Josamycin (Vilprafen) is a macrolide antibiotic for special cases. What does vilprafen help with? I forgot to take a vilprafen tablet.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

We have selected real reviews about the drug Vilprafen, which are published by our users. Most often, the review is written by mothers of small patients, but also describes a personal history of use. medical product on myself.

Indications for use

Acute and chronic infections caused by susceptible microorganisms:

infections of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, paratonsillitis, laryngitis, otitis media, sinusitis; diphtheria (in addition to treatment with diphtheria toxoid), as well as scarlet fever in case of hypersensitivity to penicillin);

lower respiratory tract infections ( acute bronchitis, exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia (including those caused by atypical pathogens), whooping cough, psittacosis);

dental infections(gingivitis and periodontal diseases);

infections in ophthalmology (blepharitis, dacryocystitis);

infections of the skin and soft tissues (pyoderma, furunculosis, anthrax, erysipelas (with increased sensitivity to penicillin), acne, lymphangitis, lymphadenitis, venereal lymphogranuloma;

infections of the genitourinary system (prostatitis, urethritis, gonorrhea, syphilis (with increased sensitivity to penicillin), chlamydia, mycoplasma (including ureaplasma) and mixed infections.


When I took my daughter to kindergarten, she immediately started coughing. They treated him for a long time, nothing helped. Until, by some miracle, I realized that she had a runny nose, and snot was flowing not through her nose, but along the back wall of her larynx, irritated her and she coughed. They started treating a runny nose...also without much results. They took a sputum test and it turned out to be mycoplasma. general infection. Vilprafen gave results already on day 2, the course was 7 days. Only my daughter started to vomit from him on the 4th day, I had to stop on the 5th, but the runny nose disappeared like a hand .... until the next visit to the kindergarten ... they drank it again, lasted 7 days ... they went again. By the way, half of them walked around with green snot, but ours simply couldn’t see them. Well, in general, we changed kindergarten))) now we can’t take antibiotics every 2 weeks. Those. the verdict is this: the action is almost instantaneous, but it is not realistic to maintain a course of 7-10 days! I once also tried to treat myself with it, and I developed a rash all over my body)

My mark

I have terrible vomiting from Vilprafen immediately 10 minutes after taking it. Lethargy. Didn't suit me. And as it turned out later, ureaplasma is sensitive to it. Therefore, it is absolutely useless for me :)

My mark

Discussion of the drug Vilprafen in the posts of mothers

Only the antibiotic Vilprafen 500 helped me, its B is possible, but first, of course, consult with a therapist. And if the cough starts, then mukaltin (or marshmallow root syrup), plantain root syrup, gedelix. Viferon suppositories rectally. Eufillin is if you feel that there is phlegm in the bronchi. Lysobakt also sucked on some licorice candies. But in general, when used correctly, bioparox usually helps...

I took Vilprafen, it’s a great thing! Even pregnant women can take it. My daughter had no reaction. True, I didn’t have sinusitis ... But also an unpleasant ENT sore. This is for the future if you decide to drink. Get well soon!

Vilprafen is prescribed for mixed infections (my youngest was prescribed for pneumonia when they could not determine the pathogen) or for chlamydia / mycoplasma (do you have these problems?). Actually, a fairly strong antibiotic, I didn’t even know that it was possible for pregnant women .... we were prescribed it at the age of one month, it helped well, we didn’t think to drink or not - we carried out the appointments, just to be cured. A lot of...

Vilprafen Solutab is directly written there for use during pregnancy and lactation, it is just for tonsillitis, pharyngitis and otitis media, they also treat bronchitis and pneumonia, Lor told me an excellent drug, with a small proportion side effects, I That’s how I calmed down.

I think that both you and your husband should undergo treatment. Vilprafen is an excellent antibiotic and is usually prescribed during pregnancy. Terzhinan is also possible, plus something immunomodulatory like Viferon in candles can be added to it.

First b. I took Vilprafen, the active substance is josamine, not amoxicillin, after the course ab then I did not feel any relief, I read posts in the community through a search engine about sinusitis, I got the opinion that ab do not work on pregnant women at all, and those who write , that Derinat helped, they just don’t know what real sinusitis is)) I can’t judge about ENT, then I was treated by a therapist, then I switched to ENT, went to physiotherapy, all this did not help right away, but ENT, when all the courses she prescribed filled with medicine...

I took vilprafen. The advantage of it is that it is very modern and has fewer side effects, even pregnant women can use it according to the instructions. But my situation is that this crap cannot be treated, it was the 5th or 6th course of treatment, so the doctors even said not to take tests after it, because even if it doesn’t go away, they won’t treat me anymore, so I don’t know...

This month we were planning a pregnancy, then cystitis started, until there was no delay, I’m waiting for my period, but what if I’m still pregnant, I’m sitting in pain, the pain doesn’t go away, the doctor prescribed vilprafen - an antibiotic not dangerous for pregnant women - it doesn’t help, now I’ve taken Monural, I’m sitting I'm waiting for it to get better. I have suffered from cystitis before, now it’s worsening, in general, only chloramphenicol helps me, but it is not allowed during pregnancy and in general it is very toxic. I have one question for you, you found yourself...

