Treatment of migraine and headache. Headache with low pressure: what to do, how to relieve, symptoms

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Almost everyone experiences migraines in their lifetime. Those who managed to avoid such a state can rightfully be called lucky. This article will tell you about what to do with a migraine. You will know what are medications And folk recipes allowed for use at home, as well as how to relieve a migraine attack without drugs (with the help of gymnastics and the environment).

What is a migraine?

Before you learn what to do with migraine and it is worth saying a few words about the disease itself. This pathology belongs to the neurological class. Migraine differs from ordinary migraine in a special way. Most often it appears in one half of the head. The pain at the same time gradually increases, becomes pulsating and simply unbearable.

Many doctors believe that migraine is inherited only in women. If your mother or grandmother suffered from this disease, then there is a high probability that sooner or later it will manifest itself. Most often, the disease is gaining its activity at the age of the patient from 30 to 35 years. However, episodes at an earlier or later age are not excluded.

Symptoms of the disease

Very often migraine is accompanied by intolerance to bright light and loud sound. In addition, the pain may be accompanied by loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. However, before it occurs, the patient often wants to use some specific (unusual) product.

Pain during an attack often occupies one half of the head. In this case, the spread can be on the neck, eye and shoulder area. Less commonly, pathology affects two hemispheres at once. At the same time, the migraine becomes simply unbearable. Such sensations can last from one hour to several days. If a person encounters an irritant (light, noise, strong smell), then the condition can worsen significantly.

How to cure a migraine or relieve pain quickly?

There are several ways to eliminate or prevent the development of pathology. Treatment can be medical, inpatient, folk, and so on. Many patients note that a variety of drugs taken orally have little or no effect. Everything is explained by the fact that during an attack the work of the stomach stops (this is what causes nausea and vomiting). As a result of this process, various drugs do not enter the intestine for further processing and absorption into the blood. So, if a migraine attack occurs, what to do and how to quickly relieve discomfort? Let's try to consider several treatment methods in detail.

Better to prevent than to cure

If you feel that a migraine will develop soon, how to relieve pain in this case? Many doctors and scientists argue that an attack can be stopped at the very initial stages. Often, before the onset of a migraine, a person feels a fear of light, the appearance of pungent odors. An aura may appear within one hour before an attack. At the same time, the patient feels a slight clouding of consciousness, the appearance of white flies before the eyes, which are immediately replaced by black spots. There may also be tinnitus and slowness of action.

To relieve a migraine headache already at this stage, you just need to fall asleep. For many patients, this method allows you to completely avoid discomfort. For other patients, migraine occurs in a milder form. However, it is not always possible to instantly disconnect from the outside world. If you feel that a migraine is coming, then you can use the following methods:

  • drink a small cup of coffee (the intake of a vasodilator in the body will alleviate the condition);
  • take analgesics (this rule can only help if the pulsation in the temples has not yet begun);
  • use cold and hot shower(this method will help bring your blood vessels back to normal);
  • take sedatives;
  • perform a foot massage (there are points on the legs that are responsible for pain impulses in the head).

Medical treatment

If you are struck by a migraine attack, pain management should be started as soon as possible. Many doctors recommend the use of drugs to relieve discomfort. All of them can be divided into several groups.


These funds can be issued in different forms. The most common tablets. However, with nausea and vomiting, this form may simply be ineffective. There are also syrups, suspensions and effervescent (soluble) capsules. They act somewhat faster, but when inhibiting the functioning of the stomach, they may also not help. Rectal suppositories and injections in this case will be much more effective.

Among analgesics, the following drugs can be distinguished: Paracetamol, Solpadein, Mig, Aspirin, and so on. All of them have a similar effect. Once in the body, the drugs are absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body. Means detect the source of the pain syndrome and eliminate it.

It is worth noting that with all these drugs will be ineffective. Migraine is often triggered precisely by the narrowing and expansion of the main arteries of the brain.


If the pain in the head is caused by vasospasm, then this group can be used. medicinal substances. Most often they are available in the form of capsules, injections and, if possible, it is better to enter an intramuscular solution.

Antispasmodics include the following drugs: "No-Shpa", "Papaverin", "Drotaverin" and many others. Once in the human body, the drug is rapidly absorbed and has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles.

Antidepressants and sedatives

If you often suffer from migraines, how to relieve pain before it gets worse? In this case, you can drink antidepressants as well. Scientists have proven that often pathology occurs precisely because of stressful situations.

Among such drugs, the following can be distinguished: Afobazol, Persen, extracts of valerian, motherwort, and so on. It is worth noting that during an attack, the use of exclusively these funds will not lead to anything. All of these medicines should be taken before the onset of pain.

Caffeinated drugs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)

If traditional analgesics did not help you, then how to relieve a migraine (how to relieve pain)? In this case, you can take any drug containing caffeine, such as Citramon, Excedrin, or any other similar remedy.

