Symptoms of blood cancer in men and women: timely diagnosis. Blood cancer: is there a chance for life? Is there a cure for blood cancer in teenagers?

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

blood cancer group oncological diseases developing against the background of a mutation of bone marrow cells. Symptoms are blurred and often perceived as a common illness. In order to timely diagnose and eliminate the disease, it is important to understand the nature of the disease and its effect on the body.

What is blood cancer?

Blood cancer is a disease that destroys the circulatory system. There is an accumulation of immature leukocytes, and not only in the bone marrow, but also in the periphery and internal organs. As the disease progresses, the patient develops the following symptoms, which are very blurred and easy to confuse with other, more harmless diseases:

  • Bleeding increases, combined with a deterioration in blood clotting.
  • Weakens immune defenses.
  • There are infectious complications.

The scientific name for blood cancer is leukemia, leukemia.

This is a fairly rare cancer. According to medical statistics, only 25 people out of 100,000 suffer from it. The risk group includes children aged 3-4 years and older people from 60 to 70 years.

Leukemias are divided into 2 types:

  • Chronic - in the lymph nodes, liver and spleen, the number of blood cells increases.
  • Acute - there is an uncontrolled growth of new blood cells. The patient's condition is much more severe than in the chronic form. Needs immediate treatment.

Causes of blood cancer

The disease can begin with a single mutated cell in the body, as division occurs very rapidly. In adults, this process occurs 2 times faster than in children. Modified blood cells are highly resistant, so they quickly replace healthy ones.

The nature of the disease is still not fully understood, however, oncologists have compiled a list of factors that can contribute to the development of leukemia:

  • hereditary predisposition.
  • Exposure to radiation - at risk are people working in areas of active ionizing radiation or environmental disasters.
  • The entry of viruses into the body that trigger the process of malignant changes in the bone marrow.
  • Excessive exposure to the body of nicotine, household chemicals, drugs - all this can provoke cell mutation.

Signs, symptoms and manifestations of the disease

At the first stage, leukemia is asymptomatic, however, somatic signs such as:

  • Chronic fatigue;
  • sleepiness during the day;
  • forgetfulness;
  • slow tissue regeneration, suppuration of wounds;
  • pale skin;
  • pronounced bruising under the eyes;
  • nosebleeds with no apparent cause;
  • susceptibility to infectious diseases;
  • increase lymph nodes on the body;

In addition, a medical examination may reveal an enlarged spleen and liver.

Stages of blood cancer

There are 4 stages of leukemia, by which you can understand how the disease has progressed and what is the damage to the body by pathological cells.

  • The first stage - pathological cells have just begun to divide and replace healthy ones, gradually weakening the patient's immunity. The patient complains of causeless fatigue and frequent infectious diseases. The chronic form of leukemia of the first stage proceeds unnoticed by the patient, but when passing a blood test, an excess of the number of granular leukocytes is detected. At the same stage, the patient's blood is examined for DNA damage. If you start therapy at stage 1, the survival rate is 100%.
  • The second stage - pathological cells begin to divide more actively, tumor tissues are formed. Rashes appear on the patient's skin, an enlargement of the spleen and liver is found on examination. Performance decreases, symptom worsens chronic fatigue, health deteriorates. If a disease is detected at stage 2, therapy gives a 75% chance for further healthy life.
  • The third stage - there is an active spread of metastases throughout the body. Cancer cells are spread by the circulatory system and lymphatic vessels. The patient is prescribed a course of chemotherapy, as a result of which the survival rate is about 30%. All the forces of doctors are aimed at suppressing the spread of cancer cells.
  • The fourth stage - doctors try to alleviate the patient's condition and stop the reproduction of cancer cells, however, there are inevitably more tumors. Training or bone marrow transplantation is carried out. The chance of complete recovery is close to zero.

Treatment of blood cancer


The patient is injected intravenously with drugs that destroy cancer-infected cells. The dosage and duration of the therapeutic course is calculated for each patient individually, depending on his physical parameters.

Chemotherapy is carried out in 5 stages:

  1. Preparation - within a few days (no more than 7), the patient is given 1 or 2 drugs to reduce the number of cancer cells. This allows the body to get used to and maintain the normal functioning of the urinary system.
  2. Intensive chemotherapy is aimed at suppressing the growth of cancer cells. The duration of the course is from 1.5 to 2 months.
  3. The second course - new cytostatics are used to suppress the remaining cancer cells. The duration of therapy is up to 4 months.
  4. The third course is carried out at intervals, leaving time for rest and stabilization of the body.
  5. Completion - supportive treatment on an outpatient basis.

Chemotherapy can be used as an adjuvant or main treatment.

By destroying malignant blood cells, chemicals inevitably affect healthy ones. The human immune system is undermined and the following appear adverse reactions body:

  • gagging;
  • excessive hair loss, baldness;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • inflammation of mucous tissues.

