Can you feel the hymen with your finger? Early signs of pregnancy Feel the pregnancy yourself.

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Sometimes, on early stages Determining pregnancy is simply vital. Sometimes, when the pregnancy was not planned in advance, and you are ready for the birth of a new life, the confidence that you are expecting a child will help you keep it healthy. This applies to giving up various bad habits, severe physical exercise, taking any medications, etc.

So how to determine early pregnancy? After all, the sooner this happens, the greater the chance of maintaining the health of the baby. In addition, if you have contraindications to childbirth, for example, due to illness, then it is better to terminate the pregnancy at a minimum period.

Changes that occur in a woman during conception

Pregnancy can be determined in the early stages in various ways. The very first signs that can be observed are very different, they depend on the individuality of the female body. Expectant mothers may notice fatigue, drowsiness. Toxicosis may occur - vomiting and nausea. Or, on the contrary, an incredible appetite may appear. In addition, a pregnant woman may develop an aversion to certain odors, etc.

Signs of pregnancy include breast tenderness and tenderness, and the appearance of increased pigmentation of the skin of the nipples. If this has not happened to you before with the arrival of menstruation, then such signs may indicate the conception of a new life. In addition, due to hormonal changes in female body some organs may begin to work differently than usual. For example, changes in digestive system, the appearance of constipation, strange sensations in the lower abdomen, frequent urination, etc.

But most a clear sign To determine pregnancy, a delay in menstruation is necessary, especially if your cycle has not had any problems before. But this is not a 100% reason to be sure of your pregnancy, because a delay may also indicate the presence of certain diseases, perhaps due to stress, etc.

Also, a reliable method for determining pregnancy in the early stages is to measure basal temperature. To measure it correctly, a woman should do this in the morning without getting out of bed. The temperature in the rectum should reach 37-37.2 degrees.

If you suspect that you are pregnant, purchase a special test at the pharmacy that is designed specifically to determine pregnancy. Nowadays there is a wide variety of them. If the test confirms that you have conceived, then this is another proof of your interesting situation. Each test has instructions, so this test is quite easy to do.

How do experts determine a woman's pregnancy?

Of course, a gynecologist will help you determine your situation in the early stages with one hundred percent certainty. The very first thing he will do is probe you through the wall of your abdomen. After this, he will send you to the laboratory for examination, where they will take a urine and blood test. A protein (special) is detected in the blood at the 3-4th week of pregnancy. If such a protein is detected in the blood, you can confidently say that you are pregnant. In the urine, already from the 2nd week of an interesting position, a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin is detected. This hormone also indicates conception. But such a hormone does not give complete confidence, since it can appear in the body due to the presence of certain diseases.

But the gynecologist must definitely send the woman for an ultrasound examination. Special sensors will not miss a single change in the body. In addition, unlike other research methods, this method will allow us to identify pathologies of embryo development and its location.

But you need to know that there are cases when a woman does not see any signs of pregnancy even until the belly becomes quite impressive in size, and sometimes until the baby begins to move. Therefore, a trip to the doctor is simply necessary. But despite such rare cases, any woman should be aware of the symptoms of pregnancy. After all, it is very important to know what is happening to her. Sometimes detection in the early stages of pregnancy allows you to make a decision that can change your entire life.

Pregnancy is a very important event in a woman’s life, which it is advisable to find out about as early as possible. Knowing about her pregnancy, a woman can timely influence the impact of certain harmful factors (for example, contact with chemicals and radiation at work or exhausting physical labor, taking medicines). Early pregnancy detection and registration can reduce possible risks during gestation. What are the exact signs by which pregnancy can be determined?

When do the first signs of pregnancy appear?

Every woman's body reacts differently to pregnancy. In many cases, early signs of pregnancy appear in the first weeks after conception. One of the most accurate indicators used in diagnosing pregnancy is human chorionic gonadotropin (a hormone that is produced by chorion tissue after the process of implantation of the embryo into the uterine mucosa). This hormone appears in the blood and urine of pregnant women and can be detected using special laboratory tests and home rapid tests.

