Teeth cleaning with air flow equipment: what it is, application, what cleaning gives - medsi. Air flow - effective whitening and quick results Hygienic cleaning air flow

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To remove deposits efficiently and with care for teeth, restore pearly shine to a smile and get rid of pigmentation, there is a well-known professional Air Flow technique. Translated from in English this name sounds like “a stream of air.”

Every person drinks tea or coffee every day, eats foods with dyes, many drink sweet soda and take up such bad habits as smoking. All this has a bad effect on tooth enamel. Over time, it becomes covered with plaque and does not look aesthetically pleasing.

However, the issue of beauty is not the main one here - deposits can ruin the appearance of your smile and cause various unpleasant gum diseases. The Air Flow procedure will help you safely maintain the beauty and health of your teeth.

Until recently, dental clinics used mechanical techniques for cleaning dental plaque. This technology harmed sensitive enamel, thinned it, and negatively affected the condition of the gums.

In addition, patients noted the pain of the procedure and its insufficient effect. Therefore, for a long time, mechanical cleaning was considered harmful and useless. However, the modern Air Flow method does not have such disadvantages.

This procedure was invented by Swiss specialists, and it quickly gained popularity in many countries. Millions of people around the world choose this system due to its simplicity and security. The operating principle is a stream consisting of compressed air mixed with abrasive powder and a drug.

Thanks to the pressure created by a jet of air mass, the technology allows you to clean the most inaccessible corners of the oral cavity, soften any deposits and particles of tartar, and also remove plaque and age spots.

Many people confuse Air Flow with whitening and consider the technique to be a variation of it. However, the system only allows you to remove darkening without changing the natural color of the enamel.

Powders used

The abrasive powders used in the Air Flow process are manufactured by the Swiss company EMS and have different tastes and aroma.

In addition, products are produced with neutral content, without additives or fragrances, intended for consumers with allergies or personal intolerance to citrus fruits.

Today, there are 3 types of cleansing mixtures, with different bases: classic, SOFT and PERIO. Let's look at each type in detail.

SOFT powder (soft):

  • Designed for patients with sensitive gums;
  • used for prevention and reuse;
  • has a soft texture;
  • average particle diameter;
  • created on the basis of glycine.

PERIO has its own characteristics:

  • reduced granule size;
  • exceptional softness;
  • The main application is a pocket along the edge of the gum.

And finally classic powder:

  • soda based;
  • average granule size;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • The main purpose is to remove deposits and polish.

All types have different tastes: neutral, tropical, lemon, cherry, blackcurrant, mint and “Tutti-Frutti”.

Indications for use

If your teeth are poorly or poorly cared for, after a certain period of time soft deposits appear, which over time harden and turn into stone.

Consumption of modern drinks leaves plaque on the teeth, which cannot be removed even with the use of special whitening pastes. It can be noted that smokers' teeth darken much faster.

From this it is worth concluding that every person who cares about their health is recommended to carry out preventive dental cleaning with Air Flow in a timely manner. Otherwise, you can subsequently develop complications and spend a lot of money on dental treatment.

In addition, the system is an indispensable way to clean veneers, implants, dentures and crowns. Their owners simply need it.


Just like other methods of teeth cleaning and whitening, the use of the system is not recommended for children and adolescents under 18 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Absolute contraindications include:

  • chronic diseases in the relapse stage;
  • pulpitis, abscesses, gum inflammation;
  • epilepsy;
  • asthma, asthmatic bronchitis;
  • open tuberculosis;
  • HIV infections;
  • hepatitis;
  • uncompensated form of diabetes mellitus;
  • caries;
  • runny nose or acute respiratory diseases;
  • bleeding disorders.


The Air Flow procedure has many advantages over other methods of teeth cleaning and whitening:

  • During the process there is no contact with the device, which eliminates the possibility of damage to the tooth surface;
  • as you know, the main component of the cleaning composition is soda, which eliminates allergic reactions;
  • the mechanism allows you to treat the most inaccessible places, which is ideal for consumers with closely spaced teeth - the effect will still be high;
  • lightening the enamel color to a natural shade;
  • removing stains from coffee, strong tea and cigarettes;
  • the procedure is painless, that is, no painkillers are required;
  • the solution is non-toxic and does not contain aggressive components;
  • does not destroy tooth enamel; on the contrary, it strengthens it due to fluoridation;
  • prevents the development of caries by removing bacteria;
  • has an affordable price;
  • takes little time, requires only one procedure;
  • guarantees a long-lasting effect - up to six months.