To stabilize and alleviate these symptoms, the patient is prescribed medication to normalize the functioning of internal organs.

Bone marrow transplant

With insufficient effectiveness of chemotherapy or the occurrence of relapses accompanied by metastases, the patient is prescribed bone marrow transplantation.

Donor material is taken from a relative or person with a suitable group and chemical composition blood. The higher the percentage of compatibility, the greater the chance of a successful outcome.

The transplant operation is also carried out in several stages:

  1. Destruction of bone marrow cells.
  2. Filling the place with donor material.
  3. Rehabilitation is a long period of recovery under the vigilant supervision of doctors. If the body accepted the donor material, the operation was successful and a positive prognosis can be built.

Additional therapeutic methods

A patient with leukemia is often given a blood transfusion. The procedure increases the level of red blood cells and platelets before chemotherapy or transplantation. This stabilizes his condition.

Prevention of blood cancer

There are no such preventive measures, with the help of which it is possible with a 100% probability to prevent blood cancer. But, you can avoid the main factors that provoke the development of leukemia, namely:

  • Avoid skin contact with gasoline, arsenic.
  • Avoid contact with carcinogens.
  • Give up smoking.
  • Avoid being in areas with increased radioactive radiation.

There are also folk recipes for the prevention of blood cancer, for example, the use of a decoction of blueberry leaves, strawberries and flax seeds, but it is worth considering that the effectiveness of such drugs has not been scientifically proven.

Before using herbal decoctions based on folk recipes, consult with your doctor!

Moderate physical activity is good for health proper nutrition and living in an environmentally friendly environment.

Leukemia is not a sentence if the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner and therapy is started immediately after the diagnosis is made. It is important for the patient to be constantly monitored by a doctor in order to monitor the course of treatment and prevent possible relapses.

- a disease that is malignant, which affects and destroys the hematopoietic system. His hallmark it should be considered that uncontrolled division occurs, as well as the accumulation of leukocytes belonging to the immature form.

This reproduction can occur not only in the bone marrow, but also in the blood passing through the periphery, as well as in the internal organs. As a result, it initially grows in the bone marrow, and then replaces the “healthy” processes of blood formation.

In the course of the further development of the disease, a patient with blood cancer develops many diseases that are associated with:

    Increased degree of bleeding;

    General weakening immune system;

    Accession of complications of an infectious type.

An alternative and more scientific name for blood cancer is, as well as leukemia.

Classification of blood cancer

The usual division of the disease into categories implies the allocation of two main forms: acute and chronic blood cancer.

The acute course of blood cancer is determined by a significant number of immature cells that inhibit the standard blood production. A sign of leukemia, which is in a chronic form, is considered to be an overly active formation of two types of bodies: granulocytes or granular leukocytes. As noted above, it is they who ultimately replace the healthy cells that previously formed the blood.

Both acute and chronic forms of leukemia are two different hematological diseases. Unlike other diseases, an acute type of blood cancer can never be a chronic form of leukemia, and a chronic type of blood cancer can never be more severe.

How long do people live with blood cancer?

The prognosis for chronic leukemia is many times more positive than for acute forms. An extremely fast, even aggressive course of acute leukemia always provokes an equally rapid "extinction" of the patient.

Presented form of leukemia:

    Practically not amenable to adequate treatment;

    Often it is a catalyst for the formation of lymphoblastic leukemia (in about 80% of cases).

With this type of late-stage leukemia, months count. In case of timely intervention - from two to five years.

Chronic leukemias are determined by a slower course. However, this happens exactly up to a certain stage, at which the so-called “blast crisis” occurs. In this case, chronic leukemia in fact acquires all the features of an acute one.

A lethal outcome at this stage may well come from any consequences of the disease. Medical intervention, provided on time, makes it possible for many years and even decades to achieve a long-term remission.

The life span of a patient in case he is sick with blood cancer directly depends on the adequacy of treatment, the general picture and the stage of the disease. In the best case, a person can be cured and live to an advanced age. The younger the patient, the greater the chances of a 100% recovery.

Early stage acute leukemia

It is necessary to distinguish the symptoms of leukemia at an early stage from the signs of a later stage. At the initial stage, the patient is faced with:

    Painful sensations in abdominal cavity, especially in its upper region;

    Seasickness or motion sickness in any vehicle, even if there have never been such signs before;

    Active sweating at night;

    Rapid weight loss that occurs for no apparent reason.

    After timely treatment, it can develop into the following stages:

    Remission (in the patient's blood, blast-type cells do not form for several years. We are talking about five to seven years);

    Terminal (in this case, absolute oppression of the hematopoietic system is revealed, in which normal functioning is simply impossible).