I won’t work for now, for an indefinite period))) but time will tell! what antibiotic are you taking? I remember after several antibiotics that didn’t help, only Vilprafen helped after a sore throat. True, it’s a little expensive, but there’s no time for money. Get better everyone!

There is no direct substitute for vilprafen. During treatment of ureaplasma, antibiotics that are sensitive to this microorganism should be taken. Often, a sensitivity test is performed before starting treatment. Usually this is vilprafen, unidox, sumamed. However, treatment of ureaplasmosis is not limited to antibiotics - doctors prescribe immunomodulatory drugs (Viferon), the purpose of which is to restore and strengthen immune system patient. To prevent re-infection from occurring, it is necessary...

Possible risk for the fetus; isoprinosine: It is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding, because safety of use has not been studied; vilprafen: Vilprafen can be prescribed already in the first trimester of pregnancy, from about the 10th week. However, some experts insist that treatment of any infections with Vilprafen can be started only from 20-22 weeks, when the fetus is already formed and the drug will not cause significant harm to the baby. Use of UNIDOX SOLUTAB® during pregnancy: Doxycycline penetrates the blood-placental barrier. Tetracyclines have an adverse effect on the fetus (slow...

I don’t advise you to get pregnant without finding out the reason, was the culture tank compressed from the cervical canal? Take antibiotics amoclilav or vilprafen, the latter helped me a lot against these leukocytes. There was a huge amount: (Also, in a month, 10 days of terzhinan... and everything will pass! Good health to you and an easy pregnancy:)

It helped me a lot, but then there was simply no effect. I suffered from acute respiratory infections throughout my pregnancy. Nothing helped me. Closer to the birth, I still had to resort to an antibiotic, the ENT prescribed vilprafen, and it helped me a lot, the effect was on the 2nd day. Sofia has health problems. This doesn't bother her at all. She has a rare diagnosis of venous dysplasia right leg. In general, there is a problem with the veins. But I cannot with 100% certainty associate this with taking medications. Moreover, due to a difficult pregnancy, I had to take a lot of things, you can’t guess which medicine gave me...

It would be nice if amoxiclav helped you. But if you keep anything in mind: Rovamycin helped, now Vilprafen is a stronger substitute for it - allergists also said that they are better for infections of the lungs and bronchi. All other groups don’t take mine, but we’ve already had bronchitis 10 times and 3 times. pneumonia. I read the girls’ answers - Suprax helped us once (the next two times it didn’t), I’m also FOR it instead of amoxiclav...

Infectious inflammatory diseases we treat Vilprafen

Vilprafen is a drug belonging to the macrolide group of antibiotics. It is worth considering in more detail the instructions for use of this medication.

What are the composition and release form of Vilprafen?

The medicine is produced in white tablets, they are covered with a thin film coating on top, their shape is oblong, biconvex, risks are visualized on both sides, the active substance is josamycin in the amount of 500 milligrams.

Excipients Vilprafen: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, added polysorbate 80, colloidal silicon dioxide, in addition there is carmellose sodium.

The composition of the tablet shell is as follows: methylcellulose, titanium dioxide, polyethylene glycol 6000, aluminum hydroxide, talc, in addition, methacrylic acid copolymer is added. The drug is placed in blisters of ten pieces, packed in cardboard boxes. Dispensed by prescription.

The antibiotic must be stored in a place protected from light, and out of reach of children; the temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. The shelf life of the medicine is four years, after which it must be disposed of.

What is the effect of Vilprafen?

Antibiotic Vilprafen from the macrolide group. Its action is directly related to the disruption of protein synthesis in the microbial cell. The medicine has a bacteriostatic effect, which slows down the growth of bacteria and their reproduction. In high concentrations, the drug exhibits a bactericidal effect at the site of inflammation.

The active substance - josamycin is active against the following pathogenic bacteria: Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Clostridium spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus anthracis, Peptococcus spp., Propionibacterium acnes, Peptostreptococcus spp., Neisseria meningitidis, Moraxella catarrhalis, Haemophilus us ducreyi, Bordetella spp., Helicobacter pylori, Brucella spp., Legionella spp., Haemophilus influenzae, Campylobacter jejuni, Treponema pallidum, Chlamydia spp., Mycoplasma spp., Ureaplasma spp., Borrelia burgdorferi.

After oral administration, the antibiotic is quickly absorbed, while food intake does not affect the bioavailability. Cmax is reached an hour after taking the tablets. About 15% binds to plasma proteins. Josamycin is distributed in tissues, creating the necessary therapeutic concentration.

Josamycin is metabolized in the liver. The drug is excreted in bile, renal excretion does not exceed 10%.

What are the indications for use of Vilprafen?

