What does a reproductive specialist do? Reproductologist

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Unfortunately, almost every day people face health problems, including those that limit a person's ability to fertilize, bear and give birth to children. Since the family institution in our society is considered one of the most important, you don’t want to live without children, and if it doesn’t work out (according to different reasons), then it's time to seek medical help!


How to choose a doctor and a good place so that specialists do no harm? How to understand which fertility doctor can help in your particular case, who will be competent enough to establish a diagnosis, prescribe treatment, help with the birth of children and put them on an outpatient examination?

But we are not getting younger: the body is aging and sooner or later it becomes more difficult to give birth to a child. Therefore, it is extremely important to contact a reproductive specialist (experienced and knowledgeable) in time to maintain family relationships. At the same time, the price is not always a guarantee of quality, and when choosing a reproductive specialist, you need to rely on a number of other factors.

The most common reasons for contacting

Most often, people turn to private clinics to get rid of problems in their personal sex life. This is no longer a family psychologist who "heals souls." A reproductive specialist makes sure that the human body is capable of reproduction or, in a more mundane language, of reproduction. Agree, reproduction - main function the existence of mankind.

Reproductologist treats the following diseases:

  • feminine and;
  • problems of the endocrine gland;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • especially long delays in the menstrual cycle;
  • venereal diseases;
  • genital problems.

In addition to the reproductive specialist, there are specialists such as a sexologist, urologist, gynecologist and andrologist who have a narrower specialty.

A sexologist, for example, treats sexual disorders: the inability to achieve orgasm, erection problems, a decrease or, conversely, an increase in sexual desire. The urologist treats the reproductive and urinary organs, while the gynecologist and andrologist focus on the sexual division. An andrologist will help with male diseases of the reproductive system, a gynecologist with female ones. The conventional reproductive specialist specializes in both sexes.

How to choose a doctor? What to rely on?

First of all, of course, the specialization of a doctor. The Internet is teeming with advertisements that such and such a clinic provides its clients with the best services in the entire capital. So it may be, in fact, but how can you know for sure? It is for such questions that the rating of fertility doctors in Moscow is being created. Most of the really good metropolitan specialists fall into it.

fertility doctors?

But the rating does not answer the question: “Who is the best fertility doctor in Moscow?” The list is compiled based on user ratings and those who leave reviews. In addition, many sites have descriptions of medical specializations that are characteristic of each person on the list, and indicate work experience. You can sort fertility doctors by their experience, the price of a consultation (one consultation does not mean that the total amount will be the only thing you have to pay), etc.

Usually, full-fledged treatment in the clinic costs a large amount, and the price of a consultation reaches 7,000 rubles. If you are financially limited, then you need to focus on this as well, but remember that you can’t buy health for any money, and private clinics charge such amounts, because the quality of their service in most cases is at the highest level.

Which clinic is better for a man?

One way or another, some men have problems not only with the reproductive system, but also with being examined by a female doctor. If the patient is one of these people and he is interested in the best fertility doctors in Moscow, then he will be disappointed, because most of these specialists are women.

Therefore, if he goes to such a clinic together, the husband is likely to be upset.

If you still have a desire to be examined by a man, you will have to pay a little more money for several consultations. On modern sites of clinics and those that provide information about doctors of various specializations in general, there is a function of self-scheduling an appointment. That is, if you apply to the clinic, then there is a high probability that you will not be asked which doctor you want to see.

Here, there is no such probability, because you yourself, evaluating the profile of the doctor, decide whether you want to come to him for a consultation and examination or not. The choice is really very important, because you can’t go to several reproductologists at once, since each consultation costs certain Money. Even if this is not a problem for you, no one wants to spend so much money to hear the same words.

Think for yourself: any fertility doctor in Moscow, examining you, will see the same thing, despite the fact that medical education in Russia is approximately the same. One can only hope that at least someone will know more, but you should not despair. The best fertility doctors (even if they are women, because gender does not play any role) are likely to be able to diagnose you (if any) from the first appointment.

In general, if you have firmly decided for yourself that you will not go to see a woman, everything is in your hands. But there are very few male reproductive specialists, and most likely you will have to go to a doctor of a different specialization!

Which clinic is better for a woman to go to?

A woman in this sense, of course, is much easier. Perhaps such an abundant number of doctors of this sex is due to the fact that most often it is they who are being preserved, and it is they who are taken care of by the best fertility doctors. Agree that no one can understand a woman better than another woman, especially when the question concerns such intimate topics.

