Why do the ribs hurt from the front from the bottom. Pain in the ribs - causes, nature, treatment. Chest injury.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

In most cases, people who have experienced pain in the ribs in front and behind are at a loss as to which specialist they should contact with a similar problem, because this symptom is similar to various diseases in various fields. So, for example, it often seems to patients that the manifestation of pain in the ribs is a clear symptom of the presence of problems in the field of cardiology. Pulmonary disease is the second most common thought, which is suggested by painful sensations in the ribs in front and behind, however, in fact, the cause of this pain syndrome lies in something completely different. In this article, we will tell you about why the ribs can hurt in front and behind.

However, whether mild or severe, abdominal pain below the ribs must be treated immediately after proper medical advice. Factors that can cause this condition are as follows. Rib damage. For some people, a common problem is pain in the lower and upper abdomen below the ribs. The main reason for this is a serious injury or fracture chest. The injury weakens the chest area and therefore the person may experience short sessions of pain.

Spleen problems Left pain in the abdomen under the ribs is often associated with spleen problems. The spleen is described as a soft, spongy organ located on the upper left side of the abdomen, below the ribcage and behind the stomach area. The main function of the spleen is to destroy old red blood cells and is an important part of lymphatic system organism. In certain diseases, as a result of an enlarged spleen, pain in the left abdomen is one of the symptoms of this enlargement.

Why the ribs hurt in front and behind: reasons

As we have already said, pain in the ribs is often perceived by many as the presence of any problems with the lungs or heart, and it is worth saying that this is partly true, however, there is still a fairly large number various diseases and pathologies, which in turn are manifested by a similar symptom. Next, we will tell you in more detail about all possible causes ah, pain in the ribs in front and behind.

Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a condition characterized by muscle pain due to damage to soft muscle tissue. There are several groups of muscles that run between the ribs called the intercostal muscles. Damage to these muscle groups due to fibromyalgia can cause rib pain.

Causes of pain in the ribs

Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a bone disease and increases a person's chance of fractures. It is characterized by thinning of the bony structures of the body, a decrease in bone mineral density, breaks in bone microarchitecture, etc. the ribs have bony structures and can be affected due to osteoporosis and therefore osteoporosis is a potential cause of pain in the left side of the abdomen below the ribs.

    Various pathologies of the ribs.

    Injury. As a result of a bruise, the victim, as a rule, is worried about a rather sharp, but at the same time, mild pain in the ribs, which will completely pass in the near future. The only thing that will “remind” of the incident that happened is the swelling and the presence of a bruise at the site of the bruise; painful sensations when touching a bruise is another unpleasant consequence of a bruise. Despite the fact that the pain after a bruise is really not pronounced, it is not possible to independently determine whether a rib fracture is absent. That is why it is recommended to apply without fail to a medical institution for passing computed tomography;

    Pain under right rib in front

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Gastroesophageal reflux disease is also one of the common causes of abdominal pain below the ribs. This leads to an even greater increase in the content of the stomach in the esophagus. The symptoms of this reflux are a burning sensation in the chest area, what we call stomach burning, pain in the lower abdomen, and acid dyspepsia.

    Rib pain treatment

    Gastric Ulcers A stomach ulcer is a type of ulcer that occurs in the lining of the lining of the stomach and is usually caused by pepsin and hydrochloric acid present in gastric juices. A stomach ulcer is an acid-related disease that causes symptoms such as heartburn. Acidity is characterized by a burning sensation in the stomach that lasts from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Pain in the lower left and right abdomen after eating is a common symptom when a problem occurs.

    Fracture. This injury is very serious, because the fracture can be of varying severity. So, for example, the most “harmless” degree can be called such a type of fracture as a crack, as a result of which the rib itself breaks. With a subperiosteal fracture, the rib is already broken, however, while the periosteum that surrounds the rib itself remains intact, which means that all the so-called “fragments” remain in place. With a complete fracture of the rib, there is a risk that the sharp edges of the fragments can damage any internal organs, for example, lungs. If several ribs are fractured at the same time, of course, this risk increases many times, thereby creating a rather large threat to your health.