Late stage acute blood cancer

At a late stage, if leukemia has not been detected, but the following symptoms appear, the patient needs the most urgent hospitalization:

    Lips and nails turn blue;

    Modifications of all levels of consciousness or an increased degree of anxiety. In this case, unconscious states may form for no reason, and there is also a lack of any reactions to external stimulation;

    Pain in the heart, tightness or significant pressure in the chest, palpitation (forced heartbeat with an irregular rhythm);

    Increased body temperature (more than 38 ° C);

    An extremely high degree of frequency of contractions of the heart muscle (tachycardia);

    Dyspnea - dysfunction respiratory system which is characterized by difficulty or hoarseness;

    Formation of convulsions;

    Perceptible painful tremors in the abdominal cavity;

    Uncontrolled or sufficiently strong blood flow.

Symptoms of the chronic form

The chronic form of blood cancer is characterized by individual symptoms:

    The initial stage passes without obvious outward manifestations, in the case of research, it becomes possible to identify an increased number of granular-type leukocytes (otherwise it is called the monoclonal phase of blood cancer);

    The polyclonal stage is characterized by the formation of tumors of a secondary nature, a significant change in the number of blast cells. Also, this stage is characterized by the manifestation of complications in the form of damage to the lymph nodes, a significant change in the size of the liver and spleen.

The exact factors leading to the development of leukemia have not yet been determined, but there are certain reasons that contribute to the formation of this disease:

    Oncology in the history of the disease. Patients who have previously undergone chemotherapy or radiotherapy for any other type of cancer are significantly more likely to develop any form of leukemia;

    Diseases of a genetic nature. Certain anomalies acquired by a person at birth, such as Down syndrome, greatly increase the risk of developing leukemia;

    Some diseases associated with the functioning of the blood and blood vessels, for example, myelodysplastic type syndrome, which also increases the risk of blood cancer;

    The influence of a significant level of radiation can be a catalyst for the formation of a variety of oncological diseases;

    Active influence of certain chemicals. Interaction with toxic materials, for example with benzene, is extremely dangerous. Because it causes an increased risk in the development of leukemia;

    Leukemia in one of the relatives. Experts have proven that patients, blood relatives (close ones) have experienced blood cancer, and are most prone to leukemia. It is desirable for such patients to carry out medical examinations as often as possible, especially if they have any other risk factors for leukemia.

    The use of certain strong drugs.

It is important to remember that oncology of the hematopoietic system is still one of the most mysterious ailments. There are quite frequent cases when blood cancer affects those who did not have any factors associated with such risks. That's why the best way prevention will pass medical examinations once every six months and maintenance healthy lifestyle life.

Stage 4 blood cancer

Separately, it is necessary to talk about the fourth stage of blood cancer. This stage is known as the last, that is, irreversible or reversible, but in a maximum of 5% of cases.

In this case, chaotic and forced growth, as well as the spread of malignant cells throughout the body, is observed. This process is accompanied by damage to neighboring healthy organs and tissues, the formation of distant metastatic tumor foci, which are located in all organs of the body.

Thus, the 4th stage of blood cancer should include such manifestations as:

    Tumors of a malignant type that grow extremely fast;

    The occurrence of bone cancer (in any form);

    A rapidly growing lesion of formations from the lungs, bones, pancreas, brain area;

    Formations of an "extremely fatal" type, for example, pancreatic cancer.

Leukemia also affects children. According to statistics, it is encountered between the ages of two and five years and mostly boys suffer from blood cancer (more than 60% of cases in childhood).

Causes and symptoms

The main reasons why in such early age blood cancer manifests itself, two factors should be considered:

    Exposure to radiation, as well as exposure of the mother in any of the periods of pregnancy;

    Dysfunction of a genetic nature (hereditary factor).

Symptoms in children are similar to those experienced by adults:

    Pain in the bones and joints;

    General feeling of weakness and drowsiness;

    high fatigue;

    Marked pallor;

    Changes in the size of certain organs (liver and spleen), as well as lymph nodes.

by the most early sign leukemia in children may be angina. Often there are minor rashes on the skin and an increased degree of bleeding.

Forms of the disease

The disease presented by the type of oncology in children is determined by two forms - acute and chronic. The characteristic of the disease can be determined not by the duration of the clinical manifestations, but by the structure of the cells of the malignant tumor. The acute form of leukemia in childhood is determined by the presence of such cells in the cell substrate that have not yet matured. The chronic form is manifested in the presence of mature formations in the tumor cells.

It is not uncommon for children to be diagnosed with a form known as neuroleukemia. Its presence in the child's body is most often indicated by neurological symptoms (disturbance in the activity of the meninges or brain tissues), sudden dizziness, migraines. The presented category of leukemia is formed exclusively in case of repeated cases of the formation of the disease.

With this scenario, experts use new combinations of drugs, because it is quite problematic to treat a child with a similar disease.

Treatment of blood cancer in a child

In order to cure a child's blood cancer, the same methods are used as in the case of adults: chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation. The result after chemotherapy in childhood is often better than it can be in adults.

