Suddenly stuffy ear what to do. Stuffed ear, but it does not hurt: what to do? Causes, treatment

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

In our article, we will tell you why ear congestion appears without pain. Causes and treatment are two important topics that we will look at in detail.

Not everyone knows that stuffy ears often manifest themselves in people with diseases of the heart system. This is usually associated with high blood pressure in the human body. But for other reasons, ear congestion may appear without pain. Depending on the severity of the disease, you can cope with it yourself, or you should consult a doctor.


How does ear congestion manifest without pain? As a rule, it appears due to the fact that there is some kind of obstruction in the ear canal. Namely, an object of foreign origin. These include: accumulated sulfur, dirt, grease, sweat deposits. A person may have a feeling that he has just a sulfur plug in his ear. But he cannot get rid of it, and visually it is not visible.

Ear congestion without pain can be if fluid begins to accumulate in the canal. In order to get rid of this, the human body begins to exercise spasms. Thus, he wants to overcome this disease on his own. If ear congestion appears without pain, then removing it is quite simple. You need to turn your head to the side in the direction where the problem is. Namely, if the right ear is blocked, then it is necessary to tilt the head to the right. In the case when the problem is with the left, you should tilt your head to the left. Next, you need to wait a certain time. Usually 10 minutes is enough. During this period, through pressure, congestion should pass. In order to speed up the process, you can use a method such as jumping. They need to be carried out on one leg. The main rule of jumping is not to fall. Therefore, it is better to carry out these movements with the utmost care. It is also not recommended to jump high. Such body movements can cause disruption of normal blood flow in the head. Because of this, pain occurs.

Pressure drops

Why does ear congestion occur without pain? The reasons may be different. Now we will consider them. One of the most common tinnitus problems is in the air while flying. The fact is that when a person is on an airplane, he feels pressure drops.

It will not be possible to completely ensure the absence of congestion. But you can alleviate the condition by inserting earplugs into your ears. Another way is to open your mouth. The opening time is a couple of seconds. This method is considered effective. Each organism has its own individual characteristics. Therefore, one method is suitable for someone, and another for someone else.


What else causes ear congestion without pain? The reasons for this are different.

Another common cause of such an ailment as a blocked ear is the presence of any infections or viruses in the body. This option is considered the most dangerous for human health. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a specialist and provide professional medical care. You should be aware that if there is any infection in the human body, it is contraindicated to carry out such a procedure as washing with special medicines. This is because there is a possibility of the infection spreading deeper into the body. Under no circumstances should this be allowed.

This will cause new foci of its distribution. Thus, the treatment process will become more complicated and more serious harm will be done to the patient. As a rule, human infectious conditions are accompanied by a symptom such as fever. This is due to the spread of infected bacteria. The temperature can rise up to forty degrees.

Other reasons

Below are a few more reasons why ear congestion occurs without pain:

  1. Sulfur, or rather, its accumulation in the ear canal. This may occur due to a malfunction in the nervous system of the human body.
  2. The formation of a large amount of dirt. Here it is clear that the reason for its accumulation is the lack of hygiene for a long time. Or the presence of a person in places with high pollution.
  3. There are also various pathologies that can occur in the ear canal. In this case, pain is absent. One of the factors by which the presence of pathology can be determined is whistling. The patient hears it in his ear.

Ear congestion without pain. Treatment and its features

When the cause of congestion lies in the accumulation of substances such as dirt and sulfur, then the treatment will be to rinse the ear using hydrogen. The recipe for preparing a washing solution is quite simple. Hydrogen peroxide should be taken, its concentration should be 3%. Then you need to add water to it in a ratio of one to one.

Next, you need to carry out the procedure of instillation of the prepared mixture into the ear. After that, you have to wait a certain amount of time. In the ear canal, all accumulations will dissolve in this fluid and exit the ear. In this case, hydrogen peroxide and water mixed together can turn red or brown. You should not worry, as this process is considered the norm.


