The dream book is carried by the current. I dreamed that I was carried away by the current of the river in a dream

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

If a person falls into a river and water gets into his mouth, he will become an important person.

If he drowns in the river and still swims up, then in reality he will become rich.

If he plunges into the river with his clothes on, in reality he will stand firmly on his feet.

If he falls into the water and swims against the current, this means that his enemy will provide him with help and service.

If he goes with the flow, then his enemy will refuse to help him.

Sailing in stormy waters means litigation.

Washing in the river means loss.

Crossing the river means trouble.

Coming out of a river in a dream means good news.

Building a dam on a river is a harbinger of difficult times.

Catching a turtle in the river promises sadness; snake - wealth; fish - fulfillment of heart desires.

If a person carries clay from the river, then in reality he will build a new house.

Diving into the river means that sadness will not touch him.

If he approaches the river and sees a snake, his son will glorify his family.

Interpretation of dreams from the Assyrian dream book

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What current did you dream about?

In what direction did you move relative to the current in your sleep?

Dreaming of moving with the flow▼

Move with the flow - what will happen to you in the near future will cause you the strongest emotions, even nervous shock.

I dreamed of moving against the current▼

You move against the flow - you will have to fiercely defend your right to exist.

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Did you dream about a Current, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Current in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Today I dreamed that while I was crossing the river, I was carried away by a strong current. At first I called for help and they even tried to help me, but then I myself began to grab onto the vegetation on the shore and still saved myself.
    Please tell me what this means, thanks in advance)

    a river with a strong current, people were standing around watching me go into the water, the current almost knocked me off my feet, but I resisted, I began to come out of the water, people looked at it and were happy, another one came in after me, he was washed away. the river flowed into the sea or ocean

    Hello, today I had a dream in which a very stormy current was not going down some slope like in life, but on the contrary up, which is not very natural, in this dream my friend was nearby! Thanks in advance my email

    I saw my parents' house. There are trees near the house, an aryk and a bench, just like it was in childhood when my parents were alive. The water in the ditch flowed clean and the ditch was full. and turned and thought. Now I’ll sit on a bench and look at the water

    hello, I had a dream as if I was walking across a river, at first there was no water and then a large stream appeared and knocked me off my feet and the water is cold, I I’m trying to get up but I can’t, I’m falling, I’m scared, the water is getting bigger and bigger, I’m afraid of drowning, and at that moment I wake up

    me and my friends were swimming in the river and suddenly the current of the river began to carry us away, but we grabbed onto a tree branch and climbed out of the water, the water was clear and clear, but there were algae there, and I am very afraid of algae

    My husband and I were walking and I fell into the river. I was carried away from the shore by the current, it was very fast and I couldn’t get out, I asked my husband to help, but he just stood there. Some man helped me, he seemed to be doing scuba diving, so he pulled me to the shore

    My friends and I went to my village. When we were near the river, which was deep in some parts, one of my friends’ clothes was carried away by the wind towards the river. Without any hesitation, I followed her, where it was not yet deep. But then the thing disappeared from sight, it either drowned or was carried away by the current.
    When I returned, I told my friend that I couldn’t save her thing, but after that I saw a ball that smoothly landed in the water. He was so beautiful that I followed him, but then he also disappeared from sight, but this time I dived. Not seeing the ball at the bottom, I surfaced and was about to swim to the shore, when suddenly the current carried me away. I tried to dive out twice, but to no avail. And yet, I swam to some rock and started trying to get out, and it was almost the end, but I got caught on some sticky-looking algae and so my hands slipped, and I fell into the water again.
    The current carried me a little away from this rock, but I caught on to another one. And everything was almost the same, I tried to climb, although I didn’t know how to pull myself up, which made it very difficult for me. The last push remained the same. But I felt that a piece of rock would break off and fall into the water again. This is where a little absurdity begins, as often happens in dreams. I take out my phone and press the button with the room and magically appear in this room.
    There was also something like a quarrel with a friend, but then I and another friend faced off with her, but I don’t remember exactly when the quarrel itself started before the river or after.

    in this dream I was at home, watching a webinar of a specific person. They showed huge deserts, some majestic statues carved on the rocks. I had to put it on “stop” because my dad told me it was time to go to bed, and I didn’t do my homework (apparently my mom woke me up at the same time. It was already late in the evening, and she suggested making the bed and going to bed for the night. But I didn’t do my homework, and even when I woke up, I repeated my phrase from the dream: “The lessons won’t write themselves.” Then I saw footage from today, but soon the dream changed - I was in some place where a river flowed. I put my hand into it to feel the flow. The water was pleasant and warm. Then I lowered my other hand and noticed that the river had a double current - my hands were trying to meet each other, I felt these currents with my hands. Then I went on an excursion to a big house. It was huge, but made of iron. Everything was such a metallic, unpleasant color. It looked sad, because it was also almost completely empty.


    The dream was short and I dreamed early in the morning. I, my friend (until such a long time, I felt sympathy) and my girl walked along a wooden bridge and broke into two parts, we stumbled in the muddy water of the color of white clay, which was rushing with a real boat Stu, then high banks appeared, And at one moment the head of that girl, who was with us, fell into a narrow gap between the banks, and I spent the whole hour trying to turn them off and, at the end of my sleep, crawled onto one of the banks

    I dreamed of a river with a strong current, dark in color because it was very deep, but the water in it was clear, because I walked along the shore, and then a strong wave covered me 3 times, but I remained in place because I was holding on to a pole - I no longer see this dream again, with every dream there is a new continuation.

    there is a clear sea current not far away, I swim then I fall into the current and it carries me very fast along it, but I calmly walk towards the shore and see a beautiful stranger in a swimsuit, she smiles pleasantly at me))

    In the dream, I am in the middle of a stream in the water and draw a tree. It turned out very beautiful, powerful, a big tree, but without foliage. And this tree was covered with snow. But suddenly the flow of the stream carries away this tree, I tried to return it (drawing of a tree), but nothing worked. I returned to the middle of the stream again and began to draw, as if from the other side, I did not understand what I was drawing, but suddenly a rainbow appeared in the reflection of the stream and I began to paint my drawing with the colors of the rainbow, my drawing became colorful.

