Can astigmatism be cured by homeopathy? What is mixed astigmatism: effective treatment and manifestations

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Only a doctor can tell you what mixed astigmatism is and how visual impairment can be corrected. Indeed, in the absence of correction and treatment, vision deteriorates greatly, the contours of objects become blurred, which leads to a significant deterioration in the quality of life.

Symptoms of mixed astigmatism

Mixed astigmatism is a condition that is characterized by the presence of 2 types of refractive error. At the same time, myopia, or myopia, develops in one meridian, and hypermotropia, or farsightedness, develops in the other. This leads to uneven curvature of the cornea, and therefore it is this type of visual impairment that is most difficult to treat and correct.

After all, in this case, 2 focuses appear: one in front of the retina, and the other behind it, so focusing occurs twice. This leads to the fact that a person cannot correctly perceive objects, their shape, and assess the distance. This disease can develop both on one eye, and on both at the same time. The reasons for its occurrence are as follows:

  1. Congenital. Mostly inherited.
  2. Acquired. The disease develops as a result inflammatory diseases eyes, traumatic damage to the cornea or surgical interventions.

Mixed astigmatism in both eyes is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • visual impairment, in which a person has difficulty seeing not only distant objects, but also close ones;
  • vision distortion - people and objects environment become blurred, there are no clear boundaries of the contours;
  • eyes quickly get tired even with minor loads;
  • headaches, the cause of which is a strong strain of vision when trying to see the surrounding objects.

Ways to treat the disease

Treatment of mixed astigmatism should be started as early as possible, especially if this disease is diagnosed in a child. After all, in the absence of timely correction, there is a delay in the development of visual acuity and strabismus develops.

Vision correction in children is carried out using special glasses or lenses. In this case, cylindrical and spherical glasses are combined, which will help to equalize the difference between the two main meridians of the eye.

In adolescence, glasses can be changed to hard or soft toric lenses. The selection of glasses and lenses should be carried out only by a doctor, since this necessarily takes into account the degree of myopia, farsightedness and other complications.

With the help of glasses, you can improve your vision, get a clear perception of the world around you and improve the quality of life. However, the only method of treating astigmatism, with which you can radically get rid of this problem, is surgical correction.

Surgical treatment

Surgery astigmatism is performed using 2 main methods: astigmatic keratotomy and laser vision correction.

Astigmatic keratotomy makes it possible to change the curvature of the cornea in the right direction. During the operation, the doctor makes micro-notches in the corresponding meridians. This weakens the refraction along the elongated axis, which makes it possible to improve vision.

However, this method of treatment is rather inaccurate, since it is impossible to accurately predict the outcome of surgical intervention. In addition, the recovery period after keratotomy is characterized by duration and pain.

Laser treatment of mixed astigmatism is performed using keratomileusis. The purpose of the operation is to equalize the optical powers of the eye in 2 meridians. It is possible to increase the optical power of the eye in the first meridian by removing a small amount of tissue from the outer layer of the cornea, which makes it possible to make it more convex.

You can make the surface of the cornea flatter by removing parts of it in the central zone. The parameters of the necessary correction for each patient may differ significantly, since the degree of visual impairment and the presence of complications are taken into account.

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Mixed astigmatism is one of the most complex and difficult to treat types of visual dysfunction. Its essence lies in the fact that the eye loses the ability to see well both near and far. For treatment, spectacle correction or surgery is used.

The essence of mixed astigmatism is a complex process of curvature of the transparent structures of the eye, which ensure the refraction of light rays. These structures are the cornea and the lens. If they are curved, the rays of light penetrating through them do not fall on the retina, but are focused in front of it or behind it.

With a mixed form of astigmatism, curvature is observed along several main meridians of the cornea. In some places it may be thinner, and in some - thicker than normal. As a result, there is a simultaneous development of farsightedness and myopia.


There are two main forms of mixed astigmatism for reasons of development - congenital and acquired.

