Ear drops in pink packaging. Instructions for use of Otofa ear drops

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Otofa is an antibacterial agent of the rifampicin series for local use in otorhinolaryngological practice. The cause of middle ear inflammation is most often exposure to pathogenic bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. These are certain types of streptococci and staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, Proteus. Recently, the number of bacterial strains resistant to penicillins, tetracyclines, cephalosporins, and macrolides has doubled. It must be borne in mind that the doctor can obtain accurate information about the qualitative and quantitative composition of pathogenic microflora and the degree of its response to the action of various antibacterial agents only 2-4 days after the patient’s first visit. In this regard, when prescribing local antibiotics, preference is given to drugs with a wide therapeutic range that have a bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect against most of the most common pathogens. One of these is ear drops Otofa from the French pharmaceutical company Dr. Bouchard's Laboratory. In Russia, the drug has been used since 1998. The active component of the drug, rifampicin, has a powerful bactericidal effect on gram-positive microorganisms that are resistant to other antibiotics. By interacting with DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, it inhibits the formation of bacterial RNA. It is important that rifampicin does not cross-react with other antibacterial agents. Otofa has proven itself well in clinical studies in patients of different age groups. It was noted that the drug significantly reduces the severity pain syndrome and hyperemia of the external auditory canal, a feeling of stuffiness.

When using Otofa, local signs of inflammation are relieved, as a rule, within 4-5 days. Patients usually tolerate the drug well: unwanted side effects develop relatively rarely (this applies to both local and systemic side effects). Undesirable reactions such as immune suppression and dysbiosis, characteristic of antibiotics, are not typical for Otofa. In rare cases, allergic skin rashes may occur. The use of Otofa is advisable in cases of prolonged or sluggish inflammatory process in conditions of resistance of the pathogenic microflora to the drugs used antibacterial agents. Otofa is effective both as a monotherapy for inflammatory diseases of the middle and external ear, and as part of combination therapy together with other drugs. Pharmacokinetics of local dosage forms rifampicin has not been studied due to the virtual absence of systemic absorption. Single dose - 5 drops in one ear canal. Frequency of application - 3 times a day. Another dosage regimen is to pour the drug into the ear for a few minutes twice a day. Children's single dose - 3 drops. The average duration of a medication course is one week. Features of use: before instillation, you should hold the bottle in your hand for several minutes to warm the drops to body temperature (this will eliminate the discomfort caused by cold liquid getting into the ear canal). Contact of Otofa with clothing items (or any fabric) may leave stains.

Full instructions

Reviews from doctors




Patient reviews

Tatarnikov D. V.

Medvedeva O. V.

Budanov E. G.

Zinchenko A. V.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Antibacterial drug for local use in ENT practice

Ear drops 2.6% in the form of a transparent red-yellow solution.

Excipients: macrogol 400 - 25 g, ascorbic acid - 500 mg, disodium edetate - 12 mg, potassium disulfite - 150 mg, lithium hydroxide - 135 mg, purified water - up to 100 ml.

10 ml - dark glass bottles (1) complete with dosing pipette - cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

Antibiotic from the rifamycin group for local use in otorhinolaryngology. The mechanism of action of rifamycin is associated with the formation of a stable complex with DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which prevents bacterial growth. Active regarding most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria that cause the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the outer and middle ear.


Pharmacokinetic studies of the drug

were not performed due to low systemic absorption.


Acute and chronic otitis:

Otitis externa;

Acute otitis media (including with perforation eardrum);

Chronic otitis media;

Conditions after surgical interventions on the middle ear.


Hypersensitivity to rifamycin.

Adults instill 5 drops into the ear 3 times a day or pour the drug into the ear for a few minutes 2 times a day.

children instill 3 drops into the ear 3 times a day or pour the drug into the ear for a few minutes 2 times a day.

The average duration of the course of therapy is 7 days.

Side effects

Rarely: skin allergic reactions.

Due to the low degree of systemic absorption, overdose is unlikely.

No clinically significant drug interactions between Otofa and other drugs have been identified.

The drug gives a pink color to the eardrum (visible during otoscopy).

Contact of the drug with clothing should be avoided, because the solution may stain fabric.

Pregnancy and lactation

Adequate and strictly controlled clinical studies of the safety of the drug Otofa in


and during lactation ( breastfeeding) was not carried out.

Use in childhood

It can be used according to indications and in doses taking into account the patient’s age.

The drug is dispensed by prescription.

The drug should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 3 years.

