Symptoms and causes of seasonal allergic rhinitis, the relationship of hay fever with flowering plants in the summer. Pollinosis - Allergy to plant pollen Lifestyle adjustment

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Update: October 2018

Runny nose, lacrimation, cough - these are not always signs colds. In the warm season, especially repeating annually at about the same time, these symptoms indicate that a person has seasonal hay fever.

Pollinosis (from the word "pollen" - "pollen") is an allergic disease when, in response to the flowering of a plant, a person develops copious discharge from the nose, sneezing attacks, dry paroxysmal cough, in some cases - a feeling of lack of air or an itchy rash on the skin. Signs of this disease are found in people who have "inherited" defects in certain genes. The disease begins in childhood or adolescence; women are more often ill. Without treatment, pollinosis can turn into such a serious chronic disease as bronchial asthma.

Discovery history

Although the ancient Greeks called ambrosia nectar "the food of the gods," the healers of the time, Galen in particular, already knew that it, as well as many other plants, can cause coughs and runny noses. They noticed that these symptoms disappear with the onset of cold weather. There was no cure for this disease, and healers simply passed on information about it to their students.

It was not until 1819 that hay fever was officially described by John Bostock, who called it "hay fever". He suggested that the reason lies in the smell of hay: runny nose, watery eyes, cough and rash, often accompanied by chills, were observed mainly in rural areas during the mowing period. One smell, he believed, is not enough: the disease occurs when a person inhales the juice of mowed grass that has fallen on dust particles heated by the sun. And only in 1873, Dr. Blackley from Great Britain presented convincing evidence that hay, sunlight and dust are not the causes of hay fever - the disease occurs as a result of pollen from wind-pollinated plants entering the respiratory tract. This was proved by experiments on the doctor's own body, suffering from such an allergy as hay fever.

Why some people calmly work with plants and do not notice any manifestations of hay fever, while others, even living away from green spaces, begin to sneeze and cough with the onset of heat, it became known relatively recently. Only at the end of the last century were identified genes, the presence of which in DNA determines an allergy to certain pollen. It was also found that such genes are transmitted mainly from the mother, to a lesser extent from the father. If both parents suffer from allergies, the risk of having a child predisposed to hay fever is extremely high. Whether he develops a disease or not will depend on the climate of his residence (whether the “necessary” plants grow there) and the nature of the diet (whether he will receive with food those substances that are very similar in chemical structure to allergens).

Causes of hay fever

The disease occurs in a person who has special "defective" genes, when the plant (s) begins to bloom, to which these genes dictate the occurrence of an allergy - an abnormal immune response. These are representatives of the Earth's flora, pollinated by the wind: their pollen consists of tiny particles that can easily penetrate the respiratory tract (down to the smallest bronchi), settle on the mucous membrane of the lips, conjunctiva (this is a kind of mucous membrane of the eyes), as well as skin. Immune cells present in the skin and mucous membranes recognize the protein components of pollen and trigger the release of histidine, histamine. This causes the symptoms characteristic of hay fever.

"Defective" genes are transmitted to the child with the following probability:

  • 50% - if both parents are allergic;
  • 25% - if "wrong" immune reactions are noted only in one of the parents;
  • 10% - in the family of parents who do not have allergies. This percentage tends to zero if the child grows up in an ecologically clean area, was born in winter or early spring (when there is no flowering), if he rarely gets sick with viral infections.

The risk of the disease (when parents are not allergic) or the chance that it will be severe (when one or both parents suffer from this pathology) increases if:

  • the child was born from a mother who suffered an exacerbation of pollinosis in the last 3 months of pregnancy;
  • the child was born in the warm season;
  • in the city where the parents with the child live, the environmentally unfavorable situation;
  • in the first six months after birth, there was a release of toxic waste from factories or plants into the air;
  • early and not according to the rules, complementary foods were introduced to an infant up to a year old;
  • the child eats foods (especially during pollinosis season), which contain proteins similar to pollen allergens.

Pollinosis is a seasonal disease, and it occurs in residents of different climatic zones at different times: in the southern regions - earlier, in the northern - later. Pollinosis also depends on standing weather: when it rains, allergies do not torment people predisposed to it as much as in dry weather. This is due to the fact that dry wind carries pollen over much longer distances, while water, on the contrary, “nails” it to the ground. If the air temperature drops, the sufferer of pollinosis becomes better, as the pollen "walks" more at his feet, and does not rise closer to the eyes and respiratory tract. The highest concentration of the allergen in the air is observed before a thunderstorm.

Spring pollinosis develops mainly in April or early May. Its causes are the pollen of such trees as:

  • alder;
  • hazel;
  • poplar;
  • birch;
  • Linden.

At this time pollinosis can be caused by pollen of coniferous plants: spruce, pine, cedar, fir. Such an allergy develops only in some people, which is associated with the large size of pollen particles.

The next "wave" of the disease begins at the end of May and continues until early July. During this period, cereal plants bloom - both cultivated (wheat, barley, rye, oats) and weeds (couch grass, feather grass, hedgehog, bent grass, ryegrass, foxtail, timothy grass). Allergy is especially difficult in those who have an increased sensitivity of immunity to the listed cultural representatives of the flora and at the same time consume bread or porridge made from these grains. In this case, allergens enter not only with inhaled air, but also with food: heat treatment does not change the composition of molecules to which the immune system is “abnormally” sensitive.

Poplar fluff, which flies at this time, does not in itself cause allergies: it is not poplar pollen, moreover, its size is too large to penetrate into the respiratory tract. But this fluff perfectly tolerates the pollen of the plants listed above, and because of this, allergies occur.

Most people note the development of hay fever in the period from late July to September (in the southern regions - until early October). During this period, weeds bloom: ambrosia, nettle, wormwood, quinoa.

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of pollinosis are observed every year, almost at the same time. The first symptoms are:

  • itching in various parts: in the nose, in the throat, in the ears;
  • bouts of sneezing;
  • discomfort in the eyes: lacrimation, itching, sand; photophobia (this is the beginning of allergic conjunctivitis, which is also called "hay fever");
  • coryza with the release of a large amount of mucous discharge.