Vilprafen is indicated for use in infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by antibiotic-sensitive pathogenic microorganisms:

At infectious diseases respiratory tract and ENT organs, for example, with sinusitis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis, in addition with paratonsillitis, otitis media and laryngitis;
An antibiotic is prescribed for diphtheria;
The drug is effective for scarlet fever;
For whooping cough;
For diseases of the lower respiratory tract, for example, bronchitis, pneumonia;
A macrolide is prescribed in ophthalmology for blepharitis, and also for dacryocystitis;
With wound infection;
The drug is prescribed in dentistry, for example, for alveolitis, gingivitis and periodontitis, as well as for alveolar abscess;
With a burn infection;
In the presence of infections of the skin and soft tissues, for example, with an abscess, with folliculitis and furunculosis, with erysipelas, with lymphadenitis and with felon;
For some infectious processes in the urinary tract and genitals, for example, for urethritis and cervicitis, in addition for prostatitis, chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis.

In addition to the listed conditions, the drug Vilprafen is used for those gastrointestinal diseases that are associated directly with Helicobacter pylori, for example, with peptic ulcer and for chronic gastritis.

What are the contraindications for use of Vilprafen?

Among the contraindications when macrolide cannot be used, the following conditions can be noted:

If severe liver dysfunction is diagnosed;
In pediatric practice, when the child’s body weight is less than 10 kilograms.

In addition, the drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of this antibiotic.

What are the uses and dosage of Vilprafen?

The recommended daily dosage of Vilprafen can vary from 1 to 2 grams up to three doses per day, the standard dose is 500 mg three times a day, if necessary, the doctor can increase it to three grams per day.

The duration of therapy, determined directly by the attending physician, can last on average from five days to 21 days, depending on the severity of the symptoms of the disease.

Overdose Wilprafen

Currently, the instructions for use do not indicate an overdose of Vilprafen because there is no such information.

What are the side effects of Vilprafen?

I will list what side effects the drug Vilprafen causes: discomfort in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, stomatitis, constipation are not excluded, in addition pseudomembranous colitis, liver dysfunction, urticaria, bullous dermatitis, anaphylactoid reaction, purpura, as well as hearing of a transient nature.

What are the analogues of Vilprafen?

Josamycin, Vilprafen solutab.


Treatment with antibiotics should be carried out strictly as prescribed by a qualified doctor; unauthorized use of such drugs is not recommended.

In addition, Vilprafen contains auxiliary ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose , methylcellulose , polysorbate 80 , colloidal silica anhydrous , sodium carboxymethylcellulose , magnesium stearate , talc , titanium dioxide (E171) , macrogol 6000 , poly(ethacrylate methyl methacrylate)-30% , aluminum hydroxide .

Release form

The drug is available in the form of film-coated tablets. The blister pack contains 10 such tablets. The packaging is placed in a cardboard box. The number of tablets in the package is the same in the pack.

The drug is also available in the form of a suspension. Contained in dark glass bottles, 100 ml per bottle. The kit includes a measuring cup. The suspension in the bottle is contained in a cardboard box.

Suppositories with this active ingredient are also produced.

pharmachologic effect

The drug belongs to the group of macrolides. It has a bacteriostatic effect on the body, which is produced due to the inhibition of protein synthesis by bacteria. If there is a high concentration of the drug at the site of the inflammatory process, it has a pronounced bactericidal effect.

High activity of the active substance is noted in relation to a number of intracellular microorganisms: Chlamydia pneumoniae , Chlamydia trachomatis , Mycoplasma hominis , Mycoplasma pneumoniae , Legionella pneumophila , Ureaplasma urealyticum . The drug also affects gram-positive aerobic bacteria: Streptococcus pyogenes , Staphylococcus aureus , Corynebacterium diphtheriae , Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) . There is an effect on gram-negative aerobic bacteria Haemophilus influenzae , Neisseria gonorrhoeae , Bordetella pertussis , Neisseria meningitidis , as well as some anaerobic bacteria Peptostreptococcus , Clostridium perfringens , Peptococcus .

The activity of Vilprafen in relation to Treponema pallidum .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

After oral administration, rapid absorption of the substance from the gastrointestinal tract is observed. The highest concentration of the drug is achieved 1-2 hours after ingestion. After 45 minutes after taking the drug in a dose of 1 g, the average concentration of josamycin in the blood plasma is 2.41 mg/l.

The active substance binds to blood proteins by no more than 15%. If the drug is taken at intervals of 12 hours, a sufficient concentration of josamycin is maintained in the tissues throughout the day. After 2-4 days, equilibrium of its content is achieved.

Josamycin is able to easily penetrate membranes. It accumulates in the lymphatic, pulmonary tissue, palatine tonsils, urinary organs, as well as in soft tissues.

The highest concentration of the drug is observed in the tonsils, saliva, lungs, sweat, and tear fluid.

Biotransformation of josamycin occurs in the liver, as a result of which it is converted into less active metabolites.

It is mainly excreted from the body through bile; less than 20% of the substance is excreted in urine.