You should know that congestion in the ear can be removed through the nose. These organs are interconnected. Therefore, rinsing the nose will ensure that the ear canals are cleared. For this procedure, you should purchase a Neti pot. You can do this in almost every pharmacy. If there is a fear of the procedure, then you should know that it is quite simple, and there is no reason to worry about anything.

The solution for washing can be prepared independently. The ratio of water and hydrogen peroxide in equal amounts is suitable. Or you can salt the water and use it for washing. After this procedure, capillary vessels are compressed. And this helps to relieve swelling in these organs.

There are ways to get rid of nasal congestion on your own. You can use drugs such as antispasmodics. Avoid ear candles. In general, when using them, you must clearly follow the instructions for their input. There is a risk that the ear canal may be damaged. Therefore, before using them, you should think about the confidence in the correct application without violating the input technology. If in doubt, it is better to refuse to use them.

Also helps to get rid of congestion medical preparations which act to constrict the blood vessels. You can chew gum to clear your ear canal more quickly. You can do this for about a quarter of an hour. It also helps to get rid of such an ailment by eating and yawning.

Ear canal cleaning

In the case when there is an infection in the human ear, it is necessary to carry out a procedure for cleaning the deep canal systems. It is problematic to carry out this process on your own at home. The patient should contact medical institution in order for the doctor to make an examination and clean the deep channels. After the procedure is done, the patient is prescribed ointments and solutions, which include an antibiotic. These drugs should ensure the process of recovery of a person. In the case when the infection has spread to other organs, the patient needs to start taking broad-spectrum antibiotics in the form of tablets or injections. When the infection spreads to other organs, a person develops dizziness, nausea. He also has visual impairment.


There are a number of pathologies when congestion is observed:

  1. Rhinitis.
  2. Inflammation in the ear canal.
  3. Defects in the nasal septum.
  4. A disease such as sinusitis.

Sometimes ear congestion appears without pain after a cold, and this also occurs with tonsillitis.

With such complications, the underlying disease should be treated. After it has been cured, the congestion will go away from the ear. In the treatment of the above diseases, the patient is recommended to put a cotton ball in the ear. This will protect the opening from any infections entering it. Also, such a ball will protect the ear from the cold.

There are cases when noise in the ear and congestion without pain occurs due to damage to the mucous membrane. With this option, fluid accumulates in the ear, which has an astringent effect. In this case, treatment should be carried out in a hospital through a catheter. The doctor introduces a special solution that contains enzymes necessary to remove the accumulated fluid in the ear opening. After that, the tube, which is called the Eustachian, is already being purged. Usually, several procedures are enough to restore normal human auditory activity.

Is it possible to get rid of ear congestion on my own?

What to do if ear congestion occurs without pain after a cold? Can I treat myself or do I need to see a doctor?

If a person does not have any severe symptoms, for example, the temperature or the leakage of any liquid from the ear opening, then you can get rid of congestion yourself. Effective way is heated by an infrared lamp. If it is possible to purchase it, then this method of treatment will be quite effective. A heating pad is considered an alternative replacement for a lamp. In order to use it, you need to fill it with warm water. Then add to it sea ​​salt and warm up your ear. Salt is needed so that the water cools more slowly. Salt heaters are available for sale. They are pretty easy to use. When kneaded, they become warm.


Now you know why ear congestion occurs without pain. Causes and treatment are two important topics that we also examined in detail in the article. We hope this information was helpful. In general, remember that the causes of ear congestion without pain with noise can be different, so the treatment is selected individually. It is better to contact a qualified specialist with this question.

The congestion of one or both ears can happen quite abruptly and unexpectedly, thereby frightening the person and causing the latter to panic. It is important to understand when this symptom is really threatening and requires active immediate action on the part of the patient and his environment, and when this manifestation should not be perceived as an ongoing disaster.

Isolated symptom: congestion in one ear

Most often, the patient lays one ear. As a rule, it seems to a person that congestion has come on abruptly, although most often he simply did not immediately identify this condition in himself. The moment of ear congestion in such cases, the patient equates to the moment of detection of the latter.

Why can lay the ear

The most common reasons for which lays the ear are presented in the following list:

What are the symptoms of ear congestion?

