Cramps during pregnancy: what to do. Painful leg contractions during pregnancy

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Pregnancy is a joyful, but extremely troublesome situation that requires maximum employment and attention. Often, wrapped up in business, a pregnant mother, getting ready for bed in the evening, may feel a sharp pain in the calf muscle. Severe, sharp, sharp pain occurs out of nowhere, and usually during a full evening rest. This pain, which cannot be explained logically, is called cramping and is often found in pregnant women. A sharp contraction of muscles from overexertion and strain can occur in the calf muscles, muscles of the hands and even the face already in the early stages of pregnancy. During the period of toxicosis, the expectant mother may experience leg cramps at night.

Often during pregnancy, the legs cramp due to an imbalance of microelements in the woman’s body during the period of hormonal changes. The appearance of early toxicosis is usually the cause of leg cramps in the first trimester of pregnancy. They usually begin along with symptoms associated with toxicosis, such as nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. In later stages, legs cramp at night, usually due to the baby’s growing needs for the amount of vitamins, microelements, proteins and other nutritional compounds necessary for the construction of the body. At the first symptoms of muscle spasms, you should consult a doctor for additional tests and to find out the cause of their occurrence. Typically, the levels of calcium and magnesium in a woman's blood are measured, as well as the levels of phosphorus, potassium and sodium.

Leg cramps during pregnancy can occur with low levels of calcium in the blood and a lack of magnesium and potassium in the body, as well as with high levels of phosphates and sodium. Not eating enough food containing B vitamins can also cause sudden muscle contractions.

Leg cramps during pregnancy: potassium deficiency

This element is extremely important for the body, because it must be contained in every cell. Its leaching can occur with frequent vomiting and diarrhea, which is in excess in pregnant women with early toxicosis, as well as taking a large number of diuretics.

Symptoms of potassium deficiency in the body:

  • increased swelling;
  • decreased blood pressure and decreased heartbeat;
  • jumps in cholesterol levels;
  • deterioration of skin condition (dryness, acne);
  • frequent thirst.

It is not difficult to compensate for the lack of potassium in the body by following a certain potassium diet. The most useful in terms of the level of its content are: potatoes and milk, dried apricots and bananas, as well as apricots and melon. For normal functioning, the amount of potassium consumed per day should be at least 4.5 - 5.5 g of potassium.

Leg cramps during pregnancy: calcium deficiency

A useful mineral for the development and strengthening of the bone skeleton and tissues. The absorption of calcium into the blood increases proportionally during pregnancy, as well as during periods of severe stress.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body:

  • rapid heartbeat and high blood pressure;
  • unbalanced state (temper, sudden mood swings);
  • poor sleep;
  • anemia in certain areas of the body (poor sensitivity, pallor of areas of the epidermis, slight tingling);
  • problems with fragility of bone tissue and teeth;
  • bleeding gums;
  • weak, brittle nails;
  • dry skin, rashes.

Usually, the symptoms of calcium deficiency are not clearly noticeable until they become both alarming and clearly expressed in the form of painful attacks of cramps. Diligent mothers, who have prepared in advance for the long-awaited child, without the help of a doctor, include vitamin complexes with calcium in their diet. However, this alone is not enough. The difficulty in replenishing calcium levels in the body lies in its absorption. Pure calcium itself is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, but only in combination with magnesium and vitamin D3 - it enters the cells. Foods rich in calcium include milk and dairy products, all types of leafy vegetables, nuts and eggs.

Leg cramps during pregnancy: magnesium levels

This is, perhaps, one of those microelements, the content of which in the body of all people should be exactly the same - 20 g. Any deviations up or down adversely affect the general condition of the body and well-being. Its excess leads to fatigue and drowsiness, thirst and vomiting, as well as slow blood circulation. A similar imbalance can occur as a result of kidney failure and in the later stages of diabetes. Washing out of the magic level occurs due to large fluid losses, chronic diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands, dysfunction of the thyroid gland and cirrhosis of the liver. During pregnancy, the need for magnesium in a woman with a baby increases 3–4 times. And even a slight deficiency immediately affects the health of the mother and significantly affects the development of the child.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body:

  • hyperactivity, excitability, poor sleep and memory problems;
  • vestibular dysfunction;
  • low body temperature and surges in blood pressure;
  • periodic anemia in the limbs, insensibility, slight tingling;
  • sharp muscle contractions, including those of the uterus;
  • risk of miscarriage.