    Hello Tatyana, I had a dream and I would like to know whether it means something or not. I am standing in front of a large body of water that looks like a lake, partly near the shore there is thin ice and from under it the heads of dolphins stick out, on the left there is a fence separating this body of water from another (on the water that behind the fence there seems to be an ocean and there are ships there) I go into the water to pet the dolphins, the ice breaks (but there’s not much of it, it’s only in pieces near the shore), I go deeper, about waist-deep, and suddenly I’m suddenly carried away the current, I resist, I try to go to the shore, but it still carries me away, it carries me quite quickly and I can’t do anything, I don’t really panic, and then someone saves me, but I can’t understand or remember who, it’s There was definitely someone male, he saved me, and then I seemed to wake up. I’ll be grateful if you help)

    I dreamed that I was standing either on a bridge or on a reservoir. A boy was jumping from it and the current began to carry him away. I looked and was afraid to jump to save him. But the man standing next to him jumped after the child. I woke up. I generally often dream about something boy. But he either lets you know that he is there and doesn’t show up, then I see a monument with his photo, then this is a dream. Thanks in advance

    I dreamed that I dived into the water, it was not a river, it was the sea, I dived so far from the shore that it began to be carried away by the current, it was very strong, it was scary, but I was able to get out literally in one second.

    I found myself in the sea where a fast current began to carry me away, after which I tried to get out, clinging to the snow-covered edge of the shore, but as soon as they began to approach me Native sister the snow began to fall. After which my mother, making another attempt to pull me out, grabbed me sharply, but together we flew into the sea, which was blue but not cold, and I woke up. Before that, in the same dream, I observed large swimming turtles on which my second cousin’s child-boy was riding.

    It's like a planet where planes land. I came out of the door and there was water, entering the water suddenly a strong current appeared and carried me away, but it didn’t overwhelm me, the water was just cold, a tree appeared, I clung to it, stood on the bottom and it became warm, I woke up

    Today I dreamed that I was on a river and fell into the water, the water was dirty and there was a strong current, it began to carry me away, I began to cling to the concrete edge of the pier, but the current was so strong that I tore off my fingertips until they bled, after which it became very painful for me I let go of the edge, and it began to carry me away, and it carried me away so quickly that I didn’t even understand, but in the end I swam to the other side.
    What does this all mean? Please tell me)

    I dreamed that I was going on a bus to our former dacha, and everywhere there was a lot of water and a very strong current. We drove on, and when the water stopped we jumped out of the bus on some street. And I woke up.

    Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that I was hiding from something on the roof of a house. Suddenly a flood of dirty, dark water sweeps me away. I take a deep breath and try to hold my breath to stay underwater until the water goes away. Then the tide went out, and I was on the street, in a strange city, country, curled up in a ball on the road, naked. She got up and walked down the street. Someone gave me some clothes and food. I remember that my soul was very heavy.

    Hello! My name is Katya, yesterday my mother dreamed that I was being carried away by a river, but I was smiling, my mother called my dad for help, then my brother came running, after that my mother woke up and was very scared. What does it mean?

    A day ago I dreamed that I had to go to the Vrlny River, and the road was flooded with a strong current, I was afraid to go there. And today I dreamed that my husband and I were on the shore, I was carried to the middle of the river by the current, I got out, came to the place and my husband went to look for me, I tried to call him on his cell phone and woke up.

    I was walking through some unfamiliar places hand in hand with my ex-boyfriend, with whom I broke up three months ago. I don’t think about him at all, and if I think, it’s only that I regret the time I spent on him, I don’t love him, and he doesn’t love me. this is by the way. for some reason we walked hand in hand. and in a dream I felt that we were not communicating and suddenly for some reason we met. It seemed like they were talking about something. they called him, and I was still walking and thought who was calling him interestingly, a new girl or someone else. and at that moment we found ourselves on the embankment, also unfamiliar to me. and I stumble or I don’t know what, but I fall into the river. it turned out to be a river. it is small, you can see the banks, they are right next to each other, as if it were some kind of small pond in appearance. the guy sees that I fell and gives me his hand. I don’t remember the moment, but he himself ends up in the water. and I suddenly begin to be carried away by the current. I'm moving away very quickly. he is shocked, he looks, for some reason he is not carried away by this current. he tries to swim to me, but is carried away in the other direction. he swims towards me with all his might, and he begins to carry me away even more, the river turns out to be even longer than it looks. and somehow he swims up, grabs my hand, at first there was a moment and we began to be carried away together, but suddenly we jerked and ended up on the shore. and for some reason they fell in their clothes. and once on the shore, we began to look for clothes. then we calmly went somewhere. some unfamiliar places, houses that look like a village. I’ve been dreaming about a village like this, some barns, half-abandoned wooden houses often lately. and it seemed like the dream ended, or there was something else, but I don’t remember

    This is not the first time I have had this dream. It all starts with the fact that I go swimming in a river, and the time of year is either early spring or mid-autumn, so the water is dark, muddy, and the weather is cloudy. I see that there are a lot of people on the river (which is unremarkable for this place); the river is located next to my dacha. And somehow I fall into the water and am carried away by the current, the current is VERY fast, once I remember for sure that I managed to get out of there, but today I failed. I will be grateful for your help

    At first I just dreamed of water with a strong current, then it seemed as if water began to flow underground, the earth began to shake. I could barely escape from there)). Then I met some racers, as if they were performing at a rally. I stopped them I told them that they couldn’t go there, of course they didn’t believe me, and when they themselves saw that everything was washing away and fountains were shooting out of the ground, they all turned around and left.

    Hello, I dreamed that my daughter and husband and I were swimming in some river and it was already getting dark. Then I suddenly began to be taken into the depths of the river, I only managed to shout to my husband to hold my daughter (she was in an inflatable ring), then I woke up somewhere far from the shore on earth and went to look for this river. I saw some houses there and scary and scary people in them, I looked for someone’s phone to call, but I was very scared, and then I saw my husband with daughter and woke up. That same night I later dreamed that I was packing my things because my husband was being transferred to work (although he was never transferred and we never moved anywhere), the company rented us a 2-story house, I got a job there, my daughter det. garden, and we were very happy about this move, high salary, different life with new acquaintances. And that night I also dreamed that I was fasting, and somewhere there was a cat visiting two unfamiliar women. they made dumplings, and they treated me to boiled fish, I took it in my hands, and there were only heads and I somehow turned them inside out and ate them.

