Presentation on psychology: "Features of external, internal and egocentric speech." Forms and types of speech Presentation on the topic speech

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What is speech? Speech is one of the types of human communicative activity, the use of language means to communicate with other members of the linguistic community. Speech is understood as both the process of speaking (speech activity) and its result (speech works recorded in memory and writing).

Functions of speech Thanks to speech as a means of communication, the individual consciousness of a person, not limited to personal experience, is enriched by the experience of other people, and to a much greater extent than observation and other processes of non-speech, direct cognition carried out through the senses, such as perception, can allow , attention, imagination, memory and thinking.

Types of speech People's speech, depending on various conditions, acquires unique characteristics. Accordingly, they allocate different types speech. First of all, there is a distinction between external and internal speech; there is also egocentric speech.

Oral speech Dialogical speech is a conversation between two or more people speaking alternately. In everyday and ordinary conversation, dialogic speech is not planned. The direction of such a conversation and its results are largely determined by the statements of its participants, their remarks, comments, approval or objection. But sometimes a conversation is organized specifically to clarify a specific issue, then such a conversation is purposeful. Monologue speech assumes that one person speaks, while others only listen. Monologue forms of speech include lectures, reports, and speeches at meetings. A common and characteristic feature of all forms of monologue speech is its pronounced orientation towards the listener. The purpose of this focus is to achieve the necessary impact on listeners, convey knowledge to them, and convince them of something. In this regard, monologue speech is detailed and requires a coherent presentation of thoughts.

Written speech is addressed to an absent reader, who will read what is written only after some time. Often the author does not even know his reader and does not maintain contact with him. The lack of direct contact between the writer and the reader creates certain difficulties in constructing written speech. The writer is deprived of the opportunity to use intonation, facial expressions, and gestures to better express his thoughts. So written language is less expressive than spoken language. In addition, written speech must be especially detailed, understandable and complete, i.e. processed. But written speech has another advantage: unlike oral speech, it allows for lengthy preparation over the verbal expression of thoughts. Written speech, both in the history of society and in the life of an individual, appears later than oral speech and is formed on its basis. Thanks to writing, the achievements of culture, science and art are passed on from generation to generation.

Inner speech is an internal silent speech process. It is inaccessible to the perception of other people and, therefore, cannot be a means of communication. Inner speech is unique. It is very abbreviated, collapsed, almost never exists in the form of complete, expanded sentences. This is explained by the fact that the subject of one’s own thoughts is quite clear to a person and therefore does not require detailed verbal formulations from him; as a rule, one resorts to the help of detailed inner speech in cases where one experiences difficulties in the process of thinking. The difficulties that a person sometimes experiences when trying to explain to another a thought that he himself understands are often explained by the difficulty of transitioning from abbreviated internal speech, understandable to himself, to expanded external speech, understandable to others.

Egocentric speech is a special form of speech, intermediate between internal and external speech, performing mainly an intellectual rather than a communicative function. It becomes more active in children aged 3 to 5 years, and disappears by the age of 6-7 years. Egocentric speech, like internal speech, is characterized by an intellectual function and incomplete awareness. Speech addressed to oneself, regulating and controlling practical activity. As Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky showed, egocentric speech genetically goes back to external (communicative) speech and is a product of its partial interiorization (transition). Thus, egocentric speech is like a transitional stage from external to internal speech.

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Speech is the activity of communication - expression, influence, message - through language, speech is language in action. Speech, both one with language and different from it, is the unity of a certain activity - communication - and a certain content, which designates and, designating, reflects being. More precisely, speech is a form of existence of consciousness (thoughts, feelings, experiences) for another, serving as a means of communication with him, and a form of generalized reflection of reality, or a form of existence of thinking. Rubinshtein S.L. The concept of speech Speech is a form of communication mediated by language that has developed historically in the process of practical activity of people.

