Psychological exercises for children emotions. Games and exercises for the development of the emotional sphere in preschoolers

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Sections: School psychological service


  • Contribute to the optimization of the interaction between the educational and psychological services in the gymnasium;
  • To create conditions for the formation of the ability to analyze one's own emotional state, as a means to achieve personal life goals.


  • Expand teachers’ understanding of the meaning of emotions in life.
  • To update the idea of ​​the factors influencing the manifestation of certain emotions.
  • Develop skills to analyze and change your emotional state.
  • Develop the skills of arbitrary influence on their own emotional state.

Necessary materials:

  • note paper,
  • forms for the “Your Emotions” test,
  • task cards for the exercise “Benefits and harms of emotions”,
  • forms for the exercise “Emotional thermometer”,
  • pencils.

Progress of the lesson


- Dear colleagues! Today we will talk about our emotions and feelings, their benefits and harms, learn to recognize our emotions and manage our mood.

1. Introduction.

Evolution seems to have endowed us with emotions to motivate us to take care of ourselves and strive to understand the people we love.

EMOTIONS are a whole-body experience that includes feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.

There are 6 unique emotions: SAD, ANGER, DISGUST, FEAR, HAPPINESS AND SURPRISE. However, how and when we express them depends on the culture in which we live, on our upbringing, on our family. We all come from childhood and many of our actions and actions are determined by feelings and emotions rooted in our past.

The teenagers we work with, due to their age and puberty, cannot properly manage their emotions. Being in the midst of falling in love, quarrels, showdowns, they need our help and support, an individual approach or working with the class.

To better understand teenagers, sometimes it is necessary to imagine yourself at that age.

In preparation for the lesson, you answered the following questionnaire:

“What do I think about emotions and feelings?”

Analysis of answers:

1. Do you wish you had no emotions at all?

Answer: “YES” – no answers, “No” – 10 people.

2. Have there been times in your life when your emotions got in the way?

3. Have there been times in your life when you were bothered by other people's emotions?

Answer: “YES” – 10 people, “No” – no answers.

4. Has it ever happened that other people did not understand your feelings?

5. Has it ever happened that you did not understand the feelings of other people?

Answer: “YES” – 8 people, “No” – 2 people.

6. Do you agree that some emotions should be hidden, suppressed, driven inside, and never expressed?

Answer: “YES” – 9 people, “No” – 1 person.

Conclusion: On the first five questions, you can join the majority, because I believe that mutual misunderstanding in the area of ​​feelings is an extremely common phenomenon. True, there are exceptions. Among people there are geniuses of understanding, and there are also those who have learned very well to understand the feelings of other people.

There is such a concept - EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE - this is the ability to be aware of your feelings and feelings other people, and the ability to follow the logic of these feelings.


I invite you to find out about yourself in the “Your Emotions” drawing test.

Working time 2 min.

On this sheet you see four faces, or rather, four facial ovals, devoid of all external features. You must not only draw the nose, eyes and lips of these faces, but also complete a specific task. The first person should be happy, the second – sad, the third – angry and the fourth – offended. That is, the task is simple: four faces must express four different human emotions.

Key to the test.

Recall again. FIRST PERSON – joy, SECOND PERSON – sadness, THIRD PERSON – anger and FOURTH – resentment.

Look carefully at how you tried to convey this or that emotion on their faces, this is a very important point. Those facial features that you have focused on will tell you a lot about our character and your feelings.

