Brief speech impairment. Speech development disorder

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Speech impairment in any manifestation causes a certain discomfort for the person possessing it: it is difficult to express one's thoughts, people around do not always adequately respond to obvious defects, and social adaptation is difficult. The first manifestations of this disease occur already in early childhood, over the years they can develop into serious psychological problems. In this group, specialists include several subspecies of pathologies, with different causes and manifestations. One thing unites them: people with such deviations experience difficulties with communication.

Experts share children's and adult pronunciation problems. Most often, in the first case, we are talking about mild stages of the disease, while at a more mature age, violations of the normal functioning of the systems of the human body due to other reasons, proceed in a more severe form. In general, violations are classified into 2 types:

  • organic - due to head injuries, bruises, damage to the organs of articulation (tongue, palate, lips, teeth), disorders of the central nervous system, hearing aid;
  • functional - most often occur under the influence external factors(stress).

Type 1 manifestations are caused by past infections, brain tumors, hemorrhages (strokes), vascular blockages, and birth injuries. Violations in old age develop on the basis of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's, in parallel there are problems with memory, psycho-emotional disorders. Some drugs can cause an individual reaction (decrease in the hearing threshold), which also affects speech disorders.

The factors influencing the development of dysfunction of the speech apparatus include epilepsy and alcoholism, as well as cerebral palsy or infections (meningitis, encephalitis, Lyme disease). Often there are cases of speech disorders in local brain lesions.

Most often, they are direct consequences of severe shock, mental retardation, untreated childhood pathologies, mental conditions (fear, hysteria), exposure to medications (antidepressants, tranquilizers), hereditary predisposition.

Important. Experts note cases of layering of causes of a functional and other nature, provoking the development of violations of the pace, nature of speech. Often, after a detailed examination, such patients are diagnosed with organic damage.

Types of speech disorders

Speech disorders in adults, their causes and types are divided depending on the symptoms, as well as characteristic manifestations. These include: aphasia, alalia, bradylalia, dysarthria, dysarthography, dysgraphia, dyslexia, dyslalia, as well as stuttering and delay speech development.

Aphasia is a speech disorder associated with damage to parts of the brain or nerve connections between them. With the acoustic-gnostic variety, the cortical center of information analysis/synthesis (Wernicke's area) cannot adequately process the incoming data, as well as create impulses in the speech apparatus based on them. Almost always expressed in problems with counting, writing skills, speech. It is determined when diagnosing the brain and blood vessels using MRI methods, as a result comprehensive survey speech therapist, neurologist, ENT.

When the patient suffers from impaired auditory-speech memory - he speaks poorly, carefully choosing words, gets confused and stops. Diagnostic methods are the same as in the previous case. With the development of the disease against the background of age-related changes or traumas, a disorder of previously formed speech skills occurs: the patient, who had spoken normally before, begins to experience difficulties in maintaining a dialogue, compiling simple sentences.

It manifests itself in the fall of speech function, shifts of phonemes (hard-soft, voiced-deaf), violation of correct articulation. It is determined by MRI of the brain, speech therapy examination.

Alalia is expressed in serious problems with verbal communication: from small manifestations to the complete absence of speech. It is associated with damage to the speech center of the cerebral cortex that occurred during fetal development, or at the age of up to 3 years. This disease is characterized by: a delay in normal speech reactions, a meager vocabulary, difficulties in understanding the structure of a word (separation into syllables), errors in the pronunciation of phonemes. The examination is carried out by a speech therapist and a neurologist, they also recommend methods of correction.

The shift in pace, or , can be recognized by the slowing down of a conversation, a delay in writing and reading. Another clear example of the disease is monotonous, weakly modulated pronunciation, fuzzy articulation. The examination is carried out comprehensively, with the involvement of a speech therapist and a psychologist.

With dysarthria, the speech motor functions in the brain analyzer are affected, as well as the control system of the muscles of the articulatory group. At the same time, motor skills, breathing, timbre and voice power suffer. The diagnosis is made on the basis of electrograms and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, speech therapy testing, exercises for oral and written speech.

A disorder of spelling skills in writing that is not associated with awareness of the rules of writing (pronunciation) is called dysorphography. The patient makes specific mistakes that are revealed during dictation and oral communication. Patients with dysgraphia also suffer from partial writing disorders, in whom the mental connections responsible for the processes of control/implementation of written speech are underformed (broken). Dyslexic manifestations are characterized by failures in reading skills, substitutions of phonemes, slow (letter by letter) reading, difficulty in understanding the material read.

When patients retain the normal functioning of the organs of hearing, but they cannot clearly, with the preservation of correct articulation, pronounce sounds. Sometimes damage affects the jaw (malocclusion, tooth structure), which can be detected during a dental examination.

developmental delays speeches first begin to appear in the early stages of human development (up to 3 years inclusive). Manifested in a poor vocabulary (less than expected by age), monotonous, unemotional speech.

