Samara Medical Academy admissions committee. Samara State Medical University

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The activities of the Samara Military Medical Institute have been carried out since 1939, after the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the organization of a second military medical university in the Union at the academy level. The base for the educational institution was the Kuibyshev State Medical Institute with a total number of students of about 1.5 thousand people. Famous professors and scientists in the field of medicine and healthcare worked at the academy.

History of creation

Classes at the Samara Military Medical Institute began in September 1939. At the beginning of 1940, hundreds of students along with teachers were sent to the Soviet-Finnish front. Several people from this group were awarded medals and orders various degrees. Subsequent graduations of military doctors took place in the fall of 1941 and spring of 1942.

In 1942, the Kuibyshev Academy was repurposed as a civilian medical higher education institution. During its existence, the university has graduated more than one thousand military doctors. Over 70 percent of the academy's wartime graduates were awarded orders of various degrees.

Post-war years

Many academy graduates gave their lives defending their homeland. Their details are included on the university’s memorial plaque.

In 1951, the directions of the Kuibyshev Academy were created. Until 1958, it trained more than 1.5 thousand doctors (7 graduates). More than 20 graduates received a gold medal, among them future generals and prominent leaders in the military medical field.

In 1964, the number of listeners was 400 people. G. D. Nevmerzhitsky became the head. In 1976, the number of students increased to 1040 people. From 1983 to 1994, the following transformations were carried out at the Samara Military Medical Institute:

  • The emergence of adjunct, residency, officer courses (1983)
  • Training of specialists in the field of dentistry (1985)
  • Beginning of admission of women as students (since 1990)
  • Introduction of a three-year training period for students undergoing internship as a training for medical specialists.

Further development

On the basis of the faculty of the medical university, the Samara Military Medical Institute was created in 1999 (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 29, 1998). Until 2006, the universities in question, in various forms of its existence, graduated 41 military doctors, amounting to over 13 thousand people. Almost 100 graduates received a gold medal. Many people who graduated from this institution became prominent figures in the field of military medical service. Among the graduates: Major General Linok, Professor Vyazitsky, Major Generals Kamenskov, Korotkikh, Shaposhnikov, Nikonov, Makhlai.

Among the current teaching staff, 25 people visited Afghanistan, providing medical assistance on the battlefield. Four officers are liquidators of the Chernobyl accident; several dozen people served in various “hot” spots in the North Caucasus region. Major General Makhlai was awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of the Russian Federation for his contribution to the development of vaccines against viral infections.

Structure and academic disciplines

The modern Samara Military Medical Institute, the photo of which is presented below, has the following general structure:

  • Management sphere (command, study department, editorial and publishing office, research department, economic and educational department).
  • Faculties of pre-diploma training and additional postgraduate education.
  • Twelve departments.
  • Institute clinic with 650 beds.
  • Support Division.

The university in question provides the following educational programs:

  • Medical and dental work.
  • Medical and preventive direction.
  • Postgraduate vocational education.
  • Internship in specialized areas (surgery, maxillofacial surgery, therapy, organization of sanitary-epidemiological services and social hygiene).

Forms of teaching

After graduation in 2000, the Samara Military Medical Institute organized and developed methods of general and thematic improvement. This area includes areas of gastroenterology, surgery, pulmonology, epidemiology and others.

Classes with students are conducted at 12 departments of this university and 23 departments of the Samara State Medical University. Among the teaching staff there are more than 50 doctors of science and professors, 22 with academic degrees and 74 candidates. The overall scientific potential of the university exceeds 70 percent. The institute practices such a form of student training as field training, which allows students to cover all semesters of training with a control lesson on organizing the functioning of a medical unit. In the field of training army doctors, military internships for students occupy an important place. Classes are carried out in three military districts and five garrisons of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Material base

The Department of OTMS of the Samara Military Medical Institute, like other areas, actively uses innovative technologies. The university has three computer classrooms with an Internet connection. The prestige of studying at the university in question is due to the following aspects:

  • Full compliance of training with State standards.
  • High level of scientific and pedagogical potential.
  • Constant improvement of educational material for the training of military doctors based on a combination of traditional and innovative teaching methods, including automation of educational process management.
  • The material base of the university makes it possible to successfully not only train military doctors, but also provide decent living and study conditions.

