The cure for Parkinson's disease. Vascular parkinsonism and modern methods of its drug treatment Parkinson's disease non-drug treatment

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?


Scientists have not yet created a cure for Parkinson's that completely stops degenerative processes in the brain or triggers their regression. Even alternative or radical methods treatment of pathology give only a temporary positive effect. Despite this, there are several areas that can significantly extend the patient's life, improve its quality, and delay the onset of disability. Pharmacotherapy is one of the most accessible and effective approaches that is used at all stages of the disease. Each component of drug treatment is selected by a doctor or must be agreed with him.

A cure for the disease has not yet been created that completely stops the degenerative processes in the brain or triggers their regression.

Different treatment options for Parkinson's disease

The fight against chronic CNS disease should be professional and comprehensive. Scattered application of even effective techniques will not give a lasting result.

Medications alone cannot treat the manifestations of Parkinson's disease.

After a minimally invasive brain surgery, the patient, as before, requires conservative therapy.

Treatment of Parkinson's disease - directions and their characteristics:

  • pharmacotherapy - includes the use of specialized agents, the action of which is aimed at inhibiting the development and spread of degenerative processes. It also includes medicines to combat the side effects of basic drugs, drugs for symptomatic and restorative therapy;
  • physiotherapy - involves massage sessions and physiotherapy exercises, the use of electromagnetic, ultrasonic and other devices;
  • oriental medicine techniques - these can be acupuncture, acupuncture, special massage techniques, fumigation medicinal herbs. Oriental therapy also offers its own cures for Parkinson's disease, which mainly consist of natural ingredients;
  • radical techniques - minimally invasive operations aimed at removing damaged areas of the brain or direct stimulation of the nervous tissue through electrodes;
  • facilities traditional medicine- To potentiate the effects of the main therapy, doctors often prescribe decoctions, infusions, tinctures for oral administration to patients. A pronounced therapeutic effect is exerted by balms and ointments for external use, bath compositions;
  • auxiliary approaches - are selected in accordance with the stage of the disease. The list includes a special diet, beneficial types of physical activity, principles of management healthy lifestyle life, gymnastics for the intellect.

As a physiotherapeutic treatment, electromagnetic devices can be used.

All cases of Parkinson's disease are unique, so the approach to the patient must be individualized. Each injection, pill, procedure must be coordinated with the doctor in order to prevent the situation from aggravating, the development of side effects, and emergency conditions.

Do medications help

The effectiveness of medical techniques for parkinsonism is individual. Statistically, positive reaction for surgery is about 80% of cases, Parkinson's pills help 75% of patients. Such indicators are achieved only with an integrated approach to solving the problem, strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician.

It is impossible to predict the body's response to the chosen therapy option or a specific medication. Sometimes the drug gives the desired effect, but its use in high doses is accompanied by such adverse reactions that the patient has to refuse it. In such situations, doctors often recommend brain surgery, the favorable outcome of which allows you to reduce the amount of drugs.

Drugs in the early stages of the disease

by the most effective drug used in Parkinson's disease is "Levodopa" and its analogues. The product has a significant disadvantage - it has an impressive list of side effects, which often manifest themselves and are characterized by a high degree of intensity. Even with long-term use of Levodopa in large volumes, patients begin to experience motor disorders that are difficult to deal with. In severe cases, periods of tremor and sudden involuntary movements alternate with intervals of reduced purposeful motor activity. For these reasons, doctors try to prescribe the drug as late as possible in the case of patients under 70 years of age.

The most effective drug used in the disease is Levodopa.

At those stages of Parkinson's disease, when the symptoms are still slightly expressed, you can act without Levodopa. Most often, neurologists recommend Bromergon or Pronoran as a profile treatment. These funds are able to stop the manifestations of pathology within 2-4 years, restrain its progress. Also, as the main or auxiliary agent, the doctor may prescribe Selegiline or Amantadine. Some antiparkinsonian drugs are expensive, but this does not always indicate their quality and effectiveness.

Signs of positive dynamics develop on average within a month after the start of therapy. Despite the relatively low efficiency compared to Levodopa, these medicines are able to cope with their tasks for 2-5 years. They also work well as part of combined approaches. If necessary, they can be supplemented with minimal amounts of Levodopa to obtain a more pronounced effect.

Medications in the later stages

Levodopa has been the main drug of targeted action for the treatment of Parkinson's disease for several years. Before her appointment, the doctor brings the funds already used to the maximum volume. When these products cease to give a satisfactory result, a transition to DOPA-containing formulations is carried out. They are extremely rarely used as independent products, in 99% of cases they are supplemented with other medicines.

This is done to enhance the therapeutic effect of the approach and to minimize the therapeutic doses of Levodopa. Various therapy regimens can reduce the daily volume of the main product by 25% or even more. Increasingly, combined drugs of the group - Nakom, Stalevo, Madopar - are used to combat the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

The volumes of each component of pharmacotherapy are individual. They are selected by titration, starting with the minimum therapeutic dose. In the future, if necessary, the indicators are adjusted. Increased volumes are resorted to only in cases where there is an obvious aggravation clinical picture leading to a decrease in the patient's quality of life. According to statistics, the pronounced therapeutic effect of "Levodopa" lasts for 3-5 years, then it begins to decline.

Increasingly, Nakom is used to combat the symptoms of the disease.

Innovative developments in medicine

The drugs used to treat Parkinson's according to the traditional scheme often cause negative adverse reactions. They are also not able to quickly bring relief, their effect develops several weeks or months after the start of therapy. Today, more and more doctors are trying to prescribe drugs based on levodopa and amantadine, which have been improved.

New generation drugs in the fight against Parkinson's disease:

  • "Madopar" - tablets and capsules. Smooth out a number of symptoms that develop against the background of dysfunctions internal organs. For example, frequent trips to the toilet due to problems with the bladder;
  • "Madopar GSS" - a composition for dissolution in water and subsequent oral administration. Acts twice as fast as the standard form, which allows you to get a quick effect;
  • "PK-Merz" is an injection solution based on amantadine, which is administered intravenously by drip.

In cases where drugs for Parkinson's disease do not help or they have to be taken in large doses, the patient is prescribed neurostimulation. During a minimally invasive operation, electrodes are implanted into his brain, the operation of which is controlled through a device implanted under the skin. chest. The system stimulates the brain, dulling the symptoms, allowing you to reduce the amount of drugs.

Madopar is a new generation of drugs in the fight against the disease.