One of the reasons for the occurrence inflammatory processes There are various microorganisms in the ear. Among the causative agents of otitis are staphylococcus, hemolytic and pyogenic streptococci, etc. Last years showed an increase in the frequency of insensitivity of pathogens to tetracycline antibiotics, penicillin series, macrolides and many other antimicrobial drugs. To determine the microbial flora that caused the inflammatory process and conduct a sensitivity test to specific antibacterial drugs, the doctor will need at least 3-4 days after the patient’s request. Therefore, many doctors and their patients prefer drugs with a wider range of action. To one of these medicines doctors include the drug "Otofa", reviews of which indicate excellent antibacterial activity against pathogens. The absence of irritation and high efficiency of the drops were also noted.

This medication is used to treat external, otitis media and acute otitis. The drug has a good effect on the course of the disease due to the antibiotic rifampicin it contains. Clinical studies of the drug indicate its effectiveness. When using this remedy, already in the first three days the symptoms of otitis media begin to subside: pain decreases or disappears, hearing is restored, and congestion decreases. Complete recovery occurs after seven days of using the drug.
Therefore, many doctors and their patients prefer drugs with a wider range of action. Doctors include the drug “Otofa” as one of these medicines, reviews of which indicate excellent antibacterial activity against pathogens. The absence of irritation and high efficiency of the drops were also noted.

This medication is used to treat external, otitis media and acute otitis. The drug has a good effect on the course of the disease due to the antibiotic rifampicin it contains. Clinical studies of the drug indicate its effectiveness. When using this remedy, already in the first three days the symptoms of otitis media begin to subside: pain decreases or disappears, hearing is restored, and congestion decreases. Complete recovery occurs after seven days of using the drug. Before using the medication, it must be warmed up a little. It is warmed by body heat by squeezing the bottle in the palm of your hand for a few seconds. It is recommended to use the drug three times a day for adults, and two times a day for children. The solution must be poured into the ear for a few seconds, after which you need to tilt your head to allow the drug to flow out naturally.

The active component of Otofa drops is rifampicin. Being a semi-synthetic antibiotic, it has a bactericidal effect, blocks RNA polymerase, and prevents normal RNA synthesis. The drug "Otofa" stops protein synthesis of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. With almost all types of infections of the outer and middle ear, the drug “Otofa” is an effective remedy. Reviews of its use in both children and adults note positive dynamics. Long-term therapy with the drug, namely more than one week, is not recommended due to the possible rapid selection of strains.

The middle ear communicates with the nasopharyngeal cavity through the auditory tube. The nasopharynx serves to stabilize the pressure of the eardrum and helps ensure drainage in the middle ear and ventilation. For acute respiratory infections Inflammatory changes occur in the nasopharynx and nasal mucosa. This leads to blockage of the pharyngeal mouth of the tube. Because of this, the liquid does not enter the nasopharynx, which leads to its retention in the tympanic cavity. Such processes lead to the development of otitis media. Due to ventilation problems in the tympanic cavity, hearing loss and ear congestion occur.

Otitis media most often occurs in children due to the short auditory tube, which facilitates the penetration of infection into the tympanic cavity. In addition to this, in children the mucous membrane is not fully formed, which makes it easier for bacteria to penetrate and multiply. Symptoms of acute otitis media include ear pain radiating to the temple, vomiting, hearing loss, fever, and dizziness. Otitis externa is accompanied by itching, severe pain when touching auricle. There is also constant pain in the ear or its area, and enlarged lymph nodes. The drug “Otofa” successfully combats all symptoms of the disease. Reviews from otolaryngologists confirm this. That is why the drug in question has earned the trust of many ENT patients.

Almost all patients who suffered from otitis media report positive dynamics in the course of the disease. Otofa ear drops, reviews of which demonstrate the effectiveness of the drug, in a short time and without any side effects have a healing effect. The drug in question is an effective remedy for a significant group of inflammations of the middle and outer ear. Drops can be used for motor therapy of diseases, as well as in combination with other types of treatment.

For the treatment of otitis, otolaryngologists often recommend the use of the drug "Otofa" for children. Reviews from parents who used this remedy, note the positive effect of the drops and good tolerability. Improvement occurs after the first days of using the drug. The only drawback of Otofa ear drops (patient reviews often point to this) is the pink spots on the tissue that remain after using the solution.

Otofa ear drops are an antibacterial drug, the main activity of which is directed against the causative agents of middle ear infections, such as streptococci and staphylococci, as well as Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria.

The main active ingredient of the drops is rifamycin sodium, and potassium metabisulfite, macrogol 400, sodium edetate, ascorbic acid, lithium hydroxide and purified water are added as excipients.