These drugs not only relieve pain syndrome, but also gently affect them by expanding them somewhat.


There are even more strong means from migraine. Treatment in this case is carried out with drugs from the triptan class. They interact with the main receptors of the human brain and stop discomfort.

Such means include the following: Sumamigren, Amigrenin, Relpax, Sumatriptan, Zomig and many others. It is worth noting that all these drugs should be taken only as directed by a doctor after a correctly established diagnosis.

Non-drug methods

If you are struck by a migraine, how to relieve pain without the use of drugs? There are several effective ways. However, each person chooses his own individual approach to this disease. Try all the methods and choose the one that suits you best:

  1. Accept horizontal position in a dark room. If there is no way to block sounds and turn off the lights, use a special eye mask and insert earplugs. Stay like this until the pain is relieved.
  2. Accept hot bath. At the same time, immerse not only the body, but also the head in the liquid. The water must be quite high temperatures. Remember that this method is not suitable for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Get some sleep. Sleep should be short. 15-20 minutes is enough to alleviate the condition. After that, you can drink a cup of strong coffee and put a cold bandage on the forehead.
  4. Rub the whiskey with menthol ointment or pencil. After that, tightly bandage your head with a bandage. Stay in this state until the symptoms are completely relieved.
  5. Make a cold bath for hands. The liquid must contain pieces of ice. Only in this case you will achieve the desired effect. Place your hands in the bowl and remain in this position until the water is heated.


How to get rid of discomfort? You can use simple gymnastics. The impact on the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle allows you to stop the pain and can be an excellent prevention of relapse.

Sit on a chair and straighten your back. Tilt your chin to your chest as close as possible. In this case, you need to feel how the muscles and ligaments of the neck located behind are stretched. Tilt your head to the right. Then repeat the same movement on the other side. You need to perform gymnastics slowly and with your eyes closed.

Massage the forehead area from the center to the temples. At the same time, make pressure movements. From the temples, draw similar lines to the back of the head. From the back of the neck, massage your head towards the top of your head.

After the gymnastics, you need to take a horizontal position and relax a bit.

Can migraines be prevented?

If you do not want to deal with the symptoms of the disease, then you should take care of prevention. Of course, you can cure a migraine. How to relieve pain (tablets and non-drug methods) is described above. However, there are a number of rules, following which, you can minimize the risk of pain:

  • try to sleep at least 8, but not more than 10 hours a day;
  • observe (eat at the same time);
  • avoid eating forbidden foods (cheese, chocolate, spirits, soda);
  • stay outdoors more often (move and walk more);
  • drink vitamins (it is best to choose a complex of B vitamins, for example, Neuromultivit, Magnerot, Magne B6);
  • avoid stressful situations (if necessary, use sedatives);
  • monitor the health of the vessels (visit the doctor regularly and, if necessary, do an MRI).

Migraine is a neurological disease that strikes nervous system and is characterized by periodic attacks of headache or regular, painful sensations on one side of the head or on the other.

In some cases, migraine can be bilateral. Young girls in their 20s and 30s and adult women in their 40s and 50s are related to this problem. Sometimes this disease occurs in children from 4 years of age. The occurrence of these attacks occurs 1-2 times a year and reaches several times a week or a month.

Tablets for migraine. A list of effective inexpensive headache remedies is provided below in this article.

A migraine often occurs due to an activation process that occurs in the center of the trigeminal nerve. Migraine can be inherited. As the body grows older, its signs weaken. Between the ages of 25 and 35, this disease reaches its peak.

migraine symptoms

This disease is different from others. It occurs suddenly, does not respond to analgesics and also disappears imperceptibly. Migraine symptoms are pain on one side of the head and can last from half an hour to five days. It can be in the area of ​​​​the eyes, forehead and temples.

Patients are often irritated by bright lights and loud sounds. In this case, the pressure remains normal. A person can be tormented by nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. This occurs spontaneously, without reference to a stroke, a brain tumor, and sometimes may indicate the development of such pathologies.

There are several types of migraine:

  1. Ocular, without aura,
  2. hemiplegic,
  3. Neck.

Headache rarely occurs on both sides of the head. The appearance of migraine in such cases is associated with blood vessels, but has nothing to do with an increase or decrease in blood pressure. Intracranial pressure or glaucoma attacks also have no basis for migraine. It's a completely different kind of headache.

Interesting fact! Even before the birth of Christ, this disease was known, but it did not have a name. Later, the great Hippocrates described the symptoms of the disease (about 400 AD) and designated its name. However, the ancestor of its classical name was the ancient Roman doctor - Claudius Galen.

And he also owns the discovery about the localization of pain. Many geniuses were accompanied by this disease. It is inherent in people who prefer mental work. Many brilliant personalities suffered from this disease: (Pontius Pilate, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Edgar Poe, Karl Marx, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Julius Caesar, Sigmund Freud, Darwin, Newton).

