Religion as one of the forms of culture. Religion as one of the forms of culture Bochkareva T.N., teacher of history and social studies

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

1. Write down the definition of the concept.

Religion is a set of spiritual ideas based on the belief in the existence of God, supernatural forces, and, accordingly, behavior and actions.

2. What is characteristic of religious consciousness?

Faith in God, certain rituals, prayers.

3. What functions does religion perform in the life of a person and society? List the functions and give examples of the implementation of each of them. Fill in the table.

4. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

Religion is one form 3 (A), a way of practical - spiritual exploration of the world by an individual, 6 (B) society as a whole.
In the structure of religion, there are
2 (B) cult, religious relations, institutions and organizations. Religious consciousness presupposes belief in the existence 5 (D) influencing the activity of the individual and society, the possibility of communicating with these forces and influencing them. Thanks to religious faith, certain persons, objects, texts are endowed with religious significance and 1 (E) and are included in the cult.
Scientists identify polytheistic
4 (E) and monotheistic (monotheistic) religions. There are also tribal or archaic (shamanism, quackery, magic, etc.), national (for example, Hinduism, Judaism) and 7 (G) (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam).

Choose sequentially one word after another, filling in each gap.

1) symbolic meaning
2) religious consciousness
3) spiritual life
4) polytheism
5) supernatural powers
6) social group
7) world religions

A-3 B-6 C-2 D-5 E-1 F-4 F-7

5. Read the extracts from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations" and complete the tasks.

Article 3. The right to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.

1. The Russian Federation guarantees freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, including the right to profess individually or jointly with others any religion or not to profess any, to freely choose and change, to have and disseminate religious and other beliefs and to act in accordance with them...
3. Establishing benefits, restrictions or other forms of discrimination depending on the attitude to religion is not allowed.
4. Citizens of the Russian Federation are equal before the law in all areas of civil, political, economic, social and cultural life, regardless of their attitude to religion and religious affiliation. A citizen of the Russian Federation, if military service is contrary to his beliefs or religion, has the right to replace it with alternative civilian service.
5. No one is obliged to report their attitude to religion.... It is prohibited to involve minors in religious associations, as well as teaching minors religion against their will and without the consent of their parents or persons replacing them....

Article 4. State and religious associations.

1. Russian Federation- secular state. No religion can be established as a state or obligatory one. Religious associations are separated from the state and are equal before the law.

1) What, according to the law, includes freedom of conscience and freedom of religion (underline the relevant provision of the law)?

2) Consider why the performance of military service for believers, if necessary, is replaced by an alternative civilian service, and not abolished altogether.

The law is the same for everyone. Therefore, military service cannot be cancelled. You can only replace it.

3) For what purpose, in your opinion, does the law specifically stipulate the right of citizens not to disclose their attitude to religion?

The choice of religion is a personal matter for each person.

4) How does the law protect the rights of minors (underline the relevant provision of the law)?

Why is it necessary to do this?

Involvement in religious associations against the will of a minor and without parental consent is prohibited.

5) What, according to the law, does the term "secular state" mean (underline the relevant provision of the law)?

6. Sociologists interviewed 1,600 Russians to find out their attitude towards religion. It turned out that some of the respondents who declared their faith in God also believe in other supernatural forces. The data obtained are shown in the diagram. Analyze the survey data.

1) How many of the respondents believe only in the existence of God?


2) What other supernatural powers do the respondents believe in?

In aliens, sorcery and magic.

3) Draw three conclusions from the given data.

Least of all respondents believe in aliens. (6%)
Most believe only in God.
21% of respondents believe in God and omens.

4) Explain one of your findings.

Only 6% of respondents believe in aliens, because their existence has not yet been proven.

8th grade

Topic: "Religion as a form of culture."

There is a God, there is a world, they live forever,

And the life of people is instantaneous and miserable,


Who loves the world and believes in God.

N. Gumilyov

Preparatory work: Preparation by students additionally at home. Pupils prepare messages and materials on the topic "World Religions": Buddhism, Islam and Christianity.

Basic concepts: Religion, freedom of conscience, freedom of worship, atheism.

Equipment: multimedia projector, Bible, Quran, icons, handout for students in the form of an information table for self-filling, passages from the Bible, Quran, Buddha's instructions.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment

II. Learning new material:

    Teacher: Learning new material.

Formulation of the problem.Solve the crossword.



8. p




2. about








3. to








4. p










5. and




6. l








7. about











    Special spiritual rules governing human behavior.