Side effects

All the negative consequences of drug therapy in Parkinson's are divided into two groups. The first includes early adverse reactions that occur soon after the start of treatment. They are the result of the use of a particular drug, becoming the result of the features of the mechanism of its action. To eliminate the problem, you should abandon the composition in favor of its analogue, adjust the dosage or take a break in taking the remedy for several days.

Early side effects from taking drugs for Parkinson's disease:

  • disorders in the work of the digestive system - nausea with or without vomiting, constipation, diarrhea;
  • dysfunction nervous system- lethargy, drowsiness, dizziness. In more severe cases, sudden mood swings, hallucinations;
  • problems in the work of the heart and / or blood vessels - a violation of the heart rhythm, an increase or decrease in blood pressure.

The second group of side effects is represented by late reactions. They occur several years after taking the same remedy, which previously did not cause a negative response. In this case, dose reduction is impossible, as it will lead to an aggravation of the clinical picture of the underlying pathology. Such consequences have to be dealt with by symptomatic therapy.

An early symptom when taking drugs for the disease is constipation.

Late side effects of taking Parkinson's disease medications:

  • psychoses are serious disorders of a person's mental activity, which are accompanied by increasing dementia. Against the background of degenerative brain damage, it is difficult to fight them with standard drugs. The antipsychotics prescribed in such cases, due to the peculiarities of the mechanism of action, accelerate the development of Parkinson's. Patients are helped by atypical antipsychotics, antidepressants, tranquilizers;
  • dyskinesias - violations of physical activity due to the occurrence of involuntary movements. Depending on the causes of development and the clinical picture, they can be represented by one of three types. Most often, these are non-rhythmic movements of the head, limbs, torso, occurring at the peak of the concentration of levodopa in the blood. Also, problems can develop against the background of a drop in the volume of the medicinal substance or its reduced content.

The fight against dyskinesias is to maintain the volume of levodopa in the blood at a stable level. Additionally, atypical antipsychotics, antiepileptics can be used. Vitamin B6 is used to correct movement disorders that occur at high doses of drugs. It is used in very large volumes, which threatens to overdose.

Late effects are dyskinesias - impaired physical activity due to the occurrence of involuntary movements of the body and limbs.

Factors affecting the effectiveness of therapy

Even well-chosen drugs for Parkinson's disease eventually cease to give a stable therapeutic response. Scientists have not yet fully figured out the reasons for this phenomenon and operate with a number of theories. The problem may lie in the mass death of dopamine-dependent nerve cells, or a decrease in their sensitivity to the action of a neurotransmitter. In some patients, after years of treatment, the amount of absorption of Levodopa in the intestine decreases against the background of competition with amino acids.

Another reason for the decrease in the effectiveness of therapy may be the human factor. Violation of the rules for taking the drug, an independent attempt to replace the prescribed drug with an analogue, the parallel use of other drugs - all this affects the quality of treatment.

Taking "Levodopa" should be carried out against the background of a complete rejection of alcohol and limiting the amount of protein in the diet, otherwise its effect will be blurred.

Detailed list of drugs for Parkinson's disease

Degenerative brain damage is accompanied not only by movement disorders. It is characterized by a large number accompanying symptoms. One specialized preparations cannot cope with all problems. The approach to therapy should be complex and multidirectional.

Brain damage is accompanied not only by movement disorders.

A complete list of drugs used in Parkinson's disease:

  • Levodopas are the main therapeutic agents that are converted into dopamine in the body. In addition to the base product, the doctor may prescribe "Nakom", "Madopar", "Stalevo";
  • antioxidants - prevent the massive death of neurons under the influence of free radicals, toxins. Patients are shown taking "Mexidol", "Glutathione", various dietary supplements;
  • sleeping pills - allow you to normalize the regime of the day, improve the quality of sleep, improving general state patient. If possible, therapy is limited herbal teas and infusions, amino acids. In severe cases, "Melatonin", capsules or "Fitosed" tincture are prescribed;
  • vitamins - the complex is selected by the doctor in accordance with the characteristics of the case. Most often, the emphasis is on vitamins B3, C, D, E. Many patients are additionally prescribed drugs with iron;
  • analgesics - designed to eliminate chronic pulling, tingling or burning sensations in the muscles. Usually, ibuprofen-based drugs are used to alleviate the patient's condition.

Medicines will give the maximum effect if their intake is supplemented with massage, physiotherapy procedures. Good results are observed when combining traditional medicines with traditional medicine.

The number of Parkinson's drugs is increasing every year. On the one hand, this facilitates the selection of individual therapy, on the other hand, it confuses doctors and patients due to the abundance of options. Most often, neurologists start with standard, practice-proven schemes, making adjustments to them as necessary.

Drugs for Parkinson's disease today are quite effective in eliminating the symptoms of this disease. The most common treatment for Parkinson's disease is medication. Currently, this is the method that is most actively applied to patients. The goal of therapy is to compensate for the lack of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is produced in the brain. It is an insufficient amount of this chemical that provokes the appearance of signs of Parkinson's disease.

Funds for therapy

Medicines for Parkinson's disease are usually taken when symptoms significantly impair quality of life or become disabling. There are several treatment options available, based on the patient's symptoms, age, and response to certain medications.

Drugs mainly make the symptoms of the disease less noticeable, but their use can lead to the development of undesirable effects. The best combination is selected for each patient medicines, which takes some time.

Now Levodopa is the most effective remedy, which allows you to control the signs that accompany the disease.

For many years, this remedy was the most common treatment for people diagnosed with early stage Parkinson's disease. However, long-term use of the drug in considerable doses often leads to motor disorders. Moreover, problems of this nature are difficult to eliminate.

Many specialists prescribe new drugs. Of all the available agents, they generally prefer the dopamine agonists Ropinirole and Pramipexole. Drugs allow you to treat a disease that is at an early stage of development. At this stage, due to their use, therapy with Levodopa can be slightly delayed. Dopamine agonists also have the ability to provoke the appearance of motor disorders.

As for the initial treatment, it is not yet clear which is more appropriate: a dopamine agonist or Levodopa, a pill that allows for better control of symptoms. Since Levodopa can cause side effects that are very difficult to eliminate, experts recommend choosing another option, i.e. a dopamine agonist, for initial treatment, especially if a person is under 60 years old.

