What symptoms appear in the first days of pregnancy. The first signs of pregnancy: how to determine an interesting situation by early symptoms Is there a sudden pregnancy

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The first weeks of pregnancy are a very important stage in the development of the embryo, so it is important for a woman to know about the development of pregnancy in the early stages in order to avoid unnecessary mistakes.

When do the early symptoms appear?

It is believed that a delay is the very first sign of pregnancy after conception, but this is not so.

Let's figure out when other, earlier symptoms appear (before the delay) and what are they?

According to the science of embryology (the study of the development of an organism from the moment of fertilization), from the first days in the body of a woman, hormonal changes begin creating favorable conditions for the development of pregnancy.

Therefore, a woman feels the very first, early signs and symptoms of pregnancy even before the delay in menstruation, but after a few weeks after conception.

How to understand that she is pregnant, according to her feelings and state of health?

Signs that a woman feels

    Fatigue, drowsiness. When the first signs of pregnancy after conception begin, a woman may notice such symptoms: weakness, a constant desire to sleep.

    Even after a long sleep, there is no feeling of vivacity and strength. The daily routine may be disturbed: there will be a desire to fall asleep early or wake up late at night, followed by insomnia until the morning.

  • Emotional instability, irritability. Frequent mood swings from euphoria to feelings of deep sadness - laughter and tears at the same time. The attitude to situations to which they were previously indifferent is changing. Tearfulness and slight vulnerability are especially frequent in emotionally impressionable ladies.
  • Change and perversion of appetite. Most women note an increase in appetite, the lack of a feeling of fullness makes a woman eat more often and more than usual.

    In some women, the appetite decreases and there is even an aversion to previously favorite dishes, or there is a desire to eat a dish that she did not eat before.

  • Nausea and vomiting- classic, more common signs during pregnancy. Nausea is more common in the morning. Even the memory of certain foods can cause nausea, even vomiting. The severity of toxicosis can be different in women - from mild to severe.
  • Increased sensitivity of the chest. The slightest touch to the chest, when the first signs of pregnancy begin to appear, can be manifested by unpleasant, even painful sensations. There is a feeling of heaviness in the chest. In very rare cases, there may be a decrease in the sensitivity of the breast.
  • Change in sex drive. During pregnancy, a woman's sexual desire weakens or intensifies.
  • Drawing pain in the lower abdomen. Minor pain may appear, which is associated with an increase in blood flow in the pelvic organs.
  • Lower back pain may appear after tilting (for example, during cleaning).
  • Alternate feelings of heat and chills not associated with external factors (under optimal temperature conditions), may appear several times a day.
  • Aversion to smells. Perfumes can cause discomfort, even nausea and vomiting. Unfamiliar smells (gasoline, nail polish) may begin to like.
  • Digestive disorder. A pregnant woman is sometimes concerned about bloating, increased gas formation, and a tendency to constipation.
  • Frequent urge to urinate. The woman notes more frequent urges (even at night).
  • Dizziness, headache, fainting- a consequence of a decrease in pressure during pregnancy.
  • Muscle cramps frequent, especially at night.

What signs are visible outside

When the first signs of pregnancy occur after conception, they can also be seen from the outside:

  • Darkening of the skin of the areola of the nipples. The skin around the nipples becomes darker in color.
  • Strengthening of the venous network on the chest. Veins on the delicate skin of the chest are more clearly visible, their diameter increases.
  • Breast augmentation. During pregnancy, the breast increases by 1-2 sizes.
  • Pigmentation of the white line of the abdomen. The line running from the bottom of the sternum to the pubis becomes darker.
  • Cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs. Due to the increase in blood supply and venous stasis of blood, the genital mucosa acquires a cyanotic character (this is especially noticeable on the labia).
  • Increased vaginal discharge. There is an increased production of secretion by the glands of the vestibule of the vagina.
  • The appearance of thrush. During pregnancy, the acidity of the vagina changes, which creates ideal conditions for the reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida. White, cheesy discharge with a sour smell may appear.
  • Slight swelling of the hands and feet. It can be seen that the rings that women wore earlier have become small and difficult to remove.
  • Temperature increase. A normal phenomenon for a pregnant woman is a slight increase in temperature, which is associated with the hormone progesterone.

Now you know when you can feel the first signs of pregnancy, what they are, how to recognize them, determine them. Consider what happens at this time with the body, which causes all the symptoms.

What happens to the body

The physiology of a pregnant woman undergoes significant changes when the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception - both before and after the delay.

This creates favorable conditions for bearing a child. Most organ systems begin to "work" in an enhanced mode.

Endocrine system

The most pronounced changes in the body of a pregnant woman occur in the hormonal system.

Pregnancy is "the kingdom of the hormone progesterone".

This hormone begins to be actively produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary at the beginning of pregnancy, then, when the placenta is formed, it takes on this function.

Progesterone has many effects:

    Expansion of blood vessels (which explains dizziness, a decrease in blood pressure, an increase in the lumen of the vessels, leading to venous stagnation in the pelvic organs, to the appearance of a pattern on the chest, there is an expansion of the venous capillaries of the external genital organs, which causes the "cyanosis" of the mucous membranes).