Most often, however, not specialists are chosen, but clinics, because in special occasions you may need complex treatment and constant attention for mommy to save. That is why we recommend that you pay attention first to the rating of clinics and only then to the rating of fertility doctors. Very often, this is presented on the clinic's website, where you can also make a preliminary appointment.

"SM-Clinic" (reproductive health center)

Address: Raskova lane, house number 14.

SM-Clinic is a rare example of a private medical institution that does not charge for the initial consultation. At the same time, the gynecologist-reproductologist has very good reviews, and according to patients, the local medical staff (mostly women again) are considered really the best in all of Moscow. Most ratings are 10 out of 10.

By contacting the SM-Clinic for help, you can make an appointment with the following specialists:

  • Troskin (work experience - 8 years);
  • Mavrotis Ellada Pavlovna (experience - 24 years);
  • Bragina Maria Alexandrovna (experience - 4 years);
  • Melenchuk Daria Grigorievna (experience - several years).

Gynecologist-reproductologist: who is it, what does it do and what does it treat?

In the lists of services of medical clinics, you can find the item "reproduction specialist's appointment". What the doctor of this specialty does, it will become clear after getting acquainted with the term reproductive medicine.

Reproductology is a field of medicine that studies the human reproductive function, investigates the causes of its disorders, finds methods of treatment and successfully uses them.

  • Reproductology: what is it
  • Who is a reproductologist, what does a doctor treat
  • What does a gynecologist-reproductologist do?
  • First reception
  • What does a doctor do outside of an appointment?
  • How is it different from a gynecologist
  • Related specialists
  • What is white orchid day
  • How to choose a doctor

What is reproduction: definition of the concept

Reproductology is a relatively young but rapidly developing industry. More and more couples are facing difficulties in maintaining and maintaining their pregnancies. At the same time, there are more opportunities, scientific developments, and technologies for solving the problem of infertility (male, female and combined).

If earlier doctors shrugged their shoulders and offered the only possible way - adoption, today the couple has a chance to give birth to their own child. To do this, you need to contact a gynecologist-reproductologist who treats infertility with the help.

Depending on the situation, you will also need the help of an andrologist, geneticist, hematologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist, psychologist, immunologist and other specialists. After all, often the inability to conceive a child is due not only to disorders in the female genital tract, but also, genetic mutations, congenital pathologies, acquired hormonal dysfunctions, psychological disorders.

Gynecologist-reproductologist: who is it, what does it do and what does it treat

A reproductive specialist is a medical specialist with a higher education whose field of activity is solving problems related to the restoration of reproductive function. A gynecologist-reproductologist is the last resort for childless couples. He is engaged in:

  • examination of spouses;
  • schema creation laboratory diagnostics for a specific couple;
  • finds the reason why ;
  • offers options for its solution, chooses the most effective;
  • performs diagnostic operations (laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, etc.);
  • performs surgical therapeutic operations for endometriosis and, restoration or their removal;
  • treats and observes a married couple until a positive outcome is obtained - the onset of pregnancy.

The competence of the specialist is the problem of violation of both female and male.

Reproductologist: what does he do

A reproductive specialist deals with and treats various pathological conditions that prevent a couple from becoming parents. Most likely, the first step that a woman will take after unsuccessful attempts at conception is to visit a gynecologist at the district antenatal clinic. If, after examination and analysis, it turns out that the cause of infertility was not some acute condition (for example, inflammation of the uterine appendages), then the gynecologist will refer the patient to a specialist of a different profile - a reproductologist.

What does a reproductive specialist do at the reception?

You should come to the appointment with your spouse, with all medical certificates, protocols, previous examinations, test results. The doctor will take them into account when making appointments and planning the examination.

The initial appointment includes:

  • Spouses survey. The collection of anamnesis is carried out to find out the duration of infertility, whether there are any concomitant chronic diseases or other circumstances preventing the onset of pregnancy.
  • Primary gynecological examination, from the genital tract.
  • Ultrasound examination to detect organic pathology of the pelvic organs, determine the state of the reproductive female system.
  • Appointments for additional laboratory tests (,), ultrasound monitoring.
  • Appointment of the necessary diagnostic minimally invasive and surgical operations.
  • Explanatory work on lifestyle changes, weight correction, changes in sexual life in the context of preparing for analyzes and carrying out procedures for taking biological material for further examination and treatment.