In this article we will look at why doctors prescribe Otof, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. Real REVIEWS People who have already used Otofa can be read in the comments.

Composition and form of release

Ear drops called “Otofa” are a liquid solution of a reddish-yellow hue with a mass fraction of the main component of 2.6%. Drops into the ear are dispensed in 10 ml dark glass bottles. The cardboard package contains: 1 bottle, a special pipette for dispensing drops, instructions.

The main component of Otofa drops is rifamycin sodium; 10 ml of medicinal solution contains 260 ml of active substance (200,000 IU).

Clinico-pharmacological group: antibacterial drug for local use in ENT practice.

What does Otofa help with?

According to the instructions supplied with Otofa, the medication is used in the treatment of:

  1. Perforation of the eardrum;
  2. Chronic and acute forms of external otitis;
  3. Chronic and acute otitis media.

The drug is also used in postoperative period at surgical interventions in the middle ear area.

pharmachologic effect

Antibiotic from the rifamycin group for local use in otorhinolaryngology. The mechanism of action of rifamycin is associated with the formation of a stable complex with DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which prevents bacterial growth.

  • Active against most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria that cause the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the outer and middle ear.

Reviews from patients, as well as numerous studies, indicate that the drug is quite well tolerated by patients. The instructions for use indicate that the drug causes a change in the color of the eardrum.

Instructions for use

  • Adults: 5 drops are instilled 3 times a day or the drug is poured into the ear 2 times a day for a few minutes;
  • Children: 3 drops are instilled 3 times a day or the drug is poured into the ear 2 times a day for a few minutes.

The duration of treatment depends on the individual case, but should not exceed 7 days, since if after a week the patient’s condition has not improved, he should contact a specialist who will most likely prescribe another treatment.


It is better not to use ear drops if you are allergic to rifamycin, as well as to other components of the drug.

Side effects

The main side effects include:

  • itching inside the ear;
  • redness of the eardrum in adults and children;
  • skin rash around the ear area.

Pregnancy and lactation

Adequate and strictly controlled clinical studies of the safety of using Otofa during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) have not been conducted.


The most available analogues of the drug are listed below: A-cerumen, Otizol, Candibiotic, Droplex, Anauran, Dorzamed, Rinorus, Evamenol, Timsal, Rifogal, Otipax.


The average price of OTOFA, drops in pharmacies (Moscow) is 190 rubles.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is dispensed by prescription.

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The drug Otofa is a drug with a pronounced antibacterial effect. The composition is produced in the form of ear drops and is often used in otolaryngological practice. The active ingredient of the composition is an antibiotic of the rifamycin group. The active substance actively suppresses the vital activity of many microorganisms.

Dosage form

Otofa is produced by a pharmacological company in the form of ear drops.

Description and composition

Otofa - ear drops with a dosing pipette, allowing for ease of use. The drug has a red-yellow color. The active component of the composition is sodium rifamycin. The list of auxiliary components used can be presented as follows:

  • macrogol;
  • disodium edetate;
  • potassium disulfite;
  • lithium hydroxide;
  • purified water.

The given components make it possible to use rifamycin sodium in ear drop format.

Pharmacological group

The active component of the drug, namely rimaficin sodium, is an antibacterial component used in otolaryngological practice.

The principle of action of the active component is the formation of a permanent complex with DNA and RNA polymerase. This condition inhibits the production of pathogenic microorganisms.

The active component of the medicinal composition is active against the bulk of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria that can provoke inflammatory pathologies of the outer and middle ear.

Indications for use

The list of indications for use of the drug can be presented as follows:

  • outer ear;
  • spicy medium;
  • accompanied by perforation of the eardrum;
  • chronic otitis;
  • prevention of bacterial complications after operations on the middle ear.

for adults

If there are indications for use, the product can be used by patients of this age category. In most cases, the drug is well tolerated by the patient and does not cause side effects.

for children

The drug can be used by patients in this group who have no contraindications for use. When determining the recommended dose, it is important to consider the patient's age and health status. The appearance of adverse reactions is a signal for emergency withdrawal of the drug.

There are no data that can confirm the safety of using the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug can be used by women in a similar position if there are indications for use. The tolerability of the drug should be monitored by a doctor. Otofa can be used in short courses; after the woman’s well-being has stabilized, treatment is discontinued.


The use of the medicinal composition is prohibited for patients who have individual intolerance to individual components of the composition. If a hypersensitivity reaction occurs, the use of the drug is discontinued. In some cases, the composition can cause harm, which will significantly outweigh the expected benefit.