  • Impact on the thermoregulation center (there is a temperature regulation center in the hypothalamus, progesterone acts on it, raising the temperature, so the temperature in pregnant women is slightly higher, you should not worry about this).
  • Influence on the urinary system, contributing to fluid retention in the body. This is the cause of edema in pregnant women.
  • Impact on the intestinal wall, slowing down the peristalsis of the digestive system, from which there is a tendency to constipation.
  • Suppression of the immune system. This is a defensive reaction of the body to the development of the fetus, but it can contribute to frequent infections and colds. Therefore, during pregnancy, you need to be careful, take care of your health.
  • Influence on the cells of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, an increase in the amount of secreted fluid, an increase in the viscosity of the secret, which can provoke inflammatory processes during pregnancy, as favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of microorganisms.

During pregnancy, there is an increased production of the adrenal melanoform hormone, which causes pigmentation of the areola of the nipples and the white line of the abdomen.

The hormone is a placental lactogen, it increases the size of the breast, increases its sensitivity by increasing the glandular tissue.

Increased activity of thyroid hormones(thyroxine, triiodothyronine), the heart rate increases (therefore, pregnant women often have tachycardia, even at rest).

External and internal genital organs

When the first obvious signs of pregnancy appear, labia become swollen, acquire a "cyanotic" hue due to venous blood stasis.

The walls of the vagina thicken somewhat, become edematous, the shape of the vagina expands, lengthens.

Discharge from the genitals increases in volume, the nature of their normally light, slimy, without an unpleasant odor.

The uterus undergoes the most significant changes. This muscular organ increases its size many times in proportion to the growth of the child.

Significantly increases blood flow in the uterus. The uterine arteries increase significantly in diameter, which contributes to normal blood flow.

Nervous system

The susceptibility of the nervous system to all kinds of influences increases.

Women celebrate unexplained mood swings(from a complete breakdown to a state of euphoria and joy), working capacity, perseverance decrease, drowsiness increases, irritability appears.

Due to functional changes in the nervous system, changes in the action of mediators, nausea, increased salivation, vomiting appear, the sense of smell and susceptibility to various odors become aggravated.

Due to increased excitability in the peripheral nerves, there are frequent convulsions even at night, numbness of the fingers.

Kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system

During pregnancy, renal blood flow increases significantly, frequent urge to urinate. This is also facilitated by the anatomical proximity of the bladder and the growing uterus.

The peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract slows down (due to the effect of progesterone on the smooth muscles of the intestine), so pregnant women often suffer from constipation, bloating, increased gas production.

Due to the expansion of the venous vessels of the rectal venous plexus, a woman may develop hemorrhoids, which have never bothered before.

Increased respiratory rate, more
In late pregnancy, shortness of breath may even appear due to the pressure of the uterus on the wall of the diaphragm.

Cardiovascular system, metabolism

The heart rate increases. The volume of blood in a woman's body increases.

Appears pressure drop(this is especially pronounced in women who are initially prone to hypotension).

The need for the absorption of calcium, iron and other minerals, the need for vitamins increases.

Carbohydrate metabolism is characterized by an increase in blood glucose levels. There is an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood.

What the doctor says about the manifestation of the first signs of pregnancy before the delay, see the video:

If such changes began to occur in the body, you need to consult a doctor to reliably find out if your dream has come true!

At what time do signs of pregnancy begin to appear? And how to determine if fertilization has occurred? The answers to these questions are of particular interest to women who have decided or really dream of having a baby.

At what time do the first signs of pregnancy appear?

Usually, the first symptoms of pregnancy appear 10 days after conception, because already 7 days after fertilization, serious hormonal changes occur in the female body, and you can feel them yourself. Therefore, knowing the exact date of ovulation and paying special attention to her well-being, a woman will be able to notice signs of the onset of pregnancy. This may be excessive emotionality - tearfulness, capriciousness, increased irritability, etc.

Regardless of the gestational age, in each case, expectant mothers have individual feelings, but there are also general ones that most women experience. Not the last role here is played by the characteristics of the body, the state of health and even the desire to get pregnant (in fact, as well as the lack of it). Therefore, it is difficult to unequivocally answer at what time the signs of pregnancy will appear exactly.

10 signs of early pregnancy

As mentioned above, the body of the future mother begins to respond to pregnancy as soon as conception has occurred, or rather, as soon as the fertilized egg has attached to the wall of the uterus. Therefore, certain signs may appear already in the early stages - they most likely make it possible to assert the onset of pregnancy. However, it is worth noting that many women do not feel any changes at all, but those who really want to get pregnant are able to find signs of pregnancy in themselves, even if there really is none.

So, 10 signs of pregnancy at an early stage, which even before the delay will help determine that you will soon become a mother. It is important to understand that the appearance of one or two of them is not a reason to run to the doctor. You need to assess your condition in the aggregate, according to several criteria.