- this is a violation of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech with spasmodic, sudden muscle convulsions of the articular apparatus, larynx, in which the patient is interrupted by the cyclic repetition of a certain sound (sometimes a group).

Important. Most disorders can be detected as a result of a comprehensive examination by various specialists, with a brain tomogram (other diagnostic methods). The use of individual methods does not allow us to judge the disease with all confidence, as well as to prescribe an effective treatment.


The concept of speech impairment includes any deviations from normal sound pronunciation, including changes in tempo, fuzzy articulation, movement of phonemes in a word, poor vocabulary, and others. Each disease is characterized by certain symptoms familiar to every specialist. It is difficult, and sometimes almost impossible, to single out universal ones suitable for all varieties.

Therefore, patients with predictable speech problems undergo a comprehensive medical examination, on the basis of which the most complete picture of the disease is formed (and possible methods of correction are determined). It is very important to understand the difference between a violation of expressive speech in children and the same manifestations in adults: they can be based on completely different reasons.

In a child, pronunciation defects develop against the background of past infections or birth injuries, in an adult - after hemorrhages, incorrect drug treatment or regressive processes in the brain. When the patient complains of problems with speech, memory, the therapist sends him for examination.

The neurologist studies the reactions of the nervous system, assesses their adequacy, the otolaryngologist determines the state of the hearing organs, larynx, and identifies probable pathologies. Additional testing by an orthodontist helps to localize problems with the development of bite (in children), the formation of jaws and teeth.

Speech disorders in adults, arising suddenly or developing gradually, may be consequences various diseases. It is necessary to consult a doctor (general practitioner, neurologist, otolaryngologist) as soon as possible for a complete examination. In the case of organic brain damage, external symptoms may be mild, only a detailed study of tomograms, electroencephalograms, MRI, and blood tests will make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment Methods

The choice of therapy largely depends on the specific situation, as well as the age of the patient. For children, a timely correction is more effective than for adults (especially after, against the background of age-related processes in the body). In any case, most patients, after undergoing a course of treatment, will feel much better and will be able to return to normal communication.

A comprehensive examination and consultation with specialists about treatment will help determine the main areas of therapy: classes with a speech therapist, plastic surgery of the maxillary region, physiotherapy or special gymnastics.

Recently, to stabilize the results and increase the effect of treatment, a combination of several methods is used: medication, physiotherapy exercises, psychotherapeutic sessions. To eliminate severe defects, carry out surgical intervention, and after that proceed to active therapy.

Ways to treat speech disorders at home

Therapy can also be carried out at home - there is nothing difficult in speech therapy gymnastics, the methods of which will be shown by the doctor. Both children and adults with speech disorders are characterized by a desire for isolation, isolation. The first step on the path to victory is full communication, making the patient (especially the little one) feel that he is not an outcast, increasing his self-esteem. Less newspapers, TV and multimedia entertainment, more ordinary human conversations.

It is psychologically important, in case of violations in the construction of a sentence with indirect speech, not to scold the speaker, not to make comments to him, but to try to understand, patiently listen to what he is trying to say.


Adult universal preventive measures does not exist, the specificity of speech disorders, often associated with damage to the vessels (sections) of the brain, does not allow in any way to predict the development of speech disorders. In children, the prognosis is more favorable, since there is always a chance, with the help of competent correction, to minimize the impact of defects (sometimes get rid of them by 100%). The social environment plays an important role in this: with whom the child communicates, what language is spoken in the family, whether adults pay enough attention to him, whether he experiences stress or shocks.

Important. Timely access to specialists will help to avoid problems with belated treatment of articulation defects, and increase the chances of a favorable outcome.

Biological factors include the condition of the mother during pregnancy - nutrition, medication, intoxication, heredity - all that can affect the manifestation of speech disorders.

A modern person often spends time in an interactive environment, replacing normal communication with a surrogate one. This negatively affects his speech skills, demeanor, brain activity, cultural level and the formation of personality as a whole. Such trends are especially dangerous in children: from childhood, kids get used to sitting at a computer or TV for many hours, which worsens their eyesight and posture, leads to hypodynamia, weight gain.

Other reasons, for example, a violation of accentological norms in the speech of relatives, should not have a significant impact if the child reads a lot, constantly replenishes his vocabulary and fully communicates with peers.

Good human trait is communication skills. This ability allows you to find a common language with different people. Unfortunately, this opportunity is not always provided in full. There are various speech disorders and the reasons for their occurrence are varied. The lack of verbal communication often leads to problems in social adaptation, professional activity and affects both children and adults.

What is speech therapy and what does it do

Speech therapy is a science that studies speech disorders and their causes. Its name comes from the Greek word "logos", which means "word". This industry, in addition to detection, is responsible for the prevention and elimination of verbal disorders. Speech therapy is classified as a pedagogical science, since it is based on education and specialized training aimed at correcting speech defects. Most often, the help of a speech therapist (specialist in speech disorders) is needed for children. This is due to insufficient training of the organs of speech, namely the lips and tongue.