After about 8 hours, the disease is supplemented by one or more of the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the eyelids and redness of the eyes;
  • purulent discharge appears from the eyes;
  • dry paroxysmal cough;
  • difficulty breathing, more often in the form of asthma attacks;
  • an increase in temperature to low numbers;
  • increased fatigue and irritability;
  • the appearance on the skin of urticaria or a rash as in atopic dermatitis;
  • itching of the genitals;
  • symptoms of cystitis: frequent urge to urinate, painful bowel movements Bladder, feeling that there is a lot of urine left in it after going to the toilet;
  • when inhaling pollen from rye, oats or wheat, which is combined with the use of products from these crops inside, not only signs of damage will be observed respiratory tract, but also symptoms indicating that inflammation and swelling of the gastrointestinal mucosa has occurred. These are pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes diarrhea.

Which people have pollinosis more severe

The likelihood that the disease will be severe, complicated by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis: sinusitis,), and also subsequently turn into bronchial asthma, is higher in such people:

  1. who have congenital defects of the immune system. For example, when little secretory immunoglobulin A is produced - a substance that is secreted along with the secretion of the glands and is designed to protect the mucous membranes from microbes, preventing them from attaching to cells;
  2. with acquired immunodeficiencies. Basically, it is the suppression of the immune system during prolonged or chronic diseases, oncological diseases, treatment of cancer or autoimmune diseases with glucocorticoid hormones or cytostatic drugs;
  3. who have had their tonsils removed;
  4. who often suffers from bronchitis;
  5. living in poor environmental conditions;
  6. having other allergic diseases, especially bronchial asthma.

All these people, especially if they have 2 or more risk factors, should not be left without treatment for pollinosis: the drugs must be prescribed strictly by an allergist and taken according to the scheme he has prescribed.

Cross allergy

During the period of occurrence of these symptoms, cross-allergy easily develops - an increase in the symptoms of hay fever when antigens that have a similar structure to those that cause hypersensitivity enter the body. These molecules are mainly ingested through food. We will look at them in detail in the Diet section.

Pollinosis in children

In a child genetically predisposed to pollinosis, whose parents did not move to another climate before his birth or immediately after it, it begins to manifest itself at 5-6 years. His symptoms do not differ from those described above.

The disease can manifest itself even earlier, up to 5-6 years, if the parents bathe the baby in decoctions of herbs (sequence, chamomile, oak bark), and he has an allergy to them “written in the genes”. In this case, skin symptoms (rash) will be the main ones, signs of hay fever may not appear immediately.


First, a person with the symptoms described above (cough, runny nose, watery eyes) should be examined by an ENT doctor. He, after examining the nasal cavity, throat and ears, excludes SARS and diagnoses "allergic rhinitis". After that, you need to donate venous blood to the level of immunoglobulin E (IgE) in it and contact an allergist who will tell you how to treat hay fever at this stage.

In the cold season, when the symptoms disappear, you should definitely visit the allergist again. During this period, the doctor will be able to conduct allergy tests (or scratch tests) to help determine which specific substance a person is allergic to. Allergy tests consist of the following: on the forearms of the hands, small “notches” will be made with a scarifier, where after they will drop allergens diluted many times over (diluted pollen of weeds, field grasses, and so on) - one allergen for each scratch. The allergen that caused persistent redness is considered the cause of the disease. It is better to determine the "causal" allergen in hay fever. Then it will be possible to take several courses very effective treatment with its help (this treatment of hay fever in adults is called allergen-specific immunotherapy).


Therapy of this disease for the first time is carried out for a whole year in a row:

  1. in warm weather, measures are taken to reduce the severity of the disease;
  2. in cold weather, the “causative” allergen is detected and allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) is performed.

Only with this approach it is possible to significantly increase the chance of successfully keeping hay fever under control, and after 1-2 years of treatment, “go out” to the minimum amount of drugs taken with residual symptoms of the disease.

To reduce the symptoms of hay fever, treatment includes:

  • lifestyle changes;
  • dieting;
  • taking medication for pollinosis.

Let's talk about each point in more detail.

Lifestyle change

During an exacerbation of hay fever, it is important that as little pollen as possible gets into the person. Of course, in the summer you won’t go outside in a respirator, but you need to remove pollen from open parts of the body, clothes, surfaces of the room where the patient lives.

Therefore, in the warm season:

  • rinsing the nose and mouth with 0.9% sodium chloride solution (saline sea ​​salt, preparations "Aqua-Maris", "Humer" and others) - after returning from the street;
  • take a shower and wash every day, especially after returning from the street;
  • wet cleaning every day is a must;
  • airing the room - at night and after rain;
  • in the hot time of the day, especially when there is a strong wind outside, do not go outside unless absolutely necessary;
  • during the flowering of plants, it is not worth going to where there are a lot of them (for example, outside the city);
  • summer holidays - in those regions where there are reservoirs and plants that cause allergies do not grow;
  • the air in the room must be humidified. To do this, you can buy and use an air humidifier (or sink), you can hang gauze folded in several layers on window openings, and constantly moisten this gauze and wash it often. So the humidity will be maintained, and the pollen will settle without getting into the room;
  • all "dust collectors": carpets, soft toys, feather pillows, duvets - must be removed from the room.

In the cold season, when you do not need to take pills for hay fever, take care of strengthening the immune system, because it is precisely its incorrect reaction that causes the symptoms of the disease. For this:

  • enter hardening procedures into the daily routine;
  • give up bad habits;
  • find a suitable sport for yourself and practice it daily, at least in minimal volumes.


The essence of the diet for hay fever is to prevent the entry of additional allergens into the body, including potential ones. To do this, for the period of exacerbation, it will be necessary to exclude all “allergenic” products (honey, chocolate, citrus fruits, seafood, cow's milk), as well as those to which cross-allergy may occur:

Medical treatment

The main drugs for hay fever are those that will block the release of histamine from immune cells (antihistamines). In the period of acute allergies, first-generation drugs are prescribed, most of which cause drowsiness:

  • "Diazolin";
  • "Suprastin";
  • "Tavegil"

in combination with third-generation drugs that do not cause drowsiness:

  • "Cetirizine" of different companies and its analogues: "Zodak", "Cetrin", "L-cet", "Zirtek";
  • "Fexofast" ("Allegra", "Fexadin");
  • "Loratadin" ("Claritin");
  • Erius (Eden, Desal, Lordestin, Desloratadine-TEVA).

With hay fever, first-generation antihistamines are mandatory, at least in a short course: they well eliminate the manifestations of the disease, allowing a person to breathe better. They are taken overnight. Third generation drugs are taken in the morning, 1 time per day; their effect lasts for days.