    I walk along the edge of the clear lake, the shore of the river, I walk together with a friend I don’t know, then the sand begins to drag in, and the sand begins to rise sharply, and I, having stumbled at the depths, the current wears out with unstreamable force, it doesn’t matter for me to eat, but I can’t help it here. What friend wants or doesn't Immediately after the help of the buoy, we immediately reached the shore

    I dreamed that some girl was piercing my body with an object unknown to me, after which I was bleeding, this happens because of some situation in the dream, she named it to me, but unfortunately I don’t remember. Soon 2 or 3 more people (guys) appear, I feel pain and turn to her and say:
    “It hurts!” she takes this object again and pierces some place, but I didn’t even feel that she touched me. I asked what she did and she said she helped me.
    After which everything started to hurt and when I screamed help, no one heard me, and then I somehow found myself on the street (it was night).
    and then my mother woke me up.
    During sleep, I woke up for a couple of seconds and had the feeling that blood was flowing.

    I had a dream from Friday to Saturday. I dreamed that at first I was sitting on a chair in the river almost next to the shore and thinking about how I could get to the shore. The river was clean, but with a fast current (in the dream I realized that it was the Katun River). Then I found myself in the water and the current began to carry me away. I clung to an island, but we were swept away. My mother and her friend were present with me in the dream; they were also carried away with me by the current. Soon I saw a man and a child, we grabbed onto them and we got out.
    Please explain why you dreamed about this

    Hello Tatyana! I dreamed that I saw from the window that a house was right on the river and the water was seething all the way to the windows. I got scared in the dream and tried to swim, but it didn’t work out well due to the strong current and pressure of the water. The water in the river is muddy. Somewhere ahead you can see a gap and some kind of boat...

    I dreamed that I entered the Sea and was picked up and carried by the current, I could not resist, then a rescuer on a scooter saved me
    I also dream about a lot of live fish swimming nearby...

    I dream that I am going to the river with my dad. Together we go into the water, he remains near the shore, and I swim away, but then I understand that I am being carried away by a strong current. I manage to get out of the water, but it’s not my dad who’s waiting for me there, but a guy I know.

    In general, I remember that I was on the river bank, in a familiar place, I had been there before, and there was someone I knew nearby, I just can’t remember, and we started talking (talking fun) and I for some reason I walked down this board (It lay half on the land of the shore and half in the water, but the end was not completely visible) and I slipped, and I fell into it, and he looked, I was carried away very quickly that I I couldn’t cope with the current and swim out on my own, I started screaming for help and BANG WOKE UP))

    in one night I had 2 dreams at the beginning I dreamed about how I was walking and saw a river with a waterfall, I want to come closer and in front of me there is not a deep stream, I am trying to cross it, it is shallow, but I slip and cannot cope with the current, it carries me away, I ask for help, but no one helps me, then I end up in this big river and there I get sucked in, I try to get out and I succeed, then I swim. Second, I’m walking through the forest, someone is chasing me and I try to run away and hide from them in the water, then I swim, but the feeling is the same as if someone is chasing me, then a woman jumps towards me, I fight with her and get out of the water and that’s it

    The cat was catching a fish in shallow waters with a muddy bottom, and a duck was running next to him. I was jumping over a canal with a very fast current and jumped over, but I found myself hanging by my hands and could not get up, I didn’t have enough strength. Meanwhile, the husband easily jumped over the canal towards the water where the cat was

    I crawled out of the hole. There were terrible rags there. I ran away from them. They threw me some kind of garbage and, it seems, feces. I shook my head and ran up to the muddy and shimmering river. Many people entered it and they crossed themselves. I also crossed myself and entered the water - it began to suck me in. I was scared, but I was also turned over on my back in my clothes. And suddenly I felt good - warm, calm and the stream carried me somewhere as if saving from those poor ragamuffins! My name is Natalia. I am 64 years old. my address. Thank you!

    I stood with 2 girls who were many times older than me and there was another guy nearby (who seemed to be an acquaintance). And we stood on a small dam along which water was flowing. And I somehow fell from there or was thrown off, I don’t remember. I was carried to the side by the current, I was a little scared, but I didn’t lose my head and immediately swam ashore against the current.

    I dreamed of a river that either goes up a mountain (inside) or into a cave. We all knew that going with the flow would lead to death.
    We had to go somewhere every day; we could only get there across the river. Where the water was calm there was something like a vine, holding on to it you could get to that place. When I was returning back, someone cut this vine and I was carried away by the current. I was holding on to something. The water hit me in waves, each time stronger and stronger. In the end, I was carried away

    I had a dream yesterday. It’s as if I’m on the Don (river) floating along it on a mattress and far from the shore. The current is carrying me very quickly. The weather is so gray and gloomy. I realized that this is not summer.

    I see as if a dirty strong stream appears on the left side. I'm somewhere close to my street. I see how dirty water floods the street, I am very worried about my dog, who is in an enclosure and I have no way to save her. I see a house on the next street, which doesn’t seem to be very flooded, and in a dream I understand that you can hide in it from trouble, but in my thoughts there is only helplessness, that I won’t be able to help the dog…. And suddenly I wake up. Thanks in advance for your answer!

    Good afternoon

    Good afternoon
    Today I dreamed that my friends and I were relaxing by a lake with a panton bridge to the other side. I don’t know what happened, maybe the weather turned bad, but it started torrent water, large waves rose on the lake and it became more like a mountain river going down. The water was dark, not dirty, just dark, as it usually is on a lake or on skis when it rains. We stood on the shore and watched. I had the idea of ​​crossing the bridge to the other side (I don’t remember why), but I decided not to do this, since the waves were very strong, like on the sea in a storm. Please tell me what it could mean.

    What could it be?