A similar effect is due to the fact that the child's body returns to normal much better and faster after the implementation of the treatment course. In the case of bone marrow transplantation, donors are almost always close relatives of the child - brothers or sisters.

In the process of diagnosing blood cancer in a child, it is desirable to carry out a blood transfusion. This is due to the fact that in a sick child, the bone-type brain ceases to develop any types of cells. In the event that a transfusion is not carried out, the child can die from all sorts of simple infections and the most insignificant bleeding.

In order to cure acute leukemia, it is used:

    combination of one to three medicines that fight tumors;

    significant doses of glucocorticoid-type hormones.

    In certain situations, a bone marrow transplant is possible. Supportive activities are essential. We are talking about the transfusion of certain blood components and the fastest possible cure of associated infectious diseases.

    In case of chronic leukemia currently used antimetabolites. This is a type of drug that suppresses the growth of malignant tumors. In some situations it is allowed to use radiotherapy, as well as the introduction of specific substances, such as radioactive phosphorus.

The specialist chooses the method of treating leukemia solely depending on the form and stage at which it is currently located. Constant monitoring of the patient's condition is carried out in accordance with blood tests and examinations in the bone marrow. It will be necessary to be treated for blood cancer throughout the entire period of a person's life.

After the end of the treatment of acute leukemia, active and constant monitoring in the local clinic by a profiling specialist will be required. Such observation is extremely important, because it enables the oncologist to observe not only the likely recurrence of the disease, but also the side effects of treatment. It is equally important to inform the specialist about the symptoms as soon as possible.

Most often, relapse of acute leukemia occurs during treatment or some time after its completion. However, a recurrence of the disease may never occur. It is formed extremely rarely after the onset of remission, the length of which is more than five years.

Treatment of blood cancer is quite possible, but with this ailment, as with any other, it is very important to detect it as early as possible. In this case, recovery will be as fast as possible.

Education: completed residency at the Russian Scientific Cancer Center named after N.N. N. N. Blokhin” and received a diploma in the specialty “Oncologist”

According to statistics, every year in the world blood cancer is diagnosed in 210-220 thousand people. Most patients perceive this diagnosis as a sentence. Indeed, just 30 years ago, no more than 5-8% of patients were cured of leukemia. But since then, medicine has found ways to combat one of the most insidious forms of cancer. Today, some forms of blood cancer can be effectively treated. The main task is to detect the disease as soon as possible and take measures to treat it.

What is blood cancer

Leukemia, leukemia, leukemia and, finally, blood cancer - all these are the names of a whole group of malignant diseases that occur due to the fault of just one small mutated bone marrow cell. As a result of chaotic and uncontrolled division, altered cells gradually suppress the growth of healthy ones and force them out of the body.

After a while, the first symptoms and manifestations of oncological disease make themselves felt. This process can be extremely fast acute form disease) or rather slowly (in the chronic course of the disease).

Types of blood cancer include:

  • acute lymphocytic leukemia;
  • acute myeloid leukemia;
  • chronic lymphocytic leukemia;
  • chronic myeloid leukemia.

With lymphocytic leukemia, we are talking about the defeat of lymphocytes, while with myeloid leukemia, the degeneration of myelocytes occurs.

Who is at risk

The exact cause of cell mutation is not yet known to science and medicine. However, doctors have identified a number of concomitant factors that increase the risk of leukemia. To the number possible causes relate:

  • heredity (if older relatives have been diagnosed with blood cancer, the disease is more likely to affect the heirs);
  • harmful effects of chemicals (eg, benzene, pesticides);
  • high level radiation;
  • regular exposure to electromagnetic fields (for example, people living near power lines are at risk);
  • the presence of HIV infection;
  • Down syndrome;
  • bad habits (in particular - smoking);
  • conducting courses of radiation or chemotherapy to treat other diseases.

Age of illness

Both adults and children can get sick with leukemia equally. However, people over 50 are at risk, since at this age cells can mutate due to age-related changes in the body. At the same time, the largest part of acute leukemia occurs in young patients - children and adolescents from 10 to 18 years old.

The younger the patient with leukemia, the easier it is to cure or achieve remission. The disease in people of advanced age is difficult to treat.

Forms of the course of the disease

Leukemia can occur in two forms - acute and chronic. It all depends on how quickly and in what quantities the cancer cells multiply.

The most dangerous for human life is an acute form of leukemia, which affects the human body at a high speed. In this case, it is highly likely that the patient will live no more than a few months. If the disease was detected at an early stage, the period can be up to 2-5 years.

Chronic forms of leukemia can be treated much more effectively, but it is much more difficult to identify the disease. For a long time, the patient may not even suspect that an oncological process is developing in his body.

During treatment, the task of doctors is also to prevent the so-called "blast crisis" when chronic form disease can take all the properties of acute leukemia. If the disease proceeds calmly, medical intervention will help achieve remission for many years.