In addition, some departments of the hospital contain a speech therapist's office in their structure. Most often, it is needed in a neurological, psychiatric and geriatric hospital, where speech disorders are most often observed. Basically, they occur as a complication of any pathology.

Types of speech disorders

There are several classifications of speech disorders depending on the field of activity in which this problem occurs.

Medical differentiation is based on etiological factor that caused this pathology.

  • Primary. It is characterized by speech defects with preserved vision, hearing and intelligence. In this case, there is a violation of both expressive and impressive speech. The causes of primary speech disorders are associated with damage in the prenatal development of the brain centers of Broca and Wernicke. The first is responsible for reproduction, the second for understanding and assimilation of oral speech.
  • Secondary. The defect in oral communication occurs due to violations of the organs of hearing, vision and intellect. Also, the conditions for the appearance of pathology are neurological disorders, severe somatic diseases, underdevelopment or injuries of the maxillofacial apparatus.

Clinical variants of speech disorders

The clinical and pedagogical classification of oral speech disorders is based on psychological and linguistic criteria. These include phonation (external, or pronunciation) and structural-semantic (internal) structure of the utterance.

Violation of phonation design includes a defect in voice formation, sound-producing and tempo-rhythmic organization. These disorders can occur both in combination and separately from each other. There are the following types of violations:

  • Dysphonia is characterized by the absence (aphonia) or impaired voice formation. The conditions for the occurrence of this pathological condition can be organic and functional. Bradilalia is a pathologically slow rate of speech. Occurs as a result of an impaired ability to make sounds or with mental retardation.
  • Tahilalia, or pathologically accelerated speech. With this disorder, the pronunciation speed is 20-30 sounds per second. In addition, speech agrammatism is observed. These are long unreasonable pauses during statements.
  • Stuttering is a tempo-rhythmic verbal defect resulting from convulsions of the organs of articulation. This disorder is manifested by frequent (more than 10%) involuntary stops, pauses or forced repetition of individual sounds and syllables.
  • Dyslalia is a speech disorder that occurs in the normal state of sound, auditory analyzers, innervation of the organs of articulation and perception of information.
  • Rhinolalia is a pathological defect, manifested by a violation of the timbre of the voice and sound pronunciation due to anatomical and physiological disorders.
  • Dysarthria is a violation of the innervation of the speech apparatus, which is manifested by a defect or lack of sound realization of social communication.

Violations of the structural-semantic organization of the utterance can be manifested by alalia. For this pathology, a characteristic motor defect is manifested by poor reproduction, but good understanding of inverted speech. In addition, violations of the internal organization can manifest itself in the form of aphasia. The main difference from alalia is the disorder of already formed speech.

Causes of speech disorders

Autism is one of the reasons for the development of speech disorders (photo:

The appearance of speech disorders should alert the doctor, since this may be the first signal of a serious problem in the body. In addition, this pathology leads to social maladaptation.

There are acquired and congenital speech disorders. The main causes of the defect in the first case are birth trauma and birth defects development. At the same time, analysis of vital and obstetric anamnesis helps in making a diagnosis. Speech disorders in this case are manifested in childhood in the form of alalia, stuttering, dysarthria. In addition, verbal defects in this group of people occur with chromosomal aberrations, genetic diseases and autism.

The causes and types of speech disorders acquired during life are varied and depend on many factors. The consequence of a stroke may be motor or sensory aphasia. The main causes of violations:

  • Post-traumatic. The reason for the occurrence of verbal decommunication is associated with direct damage to a certain area of ​​the brain. Sometimes the appearance of these symptoms is accompanied by other focal brain damage.
  • Neurological. Speech defects in this case are of central and peripheral nervous origin. In this case, autoimmune inflammatory and degenerative processes occur, which lead to disruption of the nerve impulse transmission. Most common causes of this state are: oncological diseases head and spinal cord, stroke (ischemic, hemorrhagic), amyotrophic lateral and multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, as well as infectious diseases of the nervous system (encephalitis, meningitis).
  • Mental. The causes of speech disorders lie both in the pathological effect of the disease itself, and in mental retardation, which complicates it. In the first case, verbal communication can be accelerated, slowed down, interrupted. There are also jumps of thoughts, repetitions of individual phrases. Speech disorders in mental retardation occur due to poor vocabulary, decreased memory and concentration. This complication manifests itself in the form of alalia and aphasia.
  • Peripheral. Innervation and brain regulation in this form is normal. The reason for the occurrence of a speech defect is in violation of the anatomical or functional structure of the vocal apparatus (larynx, tongue, lips, etc.).