The disadvantages of Air Flow include the impossibility of radical whitening of enamel. The technology only lightens teeth to a natural color, however, it does not have the ability to whiten them.

Therefore, for those who want to get a Hollywood smile, this procedure will not be enough, and there will be a need to resort to classic whitening. In addition, if the tartar is too large, it will be extremely difficult to get rid of them using Air Flow and ultrasonic cleaning will most likely be required.

Despite the painlessness and almost absolute safety of the procedure, there is some danger of injury.

This is due to the fact that the plaque is located too tightly to the gums, and because of this, some clients may experience soreness in the gum area for several days after the process, and even bleeding.

The video describes in detail the advantages of the technique and indications for its use.

Structural elements of the device

The mechanism of the Air Flow device includes a tip for air-abrasive treatment of teeth, which is connected to the turbine hose of the dental unit.

The tip ends with a compact spout that can rotate, which provides an overview of the surface being treated. The hose and the tip are combined with a container for cleaning powder.

Each device is equipped with about 40 silicone nozzles of various shapes, a sterilization box and a spare tip.

How does the process work?

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. The client is given a cap and protective glasses are put on his eyes.
  2. A vacuum cleaner is placed under the tongue to remove excess liquid while the dentist is working.
  3. To prevent drying, the patient's lips are lubricated with a Vaseline-based moisturizer.
  4. Next, the dentist tilts the tip of the Air Flow device at an angle of 30 to 60 degrees to the teeth and performs cleaning with rotational movements without touching the surface of the gums.
  5. Air and the cleaning mixture flow through the channels of the mechanism. Inside, the components are mixed and come out already combined, under pressure.
  6. In the process, the dentist adjusts the force of pressure of the solution on the enamel.
  7. After cleaning is completed, the remaining powder and liquid are removed from the mouth with a vacuum cleaner.
  8. The final stage is the application of a special gel containing fluoride.

Air Flow hygienic teeth cleaning is a procedure in which a device sprays a mixture of water, air and soda crystals under pressure onto the teeth. The degree of such pressure is regulated by the dentist. Using this device, various types of deposits are removed not only from the surface of the tooth, but also from the interdental spaces.

This is a safe and painless method of professional cleaning that does not damage the enamel. After using it, teeth become 1-2 shades lighter. For greater patient comfort, a fruit flavor can be added to its aqueous component before applying the product.

When is Air Flow Cleaned?

Air Flow oral cleaning is necessary in situations where you need to clean hard-to-reach areas of the jaws, gums and teeth, as well as before different types medical intervention.

Therefore, removing dental plaque using the Air Flow method is necessary in such cases as:

  • The need to install or remove crowns, implants or braces
  • There are problems with the gums - the first signs of periodontal disease
  • Plaque began to degenerate into tartar
  • It is necessary to properly clean installed implants, braces, etc.
  • Yellowing of enamel due to drinks and other substances (tea, coffee, cigarettes, etc.)
  • The teeth are located very tightly, there is twisting

As a result, it is possible not only to completely clean implants or braces, but also to avoid the development of oral diseases, such as caries, periodontitis, periodontal disease, periostitis, gingivitis and others.

How to clean with the Air Flow system

Since with the help of Air Flow - removal of dental plaque by spraying a water-air-soda mixture under pressure - it is impossible to remove extremely hard particles of old tartar, it is used in combination with other methods of cleaning and polishing teeth. All of them are included in the list of procedures used for professional cleaning by a dentist.

The standard comprehensive procedure goes like this:

  • Before brushing, the patient must brush his teeth
  • At the beginning of the session, the doctor assesses the condition of the patient’s jaw, gums and oral cavity
  • Then he removes hard plaque and stone not only from the teeth, but also from under the gums using an ultrasonic device - a scaler; This part of the procedure may be painful for the patient, so they may be asked to apply local anesthesia
  • The third stage of cleaning is the removal of softened stone, plaque and age spots formed from eating food and drinks using the Air Flow system
  • After this, the doctor must clean the interdental spaces with floss.
  • At the end of the procedure, the surface of the teeth is polished with special brushes, and special fluoride-containing compounds are also applied to them to strengthen the enamel and reduce sensitivity.