Applications and doses

The dosage regimen of the drug is determined individually. The regimen and duration of therapy are determined by the attending physician for each individual patient. The drug is well tolerated provided the patient follows the instructions specified by the doctor.

for adults

The optimal duration of the course of exposure is 7 days. Since the opened bottle is stored in the refrigerator immediately before use, it is recommended to warm the composition in your hand. Exposure to a cold solution for otitis of various locations is unacceptable. A cold solution can cause discomfort in the auditory cavity. In the case of constant use of an unheated composition, the pathological process may worsen.

Before starting to use the composition, the patient should consult a doctor. In some cases, it is recommended to instill the product into the ear 2-3 times a day. It is important to maintain equal intervals between uses. The permissible dose for patients in this group is 5 drops once.

for children

For children, Otofa is instilled 3 times a day, 3 drops or poured into the auditory cavity for 2-3 minutes. After this time, the ear is blotted with an absorbent cloth.

The maximum permissible duration of exposure for children is 7 days.

for pregnant women and during lactation

The use of the product during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not limited. In most cases, the drug can be used according to the schedule specified for adult patients. However, despite the foreseeable safety, the decision on the advisability of using the composition is determined by the attending physician on an individual basis.

Side effects

Side effects associated with the use of the drug are extremely rare. In most cases, the composition is well tolerated. In some cases, hypersensitivity reactions may occur. This condition is accompanied by a rash and itching.

Interaction with other drugs

meaningful medicinal effect When using the composition in combination with other drugs, it was not detected. Before using other antibacterial ear drops in combination with Otofa, you should consult a doctor.

special instructions

During use of the product, the color of the eardrum may change to pink. You should use the drops carefully, following the rules of instillation; if the product gets on the fabric, it leaves stains that are quite difficult to remove.


Systemic adsorption is weakly expressed, the likelihood of overdose is minimized. When using the composition in conditions of perforation of the eardrum, greater attention should be paid to compliance with the dosage regimen. Under such conditions, the likelihood of absorption of the drug into the systemic circulation increases. The occurrence of an overdose can be signaled by such reactions as acute intra-ear itching.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. The product must be in its original packaging. Otofa should be protected from direct sunlight. The drug should be stored in a place protected from children.


The drug Otofa, used in otolaryngological practice for the treatment various diseases outer and middle ear has a sufficient number of analogues for use. The advantage of this drug in comparison with drugs from other medicinal groups is its high safety, which allows treatment in conditions of perforation of the eardrum. The composition has its own analogues, which to some extent are inferior or superior to the composition of Otof. The main point is that patients should take into account the fact that it is possible to replace a drug prescribed by a specialist with an analogue only after a second consultation. Self-medication can cause irreparable damage to the patient's health.

The drug is used for the treatment of ophthalmological and otolaryngological pathologies. The drug has a pronounced antipruritic effect. The composition stops the inflammatory process and can be used as a local analgesic component. The pain is eliminated immediately after using the product - this is the main advantage of the component. Just like Otofa, the component is actively used in pediatric practice, the composition can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women. The dosage regimen is set individually.


Oftamirin is a surfactant with a pronounced antibacterial effect. The composition is used not only in otolaryngological but also in ophthalmological practice. Quite effective for middle ear problems. The product is highly safe, adverse reactions appear extremely rarely. The drug is effective against a wide range of bacteria. Can be used in pediatric practice for children aged 5 years and older. There are no data establishing the safety of use during pregnancy.

Oticaine is considered as a drug characterized by a combined effect. The composition is actively used for the treatment of otitis media various etiologies in adult patients and children different ages. The advantage of this remedy is its multidirectional action. The composition eliminates the inflammatory process and eliminates pain. Oticaine does not have a systemic effect. The drug can penetrate into the bloodstream only if the patient has a perforated eardrum.


The cost of Otofa is on average 186 rubles. Prices range from 161 to 212 rubles.

Otofa, in accordance with the instructions for use, is used in otolaryngology. Treatment in recommended doses and in accordance with the required frequency helps to quickly relieve acute inflammation and prevent more serious complications.

The human ear consists of 3 different structures. The outer ear is represented by the auricle itself and the external auditory canal. The middle borders with the outer in the area where the eardrum is located. The inner ear consists of the bony and membranous labyrinths.

Drops are intended to combat the following diseases:

  • acute otitis externa;
  • exacerbations chronic forms otitis;
  • prevention of infections after surgical interventions.

Otofa (the instructions for use does not recommend for the fight against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is the cause of 30% of cases of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the middle ear) may not have the expected effect. In this case, you should contact an otolaryngologist as soon as possible.

Otofa can be used for acute otitis externa.