Indications for use

Before starting treatment, you should definitely consult your doctor and read the leaflet, which describes what the pills are for.

Indications for use are as follows:

  • Infectious diseases that provoke inflammatory processes, which were caused by microorganisms with high sensitivity to the drug.
  • Infectious diseases of the ENT organs and upper respiratory tract (used for, sinusitis , otitis media ).
  • Lower respiratory tract infections (with pneumonia , acute , bronchopneumonia ).
  • Infections oral cavity(for diseases periodontal , gingivitis ).
  • Infections of the skin and soft tissues (with boils , pyoderma , and etc.)
  • Infections of the genitourinary organs (with, with, gonorrhea , and etc.)
  • It is used in the treatment of diphtheria in addition to diphtheria antitoxin therapy.
  • People with hypersensitivity to penicillin are prescribed for.


You should not take the drug in the following cases:

  • with hypersensitivity to antibiotics macrolides ;
  • with severe disorders of liver function.

Side effects

The following side effects have been reported during treatment with this drug:

  • In functions digestive system: manifestations of nausea, vomiting, are rarely observed. With severe persistent diarrhea, severe pseudomembranous colitis may develop due to the effect of antibiotics on the body.
  • Hypersensitivity reactions are rare: very rare allergic reactions on the skin.
  • In the functions of the liver and biliary tract: sometimes there is a transient increase in the activity of liver enzymes in the blood plasma, which may be accompanied by a violation of the outflow of bile, subsequent jaundice .
  • Dose-dependent hearing impairment is rarely observed.

Instructions for use of Vilprafen (Method and dosage)

The antibiotic is taken in the following way. Adults and adolescents over 14 years of age take 1-2 g of the drug in two or three doses. It is recommended to start with a dose of 1 g.

When treating chlamydia, you should take 500 mg twice a day for 12-14 days. Rosacea therapy involves taking 1000 mg of the drug, which should be divided into two doses per day. Treatment lasts 10 days.

Dosage to take pills for a number of other diseases, it is determined only by the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the course of the disease. But generally the course of treatment lasts at least 10 days.

Instructions for Vilprafen Solutab stipulates that the drug can be taken in different ways: you can take the tablet with water, or before dissolving it in 20 ml of water. The suspension that forms after dissolving the tablet must be mixed very thoroughly.

Vilprafen tablets must be swallowed whole. Often patients are interested in how to take it, before or after meals. The instructions indicate that the tablets must be swallowed between main meals.


To date, there is no data on overdose and symptoms of drug poisoning. If an overdose occurs, there may be those signs that are described as side effects of the drug.


Speaking about the interaction with other drugs, it should be borne in mind that Vilprafen is an antibiotic. Before using any medicine It is imperative to determine whether it is an antibiotic or not.

If Vilprafen is administered simultaneously with antihistamines containing or astemizole , sometimes the process of excretion of these substances slows down, which ultimately leads to the manifestation of cardiac, life-threatening.

When simultaneous administration of Vilprafen with ergot alkaloids Vasoconstriction may increase. Therefore, in this case, careful monitoring of the patient’s condition is necessary.

Simultaneous administration of josamycin provokes an increase in the level of cyclosporine in the blood plasma. Nephrotoxic concentrations of cyclosporine are also observed in the blood. With such treatment, it is necessary to ensure constant monitoring of plasma concentrations of cyclosporine.

If you take Vilprafen and at the same time, it may increase the level of digoxin in the blood plasma.

When taking Vilprafen with hormonal contraceptives the effect of the latter may be reduced. In such a situation, the use of additional non-hormonal contraceptives is recommended.

Terms of sale

Sold only with a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

Refers to list B. Drugs should be stored in a dark place, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. The drug should be kept away from children.

Best before date

Vilprafen can be stored for 4 years.

special instructions

To people suffering renal failure , it is necessary to take into account the results of laboratory tests when treating.

It is necessary to take into account the possibility of resistance to various macrolide antibiotics.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

Analogues of Vilprafen 500 mg, having the same active substance, are not sold in pharmacies. Only a doctor should determine what can replace this drug. The substitute is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the disease.

Analogues of the drug are drugs that belong to the group of macrolides. This group includes erythromycin , clarithromycin , azithromycin , roxithromycin , spiramycin . The price of analogues can be either higher or lower than the cost of Vilprafen. Analogues of Vilprafen Solutab are similar.

Patients often wonder what Vilprafen differs from Vilprafen Solutab. The difference between these drugs is explained by their release form. Vilprafen are ordinary film-coated tablets. Vilprafen Solutab are soluble tablets that have a sweet taste and fruity aroma. They can be taken either in tablet form or as a suspension.


Josamycin .

For children

Vilprafen is used in the form of a suspension for children under 14 years of age. Vilprafen 1000 mg Solutab can be dissolved in water to prepare a suspension. If treatment with the drug is prescribed to children, the dosage is as follows: 30-50 mg per 1 kg of body weight, divided into three doses. The suspension for children up to three months of age is dosed according to the exact weight of the child. Why tablets are used and whether they are worth using for treatment should be found out from your doctor.