The congenital variant of the disease is genetically determined, transmitted to the child from the parents. The risk increases if several family members suffer from mixed astigmatism at the same time. With genetic disorders, the development of mixed astigmatism in both eyes is usually observed.

The acquired form develops under the influence of external and internal factors that can change the structure of the cornea or lens:

  • injuries - mechanical, chemical, thermal;
  • consequences of the operation;
  • infections that damage the cornea (herpes);
  • dystrophic processes in the cornea, lens;
  • endocrine diseases.

Mixed astigmatism is sometimes seen in premature babies during the first year of life. About the mixed form in children in more detail.

Symptoms of the disease

Manifestations of mixed astigmatism are few, but rather specific. A person sees the world around him indistinctly, blurry. Objects lose their shape, in order to see them, a person has to strain a lot.

Due to constant stress develop:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • redness of the conjunctiva.

Visual impairment in mixed astigmatism is characterized by a combination of myopia and hypermetropia. This means that the patient has poor vision both far and near.

Astigmatic disorders in children under three years of age are difficult to notice. Often, babies with this disease are restless, rub their eyes, and cannot concentrate on one activity. More than half of the children have mixed astigmatism combined with strabismus.

Older children complain of severe fatigue, discomfort in the eyes. There is a lack of attention, school performance is declining.


Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by an ophthalmologist. To determine the degree and type of visual impairment, the following methods are used:

  • refraction assessment;
  • assessment of visual acuity;
  • slit lamp examination.

A comprehensive examination is carried out by computed tomography eye. The method allows you to accurately determine the curved areas of the cornea. According to the indications, consultations of narrow specialists are prescribed.

How to treat mixed astigmatism

The disease is difficult to treat. The only way to change the curvature of the cornea is through surgery. Before it is carried out, vision is corrected by contact or non-contact methods.

conservative methods

Used to improve vision in children, people with intolerance to contact lenses. They allow you to correct defects no larger than 2-3 diopters. Glasses for glasses are made spherical. They allow you to correct myopia along one meridian, and farsightedness along the other. I prescribe glasses for adults to wear for short periods - when reading, working with a computer.

Used in teenagers and adults. Depending on the degree of visual impairment, soft or hard lenses are indicated. They are also made individually, taking into account the degree of myopia and hypermetropia. The use of lenses has several advantages:

  • Ease of use;
  • the ability to correct severe refractive errors;
  • the ability to provide full visibility in all fields of view;
  • creating maximum binocular vision.

Attempts to treat and correct mixed astigmatism on their own are ineffective. none folk remedy unable to restore the physiological curvature of the cornea or lens. Persistent self-treatment only aggravates the situation and can lead to irreversible consequences.

Drug therapy is prescribed for symptomatic purposes:

  • with increased tearing, redness of the eyes - drops " natural tear”, “Sistane”;
  • vitamin preparations with blueberry extract, lutein;
  • to relieve spasm of accommodation - drops "Irifrin".

Medications are prescribed as needed, with severe symptoms.


Radical treatment of mixed astigmatism is carried out by way of the cornea or lens. Two main methods are applied:

  • laser effect on the cornea, restoring its physiological thickness and curvature (LASIC);
  • astigmatic keratotomy - applying the smallest incisions to the curved areas of the cornea.

The preferred method, which allows you to completely get rid of mixed astigmatism, is. It is safer, does not take much time, does not require a hospital stay, and gives significant results. However, this method has a number of contraindications:

  • children under 18;
  • acute inflammatory process;
  • corneal dystrophy;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • damage to the retina;
  • pregnancy;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • severe pathologies of the heart, liver and kidneys.

In the presence of these contraindications, the patient undergoes a keratotomy or surgical treatment completely prohibited.

Watch a video about the surgical correction of the disease:

Complications and prognosis

By itself, mixed astigmatism does not have a negative impact on health. However, reduced vision causes constant headaches, increased fatigue. Lack of treatment leads to progressive loss of vision. At timely diagnosis, adequately carried out therapy, the prognosis is favorable.