1. Spotting. Approximately 6-12 days after ovulation, bloody, pinkish or brown discharge from the vagina may appear, accompanied by slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen. They feel very much like the onset of menstruation, but, nevertheless, the woman is visited by the thought that menstruation does not begin as usual. This so-called implantation bleeding, caused by the attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus, is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy;

2. Increase in basal temperature. Among the 10 signs of pregnancy, this is one of the most reliable. Women leading a temperature chart are well aware that basal temperature rises at the time of ovulation. And if fertilization does not occur, it decreases again. However, when pregnancy occurs, it remains at 37 ° C (sometimes a little higher);

3. Feeling of general malaise, accompanied by fever. Such a change entails a change in the hormonal background. Not knowing about the onset of pregnancy, the woman thinks that she just caught a cold or got sick;

4. Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic region. During pregnancy, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases, so women can “feel” their uterus literally from the first days of implantation of the fetal egg;

5. Increasing the sensitivity of the breast or swelling of the mammary glands. This sign of pregnancy appears one to two weeks after conception. The chest becomes so sensitive that sometimes it is simply impossible to touch it. However, some women, on the contrary, are surprised that for some reason the chest does not hurt before menstruation, as usual;

6. Nausea, vomiting, aversion to smells. Early toxicosis is one of the first signs of the onset of pregnancy. This condition can also be accompanied by a decrease in appetite, salivation, a change in taste preferences;

7. Frequent urination. Frequent urges are due to hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy. As blood flow to the pelvic organs increases, congestion of the blood vessels causes temporary changes in the functioning of the kidneys, bladder, and ureters;

8. Slight pressure drop. This sign of pregnancy is considered universal. In women whose pressure before pregnancy did not exceed the norm, it can lead to headaches, dizziness, weakness, fainting;

9. Bloating, indigestion, gases. During pregnancy, as a result of hormonal changes, the blood supply to the vessels of the abdominal cavity increases, intestinal peristalsis slows down, and the rate of movement of its contents decreases. As a result of this, bloating occurs, constipation appears;

10. Profuse vaginal discharge, thrush. An increase in vaginal secretion is a protective reaction of the body that occurs during pregnancy. So it prevents the penetration of pathogenic microbes, but at the same time creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of yeast fungi, which leads to thrush.

The first signs of pregnancy after a delay

Of course, the first clear sign of pregnancy is the cessation of menstruation. It is this fact that prompts a woman to buy a pregnancy test. However, monthly bleeding may be absent for various reasons, including due to menstrual irregularities, stress, climate change, any disease, and even due to banal overwork. Therefore, a delay is not always an early symptom of pregnancy. But if it is accompanied by some other signs, it is possible to assert almost one hundred percent about the onset of pregnancy.

The first signs of pregnancy after a delay include:

  • Breast augmentation. Sometimes this symptom is accompanied by the discharge of colostrum from the nipples. This is explained, again, by hormonal changes in the female body, which begins to actively prepare for the upcoming birth and lactation;
  • The presence of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine and blood. All pregnancy tests are based on determining the level of this particular hormone in the urine, and a clinical blood test can confirm it. More reliable, of course, is considered a blood test. You can do it as early as 10 days after the estimated date of conception. By the way, it is not necessary to wait for a delay in menstruation;
  • Enlargement of the uterus. True, only a gynecologist can determine this during an examination carried out no earlier than 2-3 weeks after the onset of the delay. However, it is this symptom that is the reason for the diagnosis of "pregnancy in question" and the appointment of an ultrasound examination;
  • Detection of the fetal egg on ultrasound. Even in the complete absence of any signs of the onset of pregnancy, this method allows you to make sure that the woman is in position. Only here to do an ultrasound to get more accurate results, it is recommended at least 6 weeks after the delay in menstruation.

In any case, your assumptions must be confirmed either by a test or by the results of an examination by a gynecologist. Then you can safely say that soon you will become a mother! Smile and tune in to positive emotions!

Every woman who dreams of having a child listens to her body, revealing the first symptoms of a long-awaited pregnancy. If she has not given birth before, then it is very difficult for her to determine this.

To know this for sure, every woman should know early signs of pregnancy. The study will also help girls identify unplanned pregnancies in time to avoid misunderstandings.

Signs of early pregnancy

In the first days after fertilization, when the time has not yet come to determine pregnancy by the main feature - delayed menstruation and a positive pregnancy test, the woman is already looking for characteristic changes in herself. At such an early date, they are far from every woman. But still, some nuances that occur in the body can be noticed.

Knowing that ovulation occurs 12-14 days after the last menstruation, and pregnancy can occur during this period, a conception test can be done 10 days after ovulation.

Until this time, the cervix becomes loose, which leads to an increase in vaginal discharge, but only if pregnancy has occurred, the egg has been fertilized. It is this time that is given to the egg to move to the uterus.

After the fertilized egg settles in the uterus, changes in the body of the expectant mother will also appear along with it. A few days later, the expectant mother may begin toxicosis, but everyone's organisms are different, so not everyone has this symptom. Therefore, it is possible to check in advance basal body temperature- during the gestation period, it will be high.