In addition to the initial examination, the doctor will give directions for blood and urine tests to determine the level of leukocytes and ESR. High values ​​will indicate the development of an acute inflammatory process in the body. In combination with other symptoms, the otolaryngologist will be able to prescribe the most effective course of therapy.

Patients with acute forms deep otitis media are usually hospitalized, especially children.

First of all, oral antibiotics and painkillers are prescribed. In some cases it is required intramuscular injection. To restore drainage in the Eustachian tubes, vasoconstrictor drops based on naphazoline or xylometazoline are prescribed for up to 5 days. Treatment is also accompanied by instillation of agents such as Otipax, Sofradex, etc.

Usually acute otitis media lasts no more than 3 weeks, subacute can last up to 3 months. A longer course indicates a chronic form of the disease. However, even in this case it is possible to stop unpleasant symptoms and avoid relapses in the future with timely initiation of treatment for ARVI and other infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Particular attention should be paid to protecting the head from wind and cold air, in particular in children due to imperfect immunity. This group of patients requires immediate initiation of therapy for any disease. It is prohibited to wait for symptoms to disappear on their own.

Composition of Otofa ear drops

100 ml of the drug contains 2.6 grams of rifamycin sodium, or 2,000,000 IU.

macrogol 40025,000 g
disodium edetate12 mg
vitamin C500 mg
Li hydroxide135 mg
disulfide K150 mg
pure waterup to 100 ml

Externally, the drug looks like a transparent liquid of a reddish hue. Rifamycin pharmacologically belongs to the group of ansamycins. Obtained by isolation from the radiant fungus Streptomyces mediterranei, it penetrates well through cell membranes.

The substance was synthesized in 1965. Possesses high efficiency against intensively reproducing extracellular microorganisms. With slightly less activity it affects intracellular pathogens. In affected lesions, rifamycin creates concentrations 100 times higher than those required for M. tuberculosis, for example.

The drug is actively absorbed and penetrates the blood-brain barrier. It is characterized by high hepatotoxicity. It is a strong inducer of cytochrome P450 - the common name for a family of enzymes. They play an important role in the oxidation and metabolism of steroid hormones, bile acids and PUFAs, neutralization of drugs, poisons and drugs.

In what form are Otofa ear drops available?

Otofa, instructions for use and a pipette for instillation make up a complete set, packaged in a cardboard box. The drug is presented in the form of drops containing the active substance and auxiliary components in dark glass bottles with an aluminum cap.

Produced in France by the company FARMASTER. The cost of one set is between 170-200 rubles.

Pharmacokinetics of ear drops

In-depth studies on pharmacokinetics have not been carried out due to the low degree of systemic exposure of the solution when applied topically. The drug does not cross the blood-brain barrier.

Penetrates the placental barrier. Connection with plasma proteins – 60-70%. The highest concentrations are found in the liver tissues, to a lesser extent in the kidneys, lungs, pleural and ascitic fluids.

Pharmacodynamics of Otofa ear drops

The mechanism of therapeutic action is associated with the formation of a stable connection with DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which stops the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. The drug is active against most pathogens - sources of infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the middle ear.

Processed to form active metabolites. The half-life of elimination from the body is 2 hours. 60-90% of the dose is excreted in bile within 8-24 hours. Partial reabsorption is observed in the intestines, as a result of which the substance circulates in the human body for a long time. With cholestasis, the concentration in the blood increases.

Use of Otofa ear drops

The drug is instilled into the ear or a gauze moistened with a sufficient amount of the drug is inserted.

The cavity inside the ear should be carefully cleaned of wax or purulent discharge using a cotton swab moistened with warm water.

Then blot dry with a dry swab. To prevent the spread of infection to the 2nd ear, it is advisable to instill the product into both ear openings.

If treatment with Otof drops is not effective, you should definitely contact an otolaryngologist to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe more effective drugs.

Also, the drug is prohibited for use in the presence of injured surfaces of the internal cavities of the ear due to the risk of systemic overdose of rifamycin.

The main symptoms of otitis:

  • pain in the ear, aggravated by swallowing, pressing on it and pulling on the lobe;
  • pain during external examination using a funnel and when opening the mouth;
  • severe swelling and redness of the ear.

In the absence of timely initiation of treatment, the infection penetrates deeper. The risk of serious consequences, including partial or complete loss of hearing, increases significantly.

For children under 18 years old

There are no age restrictions for using the drug. Drug interactions also not found. An important condition for safe treatment is monitoring the child’s reaction for the development of allergies.

Children use the drug warm, 3 drops 3 times a day. In the case of using gauze turunda with an applied solution, the frequency of use is limited to 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is no more than 1 week.