To maintain the level of this element in the body, you just need to eat the right foods, and magnesium is found in most everyday food, it’s just a matter of quantity. Whole grain nuts, vegetables and assorted greens have particularly high concentrations of this microelement. However, in order to make up for a small deficiency, a regular diet is not enough. For this purpose, pregnant women are often prescribed additional drugs with pure magnesium - magnesium B6 and additional vitamin complexes.

Why do women's legs cramp in such a wonderful position, which at first glance has nothing to do with the leg muscles?

  1. The first reason to complain is the lack of microelements due to fetal growth. The peak of seizures usually occurs in the first half of the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. It is during this period that the child’s maximum intake of nutrients occurs.
  2. One of the chances of such inconveniences may also be low blood sugar levels in the pregnant mother. Glucose is a rich energy source necessary in the life processes of both a woman and her growing child. Therefore, during pregnancy, many mothers crave cakes and buns - foods containing carbohydrates in large quantities. Too much consumption of sugar-containing foods, as well as its lack in the diet, is also not welcome. Improper, for example, infrequent nutrition can lead to uneven sugar levels at night and in the morning, and this can cause leg cramps at night.
  3. Varicose veins and vascular problems worsen during pregnancy and can cause cramps. The growth of the uterus compresses the pelvic veins and prevents the normal passage of blood through them to the limbs. In addition, increased blood flow during pregnancy doubles the load on the venous circulatory system. In such a situation, even a healthy branched vein structure may not cope, not to mention problem areas. In the worst cases, stagnation of blood in the veins at the level of the lower extremities, frequent sharp pain and even swelling are possible.
  4. Nutrition and muscle development are entirely dependent on the nutrients and oxygen supplied by the blood. In addition, venous blood removes decay and metabolic products from tissues, and its irregular supply contributes to their accumulation and the occurrence of convulsions in pregnant women.
  5. Bad habits are not the best way to bear a healthy baby, but besides this, they also create an unfavorable background for the circulatory system. Nicotine addiction develops chronic oxygen deficiency in a woman’s body, which affects the number and degree of leg cramps.
  6. Leg cramps can also happen because mom abuses caffeinated drinks, which, by the way, includes strong black tea.

What to do for cramps in pregnant women

Expectant mothers must follow the instructions of nutritionists and doctors and lead a correct and healthy lifestyle. But what should you do if your leg is cramped in the calf muscle?

  1. You will feel the cramped muscle not only by the piercing pain, but also by the condition of the toes on which it affects. Align your feet and gently but firmly pull them towards you. This will stretch the cramped muscle. Repeat this procedure until the cramp goes away.
  2. After the main spasm passes, massage the muscle. Rub the painful areas with smooth movements, warming them up a little. You can also use a warm compress, heating pad, or warm foot soak to warm this muscle.
  3. After this, walk for literally 2 minutes. This will restore blood circulation and further stretch the muscle.
  4. To prevent and prevent this from happening frequently, it is recommended to reduce the load on your feet, wear comfortable shoes and give your feet more rest. An evening 5-minute rest with slightly elevated legs will be useful.

Prevention and treatment of seizures in pregnant women

It is incorrect to consider a cramp as an independent problem requiring a separate solution. In the case of a pregnant woman, such symptoms are tangible warning signs of invisible but dangerous changes for bearing a fetus. If you notice such complications, consult your doctor immediately. A professional will accurately determine the cause of cramps in a pregnant woman and prescribe the correct treatment, taking into account the timing and position.

Leg cramps during pregnancy: lack of minerals and trace elements

Often, in healthy pregnant mothers, the situation with cramps is associated with a lack of minerals, microelements and an increasing need for them. This can be solved by simply adjusting the diet taking into account the missing elements and prescribing a strict diet. Many doctors, preparing in advance for such situations, prescribe multivitamin and mineral complexes to pregnant mothers in the early stages, right up to childbirth.