Address of the Samara Military Medical Institute

University address: 443099, Samara region, Samara city, Pioneer street, 22. It is located in four buildings, the main one of which is a building built back in 1847. At different times it was used as a vocational school, a military hospital, and the Suvorov Military School. The administrative part of the university is located in a building built in 1885. It is an architectural monument. For nonresident students there is a 14-story comfortable dormitory, which was built in the city center, not far from the banks of the picturesque Volga. The institute also has a canteen for 600 people and a family hostel with 75 apartments.


The higher educational institution in question is especially proud of the presence of a clinic with a capacity of 650 patients. It is equipped with modern facilities and staffed by highly qualified specialists. Here they are put into practice the most modern methods diagnosis and treatment. The latest achievements in the field of science and technology are widely used. The equipment of the university allows for the development of an extensive advanced training program for military doctors, as well as nursing and junior medical staff, along with practical training for students.

What now?

Since 2009, direct admission to the Samara Military Medical Institute has become impossible. The university came under the jurisdiction of St. Petersburg and ceased to exist as an independent entity. Applicants wishing to enter the faculty of this institution will have to go to take exams in St. Petersburg.

Enrollment rules:

  • Applicants who have passed the professional selection process are included in the competitive lists for enrollment and, based on the results of the competition, are admitted to the university.
  • Competitive applications are compiled according to levels of professional education and preparatory specialties.
  • Candidates applying for specialty programs are placed on the lists according to the amount of points that characterize their overall level of preparation (marks for each subject of the entrance exams are added up, and the level of physical fitness is also taken into account).
  • Applicants entering secondary vocational education programs are listed according to the average score of their secondary education certificate.
  • Applicants who are assigned to the third category based on the results of psychological selection are placed on the lists after applicants of the first and second groups, regardless of the result obtained by the sum of marks.

Applicants for the Samara Military Medical Institute, whose passing score is the same, are included in the competition lists in a certain sequence, namely:

  • The first priority is for applicants who enjoy preferential rights to enter military educational institutions.
  • The second stage consists of applicants with a higher grade in specialized disciplines, in particular chemistry, and also taking into account their physical training.
  • The third stage is candidates whose score was higher in the general education discipline (biology).

Samara Military Medical Institute: reviews

SVMI graduates remember their student days as one of the most interesting periods in their lives. Military doctors note the friendly atmosphere of the institute, as well as its good material and technical base. Some graduates who studied at other similar institutions give the Samara Institute a solid “A”, while other universities do not always reach even a “C”.

Users also note the presence of their own clinic, which makes it possible to combine theory with practice, as well as an original approach to teaching methods and a high-class teaching staff. Living conditions, former students, also cite the advantages of the institution (the presence of a comfortable dormitory and dining room). In addition, the university buildings and “dorms” are located in picturesque places of the city.

Bottom line

After the transfer of this military medical university to the St. Petersburg Academy, only internship and retraining courses for active military doctors remain in Samara. Cadets undergoing training will be able to graduate from the university without problems, and new applicants must go to St. Petersburg to enroll.

Samara State Medical University
international title

Samara State Medical University

Former names

Kuibyshev Medical Institute named after D.I. Ulyanova


Arte et humanitate, labore et scientia
(Art and philanthropy, labor and knowledge)

Year of foundation


Legal address

443099, Samara, st. Chapaevskaya, 89


Coordinates: 53°11′11.41″ n. sh. 50°05′38.66″ E. d. /  53.186503° N. sh. 50.094072° E. d.(G) (O) (I)53.186503 , 50.094072

Samara State Medical University- state budget educational institution higher professional education. Provides training to civilian specialists with higher medical, pharmaceutical, economic and humanitarian education from general education educational institutions up to doctoral studies.

Former name - Kuibyshev Medical Institute named after. D. I. Ulyanova


The university was founded as the medical faculty of Samara State University on November 7, 1918. The first dean of the Faculty of Medicine was Professor V.V. Gorinevsky. In 1930 it was reorganized into the Samara (hereinafter Kuibyshev) Medical Institute. During the period, the Kuibyshev Medical Institute was reorganized into a military medical academy, reinforced by specialists from the Military Medical Academy, Leningrad. From to years - a single-faculty institute, from to years - a multi-faculty institute.


The structure of the university includes 12 faculties and more than 80 departments; own clinics for 1210 patients, 3 educational and 7 research institutes, as well as a research laboratory, scientific medical library of SamSMU (fund of 600 thousand volumes), 3 Internet centers with 120 workstations and over 20 multimedia and computer classes .

More than 8,000 students study at the university every year. The staff of teachers is over 1500 people. 5 of its own buildings and more than 35 clinical institutions in the city and region are used as training bases.