The effectiveness of the treatment of leukemia directly depends on the stage at which the disease was detected and how quickly the necessary measures were taken. With the timely start of treatment, a complete recovery of the patient is possible.


The difficulty in detecting leukemia lies in the fact that the patient may not attach any importance to the initial symptoms, mistaking them for a common cold. So, among the first signs of blood cancer are usually observed:

  • fast fatiguability and increased weakness;
  • slight but regular jumps in body temperature;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • increased sweating at night;
  • frequent headaches;
  • immunosuppression and frequent infectious diseases;
  • lack of appetite;
  • pallor of the skin.

As the disease develops, additional signs will join nonspecific symptoms that may alert the patient and become a reason for a visit to the doctor. These warning signs include:

  • regular nosebleeds;
  • pain in bones and joints;
  • the appearance of bruises on the body;
  • sudden irritability;
  • rash on the skin;
  • blurred vision;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • dyspnea;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • poor wound healing.

When the disease reaches the advanced stages, the following symptoms are added to the number of symptoms:

  • an increase in the size of the spleen and liver;
  • regular bloating;
  • feeling of heaviness in the hypochondrium.

Identification of the disease

If the doctor suspects that the patient has blood cancer, the patient will be prescribed procedures that will help confirm or refute the diagnosis.

  1. A complete blood count will reveal an increased number of white blood cells, low hemoglobin and a reduced number of platelets in the patient's blood.
  2. A bone marrow puncture is done if, according to the results of a blood test, the fears are confirmed. This procedure is quite unpleasant for the patient, even though it is performed under local anesthesia. A bone marrow sample is taken from the pelvic bone using a thick needle and then sent to a laboratory for testing.

TO additional methods surveys include:

  1. Genetic testing provides an opportunity to study the chromosomes in malignant cells to determine the type of leukemia.
  2. A puncture of the cerebrospinal fluid allows you to determine whether the disease has spread to the central nervous system. Cerebrospinal fluid is taken from the intervertebral space to lumbar with a long thin needle. After that, the resulting material is examined for the presence of cancer cells.
  3. Finally, in order to determine if cancer has spread to other organs, doctors may do an ultrasound of the abdomen, x-rays. chest, blood biochemistry.

Methods of treatment

The method of treatment of the disease directly depends on its form and stage. Certain types of leukemia are difficult to treat, while others can be completely cured.

As with other cancers, chemotherapy is the primary treatment for blood cancer. This procedure is aimed at the destruction of cancer cells, but the consequences affect other systems of the body. Therefore, patients often experience side effects, which include:

  • apathy;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • general weakness and depression;
  • allopia (hair loss).

Hair loss is a big concern for patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments. However, the hair grows back within six months after the course. At the same time, their quality becomes even better than it was before the start of treatment.

After the end of the course, a maintenance therapy tactic is chosen, the main task of which is to prevent the further development of the disease and the spread of cancer cells. At this time, the patient is given hormonal preparations, fortifying agents, antibacterial and antiviral treatment is carried out.

In the most severe cases, a donor bone marrow transplant may be required. This procedure is very expensive, and the patient, as well as his relatives and friends, have to look for money for treatment on their own.

Bone marrow transplantation is performed in the hematology department. In order for the patient's body not to reject new cells, with the help of drugs, forced suppression of immunity occurs. To exclude the possibility of infection in the patient's body, he is placed in a sterile isolated box.

Prevention of blood cancer

Blood cancer can occur even in an absolutely healthy and full of energy person. However, in order to reduce the risk of the disease, it is recommended:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • avoid close contact with chemical elements, radioactive radiation;
  • in case of a risk of hereditary or other predisposition, regularly donate blood for general analysis;
  • lead a healthy and active lifestyle, strengthening the immune system and overall body resistance.

Statistics and forecasts

If within five years after the course of therapy, cancer cells do not return, then we can talk about a complete cure for the patient. At the same time, if relapses of the disease occur, this usually happens within two years after chemotherapy.

In general, the statistics on leukemia diseases are as follows:

  • The risk of leukemia in men is 1.5 times higher than in women.
  • Acute leukemia can be cured if diagnosed early. However, the later the disease is determined, the less the patient's chances of recovery.
  • The survival rate for lymphoblastic leukemia in children reaches 95%, which is significantly higher than in adults, who manage to achieve recovery in 60-65% of cases.
  • Myeloblastic leukemias are more difficult to treat. Only 40-50% of patients survive. With timely transplantation of donor bone marrow, the chance for a healthy life increases to 65%.


Blood cancer is a terrible diagnosis that can be made at any age and even without the presence of objective reasons that could provoke the onset of the disease. However, a patient facing leukemia should not give up prematurely. Cancer is a treatable disease, the success of which depends not only on the work of doctors, but also on the psychological mood of the patient himself.