    What to do for pain in the ribs during pregnancy?

    A person who suffers from this problem is either also experiencing constipation or diarrhea, or has problems with bowel movements. All this affects the abdomen, which causes pain under the rib cage. Splenic Angle Syndrome In simple terms, this is a gas problem in the colon. Of all the above problems, this is the most temporary and may even disappear in a matter of minutes. Gases entering the large intestine cause irritating pain in the lower left abdomen and chest area.

    Since there are many causes of pain in the abdomen below the ribs, it is clear that the treatment is highly dependent on the cause. For some people, a change in diet may be the solution, while for others, analgesics and other antibiotics for stomach pain are effective. However, it is recommended not to consume such antibiotics without consulting your doctor. Tell your doctor to diagnose the cause and problem, determine the cause, and prescribe the appropriate medication.

As a rule, when a rib is fractured, the victim feels a rather sharp pain, which increases with inhalation and exhalation, as well as during movement. Another sign of a fracture is a bluish tint to the skin. Also on the sternum itself, as a rule, an unevenness appears. In the event that a lung was damaged as a result of a fracture, then hemoptysis may occur;

These were the main causes as well as the treatment of left abdominal pain under the ribs. Abdominal pain is usually mild. If you are experiencing lower back pain abdominal cavity, which will not disappear soon, put it in as soon as possible to prevent it from getting worse and leading to other health problems.

Acute pain on the left side of the chest can occur due to various physical and emotional health issues, which can cause severe discomfort, such that the person may even have sleepless nights. Although chest pain is not life-threatening, there are several reasons that can contribute to sudden pain in the left breast. Feeling pain or discomfort anywhere in or around the breast area can trigger cancer anxiety in women, it will be easier for you to know that breast cancer is very minor and has little to do with any kind of pain that occurs in any breast.

    Osteoporosis. This disease develops in the body as a result of a decrease in calcium in the bone tissue, which in turn leads to the destruction of the bone itself. As a rule, osteoporosis is most common in the older population and in people suffering from endocrine disorders.

Causes of pain under the left breast. As mentioned earlier, chest pain has little to do with breast cancer, which is so scary. In this case, the most likely causes of pain under the left breast are the following. Swallowing is the most common cause of chest pain in healthy individuals. Absorption is the state of excess gas or air trapped in gastrointestinal tract, which is swallowed when eating too quickly, absorbing straws, rubber, etc. gases are introduced during eating or breathing and are a combination of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane that create pressure in the abdominal cavity, causing such pressure that it is transferred to the organs in the chest cavity, located in close proximity to the stomach.

It is worth noting that this disease at its initial stage is completely asymptomatic, however, in the future it will manifest itself as quite intense and sharp pain in the ribs. In addition, with osteoporosis, the patient is faced with a fairly pronounced deformation of the spine, as a result of which a person’s height can decrease by an average of ten to fifteen centimeters;

These gases are finally released by the rectum, which relieves the swelling and sharp pain felt in the lower chest. It creates a feeling of pressure or tightness in the chest, which can even be transferred to the shoulders, arms, neck, or back of the body. Muscle spasm Muscle spasm around both sides of the ribs can be a likely cause of sudden pain in the left chest. Nutritional deficiencies, lack of salts and electrolytes in the body, or dehydration can cause sudden, involuntary and painful contractions of the rib muscles, resulting in pain under the left or right breast.

    Tietze syndrome. The essence of this disease, the nature of which, by the way, has not yet been studied, is the presence of an inflammatory process in the costal cartilages of the sternum, which in turn is manifested by quite severe pain. As a rule, with this syndrome, pain is felt to a greater extent behind the sternum itself, as a result of which patients very often confuse this disease with angina pectoris. Also, with Tietze's syndrome, pain can radiate to the neck, arm and under the shoulder blade.

