Mesotherapy for hair, price and what are the contraindications for this procedure? Mesotherapy for hair procedure - preparations and how Mesotherapy for hair is carried out.

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Healthy hair shine is the dream of every woman. Yes and modern men take care of the hair and want to look attractive. However, due to environmental degradation and constant stress, today many are faced with thinning and excessive hair loss. There are other factors that negatively affect the condition of the hair (lack of vitamins and poor nutrition, coloring, perms, etc.).

Shampoos and other cosmetics help only in 30-50% of cases. Mesotherapy procedure recognized by experts and users over effective way improve the condition of the scalp and hair follicles.

- This is an injection method of exposure. That is, with the help of injections, the active ingredients are injected under the skin. Stimulation of hair growth is achieved through nutrients that penetrate directly to the hair follicles and roots.
The remaining funds act only at the level of the epidermis, and mesotherapy improves blood circulation and other natural processes in the affected area.

This is one of the innovative methods in the field of hair healing. Its advantages include high efficiency (99 out of 100 patients acquire lush hair, get rid of split ends and brittle hair, increased sebum secretion), a minimum of pain and no side effects. All this is guaranteed under the condition of proper implementation and proper selection of drugs.

IMPORTANT! It should be emphasized that mesotherapy is a treatment, although the term itself is not medical. Before use, it is necessary to carefully weigh all the pros and cons, be examined by a specialist and carefully approach the choice of a clinic or beauty salon.

Indications for the use of mesotherapy for hair

This procedure can have a beneficial effect on the condition of any type of hair: dry, oily and normal. Mesotherapy is recommended for people with the following problems:

Hair loss;
weakened, depleted curls;
early gray hair;

According to the level and nature of violations, the specialist selects the appropriate composition on an individual basis. Deep penetration and direct action on the hair follicles eliminates the immediate cause of hair loss, makes them stronger and healthier, increases the amount of hair.

In addition, after a course of mesotherapy, taking care of your hair is much easier. Hair is not so quickly and not so strongly greasy, does not get tangled, retains shine and styling for a long time.

Such a cosmetic intervention can be performed on a man or woman of any age in the absence of contraindications. We will consider this point separately.

Contraindications to hair mesotherapy

Since the manipulations are associated with injections, some pain is possible. Therefore, if a patient has an elevated pain threshold or too sensitive skin on the head, the procedure should be abandoned.

It is forbidden to conduct mesotherapy sessions in the following cases:

During pregnancy and lactation;
in acute infections and inflammatory processes;
in the presence of diabetes and poor blood clotting;
with allergies and intolerance to the elements that make up the mesosolution.
During menstruation, such exposure is not recommended, since blood clotting is also impaired.

ATTENTION! In any case, before the sessions, a consultation with a trichologist is required. Examination and questioning of the patient will help to identify the root causes and adverse factors that have a detrimental effect on the growth and condition of the hair.

The composition of preparations for mesotherapy

It's obvious that leading role the procedure is played by useful elements that enter the scalp through injections. Cocktails for mesotherapy are divided into 2 categories: homeopathic (in most cases used for prevention) and allopathic (more concentrated drugs).

As a rule, the composition of the solution includes:

B vitamins and silver, which improve metabolic processes;
amino acids that strengthen the hair structure and are responsible for the formation of keratin fibers;
zinc and copper peptide, which enhance hair growth and eliminate the action of an enzyme that destroys the hair follicle;
coenzyme Q-10 - an element that normalizes blood circulation and maintains cell energy;
hyaluronic acid, contributing to the hydration of the skin;
plant extracts that have an auxiliary effect on the structure of the hair.

Experts advise to pay attention that among the ingredients for a cocktail minoxidil must be absent. This is a toxic substance, the action of which is not well understood. Minoxidil was used in many cocktails at an early stage in the development of the technique, but recent data have shown that its use can cause negative effects. Therefore, such a component is used only in exceptional cases, when other drugs are not able to change the situation.

How is the mesotherapy procedure

Doctors strongly advise to carry out manipulations in a clinic or beauty salon with the help of a specialist of the appropriate profile. We also draw your attention to the fact that preparations prepared immediately before the procedure work best. Although there are ready-made solutions for sale, only an experienced doctor will be able to choose and mix a really effective and safe cocktail.

You should come to the procedure with clean washed hair!