Methods for diagnosing speech disorders, correction, prevention

Since birth Special attention should be given to the mental and physical development of the child. Speech communication is a mirror of the central nervous system (CNS), so this criterion should be given special attention. A carefully collected anamnesis of life and childbirth allows you to determine the cause. In addition, it is necessary to determine the exact type of speech disorder that may be characteristic of a particular disease. It is possible to confirm the presence of organic pathology using instrumental research methods, namely:

  • Electroencephalography (EEG). This study determines the change in the bioelectric potentials of the brain. The EEG is sensitive to the slightest structural and functional changes in any part of the cortex, in particular the speech centers. Changes in electrical potentials are recorded in epilepsy, which often leads to verbal decommunication.
  • CT scan(CT). This method is especially significant in the diagnosis of stroke, namely hemorrhagic in which there is a hemorrhage in the brain.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This study is more informative in determining ischemic stroke, and is also indispensable in the diagnosis of oncology.
  • Ultrasonic vessels of the brain, etc. Senile dementia, which is accompanied by speech disorders. In many cases, it is associated with impaired hemodynamics. Ultrasound is a high-quality and safe method for assessing the vessels of the head.

First of all, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of the speech defect. For example, if a patient has aphasia on the background of an ischemic stroke, then first they (patients) need to get rid of ischemia of brain tissues. After normalization of the patient's condition, they proceed to the restoration of speech function. Rehabilitation is carried out at a personal meeting with a speech therapist and continues at home, in everyday life.

Systematic exercises can completely restore the lost ability to speak. However, there are diseases in which it is impossible to restore speech function. For example, schizophrenia is always accompanied by total irreversible dementia, which cannot be corrected. Prevention consists in the prevention of the main causes, as well as in constant mental work.

Causes of speech disorders.

Under cause of speech disordersin speech therapy, they understand the impact on the body of an external or internal harmful factor or their interaction, which determine the specifics of a speech disorder and without which the latter cannot occur.

Thus, there are two groups of reasons leading to speech disorders:internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous).

Internal (endogenous) causes of speech disorders.

Maternal diseases during pregnancy (heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, lung disease, diabetes, other diseases requiring treatment. Infectious diseases: rubella, influenza, scarlet fever, measles, infectious hepatitis, tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, toxoplasmosis, herpes, syphilis, HIV infection).

Injuries sustained by the mother during pregnancy, falls and bruises.

Maternal allergies.

Past blood transfusions.

Toxicosis of pregnancy, regardless of the gestational age.

Immunological incompatibility of the blood of the mother and the child of the mother and fetus (according to the Rh factor, the ABO system and other erythrocyte antigens). Rhesus or group antibodies, penetrating the placenta, cause the breakdown of fetal red blood cells. As a result, a substance toxic to the central nervous system, indirect bilirubin, is released from erythrocytes. Under its influence, the subcortical parts of the brain, the auditory nuclei are affected, which leads to specific disorders of the sound-producing side of speech in combination with hearing impairment.

Diverse obstetric pathology (narrow pelvis, protracted or rapid labor, premature discharge of water, entanglement of the umbilical cord, improper presentation of the fetus, multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, placental insufficiency).

Smoking during pregnancy, drinking alcohol. Currently studied clinical picture various developmental disorders of the fetus and child of alcoholic-embryopathic genesis (origin), combined with speech disorders. The influence of alcohol (even minimal doses: beer, cocktails, weak wine) on the occurrence of various speech defects has been scientifically proven, an alcoholic embryopathic syndrome has been described, including a lag in physical, speech and mental development.

Unfavorable age of the mother for pregnancy (pregnancy before the age of 18 or after 40 years).

Special mental stresses of the mother during pregnancy (family or professional nature; social stresses: economic and material difficulties, integration problems).

Hereditary predisposition, genetic anomalies (Features of the structure of the speech apparatus, for example, improper fit and number of teeth, form of bite, predisposition to defects in the structure of hard and soft palate as well as features of the development of speech areas of the brain and even stuttering. If one of the parents started talking late, the child may have similar problems. Although speech disorders are not always inherited, this possibility cannot be ruled out).

Diseases suffered by a child in the first years of life (infectious viral diseases, neuroinfections, brain injuries and bruises, chronic diseases).

External (exogenous) causes of speech disorders.

For the normal speech development of a child, communication should be meaningful, take place against an emotionally positive background, and encourage a response. It is not enough for him just to hear sounds (radio, TV, tape recorder), he needs, first of all, direct communication with adults on the basis of the leading form of activity characteristic of this age stage. An important stimulus for the development of speech is a change in the form of communication between a child and an adult. So, if there is no replacement of emotional communication, typical for 1 year of life, with subject-effective communication with a 2-3-year-old child, then there is a serious threat of a delay in mental and speech development.

Speech develops by imitation, so some speech disorders (stuttering, blurred pronunciation, impaired speech tempo) may be based on imitation.