    The main functions of the ribs

    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a condition in which the heart muscle becomes thick and makes the heart work harder to pump blood. This is a serious health disorder which, if not treated early, can cause sudden collapse and death.

    In this condition, the inflamed pleural layers rub against each other as the lungs expand to breathe, causing a sharp chest pain under the left breast. It can cause left breast pain, but is relatively harmless and goes away without treatment. Other ulcers, inflammation of the stomach or esophagus, stress, etc. are some of the likely causes of chest pain.

In order to identify this pathology, it is necessary to consult a specialist and make an x-ray of the chest. As a rule, the treatment of Tietze's syndrome includes taking painkillers and various anesthetics; warming procedures are also prescribed;

    The presence of malignant tumors. We all know about the insidiousness of oncological formations, which do not manifest themselves at all in their early stages. And if we experience any pain, then most often they are completely insignificant: sometimes arising aching or pulling pain, to which we independently assign the status of “chronic”. However, unfortunately, it is precisely such pain, weak in its intensity, that is practically the only symptom of the presence of a malignant tumor.

    The severity of the condition mainly depends on the cause of the disorder. Therefore, if you are experiencing pain or discomfort in your left or right chest, it is advised to see a doctor immediately to diagnose the underlying cause and get the necessary medications.

    Pain under the breast

    The spleen is an organ that lies just below the ribcage on the left side of the body. Its function is to protect the body from infections by filtering the blood and literally "eat" harmful particles and microbes. A wound or rupture of the spleen is an extremely serious pathology that requires immediate medical attention. If left untreated, a ruptured spleen can cause excessive internal bleeding, which can lead to severe symptoms or death.

In the case of the presence of any malignant formation, it is necessary to “explore” the place where you feel pain: as a rule, a swelling occurs in this area, by probing which, you can find some kind of seal that looks like a bump;

    Various diseases of the spine.

    Osteochondrosis. Today, this disease is familiar to many people, which in turn is due to the following factors: most of us spend most of our working time in front of a computer; in addition to this, we also lead a sedentary lifestyle, and this is precisely the cause of this disease. As a rule, with osteochondrosis, the patient feels pain in the back and neck, however, in some cases, this disease is also accompanied by such a symptom as pain in the ribs.

    The location of the spleen makes it an easy target for injury. Car accidents are the leading cause of a ruptured spleen, either by direct impact or by a broken rib on the left side of the body. Other causes of damage to the spleen include fisticuffs and sports such as hockey and football. Also, when the body is fighting a disease, the spleen enlarges to fight the infection. When this happens, the organ is more susceptible to injury. If you have symptoms of damage to the spleen for any of these possible reasons, contact your doctor immediately.

Another distinguishing feature of osteochondrosis is that with this disease, the patient can feel pain of a very different nature. So, for example, someone is faced with aching pain that is chronic in nature, while someone experiences a sharp and stabbing pain in the back and ribs. Also, often with this disease, pain occurs due to hypothermia or during exhausting physical exertion.

Localized pain, or pain that is focused on one area of ​​the body, is more severe than widespread pain. This is because localized pain usually means that an injury has occurred to a particular organ, which can be very serious and even fatal. The most noticeable symptoms of damage to the spleen are pain in the upper abdomen under the chest or pain in the upper stomach. There may also be tenderness in the upper left abdomen, and there may be bruising in the area surrounding the spleen.

Back pain is also a sign that something is wrong with the spleen. Pain or swelling in the left side of the lower back may be caused by a ruptured spleen. This area may also present with bruising and tenderness. In some cases, there may also be pain in the left shoulder. Back pain is common in many people, but if a person who has pain in the left side of the back is hit on the left side of the body, he may have suffered from a torn spleen.

In the treatment of this disease, thermal procedures, therapeutic massage and therapeutic exercises are prescribed; a specialist also prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs;

    Herniated disc. This disease is actually quite rare, however, sometimes this diagnosis can be heard when seeking help from a specialist. As a rule, with a herniated disc, the patient experiences pain in the back, while the pain can radiate to the shoulder blades, neck and ribs, both in front and behind. It is worth noting that sometimes pain does not occur in the back itself, but only in the ribs, and this is due to the location of the hernia itself.

