Morning fatigue after sleep causes. Why is fatigue after sleep

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After a full sleep, you are supposed to be cheerful, fresh and cheerful. Often, instead, we wake up with a bad mood and irritability. There is an explanation for this.

Why do we feel tired after sleeping

1. Accumulation of adenosine in the brain

We spend the last few hours before waking up in REM sleep. This phase is characterized increased activity brain. The most noticeable sign is the rapid movements of the eyeballs. The cycles of REM and NREM sleep are repeated 4-5 times per night. It is during REM sleep that we see vivid dreams.

In this phase, the brain consumes an impressive amount of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). It is the source and carrier of energy in cells. Adenosine suppresses vigor and attentiveness and stimulates sleep, which is why we wake up sleepy.

2. Co-sleeping or lack thereof

The state after waking up is also affected by whether you slept with someone nearby or not. For example, women who share a bed with a man report a decrease in the quality of their sleep. But if sleep is preceded by sex, the woman's mood improves, she is tolerant of mediocre sleep and morning fatigue.

The presence of a woman in bed does not affect a man’s sleep in any way. On the contrary, men notice a decrease in the quality of sleep when they spend the night alone.

3. Late bedtime

Owls, who prefer to fall asleep and wake up later, are vigorous during the day and in the evening. But for those who like to go to bed late at night, the quality of sleep suffers and insomnia is more common.

Nighttime wakefulness affects the hippocampus, which is responsible for emotions, memory and attention, and may even contribute to a decrease in its volume, which leads to reduced learning and memory loss, and can also be early sign Alzheimer's disease.

4. Lack of sugar

What we eat before bed also affects our well-being. Latest Research have shown that eating sweets before bed can improve mood in the morning. Enhanced Level blood sugar triggers the activity of the neurons responsible for sleep. For the same reasons, after a plentiful dinner, he tends to sleep.

Why it's important to sleep

Scientists still don't know why we sleep. But they know for sure that we need at least 6-8 hours of sleep every day. Lack of sleep leads to irritation and activates bad memories and negative emotions. Emotional instability is a consequence of the inability of the anterior lobes of the brain to control the limbic system.

Sleep disturbance also affects memory, and severe insomnia can lead to hallucinations. Constant bad dream can cause autoimmune diseases, cancer and depression. During sleep, according to scientists, the brain gets rid of harmful protein, which, accumulating, contributes to the development of senile dementia. If you haven't had enough sleep, drop everything and take a nap right now!

Human sleep is not uniform. While you are resting, the brain continues to work, and in different modes. Scientists have long studied this with the help of an electroencephalogram and, depending on the waves received, they have identified several phases of sleep. It is easiest to wake up immediately after the end of REM sleep, during which he dreams. Waking up to an alarm at any other time, you will feel overwhelmed, even if you slept more than expected.

Waking up at the right time is not an easy task. On average, the entire sleep cycle lasts an hour and a half. When setting an alarm, enter the time in multiples of 1.5 and add the 10-15 minutes you need. If you stick to a routine of going to bed and getting up at the same time, it will be easier for you to wake up rested.

Get a smart alarm clock - a device that calculates the owner's sleep phase and wakes him up at the most auspicious time within the given range.

Excess melatonin

American scientists also became interested in the phenomenon of fatigue after a long sleep and conducted research on volunteers suffering from drowsiness and fatigue. It turned out that all these people have too high level melatonin in . Normally, this hormone is released in the evening, when it's time to fall asleep, and is destroyed by morning. However, the pace of life modern man can this process. Most people go to bed not at sunset and sunrise, as before, but after shifting this time by several hours. And, having felt drowsy, not everyone immediately goes to bed. Someone watches the movie, someone continues to update their page on the Internet. As a result, natural biorhythms are disturbed. Melatonin is not destroyed in time, and the person does not feel rested.

The best way out of this situation is also to follow the regimen. Go to bed earlier, wake up earlier, and by all means do it at the same time.