In severe cases, instead of first-generation antihistamines, in a short course, only under the “cover” of protecting the stomach with Almagel and Omeprazole, hay fever remedies such as glucocorticoid hormones are prescribed: Prednisolone, Metipred.

If symptoms of pollinosis are observed for a long time, after the abolition of first-generation antihistamines, allergists prescribe a drug that blocks histamine receptors having a long-term effect. This is Ketotifen. Its effect begins only after 1-2 months from the start of administration, but it well prevents the appearance of dry cough and shortness of breath, as well as rashes, runny nose and lacrimation.

We also need drops from hay fever. These are local antihistamines "Kromoglin" ("Kromoheksal", "Kromosol"), as well as Allergodil spray, which are buried in the nose. If allergic rhinitis is complicated by the development of sinusitis, nasal sprays containing glucocorticoid hormones can be prescribed as prescribed by a doctor: Baconase (Nasobek), Avamys (Nazarel) and others.

Symptomatic treatment

This is a therapy that is selected depending on the prevailing symptoms:

  • with severe difficulty in nasal breathing are prescribed vasoconstrictor drugs in the form of drops: "Lazolvan-rino", "Nazol", "NOK-spray" and others. They are used for no more than a week, when it is very difficult to breathe due to edema, or when rhinitis is complicated by sinusitis;
  • when symptoms appear bronchial asthma: difficulty exhaling, asthma attacks, treatment is supplemented with leukotriene antagonists - drugs "Acolat", "Singulair";
  • with lacrimation are prescribed eye drops"Ketotifen" in combination with drugs that narrow the eye vessels ("Vizin-allergy")

homeopathic treatment

Treatment of hay fever with homeopathy does not find the approval of official medicine: it is quite dangerous to treat “like with like”, even at home - this way you can worsen your condition (up to anaphylactic shock). This is possible only with experienced, qualified homeopathic doctors who really pick up the right substances in the right dosages.

Another thing is to use individual homeopathic remedies to alleviate a particular symptom. So, they really do a good job:

  • "Euphorbium-compositum" - to reduce the manifestations of the common cold;
  • "Cinnabsin" or "Sinupret" (preferably in drops) - to improve the condition with sinusitis;
  • Bronchalischeel - to reduce the symptoms of allergic bronchitis;
  • "Nux vomica" - for the relief of a runny nose and nasal congestion, accompanied by a headache.

Treatment in the interictal period

The main therapy used in the cold season is the ASIT already mentioned above. In this case, an allergy test is performed on a person, one or more allergens are detected. Further, a solution is made from these allergens with their minimum concentration in it. The solution is first injected intradermally, at a minimum dosage, in the presence of a doctor (to control the absence of anaphylactic shock). Then every day, in increasing doses, the allergen is injected subcutaneously. By 14-21 days, a solution with a higher concentration of the allergen in it begins to be used, after a while - with an even greater one. Thus, the body "accustoms" to this substance and during the flowering period already ceases to react to it in this way.

For the treatment of hay fever, one course of ASIT is rarely enough. Often courses are required to be held for several years in a row.

In addition to ASIT, other treatment is carried out. Knowing the flowering time of allergy-causing plants, 2 months before this period, they begin to take Ketotifen. Sometimes, at the very beginning of the flowering period, an injection of the drug "Diprospan" is given once.

What to do with severe hay fever

In severe cases, when hay fever is constantly complicated or sinusitis requiring surgical treatment, or attacks of suffocation, apply additional methods treatment:

  • Plasmapheresis: taking a small amount of blood and then returning your own blood cells to the bloodstream. In this case, the blood plasma, in which all antibodies to the allergen, histamine and other substances are dissolved, is removed and replaced with saline and colloidal solutions. Thus, the concentration of pollinosis-causing substances in the blood decreases.
  • Operations. To reduce the manifestations of the common cold, a partial resection of the turbinates is performed. This is done endoscopically, and a laser or liquid nitrogen is effectively used as a “cutting” instrument.

If this treatment does not cause the desired effect, you need to change the region of residence.

Features of the treatment of children

Treatment of hay fever in children is based on the same principles as in adults:

  1. Walks and picnics - near water bodies, preferably in an area where there is no abundance of flowering herbs and trees. In summer you can go to the sea.
  2. Wet cleaning, wet gauze on the window and night airing in the room are a must.
  3. Important: bathing in the warm season - after visiting the street, BUT you can not add herbal decoctions to the bath. Also, do not use products that contain herbs for skin and hair care.
  4. The diet for the baby is based on the same principles: hyperallergenic foods and foods that can cause cross-allergies are excluded. Important: during pollinosis, new dishes (complementary foods) should not be introduced. Even children over 5 years of age should not be served seafood, honey, nuts or chocolate during this time.
  5. All drug treatment agreed with the doctor, since not every drug can be used in childhood. But used in children and antihistamines (in syrups), and vasoconstrictor drops (in a lower concentration), and in severe cases - drops based on glucocorticoid hormones, injections with hormones. With shortness of breath, wheezing, an increase in the number of breaths per minute - hospitalization. "Pollinosis of the eye", that is, allergic conjunctivitis in children, is treated only by washing the eyes with saline or other saline solution or a drug recommended by a pediatric ophthalmologist.
  6. After a walk, rinse (dig in) the nose with saline solution - a must.
  7. Preparations made on the basis of herbs should not be used even in the interictal period. Especially if the child is still small, and allergy tests have not been carried out for him, that is, the source of the allergy is still unknown.
  8. ASIT in children can be used from the age of 5.
  9. Folk remedies and homeopathy for the treatment of hay fever in children are not used.

Features of treatment during pregnancy

It is very difficult to treat hay fever during pregnancy: almost all drugs are prohibited during this period. At the same time, the exacerbation of hay fever deprives the child of part of the oxygen, can be transmitted to him in the form of bronchial asthma, and also cause premature birth.

What to do? It is optimal to change the place of residence at least temporarily, if not for the entire time of bearing the baby, then at least from the 30th week and for the first few months after childbirth.

If this is not possible, a woman should start using drugs in advance that will trap allergens and prevent them from entering the blood from the nasal mucosa. These are Prevalin Allergy and Nazaval Plus. They are used before going out. After the street, be sure to rinse your nose without swallowing saline solution, but actively blowing it out. You can even purchase Dolphin or Aqua Maris nasal irrigation systems to make the procedure easier.