If the patient has only one sensation of congestion in one ear, which is not accompanied by pain in the ears or head, no noise effects, or other symptoms, then the following causes of congestion will most likely have to be differentiated:

1) Sulfur plug

2) Getting into the ear canal of a foreign body (in the case of an insect, the patient often feels the movement of the latter, stirring and anxiety)

3) Water ingress

4) Pressure drops (also in this case, there may be a slight pain in the ear)

As a rule, in order to deal with the cause of the manifested symptom, it is enough to ask the patient about the circumstances under which the ear became blocked.

Head and ear pain, as a rule, accompany laying in inflammatory processes, such as

3) Eustachians

In the last three cases, the patient usually needs special medical treatment along with mechanical removal of the cause of congestion.

There are many health problems in a person's life. So, ear inflammation occurs more often than usual due to weak immune system, lack of hygiene or safety violations. In addition, the functions of the human hearing organ may be impaired due to colds or viral infections. If at the same time the right ear is blocked or both become inflamed at once, it is necessary to seek help from medical professionals, since an inflammatory process is likely to form in the ear.

The reasons why laying the right ear can be covered in many reasons. It is important to understand that treatment without diagnosing and identifying the root causes of the disease is impossible. Therefore, seek help from doctors and undergo the necessary examinations.

Everyone has had stuffy ears throughout their lives. We remember what kind of discomfort this symptom can cause, therefore, with the frequent appearance of a feeling of congestion, it is important to examine the entire body. Only in this way will you be able to establish the cause of the inflammation and be able to begin the therapy of the cure.

It is impossible to ignore these processes, since the symptom of hearing loss only signals to a person about the beginning of some kind of negative process in the ear organ, which can provoke serious inflammatory diseases.

The cause of congestion lies in the disruption of the auditory tube.

This usually happens in connection with ingestion of viruses and harmful bacteria into the Eustachian tube. It is for this reason that the functioning of the tube is disrupted.

If congestion arose once, and did not cause discomfort, there is nothing to be afraid of, but drug treatment in this case is not required.

In addition to dysfunction of the auditory tube, there may be congestion due to changes in ambient pressure. You may have experienced this symptom when you change altitude abruptly or dive for long distances underwater, or climb mountainous terrain.

Another reason for congestion- education . Sulfur is secreted in the human body daily, and about twenty milligrams of sulfuric secretion is formed per month. In case of violation of the maintenance of cleanliness or in connection with the violation of safety when cleaning the ear, wax accumulates in the ear organ.

At the same time, patients complain of loss of sharpness and the appearance of a feeling of congestion. At this time, it is necessary to rinse the ear with salt water or drip sulfur-dissolving medicines.

Check the absence of fluid in the passage, as blockage may be caused by penetration moisture in the ear canal. Especially often this symptom occurs in the warm season, when the bathing season was opened, as well as in the process of taking water procedures in the shower. If water gets into the ear, get it out as soon as possible. Keep in mind that when it stagnates, numerous viruses and bacteria are formed that cause illness.

Another common sign of a feeling of stuffiness in the right ear is runny nose.

Most often, ear congestion with various secretions appears in younger people.

Babies often do not blow their nose, but draw the mucus back in. At this time, it enters the passages and clogs the ducts.

Due to the direct connection of this tube to the middle ear, there is a blockage of the mucous membranes and a feeling of congestion. In addition, these secretions are considered an ideal breeding ground for microbes. Therefore, if a runny nose is not treated, the patient develops a complication and otitis media appears.

Insert them into the ear where the cork was located, after warming the jar to 37 degrees Celsius. The dosage is individual, but usually about five drops of the product are enough.

Drops, getting into the ear canal, begin to dissolve the sulfur and actively separate the deposits from the skin. After fifteen minutes, rinse the outer ear with not hot water and wipe it with a cloth or napkin.

If the sulfur is old and solid structure , rinse your ears with specialized mixtures.

Put 5 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into the affected ear. Then put cotton in your ear for 15-20 minutes.