    Chest and shoulder pain on the left side of the body is often associated with a heart attack; However, a ruptured spleen also causes pain in these areas. Bruising often occurs in the area of ​​the spleen, which feels tender to the touch. In some cases, these patients experience respiratory distress due to stress from the lungs caused by trauma to the bone graft.

    Causes of pain in the ribs

    The spleen helps produce both red and white blood cells. When it breaks, a large amount of blood is poured into the abdominal cavity. This internal bleeding not only causes the symptoms mentioned above, but also causes low blood pressure. Symptoms of this include, but are not limited to, dizziness, fainting, fatigue, or confusion. Blurred vision, nausea and vomiting can sometimes occur.

As regards the nature of the pain, initial stage the development of an intervertebral hernia, it manifests itself weakly, however, over time it becomes quite intense: someone experiences a sharp and shooting pain, and someone experiences a stabbing pain;

    Various diseases of the pleura.

    Acute pleurisy. The essence of this disease lies in the presence of an inflammatory process in the pleura, which in turn is manifested by such a symptom as pain in the region of the ribs from any one specific side; while pain may increase during sneezing, coughing or deep breathing. Also, with this disease, as a rule, the body temperature rises, and the patient himself feels general weakness and malaise. Dry cough is another sure symptom of the presence of this disease.

    This is one of the top 20 reasons to apply for medical care. Although upper abdominal pain is usually associated with the stomach, sometimes it can come from other organs. In order to assess the cause of this pain, the physician must know details such as the pain, how long it has been present, whether it is sharp, dull, constant or intermittent pain, and if there are factors that aggravate or alleviate the discomfort, such as eating, defecation, or changing positions . These and other details help the doctor rule out some of the possible causes of upper stomach pain.

    Stomach or abdominal pain: upper right area

    Dull, persistent pain below the ribs in the liver may be the result of inflammation, infection, or a lump in the liver. Severe, recurring pain in this area is often a sign of gallbladder disease, especially if the discomfort starts 1 or 2 hours after eating, peaks for a few minutes, and lasts for several hours before decreasing. If the pain improves after a bowel movement or expulsion of gas, it may be due to constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, or diverticulosis, a condition characterized by the formation of blisters along the colon wall.

In the treatment of acute pleurisy, a specialist prescribes anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, as well as antibiotics;

    Various tumors of the pleura. It should be noted right away that pleural tumors can be both malignant and benign, however, in fact, this diagnosis is extremely rare. In the presence of tumors of the pleura, the patient, as a rule, experiences regular aching pains in a certain place, where the tumor itself is located. If any formation is large enough, then symptoms such as shortness of breath, feelings of heaviness and a bluish tint of the skin can be added to the painful sensations.

In order to identify this pathology and determine what character it is - benign or malignant - it is necessary to undergo x-rays and biopsy;

    Various pathologies of the intercostal nerves.

    Fibromyalgia. This disease is extremely rare, which in turn makes it difficult to determine any specific cause of its occurrence; as doctors suggest, this ailment develops against the background of previous injuries and inflammatory diseases, as well as due to any existing mental and nervous disorders.

With this disease, people become meteosensitive (that is, the symptoms worsen during a change in weather conditions), dizziness and headaches appear. Also, in a patient with fibromyalgia, sleep and coordination of movements are disturbed.

As for the treatment of this disease, it is strictly individually developed by the specialist himself, which in turn is due to the fact that the nature of this disease has not been fully studied;

    Muscular pain in the ribs. Quite often, pain in the chest and pain in the ribs in front and behind are caused by the presence of any pathology in the intercostal muscles. As a rule, with this diagnosis, the patient experiences pain that is aggravated by performing exercises such as bending back and forth, raising the arms up and moving the shoulder joints.

When such a diagnosis is established, the patient is prescribed medication, as well as massage, therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy.