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Medical treatment options

Apomorphine is a dopamine agonist, which, having penetrated into the human body, quickly has the necessary effect (another name is Apokin). The medicine is taken for Parkinson's disease. The tool allows the treatment of random episodes of loss of mobility, which are caused by this disease.

The introduction of Apomorphine is subcutaneous, it is used in the form of injections for muscle problems, inability to perform normal activities. Injections are performed as needed. This treatment may reduce the need for regular use of other drugs designed to treat Parkinson's disease. Since the list of drugs that treat the disease is decreasing, the risk of undesirable consequences(uncontrolled movements) is also reduced.

The correct combination of drugs and their dosage are selected gradually. If necessary, regular adjustment of doses of drugs intended for oral use can be replaced by taking a regular dose of Levodopa together with injections of Apomorphine.

Perhaps the combination of the drug Apokin with other drugs that prevent the development of severe nausea and vomiting. Medical treatment. Depending on the stage at which the disease is located, different drugs are prescribed. Usually, at an early stage, the disease is treated with the following medicines:

  • Carbidopa and Levodopa;
  • Amantadine;
  • dopamine agonist: Ropinirole, Pramipexole, Bromocriptine;
  • anticholinergics: Trihexyphenidyl, Benztropine;
  • monoamine oxidase-B inhibitors (MOK-B): Selegiline, Rasagiline;
  • catechin-O-methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitors: Tolcapone, Entecapone.

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Consequences of using drugs for Parkinson's disease

Any drug prescribed for Parkinson's disease can lead to negative consequences. The best option is a symptom control regimen. Due to the presence of such a regimen, the likelihood of developing side effects that are difficult to tolerate by patients is significantly reduced.

As a rule, the doctor chooses one drug for therapy and recommends using it in small doses so that the risk of unwanted effects is minimal.

Any changes in the prescribed dosage or refusal to take medications can lead to an increase in the symptoms of the disease. Their implementation is very dangerous for the body. Even when it seems that the drug does not bring the desired effect, its cancellation can lead to a worsening of the condition.

Sometimes medicines really don't work. This happens when the time of eating protein foods coincides with taking the drug. This is due to the fact that the proteins present in food can inhibit the action of drugs that are designed to suppress the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

Therapy, which is carried out for a long time, can lead to fluctuations in motor skills, which is manifested by an unexpected reaction of the body to the drug (such a reaction is called "on-off") or dyskinesia and involuntary twitches.

Other side effects that are the body's reaction to taking medications: excessive sleepiness, present throughout the day.

The condition when a person suddenly has an irresistible desire to fall asleep is called a sleep attack. In this case, a person may fall into an unconscious dream. Sleep attacks are dangerous for the body, they carry a huge threat to life when they occur while driving. People who have had it should consult a specialist about the dangers of driving a car.

Other negative outcomes include risky behavior (eg, inappropriate sexual activity, shopping, and uncontrollable gambling). Usually friends and family members have a hard time accepting such changes. If risky behavior occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor to eliminate it.

To normalize the patient's condition, the specialist will change the combination of drugs and their dosage.

Lat. Substantia nigra is one of the structures belonging to the extrapyramidal system responsible for regulating the tone and motility of skeletal muscles. To date, it is only possible to somewhat slow down this pathological process.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the disease debuts only when almost half of the nerve cells have already been irreversibly lost.

Approaches to the treatment of Parkinson's disease

Drug treatment of Parkinson's disease consists in the protection of nerve cells that have not yet died, producing dopamine. It is also required to increase the level of the mediator dopamine in the nervous tissue and correct the biochemical and metabolic processes occurring in it.

One of the main directions of treatment of this progressive disease is replacement therapy. Drugs for Parkinson's disease that work in this direction contain substances that are biochemical precursors of the neurotransmitter dopamine, as well as active components that inhibit the metabolism of this neurotransmitter.

To date, no specific drugs have yet been created that can completely defeat Parkinson's disease once and for all. The drugs used today by specialists contribute to an increase in the content of dopamine in the nervous tissue and are intended for long-term use. Although Parkinson's drugs act on different parts of the metabolism, they work for the same result.

Increased dopamine synthesis by midbrain cells

This mechanism of action is inherent in the drug "Levodopa". This substance is a structural precursor of dopamine. The conversion to dopamine by splitting off the carboxyl group occurs in the neurons of the substantia nigra. In order to avoid premature conversion of the substance under the influence of liver enzymes, agents have been developed that inhibit the decarboxylase enzyme:

  • "On whom";
  • "Steel";

Benserazide (used in the form of the drug Madopar) is also capable of protecting Levodopa from untimely destruction. These drugs for Parkinson's disease should be used simultaneously with Levodopa.

Increased release of dopamine by the membrane of the presynaptic neuron

This effect is able to provide "Amantadine", which, in addition to the specified action, stimulates the connection of dopamine with postsynaptic receptors.

"Amantadine" as active substance is part of the following drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's disease:

Stimulation of dopaminergic receptors

The following drugs for Parkinson's disease, also called dopaminomimetics, have this mechanism of action:

  • "Bromocriptine" ("Abergin", "Parlodel");
  • "Piribedil" ("Pronoran");
  • "Cabergolid" ("Agalates", "Bergolak");
  • "Rotigotine" - this remedy refers to latest developments. Unlike most drugs that are available in the form of tablets, the drug is a transdermal therapeutic system (TTS). This is a special patch designed to be applied to the skin. Sticking is done once a day. The dosed intake of therapeutic doses of a medicinal substance is regulated by the electronic filling of the patch, which does not allow failures. This new form of release has undeniable advantages. In particular, a significantly lower effective dosage of the agent, compared with traditional forms, as well as a lower severity of undesirable side reactions.

Establishing a connection with postsynaptic receptors, these medicinal substances mimic the action that dopamine normally has on them.

Deceleration of dopamine reuptake by the membranes of presynaptic neurons

Such an effect can be provided by drugs belonging to the group of tricyclic antidepressants:

The result of treatment with these drugs is a significant increase in the content of dopamine in the synaptic cleft. Knowing the mechanism of action, it becomes clear how this group of drugs improves dopaminergic transmission.

Dopamine breakdown inhibition

  1. The use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors ("Selegilin", "Razagilin"). In addition to slowing dopamine metabolism, these Parkinson's drugs may also have a neuroprotective effect. This lies in the fact that these compounds prevent the cytolysis of neurons, and also stimulate the release of neuronal growth factor and antioxidants by glial cells.
  2. Use of catechol aminotransferase inhibitors. The pharmaceutical agent "Entokapon" has such an effect.