An obstacle to the desired parenthood is hormonal imbalance, which a woman may not be aware of. Due to hormonal dysfunction in the body of a woman, the eggs do not mature (or mature, but with violations) and pregnancy becomes impossible. But this is just one of many possible reasons.

What does a fertility specialist do to help a couple have an heir?

Orders the following tests:

  • for the presence or absence of, gardnerellosis, chlamydia, herpes virus,;
  • for presence (they can be present in the body of a woman and a man, while preventing conception);
  • on hormone levels thyroid gland(for women, this is important, since diseases can be hidden, causing infertility or miscarriage);
  • on the level of "female" hormones.

In addition, it is necessary to test women (using an analysis for the hormone AMH - a marker of ovarian reserve), it will show how long a woman is still able to become a mother. And also it is necessary for the selection of ovulation induction schemes ().

What else does a reproductologist do at the appointment? He may also order a series of instrumental studies to check:

  • pipe patency;
  • functional state.

It is necessary to make sure that there are no mechanical obstacles for fertilization, various neoplasms. The doctor performs diagnostics of the state of the reproductive system of a woman. He is engaged in conducting ultrasound of the small pelvis, appointing him for different periods of the menstrual cycle. This is done in order to find out if a woman has full ovulation, to determine the state of the endometrium. The doctor performs folliculometry, that is, looks at how many antral follicles there are in the ovaries, and observes the growth of the dominant vesicle. Tracks ovulation and, by certain signs, sees whether this process occurs.

The first consultation is usually devoted to clarifying the situation at the moment and determining the range of problems that the couple may have to solve in order to become parents. A comprehensive examination should be carried out (including men - a reproductive specialist can refer him to an andrologist or appoint an examination at his own discretion). After that, the couple will receive a verdict: is an independent pregnancy possible or worth it.

What does he do outside the reception

A reproductive specialist who does IVF for a couple spends the entire preliminary training. What includes the reception of a reproductive specialist - you now imagine. Let's see what medical or preparatory procedures a reproductologist does outside the appointment.

He collects the results of the analyzes and makes their interpretation. For this, only a woman’s tests are not enough: a complete examination of the spouse will be required. After all, male fertility changes throughout life and may decrease due to:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • metabolic and hormonal disorders;
  • surgical interventions in the groin area;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • taking medications
  • exposure to chemical and physical factors, for example, in the workplace.

The most common violation is the change in sperm motility, when most of them lose the ability to actively move and penetrate into the egg. In this case, treatment is possible only with AI methods () and, and it makes no sense to wait for pregnancy to occur naturally.

A reproductive specialist is a doctor who treats infertility using the latest technologies:

As preparatory procedures, a woman often needs:

Usually these procedures are carried out by the doctor who will do IVF in the future - that is, the reproductologist.

Laparoscopy is prescribed to check the patency of the tubes. Sometimes during the operation, adhesions are found that are dissected, and after a while the woman becomes pregnant on her own.