When to see a doctor

We all know that pain is a signal from our body that something threatens our health, and if you experience regular pain in the area of ​​​​the ribs, you need to contact the appropriate specialist. Most often, we delay going to the doctor, referring to our own employment, however, in some cases, pain in the ribs cannot be ignored and you should immediately seek help from a medical institution. For example, this must be done in the following situations:

    if your body temperature has also risen to 38C or higher;

    if pain in the ribs also occurs along with pain in the shoulders or abdomen;

    if you have sputum with the presence of blood;

    if there is shortness of breath and chest pain of a dagger character.

In the event that pain in the chest and ribs arose as a result of an injury or as a result of a fall, it is also strongly recommended to contact medical institution for x-rays to rule out all possible risks damage to the abdominal organs and lungs.

Injuries and fractures, which may be the result of a strong blow, fall. The nature of the pain depends on the severity of the injury and the type of injury.

A bruise provokes acute, but not intense pain in the place where it is damaged muscle, surrounding the edges. Among the symptoms, the most common are swelling at the site of impact, a hematoma, which is painful to touch. The pain subsides a little and becomes dull, aching. Appearance trauma does not allow differentiating a bruise from a fracture, so an x-ray is required.

Pain in the ribs may be due to a fracture of the rib or ribs. This is a more serious injury, which signals itself with pain when inhaling, changing posture, and moving. The fracture is characteristic acute pain, extending to the entire chest, pain persists for a long time, even after the bone tissue fuses.

Fractures, in turn, are divided into three groups - cracks, subperiosteal fracture, complete and complex fracture, as well as comminuted fractures. Pain in the area of ​​the ribs with a crack is the easiest injury in the group of fractures, since the rib retains its integrity and grows together quickly enough. A subperiosteal fracture, in which the rib is injured, but the periosteum remains intact, also heals quite quickly. A complete fracture is dangerous for its fragments, which can disrupt the integrity of the structure of the lungs; a complex fracture is also considered a serious injury, in which several costal arches are injured at once. In addition to the fact that fractures are accompanied by painful sensations, they can provoke a typical cough with blood, a violation of the respiratory and heart rhythms, up to a state of shock. Any fracture - from a crack to a comminuted injury is considered a complex case, requiring not only medical examination, but also long-term treatment.

Tietze's syndrome is a disease of unknown etiology in which pathological inflammation develops. cartilage tissue. Pain in the ribs with Tietze's syndrome is very acute, intense, often it moves behind the sternum, resembling cardiac symptoms. Quite often, pain during inflammation of the cartilaginous tissue of the ribs is confused with angina pectoris, especially if a person tries to diagnose himself and start treatment on his own. Indeed, the symptom of pain radiating behind the sternum, under the shoulder blade, in the arm or neck, growing and intense, is similar to an angina attack, but cardiological drugs are not able to remove it. A differential sign that will help to visually distinguish Tietze's syndrome is a slight swelling, swelling at the site of inflammation, in addition, pain in the ribs may increase with pressure on the bone, which is completely uncharacteristic of angina pectoris. The syndrome is diagnosed by examination, orthopedic tests, palpation, and x-ray.

Oncological process of bone tissue

Malignant tumors that can cause pain in the ribs are osteosarcomas, which affect people regardless of age. Symptoms of the malignant process are manifested by constant pulling pains that worsen at night when a person takes horizontal position. Sometimes the tumor develops asymptomatically and begins to appear after a bruise of the sternum, which provokes the growth of a pathological formation. If the bruise is not checked by X-ray, it is treated as a simple domestic injury, often by warming up, which aggravates the oncological process. Tumor big size can be seen during visual inspection: in the place of its localization there is swelling. The main way to confirm or exclude a rib tumor is a biopsy.