Complications after surgery are rare:

  • with laser correction, a retinal burn is possible;
  • after keratotomy, inflammatory or dystrophic processes may develop.

Usage modern technologies minimizes the risk of complications.

Severe astigmatic changes in pregnant women, especially during childbirth, can lead to retinal detachment.


Not a single person is immune from the development of mixed astigmatism. For the congenital form, which is observed in most cases, there is no specific prevention. To reduce the risk of developing the disease during life, you can use the following measures:

  • vision hygiene;
  • avoidance of traumatic situations;
  • compliance with the regime of work and rest;
  • doing gymnastics for the eyes.

Timely identification of diseases that can cause mixed astigmatism will allow regular medical examinations.

  • blinking eyes intensely;
  • look up, down, to the sides for 10-15 approaches;
  • rotate your eyes first clockwise, then counterclockwise for one minute;
  • lower the eyelids, massage them with your fingertips, slightly pressing on the eyeballs;
  • close the eyelids sharply, then open them wide.

It is better to combine gymnastics with a massage of the occipital region, the back of the neck. It is recommended to limit work with a computer, small objects. During work, the eyes should be given a rest every half hour.

See 10 effective exercises to get rid of vision problems:

Mixed astigmatism is an uncommon disease, but rather unpleasant. It must be treated necessarily, otherwise the development of blindness is not excluded. It is diagnosed in children and adults. Treatment is carried out by conservative and surgical methods.

Good day, dear friends! What are homeopathic remedies? How are they fundamentally different from official medical devices? How is myopia treated with homeopathy and how to choose the right drug?

Disputes about the effectiveness of homeopathy do not stop. Reviews of doctors and patients are ambiguous: someone advocates high efficiency, which persists for a long time, and someone talks about the inappropriateness and the placebo effect.

The selection of a homeopathic remedy is a very painstaking process that requires an individual approach to each individual patient.

The preparation uses the main active substance, which in normal dilution is itself a poison and in normal dilution causes symptoms that in homeopathic dilution should cure.

Each active substance acts exclusively on a certain type of patient. This implies that when choosing a medicine, the psychotype is taken into account and physiological features, including hair color, eye color, height, predisposition to obesity, or vice versa asthenic type physique, and other characteristics. If you do not fit into the characteristics of the drug, then there is a high probability of not getting the effect at all.

Even if it was possible to choose the right medicine you must follow the instructions completely. The duration of taking the remedy is from several months to six months, breaks and interruptions in the course level the effect of the medicine.

Perhaps that is why there are disputes about effectiveness. A homeopathic doctor who is well acquainted with the market of homeopathic medicines should be engaged in the selection of therapy.

Homeopathy and myopia

There are no drugs in homeopathy that directly. But in ophthalmology, substances that contribute to the relief of the main symptoms that contribute to the appearance and are a manifestation of myopia have found wide application in the treatment of this pathology.

These include: asthenomyopia and accommodation disorder:

  • Asthenomyopia is a feeling of tiredness in the eyes. It is this complaint of myopic people that leads not only to the development of the disease and is its first sign, but also causes the progression of the pathology.
  • Accommodation disorder is the main pathogenetic mechanism of myopia. The disease begins precisely with a spasm of accommodation, which is also called false myopia. A prolonged spasm develops into a permanent one - the muscles that change the curvature of the lens atrophy and sclerosis.

Effectiveness has been proven in clinical studies of the drug. Myopia of the first degree was stopped in 90% of the studied patients. In more than 80% of patients with progressive myopia, the deterioration of the disease was stopped, after a course of the drug, vision improved by an average of 0.5 diopters, and
reserves of accommodative capacity of the eyes increased by 1.5 diopters.

Also, in all patients, after six months, asthenomyopia did not recur, the overall comfort of the eyes improved. The time of work, after which hyperemia of the sclera is formed, pain eyeball after overexertion, prolonged wearing of contact lenses.