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Types of speech external - egocentric - internal oral dialogue monologue written

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External speech External speech is addressed to other people. Through it, a person transmits and perceives thoughts. oral written Verbal communication using written texts. It can be either delayed (letter) or immediate (exchange of notes during a meeting). Written speech differs from oral speech not only in that it uses graphics, but also in grammatical (primarily syntactic) and stylistic respects. Speech directly addressed to someone. It is expressed in sounds and is perceived by other people through hearing. Oral speech is the most ancient in origin. Children also learn oral speech first, and then written speech. Oral speech manifests itself in monologue and dialogic forms.

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Oral speech dialogue monologue Dialogue is speech that is actively supported by the interlocutor and it is “collapsed”, since much is implied in it due to the knowledge and understanding of the situation by the partner. Monologue speech is the speech of one person. He speaks and others listen. This type of speech includes various speeches by one person before an audience: a lecture, a report, a message, a deputy’s speech, an actor’s monologue, etc. A monologue is a speech that is continuous and unsupported by listeners.

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Inner speech Inner speech arises from external speech and is formed on its basis. Like external speech, it is reflexive in its method of origin. The difference is that the efferent part of the internal speech reflexes is inhibited. Inner speech reflexes are functionally modified ordinary speech reflexes (I.M. Sechenov). Inner speech: silent speech about oneself and for oneself, arising in the process of thinking. Inner speech comes from external speech, with its help the processing of images of perception, their awareness and classification in a certain system of concepts occurs. Inner speech encodes images of the real world with signs symbolizing them and acts as a means of thinking. It acts as a planning phase in practical and theoretical activities.

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Types of internal speech 1) internal pronunciation - “speech to oneself”, preserving the structure of external speech, but devoid of phonation, i.e., pronouncing sounds, and is typical for solving mental problems in difficult conditions; 2) internal speech itself, when it acts as a means of thinking, uses specific units (code of images and schemes, subject code, subject meanings) and has a specific structure, different from the structure of external speech; 3) internal programming, i.e. formation and consolidation in specific units of the intention of a speech utterance, the whole text and its meaningful parts. Inner speech is formed from external speech.

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Egocentric speech Egocentric speech is a special form of speech, intermediate between internal and external speech, performing mainly an intellectual rather than a communicative function. It becomes active in children aged 3 to 5 years, and disappears by 6-7 years. Egocentric speech, like internal speech, is characterized by an intellectual function, incomplete awareness, predicativeness and agglutination. Speech addressed to oneself, regulating and controlling practical activity. As L. S. Vygotsky showed, egocentric speech genetically goes back to external (communicative) speech and is a product of its partial interiorization. Thus, egocentric speech is like a transitional stage from external to internal speech.

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Used literature 1. Sidorov P.I., Parnyakov A.V. Clinical psychology: textbook. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2008. - 880 pp.: 2. Psychology. Dictionary / General ed. A.V.Petrovsky, M.G.Yaroshevsky. - M., 1990.

Forms of speech
Speech concept
Types of speech
Oral speech
Written speech

Forms of speech are distinguished depending on
which communication channel is used in the process
communication (vision or hearing)
Speech is a historically established form
of people
certain rules.
The process of speech involves, with one
sides, formation and formulation
thoughts by linguistic (speech) means, and with
on the other hand - the perception of linguistic
structures and their understanding.

Types of speech
External speech
Inner speech

External speech -
addressed to other people.
Through her man
transmits and receives
Inner speech: silent
speech about yourself and for yourself,
comes from the external, with its
with the help of processing
images of perception, their awareness
and classification in a certain
system of concepts.

Oral speech:

Oral speech is primary, it arises from human needs
to say something to another, it serves for direct communication. IN
conditions of oral communication, the listener can guess a lot,
since he usually knows the topic of the conversation, about the unsaid
he can judge words by the intonation, facial expressions, gestures of the speaker,
Finally, he can ask again about the incomprehensible.
If the writer has the opportunity to improve his text,
then the speaker acts spontaneously, without having enough time to
thinking, choosing a form of expression on the fly.