For adults

For the treatment of otitis with Otofa drops in adults, the drug is used 3 times a day, 5 drops warm. It is recommended to insert a cotton swab 2 times a day for 1 week.

For the treatment of complex inflammation of the middle ear with the separation of purulent fluid, the drug can be used to cleanse the inner cavity of the eardrums using an attic cannula. Or a generously moistened turunda is placed in the ear cavity for a few minutes, 2 times a day.

For pregnant

There have been no controlled studies on the effect of the drug on the unborn child during pregnancy. Hence the standard recommendation during this period is to use it if the expected benefit is higher than the possible negative effect on the fetus.

Before treatment, the drug must be agreed upon with the observing gynecologist, since rifamycin belongs to the group of ansamycin antibiotics that are not recommended during this period.

This should be taken especially strictly in the first trimester, when the formation of the fetal neural tube, brain and spinal cord, organs and tissues of the body. In the second and third trimesters, use is possible only if necessary.

For the elderly

The drug is approved for use in older people against the background of increased monitoring of general condition organism. For any suspicious symptoms, you should consult your local physician or otolaryngologist. Dosages of the drug correspond to recommendations for adult patients.

Contraindications for Otofa ear drops

Individual sensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug. I trimester of pregnancy. High propensity to develop allergic reactions for antibiotics. If treatment is necessary, prophylactic use of antihistamines is recommended.

It is not advisable to exceed the duration of therapy and dosage indicated by the manufacturer in accordance with the patient’s age and indications.


No systemic effects as a result of overdose were noted. However, if you instill an excess amount of the drug, you should avoid drafts and not be in cold rooms.

Hypothermia, caused by a damp environment in the ear cavity, can lead to a deterioration in health and increased pain. To absorb excess solution, it is recommended to insert a tourniquet of absorbent cotton shallowly and lie on your side.

Side effects

There is evidence of isolated cases of acute liver dysfunction - fatal hepatitis, porphyria. A temporary increase in transaminases is also possible, which does not require specific treatment.

Gastrointestinal dysfunction - nausea, vomiting, food aversion and diarrhea occur in patients with chronic diseases liver. To correct the condition and maintain the functions of the organ, parallel use of hepatoprotectors is recommended.

Side effects are mainly manifested dermatologically:

Treatment is symptomatic. For severe forms side effects You should consult your attending physician or call emergency assistance on house. The solution can also give the outer surfaces of the eardrum a pink tint (observed during otoscopy). Avoid contact of the solution with clothing due to the possibility of forming stubborn stains.

Combination of Otofa ear drops with other means

Otofa, the instructions for use of which do not contain data on clinically significant chemical interactions with drugs, should not be used for simultaneous treatment with rifamycin-containing drugs.

This combination increases the risk of side effects. You must wait at least 30 minutes between two different medications. Drops can also be combined with other methods of therapy from home remedies.

Conditions and shelf life of Otofa ear drops

Store out of reach of small children and away from direct sunlight at an ambient temperature of no more than 25°C. To reduce the risk of premature deterioration, the entire kit should be placed in its original packaging to protect it from the environment and sunlight. Shelf life – 36 months from the date of production.

The shelf life after opening is 6 months, during which it is recommended to store the drug in the refrigerator to maximize the preservation of the functional activity of the active ingredients.

The conditional shelf life is 6 months after the end of the period indicated on the package. Then the drug must be disposed of; further use for medicinal purposes is unacceptable. After completion of the course of therapy and complete recovery of the patient, the remains of the drug should not be stored.

Conditions for dispensing Otofa ear drops from pharmacies

Otofa (the instructions for use classify the drug as List B) is available without a specialist prescription. However, uncontrolled use without strict indications is prohibited.

Neglecting this condition may cause further growth resistance of harmful microorganisms to the effects of the components of the drug, resulting in an increased risk of lack of the desired effect in serious cases of diseases of the inner ear.

Analogs of Otofa ear drops

If necessary or if the drug is not available in pharmacies, it can be replaced with other, no less effective antibacterial agents.


Preparation from pharmacological group fluoroquinolones. Used for the treatment of external, middle and deeper otitis in acute or chronic forms. It is also used to prevent the attachment and development of bacterial pathogens after surgical operations or injury.

The active ingredient is norfloxacin. It leads to destabilization of the DNA chain of bacteria and to their subsequent death. Has a wide spectrum of antibacterial activity. The duration of the therapeutic effect after use is about 12 hours.

Normax is presented in the form of drops in bottles with a convenient dispenser for dosed use of the product.