During pregnancy, as an exception and only as prescribed by a doctor, only some antihistamines (Fexofast and analogues) and only individual vasoconstrictor drops (Lazolvan Rino, and only not earlier than the 2nd trimester) can be used. If hay fever occurs with complications, the pregnant woman will have to go to the hospital and undergo a course of treatment with glucocorticoid hormones and oxygen.


Prevention of pollinosis consists in the following activities:

  • living in the city or on the sea during the entire period of flowering plants;
  • avoiding walks in dry, hot and windy weather;
  • exclusion of foods that can cause cross-allergy;
  • air humidification in the room;
  • moistening mosquito nets or hanging gauze moistened with water on the windows;
  • wearing sunglasses;
  • getting rid of bad habits;
  • cleaning carpets and soft toys from home;
  • rinsing the nose with saline;
  • hardening;
  • refusal to dry things on the street;
  • Avoid contact with pets and their food.

An important measure of specific prevention is the required number of ASIT courses. This is especially important for women who are planning a pregnancy. The last course of ASIT should end 1 year before the start of attempts to conceive.

Many inhabitants of our planet suffer from an immune system disease such as allergies. Allergy is an increased sensitivity of the immune system to the effects of an allergen, which in healthy person does not cause a reaction.

What it is

Pollinosis is an allergic reaction of the body of a sick person to the effect of plant pollen during the flowering period, which has a clearly recurring seasonality and is manifested mainly by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract.

In addition to this term, this disease is also called:

  • hay fever;
  • pollen rhinopathy;
  • spring Qatar;
  • pollen bronchial asthma;
  • allergic rhinoconjunctivitis.

The most correct term characterizing this disease is the term "hay fever", since this type of allergy can have, in addition to more common symptoms, polyvisceral manifestations (symptoms of skin lesions, internal organs, angioedema).

Reasons for the appearance

Since this disease is an allergic reaction that is provoked by the pollen of wind-pollinated plants, it is the main cause of the manifestation of the disease.

When breathing, pollen enters the oral and nasal cavities, settling on the mucous membranes.

In a healthy person, such penetration will not cause any manifestations, and in a person who has an increased sensitivity to allergens of this kind, hay fever symptoms appear.

Plants, on the pollen of which most often there are manifestations of this disease:

  1. trees during flowering (poplar, birch, maple, hazel, alder, willow, elm, lilac, etc.);
  2. trees during leaf fall (since pollen is contained not only in inflorescences, but also in stems and leaves);
  3. cereals, meadow grasses(wheatgrass, fescue, hedgehog, timothy, etc.)
  4. flowers (lilies of the valley, chrysanthemums, marigolds, buttercups, asters, cornflowers, etc.)
  5. weeds (wormwood, quinoa, ragweed).

The manifestation of this disease may also be associated with the ingestion of plant products, which contain antigens with plant pollen (honey, sunflower oil, apples, watermelons, melons, nuts, etc.).

Treatment with herbal preparations can also cause an exacerbation of the disease.


As a rule, the first manifestations of the disease occur before the age of 20 years. In childhood, this disease is more common in boys, and in older adults, women are more likely to get sick.

Exacerbation of pollinosis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. nasal:
    1. discharge from the nose (rhinorrhea);
    2. difficulty breathing;
    3. itching of the nasal mucosa, pharynx;
    4. sneezing
    5. feeling of lack of air.
  2. conjunctival:
    1. redness and swelling of the eyelids;
    2. lacrimation;
    3. photophobia;
    4. sensation of "sand in the eyes".
  3. polyvisceral:
    1. skin lesions (appearance on open areas of the body of contact dermatitis, urticaria);
    2. lesions of the genitourinary system (vulvitis, cystitis, nephritis);
    3. defeat of cardio-vascular system(arterial hypertension, myocarditis);
    4. defeat of the central nervous system(encephalitis, damage to the optic and auditory nerves, epilepsy);
    5. damage to the digestive tract (nausea, vomiting, loose stools);
    6. joint damage (allergic arthritis).
  4. general symptoms (symptoms of intoxication):
    1. fatigue;
    2. irritability;
    3. weakness;
    4. loss of appetite;
    5. fatigue;
    6. sleep disturbance;
    7. increase in body temperature;
    8. weight loss.

The appearance of polyvisceral symptoms in the patient in the form of damage to internal organs and systems indicates a more severe severity of the disease.

Basically, in most patients, hay fever is manifested by rhinoconjunctival symptoms with impaired general condition.

The manifestation and severity of the disease is influenced by factors such as:

  • the amount of allergen entering the body (the more, the harder the process will be);
  • type of contact (when it comes into contact with the mucous membrane, nasal and conjunctival symptoms appear, when consumed with food and drugs, the digestive system is damaged);
  • individual characteristics of the body different people the body contains an unequal number of cells and receptors responsible for an allergic reaction, and therefore the degree of manifestation of symptoms is different).

The symptoms of this disease, occurring every year and acting for quite a long time, exhaust the person.

He becomes emotionally depressed, his physical activity falls, his sleep is disturbed.

Also, a person is forced to buy expensive medicines, which also have undesirable effects for the body. All this leads to a deterioration in the quality of life.

In severe cases of the disease, allergies can take dangerous forms that are life threatening:

At-risk groups

People who are most likely to develop the disease:

  1. children whose parents have a history of this disease (i.e., an allergic reaction to pollen is inherited in most cases);
  2. the population of large cities (since urban air pollution leads to a decrease in immunity and an increase in the sensitivity of the respiratory tract to irritants);
  3. people with bad habits (sensitivity to allergens also increases);
  4. living in areas of growth of plants that cause hay fever;
  5. people born during the flowering season of plants.


The most characteristic feature of pollinosis is the seasonal manifestation of symptoms (only during the flowering period of plants).

Trees bloom in spring (birch, hazel, poplar, willow, maple, etc.), in June-July - grasses (wheatgrass, fescue, timothy), in the period from August to September weeds (wormwood, ragweed) bloom.

When the season ends, the symptoms of the disease also disappear.

The amount of pollen in the air is affected by:

  • weather (in rainy and very dry summers, unfavorable conditions are created for pollen maturation);
  • the presence of wind;
  • time of day (in the morning and in the afternoon there is the greatest release of pollen).


The diagnosis of pollinosis does not cause any particular difficulties.

If a person has the symptoms of this disease listed earlier every year, in a certain season, he needs to contact a specialist to make a diagnosis, identify the allergen and prescribe treatment.