The daily diet of a pregnant woman must include:

  • boiled cereals (buckwheat or oatmeal will be useful);
  • flour products made from rye or wholemeal flour (bread, pasta);
  • milk and fermented milk products (cottage cheese, cottage cheese);
  • fish, preferably steamed or in its own juice;
  • lean boiled meat;
  • a variety of stewed vegetables;
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • various nuts in large quantities.

Leg cramps during pregnancy: varicose veins

  1. In this case, a pregnant woman needs to abandon heels in favor of flat soles or limit the instep height to 5 cm.
  2. In addition, it will be useful to wear tight stockings or tights.
  3. In later stages of pregnancy, it is recommended to prevent clamping of the inferior vena cava. To do this, a woman needs to rest on her side, placing a small pillow under her buttock.
  4. Avoid long periods of movement and reduce stress on your legs.
  5. Regularly attend courses for pregnant women and perform special unloading exercises to restore blood circulation and relieve tension.
  6. Before going to bed, make warm compresses or baths with sea salt for problematic muscle areas. This relaxes the muscle and improves blood circulation.

Leg cramps during pregnancy. Video

According to statistics, about 80% of people know from their own example what cramps are. Typically, these muscle spasms rarely bother a person, so they do not cause any special problems. But it also happens that cramps occur periodically, especially at night, preventing you from getting enough sleep. They can be severe, frequent and painful. Cramps are especially common during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that certain changes occur in a woman’s body at this time, which lead to disruption of the electrolyte balance of the blood and hormonal imbalances. There can be many causes of seizures; usually this condition does not require special treatment. But frequently recurring muscle spasms may indicate serious abnormalities in a woman’s health, so you should consult a doctor.

What are cramps

A cramp is an involuntary contraction of muscles. They can be tonic, when muscle fibers contract for a certain time, then they relax, and clonic. This is the name given to the convulsive twitching of certain mice, nervous tics. When cramps involve several muscles and last for a long time, they are called generalized. This happens with epilepsy, damage to the central nervous system, and also after serious infectious diseases. But this condition is quite rare.

People are usually familiar with cramps, which are short-term spasms of one muscle, most often in the leg. They arise as a reaction of the body to certain external influences or to an imbalance of microelements in the blood. Such seizures are usually harmless, do not cause any special problems for the patient and do not require special treatment. If they appear frequently, cause pain, or leave behind muscle pain, you should consult a doctor, since in this case such spasms may be a symptom of certain pathologies.

Cramps occur especially often during pregnancy. They can occur in the first trimester or later. The muscles most often contracted are the calf muscles, but the muscles of the arms, face or abdomen may be affected. This usually indicates certain disorders in a woman’s body, so it is advisable to take measures to eliminate them.

Mechanism of seizures

Muscle contraction in the human body is regulated by many factors. For a muscle to work, a nerve impulse is needed. But for it to take place, certain minerals, hormones and enzymes must be present in the blood. Basically, muscle function is regulated by a certain ratio of magnesium, calcium and potassium. Only their balance in the blood contributes to the normal conduction of nerve impulses. If something is missing, this process is disrupted. The muscle can contract involuntarily, and the person cannot relax it in any way.

Muscle function is also regulated by certain enzymes and hormones. Their reduction depends on the normal content of hemoglobin, glucose, iron and other elements. Since when carrying a child, the sufficient supply of nutrients to the blood is often disrupted, therefore, cramps often occur during pregnancy. They appear mainly at night when the woman is resting. Such spasms can be associated with muscle strain during the day, poor diet, fluid loss, or uncomfortable body position. But sometimes they arise for no apparent reason. In any case, it is necessary to report this condition to the doctor in order to prevent serious consequences for the body of the mother and child.