  • FIRST PERSON, JOY - if you have placed the main emphasis on the SMILE, making it wide and open, then this means that you are a cheerful and cheerful person, happy to share your joy with others.
  • SECOND PERSON, SADNESS - if you tried to convey sadness using your MOUTH WITH THE CORNERS DOWN, this means that you are a trusting and vulnerable person, you are easily offended, you empathize with everyone and try to help those who need it.
  • THIRD PERSON, ANGER - if you have placed the main emphasis on your NOSE WITH FLAWED NOSRALS, then this means that you are a direct person, consistent in your words and actions. You value frankness and prefer to act straightforwardly and openly; you despise cowardice and meanness.
  • FOURTH PERSON, RESULT – if you tried to convey the insult, the emphasis was on SAD EYES AND EYEBROWS WITH A HOUSE, then this speaks of your impressionability and spontaneity, you believe in the best and hope for a bright tomorrow. You are easily deceived, you are often disappointed in people and in life.
  • In general, when deciphering this test, you should consider the following. EYES are your readiness to receive information and process it. EYELASHES – a tendency to demonstrate, defiant behavior. EYEBROWS is the ability to independently analyze a situation and make a decision. MIMIME WRINKLES ON THE FOREHEAD – a tendency to think. CROSSE BETWEEN THE EYEBROWS – indecision, unwillingness to take risks. NOSE – the ability to make guesses and assumptions, intuition. MOUTH is contact with the outside world, a means of expressing one’s own thoughts and desires. CHIN - stubbornness, inability to admit your mistake and accept your defeat with dignity. EARS – the ability to listen to the arguments of other people and accept their point of view. WRINKLES NEAR THE MOUTH - eternal dissatisfaction, unwillingness to compromise, disagreement.

Conclusion: This drawing test made it possible to see how correctly you convey your emotional state and showed the main traits of your character.

– Based on your answers to the questionnaire, it turns out that there are feelings that almost everyone wants to experience, but there are feelings that it would be better not to have. All negative feelings are especially disliked: fear, resentment, anger, laziness, etc., those emotions that have ever prevented us or other people from communicating with each other.

Are there absolutely useless feelings? Are there feelings that do no harm?

Let's conduct an independent study of the harm and benefits of emotions using our own experience as an example. For research in groups, I want to offer two emotions: “LOVE” and “LAZINESS”, and our dear guests can choose to work with such emotions as ANGER, FEAR, JOY.


Assignment: Please form two groups. Each group receives a card with an emotion written on it. You need to write down what is good and what is bad associated with a given emotion. The first group considers the benefits and harms of the emotion “LOVE”. The second group considers the benefits and harms of “LAZINESS”

Operating time 2-3 min.

Conclusion: The above statements indicate that such an analysis was easy for you, since there is a subjective experience of experiences, and ways of expressing this feeling and the consequences of expressing feelings. If we look at other emotions, we will also be convinced that we need each emotion for some reason (it tells us something).

For example: Fear of falling - be careful in icy conditions. Too lazy to make dumplings - bought them at the store, saved time.

To question 6 of the questionnaire, almost all of you answered that our feelings need to be able to hide, suppress and not express outwardly. In modern culture and the media, there are also prohibitions on feelings and their external manifestation. These prohibitions assume that a person avoids certain emotional states (sadness, resentment, fear), displaces them from his consciousness, because he does not want to seem weak, insecure, ill-mannered, unsuccessful.

People who prohibit themselves from feeling, as a rule, find various rational justifications for their prohibitions.

For example:

“Real men don’t cry” (ban on grief);

“Fear is a sign of weakness” (prohibition of fear);

“It is unacceptable to be angry with loved ones” (prohibition of anger);

“I will never be able to be successful and joyful” (ban on joy).

Only now we have found out that we need every feeling for some reason. What happens if a person holds back his feelings?

To illustrate, we can use the analogy of a boiling kettle: if you close it tightly, and even plug the spout, it will eventually explode, causing harm to those it scalds and to itself. It’s the same with a person: he accumulates emotions in himself, and then “explodes” and thereby harms both those around him and himself.

In reality, different options for repressing feelings are possible: withdrawal into illness, melancholy, depression, or exposure to sudden aggressive outbursts.

How to proceed?