According to the instructions, you should use the drug 3-4 times a day, instilling 4-5 drops into each ear canal. The total duration of therapy is 7...10 days. Storage conditions: at temperatures up to 25°C in a dark place. The shelf life of the solution after initial use is up to 30 days.

Undesirable actions may include the occurrence of allergic responses of the body and intolerance. The product should not be used in children, pregnant and nursing mothers due to the lack of reliable clinical data on safety and possible negative effects.


A drug from the pharmacological group of fluoroquinolones, which is highly effective in treating diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. The active ingredient is ciprofloxacin, which is 3-8 times more active than norfloxacin. Produced in bottles of 10 and 5 ml of 0.3% solution.

Used to suppress purulent-inflammatory diseases: all forms of otitis, prevention of complications after surgery or injury.

For adults – 5 drops 3 times a day, for children – 2-3 drops three times a day. It is recommended to use the solution for another 2 days after all symptoms of the disease have disappeared. The product should not be used during pregnancy or until breastfeeding is complete. Storage conditions: at temperatures up to 25°C.


Complex medicinal product from the group of aminoglycosides. The active ingredients are neomycin (10 mg), polypeptide antibiotic Polymyxin B (10,000 IU) and dexamethasone. Suppresses gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The drug is ineffective against streptococci. Does not affect viruses, fungi and anaerobes.

Dosage form – plastic bottle with a volume of 10 ml. For adults it is recommended to use 4-5 drops twice a day, for children – 2 times 2 drops. Duration of therapy is 1 week on average. Contraindications include: children under 2.5 years of age, pregnancy and breastfeeding, individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.


Combined product for local application. Produced in dark glass bottles containing a solution of 5 ml. As active components it contains the glucocorticosteroid beclamethasone - a natural analogue of chloramphenicol chloramphenicol, antifungal clotrimazole and lidocaine for local anesthetic effect.

Thanks to its complex composition, the solution has antibacterial, mycostatic and analgesic effects. Effectively relieves inflammation. However, it weakly suppresses clostridia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and protozoa. Instillation regimen – 3 times a day, 5 drops.

The duration of treatment is up to 1 week. Prohibited for children from birth to 6 years of age. The effect on the fetus during pregnancy has not been studied, so use is undesirable.


Ear drops in tinted glass bottles with a capacity of 25 ml, equipped with a dropper for dosing.

The solution contains:

  • polymyxin B – 10000 IU;
  • neomycin sulfate in terms of neomycin – 3,750,000 IU (5 mg);
  • lidocaine– 40 mg.

Auxiliary ingredients:

  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • propylene glycol;
  • glycerol;
  • purified water.

Neomycin is an aminoglycoside antibacterial substance against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Polymyxin B is a polypeptide antibiotic. Lidocaine quickly relieves pain and reduces the severity of itching. Systemic effects are unlikely. Used exclusively for the treatment of ear diseases.

Long-term therapy can provoke the development of superinfection - a sharp growth of bacteria of a different type than initially.

Pharmacologically, Candibiotic is not compatible with gentamicin, monomycin, streptomycin, amikacin and netalmicin.

When used simultaneously, the risk of ototoxicity of these substances increases.

Method of administration - the drug is dosed into the ear openings with using a special pipette:

  • adults– 4-5 drops 2-4 times a day;
  • children– 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.

The dosage depends on the severity of the patient's condition. The course of treatment should not last more than 1 week.

Otofa is thus quite effective remedy, if treatment is started in a timely manner. Following the recommendations of the instructions for use will allow you to quickly relieve acute otitis media and avoid the formation of chronic forms. A complex therapy in combination with systemic medications, it will shorten the entire period of getting rid of an unpleasant disease as much as possible.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about the drug Otofa

Otofa, ear drops. Review of the drug:

In the first years of life, a child is especially susceptible inflammatory diseases. These include otitis media. IN early age This disease is diagnosed at least once in most children. This is explained anatomical features ear and nasopharynx of the child.

To treat otitis media in children, otolaryngologists actively use antibiotics. One of them is the drug Otofa, which will be discussed in our review.

Otofa - antibiotic-based drops that act only locally.

Composition and action

The active substance in the drug is rifamycin - an element extremely aggressive towards harmful microorganisms. Otofa stimulates the formation of an enzyme that prevents the growth and reproduction of bacteria. This substance is produced under the influence of the medicine by the child’s body itself and copes well with pathogenic microbes that cause inflammation of the middle and outer ear.

Studies conducted in 2001 at the department of the Morozov City Hospital in Moscow showed that the effectiveness of Otofa in the treatment of children diagnosed with acute inflammation of the middle ear reaches 97%.

