What does an orthodontist do? Orthodontists - who are they? Examination of a patient by an orthodontist

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Orthodontics is the oldest branch of dentistry, but its active development she started not long ago. The methods used in this area are becoming more and more effective, and specialists are in maximum demand. Now only 6% of dentists are orthodontists, and the success of treating abnormal dentition depends on them.

What is orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a field of dentistry dedicated to the study, correction and prevention of developmental disorders of the dentition and abnormal bite formation.

Studies have shown that more than 90% of people have deviations in the development of the dental system. More than half of them require mandatory treatment. And this is where orthodontics can help.

Modern methods make it possible not only to successfully solve problems of smile aesthetics, but also of the profile as a whole. Orthodontic treatment can be carried out equally successfully in both childhood and adulthood.

Who is it?

Correction of teeth position, correction of malocclusion and abnormal bite using available methods is the main job of an orthodontist.

The orthodontist analyzes the pathology, diagnoses, selects the most appropriate treatment method, and carries out a number of preventive measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of diseases.

Timely contact with this specialist, will help avoid problems with gums and dental tissue.

In addition to basic knowledge and practice, The orthodontist must have patience, communication skills and psychological skills, since the main point in the work is confidential contact with the patient. A pediatric orthodontist should especially understand this.

Is it difficult to become one?

The work of an orthodontist is very painstaking and hard work. which most often pays quite well. To obtain this qualification, you also need to work hard.

To do this, you need to go through several steps:

  1. Studying at a medical university at the Faculty of Dentistry.
  2. Completion of residency or internship in the specialty “orthodontics”.
  3. Receiving additional training in dental courses.

On average, the main period of study lasts about 8 years.

What diseases does he deal with?

An orthodontist is able not only to prevent the development of abnormal formation of the dentition, but also to correct existing problems. There are many pathologies that are successfully treated by this doctor.

Crooked teeth

You can often see a situation where one crown is slightly rotated and overlaps with the other. Such areas are the favorite territory of bacteria., causing periodontal inflammation and caries.

Conical or awl-shaped teeth

This phenomenon is often observed when crowns are overcrowded. With their shape they resemble an awl, a cone and have a short root.


Characterized by the appearance of areas of deformation on the enamel or complete absence of enamel, which stand out sharply by their color against the general background of the crown.

Enamel dysplasia

The most common cause of dysplasia is a genetic factor. The crowns appear on time, but are brown in color. Subsequently, active abrasion of the enamel occurs, which takes on the appearance of crumpled paper.

Dentin dysplasia

This disease distinguished by grayish color of teeth and rapid destruction of their cutting part. The examination reveals a narrowing of the cervical region, shortened roots and a bulbous shape of the crown.


As a rule, it manifests itself in the anterior region and is characterized by abnormally large incisors. Deviations may exceed standard sizes by 6 mm. Giant forms provoke displacement of adjacent crowns.


Pathology opposite to macrodentia. In this case, the crowns grow small. This entails the appearance of gaps between them, displacement and rotation around their axis.

Merged teeth

The fusion of teeth occurs at the rudiment level, so the erupted crowns have a tight connection in the dentin area.


This pathology characterized by the complete absence of tooth buds. This phenomenon is very rare and often accompanies dysplasia. It is mainly diagnosed during the period of teeth change.


In this case, only a partial absence of permanent primordia may be observed.


The pathology is characterized by the appearance of teeth, exceeding the standard quantity. Localized in the area of ​​the upper incisors.

Impacted teeth

Impacted crowns most often include molars, the development of which is hampered by adjacent crowns or gum tissue. If a problem is not corrected in a timely manner, it can lead to severe pain and curvature of the entire dentition.

Preserved baby teeth

Typically, the presence of milk crowns is observed in the absence of a permanent rudiment or its deep location. This phenomenon rarely causes negative consequences, and therefore treatment is carried out only for certain indications: provoked periodontal inflammation, etc.

Gap between front teeth (diastema)

Diastema appears between the incisors, located in the center most often of the upper row, less often - the lower. Diastema can cause the development of periodontitis, violation of the pronunciation of certain sounds, exposure of the neck of the crown.


Trema is the space formed between the teeth when the jaws close. Depending on the width of the trema, the treatment method is selected. But, as a rule, a bracket system is effective in this case.

Shortening of the dentition

Occurs due to the vestibular inclination of the teeth, macro or microdentia, adentia. Manifested by twisted crowns, which are strongly deployed and have an irregular slope.

Elongation of the dentition

This pathology is provoked by oral tilting of the teeth. She characterized by distant placement of crowns with the formation of diastemas.

Dentoalveolar shortening

Pathology refers to a vertical anomaly, the reason for which lies in the uneven development of different segments of the jaw. It is observed in the area of ​​​​canines and incisors, which are in maximum contact with each other.

Dentoalveolar elongation

The cause of this disease is carious lesions of crowns. In this case, there is a complete disruption of contact between adjacent teeth.

Narrowing of the dentition

When narrowing there is lack of space for the standard number of teeth. This leads to crowding and distortion of the front row.

Expansion of the dentition

When expanding, formation of gaps between the crowns is noted, which can be corrected with appropriate treatment.

High/low position of individual teeth

In some cases, there may be a single enlargement or reduction of some crowns. Basically, the canines have a high position and the incisors have a low position.

Distal bite (prognathic)

The most harmless pathology, manifested by the displacement of the upper row forward, overlapping the lower one.

Mesial bite (medial)

With such a bite crowns protrude forward what is serious cosmetic defect. Often the pathology causes deformation of surrounding tissues.

Open bite

In this case, there is no complete connection when the jaws are closed. The problem often leads to the development of stomach diseases, since full biting of food is impaired.


With a crossbite, the jaw is strongly pushed forward and the crowns partially overlap the lower row.

Deep (traumatic bite)

It is characterized by a vertical overlap of the anterior segment of the teeth by 3 mm. In some cases, the incisors may push against the gum tissue.

Features of treatment for children

Many people believe that going to the dentist during the period of baby teeth is not necessary for anyone. The prevailing opinion that temporary crowns will fall out and problems will be solved on their own is fundamentally wrong. It is at the stage of formation of a temporary bite that the foundations of a permanent one are laid.

If a child has problems with the formation of the dentition, then this period is the best time to receive positive result in a short period of time. It is worth remembering that the older the child, the longer the treatment will take.

One of the main problems during the period of temporary occlusion or its change may be premature tooth loss. It's not uncommon leads to displacement of adjacent crowns, malocclusion and difficulty in the eruption of permanent teeth.

To prevent this from happening, The orthodontist installs a temporary crown or spacer, fixing the required distance for the formation of the dentition.