Daria Andreevna, as an obstetrician-gynecologist and gynecologist-endocrinologist, receives patients in the following areas: diagnosis and treatment inflammatory diseases pelvic organs; diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, including chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, papillomavirus infection; diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the cervix (erosion, dysplasia, endometriosis, cervical polyps); diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the uterine body (uterine fibroids, endometriosis, hyperplasia and endometrial polyps, uterine bleeding); diagnosis and treatment of menstrual dysfunction; diagnostics and treatment of menopausal syndrome, including the preparation of an individual program of antiaging therapy (slowing down the natural aging processes); individual selection of methods of contraception and menopausal hormone therapy; diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cysts, ovarian dysfunction; diagnosis and treatment of prolapse and prolapse of the genital organs, urinary incontinence; consultations on infertility issues, preparation of a married couple for IVF; management of pregnancy, including after IVF, diagnosis and treatment of complications of pregnancy and the postpartum period (threat of abortion, toxicosis, infections of the genitourinary system, preeclampsia, anemia in pregnant women, lactostasis, lactational mastitis); diagnosis and treatment of miscarriage; preparation for gynecological operations; rehabilitation in the postoperative and postpartum period. Daria Andreevna has the following instrumental and operational skills: aspiration biopsy endometrium; bougienage of the cervical canal; destruction of naboth cysts of the cervix; treatment of erosion, leukoplakia of the cervix by radio wave surgery; puncture of the posterior fornix of the vagina; aspiration of the contents of the uterine cavity; curettage of the cervical canal; removal of genital warts; installation and removal of the IUD. List of operations: hysteroscopy + curettage of the uterus; instrumental removal of the fetal egg. Darya Andreevna as a reproductive specialist is engaged in: diagnosis and treatment of infertility; examination and preparation of married couples for ART programs; artificial insemination.
Education: In 2011 she graduated with honors from the Ivanovo State Medical Academy with a degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Refresher courses: In 2012 she was trained at the schools "Endocrine Aspects of Contraception" and "Management of Menopause in Women with Endocrine Pathology: Theory and Practice" on the basis of the Endocrinological Research Center. In 2013 she graduated from clinical residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Russian State medical academy postgraduate education, on the basis of the city clinical hospital No. 23 and maternity hospital No. 72. In 2013, she underwent a short-term advanced training on the topic “ Modern approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections. In 2015, she underwent professional retraining in the specialty "Ultrasound Diagnostics" on the basis of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center, Department of Radiation Diagnostics of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency. In 2015, she underwent a thematic improvement in the specialty "Gynecological Endocrinology" on the basis of the Moscow University of Medicine and Dentistry. In 2015, she was trained as part of the seminar "Actual Issues of Obstetrics and Gynecology: Diagnostics, Therapy and Prevention from the Position of Evidence-Based Medicine". In 2015, she studied at the all-Russian school "Missed Pregnancy: From Problems to Solutions". In 2017, she underwent a thematic improvement in the specialty “Diseases of the cervix and vulva. Advantages of high-frequency radio wave surgery" on the basis of the First Moscow State medical university named after I.M. Sechenov. In 2017, she completed a refresher course on the topic "Assisted reproductive technologies for obstetricians-gynecologists with a practical course" on the basis of Science Center obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology named after V.I. Kulakov.
Certificates: Certificate according to ultrasound diagnostics: valid until 06/06/2020. Certificate in obstetrics and gynecology: valid until 09/12/2018.
General practice: 2013 - 2016 – City Polyclinic No. 52, Moscow, obstetrician-gynecologist. 2015 - 2016 – MediClub, Moscow, obstetrician-gynecologist. 2016 - 2017 – Polyclinic No. 4 of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, obstetrician-gynecologist. 2017 - present - Medical holding "SM-Clinic".
Membership in organizations: Since 2015, Daria Andreevna has been a member of the interregional public organization"Society of doctors involved in the study and treatment of uterine fibroids" (president of the society - Prof. A. L. Tikhomirov).

Reproductology is a science that studies the normal reproductive function of a person, as well as its pathologies, as an object of study. The discipline deals with the prevention of violations of the human reproductive system in each age period.

There are normal, judicial and clinical reproductology. Each of the branches interacts with many medical sections, such as: genetics, obstetrics and gynecology, urology, neurology, endocrinology, surgery, etc.

Who is a reproductive specialist?

A reproductive specialist is a medical professional who deals with infertility issues. He specializes in matters of conception, gestation. The competence of a reproductive specialist includes helping people suffering from infertility through the use of assisted reproductive technologies. In particular, we are talking about the use of IUI, ICSI, in vitro fertilization.

The main goal of the work of a reproductologist is to help in the onset of pregnancy and in the birth of healthy offspring in couples who have problems with the function of reproduction.

The profession of a reproductive specialist is extremely in demand, according to statistics, the impossibility of self-conception is a problem for about 20% of all married couples in the world. The doctor helps to overcome the problem of infertility, miscarriages, missed pregnancies. To do this, he selects appropriate therapeutic methods, after comprehensive examination couple asking for help.

A doctor who has a higher medical education can work as a reproductive specialist. He carries out complex diagnostic tests and selects methods of treatment of identified problems that are not within the competence of general practice gynecologists.

What does a reproductive specialist do?

The doctor is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility various etiologies. He selects and develops methods and technologies for eliminating problems of reproductive function.

The reproductive specialist treats not only women, but also men. Problems with conception in different sexes have certain differences and arise under the influence of many factors, including as a result of diseases, due to hormonal disruptions, under the influence of external causes etc. It is these factors that a reproductologist should be able to identify and competently eliminate them.

The doctor should be well versed in human anatomy and physiology, in the features of male and female reproductive functions, in the mechanisms of conception, etc.