Pilocarpus Jaborandi is a poisonous plant of the rue family. Recommended for use by girls or women with brittle dry hair and skin who do not have heavy periods, as well as frequent reddening of the cheeks and flushing in the head.

Stops the symptom of spasm of the ciliary muscle, and its paralysis is also effective. It also eliminates clouding of the lens and vitreous body. Eliminates the symptom of reddened eyes after waking up from sleep. Eliminates pain in the eyeball when it moves. Stops unmotivated lacrimation after overload.


The main substance is meadow lumbago, commonly known as sleep-grass. Contains poisonous alkaloids, as well as saponins. It is used in fair-haired and light-eyed women, with pale thin skin, owners of a capricious whiny character.

Despite the fact that the drug is used in homeopathy as a remedy for spasm of accommodation. It is also effective for asthenomyopia.

Physostigma venennosum

The base material is also poisonous plants containing alkaloids. Recommended for use by emotionally labile people with pale skin with streaked veins. Hair is dull and prone to premature hair loss.

Physostigma patients have an aversion to caffeinated tonics as well as cold drinks. Often experienced muscle weakness and flushing of the head, which may be accompanied by vascular headaches.

The tool has found the greatest application in ophthalmic practice. It is successfully used not only in the treatment of myopia, by eliminating spasm of the ciliary muscle and eliminating increased eye fatigue, but also stops inflammatory changes.

Well relieves redness of the eyes, paresthesia and discomfort in the eyeball. Recognized effectiveness in the treatment of glaucoma, astigmatism, blepharospasm and, of course, myopia.

magnesium phosphoricum

Refers to the so-called preparations of homeopathy salts. It is prescribed for cachexic, emaciated people with low body weight and asthenic body type. Or the complete opposite: strong, strong young patients, with increased mass.

However, everyone is united by a similar psychological portrait: dreamers who build sand castles, they quickly lose their temper, can delve into their own experiences and talk to themselves.

The main purpose in therapy is to reduce tension and spasm of muscle fibers. including ciliary fibers. They are also used in the treatment of tic twitching of the eyelid.

Cuprum metallicum

It also applies to a number of salt homeopathy, since the main active substance is metallic copper. The drug is suitable for those who have given birth many times, as well as pale-faced blondes with an unstable psyche. They are prone to unmotivated anxiety, cowardice, soul-searching, and are capable of attacks of uncontrollable rage.

Most effective in the treatment of asthenomyopia. They also relieve hyperemia, inflammatory manifestations, nystagmoid fluctuations of the eye. They prevent darkening in the eyes, stop attacks of circles before the eyes and double vision.

In principle, each homeopathic remedy, one way or another, affects all anatomical structures and formations.

General. Physostigma, affecting the spinal cord, affects the motor nerves. There is a trembling of the muscles, resembling a flutter; muscles do not obey the will of the patient and (or) are pulled together into knots. You can even observe the formation of such nodes in the intestine.

Irritation spinal cord; vertebral sensitivity; weakness lower extremities, emanating from a place located between the wings of the pelvis. A loss pain sensitivity. Weakness; after it, complete paralysis occurs, although the ability of the muscles to contract is preserved. Rigidity of the muscles. The patient is terribly afraid of cold water: cold drinks and bathing in cold water; cold water seems too cold. Aversion to bathing. The patient is shivering, shivering from the cold - worse from any draft.

Sensation of floating, as if floating. Piercing pains in various places. Flushes of heat, more felt in the palms. Ataxic gait, shooting pains along limbs. Tetanus. Lockjaw. Tremor, trembling. Painful consequences of experiences, grief. Injuries, blows in anamnesis. progressive paralysis.

Worse. When the temperature changes. From eye strain. From bathing. From heat and from cold. When going down the stairs. From movement. When he steps on his foot, he takes a step. From a concussion when I stumbled. Better. Lying on your stomach or with your head down. When he makes an effort on himself - from the effort of the will. Close eyes. From sleep.