In addition, there are the following first symptoms of early pregnancy:

  1. Increased salivation. It appears already in the first week and occurs not only at the sight of food or a hungry state, but also after eating food.
  2. Leg cramps. At this time, calf cramps often occur, which occur during a night's sleep.
  3. Metallic taste in the mouth. It also occurs in the first week of pregnancy and occurs regardless of food intake.
  4. Pigmentation. Also, a week after the start of pregnancy, the white line of the abdomen from the navel and below becomes noticeably darker, pigment spots appear on the face and along the hairline.
  5. Bloating and constipation also begin in the first week, regardless of the food consumed. Sometimes slow-witted pregnant women are worried about diarrhea.

All these signs come on very early, and not every woman can notice them. But they are quite tangible, and if the expectant mother wants to find out about her interesting position, it is enough to take a closer look at her feelings and processes in the body.

First signs of pregnancy before missed period

Before the onset of the expected menstruation, a pregnant woman has many symptoms characteristic of this period, which are very difficult not to notice. Before the delay of menstruation, the following symptoms are noticeable:

Feeling unwell- 6-7 days before menstruation, a sign of a cold may appear, but the cold does not develop further than the malaise. The woman gets tired quickly, she often has bouts of weakness.

Emotional instability- frequent mood swings - sometimes joy, sometimes tears. Such a symptom appears in emotional women according to their temperament.

Drowsiness or insomnia- there is a constant feeling of lack of sleep, a woman wants to sleep all the time, even if she slept for 12 hours. Or the opposite phenomenon - insomnia. Waking up in the middle of the night, she can no longer sleep.

Change in sex drive- it can move both in one direction and in a completely opposite direction. And it can last throughout pregnancy.

Heaviness in the lower abdomen- it appears due to the influx of a large amount of blood into the pelvic area. Sometimes there is a feeling of fullness in the pelvic area, which does not disappear after the bowel is released.

Tingling in the uterus- from time to time there is a tingling in the uterus or near it. This happens due to hormonal surges and the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus.

Pain in the lower back - at first there are tingling in the back and backache in the lumbar region, radiating to the legs. Lower back pain occurs immediately after the onset of pregnancy, often there is a burning sensation.

Headache - she worries a woman throughout the day and subsides in the late afternoon. The onset of a headache indicates pregnancy, even at a short time.

Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands- even an accidental touch to the chest gives a woman severe pain. The sensitivity of each woman is individual, but pain always happens - it is by her that pregnancy is determined in the early stages. Rarely, but there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the breast - this happens in those women who have always increased sensitivity before menstruation.

Chills and fever - during the day the feeling of heat alternates with chills several times, while there is no real rise in temperature. These are internal sensations, independent of external factors.

Appetite increase- a woman has an increased feeling of hunger or an unbearable craving to eat certain foods. During the meal, the feeling of fullness does not come for a long time. The taste changes, you want to eat the product that was not present on the menu before.

Nausea - in the early stages, nausea can also be - it depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. As a rule, he starts to feel sick in the morning, there is an acute dislike for certain products - he starts to feel sick even at the mere memory of them. Often there is heartburn and pain in the stomach.

Increased sensitivity to odors- already in the early stages, an aversion to smells begins, especially for food and perfumery, which a woman used to like. On the contrary, chemical smells attract the attention of a woman and seem fragrant to her. This sign of pregnancy is noted on an individual basis, all people smell differently.

Feeling uncomfortable while sitting noted already in the early stages, it is difficult for the expectant mother to choose a position to sit comfortably.

Allergy - can develop from the beginning of pregnancy, and to those substances for which there was no allergy before.

In addition to the above, there are other signs that appear in the early stages. There are slight swelling on the hands due to the retention of salts in the body. Also a characteristic feature is the frequent urge to go to the toilet during the day and especially at night.

Maybe lower blood pressure e, which provokes weakness, dizziness and headaches. Even before the onset of a delay in menstruation, you can determine whether the long-awaited pregnancy has occurred or not.

The first signs of pregnancy. Video:

Early signs of an ectopic pregnancy

The presented pathology does not happen very often and in 65% of cases ends successfully, but not with the birth of a baby, but with timely surgical intervention.

An ectopic pregnancy has three varieties, depending on the place where the egg is fixed:

  1. Trubnaya. The fixation of the egg occurred inside the fallopian tube.
  2. Ovarian. Stopped in the ovary.
  3. Abdominal. It went into the abdominal cavity and fixed in it.

If this pathology is not detected in time, then everything can end badly for a woman: from the development of infertility to death. With timely diagnosis, it is possible to remove the fetal egg without consequences and with the preservation of all reproductive functions. The most common is tubal pregnancy, the others are less common.

With an ectopic pregnancy, the first signs of attachment of the embryo appear, as with normal conception. There will be a delay in menstruation, and there will be two strips on the test, as well as toxicosis and a change in mood.

It is necessary to pay attention to the brightness of the stripes on the test- the control strip will not be too bright, and when re-testing in a couple of days, it will completely disappear.