If you are unable to change the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness in the city, go to nature. Far from the temptations of civilization, it will be easier for you to get used to falling asleep early.

chronic fatigue syndrome

The scourge of the 21st century is chronic fatigue syndrome. This disease is difficult to diagnose. Also, not every person who feels tired for several days after sleep is sick with this ailment. You should be worried if the feeling of weakness after a long sleep does not go away for several months. It is also difficult for you to carry out your work and the usual daily activities. Loss of desire to communicate with other people. The patient feels anxiety, is constantly in a depressed state. If you notice these symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Fatigue and apathy after a long day at work is normal and natural. To get back to normal, it is enough for a healthy person to sleep well or just survive until the weekend. But if even rest does not help you get back on track, it's time to think about a visit to the doctor.

When you wake up in the morning, do you struggle to get dressed and feel lethargic for the rest of the day? On weekends, you do not have enough strength and desire even for a walk, and even more so on weekdays? After walking a couple of flights of stairs, are you ready to collapse from weakness? All of these signs may indicate serious problems with health; some of them, however, can be solved independently, while others require the help of a specialist. The authors of the book “Your Body's Red Light Warning Signals”, published in America, named the 8 most common causes of constant fatigue.

1. Lack of vitamin B12

This vitamin helps the nerve and red blood cells in your body function. The latter, in turn, are involved in the transport of oxygen to the tissues, without which the body cannot process nutrients into the energy it needs. Hence the weakness in B12 deficiency. This condition can also be recognized by other signs: for example, it is very often accompanied by diarrhea, and sometimes by numbness of the fingers and toes and memory problems.

What to do. Vitamin deficiency is detected with a simple blood test. If he shows positive result, most likely you will be advised to eat more meat, fish, dairy products and eggs. The vitamin is also available in medicinal form, but it is poorly absorbed and is usually prescribed only in extreme cases.

2. Vitamin D deficiency

This vitamin is unique because it is produced by our own body. True, for this you need to spend at least 20-30 minutes in the sun daily, and the latest criticism of tanning enthusiasts does not contribute to this at all. The press is full of warnings that the passion for sunbathing threatens premature aging, age spots and cancer. This is partly true, of course, but excessive caution is no less dangerous to health. Vitamin D deficiency, doctors warn, can result in heart problems, high blood pressure, neurological disorders, and some types of cancer.

What to do. Vitamin D levels are also checked with a blood test. You can replenish it with a fish diet, eggs and liver. But sunbathing is also necessary. 10 minutes in the fresh air a day will be enough to get rid of fatigue.

3. Taking medication

Read the package leaflet of the medicine you are taking. Perhaps among the side effects are fatigue, apathy, weakness. However, some manufacturers may "hide" this information from you. For example, antihistamines (used for allergies) can literally drain your energy even though you won't read it on the label. Many antidepressants and beta-blockers (drugs for hypertension) have a similar effect.

What to do. Each person reacts to medications differently. The shape and even the brand of the drug can be important. Ask your doctor for a different one - maybe switching pills will get you back in shape.

4. Malfunction of the thyroid gland

Thyroid problems can also manifest as weight fluctuations (especially difficulty losing weight), dry skin, chills, and menstrual irregularities. This typical signs hypotreiosis - decreased activity thyroid gland, due to which the body lacks metabolic-regulating hormones. In a neglected state, the disease can lead to joint diseases, heart disease and infertility. 80% of patients are women.

What to do. Go to an endocrinologist and decide how intensive treatment you need. As a rule, patients have to sit on substitution for the rest of their lives. hormone therapy though the results justify the means.

5. Depression

Weakness is one of the most frequent companions depression. On average, about 20% of the world's population suffers from this scourge.

What to do. If you do not want to take pills and go to a psychologist, try to play sports. Physical activity is a natural antidepressant, promoting the production of the “happiness” hormone serotonin.

6. Problems with the intestines

Celiac disease, or celiac disease, occurs in about 1 in 133 people. It lies in the inability of the intestines to digest the gluten of cereals, that is, if you sit on pizza, cookies, pasta or bread for a week, bloating, diarrhea, discomfort in the joints and constant fatigue begin. That body reacts to a lack of nutrients that it cannot receive due to the inability of the intestines to absorb them.