Causes of leg cramps during pregnancy

Since muscle contractions are regulated by certain microelements in the blood, their occurrence is increasingly associated with a lack of these substances. Therefore, seizures can appear both under the influence of external factors and under the influence of internal health disorders. The main cause of cramps during pregnancy is the increased need for microelements. After all, at this time, all the minerals entering the body go to the needs of the child, and the woman’s body often experiences a lack of them. In this case, necessary minerals can be taken from the blood, resulting in various disorders, for example, seizures. This condition occurs for the following reasons:

Why do cramps occur at night?

During pregnancy, such muscle spasms often occur while the woman is resting. In the early stages, this may be due to the fact that at rest, especially at night, blood circulation slows down. Therefore, the muscles receive less nutrients. In addition, seizures are possible due to nervous tension or stress. And if a woman walked for a long time during the day, especially in heels, lactic acid could accumulate in the muscles, which causes spasms after they relax.

Leg cramps at night during pregnancy can also occur due to impaired venous outflow. This happens more often at a later date. At this time, many women suffer from The reason for this may be not only the increased load on the legs due to increased weight, but also inferior vena cava syndrome. This vein, which provides normal venous outflow from the lower extremities, is located in the pelvis. In later stages, it is often compressed by the growing uterus. This happens especially often when a woman lies on her back or on her right side.

Lack of microelements

Most often, cramps during pregnancy occur due to a lack of microelements. To determine what substance the body lacks, you can pay attention to other symptoms:

Circulatory disorders

Quite often, muscles experience a lack of microelements due to poor circulation. The lower extremities especially suffer from this. Insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen leads to tissue ischemia. This is especially felt at night when blood circulation slows down. But in pregnant women, the appearance of seizures is most often influenced by a violation of the venous flow. Due to the increased stress on the legs, many women develop varicose veins. In addition, at the late stage of pregnancy, these pathologies can lead to congestion in the limbs and electrolyte imbalance.

Consequences of seizures

Cramps during pregnancy themselves are not dangerous. But the reasons that cause them can lead to unpleasant consequences. For example, if you do not compensate for the lack of microelements in the body, the condition will worsen. In this case, the development of the child will suffer or convulsions will occur in other places in the woman’s body. If spasms seize the abdominal muscles, the consequence may be premature birth and loss of the baby.

In addition, in late pregnancy, cramps can be a symptom of eclampsia, a serious complication that threatens the life of the mother and fetus.

First aid

The cramp occurs suddenly. Usually it does not last long - from a few seconds to 2 minutes. But during this time a woman may experience serious discomfort. In addition, such spasms occur mainly at night, preventing a normal night's sleep. Therefore, it is very important to know what to do to quickly relieve the spasm and relax. First of all, it is recommended to massage the muscle, you can even pinch or prick it with your nails. It helps if you take your foot by the toes and pull them towards you. You can also stand on the bare floor barefoot and walk around. A warm heating pad or a stream of hot shower aimed at the cramped muscle relaxes well.

Treatment of seizures

If you are pregnant, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination. After determining the cause of muscle spasms, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Typically these include multivitamins, a special diet, and lifestyle changes. A sufficient intake of important microelements from food is necessary. The lack of potassium can be compensated for by including bananas, baked potatoes, dried fruits in the diet; there is a lot of calcium in dairy products. Magnesium is found in legumes, nuts, seeds, spinach, and buckwheat porridge. Often pregnant women are additionally prescribed medications containing microelements. This could be “Materna”, “Magne B6”, “Complivit Mama”, “Elevit” and others.

If a woman is diagnosed with varicose veins, she is recommended to wear compression tights. It is useful to take warm foot baths with sea salt in the evenings. And for better blood flow from the legs, you need to more often take a horizontal position with your legs raised. If the cause of the seizures is late toxicosis, the woman is hospitalized. After all, this condition, which is also called gestosis, can threaten the life of both mother and child.

How to prevent seizures

To prevent leg cramps during pregnancy, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet from the first trimester. Be sure to get rid of bad habits, drinking coffee and carbonated drinks. It is advisable for a pregnant woman to avoid high heels and not spend a lot of time on her feet. But a sedentary lifestyle is also harmful - walking, swimming, and special gymnastics are necessary. It is useful to massage your feet daily. Moreover, hand movements should be directed from the feet to the thighs, along the course of the venous blood. To prevent night cramps, it is advisable to keep your feet warm. In the last semester it is better to sleep on your left side. And in the evenings it is recommended to take warm foot baths or take a contrast shower.