Before injecting a patient treat the scalp with an antiseptic. In some cases, the use of local anesthesia in the form of ointments is required. The injection is made to a depth of about 2 mm. In this case, a Labelle mini-needle or a so-called special gun is used.

At the time of the manipulations and for a short time after the procedure, burning and discomfort may be observed. Some patients report minor complications such as redness and small hematomas at the injection site. Such effects disappear on their own after 2-3 days.

Duration of one session: from 20 to 40 minutes (depending on the degree and type of lesion).

The course is designed for 10 sessions. The expected effect will not be achieved if the course is interrupted. If you choose a similar method of hair treatment, be patient and endurance, and visit all the scheduled sessions. According to reviews, the visual effect is noticeable after 5-6 sessions: hair loss stops, the hairstyle takes on a luxurious look.

It is also emphasized that this innovation can be combined with other aesthetic procedures.

To obtain the maximum result, some restrictions should be observed after each session of hair mesotherapy.

Adhere to the following rules:
- do not wash your hair for the first 2-3 days after the procedure;
- refuse in the near future from visiting the solarium;
- do not stay in the open sun;
- do not use care and cosmetic products for curls (gels, varnishes, sprays, etc.);
- do not massage the head;
- do not wear tight hats (the scalp must "breathe" for a speedy recovery).

Cost of the procedure

As patients note, one of the few, but significant disadvantages of such a cosmetic service is the high cost. 10 courses cost amount from 7 to 50 thousand, depending on the region and the rates of the organization. Also, the composition of a particular cocktail largely affects the final price. A preliminary consultation with a trichologist is obligatory (the cost varies from 500 to 1000 rubles).

Saving in such cases is inappropriate and unsafe. To heal the scalp and become the owner of chic, radiant curls, and at the same time not spend too much, pay attention to discounts and promotions in salons and clinics.


Mesotherapy is modern way restoration of hair structure and normalization of blood circulation of the scalp. With the right choice of cocktail and proper performance of the sessions, the patient gets rid of such problems as baldness, excessive dryness or greasiness of the strands, dandruff, split ends, dullness and weakening of the hair.

Mesotherapy for hair is gaining more and more popularity. In pursuit of the beauty of hairstyles, women are not afraid of the pain of injections. Yes, and men with thinning strands or baldness can agree to a similar experiment to improve hair growth.

The advantage of mesotherapy for hair loss is that the drug acts directly on the hair follicle, supplying it with all the necessary nutrients. But in order for beauty injections to be most effective, you should contact a beautician at initial stages hair diseases. As a rule, mesotherapy for hair at home is not carried out.

The essence of the procedure

Most mesotherapy sessions are aimed at eliminating cosmetic defects appearance. The most popular of them is facial mesotherapy, but mesotherapy of the scalp and other parts of the body is used with no less success.

The procedure itself involves injecting nutrients into the scalp. The advantages of this method include relatively low pain, non-surgical technology, as well as high efficiency.

Mesotherapy of the scalp is suitable for any type of hair - oily, dry, normal. At the same time, a number of problems associated with their growth are solved. But if there are dead follicles or atrophied bulbs, then this method will not restore them.

The main goals pursued by the procedure:

  1. Stop hair loss.
  2. Prolongation of the phase of their active growth.
  3. Delivery of nutrients to the hair follicles.
  4. Restoration of the lost functions of the epidermis in the head area.
  5. Strengthening hair and increasing the density of hairstyles.
  6. Improving blood circulation in the root system of the hair, which stimulates their growth.
  7. Normalization of the sebaceous glands of the scalp.

Indications and contraindications

The procedure is shown in the following cases:

  1. With hair loss up to various degrees of baldness, if this problem is associated with hormonal imbalance.
  2. Dry and brittle hair.
  3. section at their tips.
  4. Problems such as seborrhea, dandruff or itchy scalp.
  5. Poor hair growth due to UV exposure, medication, diet food, chemical hair coloring, perming or bleaching.
  6. Ringworm, which is manifested by baldness.
  7. Hair structure changes after pregnancy.
  8. Having gray hair at a young age.