Speech disorders can often occur with various mental traumas (fear, anxiety due to separation from loved ones, a long-term traumatic situation in the family). This delays the development of speech, and in some cases, especially in acute mental trauma, causes psychogenic speech disorders in the child: mutism (complete refusal of verbal communication), neurotic stuttering.

Such a social factor as "bilingualism" also has an adverse effect on the developing speech of children. In these cases, the child, who is just beginning to master speech, hears mixed words from different languages, with different features of sound pronunciation and grammatical structure.

Lisping with children, expressed in adjusting adults to children's speech, while reproducing all the irregularities and irregular pronunciation in it. This is also one of the types of adverse social impact.

The speech of a preschooler is not yet perfect and there are several critical periods in the development of speech: in a year, the speech zones of the brain develop intensively; at 3 years old, the baby masters phrasal speech; at the age of 6-7 he enters school and masters writing and reading. During these periods, the load on the central nervous system of the child increases, which creates predisposing conditions for impaired speech development.

Speech disorders often occur in boys, in whom the very appearance of speech is observed at a somewhat later date. This is due to the fact that boys later than girls develop the left hemisphere of the brain, “responsible” for speech function. Compared to girls, they are also late in the formation of interhemispheric interaction, which contributes to better compensation for various kinds of disorders.

Thus, the question of the causes of speech pathology is rather complicated and requires simultaneous consideration of many unfavorable factors in their interaction.


1. Speech therapy./ Ed. Volkova L.S., Shakhovskoy S.N. M., 2002.

2. Fundamentals of the theory and practice of speech therapy. / Ed. Levina R.E. M., 1967

3. Khvattsev M.E. speech therapy. M., 1959.

Speech disorders do not just appear out of nowhere. Each of them has its own specific reason. The classification of speech disorders begins with a search for causes.

The causes of speech disorders are the impact on the body of adverse factors: external and / or internal.

External, or socio-biological, causes of speech impairment:

  • Unfavorable living conditions, lack of positive emotions in the family, pedagogical neglect.
  • Imitation of incorrect speech (repetition after younger brothers and sisters, after peers in kindergarten).
  • Adults distort their own speech (the so-called lisping).
  • Stress.
  • Physical weakness.

The internal causes of speech disorders are as follows:

  • Intrauterine pathologies caused by heredity, infections, maternal diseases during pregnancy, medication and alcohol intake, radiation exposure.
  • Natal and postnatal hazards, namely: birth trauma, oxygen starvation of the fetus, prematurity.

Speech therapy also takes into account such factors as hearing impairment, mental disorders, autism. The classification of speech disorders in science takes into account everything that affects the child's speech, directly or indirectly.

Clinical and pedagogical classification

All types of speech disorders are divided into two areas:

  • Oral speech disorders
  • Writing violations.

Types of speech disorders in oral speech take into account semantics, i.e. child's awareness of phrases and sentences. If understanding is present, but the sound-producing side suffers, then speech disorders are divided into the following types:

  • Alalia is the absence or obvious underdevelopment of speech due to damage to the brain centers of speech.
  • Aphasia is the loss of formed speech activity due to injuries or illnesses (stroke, etc.).

Speech disorders that are detected when writing and reading are called dysgraphia and dyslexia.

  • Dysgraphia is determined both by illegible handwriting and by the nature of non-spelling errors (“not on the rules”), when letters are skipped, words are not added, there is no clear separation of paired consonants, there is no clear concept of softness-hardness of consonants, vowels are mixed even under stress) .
  • Dyslexia is the inability to read freely, without errors, translating a visual letter image into a sound one.

Written speech disorders have degrees of manifestation that range from mild to severe.

Violation of the means of communication

Systemic speech disorders occupy a special place in science. To date, they are alarming with their prevalence. According to preschool teachers, today, among future first graders, every second has a violation.

Psychological and pedagogical classification includes:

  • The general underdevelopment of speech as a violation of all speech aspects (meaning, pronunciation, grammar) requires close attention and, of course, timely prevention.
  • Phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech stands out in separate group, but very often included in the OHP complex, because phonetic disorders affect speech comprehension, and hence competent reading and writing.

According to speech therapists, every second preschooler has speech disorders.

Prevention of speech disorders consists in systematic exercises with children at home and in kindergarten, it depends to a great extent on parents, because not a single exercise can give the desired effect without constant, daily, painstaking training.