These medications should be used in conjunction with decarboxylase inhibitors (Stalevo, Nakom).

Diet therapy also plays an important role in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Of course, not as an independent treatment technique, but as an auxiliary tool that helps to increase the effectiveness of drug therapy. The inclusion in the daily diet of a number of foods that can increase the content of dopamine in the body will improve the general condition of the patient and may, in combination with the main treatment, slow down the progression of the disease.

To stimulate the production of sufficient volumes of dopamine, the body needs the following substances:

  • amino acids - they are used by nerve cells as a building material for the synthesis of the dopamine molecule. A particularly important role is recognized for the amino acids betaine and tyrosine. Enough data useful material found in berries, dried fruits, bananas;
  • antioxidants - have a neuroprotective effect, minimizing the negative effect of free radicals on neurons. Source - fresh fruits and vegetables, green tea;
  • vitamins - vitamins B6 and PP play a particularly important role in the biosynthesis reaction of the neurotransmitter dopamine, as well as folic acid). To create a sufficient supply of these substances in the body, it is necessary to include pistachios, sunflower seeds, fruits, spinach, asparagus in the diet;
  • trace elements - magnesium plays a particularly important role: it not only participates in the synthesis of dopamine, but also helps to relax muscle fibers, preventing their spasms. Legumes, nuts, whole grains, fresh vegetables, especially dark leafy ones, saturate the body with magnesium;
  • macronutrients;
  • saturated fatty acids (called omega-3s).

The following medicinal herbs also regulate the production of dopamine:

After consulting with the attending physician, they can be consumed in the form of infusions.

Features of the use of antiparkinsonian drugs

  1. Parkinson's disease is characterized by a progressive course. In this regard, the initially selected dose of the drug may eventually be ineffective. This situation will require an increase in the dosage of the drug used or the appointment new scheme treatment.
  2. As a result of the progression of the disease, especially in its later stages, symptoms of dementia may develop, which will have to be corrected with anticholinesterase drugs (Galantamine) or anticholinergic agents of the central mechanism of action (Cyclodol).
  3. In order to avoid cumulative effects from antiparkinsonian drugs, it is advisable to include in the therapeutic regimen several drugs with different mechanisms of action and different points of application, in small dosages.
  4. In order to avoid the development of unwanted side reactions, in no case should the recommended dosage of drugs be exceeded.
  5. Important! Despite the abundance of open access information about the disease itself and about the means for its therapy, in no case should you try to diagnose yourself and select a treatment yourself. Anyone who notices symptoms that make them think about Parkinson's disease needs to consult a neurologist and a detailed medical examination under his supervision.

Alternative Treatments

Find their place in the treatment of Parkinson's disease and homeopathic methods of treatment, in particular, the following remedies:

  • "Coenzyme compositum";
  • "Ubiquinone compositum";
  • preparations of the Vitorgan series

To obtain a convincing effect, a strictly individual approach is required in the diagnosis and selection of therapeutic agents, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient and the nuances of his condition. Almost everything matters:

  • the patient's condition at the time of the examination;
  • what diseases he suffers from (should be taken into account, including chronic diseases currently in remission);
  • what drugs the patient is taking both for the treatment of Parkinson's disease and for concomitant diseases.

Most often, the course of therapy, which is prescribed to the patient based on the results of the examination, lasts from six months to two years. However, treatment can continue for a longer time. The undoubted advantage of using homeopathic medicines is the almost complete absence of side effects.

At all stages, treatment with homeopathic remedies should occur under the strict supervision of the treating specialist.

Homeopathy in Parkinson's disease not only improves the patient's emotional state, often completely relieving him of the depressive syndrome, but also, with the right selection and regular intake, can reduce the amplitude and frequency of the tremor, significantly improving the patient's quality of life. Such treatment allows the patient to stop taking antidepressants, and, consequently, get rid of the side effects that this group of pharmaceuticals causes.

Drugs for Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease is one of the few chronic progressive neurological diseases characterized by degenerative changes in the extrapyramidal motor system. The disease mainly affects the elderly, in particular men. Despite advances in modern pharmacology and medicine, there is no cure or method that can completely cure the disease. But still, there are drugs for Parkinson's disease, the mechanism of action of which is aimed at slowing the progression of the pathology, improving the quality of life of patients.

In the course of the development of the disease, the death of neurons of the central nervous system, which produce the neurotransmitter dopamine, occurs. Deficiency in dopamine production leads to disruption of the brain, with the subsequent development of muscle rigidity, hypokinesia, tremors and other clinical symptoms.

How Anti-Parkinsonian Drugs Work

Drug therapy consists of taking anti-Parkinsonian drugs that make up for the lack of dopamine due to the death of brain cells. An integral part of the treatment are pills for Parkinson's disease, which allow to slow down the progression of the pathology - neuroprotective therapy.

An auxiliary means is the intake of vitamins, antioxidants, and doctors also prescribe symptomatic therapy without fail, which includes taking drugs to eliminate the general symptoms that are present in this disease.

Important! The choice of any drug, as well as the dose, course of treatment, is prescribed by the attending physician individually.

Levodopa preparations are considered basic in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. They are prescribed to all patients. As a rule, other drugs are also prescribed, but they are taken in combination with Levodopa. Drug treatment performs two main tasks:

  1. Reduces the rate of death of brain cells with dopamine.
  2. Reduces symptoms, thereby prolonging the life of the patient.

Basic Therapy

Antiparkinsonian treatment consists of taking the following groups medicines:

  1. Levodopa: Stalevo, Nakom - convert levodopa into dopamine.
  2. Agonists: Pramipexole, Dostinex - stimulate dopamine receptors in brain cells.
  3. Amantadines: Viregit, PK-Merz - increase the production of dopamine in brain cells.
  4. Monoamine oxidase type inhibitors: Seligilin, Azilect - prevent the destruction of dopamine.
  5. Anticholinergic drugs: Cyclodol - normalize the biochemical imbalance in the cells of the nervous system, which appears against the background of a lack of dopamine.
  6. Vitamins of groups B, C and E. They have a pronounced antioxidant effect in the fight against free radicals.
  7. Vitamins in Parkinson's disease allow you to provide the human body with all the necessary substances to improve the functioning of the central nervous system.