Painful muscle contractions in the legs or arms are not uncommon during pregnancy. come on suddenly and especially often disturb the expectant mother during rest. What are the causes of cramps during pregnancy and how to deal with them?

Causes of cramps during pregnancy

Cramps can overcome a pregnant woman for many reasons, acting as a kind of symptom of possible disorders in the body, starting with a lack of certain microelements, and ending with complications during pregnancy. The main causes of cramps during pregnancy:

1. Lack of microelements such as potassium, magnesium, as well as vitamin B6, caused by:

  • firstly, strong, in which the body loses many trace elements through vomit (usually in the early stages);
  • secondly, an increase in the needs of the developing fetus (this is especially pronounced in the middle of pregnancy);
  • thirdly, uncontrolled use of diuretics;
  • fourthly, unbalanced, in which too few substances she needs enter the woman’s body.

3. A disorder that can arise due to a lack of food, when a pregnant woman eats rarely and in large portions, or “leans” too much on sweets.

4., especially if there is increased load on the legs.

5. Drinking drinks containing caffeine, which provokes muscle dehydration and tension, leading to the development of cramps.

6. “Inferior vena cava compression syndrome”, in which the enlarged uterus presses on the inferior vena cava and causes a violation of the venous outflow from the legs. In this case, cramps begin to torment the pregnant woman, usually in the third trimester, when she lies on her back or right side.

7. Various diseases and complications of pregnancy.

How to help yourself during seizures

  1. Try to slowly and carefully, but at the same time quite firmly, pull the toes of the leg in which the muscle has contracted towards you. After this, also slowly relax your leg, and then stretch again.
  2. After the cramp goes away, lightly massage the muscle, warming it up. You can also use a heating pad or hot water to warm the muscle.
  3. To restore blood circulation, you can walk around the room a little.
  4. To avoid recurrence of cramps, lie down with your legs slightly elevated, using a pillow or folded blanket.

Prevention and treatment of seizures during pregnancy

Cramps are only a symptom of certain disorders in the body, so if they appear, you should immediately consult your doctor, who can find out the cause of painful muscle contractions and prescribe treatment.

If the reason is a lack of microelements and vitamins, then treatment will be reduced to a review of the diet and supplementing it with necessary products. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a vitamin-mineral complex.

By the way, in any case, a pregnant woman’s diet should include the following: cereals (buckwheat and oatmeal), wholemeal bread and pasta, fermented milk products, hard cheeses, fish, low-fat vegetables and fruits in fresh and dry form, and also nuts in small quantities. To maintain normal blood sugar levels, you should eat small meals often.

In order not to provoke leg cramps, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • wear comfortable shoes with a stable heel that does not exceed 5 cm;
  • for varicose veins, wear special tights and stockings (your doctor will help you choose the ones that are right for you);
  • starting from the third trimester, try to lie on your left side or place a small pillow under your right buttock to prevent manifestations of “inferior vena cava syndrome”;
  • try to avoid heavy loads on your legs, and if you have to stand for a long time, do unloading exercises that help restore blood circulation in the calf muscles (for example, rise on your toes and lower yourself onto your feet several times);
  • rest with your legs slightly elevated;
  • Take relaxing warm foot baths before bed, using, for example, sea salt.

Especially for- Ksenia Dakhno

True, it also happens when cramps during pregnancy do not arise at all. Why does this condition occur and can it be overcome?

Cramp during pregnancy or spasm is an involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles, usually accompanied by sharp pain. Leg cramps in pregnant women are caused by a sudden contraction of the calf muscles located on the back of the lower leg. Areas of local muscle spasm appear in the form of compactions. More often, this condition occurs in the evening or at night while lying down. At the cellular level, this process is associated with an increase in the excitability of muscle cells, due to which muscle contraction occurs.