Thus, you will soften the deposition of sulfur and contribute to the easy removal of the cork. After fifteen minutes, the ear is ready for washing.

Now you need to fill the syringe with a flushing agent, remove the needle and insert it into the ear canal so that the base of the syringe touches the back wall. Introduce the remedy into the ears with gentle movements, but make sure that there is a fairly strong pressure. Usually after fifteen minutes of washing the sulfur is completely eliminated.

After this procedure, the patient may experience dizziness and nausea, but these symptoms quickly pass.

If you are afraid of breaking the integrity eardrum,entrust washing to the otolaryngologist.

It is also necessary to consult an ear doctor if a foreign part gets into the ear. Do not pull out other people's items being unsure of your actions. In this way, you can push the element further down the ear canal and break the integrity of the middle ear.

Consultation with an otolaryngologist is necessary when otitis media develops. In this case, the course of treatment is prescribed in accordance with the type of inflammation. Usually, patients are prescribed the following medications:

  1. If the inflammation is accompanied by severe symptoms, such as severe dizziness, nausea, vomiting, elevated temperature the patient's body needs antibiotics - Ceftriaxone, Cefuroxime, Nirofets, Augmentin.
  2. In order to relieve inflammation and reduce pain, the patient is prescribed ear drops which contains antibiotics Candbibiotic, Garazon, Otofa, Sofradex.
  3. Ointments for otitis externa Levomekol, Vishnevsky's ointment.
  4. Various alcohol tinctures and solutions in case of otitis without perforation of the eardrum.

After the patient feels significant relief, the doctor prescribes a course of physiotherapy.

If stuffy ears caused a runny nose, the patient needs vasoconstrictor drops.

With a strong change in blood pressure, one cannot do without complex, but individual treatment. For its appointment, you must contact your doctor.


Regardless of the cause of congestion, this process in the body cannot be ignored. Spend comprehensive examination health status.
Thus, you can predict the formation of diseases and begin timely treatment.

Usually, the most common causes lie in the lack of hygiene or mechanical trauma to the ear organ. Therefore, when cleaning the ear, be careful in your movements. In addition, it is important to engage in disease prevention and lead an active lifestyle.

A person ceases to perceive the world around him as colorful and interesting as it is when his work of any sense organ, for example, hearing, is disturbed.

Hearing problems, namely, its congestion, is a condition when a person cannot normally hear the surrounding sounds. They become muffled for him, distorting their own voice.

What is the reason for this condition, what to do at home if the ear is blocked? To eliminate this condition, you need to find the cause of the pathology.

Ear congestion: causes of this condition

The causes of this uncomfortable sensation can be natural or pathological.

Natural causes include:

  • the formation of a sulfur plug;
  • a sharp change in atmospheric pressure (when flying, climbing into the mountains);
  • water entering the ear canal;
  • strong physical activity;
  • hormonal changes (during pregnancy).

There are many more pathological causes and they are associated with the presence of various kinds of diseases. So, stuffy ears can be caused by:

  • otitis;
  • runny nose, colds, SARS, flu;
  • sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis);
  • angina;
  • allergies, etc.

In the pathological variant, ear congestion is never the only symptom. Often other symptoms are connected to it: earache, ringing, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, fever, headache and etc.

In no case should you self-medicate with stuffy ears, supplemented by other symptoms. This condition requires medical attention, because it can hide a very serious disease.

If ear congestion is not accompanied by pain, then most often this condition occurs after an airplane, climbing / lowering the mountain slopes, or after swimming.

In the first two cases, ear congestion without pain is caused by pressure drops, and in the third case, due to water entering the external auditory canal.

What to do if the ear is blocked, but does not hurt? Exist simple ways with which you can correct the situation with the organ of hearing:

What to do if water gets into the ear and it is blocked? The following methods are sure to help:

  1. Sometimes it is enough to tilt your head to one side so that the water flows out and the feeling of congestion disappears.
  2. Press on auricle palms: press your palms tightly to your ears and pull them sharply.
  3. Drip 2 drops of boric alcohol into the ear. After 10 minutes, remove the remaining water with a cotton swab.
  4. Insert a cotton tourniquet into the ear, which can absorb moisture, remove uncomfortable sensations.

