What tests need to be taken when visiting a therapist and advice from a therapist. Hormonal contraception: what tests are needed What tests need to be taken before taking it

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Everyone wants to have a beautiful and fit figure, but not everyone succeeds. And it's not always a matter of laziness or lack of proper nutrition. Often the problem of excess weight has much deeper roots, leading to specific diagnoses and health problems.

Incorrect hormonal levels can negate all your attempts to lose weight, which means that for effective weight loss, you first need to consult a doctor. This will allow you to find the true cause of excess weight gain, and if it turns out to be of a medical nature, then correct the situation before starting to change your diet and physical activity.

Hence the conclusion: if you want to choose the right behavior strategy, first visit a doctor. To identify the causes of excess weight gain, you will need a tandem of an endocrinologist and a nutritionist (a nutrition consultant who has taken courses in dietetics). Alternatively, you can find an experienced endocrinologist nutritionist who understands both areas you need.

How can an endocrinologist help with the problem of excess weight?

Quite often the reason for constant weight gain and inability to lose weight is
correcting nutrition and increasing physical activity cause problems with the thyroid gland.

A lack of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism) leads to a set of unnecessary kilograms, even with a completely adequate nutrition system. In addition, hormonal problems can cause type 2 diabetes, which is also often accompanied by excess weight and the inability to lose weight easily.

In addition to dysfunction of the thyroid and pancreas, excess weight gain and obesity can be caused by improper functioning of the reproductive system, in particular, a lack or excess of sex hormones. This problem is faced by women of reproductive age with disrupted hormonal levels and some women in the premenopausal period.

If the problem of excess weight is caused by disturbances in the production of female sex hormones, then a competent gynecologist-endocrinologist can help. Correctly carried out corrective hormonal therapy will eliminate the main cause of weight gain, and then you can fight the acquired kilograms with the help of a healthy diet and regular exercise.

So, we found out for ourselves that the initial stage in weight correction should be a visit to an experienced endocrinologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist or nutritionist-endocrinologist.
Acting blindly in case of hormonal disorders is more expensive for yourself. At best, you will not achieve the desired result and will not be able to lose excess weight. In the worst case, you will acquire even greater health problems, aggravate an already difficult situation, or aggravate the course of the disease.

Hormonal correction of your condition should only be carried out by a doctor! Do not prescribe any hormonal drugs to yourself!

What tests should you take before going to a nutritionist?

Let’s say you have already realized that you can’t fight excess weight on your own.
In this case, the ideal option is to contact a practicing nutritionist. During their training in dietetics, such specialists touched on the topics of the endocrine system, which means they understand the processes that influence excess weight gain due to hormonal disorders.

Of course, after listening to your story and asking you about your health and symptoms of weight gain, an experienced nutritionist may suggest the presence of certain hormonal problems. However, without analyzes and relevant examinations, it is impossible to draw final conclusions, and not professionally.

Therefore, it is best to go to an appointment with a nutritionist or nutritionist-endocrinologist with a set of tests and examinations completed.

So, you need to pass the following tests:

1. Complete blood count, which will show the number of red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets, ESR and hemoglobin in the blood.

This analysis allows you to see the presence or absence of a chronic or acute inflammatory process in the body, the presence of a bacterial infection, anemia and a predisposition to allergies. Such an analysis shows the general state of a person’s health and gives rise to the appointment and conduct of clarifying tests and examinations.

2. Blood chemistry(renal and hepatic complex, functions
pancreas), showing the level of fat metabolism in the body, cholesterol, lipoproteins, insulin, C-peptides, leptin, etc.

This analysis will show the functioning of the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

3. Enzymatic analysis of the pancreas, which will show how well the pancreas produces enzymes and, accordingly, the effectiveness of its participation in the process of digesting food.

4. Blood glucose test, which suggests problems with insulin production and the presence of diabetes.

5. Blood test for glycated hemoglobin, showing your average blood sugar levels over the past 6-8 weeks. Normally, in a healthy person, glycated hemoglobin should be up to 6%.

6. Thyroid hormone test(TSH, T3 and T4), showing the effectiveness of the thyroid gland. This analysis gives the right to suspect that a person has hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

7. Analysis for female sex hormones(only for women) – estradiol, prolactin, progesterone, oxyprogesterone, testosterone. Please note that tests for these hormones in women of reproductive age are carried out on certain days of the menstrual cycle, otherwise the indicators of these hormones will be uninformative.

8. Cortisol hormone test, involved in the process of formation and accumulation of abdominal (abdominal) fat.

Based on these tests, a nutritionist-endocrinologist may recommend additionally undergoing an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract (liver, kidneys, stomach, pancreas, spleen), reproductive system (ovaries, uterus), and mammary gland. It is possible that additional blood tests will be ordered.

Only after assessing the general condition of the body and its individual systems will a nutritionist be able to understand where to start weight correction. In case of serious hormonal problems, weight correction without hormonal therapy will be ineffective.