If you want to learn how to change your emotional states, then you need to go beyond the situation, look from the outside at yourself, experiencing emotions, from a different point of view, through the eyes of another. This is not the only, but the initial and necessary condition for changing the emotional state. There are many ways to look at your emotions from the outside. One of the most accessible ways is

4. Game “EMOTIONAL THERMOMETER”.(Fig. in the appendix)

This game is individual, although it can be played by everyone together.

Rules of the game: On the game form, try to create an emotional portrait of your yesterday. Evaluate the day's events from the moment you wake up. Place a circle (cross) in the zone that corresponds to how you feel in the MORNING, AFTERNOON AND EVENING

For example, IN THE MORNING:

– When you woke up, your mood was...

– When you had breakfast or got dressed for work, did you feel...

– Your mood at school...

Continue analyzing your emotional well-being DAY and EVENING.

Working time 2-3 min.


Analyze your emotional charts:

– Look at your emotional portraits. How often did your mood change? Or, on the contrary, was it stable and rarely changed?

– Look at all the emotional events of the day and circle the moods that were caused by OTHER PEOPLE.

– Look at the circles circled. If all emotional well-being is expressed in %,

then what % of moods turned out to be dependent on other people? Why do you think? What advantage do you have if your mood depends or does not depend on the mood of another person?

– “Extreme” moods – very bad and very good, also depend more on other people than the average mood. Are you prone to “extreme” moods?

– See if the beginning of the day differs in mood from the middle of the day? Why? Think about what you can do to improve your well-being?

Conclusion: People differ sharply in the stability of their moods, in the dependence of their moods on the behavior of other people. To get along with people, you need to take into account the peculiarities of their emotional life. To own and manage your feelings, you need to know your own emotional structure very well.

The first step in managing your emotional state is to become aware of it. Then remember ways that will help you get rid of an unpleasant mood and move into an active working state.

– engage in emotionally pleasurable activities;

- engage in auto-training;

- workout;

- Go visit the forest.

5. Exercise “ZATO”

This effective exercise will help you get rid of the unpleasant emotions that arise in our lives.

Standard school situation:

How do you feel when you arrive at school and find 2 unplanned “windows” in your schedule?

Our task is to transform negative emotions using the “ZATO” technique into positive emotions: (we work in a circle)

But I have time to check my notebooks;

But I can go to the dining room;

But I can rest;

But I can drink coffee;

But I can go to my class;

But I can prepare for another lesson, etc.

Discussion. Has your perception of a negative situation changed?

6. Lesson reflection.

Feelings and impressions about the work done.

  1. What new things have you learned about yourself?
  2. What are your impressions of the lesson?

1. Box of happiness

This game develops not only EQ, but also imagination, as well as memory. Create your own “box of happiness” in your head. Put everything that makes you feel happy there. It is important that all five senses are involved: smell, sight, touch, hearing, taste.

For example:

  • taste – chocolate;
  • smell – the smell of plum blossoms;
  • hearing - the sound of the sea;
  • vision – a child’s smile;
  • touch - the embrace of a loved one.

Invite your child to create their own box of happiness. Discuss with him your emotions and what causes them.

2. The language of emotions

What to do: Develop the habit of saying “I feel... because... I wish I could...”. For example: I'm upset because you broke my favorite vase. I wish you would be more careful. Now let's clean it up together.

3. How am I feeling today?

Every day the child chooses the emotion of the day. You can play at any age. Print out pictures depicting emotions. You can take your favorite cartoon character. Have your child choose a picture and say “Today I felt happy/sad/angry... when.”

This teaches conscious perception of emotions and the ability to accept them and not be afraid.

4. Emotional album

Travel is an excellent occasion and opportunity for new emotions. Try to capture the most interesting events with your child. Make your photos emotional. Here you are surprised, here you are scared, here you are happy, and so on.

You can create a special album where you add captions and short stories about your trip to your photos. The same pictures can be used for the game. Print, mix and create a story, focusing only on the emotions in the photo.

5. Emotions in paintings

The rules are simple: you draw some emotion, the child draws. Then you compare what happened. The composition and colors that the child chooses are important here. Afterwards you can create your own gallery of emotions.