There are cases when, after cleaning with a cotton swab, it lays the ear. This happens under one condition - if a person does not clean his ears correctly, provokes blockage of the ear canal with a sulfur plug.

If the cause of ear congestion is a sulfur plug, then it is best to seek help from a specialist who will remove the sulfur with a Janet syringe.

You can also try to remove the cork at home:

  1. Heat the hydrogen peroxide solution to a temperature of 37 degrees.
  2. Drip 2 drops of medicine into the problem ear.
  3. Place the ear canal with cotton wool for 5 minutes.
  4. Make a weak solution of potassium permanganate using warm water.
  5. Draw pink liquid into the syringe and pour it into the ear in order to wash out the cork.

Ear congestion as a symptom of some disease

If the ear does not hear normally, a person feels discomfort and this is not due to pressure drops, water ingress, then the cause of congestion may be a symptom of some kind of disease.

This condition can be observed:

  • with a runny nose (nasal congestion);
  • with sinusitis.
  • with the flu.
  • with SARS.

If the ears are blocked with a runny nose, then often this process is accompanied by the appearance acute pain . And this already indicates a disease such as otitis media.

With a runny nose, swelling appears not only in the nasal mucosa, but also in the auditory canals. As a result of this, they narrow, the person's ears begin to lay.

The situation is aggravated even more if mucus accumulates in the nose, which can be drawn into the eardrum, causing a feeling of congestion.

By itself, a runny nose does not appear, it is a sign of some kind of bacterial or viral disease. Therefore, in order to cope with stuffy ears, you need to find the cause of the pathology.

At home, you can do the following:

Alcohol compress

Mix equal amounts of water and alcohol. Cut off a piece of gauze, fold it into several layers, soak it in an alcohol solution and apply it to your ear.

Keep the compress for no more than 30 minutes. Such a manipulation can be carried out once a day, and then only if you are sure that there is no accumulation of pus in the ears.

What to drip into the ear, if it is blocked, what drugs will help to cope with the pathology?

You can buy drops "Sulfacyl sodium" at the pharmacy. By the way, they are suitable not only for the ears, but also for the nose, they help to get rid of congestion in the organ of hearing and smell.

You can also use the solution "Rivanol" or "Resorcinol". With it, you can quickly deal with an infection that leads to stuffy ears.

Sometimes it happens that the ear is laid with the wrong blowing of the nose. If a person blows his nose strongly, does not close his nostrils in turn, then the mucus from the nasal passages can pass into the ear cavity.

As a result, the person feels congested. In this case, you need to learn how to blow your nose correctly..

If the ears are blocked with sinusitis, then in addition to this symptom, difficulty breathing through the nose, headaches, fever rises, dizziness is observed.

If during sinusitis there is congestion in the ear, and it starts to hurt, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. Sinusitis can flow into otitis media - an inflammatory process of a purulent nature.

You can deal with stuffy ears if you treat the underlying disease - sinusitis.

At home, you can deal with stuffy ears in the following ways:

  1. Instillation into the ears of special drops ("Albucid", "Otium", etc.), as well as vasoconstrictors in the nose.
  2. Warm salt compresses on the ear. Heat salt in a pan, pour into a sock, attach to your ear. Salt will help draw out purulent discharge, improve blood circulation.
  3. Ivy decoction. Make a decoction from the stems of the plant: take 100 ml of water for 1 tablespoon of ivy. Boil the broth for 5 minutes, after cooling, drip a few drops into the ear canal. You can carry out the procedure several times a day.

Ear congestion with a cold: treatment

If hearing impairment occurred after SARS, then this means that the cold was not completely cured or the therapy was carried out incorrectly.

If you notice that your hearing is reduced, then you need to start a comprehensive treatment at home, which includes taking medications, as well as physiotherapy.