Orthodontic correction in children allows for the normal development of the entire maxillofacial system, the abnormal development of which often leads to the emergence common diseases.

For this, braces, special removable plates, mouth guards and other means that do not harm the child are used.

In order to conduct a detailed diagnosis, the orthodontist relies on the following factors:

  • type of feeding;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • timing of eruption;
  • the presence of common diseases that provoke dental abnormalities;
  • the presence of solid foods in the child’s diet;
  • baby's habits;
  • sleeping position.

The most suitable age to start treatment with an orthodontist is 3 years. until the temporary dentition begins to influence the formation of the jaw muscles and the growth of teeth.


To treat orthodontic problems, the dentist uses two options: conservative and surgical.

TO surgical method resort only in extreme cases when alternative therapy fails.

The conservative method, on the contrary, is the preferred option and includes two techniques: myotherapy and hardware treatment.


Myotherapy refers to special gymnastics aimed at stimulating the functioning of the jaw muscles. It is most effective in the treatment of childhood pathologies, at an age when installation of corrective structures is not possible. Included in adult therapy as a preventive measure.

Myotherapy includes the following:

  • exercises aimed at working the tongue;
  • tilting the head while chewing;
  • gargling or yawning;
  • massage soft palate and gums with a brush.

Hardware treatment

This method is basic in orthodontics and includes the use of special corrective structures. Treatment in this way can be carried out at any age, but the older the patient, the longer the therapy.

The principle of the technique is that with the help of devices, the load on the jaw is evenly distributed.

To troubleshoot problems use:

  • braces;
  • aligners;
  • records.

In this video, an orthodontist talks about ways to correct a bite.

Any structure is installed in one day, and this procedure takes no more than an hour.


In severe cases of pathology, surgical intervention is resorted to. In this case, several options are possible:

  • removal of interfering teeth;
  • removal of part of the bone tissue;
  • compactosteotomy: cutting the bone in the problem area.

As a rule, this method requires further treatment using conservative techniques.

When should you apply?

Contacting an orthodontist should be done as planned. But if this is not possible, then consultation with a specialist will be mandatory if the following phenomena are detected:

  • pushing teeth forward/backward;
  • the formation of an abnormal arrangement of the jaws in relation to each other;
  • displacement of the crowns to the side or around its axis;
  • the occurrence of gaps or crowding;
  • different crown heights.

Orthodontics is an indispensable branch of dentistry, where the competent work of a doctor returns not only the beauty of the smile, but also the entire face.

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Dentistry includes a large number of different areas and orthodontics is one of the most modern.

There are quite a few specialists in this field and that is why most people are unfamiliar with the concept of “orthodontist” and do not know what this doctor does.

In our article we will talk about who an orthodontist is and what he does.

Who is an orthodontist?

An orthodontist is a dental specialist who specializes in teeth correction and bite correction. Of all dental specialists, only 6% are orthodontists.

Orthodontics originated in the time of Hippocrates. But only many hundreds of years later, around 1850, it began to develop as a separate branch of dentistry.

Its founder is considered to be Norman Kingsley, who was the first to practice extraoral traction to correct dental protrusion.

In Russia, orthodontics became widespread only at the end of the 20th century.

During the Soviet Union, orthodontic treatment was carried out in rare cases and only for medical reasons, and only in recent decades have orthodontic procedures become more common and are also used for aesthetic purposes.

An orthodontist specializes in eliminating anomalies of the dentofacial apparatus. The most common pathologies it treats are:

  • breathing problems;
  • curvature of the dentition;
  • incorrect position of teeth;
  • problems associated with speech and chewing function;
  • unnatural shape of teeth;
  • facial asymmetry.


Before starting treatment and correction, the specialist makes a diagnosis, and also determines the type and time of occurrence of the pathology:

  1. Congenital pathology. This type includes all pathologies associated with the shape of teeth, as well as their complete or partial absence. Such anomalies, as a rule, are formed as a result of a malfunction in the development of the fetus. Regardless of the complexity of this pathology, any qualified orthodontist can correct it.
  2. Hereditary pathologies. This type includes pathologies that are transmitted hereditarily to children from their parents. This is mainly a malocclusion, the presence of supernumerary teeth, trema, etc. Determining the type of such pathologies is a little more difficult and may require additional procedures.
  3. Acquired pathologies. This category includes diseases that began several years after birth. In most cases, they are treated and corrected much faster than congenital and hereditary ones, since they can be detected at an early stage and further development can be prevented in time.

Pediatric orthodontist

Usually, bite correction and teeth alignment are carried out in childhood. Especially common are children who wear or. The fact is that any correction of the dentofacial apparatus in childhood is much easier and faster than in adults.

Trainers for children are selected by a pediatric orthodontist

A pediatric orthodontist will help restore the standard jaw model by moving the teeth with special orthodontic devices. If parents discover signs of any pathology in their child, they should immediately consult a doctor, since treatment of an advanced disease can take many years.

The most common and effective devices for the treatment of orthodontic pathologies are braces.

Field of activity. What does an orthodontist treat?

The main diseases faced by the orthodontist are:

  • Anomalies in jaw size. These are diseases such as: micrognathia, macrognathia, asymmetry. Their main feature is the protrusion of the midface forward, the lower lip tucked under the front teeth, and the exposure of the upper incisors.
  • Incorrect relationship of dental arches. Diseases: deep, distal, cross, mesial and open bite, as well as excess incisal overjet. Typically, the main symptom of this disease is the posterior position of the lower teeth over the upper ones. But the same symptom can be observed with other types of anomalies, and only an experienced specialist will be able to make the correct diagnosis.
  • Anomalies of individual teeth. These are the most common pathologies associated with disturbances in the formation, growth, inclination, number and structure of teeth, as well as problems with teething in newborns and children. school age.
  • Violation of the shape and size of the dental arches. There are two types of such anomalies: forms when the dental arch narrows; and size when it increases or decreases. To treat this type of disease, braces or staples are prescribed.
  • Incorrect position of the jaws in the skull. These are diseases such as: retrognathia, prognathia, jaw tilt and its asymmetry. The main symptom of this anomaly is the unnatural protrusion of the upper jaw in relation to the base of the skull.

Treatment of various pathologies includes the following:

  • visiting a doctor and preliminary consultation;
  • making impressions, taking into account the individual structure of the teeth and jaw;
  • analysis of the upper and lower jaw model;
  • X-ray examination.

Selecting braces is the task of the orthodontist

Correction and treatment of orthodontic diseases consists of two stages:

  1. Elimination of pathology using special orthodontic devices. After diagnosis and a treatment plan, the patient is given braces, mouth guards or plates. During the therapy period, the doctor regularly monitors the correction and makes the necessary adjustments as needed.
  2. Retention – consolidation of the results obtained. To prevent the pathology from reoccurring, a specialist may place retainers on the inside of the teeth or prescribe special mouth guards to be worn.