With alcohol

If alcohol and Vilprafen are combined, then as a result a person may experience various disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. Alcohol and antibiotics when combined can provoke hepatotoxic effects. In addition, such a combination can become a trigger for the development of liver cirrhosis. Even once, you should not combine Vilprafen and alcohol, since when consumed together with alcohol, reviews indicate that a person’s well-being may worsen.

With antibiotics

Josamycin should not be prescribed simultaneously with bacteriostatic antibiotics, as their bactericidal effect may decrease.

You cannot combine Vilprafen with, as the effectiveness of both drugs decreases.

During pregnancy and lactation

Vilprafen 500 mg and Vilprafen Solutab during pregnancy and lactation may be prescribed after the doctor carefully evaluates the risks and benefits of such treatment. The doctor weighs what consequences are possible after using this drug, and only then prescribes a course of treatment. During pregnancy, Vilprafen can be used to treat chlamydia. However, if during the course of such treatment, side effects during pregnancy are noted, which are indicated by the instruction, it is necessary to stop treatment. Assessing the intake of Vilprafen during pregnancy, expectant mothers leave different reviews: from positive to those where we are talking about the appearance of side effects.

"Vilprafen 500" is pharmacological drug, which is used in the treatment. It is quite effective, as it contains a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Quite often it is prescribed to those people who are allergic to

"Vilprafen 500": a brief description of and properties

As already mentioned, the drug contains an antibiotic called josamycin, which can affect both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Chlamydia and some mycoplasmas are also sensitive to it.

The active substance of the drug quickly enters the bloodstream - its maximum concentration is reached after an hour after the reception. The antibiotic is able to accumulate in the soft tissues of the human body, as well as in the skin and lymphatic system. The substance is broken down by the liver. It is excreted mainly with bile, and only part of it ends up in the urine.

"Vilprafen" (500 mg): indications for use

The drug is widely used in the treatment of diseases caused by bacterial pathogens. It is prescribed for skin diseases, such as furunculosis, erysipelas, and poiderma.

It is also taken for illnesses respiratory system- bronchitis, laryngitis, scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia (including atypical). It is also used to treat dental infections such as gingivitis or periodontal disease.

"Vilprafen 500" is effective against anthrax, diseases lymph nodes, sinusitis, otitis, psittacosis, sexually transmitted diseases, infections of the reproductive and urinary systems, prostatitis, gonorrhea. The drug is used by doctors and as an adjuvant in the treatment of syphilis. It is simply irreplaceable for those patients who have developed individual sensitivity to penicillin.

"Vilprafen 500": instructions for use

As a rule, doctors prescribe 1 - 2 grams of the drug. The frequency of use is approximately two or three times a day. But you cannot use the medicine yourself, since it is still an antibiotic. It can only be taken as prescribed by a specialist, who will indicate the dosage and regimen. The duration of treatment may vary and is determined only by a doctor.

If you forget to take the drug at a certain time of the day, then you should not use a double dose of the drug the next time you take it—return to your normal treatment regimen.

"Vilprafen 500": contraindications and possible side effects

Taking the drug is not possible for those patients who have individual hypersensitivity to this antibiotic or severe liver disease. The drug can be used very carefully and only with constant medical supervision by people with kidney failure.

As for side effects, they appear quite rarely. For example, a person may complain of nausea, severe heartburn, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and vomiting. Symptoms of dysbiosis may appear, so before starting to take the medicine, you should ask your doctor to prescribe medications to protect the body from the harmful effects of the antibiotic.

In some cases, when taking the drug "Vilprafen", the outflow of bile may be disrupted, resulting in the development of jaundice.

Cases of thrush, urticaria and hearing impairment after taking an antibiotic are considered very rare.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should take this medication permitted only with appropriate doctor's prescription. "Vilprafen 500" interacts with other drugs in different ways, so if you are taking any other medications, you should inform your doctor about this.

Composition and form of release

in a blister 5 or 6 pcs.; There are 2 blisters in a cardboard pack.

Description of the dosage form

White or white with a yellowish tint, oblong-shaped tablets, sweet, with the smell of strawberries. With the inscription "IOSA" and a line mark on one side of the tablet and the inscription "1000" on the other.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- bactericidal, bacteriostatic, antibacterial.


The drug is used to treat bacterial infections; The bacteriostatic activity of josamycin, like other macrolides, is due to inhibition of bacterial protein synthesis. When high concentrations are created at the site of inflammation, it has a bactericidal effect.

Josamycin is highly active against intracellular microorganisms ( Chlamydia trachomatis And Chlamydia pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Legionella pneumophila); gram-positive bacteria ( Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes And Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus), Corynebacterium diphtheriae), gram-negative bacteria (Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Haemophilus influenzae, Bordetella pertussis), and also against some anaerobic bacteria (Peptococcus, Peptostreptococcus, Clostridium perfringens). It has a slight effect on enterobacteria, and therefore little changes the natural bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract. Effective against resistance to erythromycin. Resistance to josamycin develops less frequently than to other macrolide antibiotics.