Causes of migraine in women

The main factor in the occurrence of migraine in women is heredity, but so far its causes have not been fully elucidated, since it has complex mechanism the development of such a state.

The following overloads of the body can provoke a migraine:

  1. physical;
  2. emotional;
  3. malnutrition;
  4. Alcohol consumption;
  5. Sleep disturbance;
  6. solar overheating;
  7. Change in weather conditions;
  8. Smoking;
  9. Change in women hormonal background

Statistics show that in 80% of cases women are affected by this disease. There is a risk of getting sick in males, but in women this disease manifests itself much more often than in men.

Migraine has a genetic predisposition. It is inherited from mother to children.

This is interesting! People engaged in mental work, active, ambitious and striving for heights, are under the sight of this electoral disease. They want to be the first everywhere and in everything, thereby forcing the brain to work incessantly and waste energy inappropriately. The risk group for this disease is workaholics.

How to treat migraine

In this case, self-medication is categorically contraindicated, since the wrong method medicines can lead to new attacks and a protracted course of the disease.

There is no single answer as to how to treat the disease. But there are recommended groups of drugs aimed at easing seizures.

migraine pills

List of effective drugs:

  1. Preparations drugs-free (paracetamol, ibuprofen)
  2. Cerucal
  3. Medicine, designed as a spray (dihydroergotamine) Patients often carry it with them.
  4. Sumatriptan and others are seratanin receptor agonists.

In 95% of cases, with the help of these drugs, the attack is successfully copied outside the hospital. If the drugs do not have the desired effect, then the patient is subject to immediate hospitalization. With a mild course of the disease, the use of one analgesic is sufficient.

For more severe and persistent attacks, a triptan drug is recommended. During the onset of an attack, you need to take a triptan tablet and make one injection of the spray, and repeat these actions after two hours.

In that case, if the drug does not work, you need to change the drug. That is why the process of migraine treatment itself takes a long time and is accompanied by financial losses for the patient.


These drugs can be bought at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Analgesics, today, are the most popular for relieving pain. To get the effect of these drugs, they should be taken 2 tablets per day with plenty of liquid.

These drugs are recommended not only as painkillers, but also as an antipyretic. Analgin with Tempalgin - the most common drugs this group, but they have many side effects. Use very carefully on children.

Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid is used for migraine as an antipyretic, and Codeine has a weak narcotic and analgesic effect. Caffeine is a psychostimulant for migraine attacks.


10 years ago, these were effective remedies for migraine. After some time, medical luminaries came to the conclusion that there are no spasms during migraine attacks, which means that antispasmodics do not have such a therapeutic effect as caffeine-containing drugs. Antispasmodics that are often taken by patients: Ho-shpa, Dibazol, Nicotinic acid and other drugs.

Calming agents

Experts advise not to get involved in antidepressants, because, calming the nervous system and eliminating the headache, this is not a guarantee that the patient will receive effective treatment for migraine. Even as a preventive measure, sedatives such as Doxelin and Amitriptyline are not suitable for everyone.

caffeine tablets

Tablets containing caffeine (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are used in the relief of attacks and the treatment of moderate illness.

Triptans for migraine (drugs), price

Triptans are not always effective for migraine, only some of their groups give a really positive result. The drug must be tested. They are not only able to save the patient from a headache, but also to eliminate the symptoms associated with this disease (nausea, vomiting).

When testing these drugs, it turned out that 65% of the subjects received significant relief. At modern treatment migraine patients use the following drugs: sumatriptan, zolmitriptan, naratriptan and eletriptan. The price in pharmacies is from 100 rubles. up to 1500 r.

Important: Triptans are unacceptable in the treatment of patients suffering from blood pressure, and IBS. And also in this risk group are patients who have had a myocardial infarction or stroke.

Treatment with folk remedies

If the attacks are infrequent, then folk remedies will provide the necessary assistance. They will also be effective in exacerbations of the disease.

At the first sign of a migraine, a drink made from raspberry herbs and willow branches in a 1:1 ratio will help. This healing drink contains acetylsalicylic acid. You can drink hot black tea.

In some cases, a decoction of ergot is used, but, unfortunately, it is very toxic and can be poisonous. Ergot has its own contraindications: pregnancy, hypertension and angina pectoris. The recommended course is a week.

If the patient refuses to take oral decoctions and medicines, then there is another way. Rub mint behind the ears on the forehead and temple essential oil - It relieves migraine pain. Sometimes caraway oil can also help, as an anticonvulsant.

Sharp headaches will help relieve a wet towel applied to the localization site. A cold foot bath will also work. In the diet, you need to pay attention to vegetables, except for tomatoes. Be sure to include B vitamins in your diet.