At home, to determine pregnancy, tests are used in the form of special strips with an indicator, which, when interacting with urine, show a positive or negative result. This test can be purchased at any pharmacy. In addition, there are a number of signs indicating that conception has occurred and the woman is already pregnant.

Feelings in the early stages

Expectant mothers, especially those pregnant for the first time, are interested in knowing what sensations arise during pregnancy? Are there reliable signs that allow you to independently determine the birth of a new life? Practice shows that not all women can feel pregnancy from the first days.

Many expectant mothers feel great and find out about their condition only after their next period is missed. Others note the occurrence of changes characteristic of pregnant women almost immediately.

Women who were planning a pregnancy usually listen to all new sensations more carefully; accordingly, they pay attention to minor changes in their body before others.

What changes in a woman’s well-being can be observed in the early stages of pregnancy? Experts highlight the following characteristic features initial stage of gestation:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • slight bleeding;
  • pain in the mammary glands and slight swelling;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased basal temperature;
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • constipation;
  • headache;
  • deterioration of general health, weakness and apathy.

Bloody issues

In the first weeks, spotting may appear that is not related to menstruation. They occur when a fertilized egg burrows into the endometrium of the uterus. This bleeding is called implantation bleeding and begins 6-12 days after the formation of the zygote. Often a small amount of blood is released. However, not all women associate this symptom with pregnancy, mistaking it for a disruption in their monthly cycle.

In some women, spotting may be accompanied by white mucus. The main reason for its appearance is the functioning of the glands located in the thickness of the mucous membrane of the uterus and vagina, which, under the influence of hormones, begin to work more intensively.

Too much secretion may also be due to inflammatory diseases and fungal infection of the reproductive organs. In case of heavy discharge, a woman is advised to consult a doctor.

Painful sensations in the abdomen

Moderate pain in the lower abdomen is due to the growth of the uterus. The growing uterus becomes denser and begins to put pressure on the tissues surrounding it. In addition, in the first weeks of pregnancy, there is an increase in the tone of the muscle organ, which also causes a feeling of slight tension or soreness in the lower abdomen.

If future mom tired and in need of rest, the feeling of tension may increase. Constant aching or sharp pain in the lower abdomen, especially if there is bloody discharge, may be a sign of a miscarriage, so if a woman experiences such sensations, she should immediately consult a doctor.

Heaviness in the uterus and abdomen

Feelings of heaviness and fullness are characteristic sensations in the abdomen in early pregnancy. The reason for such sensations is expansion blood vessels in the pelvic cavity under the influence of the hormone progesterone. Thanks to intensive blood supply, the uterus receives more nutrients and oxygen.

Breast tenderness

A week or two after conception, women experience changes in hormonal background. For many women, breasts react to increased hormone levels with soreness and swelling. The nipples and the area around them darken, increase in diameter and become very sensitive. The mammary glands remain hypersensitive until the end of pregnancy, but discomfort is typical only in the early stages. Over time, the pain disappears.

The reaction of the mammary glands to pregnancy may be the opposite. For some women who previously complained of pain and tightness in the breasts before menstruation, these symptoms often disappear after conception.

Beginning of toxicosis

One of the most well-known pregnancy symptoms is early toxicosis or “morning sickness.” This name is explained by the fact that pregnant women feel most sick in the morning, and the nausea often ends with vomiting. Vomiting is observed in 50-60% of pregnant women, in some cases up to 5 times a day or more. The manifestation and duration of toxicosis in women depends on the condition of the body as a whole. Some experience virtually no nausea, while others feel nauseous and vomit all the time.

Toxicosis can be aggravated by the sight of certain foods or inhalation of different odors. Many pregnant women develop strange taste preferences during this period (for example, chalk or sand).