After professional cleaning of the patient’s chewing apparatus using the Air Flow system, MEDSI dentists provide recommendations on gum care, from choosing a brush and irrigators to individual selection of toothpaste. Doctors advise repeating the procedure at least 1-2 times a year.

Advantages and disadvantages of Air Flow

Advantages of the method of cleaning teeth using this device:

  • Dentures, braces and other orthodontic structures are completely cleaned, which is impossible to achieve with conventional methods
  • The device allows you to maximally clean hard-to-reach subgingival and supragingival areas from stone and plaque
  • The procedure takes about half an hour
  • Using Air Flow does not cause discomfort or pain
  • The enamel is lightened by 1–2 tones, pigment spots from drinks are removed
  • When polishing, the top layer is saturated with fluorine and other useful substances
  • This cleaning helps remove bad smell from the mouth (if it is not caused by other diseases)
  • The Air Flow device is not able to independently remove old dense tartar
  • Some types of patients cannot undergo this procedure due to contraindications.

Contraindications to the procedure

Hygienic teeth cleaning using Air Flow cannot be carried out in the following cases:

  • The patient suffers from serious illnesses:
  • Disturbances in the structure or structure of dental tissues
    • Malocclusion
    • Increased tooth sensitivity
    • Demineralization zones
  • There are certain types of implants in the patient's body:
    • Pacemaker
    • Titanium implants

) - dentist therapist, orthodontist. Engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of dental anomalies and malocclusion. Also installs braces and plates.

The main cause of tooth decay during life and the appearance of pain, and in rare cases, premature tooth extraction, is poor oral hygiene. The formation of plaque on teeth due to gastritis, smoking, and improper brushing provokes a change in their shade and disruption of the enamel structure. As is known, the most effective treatment– disease prevention, in other words, this means professional teeth cleaning. Timely brushing of teeth makes it possible to prevent and avoid caries treatment.

Hygienic cleaning is carried out by a dentist using cleaning pastes or one of the new treatment methods. It is believed that hygienic cleaning of enamel is a kind of bleaching. But that's not true. Professional cleaning makes it possible to prevent caries and restore the natural color of teeth. Remember that it is with hygienic treatment that treatment of the oral cavity should begin, since the main condition for high-quality treatment (filling, prosthetics, surgery, implantation, orthopedic treatment) is a healthy and thoroughly sanitized oral cavity.

In addition to dental plaque, there are also invisible deposits under the gums, and their existence can lead to periodontitis, loosening and loss of teeth. The presence of these diseases is determined by the doctor during examination.

Teeth whitening using the modern Air Flow method

Currently, there is a strong increase in patient interest in teeth whitening using the new Air Flow method, which improves the health and appearance of teeth.

Such methods of whitening tooth enamel are focused primarily on increasing the brightness of teeth without mechanically changing the structure of the tooth surface. The simplest method of whitening in this sense is professional hygiene, which can remove plaque and dental deposits, as well as ensure thorough cleaning of the spaces between the teeth.

Among a large number various factors affecting the attractiveness and aesthetics of teeth, one of the most important is their color. The return of natural light color due to chemical or mechanical removal of pigmented surface plaque is commonly called bleaching. But it is worth noting that the use of the method of removing plaque using Air-flow water-air-powder technology in reality is not real whitening and serves only as an auxiliary procedure that returns the teeth to their real color. As a result of using professional hygiene Air-flow, the amount of reflected light increases, and this leads to the fact that teeth appear lighter, and no changes occur in the structure of natural enamel and dentin.

Air-Flow, or in other words professional removal of pigmentation and tartar, is recommended for those patients who have a large amount of pigmented plaque accumulated on their teeth. Also, do professional hygiene Doctors recommend the Air-Flow method to people with crowded teeth. A significant role in pigmentation is played by the abuse of coffee, tea, and especially red wine and smoking. Black spots on the enamel can be removed with an Air Flow device, or with a sandblasting device that is configured to treat the surface of the tooth with a powerful stream of air with an abrasive. The main components in this case are: sodium carbonate - soda, which removes pigment. At the same time, there is no damage to the enamel and the patient has a clean, beautiful smile.