    Hello, today I dreamed that I and a group of people came to the river and I decided to walk around, see the current, there was some kind of cliff nearby, like a waterfall, not big (the cliff wasn’t very felt, like a bank or something, the river is not deep at all, like a stream, literally ankle-deep). despite the fact that the water did not cover us. We crashed into some island of stones, as if the rocks were dry, and for some reason I took the whole blow on myself, so that my friend would not be hurt, based on the fact that she had already helped me
    The place was not very familiar to me, it looked more like some kind of wasteland where there was like a shallow dam

    how my daughter and I ended up in the water and the current separated us and carried us in different directions, the current was very strong, some kind of cycle, the water was muddy, the pond was from our village and I woke up. I had a dream today, Tuesday.

    Hello, please help me understand what's what. I dreamed that I was crossing a river, and the river had a strong current, when I wanted to cross the river, the current began to carry me away and then my neighbor saved me

    Write your dream here (the more detailed, the better)... I dreamed of a house, unfinished, but I knew that it was intended for me. Those. I knew that I would live in it with a certain man. The only thing left to do is repairs. The house is big and I liked it in my dream. I was filled with warm, joyful feelings. But I had never seen this man before, and in my dream too, he seemed to be there, but I didn’t see his face. Then there was some kind of war or battle. It was as if a gang of people attacked us, but we defended ourselves. As we say, my real-life girlfriends were there. And our men defended us. They were wounded but alive. In the dream, I experienced fear and pride that everything ended well. The last thing I dreamed about was that my friend’s man and I went into the river and we floated somewhere with the flow. By the way, this man is married in real life and I do not accept such relationships. What he and his friend have. I don't know him well and I don't like him

    I was in my grandmother’s house, reaching the door of the house, a flood came behind me like a mudslide after rain, then I’m near my parents’ house, trying to get home, there was a big flood, it came from somewhere, a chick, I then got home, I went home on the veranda, my husband was lying drunk and my children sitting nearby in another room on a white bed, my niece was lying with her daughter, and in another bed, the cover of the father came to the bed, there my calm mother and sister were nearby

The most detailed description: “the dream book is carried away by the current” - all from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

As the dream book describes, flow is a very interesting symbol, and therefore it is so important to listen to it.

Dream interpreters often focus on the strength of the water current in a night dream, and therefore this part of the night plot cannot be ignored.

The dreamer is sailing along the river on a boat - to the successful completion of some important matter. Extraordinary events occurring on the water will indicate problems with money, and therefore it is better to be patient.

As the dream book describes, flow is a very interesting symbol, and therefore it is so important to listen to it. .

Dream interpreters often focus on the strength of the water current in a night dream, and therefore this part of the night plot cannot be ignored. . Clean

You may dream of a clear and fast current, predicting the onset of various changes that do not always turn out to be favorable. If you cannot change the situation, then you will have to change your attitude towards it.

According to another interpretation, a clean and transparent flow predicts happy experiences. However, the dreamer must understand that nothing in this life happens just like that; a lot of effort will have to be made to realize what is planned.

Seeing dirty muddy water in a dream

Watching a dirty and smelly current means difficult times that will bring a lot of troubles. It is important to remember the scale of the water flow:

  • wide - to unpleasant experiences and bitter tears;
  • narrow - to the appearance of minor incidents that can bring a lot of profit.

Seeing a stormy stream at sea with the inclusion of various debris means numerous losses. Dream interpreters write that the dreamer will have to reconsider his life strategy, since it no longer corresponds to modern realities. It is important not to despair in such a situation.

It is possible to establish the exact cause of a night dream only after you are able to remember your own actions.

Fight the elements in a dream

Going against the flow means the beginning of a fierce struggle not only professionally, but also personally. Dream books report the appearance of uninvited guests who want to destroy the usual idyll. The main thing is not to succumb to provocations and continue on your way to the goal.

If in a dream you had to fight the current, but it carries you away, this means a serious struggle for a place in the sun. The subconscious has already given a small hint, and therefore all that remains is to use it. The more trump cards you have up your sleeve, the easier it is to achieve your goals.

Being carried away by the current in a night dream is a sign of senseless worries and excitement that have nothing to do with the dreamer. The interpreter advises you to relax and choose the role of an outside observer. This approach will allow you to maintain harmony in your soul.

If you are carried away at sea by a strong current, this will lead to serious financial problems that you will have to deal with. If a sleeping person does not resist, then in reality it is difficult for him to constantly pay attention to his goal.

If a person in a dream, while swimming across a river, got entangled in algae, but was able to get out of it, then he should not worry about his life. In the near future, luck will be on his side, and he will cope with any controversial or unpleasant situations.

If he swam at night, it means that in reality a situation will happen in which a person will feel truly helpless. And he will have to act blindly.

The main thing is not to swim down the river naked. Because this usually portends an awkward situation that could affect the dreamer's reputation.

As you can see, the same vision can have many interpretations

This is why it is so important to pay attention to details and not limit yourself to just one dream book.

  • If the current in a dream was swift and sharp, real life will present equally drastic changes. There is a high probability that they will be negative.
  • The interpretation will also depend on what the water was like. If it is as clean as a tear, it means you will be happy, but a dirty stream promises pain and suffering.
  • Was the stream wide in the dream? In reality, a danger awaits you that will make you shed bitter tears. A narrow stream promises minor troubles and spiritual anguish.
  • There is another interpretation of what dreams of a rapid flow of dirty water mean. In reality, you will have to go on a trip, which will be risky, but if successful, will bring good income.
  • Have you seen a pile of wood chips and debris carried by a strong current? The dream book says that you will suffer or have already suffered significant losses, and will be forced to start life from scratch.

To a calm, prosperous, stable life. Overboard there is a quiet, calm surface of water - deep feelings, love. Clear water overboard - success in business and happiness in family life. Making a boat - a business that you started recently will bring recognition from your colleagues. Crossing the river - in a dispute you will emerge victorious. Under sail - fulfillment of the plan. Sailing with someone - you will find yourself in a cheerful, friendly company. Winning boat competitions means overcoming financial problems. Getting on a boat means a series of successes awaits you. Walking in a boat with company is a promotion. Set sail from the shore - to a long and interesting, possibly foreign trip or journey. Scooping water out of a boat means unexpected wealth. Rescue boat - you will avoid great misfortune. Mooring to the shore means a change of residence. A submarine means that a marriage agreement will soon be concluded. Imagine that your boat is large, strong, and roomy. You float on it along the calm waters of a large river.