Oral speech
speech of one person)
(conversation between
two persons)
(conversation, conversation
between many

Rule of oral communication

- Do not repeat what is known from a previous phrase or
situations. Question: What time is it? In written text means
only that the person asking it is interested in time, but in different
in situations of oral communication it can be filled with different meanings,
For example,
Isn't it time for you to take your leave? (if addressed
for an overstaying guest),
You are late (if addressed to someone who is late for an important
meeting). In this case, the verbal expression will be supplemented
appropriate intonation and facial expressions.

Written speech
– complex analytical-sietic
activity that involves the generation
grammatical structuring.
Written communication is the ability to combine words into written form to
expressing your thoughts.
The concept of “written speech” includes:
Writing is a symbolic system of speech fixation that allows
transmit information over a distance and consolidate it over time.
Reading – comprehension of what is written, reproduction of the text “about”
yourself” or out loud.


Transmitted by sounds
Transmitted graphically
Originated historically
Originated from oral speech
Addressed directly to
addressed to the absent
to the addressee
Interactive: interlocutor
can affect speech
The interlocutor cannot influence
on the flow of speech
Cannot make changes
Editing possible
Accompanied by non-verbal
Accompanied by graphic
Exists for a long time

Speech is the activity of communication - expression, influence, message - through language, speech is language in action. Speech, both one with language and different from it, is the unity of a certain activity - communication - and a certain content, which designates and, designating, reflects being. More precisely, speech is a form of existence of consciousness (thoughts, feelings, experiences) for another, serving as a means of communication with him, and a form of generalized reflection of reality, or a form of existence of thinking. Rubinshtein S.L. Speech is a form of communication mediated by language that has developed historically in the process of practical activity of people.

External speech is addressed to other people. Through it, a person transmits and perceives thoughts. Verbal communication using written texts. It can be either delayed (letter) or immediate (exchange of notes during a meeting). Written speech differs from oral speech not only in that it uses graphics, but also in grammatical (primarily syntactic) and stylistic respects. Speech directly addressed to someone. It is expressed in sounds and is perceived by other people through hearing. Oral speech is the most ancient in origin. Children also learn speech first orally, later written. Oral speech manifests itself in monologue and dialogic forms.

Dialogue is speech that is actively supported by the interlocutor and it is “collapsed”, since much is implied in it due to the knowledge and understanding of the situation by the partner. Monologue speech is the speech of one person. He speaks and others listen. This type of speech includes various speeches by one person before an audience: a lecture, a report, a message, a deputy’s speech, an actor’s monologue, etc. A monologue is speech that is continuous and unsupported by listeners.

Inner speech arises from external speech and is formed on its basis. Like external speech, it is reflexive in its method of origin. The difference is that the efferent part of the internal speech reflexes is inhibited. Inner speech reflexes are functionally modified ordinary speech reflexes (I.M. Sechenov). Inner speech: silent speech about oneself and for oneself, arising in the process of thinking. Inner speech comes from external speech, with its help the processing of images of perception, their awareness and classification in a certain system of concepts occurs. Inner speech encodes images of the real world with signs symbolizing them and acts as a means of thinking. It acts as a planning phase in practical and theoretical activities.

Egocentric speech is a special form of speech, intermediate between internal and external speech, performing mainly an intellectual rather than a communicative function. It becomes active in children aged 3 to 5 years, and disappears by 6-7 years. Egocentric speech, like internal speech, is characterized by an intellectual function, incomplete awareness, predicativeness and agglutination. Speech addressed to oneself, regulating and controlling practical activity. As L. S. Vygotsky showed, egocentric speech genetically goes back to external (communicative) speech and is a product of its partial interiorization. Thus, egocentric speech is like a transitional stage from external to internal speech.

Used literature 1. Sidorov P.I., Parnyakov A.V. Clinical psychology: textbook. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: GEOTAR-Media, p.: 2. Psychology. Dictionary / General ed. A.V.Petrovsky, M.G.Yaroshevsky. - M., 1990.

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