  • Removing plaque from tooth enamel and pigmentation.
  • Prevention of periodontal disease.
  • Preparing teeth before home and clinical whitening.
  • Removing pigment after removing braces.

If teeth whitening using the Air Flow method is not enough, another method of whitening is used. One of these methods is clinical professional teeth whitening using the Zoom system.

Remember that in modern dentistry The Air Flow teeth whitening method is an excellent alternative to the outdated mechanical whitening method. Both doctors and patients have already estimated the affordable cost of teeth whitening by this method. Reviews about whitening by the Air Flow method indicate the maximum painlessness of the procedure, as for the reviews about Air Flow teeth whitening from dentists, they are also positive.

Areas of use of Air Flow whitening technology

  • In aesthetic dentistry;
  • In the treatment of caries;
  • The process of the procedure.
  • In orthodontics.


Patients do not require any special preparation before whitening with the Air Flow method. But, in any case, it is better to consult with dentist about possible complications.

The duration of this procedure is one hour. Air Flow whitening technology is suitable for whitening tooth enamel from coffee, cigarettes, tea and many other tooth surface pigments.

Whitening process using air flow technology

The technology for teeth whitening using air flow goes like this:

  1. The patient wears special safety glasses and a cap to prevent dust from getting into his hair or eyes;
  2. In order to protect the lips from drying out, the dentist applies Vaseline to them;
  3. The saliva ejector tube is placed in the mouth under the tongue;
  4. Next, they turn on a special apparatus that supplies a mixture of air, powder and water under pressure. The basis of this powder is sodium bicarbonate. The powder has a pleasant taste;
  5. The dentist brings the nozzle of the device close to the teeth, as a result of which plaque is removed from the surface of the tooth enamel and the tooth becomes naturally white. The enamel is not injured during the procedure.
  6. At the final stage of the procedure, a protective gel is applied, which increases the effect of this cleansing.

Rehabilitation period

Further, after teeth whitening using the Air Flow method, it is recommended to refrain from smoking, drinking coffee, tea and other products that lead to contamination of tooth enamel for a while. Over the past time, the protective film that was destroyed during brushing, the organic film that covered the teeth, is restored.


Despite the fact that the procedure is safe, there are still certain contraindications. This procedure cannot be carried out:

  • Patients with bronchitis and chronic asthma;
  • Patients with poor tolerance to citrus smell and taste;
  • It is not recommended for people who are on a salt-free diet, since the powder contains salt;
  • Patients with periodontal disease.

After teeth whitening using the Air Flow method, complications usually do not occur.

Cost and clinics

The procedure for whitening tooth enamel using this method can be done both in regular dental institutions and in private hospitals. It should be noted that compared to other methods of teeth whitening, Air Flow prices are relatively low. The cost of a standard procedure in an average Moscow clinic including a minimum package of services is around 2,500 rubles. In free clinics this procedure done free of charge once a year (depending on your policy and type of compulsory health insurance).

Cleaning process

The jet gently and carefully affects the surface of tooth enamel, practically without injuring it. What are the benefits of teeth whitening using the Air Flow method? This cleaning of tooth enamel makes the tooth surface more even and smooth, which means harmful microbes will not stick. Further, after cleaning, patients experience no unpleasant odor from the mouth and no bleeding. Whitening is performed at a professional level using advanced equipment and modern materials.

The powder hits the tooth surface under strong pressure and thus removes plaque. The dental assistant brings a special vacuum cleaner to the other side of the tooth being treated. Waste powder, water, and plaque particles are collected by this vacuum cleaner in the mouth without scattering throughout the office.

In a paid clinic, patients are usually offered professional comprehensive teeth cleaning using the Air Flow method:

  • Removing plaque (including from food dyes and smoking).
  • Washing of periodontal gum pockets.
  • Effective removal of subgingival tartar.
  • Polishing the surface of the teeth.

Air Flow Teeth Cleaning Powders come in a variety of delicious flavors.