If you can distinguish truth from lies, the information received can help you in an important matter. Imagine that the stormy waters calm down, the turbidity settles and you see a clean, quiet river.

If we are talking about a stormy stream, then it also happens at sea. The dream interpreter considers such a plot symbolic, since a difficult test will soon begin, which must be overcome with dignity. A strong current at sea also indicates an unpleasant dispute. The sleeper may have to give up being right while maintaining warm relations with his opponent.

The dreamer is sailing along the river on a boat - to the successful completion of some important matter. Extraordinary events occurring on the water will indicate problems with money, and therefore it is better to be patient

A not very strong stream, carrying a person along with it, will mark the receipt of help. I dreamed of a mountain current - to senseless debts. Dream books do not advise taking out loans if you are not sure of the successful implementation of your plans.

It also wouldn’t hurt to look into it if a person happened to sail on a boat in a dream along the river. The interpreter recommends remembering the weather conditions that prevailed during the boat trip. Was it sunny and calm? This is for success in enterprises, prosperity and joy. Was there a storm brewing and clouds were gathering in the sky? Then you should prepare for failure, poverty and grief.

Was the raging river so wide that no end was visible? This portends a long and interesting trip. If a person was in a boat with someone, then perhaps he will soon change his place of residence.

Another good sign is a vision in which one happened to cross a pond in the company of several rowers joyfully singing funny songs. Such a plot portends success in the business started. But if you happen to sail on a boat along a river in a dream, alone and in absolute silence, it means that a person will move away from the one he considered closest, which he will later regret.

According to him, the river is the personification of a person’s vital and sexual energy, as well as his direction in life. This leads to interesting explanations for the vision.

A stormy river, for example, foreshadows a relationship with a person with whom the dreamer will have an ideal sexual compatibility. In such a union there will be no place for boredom and monotony - only unbridled passion and ardor. But if the body of water was very calm, even seemingly motionless, a relationship will begin with someone who does not suit the dreamer’s temperament.

But that’s not all that such a dream can portend. The river, which seemed transparent and very picturesque, is considered the personification of independence and freedom. Dirty and muddy streams, in turn, promise troubles and quarrels. The shallows indicate a person’s lack of energy, a difficult period in his life and sexual problems.

See hopes, dreams, plans; parting; a child who has become an adult and leaves his mother.
Swim with change, take a certain course in life, a strategic life plan, a career, arranging your personal life for a woman (negatives and obstacles to the implementation of such a plan can be indicated by: strong waves, muddy water, pitching, storm, breakdowns, etc.).
Get off the ship marriage; pension, old age (idiom: “from the ship to the ball”). A ship sailing in the sky is happiness; death for the sick.
A warship is an additional indication of some kind of statehood, the protection of some (vital) borders, trials, hardships, threat.
The ship is sinking, sunken ships are the collapse of all plans and hopes. The death of the ship, see Incidents.

Are you being carried along by a fast current, in a river with pitfalls, and you don’t try to resist? Life is preparing a new turn - you will lose everything, having experienced all the hardships of extreme need. If you are trying to resist the flow, but you are not succeeding, it means that in reality you have lost control over what is happening, and this is taking you further and further from your goals.

The current is not so strong, but you still get carried away? You won't be left alone when times get tough - someone will lend a helping hand. What can waters of a mountain river mean in a dream? The dream book warns of a considerable risk - in case of failure, you will find yourself in debt and suffer a lot of grief.

To understand what this vision is about, the dream book recommends recalling your actions. If you happen to go against the flow, then there will be a fierce struggle both in business and in love.

The dream book advises to take this dream literally. And if you had to fight in the night, then the same will happen in the real world. But don’t give up - you have been warned, which means it will be much easier to deal with difficulties.

Did you dream that you were swimming along its course? The dream promises worries and worries about events that will not affect you personally, but will become the subject of general discussion.

The Dreamer is floating along the River with some Person - this symbolizes universal human earthly goals, the course of life, which changes according to the Dreamer’s personal choice (finding her own independent path), and she now (!) has enough strength for this (The Dreamer is sailing on an inflatable Boat along river, against the current - this is the Dreamer’s resilience in life and the ability to withstand the unfavorable circumstances of life).

Medicine for Toothache - symbolizes in reality all those conscious measures that the Dreamer takes to quickly improve her situation.

A clean and well-groomed Mouth symbolizes in reality the Dreamer’s Personal Space and her own personal needs (which are in agreement with her Soul).

The dream is very favorable!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

The first thing you should do is contact him. Have you ever sailed along the river? The dream book recommends remembering exactly what it was like. Quiet and calm? This suggests that soon a person will be able to enjoy intoxicating joys, and his well-being will become even better than before. It is possible that new opportunities will appear to realize your potential.

A muddy and restless river, unfortunately, is considered a harbinger of misunderstandings and squabbles. If it has also overflowed its banks, then you should expect troubles related to work. Perhaps something will happen that will damage your reputation. A dry reservoir promises approximately the same thing.

But the most important thing is that a person who happened to swim along a clear river in a dream does not see sunken corpses at its bottom. Since such a turn of events portends a loss of luck and joy.

A light boat in a dream: symbolizes not very big things and adventures, usually of a personal nature. Waves rocking the boat: mean your worries and experiences. Seeing a boat sailing in the distance: a sign that soon you may feel the need to somehow diversify or even change your life. Moreover, the farther the boat is, the stronger your desire may be. Sailing on a boat on calm, clear water: a sign of small but pleasant undertakings. At the same time, if the boat is leaking or you feel painful calluses on your hands : such a dream warns that your frivolous undertakings may backfire on you. A storm threatening your boat in a dream: indicates that you seem to have poorly thought out your affairs, and events may take you by surprise. It is easy to sail a boat with a fair sail wind: a harbinger of a successful course of your personal affairs. Submarine - deep self-knowledge; hidden danger.