The doctor makes a diagnosis based on the following:

  1. survey (anamnesis) - the doctor asks the patient about the symptoms that bother him, the time and circumstances of their appearance;
  2. examination of the patient;
  3. collection of necessary tests (blood test for the detection of antibodies to the allergen, a sample of nasal discharge);
  4. allergy testing:
  • skin tests - help to identify the allergen that caused the manifestation of the disease;
  • a provocative test (the patient is specifically elicited an allergic reaction with an allergen that caused the disease) - allows 100% detection of the allergen.

Conducting an examination allows the doctor to accurately establish the diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment. Self-medication in the presence of an allergic reaction is unacceptable.

What is pollinosis of the nose

Nasal pollinosis is the most common form of the reaction and is otherwise called "allergic rhinitis". It is manifested by nasal symptoms and a violation of the general condition.

Nasal symptoms of allergic rhinitis include:

  • itching of the nasal mucosa, pharynx;
  • rhinorrhea;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • bouts of sneezing.

Conventionally, patients with pollinosis of the nose can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. patients whose main symptoms are nasal itching and sneezing. They are characterized by profuse discharge from the nose, bouts of sneezing, worsening of the general condition during the day. Usually, this group of patients also has conjunctive symptoms (lacrimation, photophobia, discomfort in the eyes);
  2. patients who have mainly nasal congestion. They are characterized by breathing through the mouth, discomfort in the sinuses, no or minor bouts of sneezing, decreased perception of taste and smell, worsening of symptoms at night.

Such a conditional division of patients into groups helps the doctor to prescribe a treatment that is more suitable for this patient.

In addition to nasal and conjunctival symptoms, the patient may have symptoms of general intoxication:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • weakness;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • loss of appetite, etc.

In the absence of adequate treatment, the form of allergic rhinitis will worsen, new symptoms will appear, and the sensitivity of the immune system to other allergens that have not previously caused a reaction will increase.

With the progression of pollinosis of the nose, the following symptoms may occur:

  • irritation of the skin of the nose and under the nose;
  • nosebleeds;
  • sore throat;
  • the appearance of a cough;
  • increase in the intensity of headaches.

In addition, pollinosis can provoke complications such as sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses), otitis media (inflammation of various parts of the ear), and the appearance of polyps.

Video: What to do?

Methods of treatment

Treatment of patients with hay fever is as follows:

  1. cessation or reduction of contact with the allergen. Patients are recommended for the flowering season of the plant, disease-causing, go to areas where these species do not grow. If this is not possible, then contact with the allergen should be limited as much as possible (do not go out of town, open windows as little as possible, etc.)
  2. medication use:
    1. antihistamines (used to reduce and eliminate the symptoms of the disease);
    2. vasoconstrictor (with nasal congestion);
    3. glucocorticosteroids (to reduce inflammation);
  3. It is possible to alleviate the symptoms of pollinosis by following a diet. Seasonal fruits, berries, honey, foods containing food coloring should be excluded from the diet.

What does allergic form mean?

When the allergen hits the mucous membranes, the body responds by secreting antibodies that detect pollen antigens and form antigen-antibody complexes with them.

Then these complexes with the blood flow enter the nose, skin, internal organs.

When an allergen enters the body, the complexes release histamine, which fights the allergen, causing the manifestation of symptoms of the disease.

So, with pollinosis, an allergic reaction is manifested.

Preventive measures

To prevent allergic pollinosis, you should:

  1. eliminate contact with the allergen - pollen (change the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence, exclude plant species that cause an allergic reaction from urban gardening, reduce the number of trips to the countryside, to nature, remove flowering plants in the house, install air conditioning);
  2. do not abuse cosmetics, perfumes, test for an allergic reaction before use;
  3. do not take medicines containing an allergen;
  4. follow a diet (exclude seasonal vegetables, fruits, honey, citrus fruits, chocolate, jam).
  5. carrying out specific prophylaxis - immunotherapy (gradual introduction of an allergen into the body over time, as a result of which sensitivity to it decreases).

To alleviate allergic rhinitis, it is possible to use a method such as washing the nose. For this you can use pharmaceutical products, or you can independently prepare a saline solution of boiled water.

When treating a disease, do not rely on folk ways. Adequate therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor, while ethnoscience may further exacerbate the disease.

If you follow all the conditions of prevention, follow the doctor's prescriptions, follow all the recommendations, then you can significantly alleviate the course of allergic hay fever.

To cure hay fever in children and adults and achieve remission of the disease 6 months after the course of treatment, you will be helped by a unique technology - autolymphocytotherapy (ALT)

Pollinosis or "hay fever" - allergic disease, the symptoms of which are similar to a cold: a painful runny nose, itching and redness of the eyes (up to conjunctivitis), profuse lacrimation, bouts of dry cough, sore throat, sneezing, shortness of breath and even suffocation, sometimes skin rashes, swelling of the face. THOSE. the patient begins to suffer in the literal sense, going out into the street, and even indoors it is a little easier for him.

Allergic hay fever has a pronounced seasonality of exacerbation:

    Spring (April-May) aggravated by allergy to tree pollen: birch, hazel, alder, wild rosemary, poplar, linden;

    Summer (June-July) with an allergy to pollen of meadow (cereal) grasses : timothy-evka, fescue, bluegrass, wheatgrass, bonfire, hedgehog, foxtail, etc.

    Late summer-autumn (August-September) with allergies to weed pollen: ragweed, wormwood, quinoa, sunflower, corn, plantain, etc.

    In connection with the deteriorating environmental situation, the so-called. " autumn hay fever"with an allergy to mold spores, although it is not entirely correct to call it that.

If you have a regular runny nose, itching of the nose and eyes, sneezing and coughing in the spring-summer or autumn period of the year, this is a reason for an urgent consultation with an allergist. With absence timely treatment hay fever, the range of allergens usually expands, there is a threat of developing bronchial asthma.

In early spring, the flowering season of trees in the Moscow region begins at the end of March with the dusting of alder and hazel. Further, in late April-early May, birch begins to bloom, the pollen of which is kept in the air until June. Allergens in birch pollen usually cause severe pollinosis, because. the concentration of pollen grains can reach several thousand units per cubic meter of Moscow air (according to pollen monitoring data). In May, spruce and pine also plentifully dust, and at the end of the month the flowering of cereal grasses begins - timothy grass, etc. The peak of dusting of cereals occurs in June and early July. From mid-June to September, weeds are dusty - dandelion, plantain, quinoa, closer to autumn - wormwood. Thus, in Moscow, the allergy season for a hay fever patient with simultaneous sensitivity to tree and grass pollen affects almost the entire warm season.