Benefits of the Air Flow teeth brushing method

  • Using the Airflow method, you can also lighten your teeth without damaging your enamel. Brushing your teeth will also provide an excellent polishing effect.
  • Professional cleaning AirFlow is the least traumatic method of preventing oral cavity and periodontitis.
  • Since the main cleaning material in the Air Flow method is simple soda, the cleaning procedure with this method will never provoke the development of an allergic reaction.

Although the procedure is safe for your health, you should consult your dentist before visiting a hygienist.

Professional cleaning must be done at least once a year, because under the influence of the environment, after a year the varnish will lose its quality, which will lead to the appearance of caries and plaque. To maintain results, we recommend using crest 3d white strips.

Prophy-Mate - device for Air Flow

Prophy-Mate guarantees unsurpassed cleaning and polishing results in the oral cavity. World experts “strongly recommend having Prophy-Mate equipment in every dental office,” say specialists in the production of dental medical equipment from NSK.

The visually attractive rounded shape is the result of NSK's in-depth research into ease of use and ease of operation. The grooves on the top of the tip provide a secure grip for the dentist's hand and simplified control of the tip. Convenient design and pleasant to the touch rounded shape, all this allows specialists to more accurately perform an important procedure related to Airflow oral hygiene - cleaning the dental surface from plaque.

Special dual nozzles direct air into the powder container, thus ensuring a stable flow of powder into the nozzle located in the container. Thanks to the power and continuity of the jet, an exceptional degree of polishing and cleaning is achieved.

The Prophy-Mate professional cleaning device has 2 joints on hinges, making it possible to rotate the head of the mechanism 360° for its mobility. The free rotation of the head is maintained even at maximum air pressure, and the lightweight body reduces hand fatigue.

The front nozzle can be easily removed. It also further simplifies sterilization and oral hygiene.

Remember that good hygiene is the key to your natural beauty and health!

Sources used:

  • Ibsen OAC; Phelan JA (14 April 2014). Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienist. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Watts, A; Addy, M (2001-03-24). “Tooth discolouration and staining: Tooth discolouration and staining: a review of the literature.” British Dental Journal.
  • Newest technologies in aesthetic dentistry / V.N. Chilikin. — M.: MEDpress-inform

More and more people are choosing Air Flow teeth whitening. We will provide a description, photos, prices and reviews in more detail, so that you can figure out whether it is worth using such a procedure and for what purposes.

It has long been known that keeping the oral cavity in a clean state allows you to avoid many problems and diseases with both teeth and periodontal tissues. In addition, the brightening effect also plays a significant role in creating a perfect smile and aesthetic appearance business person.

Description of the procedure

The Air Flow whitening system (you can come across the name Air Flow or Air Flow) is a modern method of cleaning the oral cavity from yellow plaque, tartar and other troubles that provoke various diseases.

The doctor uses a special device with which he acts on the tooth surface with a strong stream of air, water and soda. Thus, with a targeted jet and competent manipulations by the doctor, the oral cavity can be qualitatively cleaned of most of the formations.

Having understood what it is, it is enough to assume that the main function of the procedure is not so much whitening as whitening. Enamel lightening here occurs only as by-effect from removing plaque. And if your teeth were naturally white and light, then after using this system they will return to their original shine.

Advantages and disadvantages

Teeth whitening using the Air Flow method has become popular among the population for a reason. It has significant advantages that contributed to this:

  • Getting rid of plaque also leads to the additional effect of fresh breath. After all, when there are no extra bacteria in the mouth, it becomes clean on its own.
  • An almost painless procedure that does not cause particularly strong discomfort. Only people with can experience discomfort during it, and this can be easily eliminated with the help of a mild pain reliever.
  • The natural composition of the product captivates many. After all, most other whitening methods are based on aggressive chemical effects. Here only water, air and baking soda are used.
  • By the way, the last listed ingredient is so crushed and fine-grained that it will not damage the surface of the enamel in any way, will not scratch it and will not lead to soft tissue injury.
  • Due to the sufficiently strong jet, plaque of any complexity, dental and even plaque, is very well cleaned, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the oral cavity as a whole.
  • After the procedure, there is no enamel sensitivity or gum problems.
  • The intensity of the jet is regulated by the doctor, which makes it possible to completely control the entire process.
  • In addition to plaque, the resulting pigment from coloring products is also removed, which leads to a significant lightening of the enamel by several tones.
  • The duration of the procedure is 30-45 minutes, which is much less than with any other methods.
  • The cost of such cleaning is quite acceptable for most patients and is low compared to other whitening methods.
  • Uniform whitening and cleansing of both natural units and foreign materials (crowns, bridges, veneers, implants, etc.).