Causes of cramps during pregnancy

Magnesium and calcium

Magnesium during pregnancy– a universal regulator of physiological and biochemical processes in the body. The normal content of magnesium in the body is ensured by the balance of its intake and excretion. During pregnancy, the content of this element in the body is reduced due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood and the growth of the fetus and uterus. If there is a lack of magnesium in the body of a pregnant woman, serious complications such as gestosis, spontaneous abortion, premature birth, placental insufficiency, and fetal malnutrition can occur. Magnesium plays a large role in the physiology of the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles and the contraction of their cells. A decrease in its level leads to increased neuromuscular excitability and causes the development of seizures.

Shortage magnesium during pregnancy also occurs with increased excretion of this element from the body during vomiting, diarrhea, and diabetes. Most often, the development of magnesium deficiency is facilitated by insufficient intake of magnesium from food. Some medications used by pregnant women also make it difficult for the body to absorb and absorb magnesium. For example, antacids such as almagel And Maalox, used to treat heartburn, enveloping the gastric mucosa and protecting its walls from the aggressive action of hydrochloric acid, at the same time slowing down the absorption of vitamins and microelements.

Both drug therapy and a diet that includes foods high in magnesium and vitamin B6, or, as it is also called, pyridoxine, help restore the physiological level of magnesium in the body. Magnesium and pyridoxine are closely related. As a rule, a deficiency of this microelement is accompanied by insufficient levels of vitamin B6 in the body.

Calcium during pregnancy- This is another macronutrient, the insufficient content of which is a common cause of calf muscle cramps. The parathyroid glands have a significant influence on its metabolism in the body. During pregnancy, there is a decrease in their function, leading to a decrease in calcium levels in the blood. Calcium salts are the main building material for bones, teeth, nails; they are also necessary for muscles, participate in the processes of hematopoiesis, metabolism, help reduce vascular permeability, preventing the penetration of microorganisms into the blood and, thus, increasing the body's resistance to infections and toxins.

Calcium is absorbed in the body only in the presence of magnesium. During pregnancy, especially in the last trimester, the need for this macroelement increases 2-3 times, because it is involved in the formation of fetal bone tissue. Therefore, if there is insufficient intake from food, it is “washed out” from the bones.

Iron deficiency

May be a consequence of severe anemia. During pregnancy, a deficiency of iron, which is part of hemoglobin, often occurs. Iron is found in the body not only as part of blood hemoglobin, but in muscle tissue it is represented by myoglobin. With the help of myoglobin, the muscle provides itself with oxygen. Therefore, with oxygen starvation, which develops with anemia, the metabolism of minerals in the muscle is disrupted and cramps may occur.

Glucose during pregnancy

Often cramps in pregnant women associated with a decrease in blood glucose levels. During pregnancy, this is especially important, since glucose is the main energy source and is actively spent not only on the needs of the pregnant woman’s body, but also on the vital activity of the fetus. With an incorrect diet, when food is taken rarely, but in large quantities, with a late, heavy dinner, a decrease in blood sugar levels at night and in the morning is possible, which can cause convulsive contractions.

Varicose veins during pregnancy

Phlebeurysm Leg swelling is another common side effect of pregnancy, occurring in 20–40% of expectant mothers. In the early stages of pregnancy, this is associated with hormonal influences. Pregnancy hormones weaken the muscle walls of blood vessels, causing them to dilate to accommodate the increased blood volume in the body during pregnancy. Typically, the pathology first manifests itself in the second half of pregnancy. Most often, varicose veins appear on the legs, since the enlarged uterus compresses the main blood vessels passing under it (inferior vena cava, iliac veins), which increases the load on the pelvic veins and sometimes leads to stagnation of blood in the legs. In the initial stage of the disease, a woman pays attention to a cosmetic defect in the form of a spider vein. Later, complaints of a feeling of fatigue, heaviness in the legs and their swelling appear, after prolonged standing or in the afternoon, especially with the onset of heat. Due to deterioration of blood circulation, the nutrition of the muscle, the delivery of nutrients to it and the removal of metabolic products are disrupted. All this serves as a favorable background for the development of seizures.