What diseases does a reproductive specialist treat?

All diseases leading to problems with conception are within the competence of a reproductive specialist. He must be able to identify them and prescribe therapy. The doctor can work with the patient both independently and in cooperation with other specialists.

Reproductologist helps to cope with the following pathologies:

    Menstrual disorders.

    Cystic formations formed on the genitals.

    Sperm defects, sperm production disorders.

    Adhesive formations.

    Age-related changes affecting the function of reproduction.


    Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism.

    Anomalies in the development of reproductive organs of a congenital nature.

    Infections of the reproductive system.

    Viral diseases.

    Disorders of hormonal regulation.

    Ovulation disorders.

    Polycystic ovary syndrome.

    Bacterial vaginosis.


    Infertility of unknown etiology, etc.

If a couple is not able to conceive a child on their own, they need to seek the help of a reproductive specialist to try to solve this problem on a professional level. The specialist will help to more thoroughly understand this issue, perform a comprehensive diagnosis of both men and women. According to the results of the studies, the couple will be recommended appropriate treatment.

When a woman has no problems with the menstrual cycle, menstruation is stable, ovulation is timely, she lives a regular sex life with a regular sexual partner and practices unprotected intercourse, but pregnancy does not occur for a year - this is a reason to contact a reproductive specialist. If a woman is over 35 years old, then she needs to consult a specialist after six months failed attempts conception.

It is important that both sexual partners visit the doctor. The doctor will collect information about their health, lifestyle, sexual behavior.

In addition, consultation is required in the following cases:

    Previous pregnancy ended in spontaneous miscarriage;

    The woman was diagnosed with a frozen pregnancy;

    Age-related changes in one or both sexual partners interfere with normal sexual activity and the possibility of conception;

    With pathologies of the reproductive system of a congenital nature;

    With detected hormonal disorders;

    With inflammation and infections of the genital organs;

    With venereal diseases.

What tests should be taken when contacting a reproductive specialist?

If the couple has the results of the studies that they underwent before contacting the reproductive specialist, then they must be taken with them to the appointment.

It could be:


    The results of the ultrasound examination;

    Blood tests for thyroid and pituitary hormones;

    Study of hormones of the adrenal cortex;

    Blood test for ovarian hormones;

    Results of hysteroscopy or laparoscopy;

    Identification of antispermal bodies;

    Results of postcoital testing;

    Immunogram results;

    Results of hysterosalpinography;

    Analysis of blood clotting and follicular reserve.

If studies have not been conducted, then the reproductologist himself can prescribe them. The choice of certain diagnostic methods is selected for each pair on an individual basis.

Diagnostic methods used by a reproductologist

The reproductologist most often uses the following diagnostic methods in his practice:

    Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, which makes it possible to assess the condition of the uterus, ovaries, tubes, to identify their functionality and disorders. This method can be implemented both with the help of an abdominal sensor and with the help of a vaginal device.

    Laparoscopy allows you to examine organs abdominal cavity through small incisions in the peritoneal wall. This procedure is prescribed when other diagnostic methods (non-invasive) are uninformative. In addition, during laparoscopy, the doctor can perform some surgical procedures and prevent the need for surgery in the future.

    Hysterosalpinography - this method makes it possible to assess the patency of the tubes, abnormalities in the formation of the uterus, infantilism.

    A biopsy of the cervix makes it possible to perform a subsequent hysterological analysis to identify oncological processes and other pathologies.

The diagnostic methods that the reproductologist will prescribe will depend on the specific medical history and complaints of patients.

    Eating foods rich in vitamins D and E has a positive effect on sperm quality. In addition, the diet of every man should include zinc, vitamin C and selenium.

    Sex life in couples seeking to become pregnant should be regular (preferably every other day).

    The quality of sperm in the direction of its deterioration will be affected by visiting baths and saunas, taking hot baths.

    An obstacle to conception of the fetus is alcohol, smoking, overweight and underweight.

    Pregnancy planning should include taking vitamin complexes, avoiding stress, adherence to rational nutrition. It is important to spend enough time outdoors.

The birth of a child is a very important step in the life of every couple. And the spouses have been preparing for it for a long time, both mentally and physically. But sometimes attempts to have a baby remain unsuccessful for a long time. In this case, the couple must definitely seek the advice of specialists and undergo a complete examination of the body. Fortunately, in most cases, the problem of infertility is quite amenable to correction, but for this, spouses have to spend a lot of time and effort. And a narrow specialist reproductologist can come to their aid, what we will consider, and we will clarify what tests the reproductologist does.