Mesotherapy for hair has contraindications:

  1. In the presence of individual intolerance to 1 or more components of meso-cocktails for injection.
  2. Periods of bearing a child and lactation.
  3. Tumors of a malignant or benign nature.
  4. endocrine disorders.
  5. Reduced immune system.
  6. Poor blood clotting and diseases of the hematopoietic system.
  7. Cholelithiasis.
  8. Inflammation in areas of the skin associated with a viral, fungal or bacterial infection.
  9. Taking medications that affect blood clotting, such as anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents.
  10. menstrual period.
  11. Psychiatric disorders, including epilepsy.

The main stages of the procedure

Many are worried about how the hair mesotherapy session will go, how painful the injections are in hairy part heads.

Experts assure that there is no cause for concern. The procedure is simple, but at the same time effective. First, the cosmetologist selects the necessary drugs, after which he injects them under the skin by injection to a depth of 2 mm. At the same time, important vessels and muscle are not affected. This means that mesotherapy used to improve the quality of hair does not pose a threat to human health.

Injections are carried out using a special syringe with a long thin needle made of durable steel.

There is also a hardware method of administration. Although there is not much difference between these 2 methods.

Watch the video of the head mesotherapy procedure:

Preparations for mesotherapy

For the procedure, they are used, which include the following components, they can be in one preparation individually or in combination:

  1. Amino acids.
  2. Vitamins from group B.
  3. Zinc.

If the goal of the procedure is to get rid of gray hair and prevent its appearance, then melanin is included in the composition of the product.

Ready-made cocktails are more expensive, but they clearly define the proportions of all components. If mixing is done manually, it is not always possible to comply with all indicators, often the result is unsatisfactory.

In cosmetology clinics with a good reputation, the client is required to bring a document confirming his health: a person should not have diseases that may be a contraindication for hair mesotherapy.

After that, the necessary components for the meso-cocktail for hair are selected, they consist of 2-5 components. Each substance has its own focus to provide a beneficial effect on the scalp:

  1. Vitamins from group B contribute to the normalization of metabolism and the production of color pigment.
  2. Copper peptide and zinc are ideal for androgenetic alopecia. They act on an enzyme that causes dystrophy of hair follicles (especially these components are shown to men).
  3. Amino acids contribute to giving the hair strength and strength. This is achieved through the formation of keratin fibers.
  4. moisturizes the skin and promotes the growth of healthy and renewed hair.
  5. Growth factors VEGF, bFGF, IGF-1 nourish the hair, thereby accelerating their growth. And due to increased blood circulation, the work of the follicle starts.
  6. Coenzyme Q10 oxygenates the scalp, hair becomes thicker and stronger, becoming silky.

When purchasing professional injection products, be careful not to buy a fake product.

The best results to date are shown by the products of the following brands:

  1. Mesoline by MD Skin Solutions.
  2. F-Hair by Fusion Mesotherapy.
  3. XL Hair by Aesthetic Dermal.

These preparations for hair mesotherapy have been developed in the world's best laboratories and have passed the appropriate test. They do not give side effects and show good results. Such remedies eliminate many problems associated with the scalp, but their treatment is not cheap.

Benefits of Therapy

Mesotherapy against hair loss has a number of advantages, which include:

  1. The composition can be selected individually. All components have their advantages, there are no harmful elements in cocktails.
  2. All preparations are delivered directly to the hair follicle.
  3. Injections give an additional stimulating effect.
  4. Several tasks are being solved at the same time.

The main advantages of mesotherapy for hair also include high efficiency and almost no side effects and complications. In addition, the patient only rarely experiences pain from the procedure. Mesotherapy can be carried out from any age, as well as combined with other methods of therapy.

Penetrating into the deep layers of the scalp, meso-cocktails not only promote the growth of healthy hair, but also treat the entire body. This improves the functioning of many organs and systems. The problem of dandruff is eliminated, the sebaceous glands begin to work in the correct mode.

After 1-2 sessions, you will not be able to see the result, because. Hair problems can take months or even years to heal. In order for hair to grow from a damaged bulb, it takes time to restore it. And for this, you will have to supply nutrients to it more than once.

1 course contains from 8 to 10 sessions of mesotherapy. After this period, it will be possible to evaluate the result. Gradually, strong and healthy hair begins to appear in place of weak and thin hair. Hair acquires shine, becomes obedient, silky. Here are some photos before and after hair mesotherapy:

But even in this case, more than one course of mesotherapy will be needed for the desired result to be good.