6. Emotional Compass

An interesting game for the whole family, where everyone guesses the emotions. The player receives eight cards (sadness, joy, anger, disgust, surprise, fear, interest, resentment). The list can be supplemented and changed. The main thing is that all participants have the same set of cards.

Rules: Each guessing player comes up with a word, situation or concept that he associates with an emotion. Then he places the card face down in a circle. The rest must guess what this emotion is.

In this game, children easily reveal their emotions. And parents can learn about the discrepancy between their perceptions and their children’s vision of the world. For example, the first day of school can make a child feel afraid or angry. And my mother will associate the first of September with joy.

7. I would be surprised if…

The essence of the game is simple. You come up with funny situations that may cause surprise. For example, I will be surprised if you wear my dress. I'll be surprised if Dad comes home dressed as a superhero. And so on. This is not only an opportunity to have fun, but also a great exercise in imagination and resourcefulness. The game also helps children understand what is “expected” and “unexpected”.

8. Six emotions on my face

Compete to see who is better at portraying all the emotions: anger, joy, fear, disgust, seal, interest, surprise, and so on. You can do it in front of a mirror or show it to each other. Fun, right?

Lesson “Planet of Senses”

Goal: Development of emotional literacy. Learning ways to release emotions.

Materials: a sheet of Whatman paper with the image of 4 “continents”, colored sticks and a marker for the presenter, 3 A4 sheets for each participant, felt-tip pens, pencils, colored plasticine, paints, wet wipes, colored paper.

1 . Announcement of the topic of the training. Starter sharing.

Time: 2-3 min.

2 . Warm up. Exercise “If you were a color”

Time: 5 min.

Participants are asked in a circle to tell their fantasy about the participant sitting next to them on the topic: “If you were a color, then you would be..., because...”. You need to justify your opinion. For example: “If you were a color, you would be yellow, because you always illuminate, give warmth, but you can burn if you need to protect yourself.

Note for the facilitator: This is a warm-up exercise, but for the coach it provides good diagnostic material: if there is hidden aggression in the group, in such exercises it manifests itself in the form of sarcastic comparisons. If the group is friendly, comparisons will be aimed at demonstrating the resource characteristics of the person.

3 . Exercise “Planet of Feelings”.

Time: 10 min.

Materials: a sheet of Whatman paper with an image of 4 “continents” (any shape, Appendix 1). Colored sticks and marker for presenter. A sheet of whatman paper is attached to the wall or board in advance.

“When we want to talk about our various experiences, we say: “I feel.” And we rarely think that with this word we express completely different processes that take place in us. In fact, we experience sensations, drives, emotions and feelings.

Sensations are what we feel with our bodies. For example: hot, cold, prickly, ticklish. The trainer attaches sticks of the same color (with the names of sensations) to the “Sensations” continent (3-4 pcs.).

Drives are dissatisfaction, tension that forces us to look for opportunities to satisfy a need.

For example: hunger, desire to move, sexual desire. The trainer attaches sticks of a different color to the “Drives” continent (3-4 pcs.).

Emotions are what we experience in our souls. For example: joy, fear, anger. Attaches sticky notes with inscriptions to the corresponding continent.

Emotions are the simplest experiences, although they can be very strong. Emotions are short-lived. They come and go. When they become constant or prolonged, it is called an emotional state. When they intertwine and connect, we call it feelings.

Feelings are also experiences of the soul, but they are more complex than simple emotions. For example, love. When we feel that we love, in fact we experience many emotions and feelings at the same time - joy, anxiety, and sometimes fear. Jealousy is also a complex feeling. When we are jealous, we are afraid of losing a person, we get offended, and get angry. Or hostility - when we feel hostility, we often simultaneously experience contempt, anger, and even fear or disgust. Feelings are always intertwined with our thoughts. Sticky notes with inscriptions are attached.

