life has driven you into a corner. Stephen Covey

40. A warrior does not give up what he loves. He finds love in what he does. Peaceful warrior

41. A warrior acts, but a fool protests. Peaceful warrior

42. He who does nothing makes no mistakes! Don't be afraid to make mistakes - don't be afraid to repeat mistakes! Theodore Roosevelt

43. A ship is safer in a port, but that’s not what it was built for. Grace Hopper

44. There's only one way to do it great job- love her! Steve Jobs

45. It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. Chinese proverb

46. ​​Do what you can with what you have and where you are. Theodore Roosevelt

47. Nothing great can happen without an idea! Without the great there can be nothing beautiful. Gustave Flaubert

48. Every dream is given to you along with the strength necessary to realize it. Richard Bach

49. Life is a big canvas and you should throw all the paint you can onto it. Danny Kaye

50. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single small step. Lao Tzu

51. A successful person is always an amazing artist of his imagination. Imagination is much more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited, but imagination is unlimited. Albert Einstein

52. Investments in knowledge yield the highest dividends. Benjamin Franklin

53. Success is the ability to wake up in the morning and fall asleep in the evening, having time to do what you really like between these two events. Bob Dylan

54. Never underestimate yourself. Everything that others do, you can do too. Brian Tracy

55. Great minds set goals for themselves; other people follow their desires. Washington Irving

56. If you give up on your dreams, what will be left? Jim carrey

57. Either you control the day or the day controls you. Jim Rohn

58. Happiness does not lie in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do. Lev Tolstoy

59. When you introduce any innovations, be prepared to be called crazy. Larry Ellison

60. Great souls have will, but weak souls have only desires. Chinese proverb

61. Try to become market leaders. Own and control critical technologies in everything you do. Steve Jobs

62. Hidden in your subconscious is a power that can turn the world upside down. William James

63. Do business with people you like and who share your goals. Warren Buffett

64. We are what we constantly do. Therefore, excellence is not an action, but a habit. Aristotle

65. We are the masters of our destiny. We are the captains of our souls. Winston Churchill

66. Motivation alone is not enough. If you take an idiot and motivate him, you get a motivated idiot. Jim Rohn

67. You're never too old for that. To set a new goal or dream about something new. Clive Staples Lewis

68. The most important things in the world have been accomplished by people who kept trying even when there was no hope left. Dale Cornegy

69. If you want to be successful, you have to look like you have it. Thomas More

70. Anyone who cannot have 2/3 of a day for himself should be called a slave. Friedrich Nietzsche

71. Anyone who wants to see the results of his work immediately should become a shoemaker. Albert Einstein

72. Our achievements always correspond to our ambitions. Andrey Kurpatov

73. In twenty years, you will regret the things you didn't do more than the things you did do. Therefore, cast aside your doubts. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the fair wind with your sails. Explore. Dream. Open it up. Mark Twain

74. If you don’t learn to control yourself, others will control you. Khasai Aliyev

75. Smile because life is a wonderful thing and there are many reasons to smile. Marilyn Monroe

76. Not all wheels have been invented yet: the world is too amazing to sit idly by. Richard Branson

77. I didn’t have working days or rest days. I just did it and will enjoy it. Thomas Edison

78. A person cannot act correctly in one area of ​​his life when he acts incorrectly in others. Life is an indivisible whole. Mahatma Gandhi

79. Instead of complaining that a rose has thorns, I rejoice that a rose grows among the thorns. Joseph Joubert

80. You will never cross the ocean if you are afraid of losing sight of the shore. Christopher Columbus

81. Strive to be not just a successful person, but a valuable one. Albert Einstein

82. They say that motivation does not last long. Well, so does freshness after a bath. Therefore, it is worth taking care of them daily. Zig Ziglar

83. Believe that you can, and half the way has already been completed. Theodore Roosevelt

85. Life is measured not by the number of our breaths, but by the number of moments that take our breath away. Maya Angelou

86. Feel the tailwind in your sail. Move...If there is no wind, take the oars. Latin proverb

87. If you appreciate what you have in life, you will always get more. If you only think about what you don't have, you will never have enough. Oprah Winfrey

88. Either write a book worth reading, or do something worth writing a book. Benjamin Franklin

89. I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career and lost almost 300 games. 26 times I was trusted to take the final winning shot and missed. I failed again and again and again. And that's why I was successful. Michael Jordan

90. A meaningless life is not worth living. Socrates

91. 80% of success is showing up in the right place at the right time. Woody Allen

92. Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life.

93. Freedom is worthless if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. Mahatma Gandhi

94. The two most important days in your life: the day you were born and the day you realized why. Mark Twain

95. The best revenge is a huge success. Frank Sinatra

96. Start copying what you like. Copy. Copy. Copy. And you will find yourself. Yoji Yamamoto

97. The real hobby of our generation is whining and stupid chatter about nothing. Failed relationships, problems with school, the boss is an asshole. This is all complete bullshit. If nothing works out for you, then there is only one asshole - that's you. And you will be very surprised if you find out how much you can change just by getting your ass off the couch. George Carlin

98. Don't be different if you can be yourself. Paracelsus

99. Tomorrow is the first blank page of a book of 365 pages. Write a good book. Brad Paisley

100. What is not written down will never be fulfilled. Tom Clancy

A small selection of motivational quotes

1. "Purpose turns on the ignition, starts the engine and fuels our souls"

2. "Do everything possible on your own, God will do everything impossible"


3. "Most people are much stronger than they think, they just forget to believe it sometimes."


4.“The highest pleasure is to do what others think you cannot do.”


5. “If you like something, then you can make it a profitable occupation, regardless of your field of activity.” Harvey Mackay:


6. The most purposeful person is the one who really wants to go to the toilet. All obstacles seem insignificant. Agree, it’s funny to hear phrases like:
I peed myself because:
- there was no time to go to the toilet.
- I was too tired.
- lost hope. I didn't believe that I could run.
- Well, of course. He got there. His legs are so long.
- I'm too stupid to do this.
- I’ve described myself 5 times already. I'll never be able to run.
- this is clearly not for me.
- I knocked on the toilet, but they didn’t open it for me.
- I lacked motivation.
- I was depressed.
- I don’t have money, I can’t afford it!
- decided to go tomorrow

Do you often find yourself walking towards a goal as if you were running to the toilet?


7.If you really want to do something, you will find a solution. If you don't really want to, you'll find an excuse


8.Take a step and the road will appear by itself.


9.You can get everything you need if you really need it


10. A small deed is better than a big plan without action.


11. 3-15 years will pass, and you will regret more about what you didn’t do than about what you did wrong.


12.The number of successful events on your path depends on your desire to act


13. We invent our own problems, obstacles, complexes and frameworks, free yourself - breathe life and understand that you can do anything.


14. Never tell people about your plans. Just take it and do it. Let them be surprised by the results, not by the chatter.


15. Discipline is the decision to do what you really don’t want to do in order to achieve what you really want to achieve.


16. Only the one who conquers himself wins in this life... the one who conquers his fear, his laziness and his uncertainty. © Javier Hernandez


17. The main thing to remember is that any falls prepare us for new ups.


18. "Ideas are the key to the future"


19.Only actions change something. If there are no actions, then everything remains the same.


20. "First you form habits, and then habits form you."


21.Every morning is the time to start life again. Paulo Coelho


22. The problem is that by not taking risks, we risk a hundred times more. © Marcus Aurelius


23. “Our doubts are our traitors. They make us lose what we might have won if we weren’t afraid to try.”

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