If this is detected, then an immediate visit to the doctor is required for an urgent operation to remove the ectopic fetus.

In addition to these signs, there are specific symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy in a short period of time:

  1. Bloody issues dark brown or brown. But this may not be the case if the blood is collected in the abdominal cavity.
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen cutting character with localization in the area where the fetus develops. The pain increases with a change in body position or movement.
  3. There is a general weakness chills and malaise.
  4. Meets and increase in body temperature, while the basal is higher than always.
  5. Massive blood loss results in dizziness and fainting, the pressure drops.

The life and development of the fetus is not preserved during surgical intervention, the emphasis is on preserving the life and health of the woman. Up to 6-8 weeks of ectopic pregnancy, you can remove the fetal egg without sad health consequences.

Therefore, making sure of adverse symptoms, you should immediately visit a doctor or call an ambulance.

Signs of an early miscarriage

Unfortunately, sometimes a long-awaited pregnancy ends with a frozen diagnosis. If in women of 20 years of age this happens in 10 cases out of 100, then in 45-year-olds this occurs in 50 cases. The older the woman in labor, the higher the risk of fetal death in the womb.

Women who have gone through this should be carefully examined and not only identify the cause, but also eliminate it. After treatment, 90% of women safely give birth to a healthy baby.

A missed pregnancy is called arrest of fetal development and his death up to 28 weeks from the fertilization that occurred. There are many reasons for this pathology: genetic "misunderstandings", congenital diseases, maternal infections, poor ecology, as well as smoking, alcohol and drugs. In order to timely detect the death of the fetus, you should know what signs appear in this case.

The very first sign is red or brown vaginal discharge. There may or may not be pain. This is a good reason to consult a doctor and, if the death of the fetus is confirmed during an ultrasound examination, then the woman immediately undergoes antibiotic therapy and cleansing the uterine cavity.

A missed pregnancy can be identified by the following symptoms:

Having found such symptoms in yourself, you should not panic, because they do not always speak of a missed pregnancy. It is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct a correct diagnosis, resort to the help of specialists.

The danger of a missed pregnancy is that sometimes this is asymptomatic, and nothing signals the death of the fetus. The woman does not even realize that she is pregnant and that the fetus has died, and only after bleeding and inflammation with a pronounced symptom begins, she hurries to get medical help.

If a non-developing fetus is in the uterus for more than two months, blood clotting may form, which is very life-threatening. Therefore, you should pay attention to all incomprehensible changes in your body and seek advice from a gynecologist.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy. Video:

The main signs of pregnancy

Now we should analyze the possible nuances of the main signs of pregnancy - what should a woman expect?

When does the belly start to grow?

Many women, especially those who have become pregnant for the first time, are very concerned about the question: when does the belly begin to grow during pregnancy. For them, this is an unusual state and new sensations, in addition, you should know when you can update your wardrobe. I must say that it appears differently for different women. Some mothers claim that their tummy began to grow from the fifth week, and some from the tenth.

Yes, the stomach may increase in the first weeks, but this is not from a growing uterus, but from bloating, which is typical for early pregnancy. Only from the 16th week of pregnancy, intensive growth of the fetus and uterus, respectively, begins. And on the 20th week, a rounded tummy will be noticeable in any pregnant woman.

For the timely detection of pathology in the development of the fetus, this is very important information. With the help of data on the growth time of the abdomen and its possible size, it is possible to determine polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, delayed development of the child and his intrauterine pathologies.

Nausea during pregnancy

In addition, expectant mothers are concerned about the following question: when it starts to feel sick during pregnancy. This symptom manifests itself purely individually for each woman. It is normal if nausea begins 10-12 days after fertilization has occurred, but if this happens later, then it is also normal. In the early stages, nausea in a woman occurs due to toxicosis, and in the later stages it can talk about preeclampsia.

The exact timing of the onset of nausea in pregnant women is difficult to determine, but in the first and last trimester, nausea can haunt every woman in labor. Nausea usually starts after a missed period and not before. At 4-5 weeks, hormonal fluctuations occur, which cause nausea.

Of course, this symptom is unpleasant, but it is easier for a woman who wants to give birth to a baby, knowing for whom such sacrifices are made.

About chest pain

Many women are also interested in when the chest begins to hurt during pregnancy. This is also an individual symptom and each woman in labor begins at different times. The chest is the first to react to a change in the hormonal background in the body: it begins to fill up, round off, get heavier and tingle.

Changes in the mammary glands occur due to the activity of sex hormones that prepare the breast for feeding the baby. Therefore, chest pain should not be feared - these are normal physiological changes that do not carry any danger.

There is no exact time when chest pains begin during pregnancy. For some women, pain begins even before the onset of the expected menstruation, while for others - only at the 5th week.

Both of these are normal, even if she does not get sick during the entire period of bearing a child. If pregnancy and fetal development proceeds normally, then by the end of the first trimester, the pain should subside.