In addition, identifying the true problems of excess weight gain and obesity will allow the nutritionist to choose the right diet and diet for his client. And this is already half the success in the weight correction course.

Be healthy and be careful about your health! Remember that taking precautions is better than making mistakes somewhere. Good luck on your journey to weight loss and health!

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The necessary tests for selecting contraceptives, including pills, are usually prescribed by a gynecologist, so it is necessary to visit him before making this decision. This will protect you from making the wrong choice of contraceptives and prevent unwanted consequences.

Studies of the body before prescribing contraceptives allow you to choose the most effective means to prevent unwanted pregnancy and give a general idea of ​​the state of the female body. Gynecologists strongly recommend that women who are constantly sexually active undergo a comprehensive examination before taking contraceptive medications, which includes the following procedures:

What tests do I need to take to select contraceptives?

  • Ultrasound. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, which is carried out in 2 stages: the first examination is carried out at the end of menstruation, and the second - before the next one. This procedure is necessary to evaluate the growth of the endometrium and follicle, to observe the process of ovulation and the maturation of the endometrium inside the uterus. In addition, ultrasound can eliminate the risk of diseases developing in the pelvic organs. This study is carried out using a vaginal ultra-precise sensor.
  • Examination of the mammary glands. Before taking tests to select contraceptives, you must consult a qualified mammologist. He will examine the woman’s mammary glands in order to assess their condition and eliminate the risk of tumors and other neoplasms.
  • Appointment with a therapist. The therapist should monitor the level of blood pressure and the general condition of the woman’s body, paying special attention to organs such as the liver, pancreas and thyroid gland. Only after a thorough examination will the doctor be able to tell you what tests to take for contraceptives in order to make a final decision.

Blood tests for the selection of contraceptives include:

  1. General blood test, which determines the state of the main body systems;
  2. Tests for hormones such as progesterone, prolactin, testosterone and others.

Hormone tests for contraceptives help evaluate the body's reaction that may occur to certain components of the selected contraceptive.

The doctor may prescribe additional tests for you:

  1. Donating blood for biochemistry with a particularly careful consideration of the lipid spectrum;
  2. Blood glucose
  3. A study to identify the main parameters of liver function, such as total bilirubin, albumin, protein and others;
  4. Study on the intensity of blood clotting.

All tests for contraceptives are mandatory and urgent. After all the necessary examination results have been received, the final stage should be a visit to the attending physician. The specialist will interpret the results and prescribe a specific medication or method of contraception, calculating the individual dosage. In addition, he will definitely remind you that tests when taking contraceptives must be taken regularly in order to assess the level of effect of the drug on the body.

When taking contraceptives, a blood test must be taken 2 times a year, only in this case the woman does not have to worry about her health.

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Reviews and comments

How long will it take to get birth control test results?

Nona Hovsepyan

Gynecologist-endocrinologist of the medical company "INVITRO"

In accordance with the WHO Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Methods, laboratory tests are not considered mandatory before prescribing COCs. But the doctor always collects a detailed medical history, and to clarify it (if there are problems) he may prescribe tests.

Combined oral contraceptives are rightfully considered the most reliable - their effectiveness exceeds 99%. The mechanism of contraceptive action of COCs is to suppress ovulation and thicken mucus in the cervix. As a result, the egg does not leave the follicle, and the sperm cannot penetrate the uterine cavity.

But there is indeed a fairly wide group of contraindications for taking hormonal drugs, including varicose veins, thrombophilia, liver and cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. But at the same time, many contraceptives have an additional therapeutic effect and can relieve you of PMS, painful or too heavy menstruation, acne and moustache. The doctor takes into account the ratio of different hormones in the tablets, correlates them with your diagnosis and selects the optimal one. That is why you can take COCs only after consulting a gynecologist.

The specialist will definitely clarify the patient’s age, the number of pregnancies (childbirth, miscarriages, abortions).

  • Feel free to tell us in as much detail as possible about your menstrual cycle - its regularity, pain, duration, abundance of discharge: there are medications that help regulate the length of the cycle and make your periods less heavy and painful.
  • Tendency to obesity (metabolic syndrome), skin problems, as a rule, are visible to the naked eye and can be associated with hyperandrogenism (increased levels of male sex hormones) - in this case, contraceptives with antiandrogenic action are selected.
  • Information about chronic diseases will give the doctor an idea of ​​the list of contraindications, so remember everything, even what (in your opinion) is not related to gynecology.
  • Lifestyle is also of great importance: if you smoke, you have more contraindications; if you travel a lot, you may be interested in contraception that “cancels” menstruation; if you have a “sliding” work schedule (usually this makes it difficult to take pills at a certain time) - you you will need a contraceptive that you can think about once a week, a month, or even once every few years...

What tests may be ordered?

For the ideal selection of contraceptives, you may be prescribed blood tests for progesterone, testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone - FSH, luteinizing hormone - LH, prolactin, estradiol, 17-OH - progesterone and DHEA.