What to do. First, go through several tests to make sure that the problem is really in the intestines. In some cases, endoscopic examination is required to confirm the diagnosis. If the answer is yes, you will have to seriously reconsider your diet.

7. Heart problems

About 70% of women who have had a heart attack complain of sudden and prolonged attacks of weakness and constant fatigue that preceded a heart attack. And although the heart attack itself passes in fair half humanity is not so painful, the percentage of deaths among women is constantly growing.

What to do. If you have other symptoms of heart problems - decreased appetite, difficulty breathing, rare but sharp pains in the chest - it is better to contact a cardiologist. You may need an electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram, or ultrasound of the heart. Treatment depends on results. As a preventive measure for heart disease, you can change your diet to a low-fat diet and do light exercise.

8. Diabetes

This insidious disease has two ways to wear you down. First, when the patient's blood sugar level is too high, glucose (that is, potential energy) is literally flushed out of the body and wasted. It turns out that the more you eat, the worse you will feel. By the way, the state of constantly elevated blood sugar has its own name - potential diabetes or prediabetes. This is not yet a disease, but it manifests itself in the same way in enduring fatigue.

The second problem is a strong thirst: the patient drinks a lot, and because of this, he gets up several times a night “out of need” - what a healthy dream there is.

What to do. Other symptoms of diabetes are frequent urination, increased appetite and weight loss. If you suspect that you have this disease, The best way check your suspicions - donate blood for analysis. If you have diabetes, you will need to follow a diet, check your blood sugar regularly, take medication, and possibly exercise. If you are diagnosed with prediabetes, "weight loss and increased physical activity can prevent the condition from getting worse.

Feeling tired after a day at work This is a natural phenomenon and does not cause anxiety. But when a person, getting up in the morning after a long normal sleep, feels lethargic, overwhelmed, tired, it is worth considering. After all, such a state of affairs cannot be called normal. Weakness, apathy, lethargy, endless fatigue, drowsiness, the desire to lie down, the constant expectation of the weekend - this is familiar to many. We need to look for reasons. We will analyze what could be the reasons for this condition and what needs to be done.

It is both cause and effect at the same time. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a complex of symptoms, the causes of which can be many deviations in health. One of the reasons, and perhaps the most important, is psychological. Frequent stressful situations, psychological stress, troubles following one after another - all this cannot but affect the state of human health. It is as if all the forces leave him, and sometimes he is not able not only to work, but also to perform some simple actions. A companion of this pathology is migraine.

A psychologist, psychotherapist or even a psychiatrist can help to cope with this scourge. It is also necessary to reconsider your life values ​​and priorities. Perhaps you are not aware that something else is oppressing you and subconsciously carry it with you for many years.

and D

Yes, sometimes the cause of fatigue is quite primitive - the lack of certain vitamins. Vitamin B12 is responsible for the functioning of nerve cells and red blood cells. Red blood cells deliver oxygen to the tissues, without which nutrients cannot be converted into the necessary energy. That is why there is weakness. Usually, with a deficiency of vitamin B12, along with weakness, diarrhea appears, fingers and toes go numb, and memory problems occur. Meat, fish, dairy products and eggs will help solve the problem of vitamin B12 deficiency.

It is more difficult with vitamin D. It is a unique vitamin and is produced by the body itself due to exposure to sunlight. 30 minutes in the sun is enough to get a small dose of vitamin D. This is why a person usually feels more tired in winter than in summer. The level of this vitamin can be checked with a blood test. Fish diet, eggs, liver can help replenish the missing vitamin. And do not forget about sunbathing - walk more.


Many medicines have such side effects- apathy, weakness, fatigue, lethargy. However, some manufacturers do not mention this at all. These medications include antihistamines, which greatly drain energy, but the annotation does not say anything about this. Antidepressants and high blood pressure medications have the same effect. The conclusion is simple - review what you drink, consult a specialist.

Thyroid problems

Typically, such problems are accompanied by weight changes, dry skin, or vice versa, excessive sweating, menstrual irregularities, chills, and hair loss. Such signs indicate a thyroid disease that has arisen. I'll have to visit an endocrinologist. It is absolutely impossible to start the disease.