  • For scientific and innovative work - Nikolai Nikolaevich Kryukov.
    • Deputy Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovation Work - Alexander Vladimirovich Kolsanov.
  • For educational and social work - Yuri Vladimirovich Shchukin.
  • For educational and methodological work and public relations - Fedorina Tatyana Aleksandrovna.
  • For postgraduate work, the director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education is Sergey Nikolaevich Izmalkov.
  • For clinical work, Director of SamSMU Clinics - Igor Ivanovich Losev
  • For administrative and economic work and general issues - Sergey Ivanovich Vyrmaskin.


  • Medical (dean - Sonis Alexander Grigorievich, deputy deans - Ivanov Mikhail Fedorovich, Konstantinov Dmitry Yurievich)
  • Pediatric (dean - Makarov Igor Valerievich, deputy dean - Zhirnov Vitaly Alexandrovich)
  • Dental (dean - Potapov Vladimir Petrovich)
  • Pharmaceutical (Dean - Egorov Valery Aleksandrovich)
  • Medical and preventive (dean - Berezin Igor Ivanovich)
  • Medical and Special Psychology (Dean - Elena Vladimirovna Zakharova)
  • Healthcare management and economics (Dean - Elena Vladimirovna Zakharova)
  • Training of foreign students (Dean - Dmitry Olegovich Gorbachev)
  • Pre-university preparation (dean - Voronin Alexander Vasilievich)


  • Research Institute "Institute of Experimental Medicine and Biotechnology"
  • Dental (director - Dmitry Aleksandrovich Trunin)
  • Nursing education (director - Dvoinikov Sergey Ivanovich)
  • Postgraduate education (director - Izmalkov Sergey Nikolaevich)
  • Research Institute of Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation (Director - Alexander Vladimirovich Yashkov)
  • Research Institute of Hematology, Transfusiology and Intensive Care (Director - Davydkin Igor Leonidovich)
  • Research Institute of Hygiene and Human Ecology (director - Olga Viktorovna Sazonova)
  • Research Institute of Non-Ionizing Radiation in Medicine (director - Boris Nikolaevich Zhukov)
  • Research Institute of Occupational Pathology
  • Research Institute of Ophthalmology


Famous scientists

  • S. I. Boryu
  • A. G. Brzhozovsky
  • M. E. Volsky
  • A. I. Germanov
  • A. S. Zenin
  • N. E. Kavetsky
  • I.P. Korolyuk
  • A. F. Krasnov
  • V. A. Kurkin
  • M. A. Makienko
  • V. P. Petrov
  • V. P. Polyakov
  • I. B. Soldatov
  • N. F. Shlyapnikov
  • G.P.Kotelnikov


IN last years there were several corruption scandals related to the receipt of bribes by SamSMU teachers.

In 2005, Professor N.P. Avvakumova, not being a member of the admissions committee, guaranteed one of the applicants admission to the educational institution for $4,500. The teacher was fined 23.4 thousand rubles. and currently continues to head the department of general, bioinorganic and bioorganic chemistry.

In December 2010, by the verdict of the Samara regional court, E.P. Gladunova, associate professor of the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy, was found guilty of taking a bribe and she was sentenced to 5 years of suspended imprisonment with a probationary period of 3 years. During the investigation it was established that in June 2010, positive result when passing a test, exam, term paper and practice in the discipline “Management and Economics of Pharmacy”, she received money collected from students from the prefects of two groups in the total amount of 324 thousand rubles*



  • Universities by alphabet
  • Appeared in 1919
  • Higher educational institutions of Samara
  • Higher educational institutions of the Samara region
  • Universities of Samara
  • Medical higher education institutions
  • SamSMU

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Samara State Medical University" is in other dictionaries:

    Samara State Medical University- Samara, st. Chapaevskaya, 89. Special psychology. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. P. 474) See also Universities Ch489.514(2)7 ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Named after academician S. P. Korolev (national research university) (SSAU) ... Wikipedia

Samara State Medical University
international title

Samara State Medical University

Former names

Kuibyshev Medical Institute named after D.I. Ulyanova


Arte et humanitate, labore et scientia
(Art and philanthropy, labor and knowledge)

Year of foundation


Legal address

443099, Samara, st. Chapaevskaya, 89


Coordinates: 53°11′11.41″ n. sh. 50°05′38.66″ E. d. /  53.186503° N. sh. 50.094072° E. d.(G) (O) (I)53.186503 , 50.094072

Samara State Medical University- state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education. Provides training for civilian specialists with higher medical, pharmaceutical, economic and humanitarian education from general educational institutions to doctoral studies.