Video detailing the disease

blood cancer called a whole group of diseases, which are characterized by malignant degeneration of cells. This is an outdated name for leukemia, which was previously called leukemia.

They are usually classified:

  • by origin,
  • according to which blood cells and their blasts are affected by the pathological process;
  • by the rate of progression;
  • according to the degree of quantitative and qualitative changes reflected in the leukocyte formula.

Types of blood cancer

Often, under the definition of “blood cancer, two groups of diseases are combined:

  • leukemia;
  • tumors of the lymphatic system, including lymph nodes, tonsils, ducts, lymphoid tissue gastrointestinal tract etc.

The most common forms of blood cancer are:

  • leukemia, or malignant degeneration of blood cells;
  • myeloma - neoplasms in the blood plasma;
  • lymphoma is a malignant tumor in the lymphatic system.

For the first two types of disease pathological process occurs in the bone marrow and leads to a violation of its function of the synthesis of varieties of blood cells in a normal form. These include leukocytes, platelets and erythrocytes.

Bone marrow damage causes:

  • frequent occurrence of infectious diseases;
  • anemia
  • the formation of bruises, bruises.

With myeloma, the production of a special substance begins, which weakens skeletal system and has a stimulating effect on the production of proteins that negatively affect vital organs and systems.

In lymphoma, it primarily affects lymphatic system, which leads to a significant decrease in the body's defenses and the ability to resist various diseases.

According to the form of the course, blood cancer is acute and chronic.

The acute form in most cases leads to the death of the patient a few weeks or months after the onset of the pathological process.

Causes of leukemia

The exact cause of the development of this serious disease is still unclear. Often it affects babies up to 5-7 years old, it is often found in the elderly, as well as in those working in hazardous industries.

There are some factors that provoke the development of pathology:

  1. The impact of ionizing radiation - among radiologists, people working in enterprises with increased radiation hazard (for example, nuclear power plants) or living near such facilities or radioactive waste disposal sites.
  2. Genetic predisposition: if parents or close relatives have blood cancer, the probability of developing it increases by 40%, in the presence of other oncological diseases - by 8%.
  3. The influence of mutagenic and harmful substances: alcohol, cigarette smoke, nicotine, certain medicines, paints and varnishes.
  4. The entry of viruses into the body that contribute to the degeneration of bone marrow and blood cells.
  5. Genetic pathologies - for example, Down's syndrome.

Some blood cancers may also be associated with the following:

  1. Unhealthy food. The presence in the diet of a large amount of fatty, salty, smoked, pickled foods, semi-finished products, sausages with the addition of preservatives, nitrates, nitrites, flavors, dyes leads to slagging and intoxication of the body and significantly increases the risk of malignant degeneration of cells.
  2. Promiscuous sex life.
  3. Exposure to chemicals (benzene, etc.).
  4. Blood disorders such as myelodysplastic syndrome.
  5. The presence of hepatitis B and C and some other diseases.

Symptoms of the disease

Features of the course of blood cancer and its symptoms vary depending on the specific form of the process. At an early stage, there may be:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • apathy;
  • general malaise;
  • heat;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • enlargement of the spleen and liver;
  • anemia;
  • nausea;
  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • swollen lymph nodes.

As the pathology progresses, the following appear:

  • bleeding of mucous membranes;
  • cachexia;
  • signs of hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • bleeding from the gums, nose;
  • excessive sweating, especially at night;
  • weight loss;
  • anorexia;
  • headache;
  • bloating due to an increase in the abdominal cavity;
  • pain in the abdomen, bones, back;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • the appearance of a rash on the skin, dark small spots;
  • decrease in the amount of urine excreted;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • cyanosis of lips, nails;
  • anxiety;
  • fainting;
  • severe uncontrolled bleeding.

The changes also affect cardiovascular system. In the later stages are fixed:

  • severe pain in the region of the heart;
  • feeling of pressure and tightness in the chest;
  • palpitation (irregular rhythm);
  • tachycardia;

From the side of the respiratory system are observed:

  • dyspnea;
  • hoarse labored breathing.

The clinical picture depends on the specific form of cancer.

For leukemia characteristic:

  • anemia;
  • recurrent infectious diseases;
  • pain in bones and joints;
  • difficulty breathing.

At lymphoma symptoms vary depending on the location of the tumor. It can be in the armpit, on the neck, or in the groin.

With myeloma appear:

  • bleeding from the gums and nose;
  • bleeding cuts, abrasions and other skin lesions.

Can blood cancer be cured?

The prognosis for the treatment of this dangerous disease can be favorable with early diagnosis, strict adherence to prescriptions and the passage of all necessary procedures.

Methods are used such as:

  • chemotherapy;
  • taking corticosteroids;
  • well antiviral drugs and antibiotics;
  • bone marrow transplantation;
  • the use of immunomodulators to increase the body's defenses.

by the most effective ways are chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation.