It is important for a young woman who dreams of becoming a mother to know all the signs and symptoms of the onset of pregnancy and its possible pathologies. Only the woman herself can notice abnormal signs in time in the short term of her interesting position and consult a doctor to take urgent measures to preserve the pregnancy. Well, or make a choice in favor of a safe, but promising career growth.

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Pregnancy is a very important event in the life of any woman. For some, it is joyful and long-awaited, for others - on the contrary. But, one way or another, everyone wants to know about the beginning of the development of a new life as early as possible - if possible, already in the first days after conception.

The reason to suspect the onset of pregnancy for most women of reproductive age with a regular cycle is a delay in menstruation. Finally, two strips dispel doubts during an independent test and the conclusion of a local gynecologist.

After how many days can you find out about pregnancy?

To correctly answer this question, it is necessary to understand from what event it is customary to count the gestational age.

Note: in obstetric practice, the onset of pregnancy is counted from the first day of the onset of menstruation.

If we talk about the obstetric period, then there simply cannot be early signs of the I-II weeks of pregnancy, because. during this period, the woman is not even pregnant yet. The actual onset of pregnancy is associated with the day - the day when the mature egg leaves the ovary into the fallopian tube and meets there with a viable sperm cell that can break through its membrane and fertilize.

Calculating this day is quite difficult, but it is he who is the beginning of the embryonic gestation period. Usually ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle, i.e. with a cycle of 28 days, a woman can become pregnant somewhere on the 14th day after the start of the last menstruation.

Note: it must be remembered that the ability of an egg to conceive in the uterus lasts for 12-36 hours, and the date of ovulation can shift for a number of reasons, so it is almost impossible to accurately determine the date of conception.

Whether there was unprotected intercourse on the day of ovulation is not so important, because. spermatozoa can remain viable in a woman's genital tract for about 1 week, "waiting" for a mature egg. It is for this reason that when determining the gestational age, one cannot focus on the days of the last sex.

Of course, all of the above does not apply to determining the gestational age for and planned conceptions under control. In such cases, the date of the beginning of the birth of a new life is always known.

As you understand, all the statements of a woman that she began to feel the first signs of pregnancy at 1-2 weeks of the obstetric period can be considered intuitive.

However, there are also quite real physiologically based early signs that the egg is fertilized. They can be felt no earlier than 3 weeks of pregnancy (by obstetric term).

The first signs of pregnancy

The onset of conception is a signal to the body to start a serious hormonal restructuring and prepare organs and systems for a subsequent pregnancy. It is these hormonal shifts that provoke changes in the state, which can be considered harbingers of a new period in a woman's life.

Important:the main hormones that cause the appearance of the first signs of pregnancy are chorionic gonadotropin.

The main task progesterone- reduce the excitability of the uterus, prepare the conditions for attaching the fetal egg to its inner layer, ensure the growth of the mammary glands. An increase in the amount of this hormone is fraught for a woman with a change in mood: she may experience irritability, tearfulness,. In some cases, fluid retention is provoked), or may occur.

The journey of a fertilized cell through the fallopian tubes to the uterus itself takes about a week. In this case, the merged male and female cells turn into a small ball filled with liquid. Once in the arms of the uterine epithelium, he begins to look for a comfortable place for himself and attaches to the walls. From that moment on, you can talk about pregnancy.

The very attachment of the embryo is often accompanied by discomfort in the lumbar region or lower abdomen,. These are the key signs of pregnancy, appearing at 3-4 weeks of obstetric period (one of the first signs of 1-2 weeks of pregnancy in embryonic terms).

Successful attachment of the embryo starts an accelerated process of producing another pregnancy hormone - chorionic gonadotropin(CG), which is designed to protect the embryo and the body of a woman from adverse factors and future stresses.

It stimulates the production of progesterone and starts the processes of cell renewal of various organs and tissues. And this means that in the body of a woman there will continue to be changes that can be regarded as the first signs of pregnancy. Their peak of development occurs already after 3-4 weeks of obstetric (1-2 weeks of embryonic) pregnancy, but some women begin to notice these changes literally from the first weeks after fertilization. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Drowsiness and nausea

Nervous System Disorders

Often, already in the very early stages, a woman's ability to noticeably decreases, and some disorder appears in her behavior. For many, forgetfulness is also characteristic.

In some cases, apathy develops, that is, complete detachment, indifference and indifference. Changes in mental state are caused by increased secretion of progesterone. As the gestational age increases, its effect is offset by an increase in estrogen production.

Decreased libido

Sexual desire decreases from the first days after conception, and normalizes by the second trimester. This fact can also be regarded as the first sign of pregnancy.

Important:already from the first week, some women show signs of mild toxicosis.

Folk ways to detect pregnancy in the first days after conception

"Grandma's methods" for determining pregnancy before delay have no scientific justification. It was once believed that the appearance of vascular asterisks on the chest in the “décolleté zone” and metallic ones speak of the conception that has occurred. Despite the lack of specific explanations, many women notice such first signs of pregnancy, so they should not be ignored.

Why is early pregnancy detection important?