Side effects

Head mesotherapy is the same therapeutic procedure as others, and sometimes it can be accompanied by unpleasant moments. Fortunately, almost all side effects are temporary. On the first day, a person may experience itching and tingling at the injection site. It is worth waiting out this time without touching the head and without combing the painful places.

For 24 hours after the session, it is forbidden to wash your hair. To keep things simple, try to sweat as little as possible by avoiding hats and staying out of the sun for 1-2 days.

Other side effects include: swelling, red dots at the injection sites, small bruises.

A doctor who conducts a mesotherapy session for the scalp is called a trichologist. Try to find out more about the doctor and his procedures, as Despite the fact that the technique is simple to perform, in the hands of an inexperienced doctor, it can cause a number of complications. Not to mention the desired result.

Hair mesotherapy at home is not carried out, because. the procedure should be carried out by a specialist in a room with increased sterility.

Hair mesotherapy is a modern cosmetic procedure that, with the help of injections of special preparations, improves the blood supply to the scalp and the supply of nutrients to the hair follicles, thereby solving many problems with the patient's hair.

living conditions modern man often turn out to be detrimental to his body and, in particular, to his hair. Hair begins to thin, fade, fall out, etc.

Hair problems can occur under the influence of various external and internal factors:

  • Seasonal (usually in spring) weakening and hair loss due to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body
  • The negative impact of modern ecology (especially in the city)
  • Frequent stress and depression of a person leading an intense lifestyle
  • An unbalanced diet leading to a lack of the required amount of trace elements, vitamins and oxygen in the body
  • Hormonal disorders as a result of disruption of the endocrine glands
  • Unfavorable heredity
  • Frequent use of antibiotics
  • In women, hair loss often begins after childbirth.

Mesotherapy of the head allows you to effectively solve the problem with the health of the hair - to stop their weakening, loss, thinning and frizziness.

In addition, mesotherapy cleanses the scalp, normalizes sebum secretion, and stimulates the growth of new hair.

Indications and contraindications

Hair mesotherapy is primarily indicated in the following cases:

  • Androgenic alopecia
  • Pathological hair loss (alopecia)
  • Brittleness and split ends of hair
  • Itching of the scalp

In the following cases:

  • Pregnancy period
  • breastfeeding period
  • Allergy to drugs used in mesotherapy cocktails
  • Cholelithiasis
  • Period
  • The use of certain drugs that conflict with mesotherapy drugs
  • Pathological fear of the needle

Mesotherapy for hair is carried out by means of special injections under the scalp. medical preparations, which each time are compiled individually depending on the clinical situation.

The composition of the scalp, as a rule, includes zinc, amino acids and B vitamins. They can effectively stop hair loss, normalize sebum secretion and restore beauty and health to the patient's hair.

In addition, melanin is often included in the head mesotherapy cocktail, which accelerates hair growth and prevents them from graying.

The cocktail is injected with the thinnest needles under the scalp to a depth of 2-4 mm, which allows mesotherapy to be carried out as painlessly as possible.

In some cases, in addition to the scalp, injections can be made into the neck-collar zone, which allows normalizing microcirculation.

The injection can be done both manually (using a syringe) and hardware (using a special gun).

One procedure lasts about half an hour.

However, one procedure is often not enough to achieve the maximum effect. Therefore, as a rule, hair mesotherapy is a course consisting of several procedures (up to 10 sessions).

After the procedure

Mesotherapy for hair directly delivers medicinal preparations to the hair follicle. Therefore, it often turns out more effective result from other procedures.

Although a full course of procedures may include up to 10 sessions, some positive results will be visible after the first procedures.

Mesotherapy for hair produces an effective therapeutic effect due to the pharmacological effects of medicinal preparations and reflex effects on active points, as a result of which immune, biological, reflex and hormonal mechanisms are stimulated.

As a result of exposure to drugs, hair growth is normalized, their structure improves and appearance.

Along the way, sebum secretion returns to normal, and dandruff disappears for a long time.

Complications and side effects after the procedure are quite rare, if not completely absent, if the procedure is carried out by a highly qualified and experienced specialist.

Small bruises at the injection sites disappear on their own within a week.

After the head mesotherapy procedure, you should not wash your hair for two days. Also undesirable at this time physical exercise, visiting the pool or taking a bath.

Mesotherapy for hair is distinguished by its long-term effect. It is only necessary to normalize your lifestyle and follow the doctor's recommendations.