What you should pay attention to when examining a child's speech:

  • The ratio of active and passive vocabulary. Passive vocabulary - these are the meanings of words that are recognized by the child, but the words themselves are not pronounced. It is the updating of the dictionary that causes great difficulties.
  • Inaccurate usage lexical meaning words. Speech is poor in words denoting signs, quality. Some verbs can also be difficult (go, vacuum, put on / put on etc.).
  • Difficulties in the selection of single-root words, their formation with the help of suffixes and prefixes.
  • A number of difficulties are caused by a narrow outlook. So the child may simply not know that the turkey is chattering and the dove is cooing. Many professions turn out to be a mystery for children, the names of berries, birds, carpentry tools. Here the role of the family in the overall development of the child is obvious. This deficiency is called vocabulary poverty.
  • The inability to identify the main features of objects leads to the fact that the elk may well become a deer, and the wasp - a bee. The same applies to adjectives. Children with ONR have everything big and small. Tall, long, narrow, thin - all these words require mandatory study in children's speech preschool age.
  • Children with OHP find it difficult to select synonyms and antonyms for many words. The main mistakes are the use of a word with a particle not, words of another part of speech, words that are antonymically close, but not antonyms (frosty - warm).
  • Difficulty using prepositions, especially such as: through, through, between.
  • Agrammatisms in speech in preschool children. These are rather serious violations, since they are corrected with great difficulty, require constant monitoring and additional work (incorrect use of generic, case endings, ignoring alternation, etc.).

Prevention of speech disorders of this type, however, is within the power of parents who need to clarify the meanings of words, immediately correct inaccuracies in the child’s speech, and not ignore them.

Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech

The classification of speech disorders also includes phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment, which interferes with full communication. This type of violation of the means of communication is the most difficult, and one cannot do without the help of a specialist. It is defined by the following three characteristics:

  • No sound.
  • The sound is distorted.
  • The sound has been changed.

The more sounds the child has not formed, the higher the phonemic disorders. It is difficult for a child to understand the sound composition of a word; he does not distinguish between deafness and sonority, hardness and softness. The ability to distinguish between phonemes (phonemic hearing) can be tested with special tasks:

  1. Give the opportunity to listen to the difference between correct and incorrect speech, activating auditory control.
  2. Pronounce a chain of syllables with oppositional phonemes: ba-ba-pa, yes-ta-da.
  3. Learn the control sound in the sequence of sounds.
  4. Select a syllable from a series of syllables (ga, na, pa, ta, ra). The child can pick up the chip after hearing the given sound.
  5. Determine the presence of a given sound in a number of words. The child performs the task by ear without defective pronunciation, raising the chip.

Correctly performed tasks - prevention of speech disorders.

An insufficient level of development of phonemic hearing is also manifested in the child's inability to:

  • guess the sound at the beginning and at the end of a word (more often a syllable is distinguished);
  • select an illustration, in the name of which there is a control sound;
  • compose a word yourself with a given sound in the initial, middle or final position.

The speech of children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment is characterized by a violation of prosodic, speech is unclear, articulation is "compressed". Often these are children with dysarthria, dyslalia and other serious disorders. They are characterized by a low level of attention, distractibility. The game of such children requires constant supervision of an adult, since children are difficult to rebuild from one type of activity to another, difficulties may arise with peers due to statements that are incomprehensible to others, which can make children very worried.

When to sound the alarm

Speech development goes through several stages in preschool childhood, skipping one of them or belated appearance should alert parents. Having heard stories about the late onset of coherent speech among the children of girlfriends or acquaintances (“Ours started talking after 3, now you can’t stop”), mothers miss precious time, because the volume of speech is not equal to its quality. It is worth asking such a talkative child to compose a story from a picture - and immediately the talent to speak disappears somewhere!

But the fact is that the speech task associated with thinking is much more complicated than ordinary everyday conversations.. Therefore, if there are delays in the development of speech, you should contact specialists as soon as possible: a speech therapist and a neurologist. Otherwise, the speech delay will pull thinking down with it.

Stages of speech development of a child

  • 2-3 months The child begins to walk, thus showing a reaction to the world around him.
  • 9-10 months The appearance of babbling. This is extremely important preparatory stage, in which the child learns to pronounce syllables in a certain order and rhythm (mama, baba-ba). It is no coincidence that speech therapists are interested in this stage when they are approached with a particular speech problem.
  • 1 year. First words.
  • 1.5-2 years. Phrasal speech. Rapid speech development. The highest ability to master the language is during this period. There is a prevention of speech disorders.
  • 3 years. The age of the speech explosion. The child's voluminous dictionary allows you to build sentences, even complex ones. Some enjoy memorizing a large number of verses.
  • 5 years. Extended monologue and dialogic speech.
  • 6-7 years old. All sounds of the native language are set. If by the time of schooling the child has defects in sound pronunciation, there is a high probability of dysgraphia.

Disadvantages of pronunciation of speech sounds

  • Rotacism is an incorrect pronunciation of the "r" sound.
  • Lambdacism is a defect in the "l" sound.
  • Sigmatism - whistling and hissing sounds suffer.
  • Yotacism - the sound "j" (letter Y) is not given.
  • Cappacism - guttural or voice "k".
  • Gammacism is a defective sounding of "g".
  • Chitism is the sound "x" that is different from the norm.