Early manifestations are a good reason for testing and identifying the fact of pregnancy. In this case, the important point is to determine the place of implantation of a fertilized egg.

The placement of the fetal egg in the uterus is considered the norm. If diagnosed, the patient needs urgent medical attention to prevent serious complications.

The sooner a woman finds out that she will be a mother, the greater the chances that pregnancy and childbirth will proceed without complications. The appearance of one or more early signs is an unconditional basis for the immediate abandonment of bad habits, making adjustments to the diet, stopping the use of drugs with embryotoxic and teratogenic effects, and normalizing sleep and rest.

Plisov Vladimir, medical commentator


Starting point for pregnancy doctors usually count the first day last menstrual period . Although pregnancy has not yet occurred, the woman's body has already begun preparations for this wonderful event. Conception occurs much later, only in the third week. How to prepare for desired pregnancy occurred as early as possible and was it successful? Let's discuss the main preparation steps before learning which the first signs of pregnancy are characteristic for 1 week from the moment of conception.

At the end of the first week, special attention should be paid directly to the conception of a child. To make the chances of conception as high as possible, doctors advise taking a three-day break from intimate life before the moment of possible conception.

Male sex cells are spermatozoa that are quite sensitive to the chemical composition of the environment in which they enter. The most favorable positions for conceiving a child the so-called missionary position and the knee-elbow position of the woman, in which the man is behind, are recognized. To increase the likelihood of conception, it is worth spending twenty to thirty minutes after intercourse lying on your back. You can elevate your pelvic region by placing a folded blanket under your lower back. or pillow . If you have animals in your house - cats, dogs and other pets, examine them at the veterinarian, do all the necessary vaccinations. Engage in timely prevention of colds.

Basal temperature measurements every morning are a useful habit for a woman planning to become a mother soon. If possible, try to avoid stressful situations and nervous shocks.

When planning pregnancy in advance, 1 week pregnant should be marked not only by a visit to the doctor, but also by the intake of vitamin complexes. In most cases, the gynecologist prescribes an ultrasound scan between the 5th and 11th days of the cycle. . This is necessary to control the process of follicle growth. In addition, an ultrasound scan will allow your doctor to determine the exact day of ovulation and identify possible hormonal imbalances in a woman.

Signs of pregnancy at 1 week not so noticeable, but nevertheless a woman often notices the following changes:

increased salivation. 1 week of pregnancy is often marked by the fact that drooling itself forms in the mouth. This happens not only before meals, when you are hungry and see mouth-watering treats on the table, but also after meals;

calf cramps, which are especially common at night, may also indicate that you are 1 week pregnant;

another common sign of pregnancy at 1 week is a metallic taste in the mouth and pigmentation changes. Already a week after conception, the white line of the abdomen, which starts from the navel and goes down, may darken. It is also possible the appearance of age spots on the face. , along the hairline;

bloating of the abdomen, as well as sudden constipation from any meal, are among the most embarrassing of the first signs of pregnancy.

The pregnancy period is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. for several reasons. Among the main reasons is convenience, since the date of the beginning of menstruation is remembered depending on the date of conception. After all, conception can occur not necessarily on the day of sexual intercourse, but even within 3 days after intimacy. According to global practice, the stage of fertilization is 2 weeks behind from the start of the menstrual cycle . This delay is called the ovulation period. Menstruation is the process of renewing the female reproductive system and preparing the body for ovulation and conception. At the same time, the ovary prepares for the possibility of the birth of a new life by the egg.

The gestational (or obstetric) gestational age is 40 weeks, that is, 10 months of 4 weeks each, for a total of 280 days. The obstetric period is divided into 3 trimesters: the first lasts from 1 to 12 weeks, the second from 13 to 27 weeks, the third from 28 to 40 weeks. In order to predict the birth of a baby by a certain date, you can calculate the estimated date of birth by the following method: add 7 days to the date of the beginning of the last menstruation and count back 3 months.


If we compare the possibility of getting pregnant at the age of slightly over 30 compared to when a woman is already almost 40, then the difference is huge. The closer your age gets to 40 years, the weaker the body's ability to conceive . Experts around the world advise women over 30 not to wait too long, especially if they plan to have more than one child.

Pregnancy after 30 years will proceed without any special differences from pregnancy at an earlier age. The ability to conceive and the risk of miscarriage or having a child with Down syndrome is only a couple of percent higher than in women aged 26 to 28 years. After the age of 35, a woman's fertility begins to decline sharply. Also, pregnancy after 35 years of age is marked by an increased risk of having a child with Down syndrome or other congenital malformations. Doctors may advise the expectant mother to undergo a series of examinations: amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling and some others.

In women aged 35 and 39 years the chances of conceiving twins increase many times even without prior infertility treatment. Usually, fertility treatment promotes multiple pregnancies. Normally, during one menstrual cycle, one egg matures in a woman. , but levels of the hormone that stimulates follicles (GSF) increase with age.