Often, with pollinosis, a cross-food allergy occurs - intolerance to fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs. With this form of allergy, it is necessary to change the diet and follow a hypoallergenic diet during the flowering period of plants. The menu during hay fever is often a cause for frustration, because. the list of allowed products is significantly reduced.

Among residents of megacities, seasonal allergies affect not only adults, but also children. Pollinosis in children requires proper non-symptomatic treatment, tk. easily passes into an atopic march, then into clinical picture year-round allergic rhinitis is added, and then everything develops into bronchial asthma. This turns the life of an allergic person into a real nightmare.

If you wish yourself or your child a healthy future, then forget about:

  • antihistamines;
  • drops and hormonal sprays (Allergodil, Avamys, Nazaval, etc.);
  • antiallergic pills from advertising on TV (Suprastin, Kestin, Zirtek, Telfast, Loratadin, Erius, etc.);
  • folk remedies for treatment at home;
  • homeopathy;
  • healers, healers, etc.

All this is not prevention and either gives a symptomatic temporary effect, without eliminating the very cause of allergic hay fever, or does not help at all.

The only real ways to cure hay fever in 2020 are ASIT (immunotherapy) and autolymphocytotherapy (ALT), which will be discussed below.

Problems of a patient with hay fever:

Take an ALT Course and Get Rid of Flower Allergy in 2020!

The medical technology "autolymphocytotherapy" (abbreviated as ALT) has been widely used in the treatment of patients with various forms of allergic diseases for more than 20 years, the method was first patented in 1992.

Successful treatment of pollinosis with ALT is carried out in adults and children. For children, allergy treatment using the Autolymphocytotherapy method is performed after reaching the age of 5 years.

The Autolymphocytotherapy method, in addition to the treatment of hay fever, is widely used for: atopic dermatitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, food allergies, allergies to household allergens, to pets, allergies to cold and ultra-violet rays(photodermatitis).


Outside the flowering season (autumn-winter), treatment is carried out by subcutaneous autolymphocytotherapy.

In severe cases during exacerbation, during the flowering season of plants (spring-summer), the method of endonasal autolymphocytotherapy is used.

The essence of the "ALT" method is to use your own immune cells - lymphocytes to restore the normal function of the immune system and reduce the body's sensitivity to various allergens.

Video about the treatment of hay fever with ALT in the TV program "About the most important thing"


Autolymphocytotherapy is carried out on an outpatient basis, in an allergological office by appointment and under the supervision of an allergist-immunologist. Lymphocytes are isolated from a small amount of the patient's venous blood under sterile laboratory conditions.

The isolated lymphocytes are injected subcutaneously into the lateral surface of the shoulder. Before each procedure, the patient is examined in order to individually prescribe the dose of the administered autovaccine. In addition to its own lymphocytes and saline, the autovaccine does not contain any drugs. Treatment regimens, the number and frequency of administered immune cells depend on the severity of the disease. Autolymphocytes are administered in gradually increasing doses with an interval between injections of 2 to 6 days. Course of treatment: 6-8 procedures.


It differs from the subcutaneous method of treatment in that autolymphocytes are isolated from 15 ml. venous blood of the patient. The autovaccine is injected directly into the paranasal sinuses using a special soft catheter by an otolaryngologist. The course of treatment is 4-5 procedures with an interval of 2 times a week.

Normalization of the functions of the immune system and a decrease in the body's sensitivity to allergens occurs gradually. Cancellation of supportive symptomatic therapy is also carried out gradually under the supervision of an allergist. The patient is given the opportunity of 3 free repeated consultations within 6 months of observation after the end of the course of treatment using the Autolymphocytotherapy method.

The effectiveness of treatment is determined by the individual characteristics of the immune system. This process to a certain extent depends on the patient's compliance with the allergist's recommendations during the period of treatment and rehabilitation.

For possible contraindications, see

Ask a question to a specialist

The effectiveness of autolymphocytotherapy in the treatment of hay fever

When evaluating the long-term results of hay fever treatment using autolymphocytotherapy, the following remission periods were achieved:

  • Remission for more than 5 years - in 79% of cases
  • Remission for a period of 1 to 5 years - in 16% of cases
  • Remission for a period of 6 months to 1 year in 5% of patients

Allergist-immunologist Logina Nadezhda Yurievna will receive you in Moscow on a weekday

  • Fill out an application for admission
  • Pollinosis, or pollen allergy, is a classic disease in which negative reaction of the body to pollen allergens.

    Getting on the human mucosa, they contribute to an increase in capillary permeability, resulting in the secretion of secretory mucus and spasms of smooth muscles of the bronchi.

    This type of disease is seasonal and is associated with the rapid development of herbs, flowers and plants.

    The main cause of the disease is mass emission of pollen by plants to the air.

    A person may have a negative reaction to any one plant or to a whole family of herbs, trees or other crops, or even to several different plants at the same time.

    The pollen contains protein compounds which are vegetable proteins. It is they who become main reason appearance in humans allergic reactions. They so small that are easily carried by the wind.

    They can also be spread by animals and insects.

    TO disease causing factors relate:

    1. genetic predisposition;
    2. malfunction of the immune system;
    3. alcohol abuse;
    4. smoking;
    5. living in an ecologically polluted area;
    6. problems with the respiratory system;
    7. bronchial asthma;
    8. frequent colds.

    Important! In some people, the cause of hay fever may be the use of herbal teas.

    Development mechanism

    During breathing on the nasal mucosa of a person fall tiny particles of pollen plants. If in immune system there are no violations, the body reacts instantly, releasing specific substances to fight allergens.

    The mucociliary system of the mucous membrane destroys plant proteins within 20 minutes.

    But the allergen penetrates the mucous membrane very quickly, a minute is enough. And if the immune system is weakened, it does not have time to respond to allergens.

    going on interaction with antibodies on mast cells and basophils.

    The body begins to produce histamine and biologically active substances to suppress foreign particles. They provoke vasodilation, increase the permeability of capillaries, as a result of which the cavernous tissue swells and the mucous membranes swell.

    A person begins to sneeze, his nose is blocked, an increased amount of mucus is secreted. With such symptoms, doctors diagnose the patient with an allergic reaction.