    A part of the surrounding world that is different from nature, the world of people and human relations.

    Achievements of people in material and spiritual life.

    Feeling of love for the Fatherland, concern for its interests.

    One of the types of human activity, which is conditional.

    Man as a participant public relations and conscious activity.

    They are always where they are right.

!!! Search keyword ( religion).

The topic of the lesson and goals are announced.

The topic of our lesson today is "Religion as a form of culture"

Pay attention to the lesson plan

    Definition of "religion".

    Features of religious faith.

    Functions of religion.

    Religious organizations and associations.

    Freedom of conscience, freedom of religion.

Questions on this topic:

    What is religion?

    When did the first religions appear?

    What was characteristic of them?

1. The first point of the plan

Let's formulate the questions that we must answer today at the end of the lesson?

(What is religion?)

And I will add one more question that we have to answer: Are culture and religion related?

Teacher . Religion is one of the most significant forms of human culture, which appeared in ancient times.

From the lessons of history, you know that religion, the religious ideas of people, originated a very long time ago, about forty thousand years ago.

At a certain stage in the development of religion, such a social institution as the church appears, which unites people of the same religion, forms uniform canons, dogmas, and norms of behavior.

Religion is of great importance in our time.

The textbook interprets the word "religion" in two meanings (heading "opinion"). Some researchers translate this word from Latin as “to bind”, that is, it means a special, not material, but spiritual connection between the earthly and heavenly (divine) worlds.

According to another interpretation, religion is "piety, a shrine, an object of worship".

Try to independently determine the meaning of the word "religion", based on these translations from Latin ( supposed children's answers: for me, religion is faith and this connection between me and God).

Teacher: Let's answer the question: What is religion?

Religion - a set of spiritual ideas based on the belief in the existence of God or gods, supernatural forces, as well as appropriate behavior and specific actions. (write down in a notebook).

Historical forms of development of religion.




There are different types of religion: monotheistic(based on faith in one God) and polytheistic(professing polytheism), ritual(with an emphasis on the performance of certain cult actions) and religions of salvation (recognizing the main dogma, ideas about the world and man, their posthumous fate), national (associated with a certain people or peoples) and world (not recognizing national differences).

The national religions are Shintoism(for the Japanese) Confucianism(for the Chinese) Judaism(Jewish ). Major world religions in modern world - Christianity (originated at the beginning of the 1st millennium AD), Islam (originated in the 7th century AD), Buddhism (originated in the middle of the 1st millennium BC).
The largest religions today are Christianity, Islam, Buddhism.




Student messages (three messages)

! Work with the document on page 76 of the textbook.

? Why do people believe in the intervention of supernatural forces?

The basis of religion is faith (a person's personal, emotional attitude to any information that he recognizes as justified without evidence).

2. The second point of the plan: Features of religious faith


    Belief in the existence of supernatural forces;

    Conviction in the impact of supernatural forces on the life of a person and society as a whole;

    Belief in the possibility of human contact with supernatural forces.

The teacher asks a question on the third point of the plan.

3. Functions of religion.

Why active development science, distribution scientific knowledge does not reduce the number of believers? (slide 8)

Practical work.

Complete the "Functions of Religion" table. Page 78 textbook.

Function of Religion

Her essence






Psychological (compensatory)




Teacher: the next question is to the third point of the plan.

Pay attention to Christian commandments. Are they relevant today? ? What functions of religion are realized through these commandments?

Honor your father and your mother, that you may be well, and that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

Dont kill.

Don't commit adultery.

Don't steal.

Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.

Do not covet your neighbor's house; Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his field, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor any of his cattle, nor anything that is your neighbor's.

(answer fits 1.2 function: regulatory and educational)

    Religious organizations and associations

1. An important element of religion is religious organizations that directly embody religious values ​​and attitudes in their activities. Religious organizations include:



-organizations built around a vibrant religious leader.

At the beginning of 2013, 23,494 religious organizations were registered in Russia.

The legal status of religious organizations is regulated federal law"On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations".

2. Church

It unites followers of any religious creed. It is characterized by a clear division of believers into clergy (clergy) and laity (ordinary believers). Has an official religious leader. Many churches have a specific territorial structure.

hierarchy in the Russian Orthodox Church

Hierarchy - (from the Greek hieros - sacred and arche - power), the arrangement of parts or elements of the whole in order from highest to lowest. The term is used to describe the organization of the Christian church;




3.Any church develops a system of immutable foundations of doctrine (dogmas) and rituals (slide 13)



4 Sect. It usually arises as a result of the separation from the church of a part of the laity and clergy, who oppose themselves to the rest of the believers. The number of members of the sect, as a rule, is limited, and the division into laity and clergy is eliminated, the ideas of equality of all members of the organization are proclaimed.