The most important aspect in the treatment of dentoalveolar anomalies is the choice of orthodontic apparatus. The designs are extremely diverse and differ from each other in impact, appearance and method of fastening.

Of course, the most popular correction device is braces, but in last years Patients are increasingly choosing invisible aligners, which look much better aesthetically.

Methods for correcting anomalies can also vary and depend on the complexity of the diagnosis, and sometimes age. Today there are three correction methods:

  1. Myotherapy. Basically, this method is prescribed to children who, for one reason or another, cannot get braces. Myotherapy cannot be considered a full-fledged method, since to achieve 100% results it requires additional procedures and resources. Myotherapy is a kind of jaw gymnastics, the purpose of which is to put the bite in the correct position, provided that it has not yet formed. In some cases, this method is prescribed to adults when it is necessary to prevent relapse.
  2. Surgical method. Orthodontists rarely resort to this method. One of the cases when it is necessary surgical intervention- This is severe crowding of teeth, as a result of which there is no room in the oral cavity for the growth of others.
  3. Hardware method. It is used at any age and for almost all types of anomalies. However, correction in an adult takes several years longer. This method involves installing special structures on the teeth that correct dental pathologies.

In some cases, when the pathology is advanced or extremely severe, the doctor can use several treatment methods at once.

The orthodontist is also involved in organizing various preparatory activities that are necessary for the correction. He carries out a lot of necessary manipulations, preparing the patient for hardware or surgical intervention.

Indications for visiting an orthodontist

First of all, people with aesthetic disorders should contact this specialist. And also for those who have obvious problems associated with the dental system. In all other cases, the need to visit an orthodontist is determined by the attending dentist.

These include:

  • crowded dentition;
  • breathing problems;
  • crooked position of individual or several teeth;
  • injuries of the facial skeleton and jaw;
  • mesial displacement;
  • impaired speech and chewing function;
  • facial asymmetry.

Dental treatment aimed at correcting the bite using traditional methods and materials - this is what an orthodontist does. In other words, this is still the same dentist, but with a slightly different specialization, within the framework of which the etiology of dental anomalies is studied, their diagnosis, the selection of appropriate treatment measures and the implementation of preventive measures regarding their subsequent occurrence and progression.

Orthodontist: what does this doctor treat?

If we dwell a little more substantively on this issue, then everything can be summarized as follows: an orthodontist treats “crooked teeth” and eliminates the factors that provoke it. In addition, most often this specialist has to deal with the following pathologies:

  • breathing and speech disorders;
  • certain variants of facial shape disturbance;
  • chewing disorder;
  • malocclusion (bite can be deep, open, cross, mesial or distal);
  • incorrect location of individual teeth in the dentition (based on the characteristics of the position of such teeth, their size, structure or shape);
  • incorrect location of the dentition itself or both dentitions (pathologies related to the dentition are caused by expansion or narrowing, shortening or lengthening, which is relevant in a particular case for the dental arches).

Based on the specific period of time of occurrence of the listed forms of anomalies, they can be conditionally divided into the following stages:

  • Anomalies, the development of which began some time after the birth of the child.
  • Congenital anomalies. This includes irregularities in the shape of milk or permanent teeth, partial or complete adentia (a pathology in which there are no teeth in the variant corresponding to the specified characteristics). This also includes clefts of the lower and upper lips.
  • Hereditary anomalies. In particular, these include a supernumerary number of teeth, again, adentia, bite pathologies (distal, deep, mesial), diastema (increased interdental space).

The orthodontist also implements the following measures:

  • providing preparation for orthognathic surgery and for changing facial aesthetics and actual facial features, which is achieved in conjunction with maxillofacial surgeons activities;
  • providing temporary replacement of missing teeth (baby or permanent);
  • correction of the direction of development, size, shape of the jaw (in case of excessive growth or underdevelopment), correction of facial aesthetics and actual facial features, provided within the limits of the dental system;
  • carrying out preliminary activities consisting of preparation for subsequent orthopedic treatment;
  • elimination of problems associated with the deformation of the dentition and the position of the teeth for the further implementation of measures to install a removable or fixed type of prosthesis;
  • creation of an appropriate site for further implantation.

Considering that a beautiful smile is one of the main attributes of appearance, the condition of the teeth plays an important role in it. Moreover, without exaggeration, this attribute can be called the key to success, which concerns both personal and professional goals and achievements. If there are certain variants of dental anomalies, which manifest themselves, as already noted, in the form of malocclusion and uneven teeth, then this, in turn, provokes the development of a number of psychological problems(in most cases), on the basis of which all sorts of complexes develop. Taking this into account, it is only a stretch to talk about success here.

It should be noted that in the conditions of modern orthodontics, there are no barriers that would limit the possibility of visiting the specialist we are considering, and, accordingly, correcting existing problems. Thus, an appointment with an orthodontist is not limited by age or other “selection” criteria for patients.

A good orthodontist in this consideration is, as you can understand, a specialist with the appropriate qualifications and experience. Nevertheless, in the context of modern advances in medicine (and orthodontics in particular), the clinic where the orthodontist sees plays an important role. Accordingly, this criterion includes those opportunities and the level of their implementation in practice that such a clinic is able to provide.

Orthodontist: treatment and its features

The main methods of treatment by an orthodontist come down to two main stages. The first is the stage of active influence, within which the doctor implements those basic methods for this, through which the anomaly could be eliminated. As for the second stage, it consists of a retention effect, ensuring the consolidation of the results that were achieved after the orthodontic devices used at the previous stage of influence were removed.

It should be noted that the professionalism of the specialist we are considering is also based, in addition to the treatment of anomalies of the dentofacial area and skill in it, also on how effectively they ensure that they do not impact the enamel. This kind of damage is achieved due to the possible impact of the orthodontic devices used on it, and this, in turn, causes a number of negative consequences against this background. So, what are these orthodontic appliances?

Depending on the specifics of the therapeutic effect, orthodontic devices may differ according to the following criteria:

  • depending on the principle of the actual impact - this includes combined, functionally guiding, mechanical and functionally operating devices;
  • depending on the area of ​​influence and its method - extraoral, single- or double-jaw devices, as well as combined devices;
  • depending on the current method of fixation - this includes removable devices, non-removable devices and combined devices;
  • depending on the features of the appearance of the structure - mouthguard, block, arc, plate, elastic or frame.

Determining the degree of effectiveness of treatment for children is based on the correctness and regularity of wearing the selected device, and therefore parental control plays an important role in this matter.