Since the normal state of the female body is ensured not only by sex hormones, the doctor may additionally recommend tests for thyroid hormones (TSH, free T4, free T3). If there are thromboses in relatives under the age of 50, or a woman has a history of thrombotic complications (during pregnancy, childbirth), it is advisable to determine coagulation parameters - the so-called hemastasiogram, since hormonal drugs affect the blood coagulation system.

Even 10 years ago it was believed that women over 35 years of age should not take COCs; now hormonal contraception is allowed to be used until menopause, then moving directly to hormone replacement therapy. This allows you not to change your usual lifestyle to a “retirement” one: you will still feel and control your body perfectly.

However, before taking COCs, women over 35-40 years of age require a study of the mammary glands. The fact is that in the presence of benign changes (fibrocystic mastopathy), which you may not know about, taking hormonal contraceptives can provoke deterioration. For initial screening, it is enough to conduct an ultrasound of the mammary glands, if necessary, the doctor can refer you to a mammogram. On the recommendation of a doctor, these studies may need to be repeated every six months while taking hormonal contraception.

If you are over 35 years old and you smoke, you simply must inform the gynecologist about this habit. Contraceptives containing estrogen are not recommended for you. An acceptable method may be progestogen-containing hormonal contraceptives: intrauterine system, vaginal ring.

In the overwhelming majority, the knowledge of the following parameters will help the therapist make the correct diagnosis:

Alanine aminotransferase;

Alpha 1-antitrypsin;

Alpha 1-acid glycoprotein;


Apolipoprotein A-II;

Apolipoprotein B;

Apoliprotein A-I;

Aspartate aminotransferase;

Total bilirubin;

Direct bilirubin;

Gamma glutamyl transferase;




Iron binding capacity, total;





International Normalized Ratio;

Brain sodium is a uretic peptide;



Complete blood count with reticulocytes;

General blood analysis;

General urine analysis;

Total protein;


Parathyroid hormone intact;


Prothrombin time;

Saturation percentage;

High sensitivity C-reactive protein;





Phosphorus, inorganic;

Total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol;


Alkaline photosphase.

The therapist has the opportunity to find out all these parameters through laboratory tests. A fairly wide range of methodological tools is also used.

In conclusion, let us draw your attention to the following rules that therapists recommend adhering to today:

1). It is necessary to play sports all year round - in particular, in the summer - running, cycling, swimming, and in the winter - ice skating, etc. It has been scientifically proven that playing sports can make the body stronger and more resilient.

2). You can try hardening procedures. Pouring with ice water or bathing in cold water are traditional types of hardening. But there are contraindications here, since these activities are not recommended for everyone. A good therapist or immunologist will draw up an individual hardening scheme, which will allow you to strengthen your immune system and not get sick.

3). It is well known that the key to health is proper nutrition, in view of this it is necessary to carefully monitor your diet. Remember that food should be varied and enriched with vitamins and minerals. The most beneficial effect is provided by the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and grains, many of which are fiber. In winter, you need to switch to canning the same fruits and vegetables.

4). Take fortified products - today's modern

Sometimes health shows a “crack” and requires close attention. That’s when you have to go to specialists and undergo numerous tests. Examinations by specialists, waiting in line, all this takes time and patience. In this article we will look at what tests are needed for an appointment with an endocrinologist, and what tests the endocrinologist prescribes.

The endocrine system of our body is a complex mechanism. Minor changes in this chain of the system can disrupt the functioning of the entire body and individual organs will begin to suffer alternately. The thyroid gland allows other organs to function fully, providing them with energy and delivering the necessary amount of hormones to the body.

An initial examination by an endocrinologist, as a rule, will not immediately solve the problem, and the doctor will not be able to make the correct diagnosis. Therefore, it is very often necessary to collect additional tests before going to an appointment with an endocrinologist.

The fact that your card will reflect the results of all your preliminary studies - a general analysis of urine, blood, is understandable. This is a general picture that reflects that you may not have everything in order in the body.

Sometimes some try to pre-prepare and get tested. Therefore, the doctor will need additional tests. In order not to go broke, you do not need to take a lot of unnecessary tests, which the doctor himself will later tell you. You can come to your first appointment with the following results:

  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Blood for TSH.

These are preliminary tests on the basis of which the doctor will be able to draw any conclusions. Keep in mind that these may not be the only tests required to determine the cause of the failure. You should not spend money on hormonal tests in advance, as they are all expensive. Next, the doctor will tell you what tests are needed and what tests are taken from an endocrinologist.

Hormone tests: what is it?

There are special substances in our body - hormones that are produced - by the thyroid gland, sex glands, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, hypothalamus. When our endocrine system works well, we do not notice any disturbances in the body, but as soon as the endocrine system is disturbed, then our health begins to deteriorate dramatically. And to clarify and determine the diagnosis, the presence of hormones in the body is determined

For a more detailed examination and to identify the causes of the failure, they donate blood for hormones. Therefore, the endocrinologist will be able to prescribe the necessary tests during the initial examination. It all depends on the physiological characteristics of the person, and then the endocrinologist may prescribe the following tests to check hormones.

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