Osteoporosis, which occurs most often in female patients, can also cause pain in the ribs. This disease is associated with a pathologically low level of calcium in bone tissue and their destruction. The causes of osteoporosis are diverse, but most often they are explained by physiological age-related changes - endocrine (menopause), metabolic (impaired absorption of calcium, vitamin D). Osteoporosis develops asymptomatically, so a person does not feel the slightest symptoms of this destructive process. Pain in the region of the ribs in osteoporosis indicates a significant change in the structure of the bone tissue, small cracks and irritation of the periosteum that preserves the bone. It is the periosteum that signals with the help of pain about the problem, since it contains a large number of nerve pain receptors. strong, sharp pain in osteoporosis may indicate a pathological fracture, which provokes the usual for healthy person load. Bone tissue is so fragile that it can collapse from a banal tilt or a sharp turn of the body. Simultaneously with the destruction of the costal bones, the integrity of the spine and the skeletal system of the body as a whole is violated. Osteoporosis is diagnosed using a standard set of examinations, which includes x-rays, laboratory blood tests.


Osteochondrosis, which is a systemic degenerative inflammatory process developing in the intervertebral discs. When squeezing the nerve bundles, pain appears, which is most often localized in the back. However, advanced disease, especially if the deformation of the vertebrae occurs in the thoracic spine, can cause pain in the ribs. The symptoms are chronic, aching pains, which are accompanied by a feeling of "cola in the chest." The pain changes its intensity depending on the posture, physical activity, thermal conditions (drafts, hypothermia). Osteochondrosis is characterized by a feeling of numbness of the extremities, muscle weakness. Often, pain in the ribs on the left is confused with cardiological pain. The disease is diagnosed by a neurologist, he also prescribes a set of therapeutic measures that can last quite a long time.


Intervertebral discs thoracic of the spine are not considered vulnerable, most often a hernia develops in lumbar. However, pain in the ribs sometimes indicates a hernia, which is a pathological complication of degenerative changes in the thoracic vertebrae. The pain develops gradually, intensifies and becomes unbearable to the point of loss of consciousness. The pain symptom often radiates to the neck or arm. The diagnosis of a hernia is confirmed or ruled out by X-ray or computed tomography, which is a more accurate and specific method of examination. A hernia of the thoracic spine is treated in a conservative way.

Intercostal neuralgia

Is common cause causing pain in the ribs.

In the gaps between the ribs, there is quite a lot of muscle and nervous tissue, the structure of which includes pain receptors. Any irritation or compression of the nerve bundles provokes pain symptom varying degrees of intensity. The causes of intercostal neuralgia are so diverse that they require a separate detailed description. The nature of neurological pain in the region of the ribs is quite typical - it manifests itself acutely, there are sensations of a “puncture”, a lumbago. Pain can overtake a person at any time of the day and greatly increases with a change in posture, movement, bending over, turning the body, and even when inhaling, coughing or sneezing. Intercostal neuralgia is also characterized by the presence of two points - in the middle part of the chest and in the spine. Pain can cause compression of the intercostal muscles during deformation of the ribs, stretching of the muscles, with excessive physical activity. Pain in the ribs caused by neuralgia often resolves on its own and does not require serious specific treatment, except for rest, simple rubbing or warming up. More serious cases, when pain in the ribs does not go away for a long time, should be dealt with by a neurologist who will determine the diagnosis and prescribe drug treatment, perhaps - massage, a course of therapeutic exercises.


A disease that has recently become increasingly common, although previously fibromyalgia was not a separate nosological unit in the classification guide. According to statistics, every 25th person suffers from some form of fibromyalgia. The etiology of the multifactorial syndrome has not yet been clarified, however, the symptoms have been studied and described in some detail. One of typical signs Fibromyalgia is pain in the region of the ribs, especially when the muscular tissue of the thoracic region undergoes fibrous degeneration. Stress, psycho-emotional trauma provokes an acute pain form of the latent course of the disease. Fibromyalgia is a simultaneous lesion of many muscle groups, including intercostal ones. Rib pain in fibromyalgia is characterized as bilateral, sensitive to weather conditions. The patient has a feeling of stiffness in the chest area, there is a periodic headache, the process of falling asleep is disturbed, and then sleep in general, coordination suffers and the quality of life is significantly reduced. Diagnosis of fibromyalgia is always difficult because the symptoms are extremely extensive and non-specific. Pain in the ribs is not the main symptom, but it is worth paying attention to if it is permanent, covering the chest. Fibromyalgic intercostal pain is diagnosed by exclusion, then a comprehensive examination is carried out, in addition, there is an approved diagnostic table with the parameters of the disease. Treatment of fibromyalgia is also diverse, it depends on the individual properties of the patient's body and the nature of the pain in the ribs. Sometimes it is enough to stop the pain symptom and prescribe a course of physiotherapy, but sometimes therapy can take a longer time.