Bowel disease, heart disease, diabetes

The inability of the intestines to digest the gluten of cereals leads to celiac disease. Bloating, diarrhea, discomfort in the joints - all this is accompanied by severe constant fatigue. The body gives a signal - there are not enough nutrients, the intestines are unable to absorb them. Here you have to give up bread and pasta, pizza, cookies, buns and other things. But this is not enough - it will be necessary to pass the necessary tests so that the diagnosis is confirmed and treatment is prescribed.

After a heart attack, fatigue and lethargy are also often observed, especially in the morning. It is necessary to change the diet, eat low-fat foods, exercise.

Diabetes is an insidious disease that has two ways to wear you down. When sugar levels are too high, glucose (potential energy) is flushed out of the body. So it turns out: the more you eat, the worse you feel. At the same time, diabetes manifests itself precisely in persistent exhausting fatigue. And the second way in diabetes is a strong thirst: a person is constantly thirsty, even gets up at night, because of which sleep is disturbed, fatigue appears. In the case of diabetes, a strict diet is needed, without which the disease cannot be defeated, physical education, weight control.

Everyone knows the feeling of fatigue, lethargy and some irritability, which sometimes happens after sleep. What is the reason for this, and is there any explanation for this? Certainly yes.

Causes of fatigue after sleep have a clear foundation in human physiology. This is what we will tell lovers of interesting facts from the region.

Too much adenosine in the brain

Surely you know that for 8 hours of the night we go through 4-5 cycles of REM and non-REM sleep. Slow-wave sleep has a duration of 1.2-1.5 hours, and REM sleep - 15-30 minutes. REM sleep is quite simple to determine: in this phase eyeballs of a person actively move under the eyelids. By the way, it is in a short cycle that we see dreams.

The first cause of fatigue after sleep can be considered the accumulation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the brain. ATP is the "initiator" of sleep, that is, it suppresses brain activity and stimulates the need to "switch off". Therefore, when there is a lot of it, and we wake up just at this moment, fatigue is guaranteed.


An interesting fact is that co-sleeping affects men and women differently. For example, men respond quite well to co-sleeping with a partner. But women are believed to sleep better when they sleep themselves.

Although if sleep was preceded by sex, then a woman on a subconscious level perceives a dream with a partner as a pleasant necessity, as a result of which she feels good after waking up.

If you are an owl

Conventionally, people are divided into owls (which go to bed late and get up late) and larks (which go to bed early and get up early). So it has been noticed that going to bed late, sooner or later, negatively affects general quality awakening.

Moreover, if you stay awake for a long time at night, this negatively affects memory and intelligence in general, and can even become one of the factors of Alzheimer's disease (senile dementia).

Lack of sugar

The last reason for fatigue after sleep may be a lack of sugar in the body. It turns out that it is sugar consumed just before going to bed that increases the activity of neurons that contribute to a good sleep. By the way, that is why after a hearty lunch we want to take a horizontal position.

After reading this paragraph, interpret it correctly. This does not mean at all that you need to eat a tablespoon of pure sugar at night.

In general, it should be remembered that the norm of sleep for healthy person is 6-8 hours. Too much sleep is just as bad as too little. In everything you should know the measure. Lying down at night in bed, it is advisable not to eat anything “serious” for at least two hours.

Remember that lack of sleep can not only cause fatigue or irritability after waking up, but also provoke the development of a variety of diseases.

Speaking of chronic lack of sleep, you should be aware that it can be the cause of depressive states and general depression, which ultimately leads to physiological diseases.

Finally, we present extremely interesting fact about a person's dream. The fact is that we are arranged in a fantastically complex way. So it has been proven many times that a person is able to “deceive the brain”, convincing him that you have had enough sleep.

This mental attitude is not just a “crutch”, but quite a working technique. Try it, the results will surprise you, although here you should not abuse the "trust" of the brain. As the ancients said: “Everything in small quantities is medicine, and in large quantities it is poison.”

site wish you excellent health!

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