A separate point concerns the use of devices such as, for example, braces and, in particular, their visibility. Meanwhile, the use of sapphire braces (and they are suitable, regardless of their type, in general, both for the treatment of adolescents and for the treatment of adults), makes it possible to practically eliminate their visibility on the teeth. In particular, this advantage will be appreciated by representatives of certain professions, due to the characteristics of which a certain publicity is determined.

Children's orthodontist: treatment and measures to replace missing teeth

There is an opinion that treatment of baby teeth is not mandatory, because these teeth will still subsequently change due to the appearance of permanent teeth. Meanwhile, this opinion is erroneous, and therefore such treatment by an appropriate specialist is mandatory, because it is through this that the further dental health of the dentition and its integrity can be ensured. It is also important to note that repeated treatment directed at a specific baby tooth, causes deterioration in the fixation of the filling in the tooth, which is why this tooth is lost before the due time. If necessary, an orthodontic crown can be used to preserve a baby tooth.

In quite frequent cases, small children, and as you know, almost all of them love sweets without exception, do not brush their teeth as well as they should, as a result of which caries gradually develops. Treatment of a child’s teeth, in turn, due to certain circumstances, is not always possible, although, for example, this may be dictated by the child’s fear of such treatment. Parents, one might say, follow this fear, although this position is fundamentally wrong, and this fear should be overcome accordingly. As a result, the carious cavity increases, the walls of the tooth are destroyed, and, ultimately, the diseased tooth can only be removed. Parents mistakenly assume that there is nothing wrong with the absence of baby molars or incisors, for example, because permanent teeth will subsequently grow in their place.

Meanwhile, a rather important point is missed, which concerns the fact that the forced early or premature loss of such teeth causes subsequent changes in the bite, because this causes the displacement of teeth located in close proximity to the affected and subsequently removed milk tooth. Due to this displacement, not only the location of other teeth and the bite changes due to actual changes, but the process of speech formation is also disrupted. The child begins to pronounce sounds not as necessary, but based on a combination of prevailing circumstances ( appearance teeth, speech disorders, etc.), among other things, he develops complexes. The last, no less important factor remains as a factor that completes the picture, and this is a violation of the normal development of the entire dental system. Thus, for the further appearance of already permanent teeth, the child simply will not have enough space, as a result of which their eruption will not occur as it should.

Based on the above features, we add that an important action is to ensure the preservation of such places of early lost teeth. This is why there are non-removable devices, for example, a crown installed on a baby tooth to provide a spacer in the area of ​​the tooth that has undergone such removal. In addition, removable devices in the form of plates with artificial teeth can be used.

In the process of forming a permanent correct bite, a huge role is played by its correction at the stage of the child’s baby teeth. Treatment by an orthodontist in this case is aimed at creating the required conditions due to which teething would occur in a normal manner. Accordingly, the earlier orthodontic treatment is started, the greater success in harmonizing the results regarding the development of the maxillofacial system as a whole can be achieved, and the more effectively the process of bite formation will be ensured in the context of the appearance of permanent teeth. At the stage of the milk bite, as well as the initial mixed bite, in orthodontics, special removable plate devices are used to normalize it.

Meanwhile, despite the benefits of early treatment, achieving ideal results is not always possible. Taking this into account, early dental treatment can only be considered as an auxiliary intervention within the framework of preparatory stage for further treatment, which, in turn, will involve the use of a brace system (this option refers to a non-removable technique). Under such conditions, treatment with braces will not be as painful as in the absence of preliminary exposure to the teeth as part of the treatment option discussed above, and in general, treatment with braces will be much faster. Thus, a good orthodontist will initially suggest following exactly this pattern.

Correction of bite in children

IN early age, again, intervention to correct the bite will eliminate a number of problems, and these include the following options:

  • impaired ability to chew food, which, in turn, negatively affects work digestive system, provoking the development of corresponding diseases associated with it;
  • general damage to the teeth, on the basis of which the body’s resistance to influencing factors is subject to reduction;
  • gradual development of caries due to the inability to ensure proper hygiene oral cavity, and also due to quickly erasing tooth enamel;
  • the formation of tartar on the surface of the teeth, as well as the wrong type of periodontal pockets, which causes subsequent inflammation of the gums and, as a consequence, periodontitis.

A certain division should be made in terms of directions. Thus, a pediatric orthodontist deals with correction only for abnormal development, which is relevant for the process of formation of the chewing-speech system. Orthopedic dentistry, in turn, focuses on the area of ​​influence aimed at eliminating deformations that have arisen due to injury or related diseases of the area in question.

The orthodontist, whose reviews are based on current practice to identify specific causes that provoke the development of malocclusion in children, defines them as follows:

  • artificial feeding;
  • heredity;
  • deviations in terms of teeth eruption or loss in children;
  • certain diseases, the course of which is characterized by damage to the oral cavity;
  • predominantly the child’s diet is limited to soft food rather than hard food;
  • A child's sleep mainly consists of assuming a constant position;
  • the child has certain habits (for example, biting cheeks or lips, thumb sucking, etc.).

Based on the listed factors and comparison with statistical data, there is information that heredity is relevant in 30% of cases of malocclusion.

Ideally, observation of a child by an orthodontist should begin at the age of two years, which is accompanied by the formation of a temporary bite, which is subject to less painful adjustment and with greater ease. Moreover, in such conditions, adequate influence becomes effective until the moment when a given form of occlusion begins to have a corresponding effect on the teeth and, in general, on the functioning of the muscles.

As for the mixed bite (it is observed in a child from the age of 6) and the devices used to normalize it, removable plate devices, functional devices, as well as multifunctional trainers (or elastopositioners) are used here.

Correction of bite in adults: main features

Ideally, as already noted, treatment and “tuning” of the maxillofacial apparatus should begin from childhood. Meanwhile, situations when this time, due to certain circumstances, was missed are not uncommon, so let us dwell on those features that accompany the solution of the issue in this case.

Let's start with the fact that bite correction is allowed at any age, although in adults, as is clear, the corresponding results are achieved with great effort. Basically, there are no fundamental differences in the treatment of adults, in comparison with the treatment of children or adolescents, but there are certain nuances in it.

In some cases, correcting the bite requires the removal of teeth that may interfere with prosthetics. Unfortunately, adequate treatment aimed at correcting the bite is not always completely possible. As a rule, dentoalveolar bite and distal bite are treated; somewhat less commonly, mesial bite can be treated. Basically, treatment is carried out in combination with the patient’s existing pathology; the following options can be distinguished as such:

  • pathological form of crown wear;
  • multiple caries;
  • excessive degree of tooth mobility;
  • edentulous teeth, tooth retention;
  • neuromuscular pathologies;
  • diseases of the mucous membrane and periodontium, etc.