Methods for forming the correct pronunciation

  1. Show. Correct pronunciation of a sound with the right articulation sometimes helps to bring the sound back into place.
  2. articulation exercises. This is an important method without which no progress is possible. Most of the exercises are done at home with parents, so this is a daily work. A variety of forms of presentation of material, its availability in both printed and video materials are not particularly difficult for caring moms and dads.
  3. mechanical impact. The use of speech therapy probes, massage is best left to specialists.
  4. Reliance on preserved sounds. To teach a child to pronounce this or that sound correctly, you need to find out what sounds he has preserved. Pushing off from them, you can put the desired sound. So the sound "p" is most often put from "d" or "t" (less often from "g" or "z").
  5. Auditory, visual control is necessary to verify their own actions with the sample.

The more serious the speech disorder, the deeper the brain is affected, the more systemic speech disorders, the earlier it is necessary to start corrective work. The joint work of a speech therapist, a neurologist and parents will definitely have a positive effect. Its degree is directly dependent on the diligence of the whole family.

Speech development disorder means the presence various kinds deviations in the development of speech. Speech disorders can occur different reasons. These are unfavorable external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous) factors, as well as conditions environment. The causes of speech development disorders include: internal pathologies in the development of the fetus, birth injuries and insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain, diseases in the first years of a child’s life, skull injuries, heredity and bad habits of the mother during pregnancy. The variety of speech disorders is explained by the complexity and multi-stage speech mechanisms.

Speech development disorder

Dyslalia this is a defective pronunciation of some sounds. Dysarthria is a violation of pronunciation caused by insufficient work of the nerves that connect the speech apparatus with the central nervous system(that is, insufficient innervation); with dysarthria, the pronunciation of all groups of sounds suffers. Features: "blurred" speech, violation of voice formation, rhythm, intonation and tempo of speech.

Stuttering this is a violation of the pace, rhythm, smoothness of speech caused by muscle spasms of the facial apparatus; occurs at the age of 2 - 2.5 years. Features: forced stops in speech, repetition of individual sounds and syllables, adding extra sounds before individual words (“A”, “I”).

Alalia- this is the complete or partial absence of speech in children (up to 3-5 years); it is due to underdevelopment or damage to the speech areas in the left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex, which occurred in the prenatal or early development of the child. Varieties of Alalia:

  • Motor alalia (the child understands speech, but does not know how to reproduce it);
  • sensory alalia (the child does not understand someone else's speech; there is an automatic repetition of other people's words (instead of answering the question, the baby repeats the question itself)

Mutism This is the cessation of speech development due to mental trauma. Varieties of mutism can be as follows:

    general mutism (the child does not speak at all);

    selective mutism (with his silence, the baby protests against any circumstances or people).

Childhood autism this is a state of mind in which the child completely withdraws into his experiences and is removed from the outside world; at the same time, there are no elementary everyday skills and speech. Features of the disease in general underdevelopment of speech (OHP) - various complex speech disorders in which the formation of all components of the speech system is impaired, i.e. the sound side (phonetics) and the semantic side (lexicon, grammar). OHP is characterized by a violation of pronunciation and discrimination of sounds, a small vocabulary, difficult word formation and inflection, and undeveloped coherent speech.

Aphasia This is a disorder of previously formed speech activity, in which the ability to use one's own speech and / or understand addressed speech is partially or completely lost. Manifestations of aphasia depend on the form of speech impairment; specific speech symptoms of aphasia are speech emboli, paraphasia, perseveration, contamination, logorrhea, alexia, agraphia, acalculia, etc. Patients with aphasia need to be examined for neurological status, mental processes, and speech function. With aphasia, the underlying disease is treated and special rehabilitation training is carried out.

With bradilalia, there is a violation of the rate of speech production, characterized by a slow implementation of the articulatory act. With bradilalia, the rate of internal and external speech, reading, writing; the voice becomes unmodulated, monotonous, articulation becomes fuzzy. A comprehensive medical, psychological and speech therapy examination is required to determine the causes of speech tempo disorders and related disorders. The technique for overcoming bradilalia involves a medical effect, namely:

    drug therapy;


  • speech therapy classes;



Dysarthria is a disorder of the pronunciation organization of speech associated with damage to the central part of the speech-motor analyzer and a violation of the innervation of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. The structure of the defect in dysarthria includes a violation of speech motility, sound pronunciation, speech breathing, voice and the prosodic side of speech; with severe lesions, anarthria occurs. If dysarthria is suspected, neurological diagnostics(EEG, EMG, ENG, MRI of the brain), speech therapy examination of oral and written speech. Corrective work for dysarthria includes:

    therapeutic effect (drug courses, exercise therapy, massage, FTL);

    speech therapy classes;

    articulatory gymnastics, speech therapy massage.