There are several disadvantages:

  • Being mostly a cleansing method, this procedure will not give guaranteed whiteness to the enamel if it was not naturally there.
  • Too strong and old tartar may not be affected by the flow and then a more serious one, for example, ultrasonic cleaning, will be required.
  • There are several nuances that make it inaccessible to some groups of people.

Photos before and after

Indications and contraindications

The patient himself may wish to carry out such a cleaning if he wants to maintain healthy teeth and regularly remove excess plaque and other disease-causing formations. Dentists will insist on carrying out such a procedure in the following cases:

  • If you need high-quality cleaning of plaque and tartar throughout the entire row.
  • When it is desirable to remove solid formations not only on the visible part, but also on the subgingival.
  • For the purpose of additional nutrition with fluoride and improvement of enamel.
  • For cleaning braces, dentures and other systems that complicate simple hygienic cleaning of the tooth surface.
  • When preventing problems, etc.
  • For the purpose of disinfecting the oral cavity and eliminating pathogenic bacteria.
  • For the purpose of the highest quality cleaning of teeth in their natural crowding, when conventional cleaning is unable to effectively remove plaque in hard-to-reach places.
  • For further preparation for various complex dental procedures.
  • For inflammation of dental pockets, especially chronic forms.
  • thinned enamel from nature or as a result of careless dental care;
  • its increased sensitivity;
  • extensive carious cavities;
  • kidney diseases;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • salt-free diet for any reason;
  • problems with the respiratory system, especially asthma or chronic bronchitis;
  • allergy to citrus fruits, as a little lemon is added to the product for a refreshing effect.

Before carrying out such a cleansing, you should definitely consult with your doctor and decide whether you can do it, and whether there is any more suitable alternative in your case.

Although the Air Flow method has the fewest contraindications compared to other whitening methods. Therefore, it often acts as just the option when other methods cannot be used.

Preparatory stage

No special preparation is required for professional cleaning using the Air Flow method. All the doctor will do is protect the patient’s body parts from possible ingress of small particles.

Thus, all you need to do is put on a cap, glasses, install a retractor and saliva ejector, and also lubricate your lips with Vaseline so that they do not dry out. There is no need to do anything additional at home before the procedure.

How is teeth whitening performed using the Air Flow system?

Completing the short and simple preparatory stage the doctor installs the device and, by adjusting the air flow, directs it at an angle of 30-60 degrees to the patient’s dentition. Conveniently, there is no direct physical contact with the enamel surface. The tip is kept at some distance from it.

The intensity of the flow, as well as the duration of the procedure, depend on the complexity of the dental formations, the sensitivity of the patient and the volume of the contaminated surface. At the very end, a protective varnish is applied, which will help prevent the rapid formation of fresh plaque and additionally nourish the tooth enamel.

Doctors recommend refraining from eating and drinking, as well as smoking, for the next three hours after the procedure. Because of this, pigment spots may quickly appear on the enamel, which will reduce the effect of manipulation to a minimum. It is also advisable to change now toothbrush clean and new.

It is enough to carry out professional whitening using the Air Flow method once a year, although if there is extensive plaque and tartar formation, it can be done every six months, but not more often. A longer lasting effect cannot be expected, since depending on a person’s life habits, the plaque appears again, sooner or later.

Video: VLOG – AirFlow teeth whitening.


To find out how much such whitening costs, you need to contact the clinic where you are going to order this service. On average, prices in Moscow for Air Flow fluctuate around 2500-3500 rubles per jaw.

Although sometimes the cost is set for one tooth and then the total amount for the procedure is calculated. The following prices are typical for Kyiv - 350-700 hryvnia.

Surely you have heard that you should undergo hygienic cleaning at the dentist 2 times a year. No matter how carefully you take care of your teeth, yellow plaque will still appear over time. It can only be eliminated using professional methods - ultrasound or the Air Flow method.

But which is better: ultrasonic cleaning or Air Flow? Each method is good in its own way. Which procedure should you choose to achieve an ideal result?