Former name - Kuibyshev Medical Institute named after. D. I. Ulyanova


The university was founded as the medical faculty of Samara State University on November 7, 1918. The first dean of the Faculty of Medicine was Professor V.V. Gorinevsky. In 1930 it was reorganized into the Samara (hereinafter Kuibyshev) Medical Institute. During the period, the Kuibyshev Medical Institute was reorganized into a military medical academy, reinforced by specialists from the Military Medical Academy, Leningrad. From to years - a single-faculty institute, from to years - a multi-faculty institute.


The structure of the university includes 12 faculties and more than 80 departments; own clinics for 1210 patients, 3 educational and 7 research institutes, as well as a research laboratory, scientific medical library of SamSMU (fund of 600 thousand volumes), 3 Internet centers with 120 workstations and over 20 multimedia and computer classes .

More than 8,000 students study at the university every year. The staff of teachers is over 1500 people. 5 of its own buildings and more than 35 clinical institutions in the city and region are used as training bases.



  • For scientific and innovative work - Nikolai Nikolaevich Kryukov.
    • Deputy Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovation Work - Alexander Vladimirovich Kolsanov.
  • For educational and social work - Yuri Vladimirovich Shchukin.
  • For educational and methodological work and public relations - Fedorina Tatyana Aleksandrovna.
  • For postgraduate work, the director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education is Sergey Nikolaevich Izmalkov.
  • For clinical work, Director of SamSMU Clinics - Igor Ivanovich Losev
  • For administrative and economic work and general issues - Sergey Ivanovich Vyrmaskin.


  • Medical (dean - Sonis Alexander Grigorievich, deputy deans - Ivanov Mikhail Fedorovich, Konstantinov Dmitry Yurievich)
  • Pediatric (dean - Makarov Igor Valerievich, deputy dean - Zhirnov Vitaly Alexandrovich)
  • Dental (dean - Potapov Vladimir Petrovich)
  • Pharmaceutical (Dean - Egorov Valery Aleksandrovich)
  • Medical and preventive (dean - Berezin Igor Ivanovich)
  • Medical and Special Psychology (Dean - Elena Vladimirovna Zakharova)
  • Healthcare management and economics (Dean - Elena Vladimirovna Zakharova)
  • Training of foreign students (Dean - Dmitry Olegovich Gorbachev)
  • Pre-university preparation (dean - Voronin Alexander Vasilievich)


  • Research Institute "Institute of Experimental Medicine and Biotechnology"
  • Dental (director - Dmitry Aleksandrovich Trunin)
  • Nursing education (director - Dvoinikov Sergey Ivanovich)
  • Postgraduate education (director - Izmalkov Sergey Nikolaevich)
  • Research Institute of Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation (Director - Alexander Vladimirovich Yashkov)
  • Research Institute of Hematology, Transfusiology and Intensive Care (Director - Davydkin Igor Leonidovich)
  • Research Institute of Hygiene and Human Ecology (director - Olga Viktorovna Sazonova)
  • Research Institute of Non-Ionizing Radiation in Medicine (director - Boris Nikolaevich Zhukov)
  • Research Institute of Occupational Pathology
  • Research Institute of Ophthalmology


Famous scientists

  • S. I. Boryu
  • A. G. Brzhozovsky
  • M. E. Volsky
  • A. I. Germanov
  • A. S. Zenin
  • N. E. Kavetsky
  • I.P. Korolyuk
  • A. F. Krasnov
  • V. A. Kurkin
  • M. A. Makienko
  • V. P. Petrov
  • V. P. Polyakov
  • I. B. Soldatov
  • N. F. Shlyapnikov
  • G.P.Kotelnikov


In recent years, there have been several corruption scandals involving the receipt of bribes by SamSMU teachers.

In 2005, Professor N.P. Avvakumova, not being a member of the admissions committee, guaranteed one of the applicants admission to the educational institution for $4,500. The teacher was fined 23.4 thousand rubles. and currently continues to head the department of general, bioinorganic and bioorganic chemistry.