In most cases, early toxicosis resolves unexpectedly and does not require additional treatment. In case of intense vomiting, accompanied by dehydration and weight loss, doctors resort to prescribing special drugs that regulate the vomiting syndrome.

Is it possible to detect pregnancy by touch in the early stages?

In order to answer this question, you need to know the size of the uterus by different terms. By the end of the fourth week of pregnancy, the uterus grows to the size of a chicken egg, by eight weeks - to the size of a goose egg, and only by twelve weeks it upper limit rises above the symphysis pubis (we recommend reading:

Consequently, in the earliest stages the uterus is hidden behind bladder, so it is impossible to probe it yourself. In thin women with a thin abdominal wall, you can feel some compaction in the lower abdomen, which many mistakenly mistake for an enlarged uterus. In fact, this tightness is due to muscle tension. Only a gynecologist can feel the uterus in the early stages using intravaginal palpation. You can more accurately determine the size of the uterus and fertilized egg using ultrasound.

There is no need to try to determine the position of the uterus yourself by palpation, as this is dangerous for the embryo. Pressure on the abdominal wall can cause hypertonicity of the uterine muscles and negatively affect the course of pregnancy, and in some cases even provoke a miscarriage.

The initial period of pregnancy is a crucial stage; it is in the first weeks that all the vital systems and organs of the fetus are formed. If a mother is tired, sick, eats poorly, or exposes herself to harmful factors, this affects her overall well-being and the development of the fetus.

To improve the health of a pregnant woman, you need to follow the recommendations:

  • observe the work and rest regime;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • to walk outside;
  • eat right (the diet should be balanced);
  • take special vitamins for pregnant women;
  • avoid stress;
  • visit doctors regularly.

When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to give up bad habits, healthy image life. An attentive and careful attitude towards yourself from the first weeks contributes to a favorable course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.

Some women may be interested in how to feel the uterus on their own during pregnancy. Many representatives of the fairer sex very carefully monitor the movements of the gynecologist during the examination. And this is not surprising, because the process is quite intimate, and it is not always clear what exactly the doctor is doing.

The main task of the gynecologist is to examine the external and internal organs, diagnosis and development of treatment tactics for female diseases. In addition to all this, you can notice that the doctor almost always palpates the abdomen, especially in pregnant women. Let's take a closer look at when you can palpate the uterus during pregnancy, why this is done, and whether independent actions can cause complications.

It is important not only to know how to feel the uterus during pregnancy, but also why it may be needed. Initially, the specialist must determine what question the patient came to him with.

Palpation of the uterus during a gynecological examination. Source: dr_woman.jofo.meф

If the visit is planned, there are no complaints or pathologies, then this type of diagnosis is carried out for the following purposes:

  1. Determining the presence or absence of pathological enlargement of the reproductive organ;
  2. Identification of inflammatory processes;
  3. Determination of the area of ​​localization of painful sensations.

If the gynecologist has diagnosed one or more abnormalities, then the patient will be prescribed additional tests that will help accurately determine the disease. Also, during palpation, the doctor determines the presence of pregnancy, and also approximately determines its duration and normal course.


Many women carrying a child might wonder how to feel the uterus during pregnancy at home. It is important to understand that such manipulations should be carried out with extreme caution, otherwise serious complications may develop. If conception occurs in the current cycle, the walls of the reproductive organ become softer.

In addition, you can also determine what shape the uterus has, what position the cervix is ​​in, whether it is dilated and by how many centimeters. If during palpation it was revealed that the organ cavity is hard and dry, then fertilization has not occurred. A leading gynecologist can tell you how to palpate the uterus during pregnancy on your own in the early stages, but often doctors do not recommend doing such manipulations.

Position of the uterus by week of pregnancy. Source:

By palpating the uterus you can also determine the time of ovulation. During this period it will also be soft. To obtain the most accurate results, it is necessary to do examinations regularly, because at different periods of the cycle the condition of the reproductive organ will differ. If during the procedure the girl feels pain or discomfort, it must be stopped.