    Diagnosis of an allergy to flowering

    If a person has an allergy, the task of the doctor is to identify reason for its appearance. He asks the patient about the symptoms, whether there are allergies among his relatives, whether there is a negative reaction to medications.

    After visual inspection resort to the following:

    If it is needed clarification of the diagnosis or to conduct an additional check of the body's response to a specific allergen, the following diagnostic procedures can be prescribed:

    • ELISA method;
    • specific direct damage to basophils;
    • destruction of mast cells.

    Important! Stop taking antihistamines before the procedure.

    Difference from perennial allergic rhinitis

    As the name implies - year-round may be observed during the whole year. It is also called and associated with allergens that can surround us at any time - house dust, fluff and feathers as pillow filler, mold in damp rooms, dander, saliva and pet hair, and so on. In general, there are many allergies.

    The main direction of the fight is the identification of the allergen and the prevention of contact with it.

    Symptoms of hay fever

    Some people take the manifestations of allergies for, as a result of which they begin to use or on their own. In fact pollinosis from a cold lack of temperature, sore throat and.

    In some cases, allergies can be observed, but it is associated with irritation of the back wall of the throat with mucous secretions.

    In order to start the treatment of allergies in time, you need to know it main symptoms. These include:

    1. sneezing
    2. nasal congestion;
    3. secretion of a large amount of mucus, often transparent;
    4. complete or partial lack of smell;
    5. lacrimation;
    6. redness of the whites of the eyes;
    7. redness of the wings of the nose;
    8. itching in the nose;
    9. itching in the ears;
    10. itching in the throat.

    The patient may experience a decrease in the quality of life, since at an advanced stage of the disease, aching headaches can be observed, slight increase fever, fatigue and lack of appetite.

    Common allergens in spring and summer

    Pollinosis can appear in a person already in the first spring months.


    Allergies are caused by pollen:

    • birch;
    • oak;
    • lindens;
    • alder;
    • hazel;
    • poplars;
    • pines;
    • fir.

    Important! Not all patients react to allergens from these trees. Pollen has large particles and does not always penetrate the nasal mucosa.


    Allergy is provoked by pollen;

    • maple;
    • oak;
    • wheat;
    • barley;
    • oats;
    • wheatgrass;
    • timothy.


    An allergic person reacts negatively to pollen:

    • feather grass;
    • ryegrass;
    • foxtail;
    • geraniums;
    • lilac;
    • bents.

    Important! At this time, poplar fluff appears. But it does not cause allergies due to its large size. A negative reaction arises from pollen, which settles on it and is carried with the wind.

    July August

    Pollen appears:

    • nettles;
    • swans;
    • ambrosia;
    • wormwood.

    Treatment of allergic nasal congestion

    In the treatment, you can use home and acupuncture, but the most popular are medicines.

    The doctor selects drugs, taking into account the symptoms and severity of the disease. Most often, this is a complex of drugs, which includes:


    They are assigned first of all, usually made in the form. The most famous representatives:

    1. Suprastin, Tavegil - 1 generation;
    2. Claritin, Zodak - 2nd generation;
    3. Tsetrin, Telfast - 3rd generation;
    4. Desloratadine, Ceritisin- 4th generation.

    The drugs are not addictive and quickly relieve the negative symptoms of allergies.


    They are appointed if the disease has a complex course and in the event that antihistamine and anti-inflammatory drugs did not give positive result. More efficient ones include:

    Important! Drugs are prescribed only by a doctor.

    All these drugs are drops for topical use and do not affect the general hormonal background organism.


    • Aqua Maris;

    Membrane mast cell stabilizers

    They quickly reduce the body's sensitivity to allergens. They are easy to use and can be carried around during seasonal flowering plants. have a cumulative effect and they need to be taken for several days contract. These funds include:

    • Cromoglin;
    • Cromosol;


    These drugs will help relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, remove congestion and restore breathing. Most often they are made in the form. The most effective are:

    • Nazol;
    • Naso spray;
    • Tizin.


    These drugs are safe and have been proven effective for decades.

    Specific immunotherapy

    If the patient has allergen identified, which provoked backlash the doctor may prescribe specific immunotherapy.

    The essence of the method is the introduction of injections with an allergen into the body. In order for the body to adapt without, the first doses are very small. As the body adapts, the dosage with the allergen gradually increases. Over time, the body develops tolerance to the irritant, and the allergen does not cause a negative reaction.

    Method doesn't always work and requires systematic work over several years.

    Treatment of pregnant women and children

    More detailed information about the treatment of pollinosis (hay fever) (seasonal allergies) is .


    The right therapy and combination pollinosis significantly reduce the negative symptoms of hay fever. If a child suffers, in 90% of cases by adolescence, the disease disappears..html

    We must not forget that there are serious forms of diseases that require more thorough diagnosis and preventive measures.

    The patient must:

    Useful video

    More about pollinosis (aka hay fever, aka pollen allergy), its prevention and treatment can be found in the program of the notorious Elena Malysheva:


    People who suffer need to visit an allergist regularly, take prescribed medications, monitor their diet and healthy lifestyle life.

    This will lead to an increase in its duration and, no less important, will significantly improve the quality of life!

    Allergic hay fever (pollen allergy) is a classic allergic disease, based on clinical manifestations which lies allergic inflammation that occurs in response to exposure to pollen allergens. The urgency of the problem is explained by the widespread and progressive increase in the incidence of pollen allergy in many countries, including Russia, where the prevalence ranges from 10 to 25%.
    The prevalence of pollinosis depends on the natural-climatic, ecological and ethnographic features. There are three main periods of pollination of plants associated with one of the three groups of allergenic plants: woody, cereals and herbs, weeds.

    Spring period exacerbation of pollinosis (April - May) is associated with dusting of trees: birch, alder, hazel, oak, maple, ash, etc. Pollen of coniferous trees (spruce, pine), which dust from mid-May to mid-June, is rarely the cause of hay fever.

    summer rise incidence (June - July) causes the flowering of cereal grasses. Wild-growing cereals have the highest allergenic activity: timothy grass, meadow fescue, cocksfoot, couch grass, bluegrass meadow, bonfire, foxtail, ryegrass, less - cultivated cereals (rye, corn, etc.).

    Summer-autumn peak exacerbation is associated with rapid dusting of weeds (composite and haze): wormwood, quinoa, sunflower, mugwort, and in the southern regions - ragweed, hemp, cyclahenes. Depending on the region, the leading role in the etiology of hay fever belongs to different groups of pollen allergens.