Dyslexia- partial disorder of reading skills caused by insufficient formation (or decay) of mental functions involved in the implementation of the reading process. The main signs of dyslexia are the persistence, typicality and repetition of reading errors (mixing and replacing sounds, letter-by-letter reading, distortion of the syllabic structure of a word, agrammatisms, impaired comprehension of what is read). Diagnosis of dyslexia involves an assessment of the level of formation of oral speech, writing, reading, non-speech functions. To overcome dyslexia, it is necessary to develop the impaired aspects of oral speech (sound pronunciation, phonemic processes, vocabulary, grammatical structure, coherent speech) and non-speech processes....

Delayed speech development- later, in comparison with the age norm, the acquisition of oral speech by children under 3 years of age. The delay in speech development is characterized by qualitative and quantitative underdevelopment of the vocabulary, lack of formation of expressive speech, the child's lack of phrasal speech by 2 years and coherent speech by 3 years. Children with delayed speech development need to consult a pediatric neurologist, pediatric otolaryngologist, speech therapist, psychologist; if necessary, a medical examination. Corrective work with delayed speech development should include psychological, pedagogical and medical assistance ....

Stuttering in children

Stuttering It is characterized by convulsive movements of the articulatory and laryngeal muscles, which occur more often at the beginning of speech (less often in the middle), as a result of which the patient is forced to linger on any sound (group of sounds). These symptoms of stuttering are very similar to clonic and tonic convulsions. With clonic stuttering, repeated formation of words, syllables and sounds is observed. Tonic stuttering does not allow the patient to move from a sound stop to move on to the articulation of another sound. In its development, stuttering goes through 4 phases from rare bouts of intermittent stuttering to a serious personality problem that limits a person's ability to communicate....

Stuttering in children is a disorder of the tempo-rhythmic side of speech, caused by repetitive convulsions in the articulatory, vocal or respiratory section of the speech apparatus. Stuttering in children is characterized by "stuck" on individual sounds, their repeated, involuntary repetition, accompanying movements, speech tricks, logophobia, autonomic reactions. Children with stuttering should be examined by a neurologist, speech therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist. Correction of stuttering in children includes a health-improving complex (compliance with the regimen, massage, hydrotherapy, exercise therapy, physical therapy, psychotherapy) and a system speech therapy classes.

Causes of speech disorders

All the variety of causes that cause a violation of the development of speech can be divided into biological and social. Thus, biological factors that cause speech disorders can act at different periods of ontogeny. At the stage of intrauterine development and childbirth, the most adverse effect on the maturation and subsequent functioning of the child's brain structures is exerted by:

    fetal hypoxia;

    intrauterine infections;

    birth trauma.

Speech disorders in older people are usually associated with vascular lesions of the brain (stroke, rupture of an aneurysm of cerebral vessels), severe head injuries, brain tumors, and neurosurgical interventions.

Socio-psychological factors leading to impaired speech development in children can be expressed in the lack of proper attention to the formation of children's speech on the part of adults; incorrect speech of others; the need for a preschool child to simultaneously master two language systems; excessive stimulation of the child's speech development that does not correspond to age, stress, etc.

The predisposing conditions for the occurrence of speech disorders in children are the so-called critical periods in the development of speech function: 1-2 years, 3 years and 6-7 years. These periods are sensitive for the development of speech: at this time, the most intensive formation of the psychophysiological basis of speech takes place, and the nervous mechanisms of regulation of speech activity are extremely vulnerable. Therefore, any, even seemingly insignificant biological or social factors acting in critical periods, can lead to speech disorders.

Treatment of speech disorders

Professional speech therapist help the child cope with the disease. Speech disorders are most often persistent and, having arisen under the influence of one or another factor, do not disappear on their own, without specially organized speech therapy assistance. They appear in early age and negatively affect the development of the intellectual sphere, behavior and personality as a whole. At the same time, in most cases, speech disorders are reversible, and a targeted and timely correction allows a person to return the joy of communication and prevent the development of secondary mental layers.

Speech therapy assistance to children suffering from speech disorders is provided in the education system and in the healthcare system (speech therapy rooms at polyclinics, dispensaries, hospitals, specialized medical centers). In these institutions, speech therapists provide consultations, a comprehensive diagnostic examination and correction of speech disorders.

The course of speech therapy classes is carried out according to a special program in accordance with the specifics of speech disorders. In the classes for the correction of speech disorders are used:

    speech exercises;

    articulation gymnastics;

    breathing exercises;

    speech therapy massage;


Speech therapy for speech disorders is actively combined with drug therapy, psychotherapy, massage, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, and, if necessary, surgical intervention.

Prevention of speech disorders begins in fact from the moment of the birth of a new life and continues throughout life. It includes taking care of the favorable course of pregnancy, neuropsychic and physical health of pregnant women and children, early detection of risk factors for speech disorders and their elimination. The most important in the prevention of speech disorders in children is speech environment.

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