The doctor may prescribe other medications, since the range of antiparkinsonian drugs is quite extensive. In the past few years, doctors have often prescribed new drugs for Parkinson's disease. These drugs will also not be able to cure the disease, but they are well tolerated, they have successfully passed a number of clinical trials, during which it was proved that their use reduces the symptoms of delusional states and reduces tremor. One such drug is Nuplazid (Pimavanserin), a new drug for Parkinson's disease. It comes in the form of tablets for oral administration.

Overview of Medications

The pharmacological market offers a number of drugs for treatment, but only a doctor can prescribe them, based on the stage of the disease, the age of the patient, and the characteristics of his body.

  1. Levodopa is medical preparation that increases dopamine levels. Taking this medicine relieves all symptoms.
  2. Selegiline is an MAO B inhibitor that reduces the signs of the disease, thereby slowing down disability.
  3. Propranolol - reduces tremor, has a pronounced sedative effect.
  4. Amitriptyline is a sedative drug that reduces irritability, increased excitability in patients
  5. Parkinson.
  6. PC-Merz.
  7. Midantan.
  8. Mirapeks.
  9. Pramipexole.
  10. Razagilin.

Any of the above drugs has a number of contraindications and side effects, so they should be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription individually for each patient.

Application features

Parkinson's disease cannot be completely cured, but still, if the therapy is carried out correctly, there is every chance to improve the patient's general well-being and increase life expectancy. In the process of treatment, patient care is considered important, as well as compliance with all recommendations given by the doctor. Uncontrolled intake of any medication can harm the health of the patient, aggravate the course of the disease.

I am 62 years old, I have Parkinson's disease, heart disease, what pills to take so as not to cause arrhythmia attacks

This is a question you should ask your doctor. Drugs are prescribed taking into account concomitant diseases after the examination.


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"Pharmacy Medica" is engaged in the implementation of high-quality medicines. In a convenient online catalog you will find scarce drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's disease from European manufacturers. This ailment is associated with malfunctions in the functioning of the nervous system, this is manifested in a violation of voluntary movements.

Medical treatment

All drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's disease (PD) are divided into three categories:

  • increase dopamine in the brain;
  • help to alleviate some of the symptoms of this disease by influencing neurotransmitters;
  • help control manifestations that do not affect movement.

The drug method is the most common method of dealing with PD. Medicines are used to replenish dopamine in the human brain. It is his lack that provokes the onset of the disease. The choice of medication depends on the symptoms, the reaction of the body and the age of the person. Depending on the stage of the disease, a medicine is prescribed. Some drugs can cause side effects, so the selection by a specialist is carried out on an individual basis.

Symptoms of the disease, in which you should seek professional advice from a doctor:

  • increased muscle tone;
  • voluntary movements slowed down;
  • trembling;
  • unsteadiness of the body when walking.

The neurologist will conduct an examination and prescribe medication. Medicines should be purchased from trusted suppliers. Contact us if you need rare drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's disease from Europe! We are always ready to provide original medicines for effective treatment!

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Antiparkinsonian drugs

Antiparkinsonian drugs are prescribed for the treatment of Parkinson's disease and symptomatic parkinsonism. Parkinson's disease is a chronic progressive disease that predominantly affects the elderly. In Parkinson's disease, the so-called shaking palsy, dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of the midbrain are selectively affected.

At the very beginning of the disease, monotherapy is carried out. If the patient is less than 50 years old and has no cognitive impairment, either a dopamine receptor agonist or amantadine or an M-anticholinergic blocker is prescribed as initial therapy. Patients over 70 years of age, when life expectancy is short and cognitive impairments are observed, are immediately prescribed levodopa preparations in a subeffective dose, followed by its increase within 1-1.5 months. Treatment is prescribed for a long time, sometimes throughout life. In the event of a decrease in the effectiveness of monotherapy, they resort to combination therapy, but no more than three drugs are prescribed at the same time.

With the appointment of levodopa preparations, the therapy of the early stage of Parkinson's disease in people over 70 years of age, as well as the late stage in all age groups, begins. It should be borne in mind that levodopa and preparations based on it are contraindicated in psychoses, psychoneurosis, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, angle-closure glaucoma, blood diseases, melanoma, pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 12 years old. While taking levodopa, it is necessary to exclude foods containing vitamin B6 from the diet.

For correction mental disorders use the atypical antipsychotics clozapine or olanzapine. For the treatment of Parkinson's disease and symptomatic parkinsonism, the drug amantadine is prescribed. The therapeutic effect of amantadine is much weaker than that of levodopa, and becomes noticeable on the 3rd-5th day of administration (oligokinesia mainly decreases).

Another group of antiparkinsonian drugs is central M-anticholinergic drugs. Drugs in this group are Cyclodol (TRIGEXIFENIDYL HYDROCHLORIDE, PARKOPAN, ROMPARKIN), Triperiden (NORAKIN), Biperiden (AKINETON), Tropacin.

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Parkinson's disease treatment. Medications

Treating Parkinson's disease is a difficult task. First of all, because it is currently impossible to stop the process of death of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra; can only slow down. Moreover, the symptoms of the disease begin to appear by the time when about half of the cells that produce dopamine have already died.

There is no "golden pill for Parkinson" and no specific cure for Parkinson's disease. Drug treatment of Parkinson's disease is aimed at protecting the remaining cells of the substantia nigra (neuroprotective action) and adjusting the biochemical processes in the direction of increasing the level of dopamine in the brain.

With Parkinson's disease the best medicine has long been considered levodopa. This drug is the chemical precursor of dopamine. However, one must be careful with this Parkinson's medicine. It is characterized by a large number of serious side effects, including mental disorders.

In addition, with prolonged use, dopamine receptors are inhibited and the effectiveness of treatment is reduced. I have to raise daily dose, and this leads to the negative points described above: a vicious circle is created.

It is best to prescribe levodopa in combination with inhibitors of peripheral decarboxylase (carbidopa or benserazide). They increase the amount of levodopa reaching the brain and at the same time reduce the severity of side effects.

Parkinson's disease. Madopar. Madopar is one of those combined drugs. Madopar capsule contains levodopa and benserazide. Madopar is available in different forms. So, Madopar GSS is in a special capsule, the density of which is less than the density of gastric juice. Such a capsule is in the stomach from 5 to 12 hours, and the release of levodopa is gradual. And dispersible madopar has a liquid consistency; acts faster and is more preferable for patients with swallowing disorders.

Drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's disease

One of the drugs that usually start treatment is amantadine (midantan). This drug promotes the formation of dopamine, reduces its reuptake, protects neurons in the substantia nigra by blocking glutamate receptors, and has other positive properties. Amantadine well reduces rigidity and hypokinesia; tremor is less affected. The drug is well tolerated, side effects with monotherapy are rare.

Medicines for Parkinson's disease. Dopamine receptor agonists

Drugs in this group are selective and non-selective (acting selectively on certain types of receptors). One of the selectin agonists is pramipexole (miralex).

Miralex tablets for Parkinson's disease are used both for monotherapy in the early stages, and in combination with levodopa in the later stages. Miralex has fewer side effects than non-selective agonists, but more than amantadine: nausea, pressure instability, drowsiness, swelling of the legs, increased levels of liver enzymes; People with dementia may develop hallucinations.

Drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. "Parkinson's Patch"

Another modern representative of dopamine receptor agonists is rotigotine. But if other agonists are available in the form of parkinson tablets, then this drug is made in the form of a patch applied to the skin. The patch, called a transdermal therapeutic system (TTS), measures between 10 and 40 cm² and is applied once a day.

The patch has a thin electronic filling that allows you to regulate the dosed intake of rotigotine. This form has advantages over traditional agonists: the effective dose is less, the side effects are much less pronounced. It can be used both as monotherapy in the early stage, and in combination with levodopa in the later stages.

Drugs for Parkinson's disease. MAO inhibitors

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors inhibit the oxidation of dopamine in the striatum; due to this, its concentration in the synapses increases. Most often, selegiline is used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. In the early stages, selegiline is used as monotherapy; half of the patients report a significant improvement. Side effects selegiline are not frequent and not pronounced.

Therapy with selegiline allows you to delay the appointment of levodopa for 9 to 12 months. In advanced stages, selegiline can be used in combination with levodopa; it allows you to increase the effectiveness of levodopa by 30%.

Parkinson's disease: treatment with pills. Mydocalm in Parkinson's

Mydocalm reduces muscle tone. This property is based on its use in parkinsonism as an auxiliary medicine. Mydocalm is taken both inside (tablets) and intramuscularly or intravenously.

Parkinson: treatment, drugs. Amino acids in Parkinson's disease

Dopamine is normally formed from the amino acid tyrosine, which is first converted to L-Dopa and then to dopamine. This process is disrupted when exposed to toxic products. It turned out that this effect can be reduced by introducing the necessary amino acids into the body. The appointment of amino acid composites leads to a rapid improvement in the patient's condition.

A clinical study was conducted on a group of patients. As a result of taking amino acid composites for 4-7 weeks, tremor decreased in 79% of patients, rigidity and hypokinesia - in 87%. In about half of the patients, the severity of side effects from drugs decreased, and the dose of basic drugs was also reduced.

Parkinson's drugs. Vitamins for Parkinson's disease

In the treatment of most diseases of the nervous system, B vitamins are actively used. For the transformation of L-Dopa into dopamine, vitamin B₆ and a nicotinic acid. Thiamine (vitamin B₁) also helps increase dopamine in the brain.

Vitamins C and E are excellent antioxidants. They help fight free radicals.

Not only vitamins are important in Parkinson's, but also essential fatty acids. Linoleic acid reduces tremor.

Levodopa reduces the amount of the active substance S-adenosyl-methionine, which increases muscle rigidity. If you take the precursor of this substance, the amino acid L-methionine, this will not happen.

Parkinson's: treatment, drugs (cinnarizine)

Parkinson's should not be treated with cinnarizine! Cinnarizine can exacerbate latent Parkinson's disease (up to complete immobilization and impaired swallowing and breathing).

Parkinson's disease. Homeopathy

Homeopaths emphasize that they do not treat the disease, but the patient. Although the same principle is used in good traditional (allopathic) medicine.

In order not to delve into psychological and philosophical judgments, we simply list the homeopathic remedies used in Parkinson's disease.

Parkinson homeopathy: Rus venenata12, Tantgal 30, Bufo D3, Agaricus D4, Zinc Sulfuricum D6, Tabacum D6, Coenzyme compositum, Ubiquinone compositum, preparations of the Vitorgan series and others.

Hydrogen peroxide for Parkinson's disease

Some authors suggest hydrogen peroxide as a panacea. Its healing effect is explained by the atomic oxygen released during its decay - an active oxidizing agent. In infected (especially purulent wounds) this is really important and effective.

However, hydrogen peroxide can have a damaging effect on intact skin - the sebaceous and sweat glands die. Therefore, the recommended hydrogen peroxide treatment for Parkinson's and multiple sclerosis by rubbing the whole body seems hardly helpful.

Hydrogen peroxide and Parkinson's are generally hardly compatible concepts. After all, one of the causes of Parkinson's disease is oxidative stress due to the influence of free radicals. And here it is proposed to add another active oxidizing agent.

And yet, to argue that Parkinson's treatment with hydrogen peroxide is absolutely impossible is probably premature. The Russian pharmaceutical industry has created the drug "Parkon" in the form of a spray based on highly diluted hydrogen peroxide.

As Doctor of Biology Goldstein explains, its action is based not on the oxidative property of peroxide, but on its reflex effect on special receptors in the nasal cavity associated with the brain stem - the vomeronasal organ (the old name is Jacobson's organ).

It is believed that due to these impulses, such manifestations of parkinsonism as tremor, stiffness of movements, salivation decrease, and facial expressions are restored.

So far, there are few clinical observations and reviews. Well, let's wait and see.

Alternative Treatments for Parkinson's Disease

For the treatment of allergic diseases, polychromatic incoherent radiation of the Bioptron device is used. Some publications say that Bioptron helps with Parkinson's - it reduces tremor.

Free medicines for Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease therapy (and patient care) is extremely expensive. Therefore, already from the moment of diagnosis, you should worry about establishing a disability group. There will be not only financial assistance (pension or pension supplement), but also free medicines, and partly free care products.

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Parkinson's disease

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Medicines for Parkinson's disease in Moscow

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Tidomet forte tablets 100 pcs. Torrent Pharmaceuticals [Torrent Pharmaceuticals]

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Requip Modutab tablets 4 mg 28 pcs. GlaxoSmithKline [GlaxoSmithKline]

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Stalevo tablets 150 mg + 37.5 mg 100 pcs. Orion Pharma/Orion Corporation

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Madopar "125" capsules 100 pcs. F. Hoffmann-La Roche [F. Hoffmann-La Roche]

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Azilect tablets 1 mg 30 pcs. Teva

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Newpro patch 6 mg/24 h 28 pcs.