It should be noted that the relevance of the concomitant pathology causes subsequent difficulties in the required treatment, because in parallel it will be necessary to switch to its elimination. The possibility of orthodontic treatment is considered solely on the basis of a carefully conducted examination, after which preparation for dental prosthetics, and, in fact, the prosthetics itself, was carried out.

The dentoalveolar form of distal malocclusion at the age of up to 25 years may involve attempts at treatment by moving the lateral teeth from the upper jaw until they occupy a position in which they will be neutrally related to the lateral lower teeth. Following this, a transition can be made to correcting the position in which the front teeth are located. Sometimes, as already noted, certain teeth are removed, thereby freeing up space to align the rest. Such decisions are made on an individual basis, discussing this prospect with the patient himself.

Surgical correction of malocclusion in adults provides the opportunity to speed up orthodontic treatment itself. This option for correcting the bite mainly consists of compactosteotomy; as part of this procedure, an incision is made into the bone tissue, which is done in the area of ​​​​the teeth required to be moved. This is being done surgical treatment usually two weeks before the start of orthodontic treatment, it helps to speed up the correction of bite in both adolescents and adults.

Regulation of the position of the teeth is ensured by removable structures used to influence the upper jaw, for which various arches, levers and springs are used. In some cases, special permanent rings are installed, their strengthening is ensured through the use of cement. Due to this set of measures, the possibility of their subsequent movement is achieved, for which extraoral and intraoral traction is used.

As for the forecasts for some of the considered treatment options for adults, they are determined based on a variety of various factors, in particular, this is determined by taking into account the characteristics of a specific malocclusion, the presence of concomitant diseases, and individual characteristics that are relevant to the patient and inherent in the dental system. Basically, the most favorable treatment prognosis is determined for the dentoalveolar form of an open bite than, for example, for its gnathic form. In case if functional disorders could not be eliminated during treatment, the possibility of relapse of the disease is possible, according to which it is extremely important to comply with all recommendations from the doctor during treatment and further observation.

Orthodontics covers a wide range of dental services. The competence of this area includes the study, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and teeth. This branch of dentistry also deals with the treatment of impaired and deformed musculoskeletal systems.

Orthodontics in dentistry is a narrower specialized profile, covering only work with the dental system. General orthodontics relates directly to traumatology and is aimed at restoring bone tissue damaged as a result of bruises and fractures.

Teeth in the human body do not have the ability to regenerate, so orthodontics differs significantly from general practice. This branch of medicine studies and improves methods of artificially recreating teeth, thus dealing with their prosthetics.

What mechanisms help straighten teeth?

Orthodontic abnormalities can develop throughout life, causing a person to experience ongoing discomfort. In this case, it is important to understand that their treatment is not a quick procedure. It may drag on for a number of years. There are several specialized mechanisms and devices that correct many irregularities in the bone tissue of the oral cavity. Among them there are 3 main ones:

  • myotherapy;
  • hardware fix;
  • surgical involvement.

The first is used only in childhood. Therapy is based on the development of functions - chewing and facial expression.

The second method is the main one for adults. The load is distributed over the entire jaw using braces.

Reasons for contacting

Basically, orthodontists are pediatric doctors:

  • It is recommended to bring a child to an orthodontist at the age of 2-3 years, with the appearance of the first teeth

    It is recommended to bring a child to an orthodontist at the age of 2-3 years, with the appearance of the first teeth;

  • the second, mandatory, appointment occurs at the age of five, when baby teeth are replaced by permanent ones;

Special reasons to visit a doctor:

  • bad habits of the child;
  • steady mouth breathing;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • irregular shape and direction of growing teeth.

If measures are not taken in a timely manner, the anomaly will develop into a complex form.

In turn, visiting a dentist will allow you to use effective preventive methods and save your child, in the future, from wearing braces for many years.

Classification of orthodontic treatment methods

The most common types of treatment are:

  • Myotherapy. One of the root causes of pathological development of teeth can be considered the inadequate functioning of the facial and masticatory muscles of the face. This therapy is optimally suited as one of the components of a complete treatment for children younger age when the problem is just developing. For adult patients, this gymnastic method is used as part of a preventive complex for relapse of the disease after complete recovery.
  • Hardware therapy. This is the most common method of orthodontic treatment of jaw pathologies. It is used for patients in childhood and adulthood. The only difference is the duration of therapy: the older the patient, the more difficult and longer it takes to eliminate the anomaly. The essence of this method is to correct the bite by properly redistributing the load on the jaw. The main hardware is the braces system. With their help, it is possible to resolve many orthodontic defects without resorting to surgical intervention.

For people who have problems with the appearance of braces, an orthodontist can make them invisible by installing specialized brackets on the back of the teeth.

Removable structures include the following types:

  • Khintz plates are an invention recommended for use in childhood. Helps identify and eliminate uncontrolled finger sucking or lip biting.
  • Trainers are specialized plates made of safe polyurethane. They qualitatively fix the position of the tongue and teeth. The orthodontist uses trainers to correct crossbites.
  • Mouth guards and positioners are retention products that help consolidate the effect after wearing braces. They can be used at any age to consolidate the results after jaw correction.
  • Clasp systems. They form the correct position and expand the dentition in the oral cavity.
  • Crown, arch braces (any configuration). Orthodontic braces correct the bite, change the inclination and position of the teeth, and reduce or expand the jaw row.
  • Retainers are arches that maintain the correct position of the jaw after braces. On average, they need to be worn for 1–2 years, but longer therapy may be required for older patients.

A professional orthodontist deals with severe pathologies in dentistry. His profession is undeservedly underestimated. By correcting external, aesthetic defects and complex disorders of the dentofacial apparatus, it improves the standard of living and comfort of people with congenital or acquired anomalies of jaw development. Thanks to the modern direction of dentistry, people are treated for incorrectly located units, the entire row and the lower jaw.

Orthodontics helps to prevent or cure disease in advance during the formation of baby teeth in children. By visiting an orthodontist, you can forever forget about problems with improper jaw development. Remember, the sooner you contact dentistry, the faster and more effective the treatment will be.

Pediatric orthodontist

The formation of a correct bite occurs at an early age, and it is the responsibility of parents to monitor the growth of teeth and the formation of the child’s dentition.

At the same time, parents make a serious mistake by deciding that baby teeth are not important for the normal development of the child.

Attention! If you discover bite defects, immediately contact a pediatric orthodontist.