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Hair loss, baldness, dandruff - these and many other problems related to the quality and quantity of hair disturb men and women, both young and mature. Very often, expensive masks, shampoos, balms, gels, natural recipes do not have the desired effect, since the cause is hidden inside the body and requires a more serious medical approach.

Mesotherapy is considered one of the most effective hair treatments, but is it really so? And what needs to be done to achieve the desired result, and not harm your body?

What is mesotherapy

The essence of mesotherapy is the introduction of useful substances under the skin with a syringe with a microneedle. The procedure is used not only for hair, but also for getting rid of scars and scars, smoothing cellulite, and rejuvenation.

What effect the mesotherapy procedure will have depends on the composition of the drugs used, the so-called "cocktails", which are a mixture of various active substances:

  • Painkillers (procaine, xylocaine).
  • Vascular preparations (buflomedil, minoxidil, ginkgo).
  • Stimulating hair follicles (amino acids, silicon).
  • Antiandrogenic (finasteride, plant extracts such as chamomile, nettle).
  • Anti-inflammatory (salicylates, selenium, keratin).
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes(zinc, vitamin A, B vitamins, copper, magnesium).
  • Hyaluronic acid.
  • fatty acids.

Depending on the composition of the “cocktail” used, hair therapy can be multicomponent, microelement, vitamin, homeopathic, oxygen.

"Cocktails" for hair

There are a large number of possible combinations of active substances, many clinics develop their own mixtures of drugs, but very often they buy ready-made branded “cocktails”. The most popular for hair mesotherapy are:

  • hairloss. Eliminates hair loss and stimulates their active growth. It contains: minoxidil, zinc, azelaic acid, pyridoxine, D-panthenol, ginkgo, biotin. Minoxidil is a vasodilator that improves blood flow to the hair follicles, thereby stimulating hair growth. Ginkgo is of plant origin (herb) that relieves inflammatory processes and kill bacteria.
  • mesopecia. This "cocktail" in its composition contains finasteride, biotin, pyridoxine, D-panthenol, Andropecia (a multicomponent mixture, which includes zinc, pyridoxine, azelaic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid).
  • Keractive. Restores microcirculation of the scalp, contains a large amount of vitamins and amino acids.
  • F-HAIR. Nourishes and strengthens hair follicles, accelerates hair growth. It contains hyaluronic acid, copper, zinc, magnesium.
  • Meso Hair System. A multi-component "cocktail" that includes a whole complex of hair growth factors, hyaluronic acid, copper peptide, protein coenzyme Q10.
  • Dermaheal HL. It has a healing and restorative effect, contains 56 active substances, including a complex for hair growth and peptide complex, multivitamins and amino acids.

Non-injection methods

Along with the standard, classical mesotherapy, which is carried out with the help of injections of the drug, it is possible to administer the drug under the skin without injections. This procedure is suitable for patients who are panicky afraid of injections and pain, the drug penetrates under the skin in the following ways:

  • under the influence of current. This therapy is also called electrophoresis.
  • With the help of a laser.
  • under the influence of ultrasound.
  • Under influence low temperatures(cryomesotherapy).

The procedure for mesotherapy for hair

The procedure is carried out in clinics and medical centers qualified specialists. The patient should stop taking aspirin or ibuprofen at least a week before therapy.

An hour before the procedure, an anesthetic is applied to the scalp, and before the procedure, the skin is treated with an antiseptic (alcohol, chlorhexidine, betadine).

The "cocktail" is injected under the skin manually with a syringe or using a special device, which helps to quickly treat large areas of the head. During the injection, the patient lies on his back or sits in a special chair. Injections are made under the skin to a depth of no more than 3 millimeters, the distance between injections should be at least 1 centimeter. The procedure is not painful, the patient feels slight discomfort during the procedure. After the procedure, the skin is disinfected with ethyl alcohol or another preparation.

The duration of one procedure is from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Mesotherapy is carried out once a week, the optimal course of treatment is 8-10 procedures, but to consolidate the result, it may be necessary to conduct several courses within 1 year. Between courses of mesotherapy, a break must be observed, at least 1-2 months.

After the procedure, the patient should follow the following rules to prevent complications and side effects:

  • Do not shower or bathe for at least 8 hours after the procedure.
  • Do not visit the solarium, baths, saunas, do not sunbathe, avoid direct sunlight on the skin for at least 2 days after therapy.
  • Do not apply masks, scrubs, gels, other care products to the hair, do not massage the head for at least 12 hours after the procedure.