    It has been established that in the central zone of Russia, the disease is more often associated with sensitization to the pollen of cereals, trees, and weeds. In the south of Russia, the main allergens are ragweed, wormwood, sunflower, and corn. In Siberia, the spectrum of sensitization is dominated by tree and grass pollen.

    Some patients are allergic to one allergen (monosensitization). However, in most cases, sensitization to several allergens of the same group or different groups of allergens is detected. In such patients clinical symptoms present throughout the pollen season.

    The intensity of clinical manifestations is related to the concentration of plant pollen in the air. Each region has its own schedule of pollination of plants. For the appearance of clinical symptoms, the content of 20 pollen grains in 1 m3 of air is sufficient. Patients with a high degree of sensitization also react to a lower pollen content.
    The most common symptom of pollinosis is allergic rhinitis (AR), it occurs in 95-98% of cases. Allergic inflammation in the nasal mucosa leads to the appearance of paroxysmal sneezing, copious watery discharge from the nose, itching, tickling in the nose, in the nasopharynx, sometimes in the ears, nasal congestion. Every year, the symptoms of rhinitis appear in the same months and even dates, with the exception of very hot or cold, rainy weather, when the palination of plants begins earlier than usual or is late.

    Often, symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis join the symptoms of rhinitis - itching of the eyelids, watery eyes, redness of the eyes, sometimes swelling of the eyelids, sensation of a foreign body in the eyes. A relationship has been established between allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma (BA). Patients suffering from pollen allergic rhinitis are much more likely to develop bronchial asthma than healthy individuals. Rhinitis precedes the development of asthma in 32-49% of patients. In rare cases (4%) bronchial asthma is the only symptom of hay fever. As a rule, in such patients, pollen bronchial asthma is especially difficult.

    In 17-20% of patients, along with the typical manifestations of hay fever, the so-called pollen intoxication develops - sleep disturbance, irritability, sometimes fever to subfebrile values, weakness, sweating, decreased appetite, and performance.

    There are skin manifestations of hay fever: urticaria, angioedema, atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, which occurs when pollen is abundantly ingested on exposed skin. These manifestations are also characterized by a clear seasonality, connection with staying in a certain area. Dermatological symptoms can also develop outside the pollen season when using creams, ointments, lotions containing herbal ingredients.

    Rare, atypical manifestations of pollen allergy may develop. Rare manifestations of allergic pollinosis include damage to the urogenital tract (vulvovaginitis, urethritis, cystitis, nephritis) and gastrointestinal tract(nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, stool disorders).

    Patients sensitized to pollen allergens often develop a cross-food allergy to plant products (fruits, vegetables, nuts, cereals, legumes, melons, etc.).

    Cross food allergies can manifest as oral allergy syndrome (itchy oral cavity, burning, tingling, swelling of the tongue, lips, palate), symptoms from the upper and lower respiratory tract (rhinorrhea, itching of the wings of the nose, sneezing attacks, nasal congestion, cough, bronchospasm), acute urticaria, angioedema, gastrointestinal symptoms (abdominal pain , nausea, vomiting, diarrhea).

    Sometimes contact urticaria occurs (when preparing salads, peeling vegetables), it can be combined with respiratory manifestations. The most formidable manifestation of cross-food allergy is anaphylactic reactions. Food cross-allergy symptoms can occur when eating foods that are cross-reactive with pollen at any time of the year.

    Diagnosis and treatment of allergic hay fever

    For the diagnosis of hay fever, data from an allergic history are used, the results of a specific examination (skin tests with pollen allergens, if necessary, provocative tests are performed). Sometimes it becomes necessary to use laboratory methods research (determination of allergen-specific antibodies to the allergen in the blood serum).

    TO modern methods treatment of hay fever include: elimination of the causative allergen, pharmacotherapy, allergen-specific immunotherapy, and educational programs for patients.

    ASIT changes the nature of the body's response to an allergen, affects the pathogenesis of pollinosis, helping to prevent the progression of the disease, the appearance of new symptoms, and reduce the likelihood of expanding the spectrum of sensitization. Currently available different methods ASIT, different treatment regimens. The allergy vaccine can be administered subcutaneously, sublingually, intranasally.

    An important role is played by educational programs for patients. It has been proven that patient education can change the course of the disease by improving condition control and quality of life. The patient must be aware of his disease and understand that in order to achieve success in treatment, efforts are needed not only on the part of the doctor, but also on the part of the patient himself.

    Allergen prevention

    Since the course of the disease and the severity of symptoms are largely determined by the concentration of pollen in the ambient air, elimination measures are one of the important methods of specific therapy. Departure to another climatic zone, treatment in allergy-free wards, which are equipped with a number of medical institutions, lead to a regression of symptoms.

    In allergic hay fever, elimination measures can reduce the severity of manifestations of pollen allergy, reduce the need for medicines. Patients are advised: not to go out of town and into the green zone, limit walks; change clothes after walking; wear dark glasses on the street; take a shower after being outside; air conditioning in the room; carry out a nasal shower with isotonic solutions; exclude products with cross allergenic properties and herbal medicine.

    Elimination measures are especially important for patients who have limitations in the use of pharmacotherapy (pregnant and lactating women, children early age patients with severe comorbidities).
    Pharmacotherapy of allergic pollinosis consists in the use of drugs aimed at eliminating the main symptoms of rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma. In most cases, it is medication that can control the symptoms of pollen allergy. Different groups of drugs have different clinical effects.

    In the arsenal modern medicine There are a number of medications aimed at stopping and preventing the symptoms of hay fever. These include antihistamines, cromones, intranasal decongestants, antileukotriene drugs, intranasal and inhaled glucocorticosteroids, etc.

    The decision to choose one or another remedy for the treatment of pollinosis is made by an allergist, taking into account the diagnosis of an allergic disease and its severity. In the case of the development of rare, atypical manifestations of pollen allergy, treatment is prescribed depending on the type of lesion.

    Allergic pollinosis is an important problem of modern allergology. Despite the fact that the symptoms of the disease occur at certain times of the year, treatment must be carried out in advance. Timely examination by an allergist, identification of guilty allergens, identification of clinical manifestations of the disease, treatment started in the early stages of the disease, can stop its progression and avoid complications.

    © E.V. Peredkova Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Allergology, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

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