This is the main treatment for blood cancer. Its essence is the use of the strongest medicines to destroy cancer cells.

Refusal of a course of chemotherapy can almost be equated to signing a death warrant for yourself: the patient has no chance.

The process is complex and lengthy. Within six months, patients are injected with chemicals in huge doses, which lead to the complete destruction of leukocytes. Their absence in the body causes a significant increase in vulnerability, susceptibility and sensitivity to any pathogens, infections. Patients are isolated from the outside world. Inpatient treatment is prescribed.

After the completion of the main complex, measures are taken to consolidate the result, including a number of complex medical procedures. Often there is a need for radiation therapy of the brain.

Chemotherapy leads to very serious consequences for the body. As a result of exposure to the strongest drugs, the following changes occur:

  • hair follicles are damaged and mostly die;
  • the activity of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted;
  • bone marrow cells are significantly damaged;
  • the reproductive system suffers.

Bone marrow transplantation

This operation is possible only in the presence of a bone marrow donor. They can be the next of kin or a person with compatible blood counts. The chances of recovery and life extension increase in direct proportion to the number of matches in the blood.

The essence of the process is the destruction of all bone marrow cells in the patient, followed by the introduction of a concentrate of donor cells through a dropper. The procedure is very difficult and dangerous. As a result of its implementation, immunity is sharply reduced, and patients need long-term (up to 3 or more months) observation. Transplantation is prescribed exclusively according to indications - in most cases, young patients.

In addition, it is exceptionally expensive: the cost of transplantation ranges from 130 to 170 thousand euros.

Is blood cancer curable or not? This is one of the first questions that interests those who are faced with a similar diagnosis. Blood cancer, called "leukemia" (or "leukemia"), in the international classification of diseases has the ICD-10 code. In medical practice, there is an even broader concept of blood diseases - "hemablastosis". Hemablastosis is a group of cancers of the blood tissue. In the case of cancer cells in the red bone marrow, hemablastosis is called leukemia. If the cancer did not originate in the red bone marrow, then they talk about hematosarcoma.

Description of the disease

American clinical statistics show that out of 100 thousand people, 25 people develop leukemia: 13-15 of them are men and 7-10 women. Leukemia mainly affects children under the age of 4 years or people of senile age 60-69 years. Leukemia is dangerous disease of the human circulatory system, manifested by the appearance of abnormal blood cells (leukocytes) that disrupt the normal functioning of other healthy leukocytes. Abnormal white blood cells cannot fully mature, which disrupts their functioning. Blood cancer is malignant, as it results in the destruction of the circulatory system and the formation of metastases in other body systems, which is life-threatening. However, leukemia is curable. The main thing is to have time to diagnose it at an early stage.

Leukemia is not a local disease, but a group cancer, since it affects several hematopoietic tissues at once. Can leukemia be cured? This question can be answered by establishing how many healthy functioning cells are left in a person's blood.

Leukocytes (from Gr. "leuko" - white and "cyto" - cell) are blood cells that gradually mature in the bone marrow.

Normally, only fully matured, they pass into the blood to perform their functions. Leukocytes differ in their functions and external structure. Their common features: not colored, nuclear, able to move.

Leukocytes: types and functions

The following types of leukocytes are distinguished in blood plasma:

  • Lymphocytes, which in the blood should normally be from 20 to 45% of the total number of all leukocytes. They are the mechanism of human immunity, participating in the implementation of the immune response and the creation of "immune memory". Lymphocytes destroy the body's own unhealthy cells, those that have been damaged by toxins or destroyed by tumors. These cells are divided into a subgroup of B-lymphocytes. They are 10-15% of the total, localized in the lymph nodes, provide "immune memory" - after the first contact, they remember the pathogenic agent and, upon repeated contact with it, immediately ensure its elimination. T-lymphocytes: they are 80% of the total number of all lymphocytes.

    In the endocrine gland - thymus - lymphocytes pass into T-lymphocytes, subdivided into:

    • T-killers (destroy and break down the cells of a pathogenic agent);
    • T-helpers (support the functions of T-killers, synthesizing special substances);
    • T-suppressors (reduce the strength of the immune response to avoid the destruction of the body's own healthy cells);
    • NK-lymphocytes (Natural Killer).

    They are about 5-10%, destroy healthy cells of the body in the event that markers of infection appear on them. Basically, these cells destroy cancer cells and those infected with the virus.