The sect is characterized by:



    Claims for the exclusivity of their role,

    Absolute intolerance to dissent


According to the all-Russian survey conducted in March 2013, the population of the Russian Federation is distributed according to religious affiliation as follows:

    Orthodoxy - 75%

    Islam - 5%

    Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Buddhism - 1% or less

    Non-believers - 8%

    Freedom of conscience, freedom of religion.

Freedom of conscience - the right of a person to independently form his own convictions and express them openly, without prejudice to the freedom of other people and society as a whole.

    Freedom of Religion- the right to independently choose which religion to profess, or to abandon religion altogether, taking the position of atheism .

Atheism- a worldview that rejects the existence of the supernatural - gods, spirits, other non-material beings and forces, the afterlife, etc.

Article 28 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

Everyone is guaranteed freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, including the right to profess individually or jointly with others any religion or not to profess any, freely choose, have and disseminate religious and other beliefs and act in accordance with them.

Teacher: Religious issues are not only reflected in the constitution, but also in other documents in

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Art. 14. Freedom of thought, conscience and religion. States must respect the right of children to freedom of thought, conscience and religion under the guidance of their parents.

Implementation of the principle of freedom of conscience, freedom of religion in the Russian Federation:

    All religions on the territory of the Russian Federation are equal, there is no state religion

    The state guarantees all believers the opportunity to freely practice their worship

    Equal access for representatives of all religions and atheists to education is envisaged.

Based on the above, it can be concluded that religion implement the principle of freedom of conscience, but much depends on the citizen himself. Only a calm, respectful attitude towards representatives of other religions, religious tolerance can prevent mistrust, disagreements and enmity in society.)

III . Consolidation and generalization :

"Word of Thank You"

I suggest you listen to a short story about this word.

During the war, a woman who believed in God worked in the canteen of a military hospital feeding the wounded. She had to work from morning to evening, and therefore she did not have time to go to the temple to pray. She came to the priest with a request to bless her to leave this job. He listened to her and said sternly:

Work! People are praying for you! - The woman was very surprised, then the priest asked:

What do the wounded say to you when you give them food?

They say "thank you", what else?

This word has great power - it is equivalent to the prayer "God save." If you were told a sincere “Thank you” three times a day, then God will definitely hear and take care of you.

The woman thanked the priest and with even greater diligence began to take care of the wounded soldiers.

Conversation on:

    What did you learn about the word thank you? (We have always considered this word to be cultural, but it turns out that for believers this is a small prayer)

    How often do you hear the word "thank you" in your address? For what?

    To whom and for what do you yourself say "thank you"?

    The woman in the story is called a believer. What proves that she really believed in God? ( She was worried that she could not go to the temple. She asked for blessings from the father. Having learned that the word "thank you" is a prayer, she began to take care of the wounded soldiers with even greater diligence)

B) The woman was a believer and worried that she could not often go to the temple. Why did people build temples? (to pray, praise god)

When they built the church, they worked not only physically, but also spiritually: they built it with love, with respect for God. What happens? The temple was created by a man, which means it .... (culture)

Currently, these wonderful buildings - churches - are considered cultural monuments. They are protected by the state.

Regional component

. - Do we have a church in our village? Where is he located? What is the name of?

1. Why are these religions called world religions?

2. What kind and type can be attributed to each of the world religions?

3. What common features can be distinguished from the considered religions?

4. What are the differences between them?

I V . Conclusion

Working with a small spreadsheet I will ask you to work in pairs.



Please write what you imagine, what words come to your mind when you hear the words "culture" and "religion"?




Thank you


Keep a promise

Accuracy, etc.

Paintings, cinema





Christmas or others

These big concepts, culture and religion, are connected for each of us with their warm, simple, understandable particles. These representations can be refined, made so that each one becomes more solid and deeper. This is what we will do in today's lesson.

It is possible to invite students to independently draw a conclusion based on the lesson materials or conduct a conversation on the following questions:

What new about religion did you learn today at the lesson?
- What conclusions can be drawn about the role of religion in human life?

    Consolidation. Sincwine.

1 noun;




    Short conclusion.


    Paragraph 10

    Preparing for the repetition lesson

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