What other feelings, emotions, drives and sensations can you name? You name it, and I will write on sticks and stick it to the continents.

Examples of filling in “continents”:










desire to sleep




sexual desire




desire to win




desire to move




desire to avoid danger



Now let's look at some of the subtleties.

Questions are asked in a circle, and after 2-3 answers (correct or incorrect), the leader announces the correct answer.

How is anger different from aggression?

(Anger is an emotion, and aggression is actions that harm someone or something).

What is the difference between joy and pleasure?

(Joy is a very active emotion or feeling, it tones, the heart beats, you want to move, laugh. And pleasure is a calm, relaxed experience).

What is the difference between sadness and sadness from melancholy or grief?

(Sadness, sadness are quiet feelings or emotions, accompanied by relaxation. Although they are not considered positive emotions, sometimes a person gets pleasure from sadness. And melancholy or grief is always accompanied by mental pain, tension, suffering).

Note to the presenter: This exercise is informative and should be done quickly and dynamically. Otherwise, the participants will get bored.

4 . Exercise “Rainbow of Feelings”.

Goal: Learning to become aware of your emotional state.

Time: 15 min.

Materials: A4 sheets, 2 for each participant. Sets of felt-tip pens, pencils.

Condition: carried out immediately after the exercise “Planet of Feelings”

“You and I experience many feelings and emotions. Look at the list we made during the previous exercise. Take a piece of paper and write them down in a column...

Now designate each feeling or emotion with any color you want - the main thing is that they are different. Place a circle or square next to the name of the feeling...

Now take a second sheet of paper, markers and draw two rainbows. These won't be ordinary rainbows. They may have more than seven colors or fewer, and the colors may be completely different.

One rainbow must be made from those feelings and emotions that you have been experiencing over the past few days - the day before yesterday, yesterday, today.

The second rainbow needs to be made up of those feelings and emotions that you usually experience, most often in life.”

Discussion: “Did you manage to convey your emotional state in a rainbow? Is your current state different from usual? If yes, then what?

Presenter's summary: “Sometimes it is important to understand your condition and understand it. You can use a rainbow for this.”

5 . Exercise “Tree of Feelings”.

Goal: learning to differentiate your emotional state.

Time: 20 min.

Materials: sets of colored plasticine, wet wipes, colored paper, A4 sheets, pencils, felt-tip pens, paints.

“Remember some event or situation in your life that still evokes strong negative emotions and feelings in you. Imagine this “Picture” and try to understand exactly what feelings you are experiencing.

Take plasticine or other visual aids (paints, pencils, markers, etc.) and begin to depict a tree. Make the trunk - it's you. Then the branches are various events in your life. There are, of course, many of them. Then identify the branch that caused you strong negative emotions.

Start making fruits - these are your emotions in this situation. For each individual feeling and emotion, determine its color and its shape. Draw the entire combination of feelings you are experiencing. Place these emotions on the branch that you have specifically designated.

At the bottom of the trunk, draw roots that feed through you exactly the branch you are working with. Roots are the causes of the events that caused your emotions (label them with one color), and these are the causes of your feelings, because feelings arise not only because of events, but also because of your attitude towards them. This means that the roots of a different color are your thoughts about these events.

Formulate them for each and draw the root. If your feelings change in any way, place a new fruit on the corresponding branch.

Now remember some good event. And deal with him in the same way as with the unpleasant one. Draw colorful fruits and roots.”

Note to facilitator: To achieve the specific goal of this exercise, plasticine can be replaced with colored paper, scissors and glue. But plasticine is much more effective, since it allows you to crush, squeeze, break, remake fruits, you can even crush all the branches and start all over again. This motor skill is important for processing emotions, which can be made an indirect goal of the exercise.

When discussing this exercise, it is important to separate the emotional impression from the rational understanding of the usefulness of the experience.

6 . Exercise “Golden Stream”.

Time: 10 min.

“Sit comfortably, just hang your arms down, let them hang freely.