Pediatric orthodontist treat malocclusion in children. When a child’s baby teeth fall out, new teeth do not emerge for some time. As a result, voids form in the gum space. New teeth begin to erupt and grow crookedly. At this point, the child may need retainers to realign the tooth space.

The orthodontist monitors the development of the baby’s correct bite and, in case of any deviations from the norm, corrects it. At a later age, your doctor may replace the retainers with braces.

Overall, an expert in the field orthodontics deals with the treatment of such childhood defects as:

  • Impaired chewing function of the baby. This defect in later life can lead to disorders of the digestive system and requires urgent correction.
  • Curvature of the jaw muscles. The defect affects facial expressions and forms a disproportionate smile of the child.
  • The risk of developing caries, which may be associated with inadequate cleaning of teeth when brushing them.
  • Early development of tartar and gum abnormalities.

Start observation with an orthodontist small child required from the age of two years. It is during this time period that children develop and develop their bite and it is very easy to correct it.

The bite changes greatly from the age of 6 years. Many children at this age wear removable plates with elastic positioners.

A visit to the orthodontist, preventive measures and therapy are acceptable for children of any age, starting from the appearance of their first teeth. During the formation of the primary occlusion, the entire dental system of the child is formed. Timely prevention, examination and correction will help avoid severe and lengthy treatment by a doctor in the future.

Early contact is the key to quick and painless treatment without taking pills and medical supplies. If problems and pathologies are identified in a timely manner, children aged 3–5 years are prescribed finger massage of the oral cavity and myogymnastics.

A pediatric orthodontist examines and treats abnormalities of early or late loss of baby teeth in a child. To prevent deformation of the crowns and their displacement, the orthodontist will install splinting spacers. They will not allow the space between the teeth to narrow and will contribute to an even and correct formation permanent dentition.

If you start correcting your bite at an early age, it will help avoid certain problems. The most common of which are the following:

  1. Development of tartar and periodontal pockets of the wrong type. As a result, the gums may become inflamed and periodontitis may form.
  2. The development of caries due to the rapid erosion of tooth enamel or lack of necessary oral care.
  3. General dental damage, which reduces the body's resistance to influencing factors.
  4. A person's ability to chew food decreases. This negatively affects the digestive system as a whole and provokes related diseases.

The child should be taken to the first consultation with an orthodontist at 2.5-3 years of age. At this age, direct treatment has not yet been carried out, but a removable bite has been formed. Using it, a good specialist can determine the presence of possible anomalies or their likely development.

It is important to find out the causes of disorders at a very early age. This is also the responsibility of the orthodontist.

Timely identification of the causes allows you to correct the situation in childhood and avoid long, complex and expensive treatment in the future.

The most common misconception among parents of children of preschool and primary school age is that baby teeth do not need any therapy. In fact, ignoring problems with your first teeth will cause your permanent teeth to become unhealthy as well.

Experts in the field of pediatric orthodontics note that therapy of the same baby tooth can lead to its premature loss. Therefore, doctors, if there is such a risk, recommend the use of special orthodontic crowns.

Correction of bite in children and adults

In adults, the bite is corrected with large bites. Special differences from pediatric treatment no, but there are some nuances. There are situations when it is necessary to remove teeth that have become an obstacle to successful prosthetics in order to correct the bite. It is not always possible to complete adequate treatment.

Basically, distal and dentoalveolar bites are subject to treatment, but mesial bites can be cured in rare cases. Treatment is carried out together with the patient’s existing pathologies. These include:

It should be noted that the relevance of the existing parallel pathology causes difficulties in the necessary therapy, since it will also have to be eliminated. Orthodontic therapy is considered only after an examination.

The dentoalveolar form of change in the distal bite before the age of 25 can be treated by moving the lateral teeth of the upper jaw until they align with the corresponding lower teeth. After this, correction of the position of the front teeth can begin.

It is possible to remove some instances to make room for aligning the rest. But this should only be decided by the patient individually.

For surgical correction in adults, compactosteotomy is performed. During the process, the bone tissue is cut in the area where the movement needs to be made. This intervention is carried out 14 days before the start of orthodontic therapy. Thanks to this procedure, bite correction is accelerated in adolescents and adults.

The dental position is adjusted using filming devices. They act on the upper jaw due to the presence of springs, levers and various arches.

The ideal option is to correct malocclusion, starting with the youngest preschool age. However, when time is lost, due to one reason or another, the issue must be resolved in adulthood.

Orthodontists do not rule out the possibility of correcting the bite at any age, but an adult patient will have to face certain difficulties that could have been avoided with timely treatment. The principles of treatment for children and adults have a common basis, but some differences are still present.

Sometimes a patient has to have one or more teeth removed. Only those teeth that are an obstacle to complete prosthetics are removed.

It is worth being prepared for the fact that it is not always possible to completely correct the bite. Incorrect mesial occlusion is the most difficult to correct, while distal and dentoalveolar occlusions are treated much better.

In addition, in parallel, therapy for other problems that have arisen against the background of malocclusion is required:

    carious formations, most often multiple;

    wear of crowns in a pathological form;

    excessive tooth mobility;

    edentia, retention;

    diseases of the oral mucosa, periodontal disease, etc.;

    neuromuscular problems.

The accompanying problem requires mandatory elimination; its treatment must be carried out before the stage of dental prosthetics. Careful preparation for the prosthetic process and a full preliminary examination are the key to the success of the therapy.

If the patient is under 25 years of age, then it is possible to perform treatment by moving the lateral teeth of the upper jaw until they are correlated with the lateral teeth of the lower jaw. After this, the orthodontist will direct efforts to correct the location of the front teeth.

In this case, it may also be necessary to remove some teeth in order to align others using the free space. The entire treatment process is always discussed with the patient, and all manipulations are carried out only after his consent.

You can speed up the process of correcting your bite if the patient agrees to surgery. The most commonly used is compactosteotomy, which involves cutting bone tissue and moving teeth. This operation is performed half a month before the start of orthodontic therapy. It allows you to achieve rapid results both in adolescence and in adulthood.

You can adjust the position of the dentition using inserted removable structures. For this purpose, they have special springs, arcs and levers. Sometimes patients are fitted with permanent rings, which are secured with special cement. Subsequently, they can be moved using intraoral and extraoral traction.

The prognosis for correcting malocclusion in adults depends on many additional factors. For example, on the severity of concomitant diseases, on the individual characteristics of the patient’s dental system, on the severity of the bite.

The prognosis is worse for the gnathic form of occlusion than for the open dentoalveolar type. If during the therapy it was not possible to eliminate the provoking factor of the malocclusion, then a relapse of the pathology is quite possible.

In this case, strict adherence to all the orthodontist’s recommendations and regular monitoring of the this specialist. .