After oral administration, josamycin is quickly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract; food intake does not affect bioavailability. Cmax of josamycin in serum is achieved 1-2 hours after administration. About 15% of josamycin is bound to plasma proteins. Particularly high concentrations of the substance are found in the lungs, tonsils, saliva, sweat and tear fluid. The concentration in sputum exceeds the concentration in plasma by 8-9 times. Accumulates in bone tissue. Crosses the placental barrier and is secreted into breast milk. Josamycin is metabolized in the liver to less active metabolites and excreted mainly in bile. Excretion of the drug in urine is less than 20%.

Indications of the drug Vilprafen ® solutab

Acute and chronic infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug, for example:

infections of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs - sore throat, pharyngitis, paratonsillitis, laryngitis, otitis media, sinusitis, diphtheria (in addition to treatment with diphtheria toxoid), as well as scarlet fever in case of hypersensitivity to penicillin;

lower respiratory tract infections - acute bronchitis, exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia (including those caused by atypical pathogens), whooping cough, psittacosis;

dental infections - gingivitis and periodontal disease;

infections in ophthalmology - blepharitis, dacryocystitis;

infections of the skin and soft tissues - pyoderma, furunculosis, anthrax, erysipelas (with hypersensitivity to penicillin), acne, lymphangitis, lymphadenitis, lymphogranuloma venereum;

infections of the genitourinary system - prostatitis, urethritis, gonorrhea, syphilis (with hypersensitivity to penicillin), chlamydial, mycoplasma (including ureaplasma) and mixed infections.


hypersensitivity to macrolide antibiotics;

severe liver dysfunction.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Allowed for use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding after a medical assessment of the benefit/risk. WHO Europe recommends josamycin as the drug of choice for the treatment of chlamydial infection in pregnant women.

Side effects

From the gastrointestinal tract: rarely - loss of appetite, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, dysbacteriosis and diarrhea. In the case of persistent severe diarrhea, one should keep in mind the possibility of life-threatening pseudomembranous colitis developing against the background of antibiotics.

Hypersensitivity reactions: extremely rarely - allergic skin reactions (for example, urticaria) are possible.

From the liver and biliary tract: in some cases, a transient increase in the activity of liver enzymes in the blood plasma was observed, in rare cases accompanied by a violation of the outflow of bile and jaundice.

From the hearing aid side: In rare cases, dose-related transient hearing impairment has been reported.

Others: very rarely - candidiasis.


Other antibiotics. Since bacteriostatic antibiotics can reduce the bactericidal effect of other antibiotics, such as penicillins and cephalosporins, co-administration of josamycin with these types of antibiotics should be avoided. Josamycin should not be prescribed together with lincomycin, because a mutual decrease in their effectiveness is possible.

Xanthines. Some representatives of macrolide antibiotics slow down the elimination of xanthines (theophylline), which can lead to possible intoxication. Clinical experimental studies indicate that josamycin has less effect on theophylline release than other macrolide antibiotics.

Antihistamines. After co-administration of josamycin and antihistamines containing terfenadine or astemizole, there may be a slowdown in the elimination of terfenadine and astemizole, which in turn can lead to the development of life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias.

Ergot alkaloids. There are individual reports of increased vasoconstriction following co-administration of ergot alkaloids and macrolide antibiotics. There was one case of patient's lack of tolerance to ergotamine while taking josamycin. Therefore, the concomitant use of josamycin and ergotamine should be accompanied by appropriate monitoring of patients.

Cyclosporine. Co-administration of josamycin and cyclosporine may cause an increase in the level of cyclosporine in the blood plasma and the creation of nephrotoxic concentrations of cyclosporine in the blood. Plasma concentrations of cyclosporine should be regularly monitored.

Digoxin. When administered together, josamycin and digoxin may increase the level of the latter in the blood plasma.

Hormonal contraceptives. In rare cases, the contraceptive effect of hormonal contraceptives may be insufficient during treatment with macrolides. In this case, it is recommended to additionally use non-hormonal contraception.

Dosage and administration

Inside, swallowed whole, washed down with water or previously dissolved in water. The tablets should be dissolved in at least 20 ml of water. Before administration, the resulting suspension should be mixed thoroughly. The recommended daily dosage for adults and adolescents over the age of 14 years is from 1 to 2 g. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 3 g / day. Daily dose should be divided into 2-3 doses.

The daily dosage for children is prescribed based on the calculation of 40-50 mg/kg body weight daily, divided into 2-3 doses.

In the case of ordinary and globular acne - at a dose of 500 mg 2 times a day for the first 2-4 weeks, then 500 mg 1 time a day as maintenance treatment for 8 weeks.

Usually the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. In accordance with WHO recommendations on the use of antibiotics, the duration of treatment for streptococcal infections should be at least 10 days.