Close your eyes and listen to your breathing: inhale and exhale...

Now imagine that above your head there is a soft blue clear sky. And now you see that a golden, sparkling stream of light smoothly descends from there. It seems to be pouring slowly...

A golden stream is directed towards you, very, very softly, carefully it touches your head, it envelops it and penetrates inside... This golden stream is like a magical balm. It penetrates every cell of your brain and cleanses it... It heals where it hurts and washes away everything unnecessary that has accumulated there...

Now a golden stream descends down the face and back of the head...

So it moves to the neck and slowly flows down it to the shoulders, leaving behind purity...

You feel how your shoulders relax, become heavier... Here is a golden stream going down your hands... They are heavy... And you see something muddy flowing from your fingertips... This is the excess that has accumulated in you... See how the golden sparkling stream pushes out this... And finally, the stream from your fingertips merges, just as pure, golden...

You return to your shoulders again and watch how the luminous stream flows down your chest, through your lungs... And you feel how your rib cage, shoulders turn...

The flow flows down the spine, and it seems to be freed from something... It straightens... Then the flow rushes down... it cleanses the pelvis...

Now it flows down your legs... very slowly it moves from your hips to your knees... You feel how heavy your legs are...

From the knees to the feet... Along the feet it flows out... you see a muddy stream flowing out... And the golden stream continues to wash away everything unnecessary... Until the same golden, sparkling stream of light begins to flow out...

Slowly open your eyes... Hello, very pure, golden-luminous people!

Discussion. Share your impressions.

Presenter's resume. "It's simple and very effective method relieving stress. When you are too upset, or hurt, or tense with anger, with anxiety, you can use this exercise. When you are too angry, do not make a decision until you relieve excess tension and calm down, you can use this exercise, drawing your body, and other exercises. If you practice a little, you will be able to do it each time with more and more pleasant sensations. And if necessary, you can do it very quickly.

Note to the presenter: The voice should sound calm, muffled and at the same time completely normal. You should not pronounce words in an “afterlife” voice. This makes me laugh. You need to move to each next zone after 10 seconds.

7 . Final sharing.

Time: 5 min.

In a person’s life, it is very important to be able to understand the feelings of others - this is the source of successful communication, selflessness and reciprocity. In children, the feeling of empathy (understanding the feelings of another, empathy) is inherent from the very beginning. Remember: children feel who loves them, and they really rarely make mistakes. The mother’s mood is clearly captured by the child, however, he can react to anxiety with behavior that is completely opposite, at first glance: overexcited, capricious, stubborn. This can be regarded, no matter how absurd it may be, as a form of empathy, a desire to “take on” the mother’s worries. Sad mother's eyes will definitely instill anxiety and worry in the child's soul. Watch the manifestation of your mood, take care of the “hygiene” of your soul: a child is born for joy, knowledge, and self-realization. A favorable psychological climate around him will help the child, like a flower, to grow, smell fragrant and delight others. You will share joys and sorrows with your child. But even in sadness you can find your satisfaction: in sad and anxious moments, the child will turn to you, the people most beloved and closest to him, and ask you for protection, help, consolation and affection. After all, he hopes for you, I am sure that he will always find understanding, sympathy, empathy from you, that you will never betray him!

The main formative factor in the development of empathy, as you already understand, is life itself, relationships in the family and with the outside world.

Here are just a few exercises that will help your child learn to better understand the feelings and moods of people.

"Photo"(for children from 4 years old)

Review your family album with your child. When showing photographs of him and his loved ones, ask what mood they were in, what they felt: surprise, fear, joy, sadness, etc. Where the child finds it difficult, help him, tell him about the situation when the photograph was taken . The exercise allows the child to develop an understanding of feelings and emotions, strengthens family ties and attachments.

"Training emotions"(for children from 4 years old)

Ask your child to frown like:

  • autumn cloud;
  • angry person;
  • evil sorceress.