Diagnosis of orthodontic problems

Like any doctor, a specialist in this field first of all makes a diagnosis of anomalies in which the teeth have an incorrect position. Orthodontist in his arsenal diagnostic methods has permanent ones (which are used in each inspection case) and special ones, which are needed in complex or rare cases.

  1. Panoramic shot. This diagnostic method is necessary not only for these specialized specialists, but also for therapists and surgeons. The image is a very informative method, as it shows the condition of the bone tissue, roots, whether teeth were removed, and whether there are supernumerary ones. Based on this examination, the doctor can confidently prescribe treatment appropriate to the problem.
  2. “Photograph” of the head in lateral projection (TPG). From this x-ray, the orthodontist can see whether a person's problem is within their area of ​​expertise. There are anomalies in the location of teeth that only a dental surgeon can correct. This examination shows where the jaws are and whether the roots and the teeth themselves can be moved.
  3. X-ray of the head from the front. Here doctors look at where and how the movable part of the jaw (lower) is located, and whether the upper part is normal. This is the last mandatory examination, on the basis of which the final decision on treatment and referral of the patient to another specialist is already made.
  4. Computer tomogram. It is not always needed, only in certain situations when you need to plan the movement of teeth. In this case, it is clearly visible which tooth is more superficial; after this diagnosis, the doctor should determine the direction of movement. This is very important, since with any manipulation there is a risk of touching the roots of other teeth. CT is an equally important diagnostic method when examining a patient with an advanced form of periodontitis.

What does an orthodontist treat?

In the minds of patients, an orthodontist is a dentist who treats crooked teeth. Which is true, but that's only part of the orthodontist's job.

All of the above pathologies are also divided into stages:

  • The development of abnormalities that began immediately after the birth of the child.
  • Congenital anomalies. This can be determined by the irregular shape of baby teeth.
  • Hereditary anomalies.

Today, a beautiful smile is considered one of the attributes of an impeccable appearance, so the condition and evenness of teeth plays an important role.

Additionally, this attribute is a key to success, which can influence the achievement of personal and professional goals. It should be noted that the conditions that orthodontics now has do not make it difficult to correct existing problems.

Cases in which you need to contact an orthodontist-dentist

First of all, people with aesthetic disorders should benefit from the treatment of this doctor. And also people who have problems with the dental system should also become orthodontist patients.

Treatment by an orthodontist comes down to two stages. At the first stage, the impact occurs when the doctor must implement all the methods by which the problem will be eliminated. At the second stage, a retention effect occurs, which helps to consolidate the results of the first stage.

The professionalism of a doctor in orthodontics is based not only on the treatment of anomalies, but also on the effectiveness of his methods and the elimination of negative effects on the enamel. Due to old orthodontic appliances, damage may form on the enamel, and this will lead to negative consequences against this background.

It is worth noting that the treatment of children by an orthodontist and its effectiveness depends on the device he uses. There are differences between orthodontic appliances:

  1. Combined, mechanical and functional devices, they depend on the principle of actual action, that is, the first stage of treatment.
  2. Extraoral, single or double jawed, it depends on the method and area of ​​exposure.
  3. Removable and non-removable devices that are designed for fixation.
  4. Burl, arch, elastic, block, plate and frame, they depend on the appearance used to treat the structure.

To determine the effectiveness of treatment, an orthodontist needs to learn about the regularity of using and wearing the device.

Typically, for adults and adolescents who already have permanent teeth, treatment uses a fixed structure, or, in other words, braces. Braces now also come in different varieties: traditional metal and modern self-adjusting. The sooner adults take their children to an orthodontist, the better it will be for their teeth.

The younger the child is, the faster the desired result is achieved. All children, without exception, love sweets, and as a result of this, teeth are damaged by caries. Usually, when a child still has milk teeth, parents do not pay special attention to this, thinking that the milk teeth will fall out, and caries will go away with them.

As a result, the carious cavity increases, the teeth begin to decay and eventually hurt, and, therefore, require removal. It is easier for parents to remove a child’s tooth than to treat it.

But this does not take into account the fact that early loss of teeth, especially molars, is the cause of malocclusion and tooth displacement. As a result of the displacement, the teeth move towards the area where the baby tooth was removed. This can cause not only changes in the bite, but also in speech.

Therefore, it is very important to preserve baby teeth so as not to torment the child later. Usually, to treat a carious baby tooth, it is enough to fill it, only at the early stage of caries. But if it has been removed, then it is best to put a special crown in its place, which will prevent the steel teeth from moving.

Orthodontics advocates that treatment be carried out as early as possible, and only then can the doctor achieve ideal results.

After a plan has been formed, the doctor resorts to one of the following treatment methods:

  • Myotherapy. The method is used for the youngest patients who cannot have braces installed. The essence of this treatment consists of gymnastic exercises for the jaw. Myotherapy has a fundamental goal - to prevent relapse of the disease.
  • Hardware. Suitable for people of any age. The structure of braces and their supporting elements is installed in the mouth for an extended period of time. Adults have to wear such a device 1 to 2 years longer than children. At the same time, the doctor prescribes a schedule for visiting his office quite often. This is necessary in order to monitor the correctness of the bite formation process and to exclude improper fusion of some elements of the oral cavity.
  • Surgical. It is used for excessive crowding of teeth and lack of space for their normal growth and distribution along the jaw. With the help of surgery, the surgeon removes the interfering teeth or part of the bone tissue. The procedure can take a long time, sometimes requiring several operations. The patient is always given sick leave after the procedure is completed. Recovery takes a long period of time, and the patient is not allowed to eat hard food for some period. Sometimes you also have to give up cold and hot dishes.

After surgery, the patient is prescribed a course therapeutic treatment, he takes the pills and gives the necessary injections.

Many people wonder what an orthodontist treats and what the specifics of his activity are. To summarize, we can say that this specialist is engaged in correcting the bite and treating dental crookedness, and also eliminates factors that can provoke this problem. A dental orthodontist is a doctor who treats the following abnormalities:

The orthodontist's main methods of therapy come down to two areas. These include:

  1. Active influence, where a specialist implements ways by which the anomaly can be eliminated.
  2. Retention influence. Consolidating the results achieved at the previous stage.

The doctor’s professionalism is also based on eliminating the impact of orthodontic appliances on tooth enamel, which can negatively affect dental health.

Devices in orthodontics, depending on the direction therapeutic influence, may have the following distinctive criteria:

The degree of effectiveness of children's treatment is based on the regularity and correctness of operation and wearing of such a device. It is for this reason that it is very important that parental supervision be exercised.

The issue of wearing and visibility of braces is discussed separately. Sapphire braces are almost invisible and are suitable for the treatment process of adolescents and adults. These braces systems are especially popular among public figures.