Our ancestors successfully used such a simple remedy as compresses. On the forehead, you can put cut potatoes, lemon wedges or wet canvas. Ice cubes will also be helpful. Alternating cold and hot compresses gives a positive result.

lemon compress

Lemon compress is considered very effective. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a cup and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Bandage or gauze should be soaked with this juice and applied to the forehead and temples. Keep this compress for 30 minutes.

Herbal decoctions, infusions, teas

In certain cases, black hot tea with honey saves. Tea contains substances that affect the nervous system, and they have a mild effect, unlike coffee. The brain receives much more oxygen and the patient relaxes. Blood circulation is normalized and the patient experiences significant relief.

Green tea for headaches

Another remedy very useful in this case is green tea with a pinch of mint. He copes well with headaches, which are caused, in addition to migraines, by fatigue, overwork, vasospasm, and menstruation in women. Drink it once a day and before meals.

Beginning of reception: at the first attacks of a headache. Drink green tea very slowly in sips because it affects the pressure level. Brewed, it is in a porcelain cup, insisting a little. By the strength of the impact, it is equated to black tea.

Migraine with aura, symptoms, treatment

Migraines with aura - severe paroxysmal headaches preceded by visual and speech disorders.

The peculiarity of this migraine is that it is complicated by various visual disorders. To correctly diagnose migraine with aura, one must rely on neurological and ophthalmic examinations, EEG, MRI and CT of the brain.

Treatment includes the prevention and suspension of seizures.


This kind of migraine is characterized by warning signs that last about an hour. To stop the attack, you should take the funds prescribed by the doctor. During this period, the patient experiences loss of sensitivity, speech disorder, cuts, he sees lightning or black spots in his eyes.

All this can be accompanied by hallucinations. And only after the end of these symptoms, an hour later, there is a severe headache. The disease spreads to the forehead, temples, eyes and captures the lower jaw. At this time, the pills will not give the desired effect.

Paleness of the skin is observed, then a sharp reddening, lacrimation begins. In the area affected by the disease, the mucous membrane of the eye is hyperemic.

Gradually, symptoms such as frequent, and in large quantities, salivation, nausea and difficulty breathing due to nasal congestion join.

Causes of migraine with aura

  1. stressful conditions;
  2. sleep deprivation;
  3. A sharp change in temperature;
  4. Too bright light;
  5. constant noise;
  6. Monitor flickering;
  7. Pungent odors;
  8. Excessive sexual activity;
  9. Menses;
  10. Long-term use of contraceptives;
  11. Therapy with hormones.

It has been observed that people who do not complain about life and are optimistic about it are much less likely to suffer from migraine attacks than those who experience constant feeling discontent and irritability. To this type of migraine are located: hypochondriacs, patients with depressive neurosis and sleep disorders, and with chronic fatigue syndrome.

To combat migraines, you need to follow a diet. Many foods can trigger headaches. These are foods such as: citrus fruits, fish caviar, bananas, cheese, nuts and red wine.

Neurologists argue that it is not the foods themselves that are harmful, but the time of the coincidence of the onset of the attack along with the consumption of certain foods. The brain fixes this, and then causes a headache, as a reaction to this product.

Treatment of migraine with aura

The treatment of migraine with aura is divided into two areas: the treatment of migraine attacks and their prevention. In this case, an individual approach and treatment based on the ECG results is important.

1. How to stop seizures

Use NSAIDs (naproxen, ibuprofen, diclofenac) or analgesics. For severe and prolonged headaches, the doctor prescribes drugs such as triptans: zolmitriptan, naratriptan, eletriptan, sumatriptan.

When vomiting, drugs are added to stop vomiting: chlorpromazine or domperidone.

2. For the prevention of migraine attacks, it is recommended to conduct a course of treatment with drugs 1-2 times a month. The procedure is very lengthy and time consuming. Antidepressants and psychotropic medications are also recommended. Scientists are still busy with the problem effective treatment migraine.

It is important to know! There is also a non-drug approach to the qualitative treatment of this disease. The attitude of the patient to the disease, adherence to the diet and diet, the use of decoctions are very important. The psychological point is also important here.

The patient must analyze the situation, change the way of life. If this is not done, then he can receive increased doses of drugs for a long time without a visible result.

Migraine in children, symptoms, treatment

Causes and treatment of migraine in children

In children, the disease appears suddenly and for no apparent reason, but it can be provoked by eating certain foods, Chinese dishes.

At risk:

  • sugar;
  • caffeine;
  • chocolate;
  • nuts.

Symptoms children are the same as adults. Before illness, the child may become whiny, irritable and withdrawn, or vice versa, excited and talkative. These children have disturbed sleep and appetite.

In a child, the aura is more often visual. The child is not able to tell what worries him, and then the doctor shows pictures or asks to draw what he sees. Usually, various lines, dots, unclear and blurry pictures appear before his eyes.