If hearing loss occurs during or after a cold, then the treatment of such a pathological condition should include:

  1. Application ear drops, for example "Anauran", "Otilaks".
  2. Use of ear phytocandles.
  3. Ear washing antibacterial drugs type "Amoxiclav", "Penicillin".
  4. If necessary, the use of antibiotics, antihistamines.

If ear congestion appeared with a cold, then you need to get rid of the cause. After all, with a cold, the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract in particular the nose.

This results in an expansion blood vessels, there is swelling in the auditory tube. This leads to a violation of ventilation in the tympanic cavity, which is why a person feels stuffy in the ears.

Here it is advisable to carry out therapeutic measures for the nose:

  • rinse it with saline (for 1 tsp, take 200 ml of warm boiled water);
  • use vasoconstrictor drops, for example, Knoxprey.

If the ears are blocked, it is strictly forbidden to try to fix the problem by cleaning the auricle with sharp objects, warming up the ears (especially when pain syndrome).

If a person began to lay his ears after suffering the flu, then this means that he was not able to completely cure the inflammatory process, and the bacterial flora joined the body.

In this case, laying the ears is accompanied by painful sensations. In such a situation, you need to resort to the help of antibiotics.

The following therapeutic procedures are also supposed to be used, but only after consultation with a specialist:

  • wash ears with warm soapy water;
  • in case of pain, take an anesthetic drug;
  • if the laying of the ears is accompanied by an increase in temperature, then you need to take a tablet "Paracetamol";
  • twice a day, instill alcohol-containing ear drops in the ear.

If the congestion of the ears does not go away for a long time, then you need to visit an otolaryngologist who will help identify the cause of this condition and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Ear plugging during pregnancy: causes and treatment

Ear plugging during pregnancy is not a consequence of an interesting situation. That is, the causes of the appearance of such a symptom in pregnant women may be the same factors as in non-pregnant women.

However, there is a relationship between hormonal changes and ear congestion. After all, during pregnancy, it completely changes hormonal background, and this can lead to congestion of the organ of hearing.

However, much more often during pregnancy, the ears are laid due to inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract. During the bearing of a child, a woman has a significant decrease in protective forces, and the risk of infections increases.

Therefore, if the ears are blocked, then the pregnant woman should definitely consult a doctor to find the cause of this condition. It can be: SARS, sinusitis, pharyngitis, allergies, low blood pressure, etc.

You can alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman in the following ways:

  1. Accept horizontal position. Sometimes rest and good sleep can help with ear congestion.
  2. Drink warm water.
  3. Take a few deep breaths, simulating a yawn.
  4. Slowly lean forward, trying to reach the floor with your fingers.
  5. Drink sweet tea, which leads to an increase in pressure if the ears are blocked due to hypotension.
  6. If the pregnant woman's ears are blocked due to a runny nose, then you need to thoroughly clean the nasal passages.
  7. If the cause of congestion is an inflammatory disease, then the specialist prescribes a course of antibiotics, as well as ear drops.


To prevent hearing problems, you need to:

The method of eliminating such a symptom as stuffy ears depends on the causes of this condition. If congestion is natural, and not pathological, then it is enough to perform simple manipulations to quickly cope with an unpleasant phenomenon.

Another thing is when the ears are blocked due to some kind of disease. Then you need to look for the cause of congestion in it. To do this, you should consult a doctor, undergo a comprehensive treatment.


There are many factors that provoke the development of this unpleasant condition. Therefore, it is not always possible to categorically answer what constantly lays the ears of a person, for example, when swallowing, due to the polyetiological nature of this syndrome. Find out what can cause persistent as well as occasional hearing loss.

Ear congestion symptoms

In most cases, this condition occurs as a result of the presence of foreign substances in the organ canal: sulfur, sweat. In case you constantly stuff your ears without the appearance of pain, it is worth evaluating the quality of personal hygiene. With its insufficient level, many negative conditions develop. In a normal situation, you can determine what is blocked in the ear by muffling sounds environment, distorted perception of one's own voice. In addition, a decrease in hearing acuity is often clinically expressed by dizziness, the appearance of noise in the head.