A modern dream book can tell you about this. If a person crossed the river not by himself, but in company with someone, it means that in real life he will be given a lot of joy by the company of people who adore entertainment. The only important thing is that the boat does not capsize. Because this vision promises financial ruin and warns a person about the risk of getting involved in a risky but tempting business.

Was the water calm? This means strong self-confidence that a person will not lose for a long time. And you need to follow this feeling, because it only adds to your luck.

Stormy waves, in turn, indicate that a person will have to go through a lot of obstacles before he achieves his happiness. But not when the reservoir is shallow. Crossing a stormy but shallow river warns of frivolous actions that will be regretted in the future.

If the dreamer was sailing in a boat with someone who is his “soul mate,” one can rejoice - such a vision is considered a harbinger of a happy personal life.

To interpret the dream most accurately, remember how you behaved during it. If you wandered against the current, fighting the water flow, it means that in reality you will fight both for the right to be first and for your loved one. But, having seen this, you should not give up - otherwise, how will you be able to face difficulties? The dream book is encouraging - you have received a warning about upcoming hardships, which means you will be ready to face them.

Did you dream that you allowed yourself to be carried away by the current? Some events will become public, they will be discussed at every corner, but the problem will not affect you personally in any way.

The image of a river in a night dream is associated with the passage of time, the transition from the present to the future. Such a dream foretells success and prosperity if the water is clean and clear, and misfortune in different areas of life if the water is dirty and cloudy.

To find out what else a river means in a dream, you need to remember the smallest details of the dream and compare them with several proven dream books.

Miller's Dream Book

calm river predicts a stable period in life, financial wealth and prosperity, as well as getting a chance to realize oneself. Muddy, dirty water promises disagreements with loved ones, a quarrel with your superiors, or an accidental conflict that will have huge consequences.

If in a dream a river suddenly appeared in front of a person, then this is a harbinger of imminent troubles in the service. The dreamer, with his rash actions, will provoke a series of events that will lead to his collapse.

Seeing ice on a river in a dream is a negative sign. Such the dream portends various troubles, in addition, some ill-wisher wants to harm you.

Swimming in river waters in a dream means the dreamer's firm decision to follow his dream no matter what. Finding yourself in the company of drowned people or drowning indicates that luck will not smile on the dreamer for a very long time, so he will have to rely only on his own strength.

Dry river - to painful losses and strong feelings.

Freud's Dream Book

A river flooding in a dream suggests that in reality, the dreamer has secret intimate fantasies that he is afraid to tell his partner about. For men, the dream indicates the excessive modesty of his partner, to whom he is even afraid to propose such experiments.

Float with the river means that a person completely surrenders to his feeling of falling in love in reality, without noticing anything around. For a woman, such a dream indicates her falling in love with a person who is not worth it.

Vanga's Dream Book

Fall into the river in a dream means that the dreamer’s affairs will soon improve and he will receive a lucrative job offer. The dream also promises material gain.

Fall into the river with your clothes on means that neither the dreamer nor his loved ones will need anything. Swimming against the flow of the river speaks of the strength of character of the sleeper, which will help him cope with all trials.

Swim ashore from a stormy stream denotes that after several obstacles and trials the person will finally become rich.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Wash with river water promises loss and anxiety. Swimming across a river in a dream means that in reality a person will have to face serious troubles. Swimming ashore portends receiving good news.

See how a dam is being built across the river, indicates imminent testing of obstacles on the way. Catching something from the river predicts sorrow and sadness, catching a snake in the water predicts financial well-being. Fishing in the river means winning a love battle, taking your loved one away from the family.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

I dreamed of a clean river in a dream - this denotes satisfaction with your current life and reluctance to change anything in it. Muddy water in the river predicts imminent quarrels and conflicts between the dreamer and people around him.

Falling into the river prophesies an opportunity to prove yourself, to show your talent at its best.

Loff's Dream Book

Washing with water from the river means that the dreamer will have to solve some problems, which without his intervention will increase many times over. Clear water in the river promises good luck and success, while muddy water predicts financial difficulties and possible job loss.

Wash with water from a waterfall or mountain river warns of the danger of getting sick.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Watch the river flow from the shore portends an interesting and long journey or business trip. Swimming in the water promises increased income, promotion, and getting a more profitable and significant place. Rowing a boat on the river predicts a big win or receiving an expensive gift.

Ford or swim across a river indicates many obstacles on the way to what you want.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

A clean and fast river in a dream prophesies many joyful events, reward to the dreamer for years of labor and suffering. Swimming in river water promises an inheritance, enrichment at someone else's expense, or a reward for some service.

Fall into the river in a dream predicts receipt of important news, information that can change the dreamer's current lifestyle.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Spilled river in a dream represents the path that a person follows: if the waters are clean and transparent, then the person will successfully implement all his plans, but if the waters are cloudy, then the person will never achieve anything along this path.

Swim against the tide - This means that in real life a person will begin to lose energy, money, work, affection from people, and health. All this happens because he forgot about his purpose and turned in the wrong direction.

Cross a river in a dream indicates the dreamer's thirst for knowledge, on his desire to constantly study and learn something new.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Watching the river flow in a dream indicates the sleeper’s readiness for change. Swimming in the river means leading people, being a teacher or mentor for someone. Washing things in the river or washing any objects indicates that the dreamer is the master of his own destiny.

Drinking water from the river indicates to increase the dreamer's potential, to develop his talent and inner strength.

Dream Interpretation of Taflisi

Seeing a river in a dream means that the dreamer will soon meet important person which will significantly affect his life. Drinking river water portends receiving help and support from powerful of the world this.

If river water tastes salty, there is a possibility that the dreamer will be forced to commit a crime or he will witness it. If the water turns out to be sweet, then a love interest will interfere in the dreamer’s business matters.

Catch fish from the river portends prosperity and well-being in the sleeping person’s family.

Muslim dream book

Sailing a river on a boat means that the person will soon be busy with important work. Going with the flow indicates luck and success, and the fact that a person is under the protection of higher powers.

Dream book of the 21st century

Watching an object plunge into the river, means the dreamer's involvement in a dubious operation, loss of profit and reputation. Seeing garbage in the river indicates that it is time to start over without regretting the past.