Diseases of the pleura

Diseases of the pleura can also be a factor that provokes pain in the ribs. The pleura covers the lungs with a thin, outer layer connective tissue and the entire sternum from the inside. The pleura contains a huge number of pain receptors, the slightest irritation of which provokes enough severe pain. Especially painful is dry pleurisy in acute form. Symptoms of dry pleurisy are as follows:

  • Unilateral pain in the region of the ribs.
  • Change in the intensity of pain during deep breathing, sneezing and coughing, sharp turns of the body, during defecation.
  • Subfebrile body temperature, with jumps up to 38-39 degrees.
  • Transient feverish state in the evening.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Dry, frequent unproductive cough.
  • Preference for a lateral posture in a horizontal position.
  • Rapid, shallow breathing.
  • Dyspnea.

Dry pleurisy should be diagnosed by a therapist, and then a pulmonologist with the help of comprehensive survey, the decisive method in which will be radiography. Treatment involves the appointment of antibiotics, anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The tumor process in the pleura can also be accompanied by pain in the ribs.

Oncological pleural process, fortunately, is quite rare, however, even those few cases are worthy of description. Pain with tumors of the pleura are permanent, the pain is aching, prolonged, but not sharp, tolerable. Localization of pain depends on the site of tumor development, if the formation reaches a large size, shortness of breath, cyanosis of the skin appears. Tumor, painful in the region of the ribs, it can be benign or malignant, this is determined by a biopsy.

Psycho-emotional pain in the ribs

They can be common and concern not only pain in the ribs, but also headaches, digestive discomfort. Neurosis, prolonged depression, neurasthenia, hypochondriacal disease is accompanied by muscle spasms, pain in the ribs may develop. Anxiety, in principle, mobilizes many resources of the human body, however, a prolonged state of anxiety, constant tension begins to act on organs and systems pathologically destructive. functional or organic lesions with a psycho-emotional factor that causes rib pain, they are not detected, but treatment is necessary.

The therapeutic strategy should be built by a neuropathologist or psychiatrist.

Rib pain during pregnancy

These are typical sensations of the third trimester, especially if the woman had an asthenic physique before pregnancy. There are no pathologies in the organs and systems of the future mother with such pains, as a rule, the pain symptom is caused by the following reasons:

  • A significant increase in the size of the uterus, the uterus moves up and presses on the lower ribs.
  • Intrauterine activity of the baby, which moves too intensively.
  • The position of the fetus upside down, when the baby rests on the upper cavity of the uterus and ribs.

Symptoms are not threatening, but with constant, disturbing pain, a woman should still consult a doctor and undergo an additional examination. Usually, recommendations that relate to pain in the ribs are not difficult to implement:

  • A pregnant woman should remember about the correct posture and try to keep her back straight, straighten her shoulders.
  • Clothing should not be tight and restrict movement and the body as a whole, especially in the chest area.
  • You can try to relieve pain in the ribs by raising your arms up while taking a deep breath. Lower your arms as you exhale.
  • With excessive intrauterine activity of the baby, the woman needs to take a horizontal position, lie on her side.

Pain in the ribs is a non-specific symptom that may indicate various internal pathologies and functional disorders. If the pain symptom lasts more than a day, you should consult a doctor, even in cases of tolerable pain.

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