Inferior vena cava syndrome

As already mentioned, the pregnant uterus, which increases in size, puts significant pressure on the pelvic vessels. When lying on your back or on your right side, the pressure increases, the uterus can compress the inferior vena cava, located to the right of the spine, causing disruption of the outflow of venous blood from the extremities, and the same mechanism is triggered as with varicose veins. This is accompanied by the appearance cramps during pregnancy.

Figuratively speaking, many factors converge at one point and are externally manifested by the emergence cramps during pregnancy. It is necessary to inform the obstetrician-gynecologist about this fact and try to understand the causes of the situation in order, together with the doctor, to develop further tactics aimed at eliminating the causes of seizures.

In addition to the accompanying complaints characteristic of each disease, a number of blood parameters will help the doctor identify the cause of seizures. To do this, you need to undergo clinical and biochemical blood tests, a serum iron test, and a coagulogram. This is required to assess hemoglobin, glucose levels, and the amount of microelements. You may need to consult a therapist, neurologist and endocrinologist.

If a close relative in your family suffers varicose veins or you have already developed the first signs of this disease, then a consultation with a phlebologist or vascular surgeon is advisable, and it is also necessary to conduct Doppler ultrasound (USDG) of the veins of the lower extremities. The main task of Doppler ultrasound is to assess the condition of the veins and their valves. Doppler ultrasound is a full-fledged method of examining veins (i.e., an exhaustive study necessary in 90?% of cases), diagnosing thrombotic vascular occlusions, varicose veins, and valvular insufficiency of the main veins.

First aid for seizures

They can be extremely unpleasant and the pain often wakes pregnant women up at night. If they occur, you can massage the contracted muscle yourself or ask your husband to rub it to increase blood circulation, but it is best to try to get up and walk around a little. If the cramps are so strong that it is difficult to get up, then while sitting on the bed, grab the toes of your sore leg and pull them towards you, trying not to bend your knee or lift your leg. Remember that you need to stretch gradually, avoiding fast and sudden movements, which not only can worsen cramps, but also damage the muscles. If your large belly prevents you from leaning forward to grab your toes, simply straighten your legs, press the entire length of them into the mattress and point your toes as far as possible towards your head.

Be sure to notify your doctor. After talking with you and receiving test results, he may prescribe vitamin complexes or medications designed to fill the deficiency of the substances you are missing and will recommend consultation with other specialists. If the examination does not reveal anything serious, the doctor will give advice that will alleviate your condition and will be preventive measures. By following these recommendations, you will definitely cope with cramps.

Pregnancy is a time that a woman should devote to herself. While a new life is developing inside, the expectant mother should think not only about her baby, but also about her health in order to avoid problems both during pregnancy and after it.

Vitamins and minerals for pregnant women

As we have already found out, one of the reasons cramps during pregnancy is a lack of microelements in a woman’s body, so it is necessary to ensure their sufficient intake both from food and from multivitamin complexes recommended for pregnant women.

The greatest amount of magnesium is found in fresh fruits, vegetables, parsley, dill, and green onions. When canning, drying, drying, the concentration of the mineral decreases slightly, but it is much less absorbed in the body. Therefore, magnesium deficiency is less common in summer than in cold periods. The concentration of magnesium is high in fish and seafood. Pyridoxine is found in large quantities in unrefined cereal grains, vegetables, fish, meat, milk, cattle and cod liver, and egg yolk.

Drug treatment for long-term latent magnesium deficiency start with preparations containing magnesium with vitamin B6, in the presence of which the absorption of the macronutrient improves. Replenishment of the mineral level occurs no earlier than after two months of treatment. When taking medications containing magnesium, it must be taken into account that after 18 hours, the absorption of magnesium from the digestive tract due to its biochemical characteristics decreases. Therefore, medications that contain magnesium are best taken in the first half of the day. Another feature is that its absorption by tissues increases during light physical activity and decreases when leading a sedentary lifestyle.

There are diseases for which magnesium supplements cannot be taken. These include renal failure, decreased thyroid function, a tendency to blood clots, and adrenal insufficiency.

Calcium rich in milk, fermented milk products, cheese, cottage cheese.