Pregnancy after 40 years has a number of advantages. Among them is the fact that since you were not in a hurry to have children before, it means that you were busy with career, personal growth, and had time to see the world. Your well-being financially provides a solid foundation for family life. Older women are better educated than young mothers, they make reasonable and informed decisions. Women over 40 are more prone to breastfeeding, they eat healthy food, take care of the child.

The main disadvantage of having a child after 40 years is the difficulty of conception. It has been scientifically proven that 15 years before the onset of menopause, the number of eggs produced that mature in a woman's body begins to decline sharply. In addition, mature eggs can have chromosomal problems, leading to an increased risk of miscarriage and birth defects in the baby.


Sexual contact occurs when the body of both partners is completely ready for it. To make intimacy bring pleasure, not pain, the reproductive organs of both women and men secrete a special natural lubricant. This lubricant looks like colorless mucus and serves as proof that the partner is in an aroused state.

In men, lube is a pre-ejaculatory fluid that is released during intimacy and looks like clear, odorless mucus. Nature provided this mucus as a lubricant for easier penetration of the penis. The female body secretes the same fluid, but it is not related to pregnancy. . With male mucus, things are a little more complicated.

Many young girls wonder - " Is it possible to get pregnant from male mucus during intimate contact?"Specialists answer that it is possible to get pregnant from mucus, but the probability of this is negligible. Studies have confirmed that spermatozoa are present in the secretions (lubrication) of some men, but the number of such men is not at all large. Find out the answer to the question "Is it possible to get pregnant during intimacy from mucus?" is possible only through expensive tests.


Only a gynecologist or a pregnancy test can determine pregnancy with a high probability. , but let's talk about what early pregnancy symptoms you can determine yourself.

The only way that will allow you to determine pregnancy with the greatest accuracy before a visit to the doctor , is a test. Some symptoms of pregnancy already in the first days after conception will tell you that the woman is in an interesting position. Some of the women feel their body so sensitively that they almost immediately feel that they are pregnant. Other women do not feel anything until the very delay of menstruation. Delay is the most obvious sign of pregnancy.
The first symptoms of pregnancy can vary greatly from woman to woman. Even in the same woman during her second pregnancy, the symptoms may differ from those she observed during her first pregnancy.

What early pregnancy symptoms can a woman see on her own? Strong cravings for salty foods, changes in taste preferences, increased irritability and nervousness. The expectant mother sometimes does not control her behavior well, although she understands that the behavior does not always correspond to the norm.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the early days- mild nausea or nausea at certain periods of time, which is called early toxicosis. Toxicosis may appear as a pronounced feeling at every meal, or just a slight nausea in the morning. Also, at the beginning of pregnancy, the perception of smells, tastes may change, there is an aversion to any food. Sometimes there is a metallic taste in the mouth.

In the early stages of pregnancy, breast enlargement is especially noticeable. Conception in the very first days gives rise to rapid hormonal changes in a woman's body. In just a couple of weeks, the breasts can become larger by one or two sizes, sensitivity increases.


Some signs of pregnancy in the early days are more accurate than a conventional pregnancy test. At a very early date, the test may not show the desired second strip. Even if conception has occurred, then the level of hCG can be so low that the test will not be able to catch its rise.

The first signs of pregnancy can also be identified by the appearance of acne, even if you have never had such a problem. With the standard development of the fetus, the immune system of the expectant mother is suppressed. Nature provided for this so that the body does not reject the embryo as a foreign body. As a result of this, the expectant mother becomes very susceptible to all sorts of infections.

With regular monitoring of the cycle and measurement of basal temperature, you will notice that the temperature will remain elevated throughout the entire luteal phase. The hormone progesterone helps keep the temperature high throughout ovulation. If the basal temperature remains high and after the completion of ovulation, it indicates pregnancy.

Signs of early pregnancy
- light spotting 8-10 days after ovulation. They start at the time when you should have your next period. This discharge is called implantation bleeding.

During the first pregnancy, the signs of pregnancy are earlier than during the second pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the metabolism becomes faster so that the body can support both the fetus and the woman's body. These symptoms can be expressed in the form of endless fatigue.

The first signs of pregnancy are also an increase in the amount of cervical mucus, cramps in the lower abdomen , constant constipation and gases.


One of the most common questions about pregnancy is: "How many weeks does a woman's pregnancy last?"

We know that pregnancy is 9 months, but why then is 40 weeks considered normal for childbirth? The first knowledge that a woman acquires during pregnancy is to consider the period in weeks, not months.

Doctors determine the gestational age, and hence the date of the expected birth from the fact that the average woman has a cycle of 28 days. Ovulation occurs on day 14-15 of the cycle.

Doctors have their own answer to the question "How many weeks does a woman's pregnancy last?" The optimal period is 280 days. It is quite difficult to determine the exact date due to the inability to establish the exact date of ovulation. It may not correspond to the date of sexual intercourse. A baby will be considered full-term if born between 266 and 294 days, which corresponds to a period of 38 to 42 weeks of fetal development.

Thus, 280 days are equal to 40 weeks, obstetric month consists of 4 weeks, that is, one cycle - 28 days. This is exactly 10 obstetric months.

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