Many girls are interested in how to palpate the uterus during early pregnancy on their own; they look for photos of actions in specialized literature and on thematic resources. However, in most cases, only a doctor with extensive practical experience can diagnose fertilization in the first weeks. That is why it is better to entrust the examination to a specialist, and it is better to do a regular pregnancy test yourself, which can be bought at any pharmacy.

On one's own

If you ask a specialist a question about how to palpate the uterus during pregnancy, with a large share He will probably be against carrying out such a procedure at home. But even if such restrictions do not stop the patient, she must adhere to the following rules:

  • It is strictly forbidden to perform actions too often;
  • No movement should be accompanied by pain or discomfort;
  • All actions must be performed slowly and smoothly;
  • During the examination, you need to relax as much as possible.

After careful preparation, the girl should take horizontal position, relax the muscles of the lower abdomen and pelvis, and begin to gently palpate the stomach from above in the place where the uterus is supposed to be located. If pain occurs, the procedure should be stopped.

Self-diagnosis is carried out in a relaxed state. Source:

If during the diagnosis the walls were soft to the touch, we can tentatively assume that pregnancy has occurred. However, only a doctor can confirm this fact after examining the woman in a chair. At about 3-4 months of gestation, the uterus descends to the bottom.

Also, sometimes girls ask how to feel the uterus at 11 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, in the lower abdomen of most expectant mothers, a tubercle appears under the palm of the hand. It is very important not to press too hard so as not to injure the child. Actually, starting from this period, most likely, the position of the reproductive organ will be determined without difficulty.

At the doctor's

The most correct option for determining the level of position of the reproductive organ is to visit a specialized medical institution, that is, a antenatal clinic or a private gynecologist. The specialist will be able to definitively make a diagnosis only after he has performed an examination in the mirrors and palpated the abdomen.

In the first trimester, this method of determining the presence or absence of pregnancy, as well as its duration, is the most accurate. During the procedure, the doctor will pay attention to the fact that reproductive organ It is quite soft, and before the onset of 12 weeks it is located in the pelvic area, gradually becoming round in shape.

Subsequently, gradually with the growth of the fetus, the uterus loses its symmetry, and then again takes on the shape of a ball. If you feel that the reproductive organ has become hard or tense in the period from 12 to 14 weeks, this means that the tone has increased and there is a threat of miscarriage, accordingly, maintenance therapy is required.


While pregnant, expectant mothers try to protect their belly from traumatic factors. If you carry out the procedure of palpating the uterus too often or aggressively, or if you do not relax well, this can cause pain, bleeding, increased tone and even miscarriage.

If a woman has conducted an independent examination during pregnancy, after which she has pain in the pelvic organs, especially if it is of a spasmodic nature, it is necessary to urgently consult a gynecologist, since these symptoms precede a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion.

Actually, since the complications of incorrect self-diagnosis are really serious, it is difficult to understand why specialists are against home procedures.

Determination of pregnancy (video)

Women use natural methods to determine ovulation. Some authors of home examination methods additionally recommend determining the position of the cervix and its consistency. It can be hard, medium hard and soft. The position in the vagina is also important - high, medium or low.

Frequently asked questions

  • Is it possible to feel the cervix?

Yes, but it all depends on the length of the vagina. Average anatomical indicators are from 7 to 12 cm. In an upright position of the body, the vagina bends slightly in the upper part. Middle finger the arms are the longest - usually 7-8 cm.

  • How to feel the cervix if the vagina is long?

To do this, it is recommended to conduct the examination in a squatting position, or on the edge of a chair, in the bathroom. You can bend one leg at the knee, placing it on a chair. In this position, the organ approaches the vestibule of the vagina. The cervix will be at its farthest base. To the touch it is normally moist, smooth, spherical in shape, slightly protruding into the vaginal cavity, harder than the adjacent tissues.

  • Can a finger hurt the cervix?

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