Why lays ears

This condition can develop under the influence of many internal and external factors. The congestion of one or both ears often indicates the development of a pathological process in the sound analyzer or neighboring organs, for example, the throat or nose. These syndromes are usually accompanied by painful sensations and other negative manifestations. With all this, the reasons for laying the ears can be due to natural actions for a person. Thus, the physiological decrease in hearing acuity often occurs during an airplane flight.

Among other things, it is necessary to separately highlight the question of what can lay the ears of infants. By virtue of anatomical features children in the first year of life are especially susceptible to the spread of infection from the nose and throat to the area of ​​​​the ear canals. For this reason, it is extremely important to carry out timely adequate treatment. respiratory diseases the smallest ones. Meanwhile, among other reasons why the ears are stuffed up, we can distinguish:

  • high pressure;
  • inflammation of the outer ear;
  • otitis media;
  • sulfur plugs (due to accumulation in the auditory canal earwax);
  • changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • ear infections;
  • ingress of foreign objects;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx;
  • serious pathologies nervous system.

Atmospheric pressure drops

Many are absolutely healthy people when flying on an airplane, it often lays ears. The fact is that during the climb, due to a sharp pressure drop, the eardrum arches outward, and its oscillatory ability decreases. It is important to note that diseases of the throat (tonsillitis), the presence of pathologies of the auditory canals, inflammation of the middle ear and other ailments favor the development of this condition.

A few minutes after reaching the desired height, the internal pressure of the tympanic cavity, as a rule, returns to normal and unpleasant symptoms disappear. It must be said that a similar situation occurs when the aircraft is landing: the pressure in the cabin rises rapidly, while in the tympanic cavity it remains low, which provokes the appearance of a feeling of congestion.

water ingress

Decreased hearing acuity after swimming in the sea, pool or your own bath is a very common unpleasant phenomenon. Listing possible reasons, from which lays the ears, experts describe the following mechanism for the development of this condition when water enters. Due to the ingress of fluid into the external auditory canal, the oscillatory function of the tympanic membrane is disturbed. As a result, congestion symptoms appear in the right or left ear (rarely in both ears).


This serious disease is caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tympanic cavity. The immediate cause of the development of ear congestion in otitis media is a malfunction of the auditory tube. With the obstruction of the latter, the flow of air into the tympanic cavity is limited and all conditions are created for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. For the most part, otitis media develops against the background of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.


In medicine, a broad understanding of this condition as inflammation of the middle ear is used. At the same time, it must be said that the primary symptoms of the disease occur due to inflammation of the Eustachian tube. The close connection of this channel with the middle ear contributes to the further spread of the pathological process. In addition, during the acute phase of the disease, the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube swells, as a result of which its lumen narrows, against which the internal pressure of the tympanic cavity decreases and a feeling of congestion appears.

allergic rhinitis

This condition is especially common in childhood. The child's immunity is highly sensitive to various allergens: plant pollen, food, medicines. In a situation where a foreign protein structure enters the body through the upper respiratory tract, it settles on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, causing inflammation and swelling of the surrounding tissues.

These pathological changes lead to the development allergic rhinitis with abundant discharge of mucus from the nose (severe runny nose), lacrimation, marked difficulty in breathing and other unpleasant symptoms. In addition, against the background of nasopharyngeal edema, symptoms of ear congestion are noted due to overlapping of the auditory tube entrance by hyperplastic tissues.

Neurological diseases

This group of syndromes is common cause decrease in visual acuity. Therefore, if you lay your ears, you should pay attention to the state of the nervous system. Thus, the main diseases that can cause impaired functioning of the hearing aid are vegetovascular dystonia and osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. It's worth saying that clinical picture These syndromes are often accompanied by headaches, blackouts in the eyes.

The mechanism of ear congestion in neurological diseases is not well understood. Nevertheless, it is assumed that the main cause of the development of this and many other symptoms is a violation of the blood supply to the nerves that innervate the components of the auditory analyzer. To eliminate congestion in such a situation is possible only by getting rid of the primary disease.