In December 2010, by the verdict of the Samara regional court, E.P. Gladunova, associate professor of the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy, was found guilty of taking a bribe and she was sentenced to 5 years of suspended imprisonment with a probationary period of 3 years. During the investigation, it was established that in June 2010, for a positive result in passing a test, exam, course work and practice in the discipline “Management and Economics of Pharmacy,” she received from the heads of two groups money collected from students in the total amount of 324 thousand rubles.*



  • Universities by alphabet
  • Appeared in 1919
  • Higher educational institutions of Samara
  • Higher educational institutions of the Samara region
  • Universities of Samara
  • Medical higher education institutions
  • SamSMU

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Hippocrates (disambiguation)
  • Primitive culture

See what "Samara State Medical University" is in other dictionaries:

    Samara State Medical University- Samara, st. Chapaevskaya, 89. Special psychology. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. P. 474) See also Universities Ch489.514(2)7 ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Samara State Aerospace University- named after academician S.P. Korolev (national research university) (SSAU) ... Wikipedia

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 14:00

Latest reviews of SamSMU

Anonymous review 15:42 12/04/2018

Admitted in 2013 based on the results of the Unified State Examination Faculty of Dentistry. With scores of 220 on three exams, enrolling on a budget was more than realistic! I scored over 270. Studying was not as difficult as I thought. It was enough not to miss classes, not to accumulate debts, and occasionally strain your brain before the exam. Teachers have no desire to “fail” a student; most of them are in love with their subject and, if they see the student’s sincere interest, they will support him in every possible way.

Svetlana Danilyuk 20:38 05/31/2013

Samara State Medical University (SAMMU) has long had a bad reputation, associated primarily with large “entrance fees” in the form of Money and expensive cars. Therefore, I cannot say unequivocally about the difficulties when entering medical specialties (all faculties, except EHR and psychology), because everything depends on the person helping with the entrance exams, his position and importance at the university. Many students, especially commercial dentists...

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Samara State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation


No. 02335 valid indefinitely from 08/12/2016


No. 02697 is valid from 01.11.2017 to 01.11.2023

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for SamSMU

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)4 5 6 6 5
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study52.79 71.01 71.52 72.91 73.22
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget57.03 79.71 80.41 79.35 85.51
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis49.6 60.33 60.63 65.23 68.51
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled49.65 49.22 48.00 53.97 52.59
Number of students5972 5910 6120 5836 5994
Full-time department5504 5526 4867 4409 4216
Part-time department468 384 1253 1390 1653
Extramural0 0 0 37 125
All data Report Report Report Report Report

About SamSMU

Samara State Medical University (SAMMU) was organized in 1919, when, in accordance with the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, a medical faculty was opened at Samara State University. Over the almost century-long history of its development, our university has come a long, largely innovative way and turned into one of the largest and most authoritative universities in Russia.

The university today is a modern multi-level system of continuous training of civilian specialists with higher medical, pharmaceutical, economic and humanitarian education from general education institutions to doctoral studies.

Currently, SamSMU is a genuine university complex, providing students with the broadest opportunities for quality training. Our university is tradition coupled with search, innovation, initiative, one of the largest medical universities in the country.

The high title of SamSMU University is confirmed by a wide range of areas of educational and scientific activity. The structure of the university includes 11 faculties and 80 departments, its own clinics and 3 educational institutes. The high scientific potential of the university is determined by 7 research institutes.

Preserving and developing the best historical traditions of the Russian education system, today there is a staff of one of the largest medical universities - over a thousand teachers, including 2 academicians of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 8 Honored Scientists of Russia, 3 Honored Workers of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, 19 Honored Doctors of Russia. 82% of teachers have academic degrees and titles, this figure is one of the best in Russia.

Today the university has high public and state recognition. Thus, recently SamSMU became a laureate of the “European Quality” competition in the category “One Hundred Best Universities of Russia”, and the rector of the university, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences G. P. Kotelnikov, was recognized three times as “Rector of the Year” and was awarded personal diplomas as a university manager of the 21st century and scientist of the year . He received a personal diploma when the university was awarded the International Prize “Profession is Life”.

The university has extensive academic ties with foreign universities - it is a member of the International Association of Medical Universities in Europe. University scientists have made a significant contribution to the development of domestic and world medical science. In a number of scientific areas, the university occupies a leading position in the country and enjoys recognized authority in Russia and abroad.

The university successfully operates 6 dissertation councils in 15 specialties. Training of scientific personnel in postgraduate and doctoral studies is carried out in 38 specialties.

Samara State Medical University, together with the Ministry and practical health authorities of the Samara region, successfully participates in the implementation of the main national Russian projects dedicated to improving the quality of health and education of the Russian population.

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