Often in conversations of people without medical education, you can hear that an orthodontist treats “crooked teeth.” In fact, it is precisely this definition that conveys the essence of the doctor’s work; however, in addition, he is engaged in eliminating the factors that provoke the formation of malocclusion.

Pathologies that the orthodontist encounters most often:

    Impaired functioning of the speech apparatus and respiratory system.

    Abnormal development of facial shape.

    Chewing dysfunction.

    Formation of distal, open, deep, cross or mesial bite.

    Violation of the location of some teeth in the oral cavity in the dentition.

    Violation of the location of the entire dentition, or both dentitions in the oral cavity - their expansion, narrowing, lengthening, shortening.

Depending on the time period when the pathology manifested, we can distinguish:

    Congenital disorders: distortion of the shape of primary and permanent teeth, complete or partial adentia, cleft lips (upper and lower).

    Disorders that appeared some time after the birth of the child.

    Hereditary disorders: adentia, malocclusion, increased number of teeth, diastema.

The orthodontist's responsibilities include the following:

    Preparing the patient for orthognathic intervention, for operations aimed at correcting facial aesthetics. The operation itself is performed by maxillofacial surgeons.

    Replaces lost teeth, either primary or permanent.

    Corrects the direction of tooth growth, their size, jaw shape, facial aesthetics and deformed facial features within the dental system.

    Prepares for orthopedic therapy.

    Prepares the dentition for the installation of a prosthesis (removable or fixed).

    Prepares the area in the dentition for the installation of an implant in the future.

A person’s appearance, his success in society, in his personal life, and professionally largely depend on the condition of his teeth. Without healthy teeth, a beautiful smile is impossible. Often people who have problems with their bite and the formation of their dentition experience multiple psychological difficulties, against the background of which complexes develop.

Therefore, if a person suffers from one or another disorder in the formation or development of the jaw, he needs to visit an orthodontist at least for a consultation. Moreover, there are no obstacles in the form of age or other restrictions for this.

Typically, orthodontic therapy is a process consisting of several stages. The first stage is the time of intensive exposure, here the doctor applies all those treatment methods that are necessary to eliminate the problem of a particular patient. The second stage is the time of retention impact. Its main task is to consolidate the already achieved results of therapy.

The skill of a specialist lies not only in drawing up a competent treatment regimen for an existing dental anomaly, but also in the most gentle effect on the enamel. In order to minimize possible risk damage, doctors use modern orthodontic devices in their work.

There are many of them, depending on what therapeutic effect they are able to provide, they are distinguished:

    Combined devices, mechanical, functionally guiding, functionally operating. The classification criterion is the method of therapeutic intervention.

    Extraoral, double-jawed, single-jawed and combined devices. In this case, the area of ​​impact becomes the classification criterion.

    Devices are fixed, removable or combined type. The classification criterion is the method of fixing the equipment.

    Devices are plate, frame, elastic, arc, mouthguard, block. The classification criterion is the appearance of the structure.

There is a saying: “All ages are submissive to love”; when it comes to orthodontic examination and treatment, it is also relevant here. An orthodontist is a specialist who can be consulted by both very young children and older people. This is not surprising, because the latter also want to improve their aesthetic appearance, and in children it is necessary to prevent developmental anomalies.

Correction of various orthodontic diseases makes the face harmonious and eliminates acquired asymmetry.

For orthodontists, a child is both a good and a difficult patient. In a very short period of time you can achieve 100% results. All due to the elasticity and constant growth of bone tissue and the change of teeth. A pediatric orthodontist only corrects various anomalies in the development of the jaw. The consequences of injuries and other defects are removed by other specialists.


Failure to visit a doctor in a timely manner leads to the fact that some defects and disorders of the dentition and jaw can no longer be eliminated without surgical intervention. Surgery is resorted to if the use of orthodontic devices is unable to correct the situation.

Let's briefly talk about the main treatment methods used in orthodontics.


This technique is a specific gymnastics for the facial and masticatory muscles, which allows not only prevention, but also treatment of various anomalies of the dental system.

In the treatment of children, myotherapy is of primary importance, but in many cases it is also included in treatment complexes for adult patients.

Hardware treatment

It is their use that allows us to solve most problems in patients of different ages, including adults with an already formed bite.


Sometimes surgery is also required to treat complex cases. It involves freeing up space in the jaw for the growth and normal development of teeth.

In this case, not only individual teeth are removed, but also areas of the jaw bone tissue that impede normal development.

Orthodontist: reviews

This specialization appeared relatively recently, but already confidently occupies a leading place among the popular medical areas. Many patients who have visited an orthodontist and undergone treatment claim that it is as if they have started living again.

Their stiffness when smiling has naturally gone away, and they feel much more confident and comfortable. Those who have had serious problems with the arrangement of teeth.

You need to contact these doctors as early as possible, then you will have the most beautiful and radiant smile.

As already described above, a pediatric orthodontist is a doctor who specializes in eliminating any anomalies of the dentofacial apparatus in children.

This includes curvatures, bad bites and many other common problems that are best addressed at an early age.

Many people have the misconception that these doctors only cure injuries, such as dislocated jaws, and similar problems.

In fact, it simply corrects multiple defects in the jaw apparatus, which can be either hereditary or acquired. And children’s orthodontists exist in order to correct all these defects in their infancy, so that in the future they do not spoil a person’s life, both physically and psychologically.

The difference between an orthodontist and a dentist

And yet, most people are not able to distinguish between a pediatric orthodontist and a dentist, although in essence, an orthodontist is the same, but more narrowly focused, dentist. And yet, how does it differ from the above specialty?

In fact, everything is quite simple and clear if you look at the range of services that this doctor provides:

  1. Correction of bites in various forms: from simple to serious anomalies.
  2. Operations to eliminate incorrectly positioned teeth, installation of braces, trainers, etc.
  3. Treatment of breathing problems associated with jaw defects.
  4. Installation of corrective brackets.
  5. Cure from speech dysfunctions and disorders of the chewing system.
  6. Filling and correction of the shapes of various teeth.
  7. Plastic surgery to correct asymmetrical facial features.

It is important: By visiting a pediatric orthodontist, you can find out not only what pathologies may threaten your child, but also how to avoid them!

It is not always the case that malocclusion or crooked teeth develop from birth, and it may take a long time before parents notice anything in their child.

The most important thing is that, before making corrections to the dentofacial apparatus, every professional orthodontist will notify you of the causes of dysfunction, make a diagnosis, and also indicate the approximate time of its occurrence.

See overview video about the profession of an orthodontist and the features of orthodontic treatment:

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