Psyche. The mind is active even during sleep. Everything was done wrong; too many things in the room; the patient constantly counts them. Paralysis of mind and body from grief.

Head. Sensation as if the brain were falling towards the side on which the patient was lying; sensation of vibration in the brain. Vertigo: the patient stumbles when going up or down stairs. Pain from forehead extending down along nose. Sensation as if there were a bandage around the head, as if a tight hat were being put on the head. When lying down, heartbeats are felt in the head. Trembling in the head.

Eyes. Twitching of the eye muscles. Pain above the eye sockets; the patient is unable to raise the eyelids. Violation of accommodation; astigmatism. Glaucoma, especially after trauma. The pupils are constricted. Paralysis of the eye muscles after diphtheria. Tension in the eyelids: the patient cannot close or open the eyes. The eyes are filled with blood, and there is a burning sensation in them. Night blindness. Black spots (flies); flashes of light before the eyes. Progressive myopia (myopia). Objects are shaking.

Ears. Sudden pain from the throat extending into the middle ear, worse from belching. Ear pain (right) occurs when the patient writes.

Nose. Twitching of the mouse, nose.

Face. Lips go numb; the patient licks them. Trismus of masticatory muscles.

Mouth. Teeth appear rough. Tongue seems to be covered with oil, scalded, swollen; with chorea. It looks like a skin is hanging from the palate. Thick, leather-like saliva.

Throat. Sensation as if a ball were rolling up to the throat. The patient feels strong beats of the heart in the throat. The patient seems to have swallowed a large piece of food; this piece is felt in the epigastrium.

Stomach. Hiccups: accompanied by shortness of breath, better during sleep.

Stomach. The navel is painful, swollen, red. Soreness and swelling in the lower abdomen, worse standing up. Contractive pain in right hypochondrium. Pain in the inguinal regions: now on one side, then on the other, in turn. Spasmodic pain (colic) worse with diarrhoea; decreases when the pain spreads to the lower leg.

Female reproductive organs. Numbness of the uterus, including in combination with back pain. White increases in daytime when the patient is engaged exercise. The woman sighs as the leucorrhea increases. Menses irregular, accompanied by palpitations.

Heart. The heart seems to be beating, fluttering in the throat, or in the whole body, or in the head.

Neck and back. Numbness as if creeping down from the back of the head, along the spine. The spine is sensitive.

Limbs. Spasmodic contraction, twitching of limbs. Bad smell from hands. Pain in the deltoid muscle (right) is relieved by sudden, intense movement. Pain in the right popliteal fossa. Flushes of heat to palms.

Dream. Attacks of irresistible drowsiness; the patient has a feeling that he is losing consciousness.

Fever. Every movement and draft causes a shudder of the body. The patient sweats easily, even when excited.

Dif. diagnosis. Agar., Gels., Nux-v.

Mixed astigmatism is a condition characterized by a combination of nearsightedness and farsightedness in one eye. This anomaly causes a fuzzy and blurry picture that a person perceives. The most complex form of this disease is mixed astigmatism of both organs of vision. Pathology can be both congenital and acquired. Treatment in this case should be started as early as possible, especially if the violation was detected in the child.

General characteristics of visual impairment - what is mixed astigmatism, ICD-10 code

Mixed astigmatism is a visual impairment in which both nearsightedness and farsightedness are detected in one eye. Due to this combination of disorders, a person is not able to see clearly and clearly objects located both near and far. With mixed astigmatism, the image in the organ of vision is focused twice, that is, there is no single focus. The patient cannot determine the size of objects and the distance to them.

With mixed astigmatism, a person sees blurry objects and cannot focus on one point.


To correct astigmatism of a mixed nature, glasses with special lenses are selected. Most often, these are toric lenses that combine both cylindrical and spherical glass. The need for such lenses is due to the fact that they contribute to the refraction of light in the direction of both meridians. Find out how a person with astigmatism sees.