The child often feels dizzy, speech functions are disturbed, memory suffers and the face becomes numb. There are problems with coordination. The attack lasts 4 hours. The child becomes lethargic, taciturn, drowsy, afraid of light. There is nausea, vomiting, chills and fatigue. This continues after the attack for several days.

For the treatment of migraine in children, it is necessary to follow the daily routine, protect from stress, follow a diet, if the child is a schoolboy, then you need to reduce the study load. The attack can be stopped at home. To do this, you need to put the child on the bed in a dark and cool room so that he can fall asleep.

Depending on the duration of the attack, you can stop it with ibuprofen or naproxen, in addition to aspirin. Medications should be given no more than 2 times a week during an exacerbation.

How to relieve migraine (headache) during pregnancy

Treatment during pregnancy

During pregnancy, migraines either increase or decrease. Sometimes such attacks are noticed in a woman for the first time. This is partly due to hormonal fluctuations. This disease has no effect on the unborn child.

Migraine patients are characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Fever with headache;
  2. The duration of the attack or the frequent repetition of pain;
  3. Visual impairment (blurring and fuzzy outlines).

How to relieve migraine during pregnancy

When pain occurs, it is enough to put a cool compress on the head. During pregnancy, experts recommend taking acetaminophen (Tylenol) tablets strictly on the advice of a doctor. Do not self-administer anti-inflammatory drugs, especially aspirin.

Gymnastics against migraine

Very positive effect on the human body with this disease, gymnastics and self-massage. Gymnastics against migraineVery effective remedy . It is possible to eliminate the pulsation in the head only by raising and lowering the eyebrows. Blurry vision can be avoided by applying pressure to the eyeballs.

If you stroke your temples in a circular motion for at least 2 minutes, you can reduce the attacks of a debilitating headache. If you shake your head in one direction or the other, and the effect of the procedure will be positive.

Another good exercise: you need to lie on the floor with your sacrum on a tennis ball and lie down for a bit. But these exercises are effective only if the attacks are not very strong.

What not to do with a migraine

No need to self-medicate, believing that the headache will pass anyway. Some foods may cause allergies. You need to decide on a diet, and not break it under no circumstances. More than 30% of migraine patients noted an increase in headache when eating a certain product.

Migraine prevention, drugs and more

Preventive methods include:

  1. Relaxing exercises;
  2. Yoga;
  3. Acupuncture;
  4. Massage.

It is necessary to monitor the foods that are eaten daily. In order to prevent migraines, you need to exclude foods containing tyramine from your diet. Products such as cocoa, citrus fruits, chocolate, legumes, hard cheeses should be limited to a minimum or completely eradicated. Alcohol in migraine is prohibited in any form.

Walks in the fresh air, the absence of stressful situations, a positive attitude towards life will benefit. Healthy sleep and quality proper nutrition restore strength and courage. Drink B vitamins from time to time and monitor the health of blood vessels.

Tablets for migraine. A list of effective inexpensive headache remedies is presented in this video:

Video about what migraine is and how migraine drugs work:

Migraine is a common neurological disease. It is characterized by sudden and very strong attacks of pain, which are periodically repeated. The duration of the attack can be up to 72 hours. All you can think about when a migraine occurs is how to relieve pain and alleviate the condition. But there is no need to worry about this. There are several very ways to completely eliminate it.

How to relieve pain with pills?

If you want to relieve a headache as quickly as possible, it is best to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. With weak and rare attacks, analgesics will help:

  • Analgin;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Aspirin;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Ketrolac;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Naproxen.

Before you relieve migraine pain with such pills, you should eat something, as they negatively affect the stomach. For those who are often bothered by more intense pain worth choosing combined preparations containing caffeine, phenobarbital, or codeine. These medicines include:

  • Citramon;
  • Pentalgin;
  • Askofen;
  • Migrenol;
  • Solpadein;
  • Kaffetin.

In cases where the pain is spasmodic in nature, you need to choose drugs containing anti-spasm components:

  • took;
  • Spazmalgon;
  • Spazgan.

The attack is very long and deprives you of the opportunity to lead a normal life? How then to relieve a migraine headache? It's best to use . These are not just “painkillers” drugs. They do not directly affect the pain, they will narrow the dilated blood vessels in the membrane of the brain, that is, they will eliminate what causes the onset of an attack.

The drugs in this group include:

  • sumatriptan;
  • Amigrenin;
  • Sumamigren;
  • Rapided.
Massage for migraine

If you don't have pain medication? How to relieve migraine pain at home? Mass will help. It should be carried out in a well-ventilated area and always with subdued light. To do a massage, you need:

  1. Take a comfortable position and “fix” your head in your forearms.
  2. Relax and perform stroking movements on the face and in the neck-collar zone.
  3. Stroke the head with wide movements of both hands, moving to the neck and shoulders.
  4. Slowly but strongly massage your head with your fingers from the forehead to the back of the head, and then from the temple to the crown.
  5. At the same time, on both sides, massage the head in the area from the tubercles behind the ears to the back of the head.
  6. Perform stroking movements on the face and in the cervical-collar area.