The image of a clean, transparent river portends the receipt of pleasant news or profit, the opportunity to meet interesting people. A muddy, dirty river indicates a difficult period in life, problems and financial losses. Muddy water also promises trials in the love sphere.

Calm river flow talks about small troubles and vanity, and a river with a fast flow means the dreamer is conflicting and uncompromising, which is why he often quarrels with people.

frozen river indicates a period of stagnation and boredom. A dry river means health problems, as well as a person’s tendency to hysterics and despondency.

Big and wide river speaks of the dreamer’s intimate fantasies which he cannot bring to life. A narrow river indicates the sleeper’s dependence on something or someone.

Shallow river - lack of vital energy. Perhaps these are the consequences of exposure to magical rituals.

Dry river means the dreamer takes advantage of someone else's fame or success to increase self-esteem. A mountainous, raging river symbolizes unexpected changes in life, in particular in the personal sphere.

If in a dream a river overflows its banks, then this promises troubles in the service and financial difficulties. If the river has flooded the entire surrounding area, including the sleeping person’s house, this foreshadows the commission of a daring act or a risky action.

If a river spills onto a stone embankment, this promises unexpected enrichment and increased social status dreamer If the water in the river was cloudy, this indicates health problems.

Standing calmly on the bank of the river means a peaceful resolution to the conflict, harmonious, successful relationships with the opposite sex. The dream promises a young girl a move to another city, where she will meet her chosen one.

Standing on the bank of a fast and noisy river speaks of a person’s propensity for risk and adventure. Standing on the shore during a thunderstorm or storm foreshadows a stormy showdown with your significant other, scandals in the family.

Standing on a steep river bank promises danger and trouble related to violation of the law. Standing on the shore and watching fish splash in the water promises monetary reward and profit.

Swimming in the river indicates that a person is at peace with himself and with the people around him. Swimming in muddy water predicts imminent changes in the way of life, the cause of which will be an accident. Swimming in clear water means good health and longevity.

Swim across the river - means to cope with all the trials and obstacles in life. Swimming against the current in a dream means that the sleeper is betraying his dream and following the desires of others. Wading across a body of water indicates the dreamer’s rash actions, taken in the heat of the moment.

Walking along the bottom of a dry river means that the dreamer will achieve his goals easily and quickly. Walking on the surface of the water speaks of receiving a priceless gift from your relative.

Water is a symbol of life, without it it would simply be impossible for humanity to exist. Rivers flowing into oceans and seas are revered all over the world. Often people have dreams like this. Since ancient times, it has been known why a river is dreamed of. But in order to find out the meaning of this dream, it is still better to turn to the dream book.

Dreams in which a person sees a river are considered to be a projection of his own life. It is impossible to unambiguously interpret such a vision. It is necessary to take into account its size, depth, and also pay attention to the banks and the living creatures present in the overall picture:

  • transparent - a period of serenity and calm is expected;
  • cloudy - unpleasant changes are coming;
  • cold - a surprise is expected soon, which can cause not only positive emotions, but also negative ones;
  • fast - life will take on new, bright colors;
  • underground - you should think about your actions, how true they are;
  • frozen – get important information will not succeed in a timely manner;
  • deep - the dreamer will be lucky in business, it is necessary to take advantage of it;
  • seething - the development of events is not in favor of the sleeper;
  • small - you should avoid significant expenses, soon your income will become significantly less;
  • parched - decrease in career ladder, ruin;
  • warm – good luck in business;
  • beautiful - life will become measured and harmonious;
  • black - to achieve the goal, you will have to overcome many obstacles;
  • green – recovery;
  • dairy - welfare and prosperity;
  • white - life change for the better, new romantic relationships are possible;
  • dark - problems in business, a difficult life period is expected;
  • huge - quarrel.

One of the important symbols in a dream is the nature of the flow that characterizes the river. If a person dreamed of a river with a flow, which he closely watched, then in reality he will soon be faced with violent emotions, which, although they will concern not him, but his acquaintances, will not escape the dreamer himself.

  • A rapid flow portends a hectic period of life. Another ominous sign is debris floating on the water. Such a dream can be considered a warning, since health problems, quarrels with those closest to you, and problems at work may soon arise.
  • If in your dreams you had to cross a body of water with a fast current and swim to the opposite shore, then you can soon count on significant success, but to achieve it you will have to work hard.
Rapid flow portends a hectic life period

But a mountain river, characterized by a fast flow and very clear water, indicates that soon life will begin to rapidly change for the better and the dreamer will have difficulty keeping up with the turn of events.

Clean water dreamed of by a sleeping person does not mean anything bad; on the contrary, a person will improve his financial condition, improve his health and improve relationships in his family.

Clean water dreamed of by a sleeping person does not mean anything bad

But in order to clearly understand why such a vision occurred, it is necessary to take into account additional details:

  • large - income will increase significantly and a comfortable life will begin, an important conversation is possible, good news is expected;
  • blue - luck;
  • green – promotion up the career ladder;
  • black – serious problems;
  • stormy - stormy but positive changes are coming;
  • seething - the character of the sleeper will cause stagnation in business, you should be as restrained as possible;
  • stones at the bottom are obstacles that can be easily overcome;
  • stormy mountain - health problems;
  • fast flow - rapid change of events;
  • with fish - the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

A dream in which you have to cross a river may mean that in reality the dreamer is in a hurry in doing business, which is inappropriate. It is recommended not to force things, but to slow down a little.

A dream in which you have to cross a river may mean that in reality the dreamer is in a hurry to do business

The vision in which you have to swim across a body of water has a completely different interpretation. The fulfillment of most desires is expected.

It is worth noting that any attempt in dreams to get to the opposite shore expresses a desire to change one’s own life in reality, to make it much more interesting and richer and to go no matter what to the intended goal. In this case, it matters final result. If you managed to get to the shore, then the goal will certainly be achieved.

Attention should also be paid to how clean the water is. Transparent waters symbolize a happy life, but dirty waters foreshadow quarrels and many problems in both personal and family life.