Glasses with mixed astigmatism correct and maintain the level of vision. They are selected individually.

To choose the right glasses for astigmatism, you first need to conduct a vision diagnosis. Experts note that getting used to glasses from mixed astigmatism is quite difficult: they cause pain in the eyes, dizziness. The older the patient, the harder it is for him to get used to corrective lenses.

Adults are initially prescribed weaker glasses so that the addiction process is easier. Further, after 3-6 months, glasses with stronger glasses are selected. After getting used to the second pair, glasses are selected with lenses that can completely correct astigmatism.

Adults are usually prescribed glasses with glass lenses, and children with plastic ones. This is more of a safety issue: when falling, the child does not injure the eye with glasses that will not break.

In addition, glass glasses are heavier and therefore often slip, which interferes with the vision correction process.

For adults, wearing glasses is a regimen. Children wear them all the time.

Contact lenses

The advantage of contact lenses used for mixed astigmatism is a higher visual acuity.
This is due to the fact that when wearing lenses there is no distance between the lens and the eye. When wearing glasses, it is about 1.2 cm.

With this diagnosis, toric lenses with two optical powers are prescribed. Best Choice– soft elements (silicone-hydrohelium). Lenses are selected by a specialist. They can be one-day, long-term wear and scheduled replacement.

Laser correction

Laser correction in mixed astigmatism helps to change the curvature of the cornea by evaporating its thin layer.

Thanks to the operation, the normal refractive power of the cornea is restored.
The most commonly used technique is LASIK (laser keratomileusis). During the intervention, a thin layer of the cornea is separated and a laser is applied to it. middle layer. After that, the flap is returned to its place.
The method is painless, high-precision, sparing. It gives good results: a full recovery of vision can be expected 5-6 days after laser correction. He will tell you about astigmatic contact lenses.

Surgical treatment: keratotomy and keratoplasty

Surgical treatment of mixed astigmatism is indicated for the progressive form of the disease. There are such types of operations:

It should be borne in mind that each method has its contraindications. About the treatment of myopia in children preschool age read on .


Eye drops for astigmatism accelerate metabolism in the lens and cornea, fight dryness, relieve irritation, and improve blood circulation in the eye tissues.
With the indicated deviation, the following drugs local action:

  • Quinax;
  • Taufon;
  • Vizin;
  • Midrum;
  • Albucid.

Vizin - modern drug in the fight against ophthalmic problems. Helps relieve pain, tension and redness in the eyes with astigmatism.

Visual gymnastics

Another component of therapy for mixed astigmatism is visual gymnastics. The complex includes the following exercises:

  • rotation of the eyes in a circle and in the "eight". Performed with open and closed eyes;
  • eye movement to the right and left, up and down, as well as diagonally;
  • focus on the tip of the nose.

Any component of the treatment of mixed astigmatism must be agreed with the doctor.

Features of the treatment of myopic disease in children

In children, the development of mixed astigmatism in most cases is due to the abnormal development of the eyeball, so a complete cure can only be achieved through surgical intervention.

Be sure to prescribe corrective glasses, prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures (in particular, electrophoresis), as well as a set of exercises to improve vision. Read about astigmatism in children and how it manifests itself.


This video will tell you about astigmatism, its causes and possible treatment.


Summarizing the article, it is necessary to highlight the following points:

  • mixed astigmatism - a severe visual impairment, combining signs of myopia and hyperopia ();
  • the disorder may be congenital or acquired;
  • in children, mixed astigmatism, if left untreated, leads to lazy eye syndrome;
  • treatment, based on, consists in correction with glasses or lenses, surgical intervention or laser correction. Additional Methods- visual gymnastics and the use of drops;
  • complete cure of mixed astigmatism in children can only be achieved through surgical intervention.

If symptoms of visual impairment are detected, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible in order to preserve vision.

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