A contraindication to such an analgesic massage is only a significant violation of the integrity of the skin on the head or pustular diseases that affected the massaged area.

How to relieve pain with folk methods?

Perfectly relieve migraine pain and folk remedies. Green tea copes with this problem (the main thing is that it should be without additives), as well as blackcurrant juice. You can quickly and easily relieve migraine pain by taking this folk remedy, as an infusion of Siberian elderberry.

Infusion recipe

What to do with a migraine if the attack happened at home or on the street is a question that is relevant for absolutely everyone.

Even if you are lucky and you are not among those who suffer from this disease, you still need to know what medical care should be in this situation at the pre-hospital stage.

A migraine attack can happen to any of your friends, acquaintances or relatives, and the life of a person close to you will depend only on your competent actions. Knowing how to cure a migraine can save the patient.

Tip: All your relatives, colleagues, friends and acquaintances should know how to relieve a passing migraine attack. No need to be ashamed of your illness - it can end badly for you.

Migraine is a severe paroxysmal headache, localized, as a rule, on one side (this condition is called its hemicrania). It is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, severe dizziness and blurred vision. Even loss of consciousness or acute cerebrovascular insufficiency is possible.

The pathophysiological mechanism of this phenomenon is the occurrence of a strong spasm of the vessels of the brain and retina. This leads to a gross violation of the most complex biochemical processes associated with the exchange of neurotransmitters. As a result, an unbearable pain syndrome, which can lead to severe complications.

Sometimes occurs during sleep. That is why a migraine attack should be stopped as soon as possible. It does not go away on its own, even during sleep.

The “self-healing” option here will definitely pass, you don’t have to wait until the beginning headache disappears without any help. It is necessary to act quickly and competently - in the case of prompt assistance, further manifestation can be excluded pathological process, because there is no drug yet, the use of which would make it possible to get rid of migraines forever.


Naturally, before starting the provision of emergency medical care, you will need to be 100% sure that you are really sick, suffering from a migraine attack.

This is of fundamental importance in view of the fact that emergency care for migraine (that is, the drug taken in this case) differs from help for any other conditions accompanied by severe headache (this can be hypertension, and an attack of neurocirculatory dystonia).

And in the event that anti-migraine drugs are given to hypertensive patients (in the same way as vice versa), it is possible to achieve completely different results that were originally planned.

Tip: The best way to learn how to manage a migraine is with your healthcare provider after you've taken all the necessary precautions. diagnostic measures. And let your loved ones know about it. Knowing how to cure a migraine can save the patient.

You can distinguish a migraine attack from all other conditions that have similar symptoms by the presence of a beginning aura - the so-called harbingers of a severe headache. That is, in the vast majority of cases, a classic (ophthalmic) migraine occurs - at first visual disturbances are noted, and only then, after a while, headache, nausea and vomiting occur.

Migraine what to do?

The greatest intensity of the attack occurs half an hour or an hour after the aura, but this should not be expected.
Medical assistance should be provided as soon as the first signs of an aura appear - in this case, it will be possible to prevent the development of a migraine attack. That is, the sooner antimigraine drugs are used, the better it will be for a person.

Emergency funds

Given that a migraine attack can happen to a person anywhere and the likelihood that special anti-migraine drugs will be available medications negligible, the patient will need to take any painkiller from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (drugs - indomethacin, ibuprofen, diclofenac, nimesulide).

Let this be far from the most successful treatment regimen, but the likelihood of developing a vascular catastrophe will significantly decrease. She will help anyway. Ideally, a person suffering from migraine attacks should always carry anti-migraine drugs with him - in this case, give him emergency care it will be much easier.

Elimination of an attack

An effective remedy for migraine is Antimigraine and Rapimig. They can be drunk in combination with one of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs described above allows you to achieve positive results and stop the attack at the stage of precursors. By the way, manifestations of the aura can be much more dangerous than the headache itself. This should also be taken into account when providing emergency medical care.

However, the most effective drugs to stop a migraine attack are ergot preparations, in particular ergotamine hydrotartrate. The medication is intended for oral and sublingual (meaning under the tongue) 1-2 tablets (1-2 mg). In addition, it can be administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously in 1 ml of a 0.05 solution of ergotamine, in some cases (but much less often) ergotamine is administered intravenously in 0.5 ml.

Profile therapy

Much more pronounced results can be achieved by the combined use of ergotamine hydrotartrate and caffeine, 2 ml of a 20% solution subcutaneously or 0.2 g orally. Agree, the scheme is somewhat strange from a theoretical point of view - caffeine, which increases blood pressure and stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, is used for headaches.

But it should be borne in mind that in this case this symptom is not caused by high blood pressure, but by vascular spasm, so the appointment can be considered quite reasonable.