How does ultrasonic teeth cleaning work?

The scaler tip produces ultrasonic waves that crush dental plaque into small particles. Then these particles are simply washed off with water. It is very important that ultrasound not only removes tartar on the visible surface of the enamel, but also copes with bacterial deposits in the interdental space and under the gum.

At the end of the session, the tooth surface is polished with nylon pads and abrasive paste.

Typically, no anesthesia is needed. But if you have sensitive enamel or inflamed gums, it is better to use a local anesthetic with lidocaine. The session takes 20-40 minutes depending on the amount and volume of dental plaque.

Pros and cons of ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning occurs without mechanical or chemical effects on the enamel, so the method is considered non-contact and completely safe. Designed to remove hard limestone plaque - tartar, which cannot be removed at home.

This is not only a hygienic, but also an aesthetic procedure. After removing the tartar, the enamel acquires a natural white tint, and the bad breath goes away.

Subgingival calculus is the cause of chronic inflammatory diseases: gingivitis, periodontitis. Therefore, the method of ultrasonic cleaning with a scaler is an excellent prevention.

Benefits of ultrasonic cleaning

  • does not erase or damage enamel;
  • completely cleans hard plaque, including in hard-to-reach places;
  • counteracts pathogenic bacteria;
  • returns teeth to their natural shade.


The ultrasound method is contraindicated for patients suffering from cardiac arrhythmia, asthma, chronic bronchitis, as well as those who have a pacemaker. It is not suitable for cleaning dental implants and dentures, as vibration waves can damage their structure. The first trimester of pregnancy is also a contraindication to ultrasonic teeth cleaning.

Features of the Air Flow procedure

Air Flow is a sandblasting device made in Switzerland for removing soft bacterial plaque on teeth. It is used when dental plaque has not yet had time to harden and turn into stone.

The essence of the procedure

The abrasive mixture is delivered through a thin tip under high pressure. The paste consists of fine powdered sodium bicarbonate (soda), as well as water and air. A powerful jet hits the dental plaque, washing it away from the enamel. At the same time, the surface of the teeth is polished and ground, becoming smooth and shiny.

Air Flow is considered absolutely safe, since the soda crystals are very small and cannot damage teeth. However, if the enamel is too thin, sensitive and weakened, postpone the session until later.

The method is also used to prepare the dental surface before aesthetic and medical procedures: whitening, fluoridation, installation of veneers, braces so that the enamel is perfectly smooth and clean.

Pros and cons of Air Flow abrasive cleaning

Advantages of the method

  • safe, painless procedure;
  • removes yellow and brown stains from wine, coffee, cigarettes, eliminates age spots;
  • prevents further accumulation of plaque and the formation of hard tartar;
  • suitable for cleaning the surfaces of implants, crowns, orthopedic products in the mouth.


  • not suitable for removing tartar;
  • does not clean subgingival deposits;
  • does not have a bactericidal effect on enamel and gums (although it removes bacterial plaque).

Contraindications include illness respiratory system, periodontitis, the presence of multiple carious lesions in the oral cavity, pregnancy.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning and Air Flow: comparative characteristics

Now we can summarize and compare the two methods.


Ultrasonic cleaning

Air Flow procedure


Removing tartar and subgingival deposits. Prevention of caries and gingivitis.

Removing soft pigmented plaque. Preparing the surface before whitening and installing braces.

All patients, but especially those who suffer from bleeding, inflammation of the gums.

Smokers, coffee and tea lovers.


The presence of implants or prostheses in the mouth, respiratory diseases, pregnancy.

Diseases of the respiratory system, depleted enamel, deep caries. Pregnancy.

How often to go

About once every 6 months

As needed - approximately once every 3-6 months

Duration of the procedure

20-40 minutes

20-30 minutes


Painless. There may be slight discomfort in sensitive areas.



Lightens enamel by 1-2 tones. It has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, sterilizes the tooth surface.

Lightens enamel by 1-2 tones. Eliminates "smoker's plaque". Prevents the formation of tartar.


Often, dentists prescribe a comprehensive cleaning of the teeth, which includes both ultrasonic and abrasive treatment. This is true for patients who have not been to the dentist for a long time, have a "neglected" state of the teeth. Therefore, one method is not enough here.

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