Mesotherapy at home

Mesotherapy can be carried out at home, for which you need to purchase a special apparatus and a "cocktail". However, it is dangerous to carry out such a procedure on your own, because it is necessary to master the technique of introducing a “cocktail”, to be able to choose the composition of the drug and its required amount. Also be sure to use painkillers and antiseptics.

An alternative is the use of a mesoscooter, which massages the scalp, activates the activity of the hair follicles, and helps the active components of the substance to be absorbed into the skin.

Before using the roller, the scalp and hair must be thoroughly cleansed with shampoo. Medicine, for example, minoxidil is applied to the scalp, and then rubbed with a mesoscooter with light massage movements. The procedure is carried out 1 time per day at night. After therapy, the roller should be washed with hot water.

Indications and contraindications

Mesotherapy for hair is carried out if the patient has the following problems:

  • Hair loss.
  • Baldness.
  • Hair breakage.
  • Split ends.
  • Dandruff.
  • Hair breakage.
  • Seborrhea.
  • Itching of the scalp.
  • Ringworm.
  • The appearance of gray hair (especially premature).
  • Preparation of the skin for the transplantation procedure.
  • Damage to the hair from ultraviolet radiation, medication, perm, bleaching, dyeing.
  • Thin, weak hair.
  • Hair loss and changes in their structure after childbirth.

There are also a number of circumstances in which it is dangerous to carry out the mesotherapy procedure:

  • Hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to the active components of the "cocktail". Before the procedure, the doctor should conduct an allergen test at least a day before, when a small amount of the drug is injected under the skin and after a while the presence of allergic reactions or other side effects in the patient.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Coagulation disorders and other blood diseases.
  • Decreased level of immunity.
  • Stones in the gallbladder.
  • Inflammatory and infectious processes on the skin (viral, fungal, bacterial).
  • Critical days.
  • Epilepsy and other diseases accompanied by seizures.
  • Taking anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents (for example, aspirin).
  • Diabetes.
  • Fever, high temperature.
  • Infectious diseases.

Possible complications and side effects

Negligence of a doctor, self-medication, failure to test for an allergen, incompetence of a specialist, incorrect selection of the composition of the “cocktail”, violation by the doctor of the technique of the procedure, ignoring the doctor’s recommendations by the patient can lead to side effects and complications:

  • Burns.
  • Hematoma.
  • Rubtsov.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Fainting.
  • Necrosis.
  • infections. If the doctor did not disinfect the skin, the device, used the syringe more than 1 time, then various infections and bacteria could be introduced under the skin of the patient.

Redness of the scalp, soreness when touched, slight bruising is a normal skin reaction after a hair mesotherapy procedure, which will disappear in a few days.

The effect of the procedure

Mesotherapy is effective for all hair types (oily, normal, dry). A full course of procedures allows you to stop hair loss and baldness, supplies hair follicles with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, strengthens hair, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, and eliminates dandruff and seborrhea. Hair becomes strong, strong, thick, accelerates their growth. However, the procedure has no effect on dead and atrophied hair follicles.

The result of mesotherapy is not immediately noticeable, hair follicles and follicles need time to absorb and process everything useful material and micronutrients. The first results are noticeable already 1 month after the course of treatment, and the maximum results appear 6 months after the therapy.


The cost of mesotherapy depends on the type of “cocktail” used and its composition, as well as the area to be treated (the entire scalp, certain areas, for example, the back of the head). The average cost of one procedure for the treatment of the entire scalp is from 1500 to 4000 rubles.

Mesotherapy for hair is a modern way to improve the quality of hair and scalp, which helps the patient get rid of dandruff, seborrhea, itching, baldness, stop hair loss, improve their overall quality and appearance (make thicker, stronger). Despite the positive characteristics, this procedure has a number of contraindications, side effects and complications are possible, so it should be performed only in specialized clinics and medical centers under the supervision of specialists.

Mesotherapy can also be carried out at home, for which it is necessary to purchase special devices, preparations and follow all the rules and techniques. For patients who are panicky afraid of syringes and pain, special non-injection mesotherapy methods have been developed.