By the way, this is another point confirming the great importance of differential diagnosis of migraine with other pathologies that have similar symptoms.

It should also be taken into account that pain relief with ergotamine preparations will not work in many cases. They are categorically contraindicated in organic pathologies of the vessels of the brain and heart ( ischemic disease) and pregnancy at any time.

How to Relieve a Migraine Headache (Alternative)

Domestic clinicians have developed several more fairly effective therapeutic regimens, in view of the fact that few people have ergotamine hydrotartrate in their home medicine cabinet.

  1. Scheme No. 1
    Indomethacin - 0.025 g,
    Amidopyrine - 0.5 g,
    Analgin - 1 g orally and (or) 2 ml of a 50% solution of analgin, intramuscularly or intravenously, Reopirin - 1 tablet orally and (or) 5 ml intramuscularly,
    Voltaren - 3 ml.
  2. Scheme No. 2
    It is used if migraine attacks are accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
    Seduxen - 2 ml of a 0.5% solution intramuscularly, or intravenously,
    Pipolfen - 1 ml of a 2.5% solution intramuscularly,
    Suprastin - 1 ml of a 2% solution intramuscularly,
    Dimedrol - 1 ml of 1% solution intramuscularly.

In parallel with the measures being taken, mustard plasters are prescribed on the back of the neck, hot foot baths and a cold compress on the head. Relieve fatigue and fatigue, anesthetize the patient, it will be much easier.
In addition, caffeamine tablets, which contain 1 mg of ergotamine and 10 mg of caffeine sodium benzoate, have proven their effectiveness.

This is what an adequate ambulance should be like for a migraine attack that happened at home. In fairness, it should be noted that often with these means it is possible to relieve an attack and avoid hospitalization. NSAID monotherapy has low efficacy.

Tip: Considering if you have a migraine attack every day - what to do. The answer is unequivocal - treatment in the neurological department is necessary, and urgently.

Migraine attack at home how to relieve pain?

Just as important as taking medications is non-drug treatment migraine attack.

It will be necessary for a person to ensure complete rest, place him in a dark room and do not turn on the light - this acts as a provoking factor that can significantly aggravate the patient's condition.

In addition, it is necessary to seat the patient and massage the head (temporal and parietal areas).

In the event that the medication was ineffective, hospitalization is necessary. If the migraine attack was stopped and two hours after the manifestation of the aura, the headache did not occur, then it will be possible to calmly return to the previous activity - this will be a confirmation of the effectiveness of the medical care provided.

But at the same time, it must be remembered that the relief of migraine attacks with some non-drug drugs or prescriptions traditional medicine absolutely contraindicated. The nutritional energy of dietary supplements, the positive energy of thoughts are auxiliary means, the effectiveness of which is possible only in combination with traditional methods of treatment. You can't cure a migraine without pills.

migraine at work

How to relieve a migraine attack at work? Everything is the same, with the only amendment - it is better to send a person home and let him rest for a few days.

This will reduce the likelihood of a recurrence of the disease, since fatigue is a risk factor in this case. If there is no rest, then most likely the attack will happen again.

Migraine is one of the manifestations of disorders in the brain and refers to neurological diseases. A migraine attack is distinguished from a regular headache by a strong pain character, pulsating sharp sensations (pain can be observed only in one part of the head - on the right or left).

Migraine attacks are often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • painful perception of bright light;
  • intolerance of loud sounds.

Approximately 1 person in 7 suffers from migraine periodically. At the same time, in some, an attack can occur 1-2 times during the year, while in others - almost daily. In such rare cases, world medical practice allows consideration of the issue of assigning a disability to a patient suffering from frequent systemic migraine.

A severe attack can really deprive a person of the opportunity to work. and lead a fulfilling life. Next, we will look at ways to help alleviate this unpleasant condition.

First aid: what to do before taking the pills?

If a person feels the approach of an attack or a migraine has already begun, if possible, he needs to take a supine position and the most comfortable position. A person needs to provide the most comfortable conditions:

  1. If the attack is accompanied by photophobia, it is necessary to exclude sources of bright light, curtain the windows with a thick cloth.
  2. If during a migraine a person is prone to hyperacusis and phonophobia, it is necessary to ensure maximum silence.
  3. When migraine is accompanied by hyperosmia, remove all sources of sharp and specific odors.
  4. The room must be provided with fresh clean air.

How can you quickly relieve severe pain?

Note! Medications can help stop an attack: analgesics, antispasmodics and antiemetics. Their appointment should be handled by the attending neurologist, who, after the diagnosis, will be able to select the most effective means.

But if the attack happened unexpectedly and the person did not have time to reach the doctor, it makes sense to use the standard medical kit used during a migraine attack.


The main goal of taking medications is to eliminate severe headaches. Respectively, First of all, you need to take painkillers.