  • Neutrophils are the most numerous leukocytes: from 40 to 75% of the total. These are granulocytic leukocytes, since their cytoplasm contains granules (granules), in the cavity of which lysozyme, hydrolase, myeloperoxidase, cationic proteins, etc. are enclosed. Substances of neutrophil granules are involved in the formation of cellular immunity. Neutrophils are able to absorb pathogenic agents (bacteria, viruses, etc.) and digest them with granular substances. This process is called phagocytosis. The neutrophil that has digested the pathogenic agent dies.
  • Monocytes. They are no more than 8%, are the largest leukocytes. Their function is phagocytosis. They absorb large physical agents (for example, a splinter) and foreign cells (the whole microorganism or its constituent parts). Localization of monocytes: blood plasma, lymph nodes, tissues (here they are called histocytes and improve tissue regeneration mechanisms).
  • Eosinophils. Their number is no more than 5%. They are granulocytes, especially sensitive to eosin (dye), for which they got their name. The substances in their granules are able to break down bacteria, toxins, chemicals, etc. Eosinophils “finish the job” for lymphocytes and neutrophils. Another important function is the occurrence allergic reaction as protection, by stimulating the production of histamine. In addition, eosinophils prevent platelets from sticking together, which is the prevention of thrombosis. Moving through the wall blood vessel into the tissue, eosinophils eliminate the damaged focus (pus formation).
  • Basophils. These leukocytes, with a population of no more than 1% in the blood plasma, move from the red bone marrow for a couple of hours into the blood plasma, and then into the tissues for 12 days, where:
    • participate in the occurrence of an allergic reaction (their granules contain histamine);
    • thin the blood (using granular heparin, which acts as a histamine antagonist);
    • expand capillaries (using serotonin), etc.

All types of leukocytes are formed in the red bone marrow, and only when they mature, they are able to perform their functions. Quantitative composition different types leukocytes is called leukocyte formula blood.

Leukemia classification

Leukemia according to the type of affected leukocytes is divided into:

Lymphocytic leukemia. With this type of leukemia, lymphocytes of the red bone marrow develop abnormally, then the cancer germ passes into the blood plasma, lymph nodes, liver, thymus. Reliably the causes of this type of leukemia have not been established, predisposing factors are known:

  • hereditary (clinical practice shows that lymphmoleukemia is familial, parents with lymphocytic leukemia can have children with this pathology);
  • congenital pathologies manifested by Down syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, agranulocytosis, etc., significantly increase the risk of lymphocytosis;
  • penetration of viruses, there is evidence of the occurrence of lymphocytic leukemia (T-lymphocytes) due to viruses in nucleic acids (DNA and RNA);
  • Epstein-Barr virus (causing cancer of B-lymphocytes);
  • high doses of radiation therapy and chemotherapy, statistics show that 10 out of 100 cancer patients receiving ionizing radiation (or chemotherapy) develop lymphocytic leukemia;
  • poisoning with pesticides, benzene and other chemicals can increase the risk of lymphocytic leukemia;
  • few studies have shown that smoking affects the development of this type of leukemia;
  • the simultaneous combination of several of these factors contributes to the occurrence of mutations in lymphocytes, due to which they either cannot mature to the end, or cease to function as before, sharply increasing their number through uncontrolled division.

Myeloid leukemia, or myeloid leukocytosis. This type of blood cancer arises from an abnormality in the red bone marrow stem cells that give rise to granulocytic leukocytes (eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, and neutrophils). The immature granulocytes of the bone marrow formed in excessive amounts pass into the blood, in which the number of normally functioning (healthy) granulocytes has already increased. Such a large volume of cells does not fit in the bloodstream, and they (both healthy and cancerous) pass into the lymph nodes, tissues of the liver, spleen, thymus, and skin. After some time, healthy cells will not remain at all.

The causes of myeloid leukemia are the same as in lymphmoleukemia.

Among them, you can add factors such as gender and age of a person: men get sick more often, after the age of 50 years; red brain stem cell pathology.

According to the type of course of leukemia are:

  1. Acute. In acute lymphocytic leukemia and myelogenous leukemia, not yet mature (undifferentiated into B-lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes and NK-lymphocytes) lymphocytes, or granulocytes (eosinophils, basophils, etc.), located in the red bone marrow, turn into cancer cells. This form of lymphocytic leukemia mainly occurs in childhood.
  2. Chronic. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia affects already differentiated lymphocytes or blood granulocytes localized to blood plasma or tissues. This type is mainly found in adults: in men aged 50 to 60 years, it is 50% more common than in women.

What are the forecasts

Is there a cure for leukemia? For any type of leukemia, the occurrence of a number of pathologies is characteristic, manifested by an increased degree of bleeding, a decrease in immunity, and complications of an infectious nature. How to cure blood cancer is decided by the doctor, who takes into account its degree, type and type of course. Blood cancer is treated with the use of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, hormones and general strengthening agents (vitamins, immunostimulants). It is easier for children to recover from leukemia, since bone marrow transplantation, chemotherapy and recovery proceed better in a young body. Donors can be close relatives (parents, brothers/sisters).

Treatment of blood cancer continues throughout the life of the patient in order to prevent recurrence. It includes maintaining a proper lifestyle, the periodic use of vitamins and immunostimulants, monitoring blood counts, etc.

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