If the upper respiratory tract is affected by an inflammatory process, swelling of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa occurs. As a result, the entrance to the auditory tube is blocked, which is fraught with a violation of the ventilation of the ear cavities. The symptoms of congestion with a runny nose or a cold are especially intense in the morning after sleep. At the same time, no pathological changes does not occur in the ear canals, and the decrease in hearing acuity is temporary and, as a rule, is resolved after the signs of a cold subside.

Deviated septum

This disease can occur at any age and provoke the development of many other unpleasant symptoms. So, under normal circumstances, maxillary sinuses and other nasal cavities, air circulates freely, while preventing the reproduction of pathogenic flora. With a curvature of the nasal septum, the supply of oxygen is limited, which contributes to the reproduction of pathogens in these areas. Over time, the inflammatory process spreads to the nasopharynx, which leads to a decrease in hearing acuity.

What to do if the ear is blocked

Episodic manifestations of such unpleasant symptoms, as a rule, do not cause concern for the patient's health. In such a situation, doctors recommend regularly cleaning the ear canal with ear sticks and treating diseases of the upper respiratory tract in a timely manner. In case signs of congestion appear after bathing, then tilt your head a few times in the appropriate direction. Due to the pressure drop, the rest of the liquid will come out and the unpleasant symptoms will disappear.

With severe itching due to the presence of sulfur plugs experts advise to drip a few drops of peroxide or warm water into the ear canal. olive oil. Remember that it is strictly forbidden to introduce any funds into the ear canal in order to eliminate pathological (purulent) discharge. Such conditions require an immediate appeal to a specialist who will examine the ears and prescribe an adequate treatment for the syndrome that has arisen.

Folk remedies

Elimination of ear canal congestion is possible only after getting rid of the problem that led to the development of this unpleasant symptom. However, you can speed up the process with folk remedies. Remember that the use of any recommendations of healers should be discussed with your doctor first. Otherwise, you risk, in addition to the underlying disease, to get many other problems. Among the huge number of folk remedies for getting rid of stuffy ears, the following can be especially distinguished:

  • Warm compresses. Any such procedures should be carried out only being completely sure that there are no purulent and inflammatory processes in the ear. Warming up is recommended camphor alcohol. For this purpose, gauze or a cotton swab is moistened in the indicated composition, squeezed out a little and applied to the auricle. The duration of one session is about 20 minutes. It is recommended to warm up three times a day until the condition improves.
  • Decoction inhalations medicinal herbs. 2 tbsp. l. pour dry raw materials cold water and bring to a boil. Then, covered with a towel, breathe in the steam coming from the container with the medicinal decoction. Spend inhalations twice a day for a week, until it stops buzzing (ringing) in the ears.
  • Washing saline solution. This folk advice is used if it periodically lays ears against the background of a runny nose. The procedure is carried out by intranasal administration of a hypertonic solution. The latter is prepared at the rate of 2 tsp. salt in a glass of water. The procedure for washing the nasal passages is carried out with a pipette several times a day.


Before using this or that drug, it is extremely important to understand what is causing the ears. Thus, a decrease in hearing acuity can be a symptom of serious diseases (hypertension, VVD attack). As a rule, such conditions, among other things, are accompanied by dizziness, nausea, severe pain and other syndromes. In addition, an ear infection can serve as an answer to the question of why the ear is blocked. In such a situation, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the pathogenic flora. In general, the following drugs are used to eliminate ear congestion:

  • Otipax. The components of this medicinal product successfully deal with inflammatory processes. Because Otipax is widely used to combat otitis media and stuffy ears. The drug does not have a dissolving effect on sulfur plugs.
  • Garazon. Antibacterial ear drops used to treat otitis, eczema of the mucous membrane of the ear canal. It is not used for defects of the tympanic membrane.
  • Otinum. It has antimicrobial and analgesic effects. Can be used to soften sulfur plugs. The drug should not be used if there is a suspicion of a violation of the integrity of the eardrum.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Why there is a feeling of congestion in the ears and what to do at home - folk methods and funds

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