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Pramipexole-Teva tablets 1 mg 30 pcs. Teva

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Azilect tablets 1 mg 100 pcs. Teva

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Newpro patch 4 mg/24 h 28 pcs.

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Memantine Canon tablets 10 mg 30 pcs. Canonpharma production CJSC

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Requip Modutab tablets 8 mg 28 pcs. GlaxoSmithKline [GlaxoSmithKline]

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Midantan tablets 100 mg 50 pcs. Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations

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Memantal tablets 10 mg 90 pcs. Sinton Spain S.L.

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Newpro patch 8 mg/24 h 28 pcs.

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Mirapex tablets 0.25 mg 30 pcs. Boehringer Ingelheim

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Madopar "250" tablets 100 pcs. F. Hoffmann-La Roche [F. Hoffmann-La Roche]

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Stalevo tablets 100 mg + 25 mg 30 pcs. Orion Pharma/Orion Corporation

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Newpro patch 2 mg/24 h 7 pcs.

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On this page, in a few clicks, you can buy Medicines for Parkinson's disease in Moscow. We have selected the most interesting products from the category of Medicines for Parkinson's disease: Mirapex tablets 0.25 mg 30 pcs. Boehringer Ingelheim [Boehringer Ingelheim], Requip Modutab tablets 8 mg 28 pcs. GlaxoSmithKline [GlaxoSmithKline], Tidomet forte tablets 100 pcs. Torrent Pharmaceuticals, Nupro Patch 6mg/24h Q28, Azilect Tablets 1mg Q30 Teva [Teva].

Delivery of our products is possible to the points of issue:

  • Moscow Novoyasenevsky, Moscow, Novoyasenevsky pr-kt, 2a, building 1
  • Moscow Pererva, Moscow, Pererva st., 45
  • Moscow Menzhinsky, Moscow, Menzhinsky st., 36, of. 40
  • Moscow Tushinskaya, Moscow, Tushinskaya st., 17
  • Moscow Tallinskaya, Moscow, Tallinskaya st., 7

- one of the few progressive neurological diseases of a chronic course, which is characterized by degenerative changes in the extrapyramidal motor system. The disease mainly affects the elderly, in particular men. Despite advances in modern pharmacology and medicine, there is no cure or method that can completely cure the disease. But still, there are drugs for Parkinson's disease, the mechanism of action of which is aimed at slowing the progression of the pathology, improving the quality of life of patients.

In the course of the development of the disease, the death of neurons of the central nervous system, which produce the neurotransmitter dopamine, occurs. Deficiency in dopamine production leads to disruption of the brain, with the subsequent development of muscle rigidity, hypokinesia, tremors and other clinical symptoms.

How Anti-Parkinsonian Drugs Work

Consists of taking antiparkinsonian drugs that make up for the lack of dopamine due to the death of brain cells. An integral part of the treatment are pills for Parkinson's disease, which allow to slow down the progression of the pathology - neuroprotective therapy.

An auxiliary means is the intake of vitamins, antioxidants, and doctors also prescribe symptomatic therapy without fail, which includes taking drugs to eliminate the general symptoms that are present in this disease.

Important! The choice of any drug, as well as the dose, course of treatment, is prescribed by the attending physician individually.

Levodopa preparations are considered basic in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. They are prescribed to all patients. As a rule, other drugs are also prescribed, but they are taken in combination with Levodopa. Drug treatment performs two main tasks:

  1. Reduces the rate of death of brain cells with dopamine.
  2. Reduces symptoms, thereby prolonging the life of the patient.

Basic Therapy

Antiparkinsonian treatment consists of taking the following groups of drugs:

  1. Levodopa: Stalevo, Nakom - convert levodopa into dopamine.
  2. Agonists: Pramipexole, Dostinex - stimulate dopamine receptors in brain cells.
  3. Amantadines: Viregit, PK-Merz - increase the production of dopamine in brain cells.
  4. Monoamine oxidase type inhibitors: Seligilin, Azilect - prevent the destruction of dopamine.
  5. Anticholinergic drugs: Cyclodol - normalize the biochemical imbalance in the cells of the nervous system, which appears against the background of a lack of dopamine.
  6. Vitamins of groups B, C and E. They have a pronounced antioxidant effect in the fight against free radicals.
  7. Vitamins in Parkinson's disease allow you to provide the human body with all the necessary substances to improve the functioning of the central nervous system.

The doctor may prescribe other medications, since the range of antiparkinsonian drugs is quite extensive. In the past few years, doctors have often prescribed new drugs for Parkinson's disease. These drugs will also not be able to cure the disease, but they are well tolerated, they have successfully passed a number of clinical trials, during which it was proved that their use reduces the symptoms of delusional states, reduces. These drugs include a new Parkinson's disease drug, Nuplazid (Pimavanserin). It comes in the form of tablets for oral administration.

Overview of Medications

The pharmacological market offers a number of drugs for treatment, but only a doctor can prescribe them, based on the stage of the disease, the age of the patient, and the characteristics of his body.

  1. Levodopa is a drug that increases dopamine levels. Taking this medicine relieves all symptoms.
  2. Selegiline is an MAO B inhibitor that reduces the signs of the disease, thereby slowing down disability.
  3. Propranolol - reduces tremor, has a pronounced sedative effect.
  4. Amitriptyline is a sedative drug that reduces irritability, increased excitability in patients
  5. Parkinson.
  6. PC-Merz.
  7. Midantan.
  8. Mirapeks.
  9. Pramipexole.
  10. Razagilin.

Any of the above drugs has a number of contraindications and side effects, so they should be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription individually for each patient.

Application features

Parkinson's disease cannot be completely cured, but still, if the therapy is carried out correctly, there is every chance to improve the patient's general well-being and increase life expectancy. In the process of treatment, patient care is considered important, as well as compliance with all recommendations given by the doctor. Uncontrolled intake of any medication can harm the health of the patient, aggravate the course of the disease.


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Articles written

Parkinson's disease as a particular form of parkinsonism is still somewhat of a mystery. It is the second most common after neurodegenerative disorders. Until now, the disease has not been completely cured, but surgical techniques and high-quality Parkinson's pills make it possible to delay the destructive effect of this most complex pathology as much as possible.