Vitamin D It is found in large quantities in the liver of fish, primarily cod, as well as butter, egg yolk, and milk. It is very important to spend enough time in the fresh air, as moderate amounts of ultraviolet rays help the skin produce its own vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium.

Expectant mothers should take vitamin D and calcium supplements throughout pregnancy, starting at 12 weeks. It is better to take vitamin D and calcium supplements in the evening, when their absorption by bone tissue increases. For the purpose of prevention, it is enough to take multivitamin complexes, which include the necessary pregnant vitamins and microelements.

Taking vitamin D is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to cholecalciferol (one of the forms of vitamin D), hypervitaminosis D, increased calcium levels in the blood and increased excretion in the urine, urolithiasis with the presence of calcium stones and some other diseases.

To prevent the occurrence anemia during pregnancy Multivitamin complexes, which also include microelements, are excellent. However, remember that some foods significantly reduce the absorption of iron by the body and can ruin all your efforts. These are cheese, milk, yoghurts, cottage cheese, tea, coffee, spinach, cereals and bran. This food group should be consumed one hour before or two hours after taking iron supplements or products containing it.

Increase the amount of high-nutrient foods in your daily diet. vitamin C, since they increase the absorption of iron by the body. These can be citrus fruits, kiwi, rose hips, strawberries, currants, red and green bell peppers. The greatest amount of iron is found in meat, liver, buckwheat, and pomegranates. Medicines and vitamins are prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis, based on the patient’s health condition.

Nutrition during pregnancy

To maintain normal blood sugar levels, frequent fractional nutrition during pregnancy, since long breaks in food intake can also lead to a decrease in blood glucose levels and, accordingly, to seizures. The basis of the diet should be complex carbohydrates (buckwheat and oatmeal, bread and wholemeal pasta, vegetables and fruits). The carbohydrates in these products are broken down slowly, ensuring a constant supply of moderate amounts of glucose into the blood. As a result, the body receives a sufficient amount of energy, and the level of the hormone insulin, necessary to maintain a normal amount of sugar in the blood, does not increase significantly. When consuming simple carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, cakes), a large amount of glucose enters the blood at the same time. In response, a lot of insulin is released, which subsequently causes blood sugar levels to drop sharply, causing muscle spasms.

Clothes for pregnant women

Expectant mothers are recommended to wear comfortable shoes with a stable heel no more than 3–4 cm high. If forced to stand for long periods of time, simple exercises should be periodically performed to normalize blood circulation in the calf muscles. You can simply rise on your toes several times and lower your foot back to the floor. Foot massage helps very well with cramps, as reflexogenic points are activated and blood circulation improves.

When varicose veins It is recommended to wear special anti-varicose tights and stockings. In this case, it is very important to choose the right size and degree of compression (pressure) of tights, depending on the condition of the venous system. It is better if a doctor helps you with this.

If possible, rest with your legs elevated so that blood can circulate freely from your feet to your upper torso. In this case, you can do a light massage of the legs, stroking them from the feet to the thigh (in the direction of movement of venous blood through the vessels of the lower extremities) with moderate compression of the soft tissues to improve the outflow of venous blood.

To activate blood circulation and improve muscle nutrition, baths at room temperature with sea salt - 2-3 tbsp. l. salt per 4–5?l of water. They are recommended to be done in the evening before bed. This procedure relieves fatigue and tension in the leg muscles. Try to sleep on your left side or place a small pillow under your right buttock to redistribute the weight of the enlarged uterus onto the left side of the body and thereby reduce its pressure on the inferior vena cava.

To prevent cramps in the calf muscles, the following exercise is recommended: lie on the floor, raise your legs, bending them at the knees, and press your toes firmly against the wall. Keeping your legs in this position, count to 10. Repeat 6-8 times. You can do this exercise several times a day and before bed. Contrast dousing the area of ​​the legs and feet with alternately hot (38–40°C) and cool (18–20°C) water helps a lot. Finish dousing with warm water, and rub your feet well with a towel.

In conclusion, I would like to note that a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, taking multivitamins and microelements, and moderate physical activity minimize the unpleasant sensations that may accompany a woman expecting a child and contribute to the physiological course of pregnancy.

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