Who is a reproductologist, and what does a reproductologist do?

A reproductologist is a narrow specialist dealing with reproductive health issues. Just this specialist treats female and male infertility, which has arisen for various reasons and has a different character. In addition, such a doctor prepares the couple for the future IVF (controls), he can also manage the pregnancy of a woman who has become pregnant by artificial insemination.

A reproductive specialist performs an increase in the fertility of the female and male body. This doctor diagnoses and treats pathologies of a number of organs of the reproductive system, represented by the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix and vagina in women, as well as testicles, penis, seminal vesicles and spermatic cords in men.

A specialist in reproductology is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of ailments that prevent the onset of pregnancy and the full consolidation and development of the embryo. His consultation will be needed for patients with an anovulatory cycle, amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea and adhesions in the fallopian tubes or in the pelvic cavity. This doctor does congenital anomalies development of the organs of the reproductive system and deformation of the fallopian tubes. It can help to cope with genital and extragenital endometriosis, with the consequences of infectious diseases (chlamydia, tuberculosis, gonococcus), complications of a number of inflammatory diseases of the genital area (salpingitis and colpitis). In addition, the reproductive specialist deals with the correction of the consequences of surgical interventions, for example, curettage and abortion. For men, such a doctor helps to eliminate the complications of orchitis, improve the qualitative and quantitative violations of the characteristics of sperm. The reproductologist also specializes in the correction of immunological disorders that interfere with fertilization and fetal development. It can also help with hormonal disorders that affect the reproductive system. Another specificity of his activity is.

Reproductologist's analyzes

Examination of a woman

To assess the state of a woman's reproductive system, a reproductologist examines her for one or two menstrual cycles.

The doctor conducts a mandatory gynecological examination, which usually includes colposcopy, swabs to detect a number of pathological conditions (inflammation, STDs, any viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa), and material is also taken for cytological examination, and sometimes - for sowing on flora and sensitivity to drugs (antibiotics).

To determine the state of the reproductive system, a woman needs to donate blood for hormones. In this case, the amount of hormones LH, FSH, estradiol, AMH and B inhibin is examined. They allow you to identify abnormalities in the activity of the ovaries. In addition, you may need to analyze the level of testosterone (total and free), prolactin, DHA-sulfate, cortisol, growth hormone and thyroid hormones. Blood for hormone analysis must be taken in different days menstrual cycle - in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.

Analyzes by a reproductive specialist include a blood test for the presence of antibodies to viruses of a number of ailments, represented by rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes, chlamydia and CMV.

Also, the doctor-reproductologist can send the patient for a study of the patency of the fallopian tubes. For this purpose, laparoscopy is usually performed, the HSG method, echosalpingoscopy or fertiloscopy can also be used.

Tests for men

In addition to a clinical examination (anamnesis, general examination, urogenital examination, consultation of a general practitioner and genetics), a reproductologist can send a man for some laboratory diagnostic procedures. Most often, the doctor is interested in a double analysis of semen, a study for the presence of STDs, as well as cytology of the secret of the prostate and seminal vesicles. Sometimes other tests are carried out, represented by sperm culture, determination of ASAT, ultrasound of the pelvic organs and the thyroid gland. In addition, a Doppler study of the vessels of the scrotum, hormonal tests and a testicular biopsy can be performed.

Consultation of a reproductive specialist - what does it give?

Fertility doctors help spouses realize one very important idea:. Such specialists help couples to have a child either on their own or with the help of the latest scientific developments. The reproductive specialist gives spouses a real chance to become parents. He can choose individual methods of therapy and guide the couple until a successful conception takes place. If natural fertilization is not possible, the specialist will select and implement the most suitable method of assisted reproductive technologies.

Folk recipes infertility treatment

Specialists traditional medicine offer a variety of treatments for infertility. It is not superfluous to discuss the feasibility of using such prescriptions with your doctor. Both men and women will benefit from funds based on psyllium seeds. For cooking medicinal product you need to prepare a tablespoon of vegetable raw materials. Brew it with a glass of boiling water and boil it on a fire of minimum power for five minutes. Cool the product, then strain it. Drink this decoction in a couple of tablespoons four times a day.

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