Smile like:

  • cat in the sun
  • the sun itself;
  • like Pinocchio;
  • like a sly fox;
  • like a joyful child;
  • as if you had seen a miracle.

Poked like:

  • a child whose ice cream was taken away;
  • two sheep on the bridge;
  • like a person who has been hit.

Get scared like:

  • a child lost in the forest;
  • the hare who saw the wolf;
  • a kitten being barked at by a dog;

Get up like:

  • dad after work;
  • a person who lifts a heavy load;
  • an ant dragging a big fly.

Relax like:

  • a tourist taking off a heavy backpack;
  • a child who worked hard but helped his mother;
  • like a tired warrior after a victory.

"Eyes to eyes"(for children from 5 years old)

Children break into pairs and hold hands. The presenter suggests: “Looking only into the eyes and feeling the hands, try to silently convey different emotions: “I’m sad, help me!” “I’m having fun, let’s play!” “I don’t want to be friends with you!” Then the children discuss at what time which emotion was transmitted and perceived.

“How are you feeling today?”(for children from 5 years old)

The child is offered cards depicting various shades of mood. He must choose the one that is most similar to his mood, the mood of his mother, father, friend, cat, etc.

"Classification of Feelings"(for children from 5 years old)

The child looks at the same cards and arranges them according to the following characteristics:

  • which ones do you like;
  • which ones you don't like.

Then you need to name the emotions depicted on the cards and talk about why he laid them out that way.

"Meeting of Emotions"(for children from 7 years old)

Use cards divided into 2 groups and ask the child to imagine how different emotions meet: the one that is pleasant and the one that is Unpleasant. The presenter (parent) portrays “good”, the child “bad”. Then they take a card from the opposite pile and change. It is interesting to observe the change in facial expressions when “meeting emotions” - it could be surprise, laughter, disgust, etc. – and discuss how you can “reconcile” emotions.

Online magazine "Eidos"- the official publication of the A.V. Khutorsky Scientific School and the Eidos Center for Distance Education. The magazine was founded in 1998. Registered in the RSCI system - Russian Science Citation Index (ID=9259).

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  • Under the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard
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In the RSCI citation ranking, the journal “Eidos” is in the top twenty among 450 pedagogical journals in Russia. According to the Hirsch index for 10 years, the journal "Eidos" ranks 6th among all pedagogical journals, including those of the Higher Attestation Commission.

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Log Output"Eidos"

Founder and publisher of the magazine: Center for Distance Education "Eidos".
Editor in Chief: doc. ped. Sciences, prof., corresponding member of RAO Khutorskoy A.V.
Year of publication: 1998. Language: Russian
Journal website address: http://site/journal/
Journal editorial office address: Moscow, Tverskaya st., 9, building 7, office. 111.
e-mail: info@site

The journal is peer-reviewed and has an educational and methodological orientation. Intended for teachers, educators, methodologists, university educators, and education administrators.

Publication form: Internet magazine. According to GOST 7.83-2001, the journal is an online, popular science, ongoing, text, independent, electronic publication. Frequency - 4 issues per year.

Members of the editorial board:

  • Khutorskoy Andrey Viktorovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member. RAO, ch. editor.
  • King Andrey Dmitrievich
  • Vorovshchikov Sergey Georgievich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.
  • Svitova Tatyana Viktorovna
  • Andrianova Galina Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.
  • Skripkina Yulia Vladimirovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.
  • Krasnoperova Tatyana Vadimovna, candidate of pedagogical sciences.

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According to current GOSTs, the correct link to an article or other material published in the journal looks like this:

Why does school need the Internet? Conversation between E.P. Velikhov and A.V. Khutorsky on the TV channel "Culture" [Electronic resource] // Internet magazine "Eidos". - 1999. - November 9. - Log access mode. - Cap. from the screen.

Or like this:

Kraevsky V.V. How many teachers do we have? // Internet magazine "Eidos". - 2003. - July 11..htm..

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