Approaches to the treatment of Parkinson's disease

The disease has been known to mankind for many centuries, but it has not been studied and systematized. Characteristic features ailments in the form of tremors, a specific gait and muscle rigidity were described by many ancient authors, including Galen. The disease takes its name from James Parkinson, an English physician who wrote An Essay on Shaking Palsy in 1817. But full-fledged research began only in late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century.

In the middle of the last century, the role of dysfunction of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the development of the disease was revealed. The discovery influenced the methods of treatment. The first method was the use of belladonna alkaloids (atropine), which was used at the turn of the century before last and the last. In the late 30s of the twentieth century, they learned to perform operations to destroy the basal ganglia, which brought tangible results.

For several decades surgical methods treatments evolved and were constantly improved, but they remained the only effective means to control the disease, except for the use of anticholinergic drugs. Their work was aimed at blocking acetylcholine, a natural neurotransmitter.

At the very end of the 20th century, encouraging attempts were made to treat with the help of electrical stimulation with impulses of deep brain structures. These techniques were found worthy of attention and further study for use.

But before the invention of a drug called Levodopa, treating Parkinson's disease with drugs was almost a lost cause.

Drugs in the early stages of the disease

If a patient is diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, treatment should begin as early as possible. Although the disease is currently considered incurable, the early use of specialized drugs helps to delay the appearance of negative signs as much as possible.

The most common in recent years is "Levodopa". But this effective remedy has a rather large number of side effects, in particular, with long-term use of significant doses, the patient develops intractable motor disorders.

Because of this, when deciding how to treat progressive Parkinson's disease, many doctors prefer to use modern alternative drugs, for example, dopamine antagonists - Ropinirole, Pergolid, Apomorphine, Pramipexole and others.

If the patient is given these drugs at the first signs of trembling paralysis, then the use of Levodopa can be postponed to a later period, therefore, reducing the risk of developing motor disorders. However, dopamine agonists themselves can lead to the appearance of the same changes.

If the patient is over 70 years old, then the restriction on the use of Levodopa does not apply to him.

For use in the early stages of the disease, monotherapy is more suitable, that is, the use of one specialized drug in order to avoid the rapid development of side effects.

Medications in the later stages

Drugs for progressive Parkinson's disease can also be used as monotherapy, but more often a combination is used:

  • "Levodopa" is the main medicine at the moment.
  • "Amantadine", which has an effect against Parkinson's disease and stimulates the production of dopamine.
  • "Stalevo" and its analogues, enhancing the effectiveness of "Levodopa" and prolonging the time of its action.
  • MAO-B inhibitors, for example, Rasagiline, which increase the level of dopamine concentration and prevent its breakdown.
  • Dopamine receptor agonists.
  • Holinotropic agents.

Drug treatment is supplemented by physiotherapeutic procedures, exercise therapy, classes with a speech therapist aimed at correcting speech and swallowing disorders, psychotherapy for social rehabilitation.

Additionally, symptomatic and supportive drugs, such as the essential amino acid phenylalanine, are used to treat associated symptoms. It is able in the patient's body to turn into tyrosine, which is involved in the synthesis of dopamine.

They also use a neurostimulator for the elderly when they take Levodopa, but the body responds poorly to treatment. In this case, stimulation of deep brain structures is used with the destruction of some subcortical nuclei. This causes a significant improvement in the patient's condition, the retreat of severe symptoms, and an increase in the socialization of a person. The doctor can reduce the dosage of drugs for Parkinson's, which will reduce the negative manifestations and make it easier for the patient to exist.

The use of a stimulator is much easier and safer than the use of electrodes in classical interventions. The operation lasts less, only one small hole is made in the skull. An antiseptic is used for treatment, and an antimicrobial drug is given to prevent infection. There is always a risk, but with such jewelry surgery it is minimal. The only obstacle is the high cost of the operation.

The use of a neurostimulator does not preclude the use of other methods of treatment, including medication, and the most advanced techniques that are under development - genetic engineering and stem cell therapy, the use of special viruses, impulse stimulation of neurons. The patient should be aware that improvement does not mean complete recovery, that he still needs to be treated and monitor his health.

Side effects of treatment

Since the main treatments for Parkinson's disease are drugs that restore dopamine levels, the side effects are mainly caused by the use of Levodopa and other drugs with a similar effect.

Tablets have an excellent effect on severe tremors, muscle rigidity and limited mobility, which causes real euphoria in many patients at the beginning of use. However, this remedy has practically no effect on imbalances and stiffness of the gait.

Moreover, prolonged use of "Levodopa" or its high doses lead to the development or intensification of dyskinesia - sudden involuntary and uncontrolled movements, twitching, twisting of the limbs. Anticonvulsants in such cases are useless or ineffective.

Levodopa can cause many negative symptoms. Among them are the following:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • constipation;
  • hypotension;
  • high nervous excitability, irritability.

Because of this, doctors prefer not to prescribe Levodopa for initial stages disease, and dispense with other drugs that raise the level of dopamine. The same is used if the particular medicine is contraindicated for the patient.

Possible reasons for the decrease in the effectiveness of therapy

With the progression of Parkinson's disease, the prescribed treatment with tablets may work weaker over time. The disease affects the body more and more, less dopamine is produced, and the drugs used do not cope with the situation.

Due to the large number of side effects and the decrease in the effectiveness of treatment with one drug in last years"Levodopa" in its pure form is rarely used. Most often, its combination with dopa decarboxylase inhibitors is used for therapy. These are drugs such as "Nakom", "Madopar" or their substitutes.

Also used is Midantan (amantadine) and its analogues: Viregit, Symmetrel, dopamine receptor stimulants - Parlodel, Mirapeks, Apomorphine and others.
In the treatment of Parkinson's disease, an important place is occupied not only by the use of pills and surgery, but also by lifestyle changes. The patient needs to eat right to avoid the side effects of drugs, give preference to vitamin food, reduce protein intake in the morning.

An important role is played by helping to restore limb mobility and strengthen muscles. There is also a free method - these are walks and a positive attitude, which depends on the support of the patient by relatives and friends.

Symptomatic therapy includes the use of painkillers for painful movements, sleeping pills for sleep disorders, sedatives for high excitability and aggressiveness, irritability, and depression.

There are no trifles in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, since it affects the main organ - the human brain. To improve health, it is important to maintain a good condition of the vascular system.

So far, it has not been possible to cure the disease, but with the use of all achievements modern medicine and complex effects can prolong the life of the patient and improve its quality.

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