To date, there is no data on specific symptoms of poisoning. In case of overdose, expect the symptoms described in the section " Side effects", especially from the gastrointestinal tract.

special instructions

In patients with renal failure, treatment should be carried out taking into account the results of appropriate laboratory tests.

The possibility of cross-resistance to various macrolide antibiotics should be taken into account (for example, microorganisms that are resistant to treatment with antibiotics related in chemical structure may also be resistant to josamycin).

If one dose is missed, you must immediately take a dose of the drug. However, if it is time for the next dose, do not take the forgotten dose, but return to your normal treatment regimen. You should not take double the dose. A break in treatment or premature discontinuation of the drug will reduce the likelihood of treatment success.

Storage conditions for the drug Vilprafen ® solutab

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Vilprafen ® solutab

dispersible tablets 1000 mg - 2 years.

dispersible tablets 1000 mg - 3 years.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
A37 Whooping coughBacterial carriage of whooping cough pathogens
Whooping cough
A38 Scarlet feverPastia symptom
A46 ErysipelasErysipelas
A49.3 Mycoplasma infection, unspecifiedPulmonary infection caused by mycoplasma
Mycoplasma infection
Mycoplasma infections
Mycoplasma meningoencephalitis
Urogenital infection caused by mycoplasma
Urogenital mycoplasmosis
A53.9 Syphilis, unspecifiedSyphilis
Tertiary syphilis
A54.9 Gonococcal infection, unspecifiedNeisseria gonorrhoeae
Gonorrhea, uncomplicated
Uncomplicated gonorrhea
Acute gonorrhea
A55 Chlamydial lymphogranuloma (venereal)Granuloma venereum
Lymphogranuloma venereum
Venereal lymphopathy
Lymphogranulomatosis venereum
Lymphogranuloma inguinal
Chlamydial lymphogranuloma
Nicolas-Favre disease
Inguinal lymphogranuloma
Inguinal lymphogranuloma (inguinal ulceration, inguinal lymphogranulomatosis)
Subacute inguinal purulent microporoadenitis
Chlamydial lymphogranuloma
Fourth venereal disease
A56 Other chlamydial sexually transmitted diseasesChlamydial infections
Tropical bubo
A63.8 Other specified diseases predominantly sexually transmittedUreaplasma infection
Ureaplasmosis infection
A70 Chlamydia psittaci infectionBird lovers disease
Poultry farmers disease
A74.9 Chlamydial infection, unspecifiedChlamydial infections
Uncomplicated chlamydia
Chlamydia infection
Chlamydial infections
Extragenital chlamydia
H01.0 BlepharitisBlepharitis
Inflammation of the eyelids
Inflammatory diseases of the eyelids
Demodectic blepharitis
Superficial bacterial eye infection
Superficial eye infection
Squamous blepharitis
H04.3 Acute and unspecified inflammation of the lacrimal ductsBacterial dacryocystitis
Chronic dacryocystitis
H66.9 Otitis media unspecifiedMiddle ear infections
Otitis media
Otitis media in children
Chronic otitis media
H70 Mastoiditis and related conditionsMastoiditis
I88 Nonspecific lymphadenitisLymphadenitis
Lymphadenitis of nonspecific etiology
Superficial lymphadenitis
I89.1 LymphangitisLymphagitis
Acute lymphangitis
J01 Acute sinusitisInflammation of the paranasal sinuses
Inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses
Purulent-inflammatory processes of the paranasal sinuses
Infectious and inflammatory disease of ENT organs
Sinus infection
Combined sinusitis
Exacerbation of sinusitis
Acute inflammation of the paranasal sinuses
Acute bacterial sinusitis
Acute sinusitis in adults
Subacute sinusitis
Acute sinusitis
J02.9 Acute pharyngitis, unspecifiedPurulent pharyngitis
Lymphonodular pharyngitis
Acute nasopharyngitis
J03.9 Acute tonsillitis, unspecified (angina agranulocytic)Angina
Sore throat, alimentary-hemorrhagic
Sore throat secondary
Primary tonsillitis
Sore throat follicular
Sore throats
Bacterial tonsillitis
Inflammatory diseases of the tonsils
Throat infections
Catarrhal sore throat
Lacunar tonsillitis
Acute sore throat
Acute tonsillitis
Acute tonsillitis
Tonsillar tonsillitis
Follicular tonsillitis
Follicular tonsillitis
J04.0 Acute laryngitisAcute catarrhal laryngitis
Acute phlegmonous laryngitis
Lecturer's laryngitis
J18 Pneumonia without specifying the pathogenAlveolar pneumonia
Community-acquired pneumonia atypical
Community-acquired pneumonia, non-pneumococcal
Inflammation of the lower respiratory tract
Inflammatory lung disease
Lobar pneumonia
Respiratory and lung infections
Lower respiratory tract infections
Croupous pneumonia
Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia
Nosocomial pneumonia
Exacerbation of chronic pneumonia
Acute community-acquired pneumonia
Acute pneumonia
Focal pneumonia
Pneumonia abscess
Pneumonia bacterial
Pneumonia lobar
Pneumonia focal
Pneumonia with difficulty in sputum discharge
Pneumonia in patients with AIDS
Pneumonia in children
Septic pneumonia
Chronic obstructive pneumonia
Chronic pneumonia
J20 Acute bronchitisBronchitis acute