The experiment involved patients with both catarrhal otitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes) and the purulent form of the disease.


In order to use the drug Otofa for children, you need to show the little patient to the doctor and get a prescription, since this medicine is dispensed only by prescription and if there are appropriate indications.

The medicine is prescribed for various infectious lesions auditory canal.

Otof drops are prescribed to children for ear pain accompanied by inflammation. They can be caused by the following diseases and symptoms:

  • otitis media in chronic form;
  • external inflammation;
  • acute and otitis media;
  • infection of the eardrum;
  • in the case of a child recovering from middle ear surgery (drops are used to protect against bacteria).

Manufacturer, release form and price

The medicine is produced in France only in the form of ear drops. They are suitable for both adults and children (the only difference in use is the dosage). The liquid is transparent and has a slight reddish color with an orange tint. The drug is sold in yellow glass vials, packed in cardboard boxes with the inscription “Otofa”. The package contains instructions for use and a convenient pipette for instilling the medicine. The average price of drops in Russia is 210 rubles.

Dosage and administration

The drug is instilled into the patient's ear. The course of treatment is 7 days. Dosage for a child: three drops twice a day(regardless of his age).

Before use, it is advisable to warm the bottle of medicine under running warm water or in your hands (you can also instill the medicine with a heated pipette). Using cold liquid can cause unnecessary irritation to your baby, who may have ear pain.

It is recommended to carefully clean the ear with a cotton swab. To ensure that the drug reaches the source of inflammation, after instillation, lightly press two or three times on the protruding ear cartilage. Then it is best for the baby to lie still and insert cotton swabs into the ear.

When cleaning your ears, use cotton swabs with a stopper for added safety.

Contraindications and side effects

No adverse reactions have been identified after using Otof drops, and there are no reviews on this topic among patients. However, in the instructions for use, the manufacturer warns about possible skin rashes.

Contraindications include:

  • allergy to the active substance of the drug;
  • increased sensitivity to its other components.

The drug can cause redness of the eardrum, skin rash in the ear canal and itching.

The instructions warn that drops have different coloring properties. The ear canal may acquire a pinkish tint during treatment.

In the practice of using the drug Otofa, no cases of overdose have been identified. No adverse reactions were recorded when used together with other drugs. However, doctors recommend using drops separately from drugs that have similar action, as well as from ear ointments. This precaution will avoid possible incompatibility of drugs at the level of their chemical composition.


Otofa has several analogues. Let's give a brief overview of them.

  • . These drops contain lidocaine and phenazone as active substances. The first provides pain relief, the second effectively relieves inflammation. In the preparation, these substances increase each other’s productivity. At the same time, Otipax is not addictive, and therefore is not contraindicated for young children. The downside is the lack of antibacterial substances. In addition, lidocaine can cause allergies. It is usually prescribed at an early stage of otitis media. If a child has inflammation of the eardrum, the drug is contraindicated for him. The average cost is 240 rubles.

Otofa's analogue is Otipax.

  • . Drops are used for external and otitis media. The medicine dissolves earwax and has excellent anti-inflammatory effect. Also Otinum due to its active substance relieves acute pain in the baby. The drug is contraindicated in children under 1 year of age and in patients with a damaged membrane, as it can cause hearing impairment in such cases. The average cost of drops is 190 rubles.
  • Sofradex. Contains antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory substance. The drug quickly stops itching, from which children suffer greatly. However, Sofradex is contraindicated for children under one year of age (due to the excessive sensitivity of their body to the components of the drug). The average price is 280 rubles.
  • includes antibiotics and pain relievers. Long-term use of these drops can cause severe burning and itching in the baby, as well as peeling of the skin on the ear. Children under 1 year of age are allowed to use Anauran only in extreme cases. The drug costs about 300 rubles.
  • Also is a combination of the anti-inflammatory substance dexamethasone and antibiotics. It eliminates infections of both the outer and middle ear. Side effects include allergies and skin rashes. Use as directed by your doctor, because... in the case of inflammatory processes on the membrane, when using the product there is a risk of hearing impairment and even the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. You can buy Polydex drops for 280 rubles.

For ear pain, they can prescribe an analogue of Otofa - Polydex - a local antibiotic.

  • Tsipromed. This drug is prescribed to children only when treatment with other drops does not have the desired effect. Basics active substance Tsipromeda - a strong antibiotic of a rare and ototoxic group, representatives of which can negatively affect hearing. These drops are not prescribed to children unless there is an objective need. The average cost is 140 rubles.

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