Beautiful and lush hair has always been and remains the standard of beauty not only for women, but also for men. When the ends of the hair are split, and the hair becomes dry and brittle, many begin to change care products, make medical masks, resort to folk medicine without first finding out what is causing the problem.

Meanwhile, for normal hair growth, it is necessary, first of all, the health of the hair follicles and the guaranteed supply of all nutrients to them, which successfully performs mesotherapy for hair - a procedure that has earned credibility for its high efficiency. To achieve the goal of having the same chic hair, you need to contact a beautician already at the first signs of a problem.

What is hair mesotherapy?

According to experts, more than 60% of all mesotherapy sessions are for aesthetic cosmetology. The main field of application in cosmetology is this, but the procedure is also successfully used to treat hairline and correct various areas of the body.

What is hair mesotherapy? This is a method in which various substances that enhance hair growth are injected into the skin of the scalp with the help of injections. The advantage of the technique is non-surgical technique, no pain, high degree of efficiency.

Mesotherapy for hair loss is suitable for almost all types (oily, dry, normal) and solves a wide range of problems, but does not have a positive effect on dead follicles and atrophied bulbs.

The purpose of the procedure is:

  • Stop hair loss.
  • Extend the phase of active growth and development.
  • Provide hair follicles with all the necessary nutrition.
  • Restore the lost functions of the skin of the scalp.
  • Strengthen hair and increase its density.
  • Stimulate the blood supply to the hair follicles so that new hair can grow.
  • Normalize the functions of the sebaceous glands of the scalp.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for mesotherapy sessions are:

  • hair loss and varying degrees baldness due to hormonal imbalance.
  • Dryness and increased fragility.
  • Split ends.
  • Seborrhea, the presence of dandruff and itching in the scalp.
  • Hair growth damage caused by ultraviolet radiation, medication, diet, dyeing, perm and bleaching.
  • Patchy baldness (ringworm).
  • Changes in the structure and quantity of hair after childbirth.
  • Premature appearance of gray hair.
  • The period of preparation of the scalp for transplantation.

See also: - beautiful skin without injections

Contraindications to hair mesotherapy:

  • Hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to individual components of the meso-cocktail.
  • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Benign and malignant neoplasms.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • clotting disorder and systemic diseases blood.
  • The presence of stones in the gallbladder.
  • Inflammatory processes of the skin caused by a viral, bacterial, fungal infection.
  • Taking medications that affect the blood coagulation process (anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents).
  • Time of menses.
  • Mental disorders, including epilepsy.

Types of mesotherapy and preparations for hair treatment

Mesotherapy for hair growth is different, and depends on the problem that needs to be solved. As a rule, the composition of the cocktail changes, depending on which mesotherapy can be oxygen, multicomponent, microelement, homeopathic, and so on. Most often, cocktails include substances useful and necessary for hair growth, such as zinc, selenium, copper, magnesium, hyaluronic acid, vitamins (groups B, C, A, E and others), fatty acids, amino acids, enzymes.

They also use agents that have antiandrogenic, antiseborrheic, anti-inflammatory and other types of effects. Preparations for hair mesotherapy are selected by a cosmetologist in each case individually, taking into account the problem and characteristics of the patient.

Video of mesotherapy of the scalp

What effect to expect?

Mesotherapy has many undeniable advantages and obvious advantages, which include high efficiency, as well as a minimum number of complications and painlessness. All age groups are suitable for treatment, the technique is not traumatic and goes well with other medical procedures.

Cocktails for hair mesotherapy, penetrating deep into the layers of the skin, not only help the hair to become healthy and beautiful again, but also have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, cleansing it and improving the functioning of all organs and systems. Dandruff ceases to appear, the process of sebum secretion returns to normal.

After 1-2 sessions, the result is usually invisible, since it takes months, if not years, for the treatment of hair follicles. In order for healthy hair to grow from a diseased bulb, you first need to completely restore it, providing everything necessary for growth and nutrition.

After one course (8-10 sessions), the hair stops falling out, and new ones appear next to the old hairs. The hair itself becomes obedient, soft and shiny. But to get the final result, you may need several courses of 8-10 procedures, which can be carried out during the year.

  • Do not shower or bath after treatment for 8-10 hours.
  • Do not visit the solarium and do not stay under the sun for a long time for 2 days after therapy.

Do not use other care products within 12 hours after the session (masks, massage, etc.). you will find the answer in the link.

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