Viral bronchitis
Bronchial disease
Infectious bronchitis
Acute bronchial disease
J31.2 Chronic pharyngitisAtrophic pharyngitis
Inflammatory process of the pharynx
Hypertrophic pharyngitis
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pharynx
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx
Throat infection
Chronic pharyngitis
J32 Chronic sinusitisAllergic rhinosinusopathy
Purulent sinusitis
Catarrhal inflammation of the nasopharyngeal region
Catarrhal inflammation of the paranasal sinuses
Exacerbation of sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis
J36 Peritonsillar abscessPeriopharyngeal abscess
Peritonsillar abscess
Peritonsillar cellulitis and abscess
J37.0 Chronic laryngitisChronic atrophic laryngitis
J42 Chronic bronchitis, unspecifiedAllergic bronchitis
Asthmoid bronchitis
Allergic bronchitis
Asthmatic bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis
Inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract
Bronchial disease
Qatar smoker
Cough due to inflammatory diseases of the lungs and bronchi
Exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
Recurrent bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
Chronical bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis of smokers
Chronic spastic bronchitis
K05 Gingivitis and periodontal diseasesInflammatory gum disease
Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity
Hyperplastic gingivitis
Oral disease
Catarrhal gingivitis
Bleeding from gums
Exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity
Epstein cysts
Erythematous gingivitis
Ulcerative gingivitis
L02 Skin abscess, boil and carbuncleAbscess
Skin abscess
Skin carbuncle
Skin boil
Furuncle of the external auditory canal
Furuncle of the auricle
Chronic recurrent furunculosis
L04 Acute lymphadenitisAcute lymphadenitis
Generalized lymphadenopathy in systemic lupus erythematosus
L08.0 PyodermaAtheroma festering
Pustular dermatoses
Pustular skin lesions
Purulent allergic dermatopathies
Purulent skin infections
Infected atheroma
Mycoses complicated by secondary pyoderma
Superficial pyoderma
Staphylococcal sycosis
Chronic pyoderma
L70 AcneAcne nodulocystica
Acne treatment
Papular-pustular acne
Papulopustular acne
Papulopustular acne
Nodular cystic acne
Nodular cystic acne
N34 Urethritis and urethral syndromeBacterial nonspecific urethritis
Bacterial urethritis
Bougienage of the urethra
Gonococcal urethritis
Gonorrheal urethritis
Urethral infection
Non-gonococcal urethritis
Non-gonorrheal urethritis
Acute gonococcal urethritis
Acute gonorrheal urethritis
Acute urethritis
Urethral lesion
N39.0 Urinary tract infection without established locationAsymptomatic bacteriuria
Bacterial urinary tract infections
Bacterial infections urinary tract
Bacterial infections of the genitourinary system
Bacteriuria asymptomatic
Chronic latent bacteriuria
Asymptomatic bacteriuria
Asymptomatic massive bacteriuria
Inflammatory disease of the urinary tract
Inflammatory disease of the genitourinary tract
Inflammatory diseases Bladder and urinary tract
Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system
Inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract
Inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system
Fungal diseases of the urogenital tract
Fungal infections of the urinary tract
Urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infections caused by enterococci or mixed flora
Uncomplicated genitourinary tract infections
Complicated urinary tract infections
Infections of the genitourinary system
Urogenital infections
Urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infection
Urogenital tract infection
Uncomplicated urinary tract infections
Uncomplicated urinary tract infections
Uncomplicated genitourinary tract infections
Exacerbation of chronic urinary tract infection
Retrograde kidney infection
Recurrent urinary tract infections
Recurrent urinary tract infections
Recurrent infectious diseases urinary tract
Mixed urethral infections
Urogenital infection
Urogenital infectious and inflammatory disease
Urogenital mycoplasmosis
Urological disease of infectious etiology
Chronic urinary tract infection
Chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs
Chronic urinary tract infections
Chronic infectious diseases of the urinary system
N41.0 Acute prostatitisAcute bacterial prostatitis
Chlamydial prostatitis
N41.1 Chronic prostatitisExacerbation of chronic prostatitis
Recurrent prostatitis
Chlamydial prostatitis
Chronic abacterial prostatitis
Chronic bacterial prostatitis
Chronic abacterial prostatitis
Chronic bacterial prostatitis
N74.2 Inflammatory diseases female pelvic organs caused by syphilis (A51.4+, A52.7+)Syphilis
N74.3 Gonococcal inflammatory diseases of the female pelvic organs (A54.2+)Gonorrheal diseases
Gonococcal urethritis
N74.4 Inflammatory diseases of the female pelvic organs caused by chlamydia (A56.1+)Chlamydial infections
Chlamydial salpingitis

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