Antispasmodics and analgesics

To relieve a headache, you can use commonly available drugs - analgesics and antispasmodics, which are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Most of them contain paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin and caffeine. The most popular means are:

  • Solpadein;
  • Spazgan, Spazmolgon;
  • Ibupprofen, Nurofen;
  • Aspirin (if there are no stomach problems);
  • Citramon, Caffetin, Askofen (if there is no tendency to hypertension);
  • Tetralgin;
  • took;
  • Sedalgin.

Attention! Drugs in the form of pops begin to act faster, but their administration is advisable only when there is no vomiting. If a person is tormented by nausea, preference should be given to the tablet form.


Proven Means that relieve nausea well and stop vomiting are:

  • Cerucal;
  • Betagixin;
  • Aeron;
  • Prazepam;
  • Zofran;
  • Metoproclamide.

In cases where migraine is accompanied not only by nausea, but also by severe bouts of vomiting, it is useless to drink pills. It is good if there is someone nearby who can give an intramuscular injection (most antispasmodics and antiemetics available in the form of solutions for injection).

If it is not possible to inject the drug, you can use the medicine in the form of rectal suppositories (in the form of suppositories, such antiemetics are produced as: Torekan, Rodavan).

Combinations of drugs - permissible combinations, contraindications

Almost all drugs that stop a migraine attack have their own contraindications and side effects. Independently, at home, you should not combine many different drugs. It is worth dwelling on only one combination: antispasmodic or analgesic + antiemetic drug.

If the long-awaited relief does not come and after a few hours the pain does not go away, it is advisable to call ambulance. In this case, doctors will need to be warned about those drugs that you have already taken.

In a hospital setting, under the supervision of a doctor, various combinations of injectable drugs are used, which can quickly stop migraine. It can be a combination of sedatives, hydration agents and antidepressants.

For example, intravenously administered:

  1. Melipramine + 0.5% Seduxen solution (diluted with glucose) + Lazeks.
  2. Antihistamine + 0.5% solution of Haloperidol or 0.25% solution of Trifluperidol (Trisedil).

Important! It is possible to engage in independent selection of drugs for stopping an attack only in extreme cases, when the pain needs to be relieved on the spot. At the same time, you should not hesitate to consult a doctor for advice.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine has its own tips on how to relieve migraine pain. Next, we will look at several popular methods.

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cabbage leaves

For migraines, you need to take a few sheets of fresh white cabbage. The sheets are applied to the place on the head where it hurts, fixed on top with a handkerchief. It is believed that this method helps to reduce pain during a migraine.

potato juice

At the beginning of an attack, you need to take a fresh potato, wash it, peel it. Potato juice is obtained using a juicer. At the onset of pain, you need to drink ¼ tablespoon. Medicinal infusions

It is necessary to drink herbal infusions, rather, as a prophylaxis for migraines, since during the attack itself, there will be no time to prepare the infusion.

According to reviews, The most effective are the following recipes:

  1. 1 st. l. dry oregano is poured with boiling water (300 ml), covered with a lid and infused for about an hour. Filter in a convenient way and drink a glass, three times a day.
  2. 3 art. l. lemon balm pour a glass of boiling water. Cover and infuse for about an hour. It is necessary to take the infusion 4-5 times a day, 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Dry herbs of peppermint, fireweed and oregano are taken in equal proportions. Everything is thoroughly mixed and 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture is poured with boiling water (300 ml). Insist for an hour, with a severe migraine, drink 1 glass of this infusion.

What to do if the treatment does not help?

One of the problems with migraine is that with frequent repetitions of seizures, the effect of analgesics and antispasmodics gradually decreases, that is, habituation occurs.

If the drugs used have ceased to relieve pain, you should contact your doctor.

When a migraine is diagnosed, neurologists prescribe prophylactic treatment, which often involves the use of triptans. Their action is based on the control of the exchange of the neurotransmitter serotonin.

The intake of these drugs should be very long. Most patients do not follow the rules for taking these drugs and do not adhere to the recommendations given by the neurologist. Accordingly, in such cases, the treatment is completely ineffective.

Prevention: how to prevent relapses?

First of all, it is necessary to avoid factors that can provoke an attack:

  • prolonged TV watching, reading, playing games on phones and tablets;
  • excessive mental and physical stress;
  • stress.

To reduce the intensity of seizures and the frequency of their occurrence, the following tips should be taken into account:


Migraine is a problem that can really cause a lot of trouble for a person. To quickly relieve pain and alleviate the patient's condition, it is necessary to take medications (analgesics, antispasmodics, antiemetics).

After the first migraine attack, it is advisable to seek the help of a neurologist who can prescribe adequate and effective therapy. Unfortunately, to date, a remedy that could permanently save a person from migraine has not been found.

But it is possible to reduce the frequency of attacks and their intensity thanks to prevention - the maintenance of active and healthy lifestyle life, as well as strictly following all the recommendations that will be given by the attending physician.

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