A river overflowing its banks is not the most favorable sign. If you believe the esoteric dream book, then soon the dreamer may face problems in the work sphere. If the spill led to the fact that the entire area was flooded, then it is quite possible that in reality the dreamer will not do the best thing in his life.

A river overflowing its banks is not the most favorable sign

The modern dream book interprets such a vision differently. River waters go beyond their limits in the dreams of those people who will soon become rich. A comfortable, prosperous life awaits them, in which there will be no financial problems at all.

A dream in which dirty, rather muddy water has overflowed its banks should alert you. It is possible that the sleeper will have serious health problems. You should listen carefully to your own body so as not to neglect treatment.

Naturally, dreams in which a frozen or shallow river is seen have their own meaning. The details in this case are no less important:

  • seeing ice on the water means difficulties in completing the work started, which will come from envious people and ill-wishers;
  • walk on ice - all difficulties will be successfully overcome;
  • the river is wide, and the ice is strong and durable enough - problems will be solved as quickly as possible and will not cause difficulties;
  • a thin crust of ice, upon which you can fall - fear of making an independent decision. The sleeper needs to be more decisive and take responsibility for the actions and deeds that he commits;
  • drying up of the reservoir - there are not enough bright impressions and strong emotions in life. It is possible that there is severe fatigue and there is a need to restore vital energy. It is also possible that an event is expected soon enough that will be unpleasant for the sleeper and will upset him.

The river, however, like all bodies of water, is a favorable symbol. Most often, such visions foreshadow serious changes in life. In this case, it is necessary to remember all the details of the scenario that was seen in the dream: the interpretation depends on them. But even if the dream book does not promise good news, you should not despair. It is quite possible that this is not a harbinger of trouble, but simply a tricky joke of the subconscious.

Did you see a fast-flowing river in a dream? Be prepared for rapid, but most likely not very good changes. Why else do you dream about this plot? The dream book will tell you in detail about the various options for its interpretation.

Miller interprets

If you dreamed of a relatively calm surface of water, then Miller’s dream book prophesies sudden happiness, prosperity and pleasure. But if you happen to see a muddy, fast-moving river, then minor misunderstandings and unpleasant disputes are coming.

Hold on!

Why do you dream of a mountain river with a fast flow? Even if it is crystal clear, the dream book signals a sharp deterioration in health.

A raging mountain river symbolizes in a dream an equally stormy and varied life. Vision means that events will replace each other right before our eyes.

Did you dream about a muddy mountain stream? You run the risk of failure due to your explosive or unyielding nature.

What do you want?

Why do you dream of an unfamiliar river with a fast current? In reality, you will meet a person who completely suits your character.

If the elements literally rage in a dream, then the partner will turn out to be too temperamental and risky. But communication with him will make life much brighter.

Did you happen to see a small but rather fast stream? The dream book is sure that you will commit many frivolous acts or get involved in an insignificant affair that will only bring you worries.

Trouble or luck?

Why do you dream of fast flowing water in river beds? The image hints at numerous troubles and worries, minor disagreements and griefs. Sometimes the interpretation of a dream is strictly positive and promises several happy events in a row.

Did you dream about the rapid movement of dirty water in the riverbeds? Be careful, you are in danger from an invisible danger. If the water was clean, then the dream book promises a successful trip, improved relationships and good luck.

What they were doing?

If you dreamed of an unknown river with a fast current in which you found yourself in a dream, then you need to take into account the decoding of your own actions.

  • Going with the flow means worry, concern for others.
  • Against him is the struggle for survival, competition.
  • Carrying in a stream - need, life's difficulties.
  • Swimming with pleasure means literally being in harmony with the world and time.
  • Wading - fears, anxiety, accusations, troubles.
  • Along the bridge - safety, protection, foresight.

Get ready!

Why do you dream if you had to swim across a very stormy and fast river with great difficulty? The dream book advises you to prepare for the fact that very soon your life will change dramatically.

But if you managed to safely cross a dirty and stormy stream in a dream, then in reality you will get involved in an extremely risky business that will provide you with the rest of your life.

A current is the rapid movement of water, or less often air, in one direction. The current is most pronounced in rivers, although sea and ocean currents are observed. In a figurative sense, this concept is applied to a person’s behavior, as well as to his position in life, when he can swim with the flow or against it.

The symbolism of flow is the flow of events, and in a broader sense, the flow of life. It is from this point of view that most interpreters approach deciphering dreams, where you interact with the flow in one way or another.

It can mean life changes that carry you along with you, and you submit to them or, on the contrary, try to resist them. Sometimes the turbulence is related to emotions or is a symbol of a psychological barrier that you are overcoming.

Children's dream book. Interpretation of the dream “Current”

A dream in which you are carried away by the current is a sign that you have submitted to fate and the circumstances of life are carrying you along with them. To look from the side at a stormy current, especially if it carries away other objects - to be present at someone’s failure and not be able to help in any way.

Dream book for the whole family. I dreamed about a current - what does it mean?

A dream in which you observe sea or ocean waters with a pronounced current in them is a sign that in the near future you will have to prove that you are right and defend your position in a heated argument, and no one around you will share your point vision and support you.

Such events are a test of the strength of your views and your position in life, your ability to resist your environment and defend your point of view and your interests. However, in reality, it is recommended to remain correct and not lead to open conflicts.

Modern dream book. How to understand a dream about flow?

A dream in which you look at a rapid water current or a stormy stream is a harbinger of significant, but most likely not very favorable life changes for you.

If in a dream you completely surrendered to the flow, floating along it, you will have to worry and worry about events that will not directly affect you.

If the current carries you along with it, such a dream foreshadows poverty and cramped material circumstances.


The more rapid the current seen in a dream, the more drastic and unfavorable changes will soon occur in your destiny. A particularly unpleasant dream is one in which a fast current takes you to an unknown place - get ready for deprivation, uncertainty, and the loss of what you are used to.

If you fight with it, try to swim across it, this indicates great efforts that will soon be required of you, and their result depends on the content of the dream. The most favorable dream is one in which you cross a current over a bridge.

A dream in which the smooth flow of a river carries your boat or vessel along beautiful banks can also be favorable - this is a reflection of a successful life path.

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